Besides, it was Spock's movement. Spock disappeared 8 years after Nemesis.
well the entire episode was nothing but a Spock vehicle so they had make it sound really important to be worthy of Spock. But yeah I think it was more of a Spock scheme than an actual movement.
But there are breadcrumbs thru DS9 and even TNG that once it was exposed it was dealt with.
Sad that D'Tan wasnt stuck in the sewer when Romulas blew.
Besides, it was Spock's movement. Spock disappeared 8 years after Nemesis.
When you put it like that. Then it makes you wonder how d'tan has 1 supporter let alone many. Spock a Vulcan who failed to save Romulus. Lol yeah let's follow his movement lol if anything it should drive the romulans further away from the reunifcationists. The vulcans refused to help. Also when you start playing d'tan seems rather well established with all them powerful ships. :eek:
When you put it like that. Then it makes you wonder how d'tan has 1 supporter let alone many. Spock a Vulcan who failed to save Romulus. Lol yeah let's follow his movement lol if anything it should drive the romulans further away from the reunifcationists. The vulcans refused to help. Also when you start playing d'tan seems rather well established with all them powerful ships. :eek:
At that point though, it's more about Romulan Separatists than Vulcan Reunificationists. Have to consider the power struggles/rebellions that took place after Hobus through the point you start playing as a Romulan. Sela took over in 2403 from Taris...there was already various forms of chaos/separationist movements taking place before that.
The RSE was not a better place with Sela and the Tal Shiar at the heroic freedom fighters of yore, you end up with D'tan & Company. You choose whether to use the Federation or Klingon Empire to further your goals of rebuilding a new Romulan Republic...
well the entire episode was nothing but a Spock vehicle so they had make it sound really important to be worthy of Spock. But yeah I think it was more of a Spock scheme than an actual movement.
But there are breadcrumbs thru DS9 and even TNG that once it was exposed it was dealt with.
Sad that D'Tan wasnt stuck in the sewer when Romulas blew.
Yeah the underground movement just happened to be off world that day lol
I don't understand why people are so hard for the RSE, an oppressive, evil regime that kidnaps, murders, and experiments on people. You guys must be pretty sick IRL.
You're confussing the RSE for the KDF, honest mistake really... happens to the best of us!
*twirls mustache* "yes, all those slaves, dastardly cowardly frame up jobs, and nefarious thievery for tasty, TASTY Dilithium and EC!! MBUAHAHAHAH!!!"
They didnt change 50 years of established canon from TV, Movies, Books, comics and games.
They didnt change the entire culture of the races.
That's because the RR are not the Romulans you're looking for..
The RR is made to be a generic version of the Star Wars Rebel Alliance (rather than as a Romulan Federation) in order to appeal to as wide and general an audience as they can.
This is their big shot to grow in players and they're betting that putting in a non Trek faction into a Trek game will do it for them. The fact they look like Romulans and use Romulan ships is just a matter of convenience, they could just as easily be "Generic Alien Species #345" and there would be no difference but with a minor rewrite.
That's because the RR are not the Romulans you're looking for..
The RR is made to be a generic version of the Star Wars Rebel Alliance (rather than as a Romulan Federation) in order to appeal to as wide and general an audience as they can.
may as well be one lets see we have welcome feds and kdf in to our space me thinks next FE will be the Rebel Alliance joining the feds and kdf it would make there Rebel Alliance complete :mad:
To be honest I'm willing to bet latinum that the Elachi were a planned Feature Episode series that was scrapped when they decided to do the New Romulus stuff. When they had to write a story for LoR they simply took what they'd already done for the Elachi and shoehorned it into a loose framework of "they're working with people that you hate, it's a conspiracy we promise".
Unfortunately I find little to no reference between the Elachi and anyone else other than Tal Shiar npcs where there clearly should be Elachi, and a one sentence "explainer" in one of the missions "The beings that are also working with the Masters are proving useful."
