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  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Stahl was very open in his conversation with us, and we where glad to talk with him without a mountain of angst in the background to sully things up.

    I will attempt to create a transcript of the interview for our hearing impared fans and to get an outline of what to look for and when in the next year.

    I was just pleased that the fleet ships are on the schedule even if not on the present one and that we KDF fans can look forward to more attention in the future as the game grows.

    SO who has any theories on what the new "IP" enemy is gonna be?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • zarxidejackozarxidejacko Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »

    SO who has any theories on what the new "IP" enemy is gonna be?

    Maybe Hur'q, maybe iconians or even Sheliak, could be anyone.
    2010 is my join date.
  • tsf00181tsf00181 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not really anything new. Least there wasn't a crapload of false and unrealistic promises.

    Considering its been almost 16 months since Klingons have had a T5 C-store ship release, it would be nice to see one sometime soon.

    Funny thing is, I WANT to spent real life money on this game, but they aren't offering anything new to sell. If we see a C-store ship later in the year that I want, I'll buy it. BUut I don't know if I'm going to be around for S10 at this point.
  • zarxidejackozarxidejacko Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tsf00181 wrote: »
    Not really anything new. Least there wasn't a crapload of false and unrealistic promises.

    Considering its been almost 16 months since Klingons have had a T5 C-store ship release, it would be nice to see one sometime soon.

    Funny thing is, I WANT to spent real life money on this game, but they aren't offering anything new to sell. If we see a C-store ship later in the year that I want, I'll buy it. BUut I don't know if I'm going to be around for S10 at this point.

    Same thing, i have every single klingon ship,i want MOAR ! More fleet ships! Fleet ship just buffed stats and 1 yellowish skin, what is the probem ?! Cmon Cryptic!
    2010 is my join date.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »

    SO who has any theories on what the new "IP" enemy is gonna be?

    In addition to zarxidejacko's ideas I'd throw Tzenkethi and Jarada out there.
    They were both mentioned in the IP but without any concrete information about them.

    In case of the Jarada we know they're insects who very much dislike it when someone makes a pronouciation error (TNG:"The Big Goodbye")

    TROI: The Captain has to recite the entire greeting without making any mistakes.
    LAFORGE: Simple as that, huh?
    DATA: Yes. If, on the other hand, the Captain makes even the slightest error
    TROI: The Captain is well aware of the gravity of the situation, Commander.
    DATA: We are all aware of the tape of the last Federation starship to come in contact with the Jaradan. It graphically demonstrates what happened when that Captain offended them.
    TROI: Captain Picard is familiar with that, Data.
    DATA: Should we not rerun it?
    PICARD: It's not necessary, Mister Data. Meeting adjourned.

    In case of the Tzenkethi we know the author thought of them as "heavily-armored lizard things" (NOT Kzinti).
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Maybe Hur'q, maybe iconians or even Sheliak, could be anyone.


    We've already got the Hirogen in play, so Delta-species are definitely on the table.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    We've already got the Hirogen in play, so Delta-species are definitely on the table.

    The Vidiians are on the wrong side of Borg territory for that to happen and they were actually cured according to "Think Tank"...and no there would have been no point in the guys from the think tank to make something up Voyager might get a chance to verify.;)

    The Hirogen were at least close enough for it to make some kind of sense.

    Also, Dstahl said it was something we'de never seen before.
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    By never seen before does he mean in game or in trek as a whole?

    If its just not seen in STO then I would say the Na'kuhl, we know the empire has had dealings with them before that ended badly and we do despise people using time to try to manipulate us.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Awesome interwiev! Just listened to it, very nice! :)

    My Zen is ready for that new Tier 5 ship, bring it! :cool:

    Great job, Gates of Sto'vo'kor!
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    well, ok, back to waiting forever...

    Still a bunch of minor incomplete (or at least they feel incomplete) its and bits for the KDF play.. Rom players are finding they've a few issues too.

    I have done my own comparisons of Fed-ROM, and KDF ROM and its definatly more benificial to rom faction players to go with the KDF. it not just a little bias... it extends and becomes much more apparent as you level up towards the cap. Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly it not the ships that are getting the rom players in the liver... its the accessories, costumes, uniforms. (KDF Rom uniforms are seriously amazingly good looking! way way better to my eyes then the Fed-KDF stuff).

    Well, when it comes to KDF ships.. we KNOW who the Gates of Sto'Vo'Kor needs to interview next! I wonder if i talked to some professional dancers into getting into Orion costumage and sending them to the cryptic studio's with the expressed mission of motivating the art staff toward more KDF ships if it would help... It is of course a low underhanded sort of tactic that works, and the federation cannot possibly counter.. well, thats what they get for alienating the Orions....

    Though it wasn't covered there is a possibility for KDF and Rom-KDF costumage uniforms getting a bit of a long wanted improvement due to the Risa summer event if ya'll been following the tribble test server notes. Off duty uniform slot for KDF will be returning.. with some actuall off duty uniforms! ((hopefully some Klingon specific off duty stuff.. not holding my breath but i will allow myself to hope)) Perhapes at the same time the tailor/costume slots bug will be fixed.

    Another great big nasty alien menace... uhh, oh great.. we have a bunch of story lines with our current alien meaces sitting on the edge of a cliff waiting for the next chapter of THIER story and yet another alien menace is going to be introduced... What? Is this season three of TOS or something.. with a monster of the week?

    We've been STUCK in 2409 for the last three years in STO... be nice to finally see the bloody time line advance!! When?

