After completing a KDF Eng/Battle Cruiser and Sci/Carrier, I wanted a KDF Tac/BoP. I was never any good at flying escorts, but for RP/aesthetic reasons I really wanted someone flying the beautiful, iconic,
Klingon Bird of Prey. I don't PvP, but I do enjoy the Elite STFs and was looking for a BoP build that could compete in such an arena. Thanks to the advice in this thread, I've got a pretty solid build that I'm having a lot of fun flying. In fact, it's opened my eyes to some of the benefits of the "escort-style" to which I was previously unappreciative. Without further ado, here's my current Elite STF-Friendly BoP Build:
Ship:Fleet Norgh Bird-of-Prey RetrofitWeapons:
Advanced Fleet Antiproton Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XII [Dmg]x2 [Acc]x2
Omega Plasma Torpedo Launcher Mk XII [Dmg]x2 [CrtH]
Advanced Fleet Antiproton Turret Mk XII [Dmg]x2 [Acc]x2Equipment:
Assimilated Deflector Array Mk XII
Assimilated Subtranswarp Engines Mk XII
Elite Fleet Hyper-Charged Warp Core Mk XII [Eff] [W->A] [ECap] [AMP] [Trans]
Elite Fleet Adaptive Resilient Shield Array Mk XII [Cap]x2 [ResB] [Adapt]Devices:
Red Matter Capacitor
Subspace Field ModulatorBOff Layout:TT1, CSV1, APO1, APO3
EPtS1, AtS1, EWP1
HE1, TSS2BOff Note:
One of my Tac BOffs is an Uncommon Romulan Operative (+1.5% Crt), the other three BOffs are Efficient.
Shield Distribution Officer (Chance for Shield Heal when using BFI)
Damage Control Engineer (Chance to reduce EPtS cooldown)
Damage Control Engineer (Chance to add HoT to AtS)
Matter-Antimatter Specialist (Chance to immobilize targets when using EWP)Consoles:
Assimilated Module
Enhanced Neutronium Alloy Mk X [+HullHP]
Plasmonic Leech
Flow Capacitor Mk XI [HuH] [-Th]
Flow Capacitor Mk XI [ShH] [-Th]
Antiproton Mag Regulators Mk XIPower Settings:
Captain's Space Traits:
Crippling Fire
Inspirational Leader
Skills and Rep Passives listed via STO Academy:
The above build gets me about 8-9k DPS in ISE. I rarely just sit and fire at a target (which keeps "guns-on-target" and beefs-up DPS parsing), instead I strafe back'n'forth and/or if there are multiple targets I'll zip around switching between whatever's in my front firing arc. I'm still getting the hang of flying an escort-like ship, so my strafing runs occasionally "miss", which also lowers my score. I think there's room for improvement, and I expect to get over 10k with more practice.
That being said, this build is certainly a fully functional asset to any Elite STF group. I can zip around freezing a squad of hyperactive ISE spheres in EWP soup, solo guard Kang through Raptor waves, and tank/solo kill cubes in KASE.
I'm pretty much "done", with the obvious exception of eventually improving any Mk X/XI gear to Mk XII, and improving the quality/abilities of my BOffs/DOffs.
Thanks again all for your help!
You can find/contact me in game as
Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Now, as for boff station setup for an attack-based Hegh'ta. . .here is what I would go with:
4 DHCs up front, two turrets in rear. Antiproton or Plasma would be best, with Disruptor 3rd place. Your choice.
Commander Tactical: Tactical Team 1, Cannon: Rapidfire 1, Cannon: Scatter Volley 2 (very useful for taking out multiple weak opponents, like the probes in KASE), and Attack Pattern Beta 3
Lieutenant Commander Science: Transfer Shield Strength 1, Hazard Emitters 2, Tractor Beam 2
Lieutenant Engineering: Emergency Power to Shields 1, Emergency Power to Shields 2
Lieutenant Tactical: Tactical Team 1, Cannon: Rapidfire 1
I felt this dished out a respectable amount of damage for a Hegh'ta. The lack of a 4th tactical console will ensure that you'll never quite match a full fledged escort in DPS, but you can do a respectable amount of DPS, help slow down targets with Tractor Beam, and Attack Pattern Beta will help anyone else shooting at the same target. . .and APB 3 is a BIG debuff. APB3 + Scatter Volley = exploding enemies.
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
Why not another scatter volley and a torpedo spread (mounting a torpedo, of course) instead of rapid fire?
