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The Romulan Faction (The biggest elephant in the room)



  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jalbindi wrote: »
    Removing gear isn't actually as bad as it seems. From what we know of the Remans they are very good engineers (Scimitar?) so it's not a far stretch to incorporate the Reman engineering into a fully developed Romulan faction, we already get limited tech from the Reman Resistance (Rewards from "Cutting The Chord & Darkness Before Dawn Missions) and from the looks of the STO wiki page, that is a sub-faction of the Romulan Republic.

    With a bit of continuity it wouldn't be impossible to see the Reman Resistance be the backbone of Romulan Republic technology if it stood separate from both the Federation and the Klingons.

    The foundations are in place, with some tweaks here and there it is entirely plausible to see this come to fruition for the Romulan faction.
    Well, the Republic does seem to have some Reman tech in their arsenal. There's also a few new things that we haven't seen before(like Caustic Plasma).

    The issue with "removing gear" is not as simple as taking away options. If player A already has a Z-console on their ship, what are you as a dev going to do with it if you decide to remove that player's ability to use that console? Are you going to make it nonfunctional even though they have it equipped already? Are you going to delete it even though it's something they bought in the Z-store? Or are you just going to make it so they can't get another one? But in that case what about player B who can buy the item, but not use it, unlike player A......
    My character Tsin'xing
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Errr ... what 95% are you talking about ?
    8 mini-raids (STF's) and a bunch of pointless grind missions for starbases & reputations ?
    That's 95% of the game for you ??

    Ask around, ask people how much time does it take to reach lvl 50. I have read people claiming that they can do it in 24 to 48 hours. While I personaly don't do that and want to enjoy all the content at my own pace, I still eventually hit lvl 50 and from there on is me and my Tier 5 ship forever. And then you do all the content in STO at lvl 50 with a T5 ship.
    You can't tell me with a straight face that almost everything in STO doesn't occur while you're max level lvl 50. Unless you found a bug that enables you to complete missions but not gain XP therefore enabling you to remain at Tier 3 forever.
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Also , as to your faction argument -- which faction in STO do you know of that you can play 10 levels of , and then to proceed in the story , you HAVE TO JOIN another faction ?
    Do you know of any such other factions in STO ?
    I don't .

    IDK, but I knew a faction once that in order for you to play it you HAD TO JOIN another faction.
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Good for you .

    You betcha'! I'm actually enjoying my Romulan and having the most fun I ever had in STO.
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Cool Aid .
    Here , have some more .

    A little full of ourselves, aren't we now?

    I really want Romulans to have their own starbases and not be tied to allies (which just doesn't make sense because the FED and KDF are at war with each other and neither would tolerate an "ally" who is also "allied" to the enemy).

    However, my concern now is that since Cryptic made the poor choice of tethering the Romulan faction to both the FED and KDF we will have a complicated situation whenever we eventually get Romulan starbases:

    What happens to all the Romulan players currently tied to a FED or KDF fleet?

    I just joined the Praetorian Guard fleet, a KDF fleet that was specifically created to be a "Romulan" fleet but it is technically a KDF starbase. What happens if our Romulan and Reman fleet members contribute massive amounts of resources and build up a T3 embassy and a T5 starbase and then the Cryptic devs finally add the Romulan fleet option?

    Do we get kicked out of our current fleets and will we be forced to start over from scratch with a new fleet that is specific to the Romulan faction?

    I would love to have unique Starbases added to the Romulans and I certainly hope that this will become possible at a point in the future. I think that if ever Cryptic decides to go down that route, they will give all current fleets the option to slot in a special project that will turn their current KDF/Fed. starbases into Romulan ones.
    I don't think that they'd go down the cruel route to force people to start from scratch, especially since they could have done it now with LoR.
  • jalbindijalbindi Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, the Republic does seem to have some Reman tech in their arsenal. There's also a few new things that we haven't seen before(like Caustic Plasma).

