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    wotertoolwotertool Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    When you guys use "big" as a reason for a slow turn time, then I would love to hear why the Miranda Class has a base turn rate of 11,4, the Intrepid 12 and the Fleet Patrol Escort 16?

    The Miranda should be the most agile, followed by the Intrepid and the Fleet Patrol, but the last 2 shouldn't differ in " 4 turn rate"

    The Negh'Var class has a turn rate of 9. That's "3" slower than the Miranda. While Patrol Escort is 5 times faster than the Miranda.

    The Negh'Var is huge (at least in Star Trek). It should have a turn time of 6 or lower, according to you guys.

    Big doesn't mean less maneuverable - especially in Space.
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,847 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The Scimitar as a playable ship for players would be the next in a long line of stupid mistakes made by this company and it's owner Perfect World Entertainment.

    Even with gameplay taken into account and trying to balance it with existing ships (which Cryptic doesn't do anymore, just look at all the ships that are now obsolete, KDF Bird of Prey's, Nebula class, D'Kyr to name a few) they could never truly give players the sense they are flying the Scimitar. Best to leave it as a NPC boss ship and make a smaller line of Reman ships using the same design style as the scimitar like they have done for the new Adapted Tal'Shair ships rather than adding in Nero's ship from Star Trek XI.

    Reman escorts anyone? Call them Strike Warbirds and have them similar to the Klingon Bird of Prey's just without the universal BOFF slots just give them one single Commander Universal slot so they can have some adaptability. Got to take the singularity cores into consideration, some of those powers are sweet like a free gravity well.

    We got the Jem Dread, which is another large ship, even be bigger than the Scimitar. So size doesn't matter a whole lot.

    People who are expecting two layers of shielding that will stay up while cloaked which they can fire need to dream on. People who are expecting a killer whale to handle like a dolphin can also dream on.

    We already have Scimitar's in game and they aren't that powerful, the only thing that makes it really powerful than the next ship is the Thalaron Beam. Lets face it, Romulans are about huge ships, the D'Deridex was massive compared to the Galaxy.
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    tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    And were exactly did those come from?

    Reman are not exactly developed but so far they been put under "they were part of the RSE but we never seen them" with several different origin stories, regardless they never had any shipbuilding capability as they were subjugated by the Romulans for at least 4 millennium.

    4 Millenniums? 4000 years? despite the fact that Romulans broke away from Vulcans 2000 years ago? 4 centuries maybe, but 4 millenniums is highly unlikely, that would mean that romulus and remus were discovered by vulcans a long time ago, some stayed and turned into the first romulans well before the sundering and the colony was lost at some point....
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    erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    felderburg wrote: »
    If the Romulans get the Scimitar, the Feds should get Jupiter or Typhoon, and KDF should get something similar.

    The Federation already has the odyssey class and the KDF have the Bortasqu.

    The Scimitar will fill the void that the Romulans currently have pertaining to a Flagship.

    IMO the Feds and the KDF should not see anything due to the introduction of the Romulan Scimitar except Green.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lianthelia wrote: »
    We got the Jem Dread, which is another large ship, even be bigger than the Scimitar. So size doesn't matter a whole lot.

    People who are expecting two layers of shielding that will stay up while cloaked which they can fire need to dream on. People who are expecting a killer whale to handle like a dolphin can also dream on.

    We already have Scimitar's in game and they aren't that powerful, the only thing that makes it really powerful than the next ship is the Thalaron Beam. Lets face it, Romulans are about huge ships, the D'Deridex was massive compared to the Galaxy.

    I don't think it's the size of the ship in question.

    I think it's what the Scimitar did in "Nemesis" compared to what's supposed to be right in balance in STO gameplay. There are serious pitfalls to consider with a playable Scimitar.

    If a canon-correct Scimitar is made playable, it will easily be OP. Effective cloak with shields and weapons firing? Firepower equal to a small flotilla of warships? Thelaron weapons? Massive ship that took tremendous damage and was quite nimble? Large hangar full of Scorpion Fighters? Easily, this ship would suffer a massive nerf. A nerf hit so strong that Master Yoda would feel the shockwaves in the Force all the way from Dagobah.

    "Nerf bat, swung it has... Hmm, yes?"

    If a STO-balanced Scimitar is made playable, there will be legions of players moaning they don't have an OP ship like what was shown in "Nemesis."

