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The Elachi are ridiculus!

diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Why are we even bothering to fight the Elachi? Clearly they are invincible space gods, and we should probably just roll over and let them do whatever they please. Because honestly, after seeing the Elachi command ship wave at new Romulus wipe out the entire fleet (bar the hero ships, who are basically on an endless repair cycle), and dieing five times before taking down a single shield facing on the command ship while flying the D'Deridex, I honestly don't even know where to begin? Who exactly finds repeated death for no gain fun? :confused:
This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
Post edited by diotw on


  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    never bothered leveling up that high, again, but it sounds like theres an actually challenging mission to look forward too. unless all this wineing about it gets it nerfed into nothing. seriously, the average pve'er uses their ship to about 10% of its potential, and the devs balance the pve based on those people. thats why space pve is so frigging bad.
  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This mission got so irritating I ended up throwing on my cloak and letting the Fed and KDF allied ships do the dirty work. Just couldn't stand it any more. The difficulty spike on the last wave is insane, I had gone through the entire Elachi mission arc without difficulty (although not without frustration - seriously, they're the most annoying enemies to date) until that point. Every ship in that wave has a huge area of effect attack, they all can trap you. So you get hit by inescapble tractor beams, then whallopped by multiple AoE kill shots. And by the time you respawn and fly back, they've recharged their abilities, and the whole thing starts over again! Also, their damage appears to bypass shields almost entirely, and when they do attack your shields, I've had full strength facings drop entirely in a single volley.

    Edit: I know my setup is probably considerably weaker than my setups on Holodeck, seeing as how it's much harder to come by the good gear on Tribble. The Exchange has seemed practically empty at times. Even so, given the level this mission is supposed to be played at, I would expect the majority of players will be coming at it with the low end gear they've been picking up through their levelling up, and are in for a very nasty surprise. My only comfort was knowing it was the last mission in the Elachi arc, so I wouldn't be facing them again for a while.

    Seriously, I was prepared to just let them have New Romulus by the end. Would you miss it? Is it worth it?
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • nadiezjanadiezja Member Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    never bothered leveling up that high, again, but it sounds like theres an actually challenging mission to look forward too. unless all this wineing about it gets it nerfed into nothing. seriously, the average pve'er uses their ship to about 10% of its potential, and the devs balance the pve based on those people. thats why space pve is so frigging bad.

    Know what? No. No, I'm done with reading these posts and not responding.

    The game is appropriately challenging. It's balanced so the average player can work their way through it without undue frustration, and optional challenges, like elite STFs, are present to push more advanced players to their limits. If it were harder, especially during the leveling process, it would chase away a LOT more players than the extra difficulty would draw in.

    And being good enough at the game that you complain about it being boring... well, for starters, I honestly don't believe you are. I finish significantly more elite STFs than I don't, while playing pick-up groups. I've beaten Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels. I've beaten Through the Fire and the Flames on Hard. I've been playing video games since the days of Nintendo Hard, and I have to say this:

    I don't like playing the same thing over and over again and failing. That happens more than enough in daily life, to everyone, that I feel no need to have it in my entertainment as well. I've paid my dues, both in life and in gaming, and I'm done. And, if STO decides to rush the fake difficulty train with ridiculously over-statted enemies and one-hit kills in the basic story content, I will be done with the game. And so will a lot more people than the number who say, "Wow, STO's frustrating and unfair! I can't wait to try it!"
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nadiezja wrote: »
    Know what? No. No, I'm done with reading these posts and not responding

    can I ask you something ?
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • vitzhvitzh Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2013
    Sure it's not just you being bad at fighting the Elachi?
  • silverserasilversera Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So I didn't go past Nimbus to not spoil myself, but I am curious do the elachi at least use a new and interesting damage type ? or is it the same old Antiproton/plasma/disruptor whatever just with inflated numbers?
  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To be honest, I'm not certain what they're using. Whatever it is, they took out the entire NPC fleet in less than a minute, leaving my ship as the only one capable of doing anything. Not a fun situation.
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hrmmm, there is an issue with that mission - imho - that results in your first death. You end up stuck out front and get slaughtered as everything targets you. It's kind of funny, imho. After that though, uh - my experience was not the same in the least.

