I've been busy with Risa lately, so haven't played this toon much. But I was tinkering with her recently and I've unlocked Romulan Rep enough to get the Hyper-Plasma Torpedo Launcher.
For my build above, do you think it might be better to swap out the Quantum and replace it w/the Romulan Torp?
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
I must say I like your build, but I'm curious on how you have placed your Skillpoints on your toon. Care to show me? I do seem to understand game mechanics a bit better if I get to see people's builds.
I must say I like your build, but I'm curious on how you have placed your Skillpoints on your toon. Care to show me? I do seem to understand game mechanics a bit better if I get to see people's builds.
There's a couple builds in this thread. Which are you referring to?
If you're asking about my build in post 26, then I'll say "Sure, I'll show you" except, I don't know. LOL
Honestly, I haven't looked at her skills yet, so they're whatever "generic" set up I put on her after the Season 5 skill overhaul (where they completely changed-up the the skill system and all toons were required to respec) is what she has in place.
When building a toon, I typically figure out the ship, weapons, playstyle, and most important, the BO Layout, then I roll the skills to support those. (This is mostly due to the finite number of respecs each character gets and the associated cash cost to get more.)
All that being said, I'll see if I can fit some time in during the next couple of days to tackle her skills. Whenever I do, I'll post 'em for ya.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Go here. Make a new build, go to the "skills" tab and copy yours in. In-game hit "u" to bring up the character screen and go to the "skills" tab. Just copy them until they're the same.
Job done.
Then buy 500 zen, get a respec token, and follow the advice which will be posted
Hmm..a tanky build for estfs - as I am a crazy nutball who does that (with no set/rep either), I guess I can help
First of all - in my opinion, for estfs, only one bridge officer slot should be tac - sure, it drops dps but seriously...if you survive. who cares?
Build - 4xdhc, turrets
Tac- TT1, CSV1, CSV2, APO3 (of course rapid fire can be used)
Eng- Epts1,Epts21,Eject warp plasma (doffed for extra use) or RSP if you feel vulnerable
Sci - HE1, HE2
Sci - PH1, ST2, GW1
Simple use - TT for when you -really- need it, csvs to hit everything constantly, apo3 for carving boss shields and general use
Cycled epts for general use, rsp for 'oh TRIBBLE!' moments (such as shield neutraliser) or a doffed ewp to impede and disable your target - PH for when AP0 is on cd, sci team for shield heals and gw to impede from long range
50 aux will do as all shield heals are not aux dependant , pump what remains after 125 weapon into engine, keeping a shield power value that means epts hits 75 or 100 (for resists)
As to a bop, remember to use battlecloak - don't be afraid to evasive and battlecloak, decloak once safe, heal then attack
Btw, the above build is for the fleet norgh..but you can easily adapt it to the heighta)
The skills, as I mentioned above, are just what I picked back after the S5 skill revamp. So they aren't necessarily what I'll stick with for her build, but they do seem to be working fine.
I'm happy to note that she made Omega Tier V last night. Woot! I got her ground KHG Mk XII armor first because she had TRIBBLE-all for land, and I'm not sure what set I want to get for space. Right now I've got Aegis, and I'm pretty happy with the resistance/defense it provides, so I might just stick with it. Thoughts?
I did double-check the ship vendor, and the Fleet Norgh was not available to me, so my fleet isn't high enough. USSUltimatum, if the offer still stands, I'd love to take you up on it. I'm not sure how to tell you in-game as I don't think you're on my friend-list. Is your @name the same as your forum title? My @name is @PatricianVetinari.
No, I'm still in my Hegh'ta build from Post 26. I've been too busy with the Risa Event to do any new ship building, so I haven't even looked into something else. Besides, it seems to be working. I'm staying alive in most STFs, and I still haven't maxed out my gear (though I did just make T5 Omega for her the other day).
I haven't got enough techs to run an A2B build anyway, so when I get those I'll reconsider your offer on the Fleet Norgh, and since you were kind enough to accept my Friend Request in-game a couple weeks ago, I'll just hit you up with a PM when I see you're on, if/when needed.
Anyone have thoughts about what Set I should use? Right now she's using the Aegis, and I'm pretty happy with the resistance/defense it provides, so I might just stick with it. Thoughts?
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
The skills, as I mentioned above, are just what I picked back after the S5 skill revamp. So they aren't necessarily what I'll stick with for her build, but they do seem to be working fine.
I'm happy to note that she made Omega Tier V last night. Woot! I got her ground KHG Mk XII armor first because she had TRIBBLE-all for land, and I'm not sure what set I want to get for space. Right now I've got Aegis, and I'm pretty happy with the resistance/defense it provides, so I might just stick with it. Thoughts?
Thanks for the suggestions guys!
Looking at your skill point distribution, I see no points at all in thrusters, but Driver Coil maxed out. Is this intentional?
I also see no points in weapon power efficiency. IMO, you don't need all those points in Warp Core Efficiency as it only boost power to systems already low. You should really boost weapons power.
Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER
Looking at your skill point distribution, I see no points at all in thrusters, but Driver Coil maxed out. Is this intentional?