Technically, the way they've set things up everybody gets only 30 levels of primary 'faction' content. Then you're onto the shared Borg and Undine content and then to the Feature Episodes. So, the Romulan arc isn't any shorter than anybody else's arcs.
Technically, the way they've set things up everybody gets only 30 levels of primary 'faction' content. Then you're onto the shared Borg and Undine content and then to the Feature Episodes. So, the Romulan arc isn't any shorter than anybody else's arcs.
I think the blog on Nimbus suggested that the Fed/KDF get that content as well, so cut out another 5ish levels.
It just keeps getting better:( NOt only did they create fake Romulans they also made them a non-faction:(
We can only wait to see what the future brings, though i personally dont hold much hope for it at the moment. I highly doubt that Cryptic will rewrite levels 11 - 48 just so the romulans can be a real faction. On the other hand, as a klingon I still somehow got involved with the whole dominion thing, but I still reported to klingon authority and not the federation, neither was my charcters identity continually mistaken as being federation officer like my romulan is.
Neither do i believe they will ever give romulans their own fleets.
It just keeps getting better:( NOt only did they create fake Romulans they also made them a non-faction:(
in about 3 days, most everyone else is going to figure that out and I predict social media will be merciless. This is right up there with Jar Jar Binks and The Temporal Cold war. Its a crime against humanity.
If I'm actually a member of the Romulan Republic, why am I forced to grind rep with them despite being a major factor in the "success" of establishing the new homeworld. "Hey that's the guy who found New Romulus and saved us all, let's not trust him". It doesn't make sense.
My guess would be the same reason you have to grind faction and "racial" rep in "that other game." Because your character is new and building a name for himself/herself as part of the story. I imagine if there was Fed and KDF rep then those players would still have to grind that too.
My guess would be the same reason you have to grind faction and "racial" rep in "that other game." Because your character is new and building a name for himself/herself as part of the story. I imagine if there was Fed and KDF rep then those players would still have to grind that too.
Except you can only start the rep grind at level 50. By level 50 I'm a Subadmiral in the Romulan Republic, I've saved the RR from the Tal Shiar, my crew found the new homeworld, I stopped the Elachi invasion and sent them packing, I helped forge the alliances with the Feds and/or KDF, I hunted down Tal Shiar agents in far corners of the galaxy, I intervened with the Remans using Thalaron weapons, heck I've probably even defeated the borg and Donatra. All in the name of the Romulan Republic.
And now they suddenly don't trust me? That makes no sense.
Unless Cryptic wants to admit that Romulans aren't actually a faction and that's why they have to rep grind with the Romulan Republic.
Except you can only start the rep grind at level 50. By level 50 I'm a Subadmiral in the Romulan Republic, I've saved the RR from the Tal Shiar, my crew found the new homeworld, I stopped the Elachi invasion and sent them packing, I helped forge the alliances with the Feds and/or KDF, I hunted down Tal Shiar agents in far corners of the galaxy, I intervened with the Remans using Thalaron weapons, heck I've probably even defeated the borg and Donatra. All in the name of the Romulan Republic.
And now they suddenly don't trust me? That makes no sense.
Unless Cryptic wants to admit that Romulans aren't actually a faction and that's why they have to rep grind with the Romulan Republic.
I get where you're coming from, but I guess for me it just doesn't strike me as something that doesn't make them their own faction. I just see it as a game mechanic that all the factions have to grind regardless of how epic you are in the story.
I get where you're coming from, but I guess for me it just doesn't strike me as something that doesn't make them their own faction. I just see it as a game mechanic that all the factions have to grind regardless of how epic you are in the story.
I could perhaps understand if they let you start grinding it at level 1, but it just doesn't make sense.
That's the problem with most of the Romulan content, it's just shoddy work jammed together piecemeal without any real attention to whether it makes sense or not.
Are you guys playing the same romulan storyline that I did?