    I was actually going to say it would be nifty if the rest of the NPCs got a sort of pass to be brought up to the level of the Elachi. They've got the best AI I've seen in STO. Sure, it's still catering to the casual player - but I could see it being applied to ESTFs and them actually feeling like ESTFs.

    The encounters before and after the Elachi just pale in comparison...
  • vitzhvitzh Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2013
    Hrmmm, there is an issue with that mission - imho - that results in your first death. You end up stuck out front and get slaughtered as everything targets you. It's kind of funny, imho. After that though, uh - my experience was not the same in the least.

    I was actually going to say it would be nifty if the rest of the NPCs got a sort of pass to be brought up to the level of the Elachi. They've got the best AI I've seen in STO. Sure, it's still catering to the casual player - but I could see it being applied to ESTFs and them actually feeling like ESTFs.

    The encounters before and after the Elachi just pale in comparison...

    I agree, I remember fighting them in the closed beta. People were crying at how hard they were then but in reality, they weren't able to adapt and use tactics to beat them. They are quite a fun and almost dynamic enemy to face, if you don't think before engaging them you'll be screwed.
  • eisenw0lfeisenw0lf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I made it through this mission without getting destroyed. However I used a D'Deridex with an Aux2Bat + dual heavy cannons build and just blasted through the Command Ship's shields using Directed Energy Modulation. Its hull withered away in a matter of seconds. This build is obviously nothing you should expect from a beginner, so I think the devs should consider tuning that final wave a bit to avoid frustration among newcomers.
  • domvinadomvina Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    never bothered leveling up that high, again, but it sounds like theres an actually challenging mission to look forward too. unless all this wineing about it gets it nerfed into nothing. seriously, the average pve'er uses their ship to about 10% of its potential, and the devs balance the pve based on those people. thats why space pve is so frigging bad.

    I apologize the rest of us cannot live up to your level of skill. But such is life. I tip my hat to your grasp of game mechanics. *flourished curtsey*

    However, there are two levels of difficulty above normal and those are intended for people such as yourself who are well versed with and skilled in the application of ship abilities.

    For the rest of us it strongly appears the normal level of this mission has been over-tuned. However, I do hope they leave the difficulty intact at the two higher levels so you may enjoy the challenge.
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    eisenw0lf wrote: »
    I made it through this mission without getting destroyed. However I used a D'Deridex with an Aux2Bat + dual heavy cannons build and just blasted through the Command Ship's shields using Directed Energy Modulation. Its hull withered away in a matter of seconds. This build is obviously nothing you should expect from a beginner, so I think the devs should consider tuning that final wave a bit to avoid frustration among newcomers.

    I'm trying to keep my canon ship builds at least semi-canonically, so I play the D'deridex with single cannons and turrets, the only way to make stuff shoot from the nose. Also, I once cloaked right before a wave arrived and had the feeling that in spite of that all the green targeting funnels of doom were pointed at my unshielded ship.
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They have a few tricks and setups that are designed specifically to counter Romulans. Surprisingly, I think broadside cruisers and kinetic/torpedo/mine ships are probably the best counter to them.

    Their escorts are primarily APO forward attack ships("spearheads", if you will.). Their Frigates are flanking control/cripple ships. Battleships are an all-purpose mix of the two with support capacity, and their Dreadnoughts.. are hunters designed to chase you down and bring the pain-train. Personally, I like the way they fight in space. Their methods are different from the status quo and make you think about what you're doing(and what both you and they will be doing a few seconds from now).