I'm not a fan of playing Escorts. They're too "fast" for my tastes. Still, for RP reasons and the fact that I love the look of the Klingon Bird of Prey, I'd like to have a reasonably functional toon flying the iconic ship.
So, yes, it is intentional that I have no points in Thrusters. My BoP is plenty fast enough elsewise to give me all the Defense from speed I'm going to get, and I don't need any more turn. It's already on the edge of too-Squirrely for me to control. Meh. Just my playstyle preference.
Driver Coil helps recover from Full Impulse by keeping your energy from bottoming-out down to 5. It also improves the speed of both Full Impulse and Sector Space travel. Both of which I like.
I also see no points in weapon power efficiency. IMO, you don't need all those points in Warp Core Efficiency as it only boost power to systems already low. You should really boost weapons power.
By "weapon power efficiency" I'll assume you mean Starship Weapon Performance. With no points in SWP, I'm already maxed at over 125 power. I am aware there is some benefit to being over the cap, how much so vs. cost is debatable and hard to calculate. Besides, I do get even more power from my Plasmonic Leech to push me near a hypothetical 145 WPwr when in the thick of things.
Yes, the point of Starship Warp Core Efficiency is to help low-powered subsystems not be so low. That's a good thing. In my case it's providing over +9 power to each my Aux and Engines, and it adds over +5 to Shields. That +23 power is a helluva bargain, and one I'm quite likely to keep.
I'm pretty confident in my knowledge on Starship Power. Some might say I wrote the book on it (or at least, certainly, "a" book on the subject :P lol). Check out my Guide/Calc linked in my signature. :cool:
That being said, I do appreciate your input. I do need to respec. My skills aren't yet min/maxed. I agree with you that Driver Coil is too high (it'll probably go down to 6), and I'll likely take those points and some others (like from Starship Energy Weapon Specialization from 9 to 6) and redistribute them into a Starship Weapon Performance and/or other places.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
I'm not a fan of playing Escorts. They're too "fast" for my tastes. Still, for RP reasons and the fact that I love the look of the Klingon Bird of Prey, I'd like to have a reasonably functional toon flying the iconic ship.
So, yes, it is intentional that I have no points in Thrusters. My BoP is plenty fast enough elsewise to give me all the Defense from speed I'm going to get, and I don't need any more turn. It's already on the edge of too-Squirrely for me to control. Meh. Just my playstyle preference.
Driver Coil helps recover from Full Impulse by keeping your energy from bottoming-out down to 5. It also improves the speed of both Full Impulse and Sector Space travel. Both of which I like.
By "weapon power efficiency" I'll assume you mean Starship Weapon Performance. With no points in SWP, I'm already maxed at over 125 power. I am aware there is some benefit to being over the cap, how much so vs. cost is debatable and hard to calculate. Besides, I do get even more power from my Plasmonic Leech to push me near a hypothetical 145 WPwr when in the thick of things.
Yes, the point of Starship Warp Core Efficiency is to help low-powered subsystems not be so low. That's a good thing. In my case it's providing over +9 power to each my Aux and Engines, and it adds over +5 to Shields. That +23 power is a helluva bargain, and one I'm quite likely to keep.
I'm pretty confident in my knowledge on Starship Power. Some might say I wrote the book on it (or at least, certainly, "a" book on the subject :P lol). Check out my Guide/Calc linked in my signature. :cool:
That being said, I do appreciate your input. I do need to respec. My skills aren't yet min/maxed. I agree with you that Driver Coil is too high (it'll probably go down to 6), and I'll likely take those points and some others (like from Starship Energy Weapon Specialization from 9 to 6) and redistribute them into a Starship Weapon Performance and/or other places.
Ya, I'm not all pro on managing power levels yet, that's why I asked those questions. I saw what looked like discrepancies in what I thought would be correct and wanted to know the whys. Thanks for the info on Driver coil and thrusters. I just started a Tac that will be strictly PVP BoPs so this will save me a respec later. Only 29 lvl right now.
Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER
Ya, I'm not all pro on managing power levels yet, that's why I asked those questions... Thanks for the info on Driver coil and thrusters. I just started a Tac that will be strictly PVP BoPs so this will save me a respec later...
No worries, happy to help. Really do take a look at and download my Calc. It simulates the game's stats when it comes to Ship's Power and can REALLY save you skill points later.
Don't get me wrong on Thrusters. It's a great skill; improving speed and turn. The former helps with Defense (but maxes at speed 26, IIRC), the latter is how well you can steer/aim your ship. I use it a lot on Cruisers and Sci ships, but find Escorts (and BoPs) have such high innate turn rates that I don't need to boost their turn any further (for my tastes/useability). Other people who like to play their escorts as zippy Fighter Jet, simply can't get enough so they'll love boosting the skill to add even more to their Escort's already high levels.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
No worries, happy to help. Really do take a look at and download my Calc. It simulates the game's stats when it comes to Ship's Power and can REALLY save you skill points later.