The romulans are still:
A: Sneaky Backstabbers, but now with at least a little decency and respect for their own citizens after getting the everliving daylights burned out of them by the Tal Shiar.
B: Seeing that the Federation and Klingons are pulling ahead of them, and asking themselves what those two species have that they don't (IE: Working with others, something that the Romulans now have learned)
C: Are NOT lapdogs, despite what you claim. You don't work for S31 or KDF Intelligence. You may work with them (Oh, like a lot of RL intelligence organizations do), but not FOR them. Just like your alliance with the Federation or Klingons. The whole point is that 90% of the romulan fleet has been wiped out, and you're accepting training and logistical help in rebuilding. Just like, oh... Japan, Afganistan, and dozens of other RL examples (except without the whole 'was in a war with their teachers' part)
They got a wakeup call, because the Tal Shiar DESTROYED the empire with their machinations. Something like 3/4ths of the empire's population and infastructure was on Romulus and Remus, which were wiped out by the lovable example of everything you claim you want to play known as 'Hakaev'. They want to put a stop to those antics from here on out, for fairly understandable reasons.
As for the Elachi, they're thematically and story-wise critical.
They're what the romulans will become if the Tal Shiar have their way. They are the DEWANS. The people Mol'Rihan is inherited from, slaves of the Iconians.
The romulan faction is nearly everything I hoped it would be, and I'm disgusted that someone wants a faction of war criminals and utter monsters instead.
Are you guys playing the same romulan storyline that I did?
The romulans are still:
A: Sneaky Backstabbers, but now with at least a little decency and respect for their own citizens after getting the everliving daylights burned out of them by the Tal Shiar.
B: Seeing that the Federation and Klingons are pulling ahead of them, and asking themselves what those two species have that they don't (IE: Working with others, something that the Romulans now have learned)
C: Are NOT lapdogs, despite what you claim. You don't work for S31 or KDF Intelligence. You may work with them (Oh, like a lot of RL intelligence organizations do), but not FOR them. Just like your alliance with the Federation or Klingons. The whole point is that 90% of the romulan fleet has been wiped out, and you're accepting training and logistical help in rebuilding. Just like, oh... Japan, Afganistan, and dozens of other RL examples (except without the whole 'was in a war with their teachers' part)
They got a wakeup call, because the Tal Shiar DESTROYED the empire with their machinations. Something like 3/4ths of the empire's population and infastructure was on Romulus and Remus, which were wiped out by the lovable example of everything you claim you want to play known as 'Hakaev'. They want to put a stop to those antics from here on out, for fairly understandable reasons.
As for the Elachi, they're thematically and story-wise critical.
They're what the romulans will become if the Tal Shiar have their way. They are the DEWANS. The people Mol'Rihan is inherited from, slaves of the Iconians.
The romulan faction is nearly everything I hoped it would be, and I'm disgusted that someone wants a faction of war criminals and utter monsters instead.
A: One or two missions where you pretend to be part of the Tal Shiar (who have been asking you to join them all along) doesn't make you a sneaky backstabber.
B: Unless you were playing a different storyline, D'Tans rebels are different from the RSE. They need the Fed/KDF help because they can't stand up to the RSE on their own.
C: Once again, you're not the RSE, you're a splinter group of rebels. Maybe you didn't play through the whole story, but after about level 30 you start working for your ally exclusively. I'm about to hit 50 on tribble and for the last 20 levels I've done nothing but missions for Klingons. I guess the Romulan Republic doesn't care about me either, because at level 50 I get to earn reputation with them, which is absolutely ridiculous.
Actually, the RSE wasn't completely destroyed. That's how you still see plenty of Romulans about. Where do you think they all came from? Also it's funny that you blame the entire Tal Shiar for Hakeev's actions. Remember, the Romulan Republic is a splinter group, and doesn't necessarily represent the majority of the Romulans still alive. There could easily be many more Romulans in the Romulan Military who aren't part of the Tal Shiar.
