Curious as to what people think are the best buys, at the moment.
Let's assume no previous acquisitions, and you're sitting on a stack of 10k Zen*, planning to play both Fed and KDF characters.
What would YOU buy?
Services/ships/packs, etc: feel free to mix and match.
*Or close enough to 10k - if you end up spending 11k on your set, no big deal, this is mainly to get a feeling for what people would buy if they could start from scratch with some spending money on their hands.
With an upcoming Tholian reputation and an entirely new playable faction, I would hoard my zen and see what new features are going to be offered in the near future.
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
With an upcoming Tholian reputation and an entirely new playable faction, I would hoard my zen and see what new features are going to be offered in the near future.
altho if that would not happen, I would buy:
ec cap unlock, bank, acc bank and inventory slots, a tac vesta, and the rest I would pay for lock box keys and dilithium (at current rates 1500 zen for dil is more than enough, and the lock box keys should open boxes with mining claims for an inactive other character, while bringing in EC, considerable amount if you are lucky)
I suppose the OP did say to assume that no purchases had been made.
If that be the case, I agree with EC cap unlock. This is *essential* if you want to really participate in the player economy. And I would get the account bank before expanding the regular bank, because it makes life so much easier for gathering things between your characters. Personal bank...I haven't found essential to expand. When my bank is full, that's an indication that I need to throw out stuff that isn't being used like obsolete weapons and abandoned pets.
I suppose the OP did say to assume that no purchases had been made.
If that be the case, I agree with EC cap unlock. This is *essential* if you want to really participate in the player economy. And I would get the account bank before expanding the regular bank, because it makes life so much easier for gathering things between your characters. Personal bank...I haven't found essential to expand. When my bank is full, that's an indication that I need to throw out stuff that isn't being used like obsolete weapons and abandoned pets.
as I am a cheap person, I did not have EC cap lol. but I have acc bank, and I am fine with it. sometimes I do feel it as a drawback, but nothing I cant live with. also most ppl are not even close to getting the max of ec cap (and I just evade that by transfering all my money to acc bank, and not buying selling above 10 mil)
Let's assume no previous acquisitions, syou're sitting on a stack of 10k Zen*, planning to play both Fed and KDF characters.
What would YOU buy?
Services/ships/packs, etc: feel free to mix and match.
Acquire additional character slots and the EC uncap. A character slot pack pays for itself in within 5 days. From there, you use the results to construct additional pylons, thus increasing your ability to construct additional pylons and make more money. Give it a few months, and you'll have 100K Z. Remember, if you simply SPEND your money, it's GONE. One must look to invest it in ways that will get you MORE.
I would not spend my 10k Zen. With Roms coming out in about a month I would hold onto that 10k and see what Rom ships, equipment, races, Boffs, Doffs, etc that I might want to buy. That's what I'm doing with the 20k I currently have.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I would not spend my 10k Zen. With Roms coming out in about a month I would hold onto that 10k and see what Rom ships, equipment, races, Boffs, Doffs, etc that I might want to buy. That's what I'm doing with the 20k I currently have.
ec cap and acc bank unlock is still there and useful.
but yeah, in the end everyone is hoarding. I myself started, and worst case scenario (meaning that the dil prices just jump), I will have 8k by the time romulans are here (two chars are not much to grind on, but atleast I am done in 15 mins a day ) which should be more than enough (especially since I will only need it for ships, and bank and inventory expanding)
EC upgrade, 1 Account bank, 2 more boff slots, 1 ship slot upgrade, 1 of each inventory upgrade. Then get the Defiant or MVAE and 4 fleet modules.
That is at the moment assuming I had to spend it now and I would join a fleet to upgrade the C-Store ship to a fleet level.
Though as others have said I would probably wait to see what LoR brings and see if I wanted to play Romulan and get a ship for that faction instead. I'd also only have 1 toon as it's much easier to get most of the stuff you need/want for it.
If you don't have it, EC cap increase. If it's things that you need rather than want, more bridge officer space is always handy, as is the account bank. Extra character slots, too, if you want some alts. Ships aren't super necessary, unless you want a certain console.
EC upgrade, account bank, maybe a couple extra character slots and four more boff slots for my Federation main. Play the dilithium exchange with what's left, since it looks like there's some good speculatin' to be done right now.
Somebody getting uppity about canon? No problem! Just take a deep breath, and repeat after me:
I don't personally have much of a problem with caps, so I don't know if I'd pay ZEN to unlock them. Plus if I remember right you can permanently improve some caps (Bridge officers for example) by paying for a month of gold membership, which is probably a better way to do it overall anyway.
