As for the "emptiness" of KvK-why would we fight each other? The storyline's a war between the Federation and the Empire, after all. It's not like we have to hide in our own little ghetto and participate in fratricide because we're scared of people who run inferior ships in a superior way...
Ah, the Roleplayer's defense
1) Have you actually done the first KDF mission arc that has KDF fighting KDF? There are plenty of reasons for Klingons to fight other Klingons and in fact it makes more sense for them to be fighting each other than for Feds to have all those wargames against Feds.
Sorry, but the KDF houses are not all shiny happy ridgeheads holding hands. :P
2) Funny how that roleplay defense gets thrown out the window in Kerrat. How many players actually try to finish that "storyline mission" and not use it as a free for all shooting gallery? Or does storyline only matter when players are trying to justify why they don't KvK?
Again, players gloss over it, pretend it's not true, make up excuses > there is a reason that KvK is the most dead of any PvP queue and it's not a roleplay issue.
[This wasn't just aimed at your comments by the way, every time I see kvk get brought up, I hear some version of the roleplayer's defense.]
As for the "emptiness" of KvK-why would we fight each other? The storyline's a war between the Federation and the Empire, after all. It's not like we have to hide in our own little ghetto and participate in fratricide because we're scared of people who run inferior ships in a superior way...
Have you Star Trek in any of its various forms...?
Have you the KDF mission to kill 10 KDF ships (or the ground one)...?
Er...did you totally skip the initial story arc between House of Martok and House of Torg...?
Have you not played through any of the KDF Fleet Defense...where you defend against Rival KDF...?
Okay here are some things I noticed, as someone who does a lot of FvF as a Fed and FvK as a Klink.
1 - FvK feds tend to be very new - Most of the Feds in FvK don't even have basic tanking down, not even using tactical team. I was "fighting" a Fed cruiser in C&H yesterday and the only tanking power he used was RSP. The rest of his side weren't much better, popping more easily than NPCs on normal difficulty.
One guy in that match, in a Breen warship with full health, attacked me. I was so bored at this point I just sat there and let him fire on me without shooting back. Imagine my face when he actually killed himself with his own splash damage, almost insta popping himself.
That whole match was one giant facepalm. Sadly it's not exactly a one off. It's like elite STFs, where newbies and noobs throw themselves in at the deepend.
The level of challenge is so low, I'm actually getting bored of playing my Klink.
FvF on the otherhand has feds of a much more diverse skill level.
2 - KDF ships are largely superior - Sorry, but this is the truth. KDF battlecruisers ARE effective DPS cruisers, being like the Gal-X but with a much better turnrate. B'rel ships can tric bomb and sci-spam with impunity, KDF elite weapons are more useful than Fed elite weapons, power siphon drones render ships defenseless.
It's one of those things, where for the most part - FvK can be just as much fun as FvF can be. Win or lose. Hell, even lose bad - I mean where you get so slaughtered you wonder if you're out there in a banana hammock and flip flops instead of a ship. But you still had fun even in losing. You could run into a KDF premade that's so coordinated that you think they're reading your mind. You might stay out of the FvK queue for a couple of hours hoping they go away, just like you would a premade in the FvF - but you're still ready to get back in there and have some fun.
But then...well...there's just those matches where you probably don't queue FvK again for 2-3 weeks or more. Hell, you might not even PvP again for a few days. It's just that bad...
...only happens FvK.
Doesn't happen that often - but it's bad enough that it's pretty easy to forget all the fun you had otherwise...
It's one of those things, where for the most part - FvK can be just as much fun as FvF can be. Win or lose. Hell, even lose bad - I mean where you get so slaughtered you wonder if you're out there in a banana hammock and flip flops instead of a ship. But you still had fun even in losing. You could run into a KDF premade that's so coordinated that you think they're reading your mind. You might stay out of the FvK queue for a couple of hours hoping they go away, just like you would a premade in the FvF - but you're still ready to get back in there and have some fun.
But then...well...there's just those matches where you probably don't queue FvK again for 2-3 weeks or more. Hell, you might not even PvP again for a few days. It's just that bad...
...only happens FvK.
Doesn't happen that often - but it's bad enough that it's pretty easy to forget all the fun you had otherwise...
As for me, though, I face such horrible matches in both FvF and FvK with fairly equal probability. Both sides can be equally bad, TBH.
I'm kinda curious as to how this thread is actually still running successfully...