How do you figure the Elachi are "thematically and story-wise critical"? Thematically they're just another random enemy, a role that could have easily been played by the Borg. Or even the Hirogen or the Jem'Hadar, or any of a number of other factions. Story-wise how are they critical? There's really nothing connecting them to the story other than they're the ones that are attacking, and one line of text near the end of their arc. The few missions where there are both Tal Shiar and Elachi, they don't really interact; Hakeev goes on bla bla then the Elachi show up and disappear. I don't remember seeing anything that said the Elachi are the Dewans, did you just make that up?
The fact that you're "disgusted" is just you trying to be insulting. The storylines specifically outline the fact that not everyone's a "war criminal and utter monster" as you suggest. How about Charva? How about all the Romulans that are still part of the RSE yet not the Tal Shiar?
Raging and being insulting at people for pointing out flaws in the story doesn't get you anywhere.
Except you can only start the rep grind at level 50. By level 50 I'm a Subadmiral in the Romulan Republic, I've saved the RR from the Tal Shiar, my crew found the new homeworld, I stopped the Elachi invasion and sent them packing, I helped forge the alliances with the Feds and/or KDF, I hunted down Tal Shiar agents in far corners of the galaxy, I intervened with the Remans using Thalaron weapons, heck I've probably even defeated the borg and Donatra. All in the name of the Romulan Republic.
And now they suddenly don't trust me? That makes no sense.
Unless Cryptic wants to admit that Romulans aren't actually a faction and that's why they have to rep grind with the Romulan Republic.
Yeah, yeah, but what have you done for them lately?:D
Are you guys playing the same romulan storyline that I did?
The romulans are still:
A: Sneaky Backstabbers, but now with at least a little decency and respect for their own citizens after getting the everliving daylights burned out of them by the Tal Shiar.
B: Seeing that the Federation and Klingons are pulling ahead of them, and asking themselves what those two species have that they don't (IE: Working with others, something that the Romulans now have learned)
C: Are NOT lapdogs, despite what you claim. You don't work for S31 or KDF Intelligence. You may work with them (Oh, like a lot of RL intelligence organizations do), but not FOR them. Just like your alliance with the Federation or Klingons. The whole point is that 90% of the romulan fleet has been wiped out, and you're accepting training and logistical help in rebuilding. Just like, oh... Japan, Afganistan, and dozens of other RL examples (except without the whole 'was in a war with their teachers' part)
They got a wakeup call, because the Tal Shiar DESTROYED the empire with their machinations. Something like 3/4ths of the empire's population and infastructure was on Romulus and Remus, which were wiped out by the lovable example of everything you claim you want to play known as 'Hakaev'. They want to put a stop to those antics from here on out, for fairly understandable reasons.
As for the Elachi, they're thematically and story-wise critical.
They're what the romulans will become if the Tal Shiar have their way. They are the DEWANS. The people Mol'Rihan is inherited from, slaves of the Iconians.
The romulan faction is nearly everything I hoped it would be, and I'm disgusted that someone wants a faction of war criminals and utter monsters instead.
This thread (minus the personal attacks) points out that the new story elements that the devs have put into LOR are having a polarizing effect on the player base.
On one hand all of us Trek fans are excited to have new content and excited about the option to play as Romulans/Remans and fly Romulan ships. On the other hand, while the devs have tried to add a more robust story arc that makes you feel like all of the Romulan episodes are interconnected rather than a bunch of stand-alone stories, this is fundamentally different than what we've enjoyed over the last few years.
I think many players (myself included) have enjoyed the freedom of essentially creating our own story with FED and KDF players -- again, each episode was essentially self contained without the writers dictating specifics about you or your bridge crew.
Now, with LOR (assuming it plays the same way as it has in the Beta) the writers have taken over some major elements of your story and the stories of your BOffs ... and they've gone one step further (at least with Tovan) by forcing Romulan and Reman players to keep him as BOff (and in some cases even forcing his interaction with away teams when the player doesn't include Tovan in away team missions).
