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TRIBBLE Maintenance and Release Notes - April 4, 2013



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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    gpgtx wrote: »
    oh god ESD some times i have to close the game and relaunch just to load that place

    as soon as my fleet gets a Boff retrainer i will never have to set foot in there again
    Amen to that brother.
    adrianm63 wrote: »
    its more than a year since last ESD and the new one is not much better looking than the old one.

    Hope you noticed the trend after f2p all maps ,weapons and interiors are well scaled .Im sure when they will have time to make a new ESD we will want to live on it :D

    Also they could use the lower decks as captain quarters .your own personal room (similar to champions online ) to add trophies and stuffs you get through missions ,events ,c store ,zen store ,rep system (dili sink for apartments :rolleyes: )....without a toilet of course because that will sure ruin the atmosphere :D
    I sadly haven't been playing before f2p, so I couldn't notice the trend. The first thing that I really noticed was scaled properly was the TOS bridge and the Prometheus bridge, which is utterly gorgeous. Please Please recreate the Sovereign bridge next.

    And definitely, the Champions stuff is at least things that they've thought about.

    And nonsense. There has to be a toilet. A captain needs a good place to think after all.

    And a sonic shower.

    ...............................complete with an Ilia replica:rolleyes:
    tenkari wrote: »
    that, and the ranks. Replace "commander" with Major and "Warrior first class" with "Gunner first class"

    Just reading that brought on the snickers. What is it? Twenty five years later, it's still hilarious. No matter how many times you see it. Mel Brooks is a genius.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    captaind3 wrote: »
    Amen to that brother.

    I sadly haven't been playing before f2p, so I couldn't notice the trend. The first thing that I really noticed was scaled properly was the TOS bridge and the Prometheus bridge, which is utterly gorgeous. Please Please recreate the Sovereign bridge next.

    And definitely, the Champions stuff is at least things that they've thought about.

    And nonsense. There has to be a toilet. A captain needs a good place to think after all.

    And a sonic shower.

    ...............................complete with an Ilia replica:rolleyes:

    Just reading that brought on the snickers. What is it? Twenty five years later, it's still hilarious. No matter how many times you see it. Mel Brooks is a genius.

    Not just a good place to think, its also a good place to read the newspaper, as Al Bundy always demonstrates.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    captaind3 wrote: »
    Amen to that brother.

    AYE :D....its the ONLY reason i still stop by esd on my main toon...my fleet isn't that far from t4 starbase...*goes looking for the stash of romulan ale the tribbles stole*
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
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    thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    *Klingon characters can once again warp out of Qo'noS.

    **The transporter operator in the shipyard has been executed for incompetence.

    Spoken like a true Klingon!
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    radaikofromulusradaikofromulus Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    pfreeman wrote: »
    Not all of us can. For instance, I'm allowed to play STO on my work computer on the weekends, but I can't repartition the drive, as it's the office computer. So I'm stuck with wineskin, and before you say, yes, my work computer is so much better then my current home system that playing at home is pointless.

    By the way I'm in the same boat as luke3424, I can get to the 'adjust screen brightness' screen but then can't actually do anything to get past that screen.


    I was simply asking. My company computer is no where near as good as my MacBook Pro and usually the professionals I know who use macs, use their own. Just like me.

    I would recommend Codeweavers Crossover Pro. If you purchase the pro suite you get the software for regular win apps as well as the gaming edition for supporting win games. It's much more stable and polished than wineskin, and much easier to use.
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    afree100afree100 Member Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    My Shuttle is still showing as my main ship (@afree100) and I hear that it is happening to a lot of other people, also thank you for putting slipstream drive where full impulse is AND binding to the key combination AND showing the cd time left on mouseover, now I can get rid of one of quatum slipstream on the tray. I am concerned about the ground trait that disables bleedthrough if it affects abilties such as lunge effectivly making them a lot riskier to use when the shield is up, but then again it may be good for balance, I am not really an expert in ground PvP. I love the design decision to make romulans ally with an exsisting faction, although I am wondering what ships will be avalible to Romulans, of the other factions. Also the pan up on the login screen looks really nice and the red shinyness also, however the red shinyness does make the login screen feel sluggish somehow

    Edit: Also on holodeck my shuttle keeps showing with the text version as my main ship on the log in screen even though I have changed my main ship multiple times and it is selected as the default ship, I think it also shows my shuttle in cutscenes aswell.

    Edit 2: In the story section under reputation when trying to slot crystalline entity project the game crashed, hmm and upon restart it was slotted properly

    In the patcher I reckon it is a good idea to inform people that if their game crashes that they probably don't need to reverify their files, since I have a feeling many people waste their time doing this when they don't have to.

    Oh and we have the ability to cancel projects now :)

    This bug is also present on holodeck: Can not enable fly-in squadron looting but can enable and disable everything else.

    Edit 3:
    Okay in my previous posts I might of been a bit unclear, I actually like the overall look and feel of the new UI but there are a few annoying things about it. I still prefer the old UI and it would be very nice to have that as an option (as one of the devs said they would consider porting the old UI (or most of it over), which would be awesome but if it can't be done for some reason...).

