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A Borg. Even a Collective is Sexist



  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah, it is a waste of money.

    Also, clipping issues are more important then hairstyles. So you did a bad job at the examples.

    Of course gameplay bugs like unplayable missions are even more important. Hah.

    There is also a great thing in the game.

    If it offends you... SKIP it! You can skip the mission. Dont play it. You dont have to, its not some mission that gives anything you cant obtain otherwise.

    I am offended by shuttle missions myself. Shuttle Dps is abysmal. Do I make a big nerdrage about it here?


    I just skip the shuttle missions :)
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • banjobiscuitbanjobiscuit Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why is this topic in the Tribble forum.
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why is this a topic at all. The argument is ludicrous. The female Borg aren't wearing "metal pasties and bikinis".

    This is essentially what every female Borg model in the game looks like, or is a variation of.

    It's not sexy, it's not especially "revealing". And it's definitely not "metal pasties and bikinis" (especially considering that the "bikini" part seems to be the actual entire hip structure, no flesh whatsoever).

    Seven pages in and did no one think at any point to simply look up an image of the NPC model in question? Did no one seek to question the veracity of the OP's claim, by asking for a picture or some kind of proof? It seems like everyone was more eager to jump onto the Social Justice Bandwagon, one one side or another.
    ".... you're gonna have a bad time."
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Listen, just because I like to get up on the exchange, chug a nerve tonic, and turn on my Borg Drone Holoemitter, doesn't mean Borg chicks are being objectivised in STO.
  • domvinadomvina Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Uh, no. That's not how the female Borg looked. I'd care less about that appearance. In fact, I wish they'd looked like that.

    It was more like this image from "Best of Both Worlds" of Picard/Locutus:


    With every female Borg similarly stripped down. But NONE of the male Borg.

    I wish I'd taken a SS but I didn't anticipate this sort of backlash against the simple notion of parity. "What's good for the goose" and such.

    Seems I inadvertently struck a cord.

    And the reason this is on Tribble is because I encountered it doing a Romulan mission on Tribble.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sorceror01 wrote: »
    Why is this a topic at all. The argument is ludicrous. The female Borg aren't wearing "metal pasties and bikinis".

    This is essentially what every female Borg model in the game looks like, or is a variation of.

    It's not sexy, it's not especially "revealing". And it's definitely not "metal pasties and bikinis" (especially considering that the "bikini" part seems to be the actual entire hip structure, no flesh whatsoever).

    Seven pages in and did no one think at any point to simply look up an image of the NPC model in question? Did no one seek to question the veracity of the OP's claim, by asking for a picture or some kind of proof? It seems like everyone was more eager to jump onto the Social Justice Bandwagon, one one side or another.

    My god models these days, Give her something to EatI can see her spine.

    Also why is this thread on Tribble, this is not Legacy of Borgulus, this should be in the general STO section, since they're the same Borg we always had since the game started.
  • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nyx219 wrote: »
    Ah, a noob to STO. You're going to soil yourself when you see how little the Orion women wear, and the scant clothing on Risa.

    Seriously, it's just a video game. As a woman, I find nothing outlandishly offensive about the female NPCs. If you're going to claim sexism on the Undead of the Trek universe, you're confused as it is. Skin-tight, or barely covered, take your pick - - I.E, borg suit, or barely covered bits. Who cares, they both show off a necro body either way. Get. Over. It.

    Yes, same. I have not been offended by anything in STO. Please save your ranting for actual sexism. This is tiresome.
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The mission in question is part of the new LoR story arcs being beta tested. That is why it's on Tribble.

    And your point? it's the same Borg that have been in STO since day 1 it's not a tribble matter if you have a problem put it in the STO section then, but this is for testing LOR stuff new stuff story if you were offended by a Romulan, or something on Nimbus then tribble fine, but the Borg have been around looking like that since day one for 3 1/2 years.
  • domvinadomvina Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    the Borg have been around looking like that since day one for 3 1/2 years.

    I see you simply skipped my follow-up post entirely.

    These female Borg did not look like the one referenced by the poster you quoted.

    At all.

    I've tried to find a similar image via Google but all I could find that matched were fan made and would probably get me banned for linking.

    Regardless, my point, which is consistently glossed over, is NOT that there were "scantily clad" female Borg but that of the dozens and dozens of Borg I encountered ALL of the female Borg where barely covered while ALL of the male Borg were.

    Again, I'm not nor have I said to "cover up" all the female Borg. I've said to mix it. Just like the dancers at the bar on Nimbus.

    If Cryptic wants to have mostly nude female Borg models running about that's fine. But there should also be mostly nude male Borg models as well.

    As is in the case with Orions. Yes, the females can be scantily clad but so are the males quite often.

  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If it's from a specific mission, you can replay that mission on your episodes tab and grab a screenshot of it.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • captaindurrellcaptaindurrell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    didn't get that far on the beta though I will say the only sexism I have really seen here that has been offending to me as a woman is player generated.(seriously people, have you ever seen what a woman looks like? those TRIBBLE would break our backs. Also, cool it in chat)

    That and the Vulcan used for promotional stuff on the front page :mad:
  • xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That and the Vulcan used for promotional stuff on the front page :mad:

    Finally someone sees that. I knew it would be only a matter of time. :P
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    domvina wrote: »
    Uh, no. That's not how the female Borg looked. I'd care less about that appearance. In fact, I wish they'd looked like that.

    It was more like this image from "Best of Both Worlds" of Picard/Locutus:


    With every female Borg similarly stripped down. But NONE of the male Borg.

    I wish I'd taken a SS but I didn't anticipate this sort of backlash against the simple notion of parity. "What's good for the goose" and such.

    Seems I inadvertently struck a cord.

    And the reason this is on Tribble is because I encountered it doing a Romulan mission on Tribble.

    I'm not doubting you, per se, but in all fairness, no proof was provided in the slightest. And considering that a few weeks ago when the Reman female picture was debuted apparently sent some of the forum-goers into a tizzy, this just seems like a "follow up occurrence". Easily started controversy with little backing evidence to support it.
    I recall the same mission as you. However, I wasn't paying as much attention to the drones as you were. I was too busy play-testing, writing bug reports, and generally just tooling around.
    As the saying goes, "pics or it didn't happen". The subject seems to be far too inflammatory for anything else to be solidly believed. I can easily replay this mission, however, and take a screen cap, same as you, and I may do just that later on when I have the time. If you don't beat anyone else to it, that is.
    Like I said, not doubting you per se, but so far you've given me and everyone else in this thread, little reason to believe you.
    ".... you're gonna have a bad time."
  • shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    didn't get that far on the beta though I will say the only sexism I have really seen here that has been offending to me as a woman is player generated.(seriously people, have you ever seen what a woman looks like? those TRIBBLE would break our backs. Also, cool it in chat)

    That and the Vulcan used for promotional stuff on the front page :mad:

    It's always funny when I find a "woman" who's eight feet tall and built like a linebacker that's smuggling basketballs in his shirt.
    daskippa wrote: »
    If you modify your argument to replacing older female borg assets with the (non-offensive) borg assets that already exist in-game you'll have much better luck, than having a debate that's gonna resolve exactly nothing lol.

    That actually is what I said. Like, a bunch of times.
  • otisnobleotisnoble Member Posts: 1,290 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What about the Mirror Universe Female Uniforms or the Mini Skirts aren't they sexist?

    This tread is like the energizer bunny it just keeps going and going and going.....................
    Fleet Admiral Stephen
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