Similarly, the devs/writers are being VERY specific with details about the current state of the Romulan civilization in a way that clearly upsets some Trek fans who have the desire to play as a more "traditional" Romulan like the Romulans we watched in Trek TV shows over the last several decades.
Bottom line, I think the devs could transform MANY of the players who are currently unset into HAPPY players if they made more of the new story elements optional rather than mandatory.
If you like Tovan then you have the option to keep him ... and if you hate Tovan you have the option to immediately remove him from your ship after the first mission where he helps you escape the colony.
If you like D'Tan and his rebels then you should have the option to join them ... or have the option to either tell him that you hate his guts and "agree to disagree" or maybe even join the Tal'Shiar (I realize adding the option to join the Tal'Shiar would take a lot of additional work and isn't too likely).
Bottom line, if the devs give LOR players more choices that would probably help reduce the number of players posting negative comments.
In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
If you like Tovan then you have the option to keep him ... and if you hate Tovan you have the option to immediately remove him from your ship after the first mission where he helps you escape the colony.
If you like D'Tan and his rebels then you should have the option to join them ... or have the option to either tell him that you hate his guts and "agree to disagree" or maybe even join the Tal'Shiar (I realize adding the option to join the Tal'Shiar would take a lot of additional work and isn't too likely).
I don't like Tovan but would like his ex girl friend in his place
and joining the Tal Shiar should never happen like feds will more then likely never join Section 31 now I could see the Romulan military aka Sela and is what I would like
I for one even before the announcement of the romulan faction I new if it was every going to be one you more then likely never join the Tal Shiar
LOL I would much rather play the RSE, not the Tal Shiar. There is a difference, and it is my hope that when the RR get's big enough we'll depose, I mean send D'Tan and the rest of his reunifactionist traitors to the Federation and usurp the Empire.
Like the Romulan Alliance System? Of course you do, it sounds fine to you because you aren't Romulans, you're FED or KDF who are going to make a Romulan alt, it makes a HUGE difference in perspective.
I dont mind D'Tan. Its the mechanics driving the game around D'tan i dont like.. There should always be room on a corner somewhere for a crazy philosopher to spout his ramblings. What I really abject too is that there exists the Obsidian Order, S31, The Tal Shiar, and god only knows what the kdF has. but there is no romulan Military ( ergo the extreme likeness to Firefly and Serenity )There is no RSE, there is no romulan. Just more fed or kdf with funny head attachments. you report to your ally, take orders from them bend over backwards for them and take their insults of calling you federation or klingon.. This isnt Romulan. This is a trumped up over inflated joke.
well the entire episode was nothing but a Spock vehicle so they had make it sound really important to be worthy of Spock. But yeah I think it was more of a Spock scheme than an actual movement.
But there are breadcrumbs thru DS9 and even TNG that once it was exposed it was dealt with.
Sad that D'Tan wasnt stuck in the sewer when Romulas blew.
When you put it like that. Then it makes you wonder how d'tan has 1 supporter let alone many. Spock a Vulcan who failed to save Romulus. Lol yeah let's follow his movement lol if anything it should drive the romulans further away from the reunifcationists. The vulcans refused to help. Also when you start playing d'tan seems rather well established with all them powerful ships. :eek:
At that point though, it's more about Romulan Separatists than Vulcan Reunificationists. Have to consider the power struggles/rebellions that took place after Hobus through the point you start playing as a Romulan. Sela took over in 2403 from Taris...there was already various forms of chaos/separationist movements taking place before that.
The RSE was not a better place with Sela and the Tal Shiar at the heroic freedom fighters of yore, you end up with D'tan & Company. You choose whether to use the Federation or Klingon Empire to further your goals of rebuilding a new Romulan Republic...
Yeah the underground movement just happened to be off world that day lol
Hmmm I don't trust them
You're confussing the RSE for the KDF, honest mistake really... happens to the best of us!
