Then maybe this isn't the game for you.. so tired of People like you trying to drag stuff down and ruin **** for everyone else no one cares what you believe...
Then you obviously haven't read any of my posts but I'll give you the TL;DR version:
Fixing broken stuff, giving players choice and making game-play fun = better game.
Doing none of the above and adding a Romulan Faction (plus new Rep, new starbases, new grind) = same broken game with a fancy Romulan skin.
None of my posts since the Beta of this game have ever attempted to drag stuff down and ruin **** for everyone else - on the contrary, I want Cryptic to pay greater attention to what's wrong with this game and fix it for the benefit of everyone.
I have no agenda other than to call them out on every bone-headed thing they do - and this is Cryptic we're talking about - bone-headed is their thing.
Let me translate this you into how things work at a real company:
Fixing broken stuff, giving players choice and making game-play fun = low priority, low (or potentially zero) ROI.
Doing none of the above and adding a Romulan Faction (plus new Rep, new starbases, new grind) = Potentially high ROI, sales and value passed onto shareholders.
Incorrect according to Cryptic's metrics. Apparently no one bought stuff from the other faction. And the other faction only counted for 12 percent of the playerbase so they weren't profitable. Cutting the pie up even more? Not much ROI there either.
Not to mention that they have been fixing stuff in the meantime, maybe not everything, but they do fix things.
Yes - I saw Bort's 'coffee break' thread about fixing FAW - Bort's involvement in fixing balance and other systems bugs is great and much, much appreciated, but you're a PvP'er - don't you think STO's PvP deserves a little more attention than what Bort can fix in his lunch-break?
Or perhaps you know of a mystery dev who's in charge of PvP now? Because it was Gozer and he's well - gone.
Bottom line is that the Kumari got a slew of fixes (and even a dedicated patch) because it was costing them sales - all the other broken TRIBBLE in this game is on the backburner indefinitely (and that include Rep system gear which has been broken since the release of Season 7).
Bort cares about this stuff - so do some of the other devs I suspect but Cryptic/PWE? No. Not a chance. Is that good enough?
Incorrect according to Cryptic's metrics. Apparently no one bought stuff from the other faction. And the other faction only counted for 12 percent of the playerbase so they weren't profitable. Cutting the pie up even more? Not much ROI there either.
Making new fed stuff though ... that's profit.
wrong ....since beta people have been screaming for a rom faction don't know why but people find the roms a lot more sexy than the Klingons so the roi will be high
wait what rep system gear is broken??? I must have missed that
Flamethrower, passive shield regen booster and Omega torpedo off the top of my head. Then there were the hilarious shenanigans that ensued in regards to multiple rep passives (most notably the uber-shields that were subsequently turned off, and perma-placates).
Incorrect according to Cryptic's metrics. Apparently no one bought stuff from the other faction. And the other faction only counted for 12 percent of the playerbase so they weren't profitable. Cutting the pie up even more? Not much ROI there either.
Making new fed stuff though ... that's profit.
I am not sure that is a completely fair assessment. The KDF side of things doesn't have a lot of players, true, but that does not automatically equate to other factions not being profitable. If they are charging for this update (and I assume at least some of the features will be paid), then they will probably make up a good chunk of the dev costs just from the initial wave of sales, and it should be pretty much gravy from there on out.
wrong ....since beta people have been screaming for a rom faction don't know why but people find the roms a lot more sexy than the Klingons so the roi will be high
As seen by fan polls, convention attendance, and the like the Romulan fans are a smaller percentage than the Klingon fans. Being generous, one could say they'd come out to 20% of the population. The Fed still rules this game's demographic.
Or to put it another way ... none of the shows were ever focused on Romulus. They were always about Starfleet commanders like Sisko or Picard.
Omega Ground Shields Expose effect applies to player not the enemy that triggered it.
Omega Harvester costume options broken (feet bow upwards, knees are tucked in, grenades squash 'n stretch)
Players that got some (but not all) of accolades before Season 7 are unable to unlock the costume projects.
B'ves armor option still not available to KDF players.
Adapted MACO can have the glow color changed on the boots but nowhere else.
Think that's it off the top of my head.
Don't forget that from all appearances the omega and KHG space set effects appear to be reversed. Or am I the only one that thinks that the square grid deflector effects and heat shimmer seem more appropriate to the square grid pattern of the Omega sets, and the flame motif seems more at home on a KDF ship?
So let me get this straight, if 10 different mechanics working in their spare time couldn't fix a few model planes, you'd get them together and put them to work on a jet fighter and expect them to somehow magically do better?
Do you want to get this straight, or talk about that question that has no bearing on reality at all?
They had a small team, who were only allowed to work on the Klingon faction in their spare time. That team made some small periodic improvements to the Klingon faction, and said consistently that they would not release a third faction until they could complete the Klingons, and that Klingons wouldn't get level 1 play back until there was sufficient content to warrant it.
Then they hired a huge number of developers, but there was no corresponding visible output of new stuff, implying those people were working on something that wasn't being released right away.