    The issue with "removing gear" is not as simple as taking away options. If player A already has a Z-console on their ship, what are you as a dev going to do with it if you decide to remove that player's ability to use that console? Are you going to make it nonfunctional even though they have it equipped already? Are you going to delete it even though it's something they bought in the Z-store? Or are you just going to make it so they can't get another one? But in that case what about player B who can buy the item, but not use it, unlike player A......

    Well that is a question for the devs and not for me. It would be much easier in my option to cut their losses and allow for a time period for players to claim a number of Romulan-specific consoles.

    Whatever they do it's going to make people unhappy and there's no easy way out of it since any option they take would be messy and unfair to certain people but let's be honest, some players have items that newer players don't have (End of certain lock boxes) so it's not as if something drastic hasn't been done in this game to keep it on development.

    If necessary, make the consoles obsolete and phase in the Romulan ones to replace them.
  • cleve1970cleve1970 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Have to side with the OP on this one. Romulan content has been fantastic otherwise. Having Fed Rommulans and KDF Romulans makes the faction seem divided. Stand alone faction would have been prudent here in this case.
    Only thing worse than ignorance is the illusion of knowledge.

    Admiral Jorak
    Romulan Intelligence
  • zdfx19zdfx19 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have told myself that the only reason you are made to choose KDF or SF sides is because the software engine could not handle a 3 que system for PVE / PVP. So this choose a side split of the player base was the work around. Otherwise, you do have the foundation for a ?real independent faction? in place with time when it comes to story and activities. While nothing is perfect the LOR story line missions are leaps and bounds better than older SF or KDF episodes in presentation, play design, and content. I don?t think they took the cheap and easy route with all the work here as in the past. I think they are jut limited by a console game engine ported to PC that they no longer have the staff or funds to rebuild in depth.
  • relsharrelshar Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think they should also be their own faction, sure gain a NAP (non agression pact) with the Feds and Klingon, but to throw your lot in with one side or the other is not a very Romulan way.

    I was expecting another faction being added not a bolt on DLC to the two that are already in the game.
  • roland1933roland1933 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    the romulan faction should stand on its on two feet in stead of having to ally with fed or klingon.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    wanderer89 wrote: »
    Sigh... more whining.

    The Romulan Republic are NOT servants, never do you get ordered by them to do anything save for Admiral T'nae during the Romulan FE series and even then, its for the benefit of Romulans everywhere by ending Hakeev and Selas reign.

    The story with the Elachi is very intriguing, they are a cool new foe to bring into the game. A Romulan foe that the Feds nor KDF face, much like the Fek'ihri hordes on the KDF side. I, and a lot of other players, lets call them, I don't know, the majority, really enjoy playing as a Romulan, fighting for Romulans, flying Romulan ships and strange new Romulan worlds.

    The Romulan Republic are far worse than mere servants. They are cannon fodder for the Federation and Klingon Empire in their wars.

    D'Tan made the Romulan Republic subservient to these 2 major powers in the quadrant to have resources in building up New Romulus as a new home. Do you think the Klingons or even the Federation will give these resources free of charge?

    So what we have is the meager resources of the Republic's Navy parcelled out, bled away to fight in a war that the Republic originally had no business in... the Federation-Klingon War. But that war became the Republic's business when he allowed both powers to have control and siphon away precious ships and manpower away from the Republic, and better yet, to have Romulan Republic forces shooting and killing each other. As if killing more of their kind that sided with the original Romulan Star Empire wasn't enough, their killing their own Republic forces.


    No wonder the Romulans can't rebuild.

    As I've said before when it became apparent how the LOR update handled the Romulans to being a subservient subfaction, I really wished the Romulan players were playing Romulan Star Empire, under Sela, consolidating and rebuilding Romulan power. And being pissed off with Klingon and Federation actions that took advantage of the Romulans' weakness after the loss of their homeworld. With Romulans fighting alongside Romulans, against the Federation & Klingon Empire.
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Holy necro, I forgot I even wrote this months ago.

