oh thats a thing now? awesome. i'll have to find an npc somewhere and see
You can also see them now as red dots on the model in the ship shop.
FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
I'm not sure if this is the appropriate thread for this kind of ship feedback... but I have been seeing several ha'apax flying around on tribble, and it looks like a fat space bug... like a short, fat, bus with giant wings... nothing about it is sharp or aggressive or intimidating, it looks like it might ferry children on interstellar field trips. It might be too late/too much work to change the model, but it's really disappointing that the top tier romulan ship looks like an obese, truncated, dragonfly in space.
The Ha'apax looks awesome, what are you talking about?!
_________________________________________________ [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth] [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk] [D'Mented][D'Licious]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
The Ha'apax looks awesome, what are you talking about?!
Have you seen it in game, not the concept art, but in game? It has these big "eyes" on the face of it, it has no beak, it has this little recessed part at the bottom of the "face" that looks like a bug mouth. It's not a warBIRD, it's an obese, truncated, warDRAGONFLY, perhaps, a "wargonfly".
Yeah what are you thinking the Ha'apax is a really cool and unique looking ship. I'm really looking forward to trying it out.
i hate cruisers but i'm gonna give that one a shot.
Again, just to be sure we're on the same page, you think the model as it appears in game is cool? Not the concept art, but the model that's in game. Cause the concept art does look pretty cool, but the model in game is just... bleh.
I really hope they give the VA level D'Deridex an awesome boff and console layout cause I definitely don't want to be flying the Ha'apax... unless maybe the fleet/advanced models come with some aesthetic options that might be acceptable... but at the moment, unless she comes with some absolutely ridiculous awesome boff seating (all universals?), console layout (4 engineering 4 science 4 tac), and weapons configuration (5 fore, 4/5 aft), for me, the Ha'apax is crippled by her butter face.
Again, just to be sure we're on the same page, you think the model as it appears in game is cool? Not the concept art, but the model that's in game. Cause the concept art does look pretty cool, but the model in game is just... bleh.
I really hope they give the VA level D'Deridex an awesome boff and console layout cause I definitely don't want to be flying the Ha'apax... unless maybe the fleet/advanced models come with some aesthetic options that might be acceptable... but at the moment, unless she comes with some absolutely ridiculous awesome boff seating (all universals?), console layout (4 engineering 4 science 4 tac), and weapons configuration (5 fore, 4/5 aft), for me, the Ha'apax is crippled by her butter face.
Well i'll admit the concept art does look a little better but i really do like the in game model.
And i personally was very excited by the ha'apex setups that are currently on tribble though personally i would rather have them ditch the single support craft and make it a carrier, but that support craft may be really good, can't say since i haven't used it.
and i really like the fleet setup
commander eng
lt cmdr tac
ens tac
lt sci
lt uni
4 eng
4 tac
2 eci
The Fleet Ships are nice but can you please change the Fleet Mogai from
4 Tactical - 2 Engineering - 4 Science
to either
4 Tactical - 3 Engineering - 3 Science
4 Tactical - 4 Engineering - 2 Science
No thank you, it is good as it is.
Sci console slots are much more usefull then eng slots.
And 2 let you run a rcs and a neutronium, that is all you need. Rest goes as universals into sci slots, together with field gens.
The Fleet Ships are nice but can you please change the Fleet Mogai from
4 Tactical - 2 Engineering - 4 Science
to either
4 Tactical - 3 Engineering - 3 Science
4 Tactical - 4 Engineering - 2 Science
Are you insane?? the console layout on the fleet mogai is perfect, with a sci captain the fleet mogai will be both versatile and absolutly terrifying, why the hell would anyone want to kill the joy of flying that ship by puting more engi console on it?
Not only will it butcher the synergy with the Ltcmdr slot but it will also butcher the synergy with the valdore console that's all about leeching shield to heal your own , you again butcher the synergy with the retrofit console that's all about exotic damage (have fun boosting that with engineering console) and it would also also butcher the synergy with quantum shield singularity. Have you ever thought about what you were asking for a minute?
How would any gamer who understand the the most basics of sto combat could ever ask to remove the sci console and replace them with console slots that are only remotly usefull once you're shield are gone?
I got news for you kiddo if you let your shields go down in a mogai then you've failled at Mogai 101
Listen to me cryptic DO NOT CHANGE THE FLEET MOGAI it's one of the very few ship with some teeth that's actually designed with a science captain in mind, don't throw this little gem away.
Are you insane?? the console layout on the fleet mogai is perfect, with a sci captain the fleet mogai will be both versatile and absolutly terrifying, why the hell would anyone want to kill the joy of flying that ship by puting more engi console on it?
