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The Romulan Faction (The biggest elephant in the room)



  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The one thing that bothers me, is that once we ally with Starfleet or the KDF, it's kinda like...wow, that's it?

    I was expecting for at the very least, the Klingon storyline to open up to me, so that while the Klingons come to aid my vessel on occasion, I could return the favor and take care of some stuff for them.

    You know, having the ability to mix in some of our allies missions, so that if you play a second Romulan character for example, you can change things up, skip some Romulan stuff here and there, in favor of Klingon stuff, etc.

    But it seems we have the Romulan Storyline, till it ends, then we pick things up in Cardassian space. No access to the core Fed or KDF stories in their own home regions.

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • phanlaxphanlax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I found this very pointless. :(

    All that would be need it is send the conference down the hole and let romulans fight for their survival on Nimbus sector.
    And we'ld have Republic defences against Freds, Tal Shiars, Klingons and other raiders.
    We don't have "Science" vessels but soem warbirds can do the job very well I think.
    Let the Romulan problem be a Romulan issue.
    The way it is now, Romulan is not a Faction but a free add.
    And i find this very sad.
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There's a DOFF requisition terminal in the headquarters (a terminal near the door in the skills room). You can double up on DOFFs, using that and your ally's DOFF giver.

    Yeah I actually found that yesterday. It wasnt a person (and didnt have the little tri-color sign over its head), which is why i never saw it. I figured it was just another mail console or something there in that part of the command center.

    So at least that is a non issue.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
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  • shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All factions are terrible.

    What separates a KDF from a Fed? A separate queue, few ships, some customization options, a few races, some episodes, and an arbitrary limit on which BOFFs and DOFFs you can use.

    That's it, that's all everyone's been fighting over for 3 years.
  • carasucia83carasucia83 Member Posts: 568 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think many of us are dissapointed. That much is clear. Many people have been waiting from since before launch for a full Romulan Faction and when it finally arrives, it's a very altered form of the ST faction that spawned the fans in the first place. Are they Romulans? Yes, I get that feeling while I'm playing, and while doing all the Starfleet mission, it feels a lot more normal to be running around killing everything in sight as a Romulan Commander than as a Starfleet Captain. But one thing the new faction/fraction/whatever definitely is NOT is the Empire of Vreenak that helped turn the tide in the Dominion war. At launch, this was what many - Romulan fans - were expecting the Romulans to be and there was massive dissapointment when it was confirmed that there would be only two factions - probably among the ever quiet Cardassian fans among us too, but that's another issue. I think we should calm down a bit, take stock and appreciate that at least we have our foot in the door and we can hope (and campaign) for more 'independence' in the future. It's also true that while they are the most populated and most 'developed' faction (KDF players might say th 'only' one), there have been many complaints from FED players too about the conduct of their officers necessitated by the game mechanics - Arrive in system, blow everything up, beam down, vaporize everything, beam up, go home - NOT very Starfleet, war with KDF or not. The whole game is a work in progress as far as I'm concerned and looking at the MASSIVE difference between how the game is now and how it was at launch, I for one feel that a lot of work has been done and a lot of progress has been made. But I don't disagree with the notion that more of both needs to be done and while many players are 'mutli-faction', there are a lot who play (mostly) only one and so it seems reasonable to me that faction progression, story and so on should be determined, at least in part, by the players of said faction. We were given the choice to ally once, who's to say we won't be given the choice later to become a fully fledged KDF/UFP citizen or to leave our allies and take our place among our own kind? Naive? maybe, but I'm content to wait and see. Like I said, we have our foot in the door.
    "So my fun is wrong?"

    No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
  • galr25galr25 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Think of it this way,
    The intro of New Romulus and the rep system , was the seed planted for the rom faction.
    LoR was that seed sprouting.
    Now the rom faction will grow into an equal faction and the story line will progress to reduce the influence of the allied faction.

    Get used to it though as if they make a Cardassian (or other 4th faction) they will most likely go the same way as they have with the Romulans.
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    From a game mechanic point of view, they went the only plausible way.

    Imagine if you joined an RSE faction...all those Romulan storyline missions would be nonsensical for you. Hakeev would be your best bud. Pretty much every encounter or mission in rhe game would make no sense - you would need a completely different set of content all the way to 50.