It looks to me like nothing more then another "KDF is OP and here's why.." Threadnought with "Sci is OP too and here's why" thrown in on the side..:rolleyes:
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Nope, not one big happy family, and never were-but...
But. the ques don't roll on KvK, they DO roll on FvK (at least, at level cap they do.)
If I want to fight other Klinks, I can go to N'Vak for that, and NOT have to wait hours for a que to pop.
It's just it's kind of "Why bother?" on that score.
But have you ever wondered why noone queues for KvK? After all klingons moan about the low quality of F Pugs, F OP ships and F whatever. So why K do not fight K ? Should be better gamplay experience for them or ? RP factor is not excuse, because most Klingons are actually aliens flying alien ships...
So perhaps there is problem somewhere else.....and the grass is not greener over the fence.....
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
Klingon ships on average seem to be more powerful then Federation vessels on both turning speed and general damage. Obviously, not discounting that there are some very skilled PvPers on the Klingon side that use their ships well but this is not to point fingers but to address some of the problems with Klingon PvP so that hopefully this will encourage more people to do it.
I think there are only 2 things overpowered in the klingon faction:
1) pet spamming: if you can spam a lot of pet, you have dome at lesta the 50% of the work.
2) aceton assimilators: them help a lot draining your energy and turn off you systems... no matter if you have 55+ and skilled a bit (at least 3 point) power insulator.
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
Best power drain :here it is again the comparison between siphon drones and danubes.Which are worse ? Hard to tell.Both will stop you and wreck your play.
they are both bad... I think pet spam has ruined the game (at least pvp).
about energy drain: how can you resist against a team that drain your energy using drones, ability, aceton beam and consoles? I think is too much. We can have all of those items, but they should not stack (if someone can drain 55-60 from my energy, something stack).
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
But have you ever wondered why noone queues for KvK? After all klingons moan about the low quality of F Pugs, F OP ships and F whatever. So why K do not fight K ? Should be better gamplay experience for them or ? RP factor is not excuse, because most Klingons are actually aliens flying alien ships...
So perhaps there is problem somewhere else.....and the grass is not greener over the fence.....
Well, I don't know how it is for you guys, but I queue both, but just never stay in the queue long enough for it to pop - the FvK queue is way faster. And I think that is partly due to the small number of active KDF PvP players online simultaneously. It's generally sort of enough to pop one arena queue and one or two CapNSplode vs the Feds, but enough to fill both teams? Hardly ever... I've seen the KvK queus go up to 5 or 6 people, until the KvF queue pops and there's just one left.
When queues pop regularly, I still end up being teamed with the same people again and again, facing different Feds, mostly. That sure doesn't hint at an overwhelming amount of KDF players hitting the queues. I think that's a large part of the problem, really.
I'd love to fight KvK every once in a while, but there's just not enough people pvp-ing when I am. Whether I'm on at my morning, afternoon or night.
But have you ever wondered why noone queues for KvK? After all klingons moan about the low quality of F Pugs, F OP ships and F whatever. So why K do not fight K ? Should be better gamplay experience for them or ? RP factor is not excuse, because most Klingons are actually aliens flying alien ships...
So perhaps there is problem somewhere else.....and the grass is not greener over the fence.....
It is a better game play experience in almost every KvK I have played... yes the games are better. Drainers are easily countered with dps and a klink team that doesn't have that even a pug on is hard to come by... things like aceton are countered my most bops cause well they have torps. Yes I have been in pug KvK games that have been very entertaining.
Proiblem isn't that klinks don't que problem... is there is rarely 10 klinks qued overall. lol
When we Pvp K side... we always que both... but the ques always look like this
With 5-7 Qued for KvK... so guess what never pops.
Plenty of nights recently with FvK and 16+ klinks queued. Yet the KvK queues are still mysteriously dead.
Keep in mind, this isn't you personally we're talking about, this is the average player.
It doesn't fill up some nights honestly... because there are a ton of Nooby klinks that only seem to find there Klingon toons when something is broken.
When the the brel boff issue is resolved I bet those odd 16s drop back down to 8. lol
There are timezone things to account for at times. Depending on when you're playing, you may or may not see that many KDF. So during those times, it can be a population thing. Don't forget to check what events are taking place - the pop might be there, but there may be something else that they're grinding at that moment.
Who hasn't had to glitch Ker'rat to get the Kill10KDF, eh?
At other times, though - lol - yes, you'll see the 12-15+ KDF sitting in the FvK Arena/CnH queues with 0 KDF in the KvK queues.