Not only will it butcher the synergy with the Ltcmdr slot but it will also butcher the synergy with the valdore console that's all about leeching shield to heal your own , you again butcher the synergy with the retrofit console that's all about exotic damage (have fun boosting that with engineering console) and it would also also butcher the synergy with quantum shield singularity. Have you ever thought about what you were asking for a minute?
How would any gamer who understand the the most basics of sto combat could ever ask to remove the sci console and replace them with console slots that are only remotly usefull once you're shield are gone?
I got news for you kiddo if you let your shields go down in a mogai then you've failled at Mogai 101
Listen to me cryptic DO NOT CHANGE THE FLEET MOGAI it's one of the very few ship with some teeth that's actually designed with a science captain in mind, don't throw this little gem away.
Its seems that the ship is all over the place as to what it is trying to be, however 4 science consoles on a not-really-a-science-ship is a bit wonky. I too would prefer 4 tac 3 eng and 3 sci.
Right now, there are too many gaps in ship loadouts, as in not enough ships to fill the roles. It seems they are trying to make these ships jack of all trades ships, which makes them all less effective overall. There really is no full science ship, dedicated engineer cruiser (but lets face it, they are obsolete anyway) or a tac cruiser. The only thing that seems to be in place is a tac escort (surprise surprise).
Oh and I also have news for you, kiddo. If you are relying on field gens to keep your shields up, then you fail at STO 101.
Right now, there are too many gaps in ship loadouts, as in not enough ships to fill the roles. It seems they are trying to make these ships jack of all trades ships, which makes them all less effective overall. There really is no full science ship, dedicated engineer cruiser (but lets face it, they are obsolete anyway) or a tac cruiser. The only thing that seems to be in place is a tac escort (surprise surprise).
Heresy ! The lead system designer himself disagrees !
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
The same designer that introduced the EPtX changes that has made them obsolete, and then confirmed that he didn't know how they worked to begin with?
Yeah......not quite willing to take him at his word :P
Now that was rude! I wasn't speaking about his acolyte. I'm sure he tries his best, and well, we all do mistakes sometimes. Who never did some stupid thing at work, throw the stone first. It's sad he eats so much flak, but quite frankly thats part of the job. I hope he won't have any permanent trauma from this release, that would be baaad customers are sometimes such bitc..
I was speaking about the one, who tries to balance the "obsolete heavy engineering ships" with giving them even more useless tanking potential! in a game where tanking is not needed.
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
I was speaking about the one, who tries to balance the "obsolete heavy engineering ships" with giving them even more useless tanking potential! in a game where tanking is not needed.
I'm not sure if this has been spotted elsewhere or even if this is the right thread, but the Impluse Engine glow that plagues a lot of ships is seriously ruining the Mogai model.
As you can see in standard chase view it's not a problem, but as soon as you elevate the camera slightly the glow from the Impulse Engines on the underside of the wings starts to bleedthrough the topside of the wings.
My only issue right now is with the D'deridex's firing points.
- Dual heavy cannons and dual beam arrays (presumably dual cannons as well) all fire from an invisible hardpoint set inside the open area (to either side of each nacelle). You can even see this on official screenshots. I dunno about others, but it'd make more sense for me to have them fire from the middle section, or at least a hardpoint that's actually ON the ship.
- beam arrays are firing from seemingly random points on the hull, not the actual hardpoints on the ship. The little "bumps" on the model are the beam arrays, which you can see from various screencaps (according to the designer, as mentioned on memory alpha
According to the designer, the "eyes" on either side of the "head" are supposed to be disruptor ports, as well as the bumps on either side of both the top and bottom of the aft hull. None of those 6 points are ever used, from what I've seen. I do see the forward arrays firing from the "top" and "nose" points that are canon, but the rear arrays fire from weird places.
My only issue right now is with the D'deridex's firing points.
- Dual heavy cannons and dual beam arrays (presumably dual cannons as well) all fire from an invisible hardpoint set inside the open area (to either side of each nacelle). You can even see this on official screenshots. I dunno about others, but it'd make more sense for me to have them fire from the middle section, or at least a hardpoint that's actually ON the ship.
- beam arrays are firing from seemingly random points on the hull, not the actual hardpoints on the ship. The little "bumps" on the model are the beam arrays, which you can see from various screencaps (according to the designer, as mentioned on memory alpha
According to the designer, the "eyes" on either side of the "head" are supposed to be disruptor ports, as well as the bumps on either side of both the top and bottom of the aft hull. None of those 6 points are ever used, from what I've seen. I do see the forward arrays firing from the "top" and "nose" points that are canon, but the rear arrays fire from weird places.