    Not going to happen.
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  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    naevius wrote: »
    From a game mechanic point of view, they went the only plausible way.

    Imagine if you joined an RSE faction...all those Romulan storyline missions would be nonsensical for you. Hakeev would be your best bud. Pretty much every encounter or mission in rhe game would make no sense - you would need a completely different set of content all the way to 50.

    Not going to happen.
    Well, as already has been mentioned, the Tal Shiar and Romulan Military have had a long-standing rivalry. Sela was exiled (and almost executed) thanks to a Tal Shiar kangaroo court. There is no reason that the Romulan faction couldn't have just played off the rivalry between the Military and Tal Shiar, with the player uncovering the Tal Shiar's role in the destruction of Romulas, bringing it to Sela's attention, and using that as justification for fighting the Tal Shiar. Instead Cryptic heaped on the retcons to bring about the Romulan Republic- if anythign is 'nonsensical, IMO it would be the Romulan Republic in comparison to previously established Romulan behavior and history both in STO and on the shows.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I remember a few short months ago, people posting and posting and posting how they simply just wanted to play a Romulan and fly a D'Deridex.

    I would post words of caution. State things like "Hey remember how things went with Klingons? Be careful what you wish for."

    And I was insulted, ignored, flamed, whatevs.

    Now here we are. You CAN do exactly what you all wished for. Play a Romulan. Fly a D'Deridex.

    Yet here are all these posts complaining about both of those things. Multiple threads hating on the D'Deridex. And threads like this hating on Cryptic for finally giving you all what you wished for ... playable Romulans.

  • pleasenonamepleasenoname Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think what is needed is a block diagram flowchart. The developer can map out the different paths of choice. That way they can have different missions presented depending on the choices made during gameplay. The different paths can be mapped with simple variables such as "A" or "B". Say there is a choice in dialogue to execute someone ("A") or let them go("B"). When you pick choice "B", it stores its letter variable and you get missions only on the "B" list. Variable A would take you towards the Tal shiar and variable B would take you towards the Republic.

    It seems easy enough. If there is a technical reason why it can't be done, please tell me what it is. Ever read a "choose your own adventure book"? If not, look it up in a search engine. Remember also that it takes a minimum of 3 legs to hold up a vessel.

    Romulans need their own faction all the way to the end of the game. A 4 legged vessel is even more sturdy though. So go ahead and add the Cardassians also as playable faction.
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    We need to be a standalone faction without having to rely on an already existing one!

    I wholeheartedly agree.

    However, I would not like to be in league with the Tal'Shiar (ick) or (double ick) Sela.

    Edit: Ideally, the already-extant situation where Romulan "faction" gets/has to choose X or Y could be reworked so that, instead of UFP or thlingan Empire, we choose between RSE (Romulan Star Empire) or NRR (New Romulan Republic), and then we would have the loveliness of no False Dilemma, and not just three distinct factions, but four (and then if the Orions take over part of the thlingan Empire and restore the Thakolarivaj, ...).
  • tridentkillatridentkilla Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Something that's made me chuckle, and a small thing at that, is how they set up New Romulus. You have a door that opens to a command center. Said door is in a massive wall, with what looks like structures behind it, yet, all we see from the command center is water. Would have made more sense to have modeled a town with a separate embassy access point, don't ya think?
  • warzeriorwarzerior Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I remember a few short months ago, people posting and posting and posting how they simply just wanted to play a Romulan and fly a D'Deridex.

    I would post words of caution. State things like "Hey remember how things went with Klingons? Be careful what you wish for."

    And I was insulted, ignored, flamed, whatevs.

    Now here we are. You CAN do exactly what you all wished for. Play a Romulan. Fly a D'Deridex.

    Yet here are all these posts complaining about both of those things. Multiple threads hating on the D'Deridex. And threads like this hating on Cryptic for finally giving you all what you wished for ... playable Romulans.


    Well... it's the same people who "hate" change in Reality. "The 50s were so much better" like mentality.

    They want to play an RSE like the TV Shows and keep overlooking where the story went after the destruction of Romulus etc.

    I played Espionage Missions, killed a guy outright, passions were high in all the story, and was involved in some political discourse. I played a Romulan.