Even there, though - ahem - there can be different things going on. If there are Feds in the FvK queues - those folks are probably having a blast in some good ol' FvK PVP. If there are no Feds in the FvK queues - well, then the KDF in the queues are probably that small group of KDF responsible for the majority of the complaints about the KDF in the FvK queues...meh.
It doesn't fill up some nights honestly... because there are a ton of Nooby klinks that only seem to find there Klingon toons when something is broken.
When the the brel boff issue is resolved I bet those odd 16s drop back down to 8. lol
That's the truth of the issue really, and obviously noobs are noobs regardless of the color they're flying that night.
Although there are a few teams KDF side (and Fed side) that seem dedicated to bringing as much unfun heavy cheese as possible.
That's the truth of the issue really, and obviously noobs are noobs regardless of the color they're flying that night.
Although there are a few teams KDF side (and Fed side) that seem dedicated to bringing as much unfun heavy cheese as possible.
Agreed most teams have toons both sides at this point 3+ years after launch.
The really terrible ones... tend to gravitate to which ever side has the most broken cheese that night.
Right now ya... lets face it brels you can never see. (at least if you don't bring proper anti klink sci... which no pug does)... do spell unfun in bold 36pt Time New Roman. (lets hope they fix that one soon... so those goofs can all go back to there time stepping aoe slowing bug running cheese ball fed teams) lol
It is a better game play experience in almost every KvK I have played... yes the games are better. Drainers are easily countered with dps and a klink team that doesn't have that even a pug on is hard to come by... things like aceton are countered my most bops cause well they have torps. Yes I have been in pug KvK games that have been very entertaining.
Proiblem isn't that klinks don't que problem... is there is rarely 10 klinks qued overall. lol
When we Pvp K side... we always que both... but the ques always look like this
With 5-7 Qued for KvK... so guess what never pops.
But if its truly better gameplay experience, and Fs are full of cheese/fail/the usual whatever, why does the FvK queue pop more than KvK ? One would think, the "dedicated" pvpers would queue for KvK more than FvK....for the obvious "better gameplay" reasons. So something is not right here....
Either K players like to queue against those OP / imba/ fail / whatever feds....or they are just afraid to fight competent enemy. But that is hardly the attitude of a player in the "dedicated pvp" faction, as someone called it before :P
Seems like it is one of the unsolved mysteries of STO.
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
FvK ques pop more than the KvK because most KDF fans are dedicated to fighting feds. And while we do not have many numbers those numbers work quicker on the FvK ques than KvK.
I really dont see the issue and feel the "reasoning" being given as to why KvK ques pop less is faulty.
I play what I wish and the FvK is my first choice, then CnHs and then KvK. I do not see why there should be a conspiracy involved.
FvK ques pop more than the KvK because most KDF fans are dedicated to fighting feds.
I would say that those KDF fans don't really know much about Klingons in (TV/Movies) cannon, have skipped the entire first arc, the ground missions and space repeatables where you fight other/rival Klingons, etc.
House vs. House intrigue is one of the coolest things about Klingons.
Sorry roach, but the roleplayer's excuse completely fails time and time again.
FvK ques pop more than the KvK because most KDF fans are dedicated to fighting feds. And while we do not have many numbers those numbers work quicker on the FvK ques than KvK.
I really dont see the issue and feel the "reasoning" being given as to why KvK ques pop less is faulty.
I play what I wish and the FvK is my first choice, then CnHs and then KvK. I do not see why there should be a conspiracy involved.
Hmm to fight "feds" ? RP reason ? but queues are full of bugs,galors,ferengi ships,breen ships and yes couple of fed ships.
So you are telling me, the dedicated klingon fans, that roll an ugly looking alien flying one of the lockbox alien ships like bug like to queue in FvK to fight against Feds ? For the classic FvK experience ? :P Oh Roach, you can do better than that.
If klingons can field 16 people for FvK CaH, they surely can field KvK arena on regular basis....
Beside, Klingon culture is feudal, full of house vs house battles for power. It's not Game of Thrones with all that backstabbing and TRIBBLE kissing, but the Game of Battle. SO really, KvK does make sense...RP wise.
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
Simply put, almost all you said is not true. Learn to play, study, go to bootcamp (which is an excellent initiative), ask for a friend's help in challenges, practice. Become better.
1) KDF ships are not OP. KDF tactic of "cloak and alpha strike" is a no brainer, they should do that. I never get alpha shut down by klings in pvp. Keep shields up, pay attention to the specific sounds of the game when they decloak and launch torps or prepare an alpha strike, BFI, EM and so on. Slot some engineer consoles for defense. Get healed by team mates.