    If the Scimitar gets implemented, I predict these generalities about it:
    - 2 hangar carrier
    - Turn Rate 5
    - Offensively strong like the JHDC.
    - Lacking the bells and whistles that made the Scimitar "the Scimitar" in "Nemesis."
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,847 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I don't think it's the size of the ship in question.

    I think it's what the Scimitar did in "Nemesis" compared to what's supposed to be right in balance in STO gameplay. There are serious pitfalls to consider with a playable Scimitar.

    If a canon-correct Scimitar is made playable, it will easily be OP. Effective cloak with shields and weapons firing? Firepower equal to a small flotilla of warships? Thelaron weapons? Massive ship that took tremendous damage and was quite nimble? Large hangar full of Scorpion Fighters? Easily, this ship would suffer a massive nerf. A nerf hit so strong that Master Yoda would feel the shockwaves in the Force all the way from Dagobah.

    "Nerf bat, swung it has... Hmm, yes?"

    If a STO-balanced Scimitar is made playable, there will be legions of players moaning they don't have an OP ship like what was shown in "Nemesis."

    If the Scimitar gets implemented, I predict these generalities about it:
    - 2 hangar carrier
    - Turn Rate 5
    - Offensively strong like the JHDC.
    - Lacking the bells and whistles that made the Scimitar "the Scimitar" in "Nemesis."

    How many ships can we honestly say are similar to the ways they are in canon? We already have a Scimitar in game and its not flying around with it shields are up while cloaked and pelting us with weapon fire.

    How many times have anyone ever heard of a single ship soloing a Borg Cube in canon? By that right why don't people complain that the Sovereign doesn't have the dozens of phaser arrays it did in canon? What makes the Scimitar so magical and not the others?
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    quiiliitiilaquiiliitiila Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lianthelia wrote: »
    How many ships can we honestly say are similar to the ways they are in canon? We already have a Scimitar in game and its not flying around with it shields are up while cloaked and pelting us with weapon fire.

    While I generally agree with the idea that the game is NOT canon at all, I don't think the above argument is fair. Had the devs known that they were going to make a Romulan faction and a playable Scimitar when they first designed the NPC Scimitar, it would most likely be a very different ship.
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lianthelia wrote: »
    How many ships can we honestly say are similar to the ways they are in canon? We already have a Scimitar in game and its not flying around with it shields are up while cloaked and pelting us with weapon fire.

    How many times have anyone ever heard of a single ship soloing a Borg Cube in canon? By that right why don't people complain that the Sovereign doesn't have the dozens of phaser arrays it did in canon? What makes the Scimitar so magical and not the others?

    It's special because it was shown as being an 'uber ship'.

    People wanted the Vesta to be an 'uber ship' as well. It basically is, but that wasn't enough for some people when it was released though.

    People are wanting the Scimitar to be the 'uber ship' it was in Nemesis, and are going to greatly disappoint themselves over it if it's released. Because no matter what it is, it won't be enough for what some folks are wanting.

    A thought on the original Scimitar: A good reasoning to put in why player-Scimitars won't have the energy weapons while cloaked, won't have the shields while cloaked, etc etc is this...Because you could argue that it was only a system on the original Scimitar, and that maybe it was the only version of that ship to have those particular systems. Hence why NPC Scimitars do not have their shields while cloaked, and cannot fire any energy weapons in cloak, nor is it a 'perfect cloak' as well, and instead is just a standard battle cloak.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    cidstormcidstorm Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The scimitar is actually smaller than a D'D so I bet it will at least have a TR of 6.
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    quiiliitiilaquiiliitiila Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    cidstorm wrote: »
    The scimitar is actually smaller than a D'D so I bet it will at least have a TR of 6.

    Is it? Wow... I guess I really haven't seen them together before now that I think about it :P
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    cidstormcidstorm Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Is it? Wow... I guess I really haven't seen them together before now that I think about it :P

    There are places that take the official the measurements of ships and their digital models to create volume estimates. They probably aren't exact for the old model ships, but they get darn close. The scimitar is mostly just a big central hull with super thin flappy wings.
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,847 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    People can't have all that they want, I like the Scimitar and I want one...but I'm not gonna trick myself into believing it will be the most powerful player ship ever by a long shot.

    I'm not expecting it to have shields up and be able to fire while cloaked, just like I'm not expecting the Sovereign to have 3 times as many front and rear beam arrays. If people are going to be upset that the thing isn't a game breaking monster than tough.