Don't get me wrong on Thrusters. It's a great skill; improving speed and turn. The former helps with Defense (but maxes at speed 26, IIRC), the latter is how well you can steer/aim your ship. I use it a lot on Cruisers and Sci ships, but find Escorts (and BoPs) have such high innate turn rates that I don't need to boost their turn any further (for my tastes/useability). Other people who like to play their escorts as zippy Fighter Jet, simply can't get enough so they'll love boosting the skill to add even more to their Escort's already high levels.
Generally, for what I do with the Brel Retrofit, on my main, I need a bit more turn than the base. My attack run starts a 6 km, goes just past the target, then turns 180 degrees after leaving a gift. No shields, so I tend to leave quickly. That character is full spec for both energy weapons and projectile. The new specialist will be fully spec'd for projectile slinging BoPs.
Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER
First let me say thanks again to everyone who's posted tips in this thread. I tried out several builds using many of your pointers. Many gratitudes!!!
Next, I'd like to admit that I've kind of caught the Escort-bug. I figured out why I was having such a hard time piloting fast ships... I was used to playing Cruisers and other big ships, so I'd have my screen zoomed-out the furthest to get a larger/big-picture view of the battlefield. In my BoP (and now in other Escort-types I'm trying out on other toons), I zoom-in rather close, almost all the way, right "over the shoulder" of my ship, almost first-person. It's very "tactical" feeling zipping in-and-around other ships... I especially love popping a target and flying through their explosion (getting beyond/away before the warp core goes... reckless, yes, but FUN!)
I've learned... Keep moving! Speed is life! If I strafe one target, and it survives, as I pass it I select another, constantly shooting whatever's in front of me. It's very exciting!
Last, I finally got my Fleet Norgh Bird-of-Prey Retrofit. That ship is beautiful. I love the fleet skin with the bird wing/feather motif. Gorgeous! And so fun to fly!
I've got a new build, and contrary to what I was telling tancrediiv above, I did adjust my skills to add in some points (6 levels) of Starship Impulse Thrusters. I used to have a sub-30 Turn Rate, and now I'm near 45 (and looking to get more when I get Fleet Mine Armor with Turn buffs)! I've got the need... the need for speed!
I'm still doing some tweaking, specifically I've found shields can be difficult to keep up, when under heavy fire, so I might drop one of the HE for a TSS1 or 2. I've only just got the Norgh, so I'm also playing around with the new Lt. Cmd spot. Right now I have EWP in there, but may opt for RSP or TSS3, or something entirely different like GW.
I want to increase ranks on my Mk XI gear and/or get more/better Fleet Consoles/Warp Core. I've also just got my Omega Rep finished, and am trying to determine which Gear-set I want to switch to. Though, I'm honestly thinking of sticking with the Aegis.
Lastly, I continue to fish B'Tran Support for Technician DOffs with the idea of possibly going to an A2B Build. But honestly, I doubt I'll go that route (it seems the ship would be too fragile without AtS to cycle).
So I'm still open for thoughts/ideas on the above. Thanks!
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Switch Aegis to Borg 2 piece and shield of choice.
Remove electroceramic, and place Plas Leech here.
Remove field generator
Remove emitter array (you don't have any shield heals)
Fill now open 3 sci slots with:
2x +Shield Proc (-Th) Flow Caps (or sci console of choice).
1x +Hull Proc (-Th) Flow Caps (or sci console of choice).
This is what I'd do personally, and I'd consider switching to Polaron for a nice drain set up with plas leech, +120 flow caps skill and the polaron proc - you can even probably swap out HE 2 for E-siphon 1 - but it's not necessary.
With 3x -Th consoles you should rarely be the target in a team unless you are off soloing stuff.
Some changes to make if you decide to invest a bit:
Add 2x AP doffs - then reshuffle skills
Upgrade to Elite Fleet Warp Core and Enhanced Neutronium.
Lastly, I continue to fish B'Tran Support for Technician DOffs with the idea of possibly going to an A2B Build. But honestly, I doubt I'll go that route (it seems the ship would be too fragile without AtS to cycle).
The Norgh cannot be fragile at all when running the A2B build.
1) You can have EPtS1 (and use it often) ; you can have Transfer Shield Strength (and use it often) ; you can have EPtA followed by Hazard Emitter (and... well, you guessed).
2) The Lt-Cmd Engineer can have Reverse Shield Polarity 2 (and use it quite often), and if you insist on Eject Warp Plasma, you still have another Lt-Cmd... Norgh power .
3) On the other hand, if you don't insist on throwing your warp plasma in the face of ennemies, you can try the Gravity Well at the same time as Reverse Shield Polarity 2 (with their cooldowns reduced thanks to the dual Aux2Batt) ! Norgh wonder .
4) Or... Go full engineer with just a tactical Commander. Heal your hull with Engineering team (instead of Hazard Emitter), duplicate evasive manoeuvers with EPtE,...
You are lucky to fly a Norgh, these are ways to fly it that can't be adopted with any other ship !
...Some changes to make if you decide to invest a bit:
Add 2x AP doffs - then reshuffle skills
Upgrade to Elite Fleet Warp Core and Enhanced Neutronium.