2) Whining about "sci spam" is flat lame. Science has already seen the most nerfs in the game and is becoming more and more the less effective of all classes. SBN is actually THE only sci skill worthy and it does exactly what it is supposed to do. People get sci captains in their teams almost only for this skill, which is quite relevant in terms of this class present lack of usability.
1) practice a lot and learn from the guys better than you;
2) fight against better opponents;
3) don't leave/afk a game. also, dont suicide by warping alone in the first 5 seconds to reach the enemy spawn area (suiciders are even worse than afk.leavers);
4) learn to play in a team. Actually, as someone said, teamplay is the best skill you can get and develop. Communicate, cross heal, wait for the target to be called, follow the squad leader's orders.
Wanna know the real truth? The truth is...
All the evul Klinguns are noobs piloting OP ships with toy consoles and broken abilities...
The KvK queues never pop because the evul Klinguns don't want being ganked by themselves...
Why? Being ganked by a decloaking defiant is no different than a decloaking BoP.
Circling focus firing cruisers is little different than circling focus firing BCs.
The same tactics we tend to use in fighting feds is what we used to fight each other.
Someone plays bait until everyone decloaks and the match ends eventually. KvK plays just fine when it pops and is usaully over fairly quick.
It seems to me only the feds have issues fighting the KDF.
Hmm to fight "feds" ? RP reason ? but queues are full of bugs,galors,ferengi ships,breen ships and yes couple of fed ships.
So you are telling me, the dedicated klingon fans, that roll an ugly looking alien flying one of the lockbox alien ships like bug like to queue in FvK to fight against Feds ? For the classic FvK experience ? :P Oh Roach, you can do better than that.
If klingons can field 16 people for FvK CaH, they surely can field KvK arena on regular basis....
Beside, Klingon culture is feudal, full of house vs house battles for power. It's not Game of Thrones with all that backstabbing and TRIBBLE kissing, but the Game of Battle. SO really, KvK does make sense...RP wise.
Im saying that you and others are looking for a sinister reason that doesnt exist on why KvK does not pop as much as the rest.
Its a witch hunt to prove a reason that you and others feels is the proof when its not.
The player does as the player does.
Some may not like fighting other klinks, some may be like the feds and be scared of fighting klinks or some just dont care at all.
Looking for hidden or sinister reasons to prove your and others beliefs is real while forcing it on others does not validate the witch hunt.
KDF plays as they chose to for the reasons that they chose. No hidden meanings no sinister fears. Just personal choices and the continuing fed belief we are scared to fight our own.
Very silly, biased and untrue.
fvf= usually
kvk= never
now add rommies
rvr= never
kvk = never
rvr = never
rvk= never
never = prolly because people dont want to fight another team of cloakers if they are themselves a team of cloakers
Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.
Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
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Ah, the Roleplayer's defense
1) Have you actually done the first KDF mission arc that has KDF fighting KDF? There are plenty of reasons for Klingons to fight other Klingons and in fact it makes more sense for them to be fighting each other than for Feds to have all those wargames against Feds.
Sorry, but the KDF houses are not all shiny happy ridgeheads holding hands. :P
2) Funny how that roleplay defense gets thrown out the window in Kerrat. How many players actually try to finish that "storyline mission" and not use it as a free for all shooting gallery? Or does storyline only matter when players are trying to justify why they don't KvK?
Again, players gloss over it, pretend it's not true, make up excuses > there is a reason that KvK is the most dead of any PvP queue and it's not a roleplay issue.
[This wasn't just aimed at your comments by the way, every time I see kvk get brought up, I hear some version of the roleplayer's defense.]
Have you Star Trek in any of its various forms...?
Have you the KDF mission to kill 10 KDF ships (or the ground one)...?
Er...did you totally skip the initial story arc between House of Martok and House of Torg...?
Have you not played through any of the KDF Fleet Defense...where you defend against Rival KDF...?
The Klingons are far from one big happy family.
Virusdancer and I are in alignment on two separate issues in one day....
Surely this is borderline dividing by zero? :P
1 - FvK feds tend to be very new - Most of the Feds in FvK don't even have basic tanking down, not even using tactical team. I was "fighting" a Fed cruiser in C&H yesterday and the only tanking power he used was RSP. The rest of his side weren't much better, popping more easily than NPCs on normal difficulty.
One guy in that match, in a Breen warship with full health, attacked me. I was so bored at this point I just sat there and let him fire on me without shooting back. Imagine my face when he actually killed himself with his own splash damage, almost insta popping himself.