    It will save them 25 to 50 dollars...
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    insanerandomnesinsanerandomnes Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I estimate that if we get a 3-pack, which we probably will, cause this will be the romulan flagship like the oddy and bortasqu, then it will be about half as powerful as the scimitar in nemesis. My predictions are as follows:

    1 hanger bay on all types. The original was not a carrier, it was a dreadnought.

    moderate speed and turn, something like 7-8 based upon movie and in-game model and performance.

    Console allowing ship to fire energy weapons around 5-10 seconds before exiting warp. Maybe. Big maybe.

    Console allowing shields to remain online, but shield power is reduced to 5. Maybe. Again, big maybe. Shields will not regenerate while under cloak.

    Battle cloak. This is a definite yes.

    Thalaron generator. This is a definite yes. RRW type will not have it likely. Reman type likely will. That solves the moral dilemma.

    This ship will be the dreadnought to end all dreadnoughts though. It'll make the Gal-X look like a runabout, and the assault cruiser will look like an atmospheric transport shuttle. Only the oddy will likely be able to stand against it, and only cause the oddy can truely tank like no other ship.

    And it WILL be here. It's too much of a money grab for PWE for it NOT to be.

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    reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Based on what Dan and Geko have said in various venues:

    There will be a playable Scimitar
    It will NOT be the Romulan flagship (Odyssey/Bortasqu')

    This of course doesn't preclude it from being a 3 pack, since there are other 3 packs.

    The Romulans have several cruisers and escorts, but is lacking in Science, and doesn't have a carrier at all. If I were a betting man I would expect the Scimitar to be a Science Carrier in line with the Atrox, and probably with a non-thalaron version of the thalaron weapon.
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,847 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    reximuz wrote: »
    Based on what Dan and Geko have said in various venues:

    There will be a playable Scimitar
    It will NOT be the Romulan flagship (Odyssey/Bortasqu')

    This of course doesn't preclude it from being a 3 pack, since there are other 3 packs.

    The Romulans have several cruisers and escorts, but is lacking in Science, and doesn't have a carrier at all. If I were a betting man I would expect the Scimitar to be a Science Carrier in line with the Atrox, and probably with a non-thalaron version of the thalaron weapon.

    I have my hopes for a Kar'fi like build for the Scimitar! :P
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    reximuz wrote: »
    The Romulans have several cruisers and escorts, but is lacking in Science, and doesn't have a carrier at all. If I were a betting man I would expect the Scimitar to be a Science Carrier in line with the Atrox, and probably with a non-thalaron version of the thalaron weapon.

    Lacking in science? I dunno man, the Ha'nom does a pretty damn good job at that science thing. The fleet version is even nastier. If I remember right, the Ha'nom has a Cmdr Sci, LtCmdr Sci. That's a LOT of science power. And she also has a turn rate of 10. Not too shabby if you ask me.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    wildweasalwildweasal Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    felderburg wrote: »
    If the Romulans get the Scimitar, the Feds should get Jupiter or Typhoon, and KDF should get something similar.

    no.....the ship is intended to be the flagship of the race and yours as federation is the odyssey the kling have the bor...ugg I cant even spell it and seriously just becsaue one group get something doesent mean you have to get it to smdh
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    lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I still say the Scimitar will be a full carrier the Romulans don't have one, yet they have pretty much everything else, it will either be like the Kar'fi or Atrox, but with battle cloak and probably less hull then the Atrox.

    My guess is Scorpians by default, with T'Liss BoPs pets optional, continuing the growing trend were the poor Atrox is the only full carrier to have no frigates.
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,847 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lordgyor wrote: »
    I still say the Scimitar will be a full carrier the Romulans don't have one, yet they have pretty much everything else, it will either be like the Kar'fi or Atrox, but with battle cloak and probably less hull then the Atrox.

    My guess is Scorpians by default, with T'Liss BoPs pets optional, continuing the growing trend were the poor Atrox is the only full carrier to have no frigates.

    I don't think the Scimitar would be big enough to carry around the Frigates and as long as it would have some punch (more than just a lt tac) I wouldn't care. I'm saving making a Reman just to captain a Scimitar...and if it has one or two hangers I'm gonna level New Romulus rep just so I can put some Scorpions in it!
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    reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Lacking in science? I dunno man, the Ha'nom does a pretty damn good job at that science thing. The fleet version is even nastier. If I remember right, the Ha'nom has a Cmdr Sci, LtCmdr Sci. That's a LOT of science power. And she also has a turn rate of 10. Not too shabby if you ask me.