    I see a conclusion happening that there is a little more "tuning" to be done with KDF (old bugs, old bugs, don't ya just hate them old bugs).

    On the other hand, ship wise theres not that much the fed faction needs (if anything they have way to many choices) but over here in the KDF many of us would be perfectly happy with variations of the same old ships....new artwork would be nice, but new stats using existing models would be quite acceptable... ((ie refit of the K't'inga, Kormag atc as "Science" ships. K'Tinga especially.. leave it with 4/2 weapons, give it science ship abilities, and adjust device slots, BOFF's and shields mods to fit, with cloak and cannons.. works fine for me!))

    Well, back to hurry up and wait.

    Khemaraa sends.
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    I liked it a lot.

    Some of it felt like lip-service, but I am glad at least it happened and for the most part it was good.

    In particular, the best part IMO was that while he didn't know the numbers, he felt that the playerbase was shifting to KDF/KDF-Rom a lot more in comparison to purely Fed/Fed-Rom.

    While he admitted that the KDF-side would never (in his words) match the Fed-side, which, I begrudgingly agree with, he did seem quite willing to make KDF-things in the future. Even if it was a 60/40 split, he didn't mind because that's still enough to be worthwhile.

    The problem I have here is this: They make these statements, but they rarely address the REASON as to why there is such a disparity. Regarding CBS's figures: Quite frankly, Star Trek has been an epic human-fest in terms of how the characters act and look. The entire show is geared towards distinctly 'human' sentiments, and also towards the Federation in general. The Klingons still only get limited screentime. An episode here and there. Good stuff usually, but still woefully limited. It's no wonder they're not reaching 'parity', there hasn't even been a Klingon-perspective show. The best Klingons have gotten is the occasional story arc that involves Klingons, and a Klingon security officer who holds Federation ideals and upbringing.

    If anything, they should be expressing amazement that support for Klingons is as high as it is, given the relatively limited exposure the Trek community has had, and should be seeking ways to capitalize on that, rather than alienating the Klingon-enthusiast community with short-sighted statements like that.

    I'm tired of folks pulling out the 'Klingons just aren't popular enough to garner extra resources' schtick when they haven't given the Klingons a fair hand from the start.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    Also, it seems like DStahl's just gonna put off any improvements to PvP 'until later'. Great. . .that's exactly the answer PvPers want. Right.

    Come on, DStahl, we've been begging for improvements to PvP for YEARS, now is not the time to be pulling out the 'we're looking at the numbers and exploring our options' BS.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Next seasons villian is obvious and its been leading up to this for awhile now.


    Think about it, thier part of the IP, they've been on the perfierary of an episode or two, but we've never fought them in battle, and thier behind the vast majority of plots agianst the Federation, Romulans, and Klingons.

    Its been leading up to this.

    Oh and next season is season 9, so no its not season 8, LOR is season 8.

    I'm betting the new Klingon ships is the K'vort and it will have 5 tac consoles and have a pre tier 5 and tier 5 verisons like the Kamarang.

    Also its good to hear that more character artists or what ever were hired.

    I'm surprised no ones talking about the Global Reputation idea and stuff like invading Ferenginar, Possible ships or equiptment.

    That sounds like it will be cool.

    Season 9 sounds interesting, but season 10 sounds like it will really rock.
    A military fleet holding, my guess is either a campus of Starfleet/Klingon Academy or an actual flotilla of ships. Another guess the new faction will be either the Dominion\Cardessians as its the most often requested group now that the Romulans are in.

    For season 9 I'm guessing a focus will be on featured episodes and and maybe some end game content. Maybe this global reputation thing or if not that then other reputation like Pirates or subfaction rep as suggested.

    I wouldn't mind some kind of Playable Fek'lhri species, even if its just the female type of Fek'lhri, since we already have the Fek'lhri Kar'fi and in pet form the S'Kul Fighters, and Fer'jai Frigates.

    I plan on listening to the interview to see if I missed anything.
  • omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Oh and before I forget, its funny how the Klingon players complain the missions make them sound too human and the Federation players complain that the game makes them act like blood thirsty Klingons.
  • berrycolaberrycola Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So the post LoR Z-Store Negh'Var sounds mothballed... le sigh
  • omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've never heard of this z-store Negh'Var before, but if they previously promised it, it maybe the one Klingon ship I don't know, the K'vort was just a guess.
  • zarxidejackozarxidejacko Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    berrycola wrote: »
    So the post LoR Z-Store Negh'Var sounds mothballed... le sigh

    No surprises here...
    2010 is my join date.
  • berrycolaberrycola Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It's been mentioned on priority 1 podcast a few times, I'll see if I can find the episode
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've never heard of this z-store Negh'Var before, but if they previously promised it, it maybe the one Klingon ship I don't know, the K'vort was just a guess.

    Geko talked about a version with "a pair of guns" on the underside in at least one of the Priority One interviews.
    Given the decription it should mean we finally get the Negh'var that was actually called Negh'var onscreen: the version from DS9.


    Currently we only have the version from the TNG finale "All Good Things" that was not named onscreen. In the script it was called "Voodieh".
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    A very good episode, my only beef is the Dilithium mine, helping small fleets? Then why does it make it easier for larger fleets, giving them even more of an advantage over smaller fleets. It's a saving for all fleets not aimed particularly at small fleets.

    Thanks again Gates of Sto'vo'kor for taking the time to do this. :D
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
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