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Go down fighting broken

tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
The go down fighting ability either requires you to take damage, or its just unavailable.

The tooltip says "When certain conditions are met." I assume this is the ship is damaged.

This is a bad change, it basically makes the whole ability useless in STFs.

When a tactical cube has the escort's shields down, and already damaged the hull.... then you are dead already, and the damage bonus is useless because you should either be healing, or running away out of the cube's range.

Either case, you got 1 to 3 seconds to live, and the ability will not do you any good.

The ability should be just taken out or re-enabled with an undamaged ship, because right now its a waste of an icon that you should just remove of the ability tray like abandon ship.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
Post edited by tpalelena on


  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    With the expansion, this ability will require at least 50% hull damage to be used.

    Say good bye to using this in STFs.

    Now... why is this bad? Because if you are getting fire in an STF as an escort, and your shields are down and hull is going below 50% , you either flee, or die in 3 seconds.

    Which makes this ability totally useless in an STF.

    If you die, you don't deal damage.
    If you flee, your turrets will shoot for a second or two.

    So this ability should be taken out of your ability tray and put next to abandon ship as "useless trash" when its nerfed.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • mehenmehen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So, you're complaining that an ability whose name infers that you have taken a significant amount of damage....requires you to take hull damage? If this is the first step in balancing tac captains in relation to the other two, that's fantastic news. First in a long time, tbh.

    If your escort can't survive more than five seconds without popping with shields down, you're doing it wrong, and you probably should change your sig.
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited March 2013


    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited March 2013


    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I can't survive against a tactical cube in an elite STF against more then a few seconds while firing at it.

    Fleeing it is another option, but then you are hardly doing damage, are you? Unless you mount non dual weaponry, of course.

    Hm... as happy as you are that that the tacticals will be nerfed to uselessness, that wont make the other classes any better.

    So yeah. Pug stfs will be even harder.

    And I plan on not only changing my signature, but stopping playing with the tacticals.

    Edit: I changed the signature, and I think this is still a bad idea.

    Balance could have been achived by making engineering and science captains stronger, but nope.

    Lets make tacticals useless. Makes more sense then buffing the other two.... why?

    The only thing I can imagine behind this would be that people running less STFs means less dilithium, so more people would be buying zen to spend on the dilithium exchange.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Good, as in STFs will be longer.

    If this makes you happy, maybe dual weapon systems should be removed from the game too.

    Welcome to the 30 minute stf runs.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • lilchibiclarililchibiclari Member Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The wiki description at http://www.stowiki.org/Ability:_Go_Down_Fighting claims that it is an all-or-nothing buff that applies once your hull integrity drops below a certain level. I don't know if this is correct, but IMO it really ought instead to be a sliding scale with say 20% of the benefit available at 100% hull integrity and 100% available at very low hull integrity.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    They changed it to the one in STO wiki. Derp.

    Could they have not just halved its damage bonus and duration?

    And my jupiter outfit parts can no longer be selected in the tailor. When it rains, it pours.

    Having to reroll my tacticals as science is one thing (or engineers for KDF side), but without all the pretty jupiter outfits which i payed for its just sad.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hm...and it seems a tactical trait is to give the go down fighting double your resistance to damage. So from a damage boost it becomes a tanking ability.... which would be awesome... if I was an engineer in a cruiser.

    The other tactical space trait decreases the enemy's accuracy by around 4.8 with a critical, and stacks 3 times.

    It seems like my DPS-heavy tacticals will become Tankticals with less damage but more resilience.

    Maybe this is a good time to get plasma beam arrays and the Regent torpedo, and go full broadside.

    That way this skill becomes OP, not useless.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • livinrtblivinrtb Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I don't pop mine till i'm at 30% anyway i can easily recover from that by myself and 80% of the time i have a team that knows excatly what i'm doing and i get me some nice cookies for hull when they see that buff kick in...

    If you pop GDF at say 20% and hull heal up you keep the buff from the 20% plus u have time to pop a eng/bat and evasive out turn ur aux power up heal and get back in there to finish the job and hit APA after GDF to get a real boost...

