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Tal'Diann / Tal-Diann (KDF-allied/Fed-allied) = Fleets of the New Romulan Republic



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    markofathena2markofathena2 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    "Look at the water. It is calm now but toss a rock and it will ripple. Yet the water will calm but it is forever altered, for the rock will be part of the water forever." Join the Tal'Diann and be the stone that changes the future!
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    Eitreih'Okhala s'Tal'Diann, 2015 <-- a couple more images (including one of the celebrants shortly before the beginning of the ceremony) and the script of the ceremony itself.
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    Two new images added to the blog: here
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Post edited by protogoth on
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User

    Become a Spy.
    Contact your local Tal'Diann Recruiter today.
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    Some pictures of Tal'Diann and Tal-Diann personnel at the Sixth Annual Pride Event in STO, sponsored by the Stonewall Fleet, can be seen here.
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    markofathena2markofathena2 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    (note for the audience: This is a pure RP post i think you might enjoy it)
    Ophillia would slam her fist on the arm of her command chair in Anger and frustration. "We pulled out every stop and these TRIBBLE keep coming!"
    Ophillia had seen quite a bit during this war, but this action was the worst. Lose so much....to gain so little...and her crew was hurt because of an action she should have protested. 15 dead 57 wounded Including herself, Hull Breaches on 6 decks, including an area of deck 15 they can't reach, no more shields and of course a bloody hole in the viewscreen.
    The RRW Liorae s'Telrine was apart of the Largest offensive in history a support ship for the assault that ended the life of M'Tara. Yet in the end, we have to ask was the life of one Iconian worth all this death? Enriov Ophillia t'Prell could only hope so as she sat in her command chair watching the warp trails go by.
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    Our Armadas are off to a good start.
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    markofathena2markofathena2 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    "I say the greatest thing to fear in not might of a Klingon Fleet, but to do what must be done and not destroying the dream of the federation. Compared to such a loss I do not fear the Klingon Empire!" Admiral Ramirez words ring true to this very day in our alliance. Join the Tal'Diann Defend the Republic and her Allies!
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    markofathena2markofathena2 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Ask not what your government can do for you. Instead ask what can you do to help. enlist today.
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    Romulans! Remans! Will you take service in a foreign military? Will you turn your back on the Republic in her time of need, in order to serve the United Federation of Planets or the Klingon Empire? Why join a fleet which merely accepts your participation in order to further the interests of a foreign power, when your own people need your service? The Tal'Diann/Tal-Diann are fleets of the New Romulan Republic, working for our own people's freedom and security. Contact your local recruiter today, and serve your own people.
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    markofathena2markofathena2 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    War doesn't come with a guarantee of life. but to fight one more day is to bring another day of life for the republic. Enlist today
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    markofathena2markofathena2 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    At first there is one voice. It cried out unto the people "serve fight protect with you life". Then that voice was picked up by another. then another voice. they all cried out for us to stand up to the darkness. Are one of the chosen. Enlist today. Heed the calling.
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited August 2015

    Ohrain Fvillhum, Sh. nu18r kh. nu5r s'Okhala, fvh. 2 a.h'S.
    (Praetor's Log, Stardate 93191.5)

    Across the Star Road which the Humans name "the Milky Way galaxy," the allied forces battle an ancient foe who would exterminate or enslave us. I hear the chatter of Starfleet officers over the subspace frequencies, with indications that some of them do not take this threat seriously. A few have even argued that we should all stop fighting and attempt to negotiate with the enemy. Yet before we had our first encounter with the Ikonnsu, we accessed their database in the Solanae Dyson Sphere and learned of their plans for several polities in the Star Road. These Ikonnsu are not a peaceful people, tyrannical overlords of the galaxy some 200,000 years ago, forced to retreat from our galaxy by an alliance of those species which they had dominated for untold centuries, and now back with plans to reestablish their domination of the Star Road. Perhaps some in Starfleet do not feel the threat since the capitol planet of their Federation has not yet been subjected to direct attack. Perhaps some have forgotten what we learned in that database. I will provide some quotes from the database we infiltrated:
    System: Sol
    Dominant Species: Human
    Servitor Presence: Level 4 surveillance in effect
    Ideal site for harvesting. Servitor races have used disease epidemics and internal conflicts in ancient past to gather specimens for study.
    Population is numerous but mostly peaceful. Poor candidates for servitor status: High creativity levels and self-preservation instinct make them inclined to fight rather than submit when faced by overwhelming foe. See "Borg" for more information.
    Can be aggressive when threatened. Recommend that all activities in system be covert until invasion is launched.
    Target for extermination. If Sol system is eliminated, models show that political entity known as "Federation" may collapse.

    Notice: Target for extermination.
    System: Qo'noS
    Dominant Species: Klingon
    Servitor Presence: Level 4 surveillance in effect
    Aggressive, warlike species that dominates this area of space. Strong tendencies to fight rather than submit. Harvesting programs in past have been problematic -- only successful when used in concert with internal conflict.
    Possible candidate for servitor race, if key members of government and entity known as "Great Houses" could be used to direct rest of population.
    Military structure in most organizations makes population already accustomed to taking orders from superiors. Recommend study of "honor" in society for use as a tool for control.
    If population can be absorbed into servitor species, it would be a great addition to our fighting strength. If they cannot, extermination must be swift. We cannot give the Klingons a chance to organize against us.