    Lacking doesn't mean a total absence of. There is basically one science ship, while there are multiple escorts and cruisers
    wildweasal wrote: »
    no.....the ship is intended to be the flagship of the race and yours as federation is the odyssey the kling have the bor...ugg I cant even spell it and seriously just becsaue one group get something doesent mean you have to get it to smdh

    The Scimitar will not be the Romulan Flagship, the devs have already stated this.
    lordgyor wrote: »
    I still say the Scimitar will be a full carrier the Romulans don't have one, yet they have pretty much everything else, it will either be like the Kar'fi or Atrox, but with battle cloak and probably less hull then the Atrox.

    My guess is Scorpians by default, with T'Liss BoPs pets optional, continuing the growing trend were the poor Atrox is the only full carrier to have no frigates.

    I noticed that the "probe" ship from Enterprise showed up in early missions, I wonder if it might show up as a Carrier pet.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lianthelia wrote: »
    How many ships can we honestly say are similar to the ways they are in canon? We already have a Scimitar in game and its not flying around with it shields are up while cloaked and pelting us with weapon fire.

    How many times have anyone ever heard of a single ship soloing a Borg Cube in canon? By that right why don't people complain that the Sovereign doesn't have the dozens of phaser arrays it did in canon? What makes the Scimitar so magical and not the others?

    What makes the Scimitar so magical? I take it you didn't watch Nemesis, or forgot where when the Scimitar uncloaked to show itself to the Enterprise. Picard ordered an analysis of the Scimitar and was told by Worf along these lines:

    52 pulse disruptor cannons
    27 photon torpedo launchers
    Primary and secondary shields

    The astonished Picard simply calls her "a predator."

    Here is the Sovereign's armament:

    12 phaser arrays (before refit)
    16 phaser arrays {after refit}
    1 forward quantum torpedo launcher
    3 forward photon torpedo launchers
    6 aft photon torpedo launchers

    Even the Sovereign class, the pride and joy of Starfleet, the foundation of its newest, most powerful technology, pales in comparison to the Scimitar. The Scimitar handles very well in its battle scenes. Shields are *up* while Cloaked and is free to fire. The Enterprise cannot crack its cloaking device, despite having a crew that is the cream of the crop of Starfleet, and its best Captain in active service.

    That is what makes a canon-correct Scimitar "magical." Because it's the most powerful warship ever made in any of the major factions of the IP.

    The Jem'Hadar Battleship shown in DS9 is assuredly powerful, but we don't have much in the way of canon information as to what kind and amount of weapons they were equipped with. We know it to be much more massive than the Galaxy, and much more powerful, but no numbers and better information given at all, which is surprising for a ship that had several appearances in DS9. At least with the Scimitar, you had a movie scene actually spouting off its armaments to awe the audience.

    And with the Scimitar not being Nemesis-canon in its implementation, which if you look alot at in this thread that many want it that way, there will be alot more complaining with the Romulans. If you think the complaints about the Galaxy are big, wait until people see that they cannot have the Scimitar that they saw in Nemesis.

    Mark my words on that.
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,847 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    What makes the Scimitar so magical? I take it you didn't watch Nemesis, or forgot where when the Scimitar uncloaked to show itself to the Enterprise. Picard ordered an analysis of the Scimitar and was told by Worf along these lines:

    52 pulse disruptor cannons
    27 photon torpedo launchers
    Primary and secondary shields

    The astonished Picard simply calls her "a predator."

    Here is the Sovereign's armament:

    12 phaser arrays (before refit)
    16 phaser arrays {after refit}
    1 forward quantum torpedo launcher
    3 forward photon torpedo launchers
    6 aft photon torpedo launchers

    Even the Sovereign class, the pride and joy of Starfleet, the foundation of its newest, most powerful technology, pales in comparison to the Scimitar. The Scimitar handles very well in its battle scenes. Shields are *up* while Cloaked and is free to fire. The Enterprise cannot crack its cloaking device, despite having a crew that is the cream of the crop of Starfleet, and its best Captain in active service.

    That is what makes a canon-correct Scimitar "magical." Because it's the most powerful warship ever made in any of the major factions of the IP.