Because not everything you do is multi-target, and there are plenty of situations in PvE where it would be best to avoid aggroing multiple enemies while you're in a flimsy BoP.
I also felt that running an all-cannon build as opposed to 3 DHC + torp with torp spread or HY was more efficient in how it ladled out the damage. I'm especially devastating at ranges of 2-3 km while APB3's on 'em, FOMM is on 'em, Tactical Fleet is active, and I'm running Attack Pattern Alpha.
Well, an alternative I sometimes use is to make the LTC slot an engineer instead, and run Warp Plasma in the LTC spot, while replacing the fomerly engineering LT slot with sci. Basically, the only abilities that change is the Tractor Beam turns into Warp Plasma.
For most situations I encounter, Tractor Beam seems the most useful. Gravity Well could work as well, if that's what someone wants to do.
I thought of that too, the worry of drawing too much attention to oneself in a fragile ship. So I do like the idea of single-target attacks. Likewise, personally, I have trouble timing torpedo attacks. It sure can be spectacular when you hit bare hull, but I'm either too lazy or inept most of the time, and end up w/the Torp on autofire (which I know it subpar). :rolleyes:
Ok, so it's mentioned to bug out when under focus fire... How is it I see these BoPs (and other Escorts) that can whiz about the place like they are loosed-lightning? But my BoP barely crawls.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
For that, they're probably regularly using their evasive maneuvers, and are probably also slotting Attack Pattern Omega (which is a speed + damage buff and grants immunity to immobilizers like Tractor Beam, etc). The reason I didn't list Attack Pattern Omega is that I honestly don't have much call for it. Evasive Maneuvers allows me to break free of Borg tractors and is usually available for me if I need to quickly move somewhere while in Red Alert. Also, Attack Pattern Omega re-starts the cooldown on Attack Pattern Beta.
You could switch the LTC sci with a LTC tactical and slot Attack Pattern Omega to give you extra speed-boost options. . .but it's ultimately not as necessary, in my view. Especially since that means giving up a crowd-control option.
Basically, that LTC station's LTC spot is 'optional' on this build. It's a spot you can use to carry whatever ability you really feel like you want. Gravity Well, Tractor Beam, Attack Pattern Omega, an extra heal, whatever. In my case, I prefer to carry a crowd-control skill, because there are situations where that really comes in handy (ISE against the spheres that the gate spawns, KASE against the probes and spheres, and CSE against the heavier ships that are spawned after cubes are destroyed). In the end, it's up to you as to what you want there.
Glad I could be of help.
I'm coughing up a few extra tactical slots to put in a bit more options to keep my shields up. The leech lets me keep respectable power levels in my non-weapon systems. The build also forsakes AOE tactical skills to focus on single target mayhem, on the undertaking that flimsy little ships aren't nearly the threat to my livelihood that a big battleship will be.
Since LoR, EPtW gives a energy damage boost for the full duration, making it very good filler at my engineering stations. Like Timezarg, I think the LtC science station is sort of a 'X-factor' slot. I opted for TSS, seeing how I wanted to get as much shield power as I can into the build, and since I'm an engy and can pop EPS transfer and get the full 130 shield power, plus EPtS II, and still have a very respectable 'alpha strike' with my tactical boff abilities. If you want something slipperier, you can definitely drop AP:B for AP:O, and use Jam Sensors III on the LtC science slot.
Oh, one other thing. With the leech and polaron proc, enemy ships will quite simply be turned OFF. It won't happy super-often, but it's very gratifying when it does.
in any stf i recommend 3 knetic resist armor, the plasma energy damage isnt as bad, its the torps that will get you. run equipment sets and items that have passive and proc heals and dont be afrade to bug out with a high engine energy preset and evasive, before battle cloaking.
a pve bop would actually be a good 2 AtB platform, you could get by on just the commander tac and have a mix of 2 eng and a sci station with the rest. in PVE cycing CRF and APB will get you farthest. this all pretty much applies to escorts too.
a bops main strength is hit and runs, not attrition and dps, and thats all pve is. but with that info it should be workable.
For a BoP at 50 the Hegh'Ta is fine, but you really should take a look at the fleet BoP's if you can afford one. The Hoh'Sus gets a 4th tac console and the Norgh gets an extra LtC. Oh and the B'Rel gets an eng console. Derp.
IMO the Norgh is the better choice, especially for PvE.