    Notice that they would prefer to absorb the Klingons into their "servitor" species, but that plan seems to have been abandoned now in favor of their backup plan, which is swift extermination.
    System: New Romulus
    Dominant Species: Romulan
    Servitor Presence: Level 8 surveillance in effect
    Survivors of Romulan extermination have gathered on site of former Dewan homeworld. They have uncovered sites belonging to servitor races and are attempting to reactivate gateway. If gateway is successfully activated, they may threaten entire network.
    Attempts to use Elachi to eliminate threat unsuccessful. Alliance with Tal Shiar problematic -- Romulans as a species show more self-determination and willpower than in previous observations. Leader known as Sela must be controlled or eliminated.
    Several key members of Romulan Republic gateway research team have been taken for additional study without their knowledge. Brain scans of Researcher A'dranna have yielded vital information about project.
    Agents have used that information to destabilize gateway. If activated, seismic instability will affect entire planet. Expected outcome is 70 percent reduction in population.
    Remaining survivors must not be allowed to form organized groups -- recommend subsuming them into Elachi as soon as possible.

    In case this be not clear, this database entry reveals that the Hobus supernova, far from an attempt by the Ikonnsu to bring themselves back to our galaxy, was an attempt to exterminate all Romulan and Reman life. That was prevented by the willing sacrifice of a Vulcan whose nobility cannot be denied, although he was unable to act in time to prevent the loss of the entire Eisn system and billions of Romulan lives (had the Remans not already been relocated to Crateris, billions of Reman lives would also have been lost), and so the Ikonnsu proceeded to send one of their "servitor" species, the fungoid life-forms known as "Elachi," to "eliminate" the survivors. This also failed, due to the will of our peoples to live and be free. Next the Ikonnsu sabotaged the gateway in the underground ruins of the Vastam region of our new homeworld, the capitol planet of the New Romulan Republic, ch'Mol'Rihan, in an effort to massacre 70 percent of the population, and survivors were to be "subsumed" into Elachi (the exact meaning of this is a matter of debate, and our teams have had insufficient time to examine the remains of those who have been found inside Elachi incubation tubes, but some have theorized that the purpose of these tubes was to transform the occupants into Elachi, while others, noting that dead humanoid and vulcanoid bodies fell out of the tubes when they were opened after the incubation process had gone on too long, have suggested that the purpose of the incubation tubes was to feed humanoid and vulcanoid species to Elachi young). This plan has been thwarted by personnel from the various branches of the Romulan Republic Forces.

    This is so stunning as to bear repeating in blunt language: the Ikonnsu have used three different plans in an effort to "exterminate" all Romulan and Reman life!

    Obviously, these Ikonnsu are not beings to be negotiated with. The evidence strongly supports the conclusion that the entire population of the Ikonnsu consists of less than 15 individuals, and that they are all very much involved in these plans to reconquer the Star Road and commit genocide on a massive scale in their efforts to do so.

    Fleet Admiral tr'Kererek, head of the New Romulan Star Navy, believed at one point that we could not win this war, but he was one of the few insisting that we should fight till our last breath. The Tal'Diann of the New Romulan Republic, under my leadership, has a different perspective: we believe we can win, although the cost may be high, but we agree with tr'Kererek that we should fight till our last breath. Some Terrhasu once had a belief which was summarized in two slogans: "Give me liberty or give me death" and "Live free or die." These slogans are very much the attitude of the Romulan and Reman people since before the Sundering, with a brief perversion of our ideals in the final decades of the dying Star Empire, but we of the Republic have restored the love of freedom as our highest ideal. Indeed, the motto of the Tal'Diann has been, since my leadership, "ahr'Lleiset mnhei'sahe mnei." Verily, "Our chief governing passion is Freedom." If we die, we do so still free; we will not submit to the tyranny of the Ikonnsu, but will fight them to our last breath, with which we shall breathe that most sacred of words: Lleiset.

    But we believe we can win this war. Recent R&D work with [REDACTED] has shown great promise. Our will to survive and remain free cannot be broken. The Ikonnsu will fall before the combined might of all the branches of the Romulan Republic Forces (including both the Star Navy and the Tal'Diann), even if our allies in Starfleet and the Klingon Defense Force should surrender. We will not surrender. We will fight on. We will be free.
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User

    The New Romulan Republic has its own military, with multiple branches. You need not seek service in the military of a foreign power, which merely tolerates you and exploits you to build its own power. You need not resign yourself to serving a corrupt and decaying Star Empire, nor licking the boots of the Tal'Shiar. The New Romulan Republic stands for liberty, equality, and justice for all Romulans and Remans. Come and serve your own people, where you will be appreciated and will build your own legacy for your own descendants.
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    For RRF RPers, for KDF and Fed RPers who are tired of the same old Red vs Blue false dilemma and want to pledge their allegiance to the New Romulan Republic, we have two main fleets of the New Romulan Republic: Tal'Diann (our main main fleet) is KDF-allied, and Tal-Diann (our secondary main fleet) is Fed-allied. These two fleets share a logo:

    With but few exceptions, in order to enter one of the main fleets, you will be expected to complete a course of studies in our Academy, because your past experience is not sufficient qualification to transfer into the most elite branch of the RRF; we take only the best, which means educational preparation. (Note that if you have a character in either of the main fleets who has already earned the Fleet Rank of khre'Riov, you do not have to go through the Academy on an alt). We have two Academy fleets: Lasasam s'Tal'Diann (KDF-allied) and Lasasam s'Tal-Diann (Fed-allied). (Note also that our Fed-allied Academy is not taking applications at this time, but instead will send you directly to the Tal-Diann, so you get to skip the Academy on the Fed side). These two fleets also share a logo:

    Maybe you would like to RP a Mirror Universe Romulan/Reman, or a Mirror Universe "Fed"? Within our Fed-allied Armada is also the Imperial Union of Planets (Fed-allied, sorta kinda). The IUoP logo is:

    RP not really your thing? We also have a RRF fleet in our Fed-allied Armada which might be more your style, which does not focus on RP, known as -Singularity Core-. Their logo is:
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    kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    -Singularity Core- is pretty laid back, we just play the game, fill our fleet projects as we can, and chat among ourselves. No special rules or requirements.
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    bltrrnbltrrn Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    The Imperial Union of Planets is less formal than most, though you may find yourself talking in character, even if you don't roleplay very much.

    We are a satellite state of the Romulan Republic, actively oppose the Terran Federation, and are guided by the Sato Dynasty and it's loyalists, as well as associated elements of the Republic. Both Fed and Rom-Fed allied players are welcome.

    Things are somewhat more complicated, of course, but these are the basics. >:)
    Post edited by bltrrn on
    R E M A I N

    Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.

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    bltrrnbltrrn Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    Do not reinforce the Red v. Blue narrative with your service to fleets that do not respect or understand your Living Passion, instead join Green and Gold to fight the tyranny of the Romulan Star Empire and the Terran Federation, and for the freedom of the Romulan Republic and the Imperial Union of Planets. Join the Tal'Diann/Tal-Diann Armada today.
    R E M A I N

    Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.

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    rexyfrexyf Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    I've been asked to contribute to this thread. The Imperial Raptor is cheesy looking and the Republic Raptor looks much more respectable. That's all I can think of atm.
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    tolmariustolmarius Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Romulans and Rrmans. Don't join a "Romulan Friendly" fleet. You are not Feds with warbirds, nor are you Klingons with pointy ears. Don't settle for being merely tolerated, when you can be celebrated. Join real Romulans in the stars. Speak to the nearest recruiter today.
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    kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    edited August 2015

    -Singularity Core- Leaders get together and discuss how odd the Iconian Resistence Club Wear is and how much TRIBBLE we just kicked in CC Adv

    Left to right we have Ta'ina, my main. N'alae who is one of Scimitar's. And Nikki one of Gaelstrom's.

    Don't mind my cabbit... he's got a superiority complex over other pets ;)
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User

    The R.R.W. Republic's Wrath is one of many warbirds which contribute to the might of the Tal'Diann/Tal-Diann.
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User

    The Praetor of the Tal'Diann, with the Second-in-Command.

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    bltrrnbltrrn Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    Like mother, like daughter. B)

    Join the Tal'Diann/Tal-Diann Armada today, and fight for the freedom of the New Romulan Republic.
    R E M A I N

    Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.

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    bltrrnbltrrn Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Afterhours, First Marshal Lytle reviewed Herald positions in the Operations room of the Spear of Plexus. The Imperial Union of Planets was almost lucky to be flanked by the borders of the Federation, and the Klingon Empire, and to be backed by the Romulan Republic. However, Herald battlegroups still patrolled IUoP territories, and Imperial Union Starfleet was stretched thin, with its fleet consisting mostly of seasoned cruisers, and while a few stood out as state-of-the-art, the Spear of Plexus included, the First Marshal had to play a constant cat and mouse game with the Heralds, in order to keep them at bay. He watched for hours as allied and enemy fleets constantly encircled and outflanked the other, all while calmly sipping a cup of Masala chai. As a KDF Command Cruiser and fleet approached allied positions to assist, he knew it was time to head to his quarters, and rest for the coming hours.

    Join the Tal'Diann/Tal-Diann Armada, and be part of this action.
    Post edited by bltrrn on
    R E M A I N

    Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.

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    bltrrnbltrrn Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    *deleted post*
    Post edited by bltrrn on
    R E M A I N

    Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.

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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    na Fvillhu s'Tal'Diann aeshim.
    (The Praetor of the Tal'Diann patrols.)
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    The bridge of the R.R.W. Hvei'khenn'Uirae, sometime in 2410.
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