    Play the game with team mates that complement each other a Tank, Healer and 3 dps you will have alot more fun and complain less about shizit on the forum's

    Good Luck And Have Fun Out There...
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    livinrtb wrote: »
    I don't pop mine till i'm at 30% anyway i can easily recover from that by myself and 80% of the time i have a team that knows excatly what i'm doing and i get me some nice cookies for hull when they see that buff kick in...

    Play the game with team mates that complement each other a Tank, Healer and 3 dps you will have alot more fun and complain less about shizit on the forum's

    Good Luck And Have Fun Out There...

    That sounds nice indeed. Still we can not always have that luck.

    Tactical Space traits:
    Go down fighting doubles resistance.
    Criticals debuff your target to loose 4.8 accuracy, stacks 3 times.
    Tactical ground:
    Your attacks have a chance to boot crit chance by 2.5% , stacks 3 times I think.
    Your grenades expose for a few seconds.

    Science Space :
    Sci space:
    Incoming energy damage increases your exotic damage by 10% . stacks 3 times
    All your shield heals reduce the cooldown on photonic fleet by 15 sec
    Ground ones :
    All your heals heal enemy shields and give 50% damage res for 4 seconds
    25 bonus damage dealt to confused or debuffed targets.

    Engineer space:
    Using a battery will give a smaller power level raise to the other 3 subsystems.
    If you take more then 20% hull damage in 5 seconds, Miracle worker instantly finishes the cooldown. This can only trigger every 90 seconds, and needs miracle worker to be on a cooldown, obviously.
    Engineer grounds:
    Damage resistance and health regen to all your drones and fabrications.
    When you are hit by an energy weapon, your shields adapt to it, giving 5% resistance to that energy type. This stacks 3 times. However it can only resist one energy type at once.

    So far, science ones seem fine. 30% exotic damage boost? Oh sounds lovely!

    Engineer... the battery one seems a bit lacklustre. Maybe with 9 skill points into starship batteries skill this is useful.

    Tactical ones... well, the ground ones are fine, the space ones are...tanking.
    Tankticals ... are we sure we want tacticals to tank, and not deal a lot of damage?
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • phantomeightphantomeight Member Posts: 567 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2013
    I use going down fighting all the time and can survive solo against a tac cube in a fleet patrol escort for way more than 3 seconds. It wont matter that it requires 50% health or whatever, I can hover in that range and survive for a while. I run two copies of Tac Team, BFI Doff, two copies of Emergency Power to Shields and Transfer shield strength. I can tank one for almost a minute or two.
    join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I use exactly the same thing, just with polarize hull instead of Transfer shield strenght.

    Do you use torpedoes, cutting beam, or just a full DHC-turret build?

    Consoles. Eng: borg, romulan, electroceramic, ablative. Tac : 3 ap, 1 plasma torpedo. SCI : field generator, 1 -threat romulan console.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    it ENABLES at 50%?!?!?! **** that -_- we dont need another crappy Fleet support button....

    I use it whenever i can when im doing heavy damage...it helps when im getting mobbed by nanite spheres in ISE, BoPs in CURE and cubes/spheres in KASE.

    That science trait sounds awesome though :D
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    cynder2012 wrote: »
    it ENABLES at 50%?!?!?! **** that -_- we dont need another crappy Fleet support button....

    I use it whenever i can when im doing heavy damage...it helps when im getting mobbed by nanite spheres in ISE, BoPs in CURE and cubes/spheres in KASE

    I have the same problem, but it seems that this is a nerf to alpha strike, but if you take the trait, it will let you get more resistance.
    Hence tanking tacticals.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So basically there is one career that will have 1 captain power that its possible they can go a full mission, string of missions, or even PvP arena and possibly never get to use?

    I know people complain about Tacs guys, but are you going to start graying out other career powers until "conditions are met"?
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    That is what i'm upset about.

    At the best, the balance could be solved by buffing non tacticals... I would even stand for a nerf of the damage output or duration of the ability, but this just greys it out.

    And the tooltip talks about "if conditions are met" . It dare not say "if player is damaged."
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • alienfrombeyondalienfrombeyond Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I suppose this is why they put in the new trait that gives you damage resistance during Go Down Fighting, so you can get low, pop it for damage AND damage resistance and not blow up.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Nods* I said that in one of my posts. Though this moves the tacs from damage dealer to tank roles a bit. I'm not sure blurring the line between tacs and engineers is a good idea, but I guess we'll wait and see.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tpalelena wrote: »
    I have the same problem, but it seems that this is a nerf to alpha strike, but if you take the trait, it will let you get more resistance.
    Hence tanking tacticals.