What are AP Doffs?
I do plan to get an Elite Fleet Warp Core... Though our Mine is a loooooong way off from that.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
First, thanks to a recommendation I received, and the generosity of X'tina@NinaStepford in the Public Service Channel, I was able to get both a Fleet Elite Shield and Fleet Elite Warp Core.
Then, following USSUltimatum's advice I took out the Aegis pieces and added the Assimilated Deflector Array and Assimilated Impulse Engine (both Mk XII). I got rid of my Electroceramic armor, Field Generator, and Emitter Array consoles. I added two Mk XI Embassy Flow Cap (one each shield/hull procs). After my last update, but prior to the recommendations I had already added 2x Mk X Enhanced Neutronium Alloy consoles. I like having high resistance, so I'll likely keep the two armors (eventually getting Mk XII, and possibly switching to +turn instead of the +hull I have now), at least until some other special console comes out.
I doubt I'll switch to Polaron at this time, though I do like where your head's at with the drain synergy, Unkle Ulti . I happen to like my AP, and I've already invested so much in them. Maybe when it comes time to upgrade my Tac Consoles (next Fleet Holding?) I'll consider switching energy flavors.
I did switch around my DOffs. I'm still not sure what AP DOffs are.
Finally, other changes I made... I swapped out HE2 for TSS2. I found having a tougher and resilient shield meant my hull wasn't taking the beating as much, so keeping my shield up is all the more important to me.
I also swapped out my Quantum Torpedo Launcher for the Omega Plasma Torpedo Launcher. The latter has a significantly higher rate of fire, which improves DPS, and with me zipping around so much, it helps to have the torp ready to fire when I need it. The launcher also gets me access to the Omega Weapon Amplifier passive, which can help reduce energy drain. Finally, since it's not helped by Projectile DOffs, I took those out and swapped in some new Damage Control Engineers that reduced the cooldown on my one EPtS.
The above build gets me about 8-9k DPS in ISE. I rarely just sit and fire at a target (which keeps "guns-on-target" and beefs-up DPS parsing), instead I strafe back'n'forth and/or if there are multiple targets I'll zip around switching between whatever's in my front firing arc. I'm still getting the hang of flying an escort-like ship, so my strafing runs occasionally "miss", which also lowers my score. I think there's room for improvement, and I expect to get over 10k with more practice.
That being said, this build is certainly a fully functional asset to any Elite STF group. I can zip around freezing a squad of hyperactive ISE spheres in EWP soup, solo guard Kang through Raptor waves, and tank/solo kill cubes in KASE.
I'm pretty much "done", with the obvious exception of eventually improving any Mk X/XI gear to Mk XII, and improving the quality/abilities of my BOffs/DOffs.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
The AP Doff is an ultra rare Conn officer variation that reduces the cooldown on Attack Patterns Beta, Delta, and Omega by 15%
Slotting three will reduce the cooldown of Attack Pattern Omega to 33 seconds.
What I do is to slot only 2 of these doffs and use the combination of Attack Pattern Omega 3 and Delta 1, this combination will reduce APO3 and APD1 cooldown to 30 seconds.
Activate APO3, in 15 seconds APD1 is ready and in another 15 seconds APO3 is ready once again.
This doff can be very expensive, even more so on the KDF side.
Well, BoPs are not exactly easy in Elite-STFs, you'll get blown up by the Gateways and Tac Cubes. Wait, that happens to everyone, carry on with your discussion. But if I may offer a tip, put something (core, engine) that increases engine power/base impulse, so you might evade that ultra Gateway torp once...
Well, BoPs are not exactly easy in Elite-STFs, you'll get blown up by the Gateways and Tac Cubes. Wait, that happens to everyone, carry on with your discussion. But if I may offer a tip, put something (core, engine) that increases engine power/base impulse, so you might evade that ultra Gateway torp once...
Thanks for the commentary. My latest build (in the OP, updated yesterday) rocks in Elite STFs. Gateways and Tac Cubes are my most dangerous target, but as you say, they are to everyone else too. Still, I can tank them for a half a minute or so, depending on what's on cooldown. Sometimes longer if I'm lucky or have any Team Support. And with an attacking Engine Power over 100, APO and/or Evasive (on a 30s CD, no less), if I do get down to sub-50% I can rabbit out of range quite readily.
Then when I do come back, I'm all the sharper thanks to GDF and Battle Cloak.
Tac Cubes? Gateways? Bring it! I say.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Because not everything you do is multi-target, and there are plenty of situations in PvE where it would be best to avoid aggroing multiple enemies while you're in a flimsy BoP.
I also felt that running an all-cannon build as opposed to 3 DHC + torp with torp spread or HY was more efficient in how it ladled out the damage. I'm especially devastating at ranges of 2-3 km while APB3's on 'em, FOMM is on 'em, Tactical Fleet is active, and I'm running Attack Pattern Alpha.