That whole match was one giant facepalm. Sadly it's not exactly a one off. It's like elite STFs, where newbies and noobs throw themselves in at the deepend.
The level of challenge is so low, I'm actually getting bored of playing my Klink.
FvF on the otherhand has feds of a much more diverse skill level.
2 - KDF ships are largely superior - Sorry, but this is the truth. KDF battlecruisers ARE effective DPS cruisers, being like the Gal-X but with a much better turnrate. B'rel ships can tric bomb and sci-spam with impunity, KDF elite weapons are more useful than Fed elite weapons, power siphon drones render ships defenseless.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
This never ends well for some reason.
But then...well...there's just those matches where you probably don't queue FvK again for 2-3 weeks or more. Hell, you might not even PvP again for a few days. It's just that bad...
...only happens FvK.
Doesn't happen that often - but it's bad enough that it's pretty easy to forget all the fun you had otherwise...
As for me, though, I face such horrible matches in both FvF and FvK with fairly equal probability. Both sides can be equally bad, TBH.
It looks to me like nothing more then another "KDF is OP and here's why.." Threadnought with "Sci is OP too and here's why" thrown in on the side..:rolleyes:
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
But have you ever wondered why noone queues for KvK? After all klingons moan about the low quality of F Pugs, F OP ships and F whatever. So why K do not fight K ? Should be better gamplay experience for them or ? RP factor is not excuse, because most Klingons are actually aliens flying alien ships...
So perhaps there is problem somewhere else.....and the grass is not greener over the fence.....
I think there are only 2 things overpowered in the klingon faction:
1) pet spamming: if you can spam a lot of pet, you have dome at lesta the 50% of the work.
2) aceton assimilators: them help a lot draining your energy and turn off you systems... no matter if you have 55+ and skilled a bit (at least 3 point) power insulator.
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
they are both bad... I think pet spam has ruined the game (at least pvp).
about energy drain: how can you resist against a team that drain your energy using drones, ability, aceton beam and consoles? I think is too much. We can have all of those items, but they should not stack (if someone can drain 55-60 from my energy, something stack).
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
Well, I don't know how it is for you guys, but I queue both, but just never stay in the queue long enough for it to pop - the FvK queue is way faster. And I think that is partly due to the small number of active KDF PvP players online simultaneously. It's generally sort of enough to pop one arena queue and one or two CapNSplode vs the Feds, but enough to fill both teams? Hardly ever... I've seen the KvK queus go up to 5 or 6 people, until the KvF queue pops and there's just one left.
When queues pop regularly, I still end up being teamed with the same people again and again, facing different Feds, mostly. That sure doesn't hint at an overwhelming amount of KDF players hitting the queues. I think that's a large part of the problem, really.
I'd love to fight KvK every once in a while, but there's just not enough people pvp-ing when I am. Whether I'm on at my morning, afternoon or night.
I'd love to see the metrics on pvp, tbh.
It is a better game play experience in almost every KvK I have played... yes the games are better. Drainers are easily countered with dps and a klink team that doesn't have that even a pug on is hard to come by... things like aceton are countered my most bops cause well they have torps. Yes I have been in pug KvK games that have been very entertaining.
Proiblem isn't that klinks don't que problem... is there is rarely 10 klinks qued overall. lol
When we Pvp K side... we always que both... but the ques always look like this
8 7
With 5-7 Qued for KvK... so guess what never pops.
Well, yes.
That's entirely the point.
Why doesn't the KvK queue pop?
I'm not buying the "low population" line, it only takes 10 players to fill.
Plenty of nights recently with FvK and 16+ klinks queued. Yet the KvK queues are still mysteriously dead.
Keep in mind, this isn't you personally we're talking about, this is the average player.
It doesn't fill up some nights honestly... because there are a ton of Nooby klinks that only seem to find there Klingon toons when something is broken.
When the the brel boff issue is resolved I bet those odd 16s drop back down to 8.
Who hasn't had to glitch Ker'rat to get the Kill10KDF, eh?
At other times, though - lol - yes, you'll see the 12-15+ KDF sitting in the FvK Arena/CnH queues with 0 KDF in the KvK queues.
Even there, though - ahem - there can be different things going on. If there are Feds in the FvK queues - those folks are probably having a blast in some good ol' FvK PVP. If there are no Feds in the FvK queues - well, then the KDF in the queues are probably that small group of KDF responsible for the majority of the complaints about the KDF in the FvK queues...meh.