There's an animated gif here that illustrates the original intended firing points.
they never once fired anything from those nodes, so im not to surprised they didn't have them fire from them in game. we have seen shots fired from were the forward beam array hardpoints are though, im happy with their location. haven't seen the aft beam array hardpoints yet, but it seems like the rim of the top and lower wing behind the nacelles would be a god place for them to fire from.
the DC and DHC/DBB hardpoints need to be on the deflector though. theres no getting around it, thats were its big guns are fired from. the deflector is a super high energy device, making it a main weapon kills 2 birds with 1 stone. the cardies do it too.
the DC and DHC/DBB hardpoints need to be on the deflector though. theres no getting around it, thats were its big guns are fired from. the deflector is a super high energy device, making it a main weapon kills 2 birds with 1 stone. the cardies do it too.
I'd rather see the cannons fire from the wings, and beams & torpedo's from the deflector.
So Romulan cloaks now have a 40s cooldown... so can we opt out of the singularity powers and get all of the ship power back? I'd say a 40s cooldown on the cloaks is enough of a balancing factor...
So Romulan cloaks now have a 40s cooldown... so can we opt out of the singularity powers and get all of the ship power back? I'd say a 40s cooldown on the cloaks is enough of a balancing factor...
I understand being upset about the change so am I, but cloak and singularity core are independent from each other and are not really linked... Even if a fed cruiser some how got singularity core there would need to be some sort of negatives to balance it out.
Having cloak period is a benefit even if it can get you killed sometimes. But the 40 sec cooldown is pretty bad balance when the only problem i can see is boff trait balance issue.
I understand being upset about the change so am I, but cloak and singularity core are independent from each other and are not really linked... Even if a fed cruiser some how got singularity core there would need to be some sort of negatives to balance it out.
Having cloak period is a benefit even if it can get you killed sometimes. But the 40 sec cooldown is pretty bad balance when the only problem i can see is boff trait balance issue.
Well it had previously been suggested the the lower base power on warbirds was to balance the singularity powers and the romulan battle cloaking. Since they just nerfed romulan cloaking to the stoneage... I'd like to be able to op out of highly situational powers and restore my warbird's full power into its normal systems. (Unfortunately, it doesnt seem the singularity powers are linked to the cores... but rather to the ship... although... they could just making having a singualrity activate the charging mechanic, and drain the power from the ship... but Cryptic isnt that creative.)
I like none of the powers Ive seen mentioned... and the ones Ive actually used were pretty bad. I want to roll a Romulan when LoR comes out... but I dont want to fly gimped ships with stupid powers... it is a deal breaker, and if I'm not flying a warbird, then I might as well not bother making a romulan at all.
Ie. I want all the goodies and free battle cloak, at zero cost :P perfect way to balance things. :rolleyes:
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
oh thats a thing now? awesome. i'll have to find an npc somewhere and see
You can also see them now as red dots on the model in the ship shop.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
[Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
[Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
Have you seen it in game, not the concept art, but in game? It has these big "eyes" on the face of it, it has no beak, it has this little recessed part at the bottom of the "face" that looks like a bug mouth. It's not a warBIRD, it's an obese, truncated, warDRAGONFLY, perhaps, a "wargonfly".
i hate cruisers but i'm gonna give that one a shot.
Again, just to be sure we're on the same page, you think the model as it appears in game is cool? Not the concept art, but the model that's in game. Cause the concept art does look pretty cool, but the model in game is just... bleh.
I really hope they give the VA level D'Deridex an awesome boff and console layout cause I definitely don't want to be flying the Ha'apax... unless maybe the fleet/advanced models come with some aesthetic options that might be acceptable... but at the moment, unless she comes with some absolutely ridiculous awesome boff seating (all universals?), console layout (4 engineering 4 science 4 tac), and weapons configuration (5 fore, 4/5 aft), for me, the Ha'apax is crippled by her butter face.
4 Tactical - 2 Engineering - 4 Science
to either
4 Tactical - 3 Engineering - 3 Science
4 Tactical - 4 Engineering - 2 Science
Well i'll admit the concept art does look a little better but i really do like the in game model.
And i personally was very excited by the ha'apex setups that are currently on tribble though personally i would rather have them ditch the single support craft and make it a carrier, but that support craft may be really good, can't say since i haven't used it.
and i really like the fleet setup
commander eng
lt cmdr tac
ens tac
lt sci
lt uni
4 eng
4 tac
2 eci
that'll be a lot of firepower
That wouldn't really make much sense, the mogai is that way because it's suppose to be a science escort like the federation advanced escort.
I will admit though that there really should be a 4 tac 3 eng 2 sci ship.
learn to love sci consoles, they will be much more useful then eng, especially with a LTC sci
No thank you, it is good as it is.
Sci console slots are much more usefull then eng slots.
And 2 let you run a rcs and a neutronium, that is all you need. Rest goes as universals into sci slots, together with field gens.
Are you insane?? the console layout on the fleet mogai is perfect, with a sci captain the fleet mogai will be both versatile and absolutly terrifying, why the hell would anyone want to kill the joy of flying that ship by puting more engi console on it?