I also run all cannon/all beam boats these days. I've tried torps and have run the Borg Cutting Beam. Torps hit hard against hull but are useless against shields. Whereas a DHC or DBB in that same slot, while it may not hit quite as hard against hull, is effective ALL the time it's firing so, in the end, is doing more damage overall. With the Cutting Beam you have the same issue PLUS, as far as I can tell, it is not affected by your Capt's accuracy rating. Damn thing often fires off in goofy directions away from the target. Once you calculate the wasted shots due to hitting shields plus the wasted shots that weren't even CLOSE to on target my turret is far more effective, overall.
On my Fleet Norgh I currently run Fleet Plasma with 3 Embassy Science consoles that provide 9% boost to plasma damage as well as boosting Flow Caps, Shields and Hull. With that and 4 DHC's fore and 2 turrets aft packs a respectable punch...
*STO*Its mission: To destroy strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations... and then kill them, to boldly annihilate what no one has annihilated before!
I have an odd build to throw in for my two cents. I have a BOP that I use with mines and Disp Pattern Beta 3. I think it's fun to fly and isn't terribly fragile. You could prob make it a little tougher with some console & BOFF modifications. But I use it as-is atm.
Omega Plasma Torpedo
3 Very Rare MK XII Polaron Dual Heavy Cannons
Kinetic Cutting Beam
Very Rare MK XII Polaron Turret
Assimilated Module
Zero-Point Energy Conduit
Plasmonic Leech (9 Points spent on Flow Capacitors)
3 Rare MK XII Polaron Phased Modulator
That is basic equipment I am using. Other consoles I use changes based on the mission. The equipment I use is not that expensive to get and it serves me well in Elite STF missions. Among all the Bridge Officers I use Hazard Emitters,Transfer Shield Strength,Emergency Power to Shields, Cannon Rapid Fire, and Tactical Team.
Just a litte tip : Bops have usualy +15 weapon power and along with the assimilated console you can basicaly run 95 or 90 weapon power base while having 125 (125/95 or 125/90 ) this will spare you few extra power for your shield or auxiliary
Earlier it was recommended to me that I could switch to Polaron to take advantage of the drain synchronicity already in my build. I considered it, but I like this BoP having AP for the higher proc (ie one based on my Crit Chance and not a base 2.5% Chance). I have thought once I have access to Elite Fleet Weapons and a reason to buy new Tac Consoles (say from a Tac-based Fleet Console), I might switch to Disruptors, both for the debuff proc and to be more canon (and I happen to like the color green lol).
Just a litte tip : Bops have usualy +15 weapon power and along with the assimilated console you can basicaly run 95 or 90 weapon power base while having 125 (125/95 or 125/90 ) this will spare you few extra power for your shield or auxiliary
Thanks. I'm quite proficient with the mechanics of Ship's Power, having written a Guide and Calculator.
Just a little tip: having higher power than what's displayed can help offset the power drop when firing weapons.
Over the years I've read various posts both for and against this school of thought. I know when STO came out there was a soft cap, but then the last Official update (from years ago) was that 125 was a Hard Cap, and there was no soft cap overflow. However, since then, especially fairly recently, I've seen more and more people advocating the effective use of overcapping.
Twam, have you any good links/research available to substantiate your tip?
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Perhaps it's a display bug, but the skill planner is showing you have Beam Target Shields in your Ens Tac, but you don't have beams... ???
I tried using Mines at one point while playing with my build, but I personally didn't like the results.
Doh! I put in the wrong BOF's. I updated the link.
I originally had 3 dual cannons and a dual beam bank up front but have changed it since and didn't update the officers.
For my build above, do you think it might be better to swap out the Quantum and replace it w/the Romulan Torp?
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
If you're asking about my build in post 26, then I'll say "Sure, I'll show you" except, I don't know. LOL
Honestly, I haven't looked at her skills yet, so they're whatever "generic" set up I put on her after the Season 5 skill overhaul (where they completely changed-up the the skill system and all toons were required to respec) is what she has in place.
When building a toon, I typically figure out the ship, weapons, playstyle, and most important, the BO Layout, then I roll the skills to support those. (This is mostly due to the finite number of respecs each character gets and the associated cash cost to get more.)
All that being said, I'll see if I can fit some time in during the next couple of days to tackle her skills. Whenever I do, I'll post 'em for ya.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Go here. Make a new build, go to the "skills" tab and copy yours in. In-game hit "u" to bring up the character screen and go to the "skills" tab. Just copy them until they're the same.
Job done.
Then buy 500 zen, get a respec token, and follow the advice which will be posted
Kirk's Protege.
First of all - in my opinion, for estfs, only one bridge officer slot should be tac - sure, it drops dps but seriously...if you survive. who cares?