    They can't see past D'Tan... and the word "Unificationists" even though when you make it to the end *spoiler* D'Tan actually says he'll continue that work AFTER the RR is established. They need that petty RSE title...

    It's kind of sad but I'm kinda used to that considering I'm a Liberal in the US.
  • kajzero22kajzero22 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wanderer89 wrote: »
    Sigh... more whining.

    The Romulan Republic are NOT servants, never do you get ordered by them to do anything save for Admiral T'nae during the Romulan FE series and even then, its for the benefit of Romulans everywhere by ending Hakeev and Selas reign.

    The story with the Elachi is very intriguing, they are a cool new foe to bring into the game. A Romulan foe that the Feds nor KDF face, much like the Fek'ihri hordes on the KDF side. I, and a lot of other players, lets call them, I don't know, the majority, really enjoy playing as a Romulan, fighting for Romulans, flying Romulan ships and strange new Romulan worlds.

    I don't agree that we are servants, i do agree we should be our own stand alone faction. i am not the biggest Trekkie in the world but ever since i was introduced to the series and games, i have loved the romulans, and honestly i just enjoy commanding warbirds and playing as a romulan, as well as the story line.
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Go to the mirror universe, where the Romulans ARE a true blue 3rd faction.

    I don't see happy players. Why? They are whinging about how their Fleet Action queues never pop, how chaotic a poorly-implemented 3-way pvp queue is messing up pvp, how they have WORSE ship selection than KDF, the grind of building a whole new starbase, and a stupid Elite fleet proc on a weapon that the ENTIRE GAME has 20% resistance to.

    And they are still calling Cryptic short-cut takers who didn't learn their KDF lessons.

    I'm glad I'm in this timeline instead!!

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • orichalkaorichalka Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I like to think that the RR are just waiting to recover a bit; D'Tan is making a play for the whole cake in the same way Sela is - he's just trying a different strategy.

    Obviously the long game is "reunite" with Vulcan and then lure them into a new greenblood faction, claiming back the former Imperial space from the various blue and red carpet-baggers that have tried to muscle in.

    Hopefully, if the expansion was popular, we'll see more fun for Romulans? I'd personally just like to get a bartender on my ship to serve up some of this Romulan Ale I keep trading for!
  • warzeriorwarzerior Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    orichalka wrote: »
    I like to think that the RR are just waiting to recover a bit; D'Tan is making a play for the whole cake in the same way Sela is - he's just trying a different strategy.

    Obviously the long game is "reunite" with Vulcan and then lure them into a new greenblood faction, claiming back the former Imperial space from the various blue and red carpet-baggers that have tried to muscle in.

    Hopefully, if the expansion was popular, we'll see more fun for Romulans? I'd personally just like to get a bartender on my ship to serve up some of this Romulan Ale I keep trading for!

    Technically we're Neutral for the War (Fed v KDF) just game mechanics allow us to PvP ;).
  • ranlerranler Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I personally think one of the biggest signs of us being a half faction is getting the Reman Science Officer from "Cutting the Cord" and seeing that he is a "Starfleet Science Bridge Officer" as opposed to an RRF one.

    Not only does this come across as lazy from the devs side but in character it makes have to stop and think.

    "Wait so this guy went and joined Starfleet then joined my crew? Does he know he could have just come along?"
  • darkzenithukdarkzenithuk Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They could at the very least allow us to switch faction allegiance if we so desire. That way if people are not happy with their initial choice, they don't end up stuck with it. Personally, I think that would make the RR a very attractive pick for most players, and compensation for being a half faction.
    Mortem a mundo, ortum republica, imperii ruina.
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    orichalka wrote: »
    Obviously the long game is "reunite" with Vulcan and then lure them into a new greenblood faction, claiming back the former Imperial space from the various blue and red carpet-baggers that have tried to muscle in.

    I don't remember any mission, any dialogue, anything that was about reunficating with Vulcan. In fact, if D'Tan was someone else, and everything else the same, NOBODY would talk about Reunification. However, D'Tan was a reunificationist more than 20years ago, before the Romulan Apocalypse. So yeah, it changes everything to people. They don't even bother to read the dialogue or anything, they just think it will be about Reunification.