    The Jem'Hadar Battleship shown in DS9 is assuredly powerful, but we don't have much in the way of canon information as to what kind and amount of weapons they were equipped with. We know it to be much more massive than the Galaxy, and much more powerful, but no numbers and better information given at all, which is surprising for a ship that had several appearances in DS9. At least with the Scimitar, you had a movie scene actually spouting off its armaments to awe the audience.

    And with the Scimitar not being Nemesis-canon in its implementation, which if you look alot at in this thread that many want it that way, there will be alot more complaining with the Romulans. If you think the complaints about the Galaxy are big, wait until people see that they cannot have the Scimitar that they saw in Nemesis.

    Mark my words on that.

    Yeah...and if you make the Scimitar a stupid powerful player ship in the game like a few insane idiots want I can guarantee you just about everyone person in the game will start a storm of complaints that will end in many cancelled accounts.

    So whats worse? A few whiners who want a true I win button or the masses who would complain and quit if it were actually made a I win button?

    Lets face it, these ships aren't what they were in the shows/movies. The Scimitar isn't going to be some god mode player ship just as a Cube which took a fleet to kill in most cases is soloable by players.
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    avengerkid1993avengerkid1993 Member Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    borg cubes were very strong in the 24th century, but star trek online is set in the 25th century.

    consider that in "The best of Both Worlds" (year 2366) a single cube destroyed an entire Fed Fleet.

    in "First Contact" (year 2373) instead, the starfleet managed to destroy it.
    in seven years the starfleet has become strong enough to destroy borg cubes.

    it is not surprising if, after a century, a well equipped ship can destroy a borg cube.

    but here we are discussing about the scimitar:

    do you agree it should have more firepower than a standard ship ?
    do you want a cruiser ?

    ok, let make it a cruiser.
    but don't make it absolutely unmaneuvrable and give it a good BOff and Console Layout.

    what do you think about this:

    Power: +10 Weapons, +10 Auxiliary
    Shield Mod: 1.15
    Base Hull: 40.000
    Weapons: 4-4
    Impulse Mod: 0.2
    BaseTurn: 7

    Eng/Sci/Tac: 4-2-4
    Warp Core: Singularity

    Cmd: Tac
    Lt.Cmd: Eng
    Lt: Univ
    Lt: Univ
    Ens: Univ

    Romulan Battle Cloak
    Can Equip Cannons

    Special Equipment:

    Thalaron Warp Core:
    +7.5 - +20 to Aux
    +5 Max Aux
    12 Max Warp Factor

    Reman Disruptor Heavy Cannon Battery [Dmg]x2 [Acc]x2
    300 Disruptor Damage (x4 shot) (330 DPS)
    45' targeting arc
    10km range
    1 sec recharge
    to self: -15 weapons power
    to target: 2.5% chance -10 Damage Resistance for 15 sec.
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    personally i think it should have 5 forwards weapon slots and 3 aft. Boff layout like the other 2 flag ships, but i can't see a turnrate higher than 7 with this ship. under cloak it would be much higher anyway.

    maybe, only maybe if the designers dare, an enhanced battle cloak (able to fire torps and mines while cloaked)
    Go pro or go home
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,847 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    borg cubes were very strong in the 24th century, but star trek online is set in the 25th century.

    consider that in "The best of Both Worlds" (year 2366) a single cube destroyed an entire Fed Fleet.

    in "First Contact" (year 2373) instead, the starfleet managed to destroy it.
    in seven years the starfleet has become strong enough to destroy borg cubes.

    it is not surprising if, after a century, a well equipped ship can destroy a borg cube.

    but here we are discussing about the scimitar:

    do you agree it should have more firepower than a standard ship ?
    do you want a cruiser ?

    ok, let make it a cruiser.
    but don't make it absolutely unmaneuvrable and give it a good BOff and Console Layout.

    what do you think about this:

    Power: +10 Weapons, +10 Auxiliary
    Shield Mod: 1.15
    Base Hull: 40.000
    Weapons: 4-4
    Impulse Mod: 0.2
    BaseTurn: 7

    Eng/Sci/Tac: 4-2-4
    Warp Core: Singularity

    Cmd: Tac
    Lt.Cmd: Eng
    Lt: Univ
    Lt: Univ
    Ens: Univ

    Romulan Battle Cloak
    Can Equip Cannons

    Special Equipment:

    Thalaron Warp Core:
    +7.5 - +20 to Aux
    +5 Max Aux
    12 Max Warp Factor

    Reman Disruptor Heavy Cannon Battery [Dmg]x2 [Acc]x2
    300 Disruptor Damage (x4 shot) (330 DPS)
    45' targeting arc
    10km range
    1 sec recharge
    to self: -15 weapons power
    to target: 2.5% chance -10 Damage Resistance for 15 sec.