    I still believe in my original post, however. I so wish i could just be a romulan.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
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  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    edited September 2013
    Id love to fly under the Empire's banner myself but Id be working with loyalists to bring the half-witted half-breed empress down and her Hirogen thugs with her. And since the player cannot become emperor/empress(damn you game mechanics!!) install a proper figurehead to be the mouthpiece for my.. errm *cough* I mean lead the Empire to a new day of glory!
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    What they should have done with "in-world" PvP like Kerrat is that Romulans are hostile towards the opposing side, and friendly towards their chosen side...and other Romulans regardless of side. That way you don't have Romulans killing Romulans for their masters.
  • kerriknightkerriknight Member Posts: 274
    edited September 2013
    I love the false dichotomy where if you aren't cheering on the marching machine of war and imperialist expansion, you're nothing but weak and subservient.

    That's quite a juvenile outlook on life and sounds a lot like what Carlin called the "Bigger **** Foreign Policy Theory."
  • sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The general flavor of the Romulan concept, the essence of the whole thing, seems to be absent from STO. Any singular examples of defection or derivation, cannot change the sheer weight of established material. They say the times have changed. Yet the need to connect to the primary material will never change. That's the crux of the matter, with all these "revisions". They are not honest to the source material, they are honest only to the limitations of the game! But what would this game be, without any connection to the primary material in the first place?

    I apologise for upsetting the apologists, but no amount of rhetorical beating around the bush can change the actual and persistent quasi-delivery of this so-called *faction* we *voted* for.

    The day they provide independent Romulan fleets open to ALL Romulans, I'll upgrade the status to a half-faction. Because that is as likely as getting upgraded flying warpigs from a lockbox drop!

    I've been called a traitor by KDF Romulans, because I had no choice in this matter whatsoever. This was a wasted opportunity all along, since there is no actual Romulan "faction" in this game, only funny dressed Feds or Klinks, if we were to listen to all those contacts. And listen we must, for they are more than willing to remind us that we are not a Romulan entity outside of the wardrobe!

    Excuse me, I'm going to the dress up party now. Nice cossies though!

    (Oh great. It is a necro. Well. It still applies today! As it did yesterday, and tomorrow for that matter! It is as constant as the morning star!)

  • peregryperegry Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The general flavor of the Romulan concept, the essence of the whole thing, seems to be absent from STO. Any singular examples of defection or derivation, cannot change the sheer weight of established material. They say the times have changed. Yet the need to connect to the primary material will never change. That's the crux of the matter, with all these "revisions". They are not honest to the source material, they are honest only to the limitations of the game! But what would this game be, without any connection to the primary material in the first place?

    I apologise for upsetting the apologists, but no amount of rhetorical beating around the bush can change the actual and persistent quasi-delivery of this so-called *faction* we *voted* for.

    The day they provide independent Romulan fleets open to ALL Romulans, I'll upgrade the status to a half-faction. Because that is as likely as getting upgraded flying warpigs from a lockbox drop!

    I've been called a traitor by KDF Romulans, because I had no choice in this matter whatsoever. This was a wasted opportunity all along, since there is no actual Romulan "faction" in this game, only funny dressed Feds or Klinks, if we were to listen to all those contacts. And listen we must, for they are more than willing to remind us that we are not a Romulan entity outside of the wardrobe!

    Excuse me, I'm going to the dress up party now. Nice cossies though!


    Except that, you're wrong. Just plain and simply wrong. This has been amply shown.

    Also, as someone else posted in that thread a challenge to show Romulans who didn't fit the cliched villain archetype people seem to mistake them for, we multiple Romulans who fell well outside the "norm" of the Tal Shiar operatives.

    Really, just go read the entire thread, as all the arguments (pro and con) for Cryptic's storyline were covered there in much better quality than here (no offense meant to those involved in this conversation).
  • sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    peregry wrote: »
    Except that, you're wrong. Just plain and simply wrong. This has been amply shown.

    Also, as someone else posted in that thread a challenge to show Romulans who didn't fit the cliched villain archetype people seem to mistake them for, we multiple Romulans who fell well outside the "norm" of the Tal Shiar operatives.