PH1, HE2, GW1
This is pure spam clearance. Grav well them in, apply Beta with CSV, launch torp spread, and paint with EWP. By the time you make the EWP pass CSV should be back up.
A tac to swap out for single targets is nice, or you can drop TS to Ens and slot a CRF, I know I don't find myself needing TT that often in stf, especially on a ship that can spin like a top. Honestly, though, CSV is fine because it brings plasma torp suppression which is more valuable on a cube.
A BoP with EPTE is going to be fast, which is nice for catching probes or vault weavers and generally reducing downtime. IMO quick STF runs involve liberal APB application and spending as much time with your weapons firing as possible.
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
I'm not convinced of the usability of a GW 1 with often low or bottomed out Aux at this point in PvE, due to the primary moving targets (spheres) all having EPTE (EPTE 3, IIRC).
The best BOPs I've seen on STFs usually focused on milking the hell out of Ambush decloak bonus combined with drain focused builds using Plas Leech, Polarons and some level of E-Siphon (which I think many NPCs aren't all that resistant too).
So basically a single target focused debilitating striker.
FWIW Specc'd & DOFF'd VM 3 was also pretty strong vs. Cubes and Gates when I was toying with it.
EPTE2 actually.
In theory throwing in one (or two) TBs, and slotting TB mines aft would make the above build a hilarious tackler when used correctly.
My fleet doesn't have access to a high shipyard (I think ours is only T2 or T3), so I don't think I can get the recommended Fleet Norgh.
In STFs, I've had run-ins in the past with excess plasma and TBs getting me, so I like how Patrickngo's build counters them.
So many decisions. Heh.
I really appreciate all the advice! I'll likely try each out and see which I like better/what I come up with.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Just one thing, you get more bang for your buck with TSS 2 then HE 2, so you're probably better off just switching them.
One one hand, aux levels go in cycles so it's as easy as planning ahead, waiting 10s, or using an aux batt.
One the other hand, yeah, I haven't been running my klink since LoR and the zippy new lease on life given to spheres. That definitely throws a wrench into my previous tactic.
lolwut. Yeah, don't fly something with the most powerful boff layout in the game. And, um, I'm no PvE ace but I'm pretty sure the guys posting the highest dps and fastest completion times are running A2B tac cruisers.
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
Tac Team 1, Rapid Fire One, Torpedo Spread 3, Attack pattern Beta 3.
Emergency to 2 shield 1, Aux 2 bat 1, Reverse Polarity
Emergency to 2 shield 1, Aux 2 bat 1
Polarize Hull, Hazard Emitters 2
I know I only need one ETS, just didn't have anything else to put there. You can switch up the tac powers however you like. If you want to concentrate on a single target, go with rapid fire2 and maybe omega 2.
I Prefer scatter volley though, hit has many targets as possible and torpedo them in one pass then loop around. Key is is to keep movig and don't be afraid to run. But, 95% of your pvE opponents aren't a problem.
Anyway, thanks to RedRicky's A2B thread, my main's Excel kicks tucas! I routinely get 10-12k DPS in ESTFs now.
Does anyone know if these LoR Speedy Gonzales Spheres are intentional, or a bug?
Thanks for the A2B build. I suppose an EPtW would go nicely in that 2nd EPtS spot, I mean now that gives a boost to dmg.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Send me a tell in-game or catch me in 5kchan. I'm almost positive one of my KDF toons has access to get you a Norgh, no charge or anything like that.
The beauty of the BoP is that Uni layout, especially the Norgh with 2x Ltc.
So you can not only try them all out, but you'll probably end up customizing on the fly a bit.
I'd probably try:
AtB 1 x 2
DEM 2 (with BO) or EWP 1
It depends on who you run with, standard EliteSTF channel teams - yeah you can time it.
Other teams I've run with are blazing fast. There is literally no time to do anything but make sure you're cycling buffs as fast as your fingers can press them.
It's one thing to get off a well placed GW, but making sure its within that 10s window or have a batt available every single time is going to be a touch tougher (doable, but tougher).
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
An A2B'd GW with a 10s wait is still shorter than a single copy of GW that has Aux available as soon it's off cd. Of course, slotting a non-Aux dependent ability in there is easier.
Anyway, it's just my general counter to the "What about my HE?" argument. The time you take off of the cd is always more than the time you potentially have to wait for Aux levels to recover.
Also, in addition to being heavily influenced by my A2B addiction, the build I posted has not been parsed or vetted in any way, so I bow to the advice of anybody who has taken the time to trim the fat off of their STF run times.