That's the truth of the issue really, and obviously noobs are noobs regardless of the color they're flying that night.
Although there are a few teams KDF side (and Fed side) that seem dedicated to bringing as much unfun heavy cheese as possible.
Agreed most teams have toons both sides at this point 3+ years after launch.
The really terrible ones... tend to gravitate to which ever side has the most broken cheese that night.
Right now ya... lets face it brels you can never see. (at least if you don't bring proper anti klink sci... which no pug does)... do spell unfun in bold 36pt Time New Roman. (lets hope they fix that one soon... so those goofs can all go back to there time stepping aoe slowing bug running cheese ball fed teams) lol
But if its truly better gameplay experience, and Fs are full of cheese/fail/the usual whatever, why does the FvK queue pop more than KvK ? One would think, the "dedicated" pvpers would queue for KvK more than FvK....for the obvious "better gameplay" reasons. So something is not right here....
Either K players like to queue against those OP / imba/ fail / whatever feds....or they are just afraid to fight competent enemy. But that is hardly the attitude of a player in the "dedicated pvp" faction, as someone called it before :P
Seems like it is one of the unsolved mysteries of STO.
I really dont see the issue and feel the "reasoning" being given as to why KvK ques pop less is faulty.
I play what I wish and the FvK is my first choice, then CnHs and then KvK. I do not see why there should be a conspiracy involved.
I would say that those KDF fans don't really know much about Klingons in (TV/Movies) cannon, have skipped the entire first arc, the ground missions and space repeatables where you fight other/rival Klingons, etc.
House vs. House intrigue is one of the coolest things about Klingons.
Sorry roach, but the roleplayer's excuse completely fails time and time again.
Hmm to fight "feds" ? RP reason ? but queues are full of bugs,galors,ferengi ships,breen ships and yes couple of fed ships.
So you are telling me, the dedicated klingon fans, that roll an ugly looking alien flying one of the lockbox alien ships like bug like to queue in FvK to fight against Feds ?
If klingons can field 16 people for FvK CaH, they surely can field KvK arena on regular basis....
Beside, Klingon culture is feudal, full of house vs house battles for power. It's not Game of Thrones with all that backstabbing and TRIBBLE kissing, but the Game of Battle. SO really, KvK does make sense...RP wise.
1) KDF ships are not OP. KDF tactic of "cloak and alpha strike" is a no brainer, they should do that. I never get alpha shut down by klings in pvp. Keep shields up, pay attention to the specific sounds of the game when they decloak and launch torps or prepare an alpha strike, BFI, EM and so on. Slot some engineer consoles for defense. Get healed by team mates.
2) Whining about "sci spam" is flat lame. Science has already seen the most nerfs in the game and is becoming more and more the less effective of all classes. SBN is actually THE only sci skill worthy and it does exactly what it is supposed to do. People get sci captains in their teams almost only for this skill, which is quite relevant in terms of this class present lack of usability.
1) practice a lot and learn from the guys better than you;
2) fight against better opponents;
3) don't leave/afk a game. also, dont suicide by warping alone in the first 5 seconds to reach the enemy spawn area (suiciders are even worse than afk.leavers);
4) learn to play in a team. Actually, as someone said, teamplay is the best skill you can get and develop. Communicate, cross heal, wait for the target to be called, follow the squad leader's orders.
Why? Being ganked by a decloaking defiant is no different than a decloaking BoP.
Circling focus firing cruisers is little different than circling focus firing BCs.
The same tactics we tend to use in fighting feds is what we used to fight each other.
Someone plays bait until everyone decloaks and the match ends eventually. KvK plays just fine when it pops and is usaully over fairly quick.
It seems to me only the feds have issues fighting the KDF.
You mean except for those utterly dead KvK queues right? :rolleyes:
Even when the feds aren't queuing for FvK, you'll hardly see the KvK queue twitch.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Im saying that you and others are looking for a sinister reason that doesnt exist on why KvK does not pop as much as the rest.
Its a witch hunt to prove a reason that you and others feels is the proof when its not.
The player does as the player does.
Some may not like fighting other klinks, some may be like the feds and be scared of fighting klinks or some just dont care at all.
Looking for hidden or sinister reasons to prove your and others beliefs is real while forcing it on others does not validate the witch hunt.
KDF plays as they chose to for the reasons that they chose. No hidden meanings no sinister fears. Just personal choices and the continuing fed belief we are scared to fight our own.
Very silly, biased and untrue.