    Yeah he have a past, just like any of us. Do you remember how you acted at 15yo ? Do you remember in what you believed ? Haven't you changed over the years ? He is less an idealist, even if he still believe in Unification. .

    Also, the movement was so strong, and grow so quickly, the Tal Shiar were scared, and acted. Which seems to indicate a lot of Romulan are fine with Vulcan.

    Seeing the Romulan from the canon source is quite flawed, it would be like watching any country only from their secret agent action. And only that. People would think they are sneaky, and ruthless. Just like the federation would appear as much if you are only aware of Section 31, and the rest is unknown to you.

    However, there is more than just that.
    Romulan are different. The military hates the Tal Shiar, because they are ruthless and "evil" (from a Romulan captain mouth). To quote Toreth, talking to Troi posing as a Tal Shiar :
    "People blame the military for the wars that we are asked to fight. But I think it is your kind, Major, that will be the death of us all." The fall of Romulus and STO proved her right.

    As I said before, I think D'Tan is a great leader because he NEVER push for the Reunification. He put aside his own goals for the benefit of all Romulan. And Reman. The alliance with fed was necessary, as for the KDF. A mono-sided alliance would have failed, as they would have been forced into another war.
    Also, he is not the first Romulan to make an alliance, KDF were allied with the Rom for a long time, and Donatra sided with Picard.

    Finally, if you check carefully, the sneaky backstabber Romulan are not gone. Some DOFF missions involve planting false evidence in your ally database to force them to act against several threats. And that's 100% Romulan. They use this alliance to rebuild, but it doesn't mean they suddenly became nice with everyone else. Just like Duras and Sela, they are using each other.

    In game I called Drake to help me (IE I used him), and later he called me to return the favor (IE using me).
  • silverashes1silverashes1 Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    khayuung wrote: »
    Go to the mirror universe, where the Romulans ARE a true blue 3rd faction.

    I don't see happy players. Why? They are whinging about how their Fleet Action queues never pop, how chaotic a poorly-implemented 3-way pvp queue is messing up pvp, how they have WORSE ship selection than KDF, the grind of building a whole new starbase, and a stupid Elite fleet proc on a weapon that the ENTIRE GAME has 20% resistance to.

    And they are still calling Cryptic short-cut takers who didn't learn their KDF lessons.

    I'm glad I'm in this timeline instead!!

    agreed this is much better, they can x-pand the romulans as neccesary rather then rushing and TRIBBLE them up( since people would still ***** no matter what the romulan faction was haters gonna hate)
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I remember a few short months ago, people posting and posting and posting how they simply just wanted to play a Romulan and fly a D'Deridex.

    I would post words of caution. State things like "Hey remember how things went with Klingons? Be careful what you wish for."

    And I was insulted, ignored, flamed, whatevs.

    Now here we are. You CAN do exactly what you all wished for. Play a Romulan. Fly a D'Deridex.

    Yet here are all these posts complaining about both of those things. Multiple threads hating on the D'Deridex. And threads like this hating on Cryptic for finally giving you all what you wished for ... playable Romulans.

    I'm not one of those who hates the D'D... I think it's great! I'm cool with flying a slow ship. never really was a fan of escorts.

    The Romulan Republic may not be the same Romulan government that we saw in the TV show, but a large chunk of that government got killed by Shinzon. It makes sense that the Romulans would have cultural turmoil.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think what is needed is a block diagram flowchart. The developer can map out the different paths of choice. That way they can have different missions presented depending on the choices made during gameplay. The different paths can be mapped with simple variables such as "A" or "B". Say there is a choice in dialogue to execute someone ("A") or let them go("B"). When you pick choice "B", it stores its letter variable and you get missions only on the "B" list. Variable A would take you towards the Tal shiar and variable B would take you towards the Republic.

    It seems easy enough. If there is a technical reason why it can't be done, please tell me what it is. Ever read a "choose your own adventure book"? If not, look it up in a search engine. Remember also that it takes a minimum of 3 legs to hold up a vessel.

    Romulans need their own faction all the way to the end of the game. A 4 legged vessel is even more sturdy though. So go ahead and add the Cardassians also as playable faction.
    The problem there is the sheer number of mission variants that would eventually result in.