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
I'm so used to flying Cruisers, and most recently Carriers, that dagnabbit this BoP is so down right ... squirrely! It's fun, but I really feel like I'm trying to ride lightning! lol
So here's what I was able to put together for my Hegh'ta:
3x AP DHC Mk XI [CrtH] [Dmg]x2
1x Quantum Torpedo Launcher Mk XI [Acc] [Dmg]x2
1x Tractor Beam Mine Launcher (Mk Infinity)
1x AP Turret Mk XI [CrtH] [Dmg]x2
3pc Aegis Set
Field Stabilizing Warp Core Mk XI [Eff] [W->A] [Trans]
Red Matter Cap, Subspace Field Mod
BOff Layout:
EPtS1, AtS1
HE1, HE2
BOff Note:
One of my Tac BOffs is an Uncommon Romulan Operative (+1.5% Crt), the other three BOffs are Efficient.
2x Shield Distro Offcs
1x Projectile Weapon Offcs
1x Projectile Weapon Offcs
1x Dmg Control Eng
Assim Module, Electroceramic Hull Plating Mk XI, Neutronium Alloy Mk XI
Field Generator Mk XI, Emitter Array Mk XI [ShH] [-Th], Plasmonic Leech
1x Antiproton Mag Regulators Mk XI
2x Antiproton Mag Regulators Mk XI
Power Settings:
I can tell you that there are many things I want to upgrade (like the weapons, I'd prefer [Acc] or more [CrtH] tags over [Dmg], and obviously anything that's currently Rare or Mk XI I'll work up to VR/Mk XII, eventually), but these are what I have available to me at this time. I do also want to try an A2B build, but I can't afford KDF Technicians off the Exchange, so until B'Tran farming comes through, A2B will have to wait.
I need to figure out what to do with the power loss after BO3 and/or how better to time its use.
I had the Tractor Beam Mine Launcher in my bank (from some mission), had never used it and since there was no Sci CC in the BO stations, I gave it a try. Don't know that I'll keep it on permenantly, but it actually was lovely vs. the zipping Spheres in ISE. Heh.
I did double-check the ship vendor, and the Fleet Norgh was not available to me, so my fleet isn't high enough. USSUltimatum, if the offer still stands, I'd love to take you up on it. I'm not sure how to tell you in-game as I don't think you're on my friend-list. Is your @name the same as your forum title? My @name is @PatricianVetinari. And I'm not in the 5kchan... Also, what's the price of the Fleet Norgh (I mean in Dilithium/Fleet Credits/Modules)? The only Fleet ship I've ever purchased was for my Main's Fleet Excel and that was a low-tier ship, and I'd owned the C-Store version previously.
Edit (See post below for more details):
1x AP DBB Mk XI [CrtH] [Dmg]x2
and the BOff power BO3
Added Another:
1x AP DHC Mk XI [CrtH] [Dmg]x2
and added a THY3
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
One: Liberal usage of weapon batteries. Time your BOs with weapon battery cooldown. Not optimal, but it's a solution.
Two: EPS consoles. They will speed up the pace by which you'll regain that power.
Three: Obtain the Marion Frances Dulmur systems engineer duty officer. This is an expensive, purple duty officer that will reduce the amount of power lost via Beam Overload when it's used in conjunction with Directed Energy Modulation (DEM). This doff is a must for folks runnning multiple copies of BO in PvP, for example, or running a tactical cruiser loadout with DEM for extra win. I seem to recall it costs something like 20-30 million EC, so it might not be an option for you at this time.
EDIT: Also, the Norgh is four fleet modules. That's 2000 zen, or about 25 million EC on the current market. If you make lots of EC, it's a cheap ship compared to lockbox ships. There are no 'previous models' of the norgh that would qualify it for the discount, largely because the KDF got shafted when it came to these kinds of discounts.
Considering this is for STFs, many things in STFs don't have shields. I replaced BO3 with THY3, took out the DBB and put in another DHC I had.
One run of ISE and a CE (Normal) and I'm liking the feel of the change.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
TT1, THY2, CRF2, APO3 or
TT1 CRF1, BO3, APO3 or for PVE
TT1, TS2, CSV2, APB3
EPtE1, AtB1, RSP2
EPtS1, AtB1, DEM2/EWP1 for PVP
EPtW,1AtB1, RSP2
EPtS1, AtB1, DEM2/EWP1 for PVE