Build - 4xdhc, turrets
Tac- TT1, CSV1, CSV2, APO3 (of course rapid fire can be used)
Eng- Epts1,Epts21,Eject warp plasma (doffed for extra use) or RSP if you feel vulnerable
Sci - HE1, HE2
Sci - PH1, ST2, GW1
Simple use - TT for when you -really- need it, csvs to hit everything constantly, apo3 for carving boss shields and general use
Cycled epts for general use, rsp for 'oh TRIBBLE!' moments (such as shield neutraliser) or a doffed ewp to impede and disable your target - PH for when AP0 is on cd, sci team for shield heals and gw to impede from long range
50 aux will do as all shield heals are not aux dependant , pump what remains after 125 weapon into engine, keeping a shield power value that means epts hits 75 or 100 (for resists)
As to a bop, remember to use battlecloak - don't be afraid to evasive and battlecloak, decloak once safe, heal then attack
Btw, the above build is for the fleet norgh..but you can easily adapt it to the heighta)
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The skills, as I mentioned above, are just what I picked back after the S5 skill revamp. So they aren't necessarily what I'll stick with for her build, but they do seem to be working fine.
I'm happy to note that she made Omega Tier V last night. Woot! I got her ground KHG Mk XII armor first because she had TRIBBLE-all for land, and I'm not sure what set I want to get for space. Right now I've got Aegis, and I'm pretty happy with the resistance/defense it provides, so I might just stick with it. Thoughts?
Thanks for the suggestions guys!
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Yikes! I never saw this!!
Did you get your ship?
It can be pretty useful when teamed with some folks who move really fast.
I do tend to use EPTW instead though.
I haven't got enough techs to run an A2B build anyway, so when I get those I'll reconsider your offer on the Fleet Norgh, and since you were kind enough to accept my Friend Request in-game a couple weeks ago, I'll just hit you up with a PM when I see you're on, if/when needed.
Anyone have thoughts about what Set I should use? Right now she's using the Aegis, and I'm pretty happy with the resistance/defense it provides, so I might just stick with it. Thoughts?
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Looking at your skill point distribution, I see no points at all in thrusters, but Driver Coil maxed out. Is this intentional?
I also see no points in weapon power efficiency. IMO, you don't need all those points in Warp Core Efficiency as it only boost power to systems already low. You should really boost weapons power.
Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER
Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
So, yes, it is intentional that I have no points in Thrusters. My BoP is plenty fast enough elsewise to give me all the Defense from speed I'm going to get, and I don't need any more turn. It's already on the edge of too-Squirrely for me to control. Meh. Just my playstyle preference.
Driver Coil helps recover from Full Impulse by keeping your energy from bottoming-out down to 5. It also improves the speed of both Full Impulse and Sector Space travel. Both of which I like.
By "weapon power efficiency" I'll assume you mean Starship Weapon Performance. With no points in SWP, I'm already maxed at over 125 power. I am aware there is some benefit to being over the cap, how much so vs. cost is debatable and hard to calculate. Besides, I do get even more power from my Plasmonic Leech to push me near a hypothetical 145 WPwr when in the thick of things.
Yes, the point of Starship Warp Core Efficiency is to help low-powered subsystems not be so low. That's a good thing. In my case it's providing over +9 power to each my Aux and Engines, and it adds over +5 to Shields. That +23 power is a helluva bargain, and one I'm quite likely to keep.
I'm pretty confident in my knowledge on Starship Power. Some might say I wrote the book on it (or at least, certainly, "a" book on the subject :P lol). Check out my Guide/Calc linked in my signature. :cool:
That being said, I do appreciate your input. I do need to respec. My skills aren't yet min/maxed. I agree with you that Driver Coil is too high (it'll probably go down to 6), and I'll likely take those points and some others (like from Starship Energy Weapon Specialization from 9 to 6) and redistribute them into a Starship Weapon Performance and/or other places.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Ya, I'm not all pro on managing power levels yet, that's why I asked those questions. I saw what looked like discrepancies in what I thought would be correct and wanted to know the whys. Thanks for the info on Driver coil and thrusters. I just started a Tac that will be strictly PVP BoPs so this will save me a respec later. Only 29 lvl right now.
Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER
Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
Don't get me wrong on Thrusters. It's a great skill; improving speed and turn. The former helps with Defense (but maxes at speed 26, IIRC), the latter is how well you can steer/aim your ship. I use it a lot on Cruisers and Sci ships, but find Escorts (and BoPs) have such high innate turn rates that I don't need to boost their turn any further (for my tastes/useability). Other people who like to play their escorts as zippy Fighter Jet, simply can't get enough so they'll love boosting the skill to add even more to their Escort's already high levels.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Generally, for what I do with the Brel Retrofit, on my main, I need a bit more turn than the base. My attack run starts a 6 km, goes just past the target, then turns 180 degrees after leaving a gift. No shields, so I tend to leave quickly. That character is full spec for both energy weapons and projectile. The new specialist will be fully spec'd for projectile slinging BoPs.
Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER
Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
Next, I'd like to admit that I've kind of caught the Escort-bug. I figured out why I was having such a hard time piloting fast ships... I was used to playing Cruisers and other big ships, so I'd have my screen zoomed-out the furthest to get a larger/big-picture view of the battlefield. In my BoP (and now in other Escort-types I'm trying out on other toons), I zoom-in rather close, almost all the way, right "over the shoulder" of my ship, almost first-person. It's very "tactical" feeling zipping in-and-around other ships... I especially love popping a target and flying through their explosion (getting beyond/away before the warp core goes... reckless, yes, but FUN!)
