Hi Captains,
As some of you may know, I will be heading to the EU next month for 5 weeks and will be working out of our office in Amsterdam.
Don't worry! You won't notice a difference with news, blogs, my forum postings (other than maybe posting more during EU timezones), etc. -- the only difference is what part of the world I am working in, but I'll be doing the same thing 
While I am there, I would love to plan some casual STO meet-ups where players who attend can meet each other, grab some dinner (everyone will need to pay for their own expenses, though) and chat about STO and Trek.
Confirmed locations and dates:
- Amsterdam, Netherlands - Saturday, June 15th
- London, England - Saturday, June 22nd
- Edinburgh, Scotland - Saturday, June 29th
- **JUST ADDED** Berlin, Germany - Saturday, July 6th
Note: All 4 dates and locations above confirmed!
So... anyone interested? I would love to meet as many of you as possible

If you are, reply and let me know for which location, and any ideas for where would be a good spot to grab some food AND can accommodate a (potentially) large group.
Brandon =/\=
If you do hold a meet up in London I would be interested.
I can't help with location ideas though, I'm further south than that.
Am really looking forward to it, have a good trip Bran.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
The one day I cannot do!
And, while in Amsterdam, remember... the coffee houses just don't sell coffee... :eek::D
I myself a'm on holiday that date so i have to pass up on it.
moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
i would join but london is full of one way streets, traffic and very expensive prices, the answer is no for logistical purposes alone. so let me ask this question because it wont be any different then if i was standing in front of you asking about it, only difference is that i would have your full attention.
when are you getting around to solving these issues that you got with the game?
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I'm also a Londoner (or as near as!) so can help logistically if needed.
The Fleet builds the fleet
join date Feb 10
twitter us at sccfleet.
Excellent, I'm not working then
The Silver Sword - NW-DEIPWYISA - Daily Qualified
A Relaxing Stay - NW-DEEYNZYZ9 - Daily Qualified but going to be updated
Logistically can't help that much, I'm south west of London by say 90 miles.
Looking forward to it
Proud Member of: Fubar Inc.
Whilst I can't make either Edinburgh or London (I'm smack bang in the middle...as far from these places as you can get) maybe you'll visit this green and pleasant land again...
Pop by Rugby on the way up to Edinburgh (or vice versa). And make sure you pronounce it Edinbura...not Edinburrow ;-)
Amsterdam - 15 June would work.
Good location: De Balie - Leidseplein. (center Amsterdam)- Casual place with plenty of space to sit, drink, eat, talk.
And otherwise we'll find something else...plenty to choose from.
Me and some of the Silent Fleet Dutch and German (casual) members would like to meet up.
You can reach me ingame mail @pacohell or otherwise through my email. (i will be off and on next week until the 9th - holiday)
You can also reach: @Ophiuchuss (ingame email) or through email.
I've been on several message-board-based meet-ups in the past, and some of them took place at the Silver Cross pub in Whitehall... central location, big place, easy to find. Just a thought, on the principle that, if someone tosses out a name, someone else might say "yes" or "no, here's a better one"....
NOOOOOO cant be there
i will pass it on to my fleet mates.
Have fun :cool:
Heroes of Qonos - KDF
De Verdedigers - FED
Join date: Aug 2008
Real name: Stargek
SO! Next step is to find a restaurant that will host a group.
There are a few suggestions in this thread so far, but if you have not already, or have others, please reply and let me know which location you'll be able to attend, and any ideas for where would be a good spot to grab some food AND can accommodate a (potentially) large group.
Brandon =/\=
There are a shedload of places - but the more convenient the more expensive. Personally I'd probably opt for something in Central London but that may work out more expensive. What's your balance?
I take it you're flying into Glasgow so probably makes sense :-)
No Visit to Germany?
The difficulty with recommending anywhere in London is that it's so big. That may sound trite, but I've lived here for almost 18 years and I haven't managed to explore nearly enough of it to give a well informed recommendation.
We have differences. May we, together, become greater than the sum of both of us.
I'm not familiar enough with Amsterdam to be able to suggest a good place, but I would like to attend
FSM grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of everyone who pissed me off along the way.
Covent Garden is usually a good place to meet (PorterHouse, Maple Leaf etc) with a number of large pubs able to accomodate crowds. On the Thames itself is Tattershall Castle (pub/boat) that is popular and spacious or on Holborn is a very large Wetherspoons pub that is usually quiet early doors but has a steady stream of people throughout the day.
Either ways I'm happy just to catch up and have a chat with some fellow gamers. :cool:
I have been playing the game for over a year,and although the fleet i am in are good people,i want a fleet who is willing to take me out on Fleet runs,apparently ive not been playing long enough and they want me to constantly get more experience ,however i feel i have done that to the point where the STF's are now getting boring,and solitary.
and time differences haven't helped either.
I have done as much as i can to help out with fleet marks and resources,and although im technically a "free" member,i often spend money on the game.
i am just looking for an adult,friendly,Fleet that runs closer to GMT than my current one .
Sorry for posting here,but it wouldn't let me in 10 forward.
Current character: Aceceas@geminair.
Thank you for your time.
Not to mention having to deal with the ineptitude of Scotrail to get between the two...
About an hour on the road, easily two by rail (if/when it works).
I'd go to Glasgow, but not Edinburgh(don't know my way around enough to try & drive. Outright refuse to take the train)
Just some food for thought
Surely a group as diverse as this should be able to arrange to meet up somewhere for a drink and a chin wag?
Here's hoping.