    Really, just go read the entire thread, as all the arguments (pro and con) for Cryptic's storyline were covered there in much better quality than here (no offense meant to those involved in this conversation).

    Your "evidence" does not change the quasi-delivery of a semi-faction one iota. it does not make the gaming experience connect to the actual shows in any manner, and there is no right or wrong. Or you would have had actual villains. Nobody is a villain in their own mind. Do not bore me. Please.

  • peregryperegry Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Your "evidence" does not change the quasi-delivery of a semi-faction one iota. it does not make the gaming experience connect to the actual shows in any manner, and there is no right or wrong. Or you would have had actual villains. Nobody is a villain in their own mind. Do not bore me. Please.


    Cryptic was clear about how they would be doing the Romulans as a subfaction from the beginning, from my understanding. They never advertised them as a free standing faction like the Klingons or Feds. They were upfront about that, and that they would be taking a compromise position. There were reasons for the compromise position, from a desire to not further divide the playerbase, to not making people have to spend resources on things they'd already spent them on, to calculations of time and infrastructure requirements. You don't like the direction they took, that's fine. But the attitude of all or nothing you seem to have just comes off as entitled "they didn't do it the way I wanted them to do it" complaining instead of actual discussion.

    As to your second position, that what they presented us does not connect to the show, I have two responses. The first, is that it, in fact, did connect to the original and most important theme of the Romulans: we are more alike than we are different. This theme was heavily emphasized in TOS in "Balance of Terror" and "The Enterprise Incident", and even was touched on in TNG in "The Defector" and, as horrible as that episode was, "The Neutral Zone". I outlined the development of the portrayal of the Romulans throughout the series in the aforementioned thread, and linked to it my previous post, so I'm not going to go over it again.

    The second response is quite simple: Cryptic CANNOT portray the Romulans from the TV series and movies due to the place said TV series and movies left them in. They cannot get away from the canon that Romulus was destroyed and the central government of the Romulan Empire utterly lost. They cannot change the dramatic damage Nero did to the Empire. Nor would folks really want them to. Therefore, they are left with the task of exploring the aftermath of those events. This means that the RSE as people knew it from TNG is gone, utterly and completely. They have decided to take the story in a direction that they wanted to. You might not like it, and might prefer something else, that's personal taste, but to accuse them of failing to connect to something they cannot ignore would be the same as if they decided to portray the Cardassian Union as it was in the beginning of DS9 as a strong, relatively powerful government and ignore the entirety of events from DS9. Or if they decided that the Enterprise-D was still the flagship of the Federation.

    They didn't destroy the Romulans, Star Trek did. Cryptic is just left picking up the pieces and trying to make a story out of it. They also were handed a race that while popular, is highly undeveloped outside its military and espionage wings. They had very limited sources into the "common man" Romulan and the society that underpinned the Empire. Instead of making things up wholecloth, they decided to take from secondary sources, as I noted in the earlier linked posts. That these sources tended to portray Romulans more sympathetically and more rounded than the mustache twirling villains seems to rub people the wrong way. I don't know why people have this obsession with that kind of Romulan, and nothing is stopping you from RPing that kind of Romulan or making foundry missions involving that kind of Romulan, but Cryptic took it a different direction. That direction, despite your claims, is not wrong. It is tied to the show (as amply demonstrated in previous threads), and is tied to secondary sources (the Rihannsu and Vulcan's Soul trilogies).
  • astro2244astro2244 Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Holy necro, I forgot I even wrote this months ago.

    I still believe in my original post, however. I so wish i could just be a romulan.

    Kestral I believe it was who said in a interview that while the game was in development that they had planned for there to be Rse and Romulus, when they got the news that Romulus would be destroyed in the new movie in 09 so they went to reworking the story. So curse you Tovan Abrams! *shakes fist* :P
  • sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    1. Cryptic was never clear about anything. I was quite active back then, and voted for a Romulan faction. (Yes, it said faction, not half-faction.) *Then* the implementation of a half-faction was suggested by D. Stahl some time later, and got a *negative* response.