    I've read quite a lot of the Choose Your Own Adventure books. They had a flaw. The plots tended to branch and diverge completely. They rarely flowed from point a to Z. Often every choice you made would lead to a completely different ending. I'm not even going to bother discussing the details of the specific stories(and how some had choices that were totally arbitrary with equally arbitrary resutls[Time Tunnel]).

    Writing one to be really good, and I've seen some really good ones, is hard, and takes a lot longer than writing a single storyline. In a computer game.... that translates into more glitches due to the increased (behind the scenes) complexity.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • pweistheworstpweistheworst Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    Well, I must say that I completely disagree with the OP. Just check my sig. for reference. ;)

    Do Romulans fly ships than others can't fly? Yes.
    Do Romulans wear uniforms others can't wear? Yes.
    Does RR have unique species that only belong to them? Yes.
    Do they have their own social zones not accessible by other factions? Yes, they do - a faction hub and a flotilla in space.
    Do Romulans have unique to them game mechanic? They sure do, completely different starships and space combat.
    What is the colour of my default UI? Green.
    What logo do I see on other members of the faction? The Romulan Republic one on players allied with KDF as well as players allied with Fed.
    Do they have their story progression? Not only they have, but they have the best one in STO.
    Do Romulans have exclusive nemessis? Yes, Elachi.
    Who do I take my orders from? Romulan Republic representatives.
    Oh, and I just read - there will be 16 new traits on the Doffs from the Tal'Shiar Lockbox, 8 of which are exclusive to the Romulan Republic and not availible for Fed/KDF. Hmmm...

    Yup, sounds like a faction to me! :)

    It's not fair to say the Romulan Republic is not a faction only on the basis of the alliances and Starbases. Like another player mentioned in this thread - the Romulan Republic is a work in progress. Eventually, more and more gaps will be filled for them and it will work well with the story the devs. started to tell - they start from ashes and slowly start rebuilding their power and the Romulan influence in the quadrant through the new Republic. I personally love the story they're telling, it's very Trek and I hope they develop it and continue telling it in seasons to come.

    I really want Romulans to have their own starbases and not be tied to allies (which just doesn't make sense because the FED and KDF are at war with each other and neither would tolerate an "ally" who is also "allied" to the enemy).

    However, my concern now is that since Cryptic made the poor choice of tethering the Romulan faction to both the FED and KDF we will have a complicated situation whenever we eventually get Romulan starbases:

    What happens to all the Romulan players currently tied to a FED or KDF fleet?

    I just joined the Praetorian Guard fleet, a KDF fleet that was specifically created to be a "Romulan" fleet but it is technically a KDF starbase. What happens if our Romulan and Reman fleet members contribute massive amounts of resources and build up a T3 embassy and a T5 starbase and then the Cryptic devs finally add the Romulan fleet option?

    Do we get kicked out of our current fleets and will we be forced to start over from scratch with a new fleet that is specific to the Romulan faction?

    Again, I actually WANT my Romulan and Reman toons to be able to have a true Romulan fleet/starbase but I'm just acknowledging that the devs sort of created a nasty mess by allowing us to ally with the FED or KDF factions ... if they plan to eventually make the ROM faction a true stand-alone faction with its own starbases.
    In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."

    Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't think anyone will disagree with you. Anyone that does, well... ignore them. They're either going to be clueless, or they're going to be sucking up to the boss.

    The Romulan Republic should have been it's own true faction from Day #1. I don't buy the reasons Cryptic gave us as to why it was not done this way.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    flash525 wrote: »
    I don't think anyone will disagree with you. Anyone that does, well... ignore them. They're either going to be clueless, or they're going to be sucking up to the boss.
    Really? You decided to go there? Fine. I agree with shpoks.

    It would have been nice to have more playable options at launch, but... didn't happen. QQing about what you wish the game would have been instead of what it actually was has 2 issues. 1: it ignores the reality of game development. 2: it's based on your idea as to what YOU wanted the game to be and not the game the devs were actually writing.

    All of the talk of "Romulans need Romulan fleets!" ignores one basic reality.... Fleets take a lot of time and effort to build. YOU might be willing to start over from scratch, but there are a lot of people who AREN'T....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • jalbindijalbindi Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Romulan Campaign isn't actually too bad. I really enjoyed but it seemed a little short. I do agree with some of the players here that currently within the story as things stand either the Romulan players have to choose Federation or KDF, which I think for the purpose of the storyline is fine but it does leave things hanging in the air.