    How they fight on the ground.. is a different story. Getting chain-disabled and interrupted.. simply is not something I find to be an enjoyable expenditure of my time. There are no counters to a lot of it("Here! have a dozen exploding head-crabs, right on top of you and out of thin air!") and you probably spend more time doing nothing/waiting while fighting them instead of.. actually playing the game.
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the idea of the last wave being over amped was also put forward in another post.. I myself somehow ended up with three or four battleships camping the spawn point so i'd die, respawn and be dead again in a couple seconds.. I also think thy need to work on the transparency of the honeycomb shape of the weapons envelope the elachi are using.. Its simply too opaque to get an idea of where you are, where your going or how many of them have you bull's eyed.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    szerontzur wrote: »
    How they fight on the ground.. is a different story. Getting chain-disabled and interrupted.. simply is not something I find to be an enjoyable expenditure of my time. There are no counters to a lot of it("Here! have a dozen exploding head-crabs, right on top of you and out of thin air!") and you probably spend more time doing nothing/waiting while fighting them instead of.. actually playing the game.

    Hrmmm, what kind of weapons/abilities were you running on your guys? I tend to run them with pulsewaves, dual pistols, full autos...things that basically apply the spray and pray methodology. With my guy and my guys running those...nothing gets close. Actually found the ground to be disappointing compared to the space...the ground guys were the typical monster farm - they wait for me to kill them so I can be the hero....yay!

    Can see where if one were using different weapons - then yeah, one could get frustrated/annoyed with them...
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    szerontzur wrote: »

    Their escorts are primarily APO forward attack ships("spearheads", if you will.). Their Frigates are flanking control/cripple ships. Battleships are an all-purpose mix of the two with support capacity, and their Dreadnoughts.. are hunters designed to chase you down and bring the pain-train. Personally, I like the way they fight in space. Their methods are different from the status quo and make you think about what you're doing(and what both you and they will be doing a few seconds from now).

    yeahh, your right.. they are very different than the run of the mill encounter. On a mission i had previous to defence of new romulus i had a battleship and a frigate, and they were feeding each other enough energy to keep them at full capability. I had to take out the frigate before i could take out the battleship. It was a good fight and surprising as well.. I enjoyed it, bu it did kinda riled me a bit ( suckers are just too annoying to not get pissed ).
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    On the one hand I can understand how they can be frustrating to fight at first; on the other, they did teach me how to fly my D'deridex-class Warbird properly. So I'm okay with how they are to be honest.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • sanokskyratsanokskyrat Member Posts: 479 Media Corps
    edited May 2013
    I was using Purple gear from other accounts... and I get my but still kicked.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hrmmm, what kind of weapons/abilities were you running on your guys? I tend to run them with pulsewaves, dual pistols, full autos...things that basically apply the spray and pray methodology. With my guy and my guys running those...nothing gets close. Actually found the ground to be disappointing compared to the space...the ground guys were the typical monster farm - they wait for me to kill them so I can be the hero....yay!

    Can see where if one were using different weapons - then yeah, one could get frustrated/annoyed with them...

    Exclusively the Romulan weapons(all types) with a mix of survivability and control. Come to think of it, chroniton mines would probably be wonderful against the bomb crawlers and walking flame-throwers.

    Probably my main beef though is with not being able to shoot bomb crawlers/'scavengers' off of other people(It's a long, unavoidable animation that is even more punishing than a regular disable - with no chance to break it) and the seemingly instant-cast disable skill that the humanoids chained one after the other.

    They weren't really deadly as, say, the Tholians, but I really did find them quite obnoxious to fight.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    szerontzur wrote: »
    Probably my main beef though is with not being able to shoot bomb crawlers/'scavengers' off of other people(It's a long, unavoidable animation that is even more punishing than a regular disable - with no chance to break it) and the seemingly instant-cast disable skill that the humanoids chained one after the other.

    Not being able to attend to them - remove them - etc...does come off as odd. Cryptic can't really say it's because we might hit our guys while trying to blow them off of them...we shoot through our guys all the time.
  • umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    When I first experienced the mission, my character was already level 50, and I was using a T'varo Retrofit. The two initial waves were pretty well balanced, and generally enjoyable to go through. The final wave was, in contast, such a huge ramping up in difficulty that it became a process of dying and slowly thin out enemy numbers until I managed to compete.