For me I'd likely invest in the Odyssey pack; 5k ZEN is an awful lot to save up in Dilithium, and is the price of a AAA game which is pretty steep! I'm currently saving up anyway though, if only to subsidise the cost a bit rather than get the whole thing for free (I've already bought other 2,500 ZEN ships so it's not like I'm freeloading, I've paid well above what I expected I would for two years of "free" membership!)
Interesting that, so far, only 3 out of 19 responses mention a ship. I definitely agree that the most-mentioned services are excellent first investments, but I'd have expected some more people listing absolute favourites/ships granting particularly useful advantages.
Which is part of why I asked the question, I suppose: if we'd have seen a clear consensus on which ships (or consoles, in the case of low-level ships) are no-brainer acquisitions for the forumites, that'd be some indication of OP'ness or current meta's. Surprisingly, we even have an even distribution between cruiser, sci vessel and escort in the 3 ship mentions there are
As for me, and my preference for sci-type play, my set would at least include:
EC cap increase
4 character slots
And probably:
Some bridge officer slots to swap builds mid-fight
Tac Vesta
B'rel retrofit
And then maybe spend the remaining 4k-ish on:
Either Guramba
And some keys to get some EC flow going.
Footnote: this is more of a curiousity kind of thing, not a request for advice, per se. I got various ships and the services mentioned unlocked (bar the account bank), and am definitely saving what Zen I have to see what the Romulans bring (and maybe make a little profit on the dil exchange in the proces)
Interesting that, so far, only 3 out of 19 responses mention a ship. I definitely agree that the most-mentioned services are excellent first investments, but I'd have expected some more people listing absolute favourites/ships granting particularly useful advantages.
Which is part of why I asked the question, I suppose: if we'd have seen a clear consensus on which ships (or consoles, in the case of low-level ships) are no-brainer acquisitions for the forumites, that'd be some indication of OP'ness or current meta's. Surprisingly, we even have an even distribution between cruiser, sci vessel and escort in the 3 ship mentions there are
As for me, and my preference for sci-type play, my set would at least include:
EC cap increase
4 character slots
And probably:
Some bridge officer slots to swap builds mid-fight
Tac Vesta
B'rel retrofit
And then maybe spend the remaining 4k-ish on:
Either Guramba
And some keys to get some EC flow going.
Footnote: this is more of a curiousity kind of thing, not a request for advice, per se. I got various ships and the services mentioned unlocked (bar the account bank), and am definitely saving what Zen I have to see what the Romulans bring (and maybe make a little profit on the dil exchange in the proces)
when I saw this topic first I thought: "good idea, bad timing"
I've already purchased all the stuff I 'need.' At this point, there's lots of stuff that would be fun to have, but none of it is pressing. As such, I can wait (months if need be) until I can get the most for my money.
when I saw this topic first I thought: "good idea, bad timing"
I had the exact same thought. If this was a down time, like when Dil to Zen was at or below 100 and they were giving the chance and a Jem Attack - it was turn that all into EC through Fleet Support Doff packs....
But now, wait for any item purchases, EC Cap, Account Bank, rush a toon on each side to lvl 50 ASAP (shouldn't take more than 2 weeks probably) and we'll be on the heels of LOR - which should give you another slot for a rommie - with the dil refined from all that effort should be able to refill the coffers. I like to have between 7.5K and 10K Zen on hand at all times.
This is assuming you paid money for the 10K Zen and did not refine dilithium for it, since you're saying starting fresh.... But then again it could have been gifts on the cryptic prepaid cards, so then not your money.... But still I'd say hold onto most of that zen, you never know when a really good set of ships might come out, or what kind of Rommie items will be out in just over a month.
EC Cap removal
Jupiter, Enterprise/Mirror Enterprise/Starfleet Academy uniforms
Buy a Vesta
Buy an Fleet Advanced Escort
probably use the rest on skill respecs.
Joined: January 2010
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
For me since there is still items I want. I would get a Excelsior, and Galaxy. Then I guess I would buy a round of keys to see how many lobi I would get. I'm very close for the KDF warrior skirt for my KDF BOFF.
The rest I would save for the new expansion to see what it has. I'm sure to see something new I want. After that I would go for more keys to try for the Jem Dread.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I'd probably save most of it until LoR comes out. I'm hoping to get my hands on a few Reman ships (assuming we're getting any at launch, which I think we will).
I'd also probably get the NX-class, Enterprise uniforms, and Armitage Carrier. Oh, and unlock the NX prefix as well.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
I boycott the 5 ship packages.
altho if that would not happen, I would buy:
ec cap unlock, bank, acc bank and inventory slots, a tac vesta, and the rest I would pay for lock box keys and dilithium (at current rates 1500 zen for dil is more than enough, and the lock box keys should open boxes with mining claims for an inactive other character, while bringing in EC, considerable amount if you are lucky)
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
I suppose the OP did say to assume that no purchases had been made.