    Hard/Unrealistic to fix:
    Well one problem is what someone else already said (to dark for the STO experience (or something along those lines)) which I know would be a pain to fix but is not really that much of a concern to players (I hope I don't regret saying that lol). The second really annoying thing is it is to simple and not "textured" (in the artish term not the technical term). And third not really suited to small screens (takes up more space then it needs to).

    Easy to fix:
    1. Font/font size or just something that makes font look weird which is circled in the picture
    2. Tray icons too small and have gaps (same with weapon icons in its UI component)
    3. Possibly not actually easy to fix: analysing on image edges
    4. Might be because of issue 3 but the shield distrubution buttons look out of place
    5. Probably only just me but the reflection images make the UI look unproffesional.
    6. Make the Shield and HP information UI component on the ground more compact its way to big (Scaling it dosen't help)
    7. The Contact UI pop-up is gigantic, it should be scaled down a bit
    8. Ugly Yellow text on loading screen
    9. At a 1366x768 resoloution the press any key to continue element collides with other elements on the loading screen

    In image: lines mean wasted space (and therefore ugly space) and circles mean issue
    Annotated: http://i.imgur.com/N1ux8lq.jpg
    Same Unannotated: http://i.imgur.com/7xAA9ZX.jpg
    The UI is on scale of 1 in the screenshot.

    Oh and the buttons look way better with the more 3D look to them, thanks for that.

    Human Boffs:
    Leadership Trait does 24 hull repair per second on my fleet patrol in combat with 4 boffs now, which is 1.2% resist against 2000dps and approx 0.25% resist against a 9000dps spike in PvP, hmm combined with Subsystem Repair sounds resonable, although not quite valid in all circumstances... Since the romulan boffs are about 1.1-1.2% extra dps which is crit (making that dps more valueble) that might seem a little unfair, but since the Romulan boffs are way way harder to aqqiure that might not be a huge issue (just saying this stuff to give an opinion to the devs and let them decide if it needs more tweaking), but I am very grateful this was fixed, now the borg should be more challedging and certain people won't be far to overpowered, although it would of been more helpful on holodeck lol.

    Also what does the top tier 2 Tholian rep mean by shield ignore: that damage acts like a debuff to shield resist (but isn't actually one), or that damage is redirected to the hull?
    Starfleet M.A.C.O. KDF Honor Guard
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    edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    afree100 wrote: »
    In image: lines mean wasted space (and therefore ugly space) and circles mean issue
    Annotated: http://i.imgur.com/N1ux8lq.jpg
    Same Unannotated: http://i.imgur.com/7xAA9ZX.jpg

    In that case my house ,your house and almost everything man made is a wasted space.

    check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LCARS to see if theres any wasted space.

    now search google images for ""car dashboard" .You will see alot of wasted space.

    Now search Monalisa...yep wasted space.
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    majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    afree100 wrote: »
    My Shuttle is still showing as my main ship (@afree100) and I hear that it is happening to a lot of other people,

    Edit: Also on holodeck my shuttle keeps showing with the text version as my main ship on the log in screen even though I have changed my main ship multiple times and it is selected as the default ship, I think it also shows my shuttle in cutscenes aswell.

    I have had this issue on my KDF main for quite sometime, really annoying. I hope this gets fixed with the May expansion.

    I have even tried changing my ship to a c-store ship and dismissing it (while active as my current ship) yet it still doesn't fix it.
    afree100 wrote: »
    In image: lines mean wasted space (and therefore ugly space) and circles mean issue
    Annotated: http://i.imgur.com/N1ux8lq.jpg
    Same Unannotated: http://i.imgur.com/7xAA9ZX.jpg
    The UI is on scale of 1 in the screenshot.

    Oh and the buttons look way better with the more 3D look to them, thanks for that.

    I see nothing wrong with the space, plus the image problem you pointed out is simple pixelation that can't be helped. I should know (I build models and textures myself) as it happens to all non-vectored images especially ones with transparent backgrounds.

    To me it seems you're just nitpicking in regards to the UI images and spaces.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
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    benreilly1984benreilly1984 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    When will starts the s8 tribble test?
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    afree100afree100 Member Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Okay I was aware that the pixelation of the images might be a problem in that regard, that still dosen't fix the fact that its a problem on laptop screen resolutions. There are different kinds of wasted space, certain places in the UI they are essential and look nice, sometimes they don't. I see blur and jagged edges, I am not trying to pounce on anyone, those are really annoying problems and can be quite annoying to solve and sometimes things like that can't be helped, if so then the devs can just ignore it and move on, I am trying to give feedback on what is annoying me, I am sure many players would agree with me.

    A UI is not a house, it is meant to give information in a effienct way and not obsure what is behind it, that is my opinion, so is most of what I said regarding the UI changes (opinons should not be fought over, only fought for, and if the majority of the user base has no problem with the UI the way it is then well I will have to deal with it, but if it can be fixed easily...).
    Starfleet M.A.C.O. KDF Honor Guard
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    afree100afree100 Member Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    When will starts the s8 tribble test?

    Parts of it are on the server now: the UI, warp cores, tholian reputation, at least part of the traits, Romulans themselves are not on yet, sorry if that is what you meant.
    Starfleet M.A.C.O. KDF Honor Guard
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    edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    When will starts the s8 tribble test?

    probably in november :rolleyes:
    They already said that may update is not a season because it adds more stuffs than a normal season update.
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