    Hmm, given Cryptic's obsession with making everything tougher (see the armor consoles for cruisers thread) It wouldn't surprise me is the idea is to make escorts more survivable as they make a quick exit.
  • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mehen wrote: »
    So, you're complaining that an ability whose name infers that you have taken a significant amount of damage....requires you to take hull damage? If this is the first step in balancing tac captains in relation to the other two, that's fantastic news. First in a long time, tbh.

    If your escort can't survive more than five seconds without popping with shields down, you're doing it wrong, and you probably should change your sig.

    I have to agree. In fact, I was unaware that it ever gave a damage bonus while undamaged. That's.. silly.
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The ability was always silly, because it have dmg bonus even when you were full. As a tac mainly, I look forward to this change.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well if go down fighting can only be used while below 50% health, why not make it so for Photonic fleet and Miracle workers too?

    I mean, they are the same level abilities of the other classes, it would only be fair if all classes had an ability they can't use with full health.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So basically there is one career that will have 1 captain power that its possible they can go a full mission, string of missions, or even PvP arena and possibly never get to use?
    yeah, but what's NI got to do with this thread?
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tpalelena wrote: »
    Well if go down fighting can only be used while below 50% health, why not make it so for Photonic fleet and Miracle workers too?

    I mean, they are the same level abilities of the other classes, it would only be fair if all classes had an ability they can't use with full health.

    Dude, the game is pretty much tactical/escort online. Having a requirement (that actual make sense) for one of tac abilities will hardly make the class underpowered. You will just clear those trivial STFs in 8:50, instead of 8:45.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • saxfiresaxfire Member Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tpalelena wrote: »
    I can't survive against a tactical cube in an elite STF against more then a few seconds while firing at it.

    Are you serious? What kind of squishy are you? Minimax clone? Do you hold 0 heals on yourself? Since when go down fighting increased your defensive abilities? You are stoopid. It's like me QQ:ing about my APA not making me immune to damage.
    Say the word, it saves the world.
    CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
    Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So basically there is one career that will have 1 captain power that its possible they can go a full mission, string of missions, or even PvP arena and possibly never get to use?

    I know people complain about Tacs guys, but are you going to start graying out other career powers until "conditions are met"?

    That's pretty much the gist of it right there.

    What's next, Miracle Worker only when you're below 15% health? Photonic Fleet only when you're outnumbered by more than 10 to 1?

    Half the innate abilities (Ramming Speed, Abandon Ship, Fleet Support) hardly get used as it is because of restrictions like this. Do we really want to start adding even more powers to that list?
  • ebonywyvernebonywyvern Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Fleet Patrol Escort.

    In all seriousness. You could be using the time you're putting into complaining about exploding into learning how to tank.

    Tact Team x2, EP2S x2, Aux2SIF, Hazards, TSS.
    Don't get within 5k of borg. ~8.4k of a gate, and only on the edge.

    You are now the best player in your pug5 STF.
    LTS Since Beta Weekend
    Formerly @BlackWyvern
    Stupid account merge...
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    dalnar83 wrote: »
    The ability was always silly, because it have dmg bonus even when you were full. As a tac mainly, I look forward to this change.

    Ya, me too. I always thought it was unavailable until below 50% which is why I've almost never used it. It really SHOULD be a last resort power, and if the plan is to make it work only when below 50% hull then I all for it.

    <edit> wait, it already is:
    * Hull must be below 50%
    * +X% All Damage strength for 60 secs

    So whats the problem ? Broken 'I win' button ???
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Fleet Patrol Escort.

    In all seriousness. You could be using the time you're putting into complaining about exploding into learning how to tank.

    Tact Team x2, EP2S x2, Aux2SIF, Hazards, TSS.
    Don't get within 5k of borg. ~8.4k of a gate, and only on the edge.

    You are now the best player in your pug5 STF.

    I already have those. Still, this is a bad idea. On holodeck it seemed to be useable all the time.

    And Nadeon inversion at least is activatable.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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