I've learned... Keep moving! Speed is life! If I strafe one target, and it survives, as I pass it I select another, constantly shooting whatever's in front of me. It's very exciting!
Last, I finally got my Fleet Norgh Bird-of-Prey Retrofit. That ship is beautiful. I love the fleet skin with the bird wing/feather motif. Gorgeous! And so fun to fly!
I've got a new build, and contrary to what I was telling tancrediiv above, I did adjust my skills to add in some points (6 levels) of Starship Impulse Thrusters. I used to have a sub-30 Turn Rate, and now I'm near 45 (and looking to get more when I get Fleet Mine Armor with Turn buffs)! I've got the need... the need for speed!
...I get it now!
Anywho, the new build is in the OP and here:
I'm still doing some tweaking, specifically I've found shields can be difficult to keep up, when under heavy fire, so I might drop one of the HE for a TSS1 or 2. I've only just got the Norgh, so I'm also playing around with the new Lt. Cmd spot. Right now I have EWP in there, but may opt for RSP or TSS3, or something entirely different like GW.
I want to increase ranks on my Mk XI gear and/or get more/better Fleet Consoles/Warp Core. I've also just got my Omega Rep finished, and am trying to determine which Gear-set I want to switch to. Though, I'm honestly thinking of sticking with the Aegis.
Lastly, I continue to fish B'Tran Support for Technician DOffs with the idea of possibly going to an A2B Build. But honestly, I doubt I'll go that route (it seems the ship would be too fragile without AtS to cycle).
So I'm still open for thoughts/ideas on the above. Thanks!
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Here are some small things I would change:
Switch Aegis to Borg 2 piece and shield of choice.
Remove electroceramic, and place Plas Leech here.
Remove field generator
Remove emitter array (you don't have any shield heals)
Fill now open 3 sci slots with:
2x +Shield Proc (-Th) Flow Caps (or sci console of choice).
1x +Hull Proc (-Th) Flow Caps (or sci console of choice).
This is what I'd do personally, and I'd consider switching to Polaron for a nice drain set up with plas leech, +120 flow caps skill and the polaron proc - you can even probably swap out HE 2 for E-siphon 1 - but it's not necessary.
With 3x -Th consoles you should rarely be the target in a team unless you are off soloing stuff.
Some changes to make if you decide to invest a bit:
Add 2x AP doffs - then reshuffle skills
Upgrade to Elite Fleet Warp Core and Enhanced Neutronium.
The Norgh cannot be fragile at all when running the A2B build.
1) You can have EPtS1 (and use it often) ; you can have Transfer Shield Strength (and use it often) ; you can have EPtA followed by Hazard Emitter (and... well, you guessed).
2) The Lt-Cmd Engineer can have Reverse Shield Polarity 2 (and use it quite often), and if you insist on Eject Warp Plasma, you still have another Lt-Cmd... Norgh power .
3) On the other hand, if you don't insist on throwing your warp plasma in the face of ennemies, you can try the Gravity Well at the same time as Reverse Shield Polarity 2 (with their cooldowns reduced thanks to the dual Aux2Batt) ! Norgh wonder .
4) Or... Go full engineer with just a tactical Commander. Heal your hull with Engineering team (instead of Hazard Emitter), duplicate evasive manoeuvers with EPtE,...
You are lucky to fly a Norgh, these are ways to fly it that can't be adopted with any other ship !
What are AP Doffs?
I do plan to get an Elite Fleet Warp Core... Though our Mine is a loooooong way off from that.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
First, thanks to a recommendation I received, and the generosity of X'tina@NinaStepford in the Public Service Channel, I was able to get both a Fleet Elite Shield and Fleet Elite Warp Core.
Then, following USSUltimatum's advice I took out the Aegis pieces and added the Assimilated Deflector Array and Assimilated Impulse Engine (both Mk XII). I got rid of my Electroceramic armor, Field Generator, and Emitter Array consoles. I added two Mk XI Embassy Flow Cap (one each shield/hull procs). After my last update, but prior to the recommendations I had already added 2x Mk X Enhanced Neutronium Alloy consoles. I like having high resistance, so I'll likely keep the two armors (eventually getting Mk XII, and possibly switching to +turn instead of the +hull I have now), at least until some other special console comes out.
I doubt I'll switch to Polaron at this time, though I do like where your head's at with the drain synergy, Unkle Ulti . I happen to like my AP, and I've already invested so much in them. Maybe when it comes time to upgrade my Tac Consoles (next Fleet Holding?) I'll consider switching energy flavors.
I did switch around my DOffs. I'm still not sure what AP DOffs are.
Finally, other changes I made... I swapped out HE2 for TSS2. I found having a tougher and resilient shield meant my hull wasn't taking the beating as much, so keeping my shield up is all the more important to me.
I also swapped out my Quantum Torpedo Launcher for the Omega Plasma Torpedo Launcher. The latter has a significantly higher rate of fire, which improves DPS, and with me zipping around so much, it helps to have the torp ready to fire when I need it. The launcher also gets me access to the Omega Weapon Amplifier passive, which can help reduce energy drain. Finally, since it's not helped by Projectile DOffs, I took those out and swapped in some new Damage Control Engineers that reduced the cooldown on my one EPtS.
