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Explorer zone disconnects

Hi all.

got an interesting problem going on.

for the last week and a bit, any time I try to enter an unexplored system in any of the first three fed explorer zones (Delta Volanus, Arucanis Arm, Hromi Cluster)
the connection dies instantly, this can take up to 5 minutes to timeout, but in that time there is no data transferred by the client. The loading percentage continues to tick upwards very slowly.

If allowed to timeout, on reconnecting I'm prompted to safe login or normal login. There's a slim chance on normal login for the solar system to correctly load. Most of the time the connection dies either immediately, or at ~50% loaded.

this *only* occurs in explorer zones, when loading unexplored solar systems. the rest of the time, everything loads just fine. Establishing a connection in the first place may be difficult, but once up, it's stable.

Client verification shows no problems at all.

I've not tried with any other characters, or factions as I don't really want to level one up just to test.

is anyone else having similar issues with exploration zones?

disconnect message suggests possible DNS issues, however I'm having no issues whatsoever with my net outside of this.
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