*twirls mustache* "yes, all those slaves, dastardly cowardly frame up jobs, and nefarious thievery for tasty, TASTY Dilithium and EC!! MBUAHAHAHAH!!!"
That's because the RR are not the Romulans you're looking for..
The RR is made to be a generic version of the Star Wars Rebel Alliance (rather than as a Romulan Federation) in order to appeal to as wide and general an audience as they can.
This is their big shot to grow in players and they're betting that putting in a non Trek faction into a Trek game will do it for them. The fact they look like Romulans and use Romulan ships is just a matter of convenience, they could just as easily be "Generic Alien Species #345" and there would be no difference but with a minor rewrite.
this very much this !!!!!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
system Lord Baal is dead
may as well be one lets see we have welcome feds and kdf in to our space me thinks next FE will be the Rebel Alliance joining the feds and kdf it would make there Rebel Alliance complete :mad:
system Lord Baal is dead
Unfortunately I find little to no reference between the Elachi and anyone else other than Tal Shiar npcs where there clearly should be Elachi, and a one sentence "explainer" in one of the missions "The beings that are also working with the Masters are proving useful."
Really shoddy work in my opinion.
and by wider audience you 12 year old koreans which would seems to be PWEs target market.
or Maybe the chinese overlords know who the romulans are based on and wanted an image redo.
But claiming that Dewa is New Romulas is like the 1950s when the US insisted Taiwan was China while ignoring the giant country across the sea.
Romans? I don't see the connection.
I think the blog on Nimbus suggested that the Fed/KDF get that content as well, so cut out another 5ish levels.
Neither do i believe they will ever give romulans their own fleets.
in about 3 days, most everyone else is going to figure that out and I predict social media will be merciless. This is right up there with Jar Jar Binks and The Temporal Cold war. Its a crime against humanity.
My guess would be the same reason you have to grind faction and "racial" rep in "that other game." Because your character is new and building a name for himself/herself as part of the story. I imagine if there was Fed and KDF rep then those players would still have to grind that too.
Except you can only start the rep grind at level 50. By level 50 I'm a Subadmiral in the Romulan Republic, I've saved the RR from the Tal Shiar, my crew found the new homeworld, I stopped the Elachi invasion and sent them packing, I helped forge the alliances with the Feds and/or KDF, I hunted down Tal Shiar agents in far corners of the galaxy, I intervened with the Remans using Thalaron weapons, heck I've probably even defeated the borg and Donatra. All in the name of the Romulan Republic.
And now they suddenly don't trust me? That makes no sense.
Unless Cryptic wants to admit that Romulans aren't actually a faction and that's why they have to rep grind with the Romulan Republic.
I get where you're coming from, but I guess for me it just doesn't strike me as something that doesn't make them their own faction. I just see it as a game mechanic that all the factions have to grind regardless of how epic you are in the story.
I could perhaps understand if they let you start grinding it at level 1, but it just doesn't make sense.
That's the problem with most of the Romulan content, it's just shoddy work jammed together piecemeal without any real attention to whether it makes sense or not.
The romulans are still:
A: Sneaky Backstabbers, but now with at least a little decency and respect for their own citizens after getting the everliving daylights burned out of them by the Tal Shiar.
B: Seeing that the Federation and Klingons are pulling ahead of them, and asking themselves what those two species have that they don't (IE: Working with others, something that the Romulans now have learned)
C: Are NOT lapdogs, despite what you claim. You don't work for S31 or KDF Intelligence. You may work with them (Oh, like a lot of RL intelligence organizations do), but not FOR them. Just like your alliance with the Federation or Klingons. The whole point is that 90% of the romulan fleet has been wiped out, and you're accepting training and logistical help in rebuilding. Just like, oh... Japan, Afganistan, and dozens of other RL examples (except without the whole 'was in a war with their teachers' part)
As for the Elachi, they're thematically and story-wise critical.
