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missing characters

darin73darin73 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
I hope im posting in right section, but I logged in today to find all my characters gone, 6 from holodeck and 1 from tribble. HAs anyone else had this happen??
I sent a ticket to support. Hope this is just a glitch
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  • darin73darin73 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I take it no ones had this problem then??
  • dllmmodllmmo Member Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I believe you have had some outstanding issue there, nobody else have had for a while.

    Can only suggest you wait for that ticket to get responded. There are nobody here that are able to help you on that matter, other than: Are you sure you logged in to the correct account?
  • oni113oni113 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    he is not the only one to get hosed by this group all of my toons poof gone
  • unc0mmonerunc0mmoner Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Mine are gone too. Just filed a ticket hopefully they can be restored.
  • andrewrobert1andrewrobert1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I logged in yesterday to find 13 out of my 15 toons gone as well as 27000 zen. I have also noticed on the two remaining toons I have that some doffs have gone.

    Its all very odd. I have submitted a ticket but not had a response as yet. I am getting more annoyed as time goes by as I have put a lot of time, money and effort in to these characters.

    Fingers crossed it gets resolved soon.
  • needhelp1973needhelp1973 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Need a response from pw/cryptic.
    I was the person that posted this original thread back on the 5th.
    I had also received the now infamous email requesting confirmation of change of email back on the 4th which I didn't request like so many others.
    I put 2 and 2 together and concluded that my account had been in TRIBBLE and sent in a ticket voicing these suspicions on the 6th, within 24 hrs my account(above one) was banned with no explanation forthcoming.
    I sent in another ticket using the banned account option on support to find out why my account had been banned on the 7th. No respone to any of these tickets.
    I then sent in another ticket on the 9th using banned account option at support to find out why I had not heard anything about what was happening to my account detailing all tickets submitted to that point.
    Having watched the forums I know that others have had similar or same problems and that the support was been overwhelmed with tickets so I was patient and didn't send in another ticket until the 13th, bear in mind I have not received a reply to any tickets for 8 days at this stage.

    So this is my last resort, I believe I have been extremely patient in waiting for a resolution
    so I have opened another account to use the forum in the hopes that someone from pw/cryptic will respond. It is now 15 days and still no response.
    I am a life time subber been playing for over 400 days have 6 alts and have played most days since I joined.
    I believe I have been treated poorly and would like to know why. Is it unreasonable to have expected a reply by now?
    Just a reply would be nice so I know where I stand.
    Thanks in advance for any advice.
  • shadowexxshadowexx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is the 10th day of waiting for my support ticket to be answered.
  • needhelp1973needhelp1973 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You know what annoys me the most is that after 16 days, not even one of the moderators,devs or support, bother to reply or al least give you an update.
    I cant complain about the support, THERE IS NONE!!!!
  • shadowexxshadowexx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You know what annoys me the most is that after 16 days, not even one of the moderators,devs or support, bother to reply or al least give you an update.
    I cant complain about the support, THERE IS NONE!!!!

    I agree, I tried to return 6 months ago or so and never got an answer from my support tickets at all. Thought I would give it another go for the new Romulan but it seems, so far at least that again support tickets are not getting answered. Its annoying that in a game you sink money into you cant get any help. Are 2 trainee's and a chimpanzee running support?
  • shadowexxshadowexx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You know what annoys me the most is that after 16 days, not even one of the moderators,devs or support, bother to reply or al least give you an update.
    I cant complain about the support, THERE IS NONE!!!!

    Make that 32nd day..generic auto response that in no way answers the question and they mark it as solved.
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