Please DEV's stop the disconnects and the lag. I love this game and have spent a small fortune on it . I love the days before free to play, but I understand why it had to be changed to F2P. But please buy more servers or space or ISP's , just stop the disconnects and lag, that has made this game a pain to play and enjoy.
I timed my 2 hour "adventure" today.... 2 hours of "game"... 15 minutes actual play, rest was waiting and loading to connect/disconnect... good job dev team, good job!
"I condemn false prophets, the effort to take away the power of rational decision, to drain people of their free will and a hell of a lot of money in the bargain. Religions vary in their degree of idiocy, but I reject them all."
I am so tired of the disconnects. We've been complaining about it for longer than I've been playing this game. At this point, PWE just plain won't fix it.