They're what the romulans will become if the Tal Shiar have their way. They are the DEWANS. The people Mol'Rihan is inherited from, slaves of the Iconians.
The romulan faction is nearly everything I hoped it would be, and I'm disgusted that someone wants a faction of war criminals and utter monsters instead.
A: One or two missions where you pretend to be part of the Tal Shiar (who have been asking you to join them all along) doesn't make you a sneaky backstabber.
B: Unless you were playing a different storyline, D'Tans rebels are different from the RSE. They need the Fed/KDF help because they can't stand up to the RSE on their own.
C: Once again, you're not the RSE, you're a splinter group of rebels. Maybe you didn't play through the whole story, but after about level 30 you start working for your ally exclusively. I'm about to hit 50 on tribble and for the last 20 levels I've done nothing but missions for Klingons. I guess the Romulan Republic doesn't care about me either, because at level 50 I get to earn reputation with them, which is absolutely ridiculous.
How do you figure the Elachi are "thematically and story-wise critical"? Thematically they're just another random enemy, a role that could have easily been played by the Borg. Or even the Hirogen or the Jem'Hadar, or any of a number of other factions. Story-wise how are they critical? There's really nothing connecting them to the story other than they're the ones that are attacking, and one line of text near the end of their arc. The few missions where there are both Tal Shiar and Elachi, they don't really interact; Hakeev goes on bla bla then the Elachi show up and disappear. I don't remember seeing anything that said the Elachi are the Dewans, did you just make that up?
The fact that you're "disgusted" is just you trying to be insulting. The storylines specifically outline the fact that not everyone's a "war criminal and utter monster" as you suggest. How about Charva? How about all the Romulans that are still part of the RSE yet not the Tal Shiar?
Raging and being insulting at people for pointing out flaws in the story doesn't get you anywhere.
Yeah, yeah, but what have you done for them lately?:D
I love the Romulan storyline myself.
On one hand all of us Trek fans are excited to have new content and excited about the option to play as Romulans/Remans and fly Romulan ships. On the other hand, while the devs have tried to add a more robust story arc that makes you feel like all of the Romulan episodes are interconnected rather than a bunch of stand-alone stories, this is fundamentally different than what we've enjoyed over the last few years.
I think many players (myself included) have enjoyed the freedom of essentially creating our own story with FED and KDF players -- again, each episode was essentially self contained without the writers dictating specifics about you or your bridge crew.
Now, with LOR (assuming it plays the same way as it has in the Beta) the writers have taken over some major elements of your story and the stories of your BOffs ... and they've gone one step further (at least with Tovan) by forcing Romulan and Reman players to keep him as BOff (and in some cases even forcing his interaction with away teams when the player doesn't include Tovan in away team missions).
Similarly, the devs/writers are being VERY specific with details about the current state of the Romulan civilization in a way that clearly upsets some Trek fans who have the desire to play as a more "traditional" Romulan like the Romulans we watched in Trek TV shows over the last several decades.
Bottom line, I think the devs could transform MANY of the players who are currently unset into HAPPY players if they made more of the new story elements optional rather than mandatory.
If you like Tovan then you have the option to keep him ... and if you hate Tovan you have the option to immediately remove him from your ship after the first mission where he helps you escape the colony.
If you like D'Tan and his rebels then you should have the option to join them ... or have the option to either tell him that you hate his guts and "agree to disagree" or maybe even join the Tal'Shiar (I realize adding the option to join the Tal'Shiar would take a lot of additional work and isn't too likely).
Bottom line, if the devs give LOR players more choices that would probably help reduce the number of players posting negative comments.
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
I don't like Tovan but would like his ex girl friend in his place
and joining the Tal Shiar should never happen like feds will more then likely never join Section 31 now I could see the Romulan military aka Sela and is what I would like
I for one even before the announcement of the romulan faction I new if it was every going to be one you more then likely never join the Tal Shiar
system Lord Baal is dead