    Then silence followed up until the release of this... material. The clarity of this process eludes me, a lot of people thought this was a full faction, given that I also participated on the forums close to the release of this... thing. Did you know they optimistically had indications of a full Romulan and Cardassian faction on their website at one point? With the Klingon faction made in the sorry state it was, we at least expected that much. Or little. :-p

    At that early point in time, Cryptic had some... issues... so I guess some of us thought the whole thing was abandoned. Then we heard about a larger team, a better economical situation, a new partnership... so there was a certain hope they had the resources for the full thing. But that was of course not to be.

    2. The "direction" of the story. Heh. There was made a farmer boy prologue to the already existing weeklies, and add to that three buildings, some tents, and a pokemon field on New Romulus. What is the point of starting from absolute scratch, when the assets of an entire Empire is floating around? The magnitude of resources required to produce and maintain all these Warbirds, would suggest something substantial. Bunnies only get you so far. :-p

    By all means, if anyone truly believes they appear as "Romulans" given the provided material, the job is obviously done. If I had never played any other "Trek" computer game, and/or not seen the shows, I would be very convinced myself.

    I tend not to take indirect suggestive themes as the exception to the *concept of a Roman inspired Alien Empire* myself. They had Rator III, they had Sela, and you have the East Roman Empire as historical prelude, but oh no. The quick buck is the one and only "direction" here.

    This is a Romulan placebo. And a bad one, seeing as they have managed to divide the divided, it's a half-faction, divided by two other *full* factions (for rhetorical purposes Klinks). That's probably why we tried to say this was a bad idea. And now it shows on a daily basis, you get Romulans insulting Romulans, because they are not the right half of the half-faction! If it wasn't so sad, it would be comedy material I guess.

    As I said, when Romulans can team with Romulans, and they can make their own fleet, you can almost say they tried to introduce something of the sort. But that would require partial independence I guess. And that means the hack job must be revisited in some fashion. Far be it from me to wish such horrors upon anyone. Much better to see more half-assed "fractions" rolled out I guess. Now I can use that horribly mislabeled word as well. Splendid!

  • kintishokintisho Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    So basically when you break it all down... a romulan character is:

    - A special species with a few unique traits that
    - can use a few different ships than a kdf or fed original player cant...

    and that is about it.
    I refer to my KDF aligned romulan as a pointy eared klingon because of this.

    We should be our own standalone faction. We should not have to be allied to one of the existing ones.

    Other than the special themepark mission series for legacy of romulus, I am very underwhelmed at the actual faction of the romulans. We should have our own fleets, starbases, pvp teams and queues, and so forth.

    We need to be a standalone faction without having to rely on an already existing one!


    The tal Shiar sold the ENTIRE empire out to the elachi to become worse than borg drones.. bio-assimilated and worse... The Romulan empire has FALLEN the romulans are lucky to have FED allies or they would not be klingon slaves, the klinks would have killed them ALL. The current system is more than generous, stop your complaining. if you have the extra $20,000.00 to make a brand new starbase from the ground up then make a fed or kdf sb and name it some romulan TRIBBLE. Other than thst STFU and quit yer bitchin' .
  • sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    kintisho wrote: »

    The tal Shiar sold the ENTIRE empire out to the elachi to become worse than borg drones.. bio-assimilated and worse... The Romulan empire has FALLEN the romulans are lucky to have FED allies or they would not be klingon slaves, the klinks would have killed them ALL. The current system is more than generous, stop your complaining. if you have the extra $20,000.00 to make a brand new starbase from the ground up then make a fed or kdf sb and name it some romulan TRIBBLE. Other than thst STFU and quit yer bitchin' .

    You mean the broken Empire that nobody manages to control, yes I am sure every asset was properly secured, so we can have our farmer boys until eternity. That means Starfleet and the Klingons are producing these Warbirds for us I guess? Splendid! :-)

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