    People are worried whiners will get something 'good' toned down. Well, I'm not a whiner - I'm a tester whom is commenting on the difficulty level. I'm one of those guys whom trudge through the initial STFs and found ways to beat them. I was one of those guys whom was annoyed when they toned down the difficulty of the space enemies during STO's open beta.

    From that standpoint, I'll just lend my voice to those saying that last wave goes too far. It does. It also gets old to get swatted aside like a fly repeatedly. Challenge is nice, but it shouldn't go so far as sour the fun of it either.

    Personally, I'd want the number of enemies to remain the same. The key, I beleive, is to improve the NPC support the player has.

    First of all, I'd increase it, and have some named Romulan Republic ships joining the fray be 'unkillable' as well - using vessels such as the Ha'apax-class R.R.W. Deihu and others can be nice for continuity (and also justify why there's still a flotilla afterwards - because apparently that's what's defending New Romulus).

    Second, I'd suggest changing the unkillable mechanic from 'repairing once disabled' to 'the eternal 1 hitpoint'.That way, the allied ships remain enemy targets.

    The point of this is giving the player proper support so that he not end up under an overwhelming amount of enemy pressure while maintaining the epic feel of being part of a climatic pitched battle for the new Romulan homeworld. Player death should still be possible, but it'd be better to elicit an "Oops" reaction from the player whom got too careless rather than a "Grr, again?!" to one whom is trying to do his best and not finding he can really compete.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    diotw wrote: »
    Why are we even bothering to fight the Elachi? Clearly they are invincible space gods, and we should probably just roll over and let them do whatever they please. Because honestly, after seeing the Elachi command ship wave at new Romulus wipe out the entire fleet (bar the hero ships, who are basically on an endless repair cycle), and dieing five times before taking down a single shield facing on the command ship while flying the D'Deridex, I honestly don't even know where to begin? Who exactly finds repeated death for no gain fun? :confused:

    Maybe because its a test server for new content and not everything is working/balanced right yet?
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did the Defend NR mission in a D'deridex with no tac consoles at all. Just be careful - get on the edge of the battle and whittle them down, retreat when you need to.
    [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
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    Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bio neural plus battle cloak = victory (if you can spare the time)
    Live long and Prosper
  • poeddudepoeddude Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    never bothered leveling up that high, again, but it sounds like theres an actually challenging mission to look forward too. unless all this wineing about it gets it nerfed into nothing. seriously, the average pve'er uses their ship to about 10% of its potential, and the devs balance the pve based on those people. thats why space pve is so frigging bad.

    While my past experience has been that most people do indeed suck at flying their ships, I personally am capable of getting pretty much everything out of a ship that is possible and this final fight is a bit of a chore.

    Its probably something to do with the level you do it at but it is very hard to get close to the command ship, let alone destroy it. It has seriously good shields and shield resistances, auto-distributes shields, has an army of battleships helping it (which spawn little platforms which use extend shields are are harder to kill than they have a right to be) and on top of that, it is a fully fledged carrier with all the trimmings and every ship in their fleet has a toned-down (or not in the case of the dreadnoughts) version of the Scimitar's blast. Oh and they all spam Viral Matrix. Joy.

    And there are 3 of them in the attacking fleet. All grouped together.

    It is a challenging fight. Worth replaying at max level if possible just to test your skill. I suspect even then, with best gear in game, you would die more than a few times.

    There is really no encounter in the game like it. With the exception of Wave 9 or 10 in No Win Scenario. And those you don't do alone.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    szerontzur wrote: »
    They have a few tricks and setups that are designed specifically to counter Romulans. Surprisingly, I think broadside cruisers and kinetic/torpedo/mine ships are probably the best counter to them.