Not only will it butcher the synergy with the Ltcmdr slot but it will also butcher the synergy with the valdore console that's all about leeching shield to heal your own , you again butcher the synergy with the retrofit console that's all about exotic damage (have fun boosting that with engineering console) and it would also also butcher the synergy with quantum shield singularity. Have you ever thought about what you were asking for a minute?
How would any gamer who understand the the most basics of sto combat could ever ask to remove the sci console and replace them with console slots that are only remotly usefull once you're shield are gone?
I got news for you kiddo if you let your shields go down in a mogai then you've failled at Mogai 101
Listen to me cryptic DO NOT CHANGE THE FLEET MOGAI it's one of the very few ship with some teeth that's actually designed with a science captain in mind, don't throw this little gem away.
I have to concur with what everyone has said here 4tact 2 engi 4 science is a awesome setup.
Also i happen to like ha'pex model in game. While the valdore I think didn't translate well from concept art.
Its seems that the ship is all over the place as to what it is trying to be, however 4 science consoles on a not-really-a-science-ship is a bit wonky. I too would prefer 4 tac 3 eng and 3 sci.
Right now, there are too many gaps in ship loadouts, as in not enough ships to fill the roles. It seems they are trying to make these ships jack of all trades ships, which makes them all less effective overall. There really is no full science ship, dedicated engineer cruiser (but lets face it, they are obsolete anyway) or a tac cruiser. The only thing that seems to be in place is a tac escort (surprise surprise).
Oh and I also have news for you, kiddo. If you are relying on field gens to keep your shields up, then you fail at STO 101.
Heresy ! The lead system designer himself disagrees !
You mean the same system designer that is not able to balance the game.
The same designer that introduced the EPtX changes that has made them obsolete, and then confirmed that he didn't know how they worked to begin with?
Yeah......not quite willing to take him at his word :P
Now that was rude! I wasn't speaking about his acolyte. I'm sure he tries his best, and well, we all do mistakes sometimes. Who never did some stupid thing at work, throw the stone first. It's sad he eats so much flak, but quite frankly thats part of the job. I hope he won't have any permanent trauma from this release, that would be baaad
I was speaking about the one, who tries to balance the "obsolete heavy engineering ships" with giving them even more useless tanking potential! in a game where tanking is not needed.
You switched sides.
As you can see in standard chase view it's not a problem, but as soon as you elevate the camera slightly the glow from the Impulse Engines on the underside of the wings starts to bleedthrough the topside of the wings.
With a fully top-down view it looks a mess -
I can just about stand the LTC sci slot.
However I would be eternally grateful if they would swap the ensign engineer and lt universals.
Pretty please?
- Dual heavy cannons and dual beam arrays (presumably dual cannons as well) all fire from an invisible hardpoint set inside the open area (to either side of each nacelle). You can even see this on official screenshots. I dunno about others, but it'd make more sense for me to have them fire from the middle section, or at least a hardpoint that's actually ON the ship.
- beam arrays are firing from seemingly random points on the hull, not the actual hardpoints on the ship. The little "bumps" on the model are the beam arrays, which you can see from various screencaps (according to the designer, as mentioned on memory alpha
According to the designer, the "eyes" on either side of the "head" are supposed to be disruptor ports, as well as the bumps on either side of both the top and bottom of the aft hull. None of those 6 points are ever used, from what I've seen. I do see the forward arrays firing from the "top" and "nose" points that are canon, but the rear arrays fire from weird places.
There's an animated gif here that illustrates the original intended firing points.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
the DC and DHC/DBB hardpoints need to be on the deflector though. theres no getting around it, thats were its big guns are fired from. the deflector is a super high energy device, making it a main weapon kills 2 birds with 1 stone. the cardies do it too.
I'd rather see the cannons fire from the wings, and beams & torpedo's from the deflector.
Aid in leading the Romulan Star Empire back to its former greatness.
Join the Romulan Praetorian Guard and teach those epohh loving hippies what it means to be a true Romulan!
Having cloak period is a benefit even if it can get you killed sometimes. But the 40 sec cooldown is pretty bad balance when the only problem i can see is boff trait balance issue.
Well it had previously been suggested the the lower base power on warbirds was to balance the singularity powers and the romulan battle cloaking. Since they just nerfed romulan cloaking to the stoneage... I'd like to be able to op out of highly situational powers and restore my warbird's full power into its normal systems. (Unfortunately, it doesnt seem the singularity powers are linked to the cores... but rather to the ship... although... they could just making having a singualrity activate the charging mechanic, and drain the power from the ship... but Cryptic isnt that creative.)
I like none of the powers Ive seen mentioned... and the ones Ive actually used were pretty bad. I want to roll a Romulan when LoR comes out... but I dont want to fly gimped ships with stupid powers... it is a deal breaker, and if I'm not flying a warbird, then I might as well not bother making a romulan at all.