    Here's what I would have liked to have seen (Or possibly see if Romulans are developed more)

    1) Opportunity to end the RSE altogether. Currently the Republic controls part of Tau Dewa, the Tal Shiar isn't completely gone (Only Hakeev), Sela is held by the Iconians and the Star Empire can still moderately function.

    If we're going to have a Republic let's just have 20 or so missions to establish it across ALL Romulan space.

    2) Stand alone faction. There's no resolution to SF or KDF support. At some point the Romulans need to stand on their own as their own entity and be done with flying KDF or SF ships. Make it a proper faction that can fly Romulan & Reman ships alone.

    I think this would be ideal through a series of storyline missions that lead up to it as opposed to a whole update that patches it in but then I'm a storyline person and we had to go through a storyline to get into this situation to begin with, so let's use the storyline to get out of it.

    That pretty much sums up my thoughts. I really do enjoy playing as a Romulan and I've no interest in playing the other two factions at the moment so I hope the developers do a bit more to pan out the Romulan story.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jalbindi wrote: »
    The Romulan Campaign isn't actually too bad. I really enjoyed but it seemed a little short. I do agree with some of the players here that currently within the story as things stand either the Romulan players have to choose Federation or KDF, which I think for the purpose of the storyline is fine but it does leave things hanging in the air.

    Here's what I would have liked to have seen (Or possibly see if Romulans are developed more)

    1) Opportunity to end the RSE altogether. Currently the Republic controls part of Tau Dewa, the Tal Shiar isn't completely gone (Only Hakeev), Sela is held by the Iconians and the Star Empire can still moderately function.

    If we're going to have a Republic let's just have 20 or so missions to establish it across ALL Romulan space.

    2) Stand alone faction. There's no resolution to SF or KDF support. At some point the Romulans need to stand on their own as their own entity and be done with flying KDF or SF ships. Make it a proper faction that can fly Romulan & Reman ships alone.

    I think this would be ideal through a series of storyline missions that lead up to it as opposed to a whole update that patches it in but then I'm a storyline person and we had to go through a storyline to get into this situation to begin with, so let's use the storyline to get out of it.

    That pretty much sums up my thoughts. I really do enjoy playing as a Romulan and I've no interest in playing the other two factions at the moment so I hope the developers do a bit more to pan out the Romulan story.
    Not a bad idea. It does have problems though.

    1: One of the defining characteristics of a true Republic is that membership is entirely voluntary. That being said, I would love to see the Republic expand.

    2: The issue here is that it would result in removing gear from the players. This is a bad idea for multiple reasons. Currently RRF and RRK can use consoles "salvaged" from Z-store ships of their ally.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • jalbindijalbindi Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not a bad idea. It does have problems though.

    1: One of the defining characteristics of a true Republic is that membership is entirely voluntary. That being said, I would love to see the Republic expand.

    2: The issue here is that it would result in removing gear from the players. This is a bad idea for multiple reasons. Currently RRF and RRK can use consoles "salvaged" from Z-store ships of their ally.

    Removing gear isn't actually as bad as it seems. From what we know of the Remans they are very good engineers (Scimitar?) so it's not a far stretch to incorporate the Reman engineering into a fully developed Romulan faction, we already get limited tech from the Reman Resistance (Rewards from "Cutting The Chord & Darkness Before Dawn Missions) and from the looks of the STO wiki page, that is a sub-faction of the Romulan Republic.

    With a bit of continuity it wouldn't be impossible to see the Reman Resistance be the backbone of Romulan Republic technology if it stood separate from both the Federation and the Klingons.

    The foundations are in place, with some tweaks here and there it is entirely plausible to see this come to fruition for the Romulan faction.
  • andersonthefirstandersonthefirst Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Maybe we'll be a stand-alone faction in the next season?
    [Subcommander Rogul Amahla - R.R.W. D'dara - Mogai Heavy Warbird]
    [Lieutenant Brigit Jones - U.S.S. Brigit - NCC-93039 - Light Cruiser]
    [Lieutenant Justin Leijdekker - U.S.S. Normandy - NCC-93765 - Light Cruiser]
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