If that be the case, I agree with EC cap unlock. This is *essential* if you want to really participate in the player economy. And I would get the account bank before expanding the regular bank, because it makes life so much easier for gathering things between your characters. Personal bank...I haven't found essential to expand. When my bank is full, that's an indication that I need to throw out stuff that isn't being used like obsolete weapons and abandoned pets.
as I am a cheap person, I did not have EC cap lol. but I have acc bank, and I am fine with it. sometimes I do feel it as a drawback, but nothing I cant live with. also most ppl are not even close to getting the max of ec cap (and I just evade that by transfering all my money to acc bank, and not buying selling above 10 mil)
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
Deep Space Nine Bundle (Like having special duty officers for all my characters)
Character slots (I like playing as a Eng,Sci and Tac for each faction)
1 Account Shard Bank slots (I am a total F2P player so this is valuable for me allowing me to move account bound items between characters)
ec cap and acc bank unlock is still there and useful.
but yeah, in the end everyone is hoarding. I myself started, and worst case scenario (meaning that the dil prices just jump), I will have 8k by the time romulans are here (two chars are not much to grind on, but atleast I am done in 15 mins a day
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
That is at the moment assuming I had to spend it now and I would join a fleet to upgrade the C-Store ship to a fleet level.
Though as others have said I would probably wait to see what LoR brings and see if I wanted to play Romulan and get a ship for that faction instead. I'd also only have 1 toon as it's much easier to get most of the stuff you need/want for it.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Spock's Brain.
For me I'd likely invest in the Odyssey pack; 5k ZEN is an awful lot to save up in Dilithium, and is the price of a AAA game which is pretty steep! I'm currently saving up anyway though, if only to subsidise the cost a bit rather than get the whole thing for free (I've already bought other 2,500 ZEN ships so it's not like I'm freeloading, I've paid well above what I expected I would for two years of "free" membership!)
Game Balance - Ship Size and Wingmates
Which is part of why I asked the question, I suppose: if we'd have seen a clear consensus on which ships (or consoles, in the case of low-level ships) are no-brainer acquisitions for the forumites, that'd be some indication of OP'ness or current meta's. Surprisingly, we even have an even distribution between cruiser, sci vessel and escort in the 3 ship mentions there are
As for me, and my preference for sci-type play, my set would at least include:
EC cap increase
4 character slots
And probably:
Some bridge officer slots to swap builds mid-fight
Tac Vesta
B'rel retrofit
And then maybe spend the remaining 4k-ish on:
Either Guramba
And some keys to get some EC flow going.
Footnote: this is more of a curiousity kind of thing, not a request for advice, per se. I got various ships and the services mentioned unlocked (bar the account bank), and am definitely saving what Zen I have to see what the Romulans bring (and maybe make a little profit on the dil exchange in the proces)
when I saw this topic first I thought: "good idea, bad timing"
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
I've already purchased all the stuff I 'need.' At this point, there's lots of stuff that would be fun to have, but none of it is pressing. As such, I can wait (months if need be) until I can get the most for my money.
I had the exact same thought. If this was a down time, like when Dil to Zen was at or below 100 and they were giving the chance and a Jem Attack - it was turn that all into EC through Fleet Support Doff packs....
But now, wait for any item purchases, EC Cap, Account Bank, rush a toon on each side to lvl 50 ASAP (shouldn't take more than 2 weeks probably) and we'll be on the heels of LOR - which should give you another slot for a rommie - with the dil refined from all that effort should be able to refill the coffers. I like to have between 7.5K and 10K Zen on hand at all times.
This is assuming you paid money for the 10K Zen and did not refine dilithium for it, since you're saying starting fresh.... But then again it could have been gifts on the cryptic prepaid cards, so then not your money.... But still I'd say hold onto most of that zen, you never know when a really good set of ships might come out, or what kind of Rommie items will be out in just over a month.
EC Cap removal
Jupiter, Enterprise/Mirror Enterprise/Starfleet Academy uniforms
Buy a Vesta
Buy an Fleet Advanced Escort
probably use the rest on skill respecs.
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
But this is mainly because I have all the ships I've wanted on both KDF and Fed sides.. so yea.
EPG builds / SCI ground enthusiast
The rest I would save for the new expansion to see what it has. I'm sure to see something new I want. After that I would go for more keys to try for the Jem Dread.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I'd also probably get the NX-class, Enterprise uniforms, and Armitage Carrier. Oh, and unlock the NX prefix as well.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
I'd buy 20 FSMs.
Sell them for 10m EC each.
Use the 200m EC to replicate 5m Banana Splits and 5m Root Beers for all my friends*.
*Yes, that means I'd be sending it all to myself.