Anyway, I've updated the OP and this link with the changes:
The above build gets me about 8-9k DPS in ISE. I rarely just sit and fire at a target (which keeps "guns-on-target" and beefs-up DPS parsing), instead I strafe back'n'forth and/or if there are multiple targets I'll zip around switching between whatever's in my front firing arc. I'm still getting the hang of flying an escort-like ship, so my strafing runs occasionally "miss", which also lowers my score. I think there's room for improvement, and I expect to get over 10k with more practice.
That being said, this build is certainly a fully functional asset to any Elite STF group. I can zip around freezing a squad of hyperactive ISE spheres in EWP soup, solo guard Kang through Raptor waves, and tank/solo kill cubes in KASE.
I'm pretty much "done", with the obvious exception of eventually improving any Mk X/XI gear to Mk XII, and improving the quality/abilities of my BOffs/DOffs.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
The AP Doff is an ultra rare Conn officer variation that reduces the cooldown on Attack Patterns Beta, Delta, and Omega by 15%
Slotting three will reduce the cooldown of Attack Pattern Omega to 33 seconds.
What I do is to slot only 2 of these doffs and use the combination of Attack Pattern Omega 3 and Delta 1, this combination will reduce APO3 and APD1 cooldown to 30 seconds.
Activate APO3, in 15 seconds APD1 is ready and in another 15 seconds APO3 is ready once again.
This doff can be very expensive, even more so on the KDF side.
AH! So the "Attack Pattern" DOff is an Ultra Rare Conn Officer variant:
Groovy. Good to know. Thanks. I'll do a price check when next I'm in game, but as you mention, I expect it'll be (too) expensive.
Thanks for the commentary. My latest build (in the OP, updated yesterday) rocks in Elite STFs. Gateways and Tac Cubes are my most dangerous target, but as you say, they are to everyone else too. Still, I can tank them for a half a minute or so, depending on what's on cooldown. Sometimes longer if I'm lucky or have any Team Support. And with an attacking Engine Power over 100, APO and/or Evasive (on a 30s CD, no less), if I do get down to sub-50% I can rabbit out of range quite readily.
Then when I do come back, I'm all the sharper thanks to GDF and Battle Cloak.
Tac Cubes? Gateways? Bring it! I say.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
I also run all cannon/all beam boats these days. I've tried torps and have run the Borg Cutting Beam. Torps hit hard against hull but are useless against shields. Whereas a DHC or DBB in that same slot, while it may not hit quite as hard against hull, is effective ALL the time it's firing so, in the end, is doing more damage overall. With the Cutting Beam you have the same issue PLUS, as far as I can tell, it is not affected by your Capt's accuracy rating. Damn thing often fires off in goofy directions away from the target. Once you calculate the wasted shots due to hitting shields plus the wasted shots that weren't even CLOSE to on target my turret is far more effective, overall.
On my Fleet Norgh I currently run Fleet Plasma with 3 Embassy Science consoles that provide 9% boost to plasma damage as well as boosting Flow Caps, Shields and Hull. With that and 4 DHC's fore and 2 turrets aft packs a respectable punch...
Full Jem'Hadar Mk XI Space Set
Omega Plasma Torpedo
3 Very Rare MK XII Polaron Dual Heavy Cannons
Kinetic Cutting Beam
Very Rare MK XII Polaron Turret
Assimilated Module
Zero-Point Energy Conduit
Plasmonic Leech (9 Points spent on Flow Capacitors)
3 Rare MK XII Polaron Phased Modulator
That is basic equipment I am using. Other consoles I use changes based on the mission. The equipment I use is not that expensive to get and it serves me well in Elite STF missions. Among all the Bridge Officers I use Hazard Emitters,Transfer Shield Strength,Emergency Power to Shields, Cannon Rapid Fire, and Tactical Team.
I tried using Mines at one point while playing with my build, but I personally didn't like the results.
Earlier it was recommended to me that I could switch to Polaron to take advantage of the drain synchronicity already in my build. I considered it, but I like this BoP having AP for the higher proc (ie one based on my Crit Chance and not a base 2.5% Chance). I have thought once I have access to Elite Fleet Weapons and a reason to buy new Tac Consoles (say from a Tac-based Fleet Console), I might switch to Disruptors, both for the debuff proc and to be more canon (and I happen to like the color green lol).
Thanks. I'm quite proficient with the mechanics of Ship's Power, having written a Guide and Calculator.
Over the years I've read various posts both for and against this school of thought. I know when STO came out there was a soft cap, but then the last Official update (from years ago) was that 125 was a Hard Cap, and there was no soft cap overflow. However, since then, especially fairly recently, I've seen more and more people advocating the effective use of overcapping.
Twam, have you any good links/research available to substantiate your tip?
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Doh! I put in the wrong BOF's. I updated the link.
I originally had 3 dual cannons and a dual beam bank up front but have changed it since and didn't update the officers.