    Yes they managed to destroy it, but only because Picard had intimate knowledge of the Borg...you trying to tell me you think Starfleet would of won that day if Picard hadn't ignored orders...in the end telling them exactly where to fire.

    You act as if in decades the Borg wouldn't upgrade at all, the Borg weren't seen for decades before they returned to our neck of the woods...you don't think they would take the time to grow and advance and assimilate more? It hasn't even been a century...hell it hasn't even been half a century.

    By your logic Starfleet and the KDF should have made such advancements in design and power that the Scimitar wouldn't be special any more. So there you go problem solved and no the Scimitar shouldn't be OP.
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    avengerkid1993avengerkid1993 Member Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lianthelia wrote: »
    Yes they managed to destroy it, but only because Picard had intimate knowledge of the Borg...you trying to tell me you think Starfleet would of won that day if Picard hadn't ignored orders...in the end telling them exactly where to fire.

    You act as if in decades the Borg wouldn't upgrade at all, the Borg weren't seen for decades before they returned to our neck of the woods...you don't think they would take the time to grow and advance and assimilate more? It hasn't even been a century...hell it hasn't even been half a century.

    By your logic Starfleet and the KDF should have made such advancements in design and power that the Scimitar wouldn't be special any more. So there you go problem solved and no the Scimitar shouldn't be OP.

    mmm na, as has been said in "First Contact": the Borg do not evolve, they conquer.
    and no, starfleet should not be able to win that battle without Picard's knowledge, but if you remember the first battles, when starfleet's weapons were totally useless, and the battle in "First Contact" ...

    however: the Scimitar is a Romulan ship, and romulan (like FED and KDF) evolved.

    and its strenght was not in superior technology, but in superior weaponry, shielding and manuevrability.

    the scimitar's ship design was its own strenght.
    ok, there is the perfect cloak and the thalaron generator, but hey: don't tell me that the enterprise would have survived if the scimitar had fired all weapons, even without the perfect cloaking and secoundary shield.

    the simitar was a superior ship: its firepower was equal to a small fleet.
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,847 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mmm na, as has been said in "First Contact": the Borg do not evolve, they conquer.
    and no, starfleet should not be able to win that battle without Picard's knowledge, but if you remember the first battles, when starfleet's weapons were totally useless, and the battle in "First Contact" ...

    however: the Scimitar is a Romulan ship, and romulan (like FED and KDF) evolved.

    and its strenght was not in superior technology, but in superior weaponry, shielding and manuevrability.

    the scimitar's ship design was its own strenght.
    ok, there is the perfect cloak and the thalaron generator, but hey: don't tell me that the enterprise would have survived if the scimitar had fired all weapons, even without the perfect cloaking and secoundary shield.

    the simitar was a superior ship: its firepower was equal to a small fleet.

    Then why are the Borg a problem at all? It they are the same as they were half a century ago then the Federation and the Empires should easily trash their inferior technology.

    You can't really gauge maneuverability of a ship that was seen standing still most of the time it was uncloaked and Romulan cloak makes ships more maneuverable while cloaked so that's already taken care of by the system.

    Not to mention you don't know how being that armed would handle in the long term, for all you know the kind of Scimitar in Nemesis would have burned out in months if not weeks. It was pretty much built to destroy Earth...but it didn't even do that.


    That's the Scimitar in game...nothing special and the only significant thing of damage is the pulse and that damage is easily avoidable.
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    quiiliitiilaquiiliitiila Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lianthelia wrote: »


    That's the Scimitar in game...nothing special and the only significant thing of damage is the pulse and that damage is easily avoidable.

    Just to be fair, the current IG NPC Scimitar most likely would be COMPLETELY different if at the time of it's creation the devs knew they were going to one day make it a playable ship and make the Remans/Romulans playable.

    Because they were not privy to this information when they first made the Scimitar, they merely made it a tough ship with the biogenic pulse. At the time that was really all they needed to do to make it a "dreadnought" with a unique Romulan/Reman flair.

    More than likely when it does come out the NPC ships will be upgraded to match or at least get a touch up.
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