For the good that more reports might do, same issue here.
The information that might be useful:
1) I am not, nor have I ever been a Gold player. I made 1 zen purchase in the 18 months that I have been playing for 2000 zen
2) I have 6 published Federation Foundry missions and 1 unpublished KDF mission
3) I can create new Starfleet Test characters in the blink of an eye, but KDF ones lead me to "Character Creation Failed"
4) My foundry slots have been bought in 4 packs, 2 times, for a total of 8 Foundry Project slots
5) I have a total of 5 holodeck characters: 2 fed, 2 kdf, 1 rommy (fed ally)
6) I can still work on my KDF mission that is unpublished and edit already-published Federation missions
7) My ingame handle: @rahmkota19
Will send a bug report when I'm back on holodeck, when I do I will edit this post to have the ID.
I tested a fix for this and things looked good on my end. So I can say that a fix is inbound. Keep an eye on the patchnotes and once the fix is live let me know if you continue to have any problems.
I tested a fix for this and things looked good on my end. So I can say that a fix is inbound. Keep an eye on the patchnotes and once the fix is live let me know if you continue to have any problems.
What i was wondering; I've seen STO using the ability to "update when needed" like with the latest Azura bug or when you start working on a foundry mission (the "contacting foundry update screen").
Is there any possibility it could be part of a hot-patch? Or are you forced to wait for the next update-thursday since it's a part of the character-creation screen (pre-foundry screen)?
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
What i was wondering; I've seen STO using the ability to "update when needed" like with the latest Azura bug or when you start working on a foundry mission (the "contacting foundry update screen").
Is there any possibility it could be part of a hot-patch? Or are you forced to wait for the next update-thursday since it's a part of the character-creation screen (pre-foundry screen)?
An complete answer on this would take more knowledge than I have. We do have some options for getting new code live outside of our regular updates. As I understand them, these options are all very effort intensive, usually needing our top people to implement and/or approve their use. As such they are only used for serious problems which are affecting the majority of our player base. Anything else is left to the usual update process.
As i read it, it seems this way of updating is kind of a powerful tool. And like everything that is powerful; when used wrongly it can go out with a bang. Therefore when it isn't needed, it won't get used.
Clear and wise decision. Thanks again for the answer.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
I am attempting to create my first foundy mission. But I get a Creation failure when I make try to make either a Fed or KDF toon. In fact it logs me out of the server all together and forces a relog on.
I know I am not the only person to have this issue. Since I mentioned it 4 others in my fleet have tried it. All are people that have not done missions prior. All with the same results.
I am attempting to create my first foundy mission. But I get a Creation failure when I make try to make either a Fed or KDF toon. In fact it logs me out of the server all together and forces a relog on.
I know I am not the only person to have this issue. Since I mentioned it 4 others in my fleet have tried it. All are people that have not done missions prior. All with the same results.
The information that might be useful:
1) I am not, nor have I ever been a Gold player. I made 1 zen purchase in the 18 months that I have been playing for 2000 zen
2) I have 6 published Federation Foundry missions and 1 unpublished KDF mission
3) I can create new Starfleet Test characters in the blink of an eye, but KDF ones lead me to "Character Creation Failed"
4) My foundry slots have been bought in 4 packs, 2 times, for a total of 8 Foundry Project slots
5) I have a total of 5 holodeck characters: 2 fed, 2 kdf, 1 rommy (fed ally)
6) I can still work on my KDF mission that is unpublished and edit already-published Federation missions
7) My ingame handle: @rahmkota19
Will send a bug report when I'm back on holodeck, when I do I will edit this post to have the ID.
"/me Pray" "target selected: Coming Fix"
Join the Deltas today!
Thanks for your report.
Sooner than you think.
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
What i was wondering; I've seen STO using the ability to "update when needed" like with the latest Azura bug or when you start working on a foundry mission (the "contacting foundry update screen").
Is there any possibility it could be part of a hot-patch? Or are you forced to wait for the next update-thursday since it's a part of the character-creation screen (pre-foundry screen)?
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
As soon as the server is back up after maintenance, i'll hop on the foundry and test the fix.
Thanks in advance for the fix, even if it doesnt work it shows that the foundry is being cared about!
Join the Deltas today!
ps; would still love an answer on my last question
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
An complete answer on this would take more knowledge than I have. We do have some options for getting new code live outside of our regular updates. As I understand them, these options are all very effort intensive, usually needing our top people to implement and/or approve their use. As such they are only used for serious problems which are affecting the majority of our player base. Anything else is left to the usual update process.
That's really all I can tell you on the matter.
As i read it, it seems this way of updating is kind of a powerful tool. And like everything that is powerful; when used wrongly it can go out with a bang. Therefore when it isn't needed, it won't get used.
Clear and wise decision. Thanks again for the answer.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
Aid in leading the Romulan Star Empire back to its former greatness.
Join the Romulan Praetorian Guard and teach those epohh loving hippies what it means to be a true Romulan!
I know I am not the only person to have this issue. Since I mentioned it 4 others in my fleet have tried it. All are people that have not done missions prior. All with the same results.
Any suggestions
Is this still occurring?
It is for me, I have talked to 9 people in our fleet that enjoy making fleet scavenger hunts, and trivia for the game.
we had to postpone a event of member with the best foundry mission. Because those that have not made missions before all get a crash.
OK, let's see if we can track this down.
Are those of you affected Gold (subscriber) accounts or Silver (non-subscriber) accounts?
If you are Silver, have you purchased any Foundry Project Slots from the C-Store?
Foundry Project Slots aren't purchased from the C-Store last I checked. Or has that changed?
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan the purchase button still hiding in a corner? I haven't been in, in a while, but I recall it being really, really hard to find at first.
Lifetime Member
Vice Admiral of the Omega Family Fleet
(228 members and growing)
You're right. I plead senility.
The buy Foundry Project Slots button is right below Choose Your Character when on Create Content and they cost Refined Dilithium.
OK, so you've got project slots. Let's see...
When you mouse over the New Character button, you should see a message pop about remaining character slots. What, if anything displays for you?
At what point does the failure occur? When you click New Character or when you click Create Content after making selections from the drop-down menus?
Do you make any changes in Faction, Career, Species, Gender or Traits? Do you change either the Character or Ship Name?
When the failure occurs, is there any message that appears such as "Character Creation Failed"?