    Their escorts are primarily APO forward attack ships("spearheads", if you will.). Their Frigates are flanking control/cripple ships. Battleships are an all-purpose mix of the two with support capacity, and their Dreadnoughts.. are hunters designed to chase you down and bring the pain-train. Personally, I like the way they fight in space. Their methods are different from the status quo and make you think about what you're doing(and what both you and they will be doing a few seconds from now).
    Yeah I've found a dragon build to be quite effective against them. :D It's especially fun venting warp plasma when you know they're gonna subspace jump in a few seconds. :D
    How they fight on the ground.. is a different story. Getting chain-disabled and interrupted.. simply is not something I find to be an enjoyable expenditure of my time. There are no counters to a lot of it("Here! have a dozen exploding head-crabs, right on top of you and out of thin air!") and you probably spend more time doing nothing/waiting while fighting them instead of.. actually playing the game.
    the face huggers are something that you can shoot before they get to you. If you kill them before they jum,p on you they are actually really easy to deal with. The trick is to see them first.... not always easy. They don't usually actually spawn on top of you. But it you don't pay attention it's easy to walk into them.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    silversera wrote: »
    So I didn't go past Nimbus to not spoil myself, but I am curious do the elachi at least use a new and interesting damage type ? or is it the same old Antiproton/plasma/disruptor whatever just with inflated numbers?

    Their weapons resemble disruptors, but the combat log calls them "Elachi weapons". Not sure what their unique characteristic is yet, but I guarantee we'll find out when the new lockbox launches. :rolleyes:
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the face huggers are something that you can shoot before they get to you. If you kill them before they jum,p on you they are actually really easy to deal with. The trick is to see them first.... not always easy. They don't usually actually spawn on top of you. But it you don't pay attention it's easy to walk into them.

    Oh yeah, it's mostly during Turnabout where you're trying to stop the ship from self-destruction and you get about 8~ of them spawning around you in a circle in the hallway(presumably dropping from the hatches in the ceiling - actually had one get stuck up there). You've only got maybe 2 seconds to react before they all leap at you and leave ya twiddling your thumbs. If you're 'unlucky', you'll get a second one jumping on right after the first one explodes, repeating the cycle of helplessness.

    As for their weapons, I believe they're a type of plasma-disruptor.. although I really want to get my hands on those crescent-shaped cannons.
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nadiezja wrote: »
    Know what? No. No, I'm done with reading these posts and not responding.

    The game is appropriately challenging. It's balanced so the average player can work their way through it without undue frustration, and optional challenges, like elite STFs, are present to push more advanced players to their limits. If it were harder, especially during the leveling process, it would chase away a LOT more players than the extra difficulty would draw in.

    And being good enough at the game that you complain about it being boring... well, for starters, I honestly don't believe you are. I finish significantly more elite STFs than I don't, while playing pick-up groups. I've beaten Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels. I've beaten Through the Fire and the Flames on Hard. I've been playing video games since the days of Nintendo Hard, and I have to say this:

    I don't like playing the same thing over and over again and failing. That happens more than enough in daily life, to everyone, that I feel no need to have it in my entertainment as well. I've paid my dues, both in life and in gaming, and I'm done. And, if STO decides to rush the fake difficulty train with ridiculously over-statted enemies and one-hit kills in the basic story content, I will be done with the game. And so will a lot more people than the number who say, "Wow, STO's frustrating and unfair! I can't wait to try it!"

    just a reminder.... when the game was released it attracted more Star Trek fans who were not gamers or may have been used to archaic games like EQ.

    This people were so - well ill just say it - dumb, that they adjusted the overall difficultly.

    What is the "Normal" setting now, is actually the VERY easy mode they created for these people. About a week before release they renamed the difficulty levels. Easy became normal, Normal advanced and hard elite.

    If you arent playing on Advanced you are actually playing on the setting designed for your grandma. Advanced is actually how the game was designed to be played.
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Elachi themselves aren't hard to fight. The issue with defending New Romulus is that you're massively outnumbered, most of your allies aren't flagged to repair, and several that are stop repairing when the mission progresses. It'd be easy to fix, flag friendly ships as straight up immortal, like your allies in the Tau Dewa patrols, so they never die and never go through a repair cycle. They'll take forever to win the battle on their own, but as long as they're alive the battle is manageable just by soaking up incoming fire.
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