Then they announced, not too long after the last time they confirmed that a third faction wouldn't be released until the Klingons were complete, that they were releasing a third faction AND extending Klingon play to level 1. You are therefore presented with two possibilities:
1) They have been deliberately lying about their intentions, all of these new people have been getting paid solely to work on the Romulans, and they intend to just ignore the Klingons completely and have two full factions, Federation and Romulan, with the Klingons being the only minifaction.
2) They have been telling the truth, and the Klingons are getting a full 1-to-the-cap leveling experience at the same time the Romulans are introduced with one.
You assume the former, and staunchly defend it as the only likely possibility?
I guess you can, if you want; but don't expect it to be seen as particularly credible.
It's possible their execution will fall short of your personal expectations, but the idea that they are just dropping the Klingons into a PvE-less Level 1 experience and nobody touched them for all this time is simply not credible. Assume positive intent.
In hindsight, doesn't the fact that they're releasing such a giant expansion tend to explain why there have been so many new hires without a corresponding increase in released new features?
Dan said they more than doubled the size of the team. You said those people weren't working on STO because new things weren't coming out. Now it turns out they were working on a giant pile of new things for STO. You should be glad you were wrong, not searching desperately for a way for you to have been right despite the new evidence.
Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
Dan said they more than doubled the size of the team. You said those people weren't working on STO because new things weren't coming out. Now it turns out they were working on a giant pile of new things for STO. You should be glad you were wrong, not searching desperately for a way for you to have been right despite the new evidence.
Please quote for me where I have said that the STO team wasn't working on STO. You can't, because I never have. Stop putting words in other peoples mouths to back up your own flawed argument.
Secondly, inability to produce satisfactory results does not in any way mean people aren't working on a project.
Thirdly, it's so nice to see a community moderator jump straight into snark and personal attacks when their logic fails. You're setting a great example for the rest of us.
In hindsight, doesn't the fact that they're releasing such a giant expansion tend to explain why there have been so many new hires without a corresponding increase in released new features?
In a word, no. Lack of production indicates one thing, and one thing only: a lack of production. A nebulous subsequent release, especially if said release follows a series of poor quality releases does absolutely nothing to mitigate that.
You assume the former, and staunchly defend it as the only likely possibility?
Again, reading failure. I'm assuming nothing. Cryptic has not stated that the 1-50 KDF faction will be a complete (IE: on par with current Federation content). Assuming something will happen is no more justifiable than assuming something won't happen in the absence of evidence. There is zero evidence pointing to full KDF content in this announcement. There is zero evidence pointing away from full KDF content in this announcement.
For the second time, stop putting words in my mouth to justify your own argument.
Do you want to get this straight, or talk about that question that has no bearing on reality at all?
So you'd rather focus on your completely absurd notion that a group of individual failures will, when put together and with no additional changes, magically morph into a collective success when assigned a more complex project?
A younger cloned version of himself deeply embedded in the politics of Romulus. It's a Romulan movie, like it or not.
It's not about the Romulans. It's about Picard. It's like trying to say Star Trek VI is about the Klingons. They're just the backdrop. The movie focused on Kirk. Nemesis focused on Picard and Data. So much so that even the villain WAS Picard (a clone, but still Picard).
It's also one of the least profitable, most criticized movies in the entire history of Trek. (Truthfully I never thought anything would out-dud the dud that was Star Trek V, but Nemesis put me in my place).
So if Nemesis is what you cling to as the profit power of the Romulan Empire ... hoo boy.
Ooohh, yay, Romulans get to play a major role in what is widely regarded as the worst of the TNG movies...
Not the greatest of examples for Romulan popularity... Just sayin'... Might want to try a bit harder then that.
"Fanbois" will cite whatever can to try and prove their points. Metrics will tell the tale. Before then it is all speculation either way.
I know where my money is. When the dust settles Romulans will be lucky to have the same playerbase as the KDF, assuming both factions remain as the KDF is now. (No, a tutorial and opening the level cap does nothing to address the fact that at endgame I have less to do on the red team. If they actually plug the holes in endgame KDF... it changes the game... all bets are off. They have an opportunity, but they have not said they will address it.)
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
It's not about the Romulans. It's about Picard. It's like trying to say Star Trek VI is about the Klingons.
I'd argue it was. The Federation/Klingon conflict, the internal disputes in both factions created by said conflict, the resulting Fed/Klingon peace accord that came about as a result of the Kirk/Sulu/Chang throwdown, none of that is window dressing.
Nemesis focused on Picard and Data. So much so that even the villain WAS Picard (a clone, but still Picard).
I won't dispute that. But as with VI, the Federation/Romulan antagonism, the Romulan/Reman dynamic, and the resulting (implied, but later contradicted by subsequent things) open door for a Fed/Romulan reconciliation is not just fluff. It's a large part of the film.
Again, reading failure. I'm assuming nothing. Cryptic has not stated that the 1-50 KDF faction will be a complete (IE: on par with current Federation content). Assuming something will happen is no more justifiable than assuming something won't happen in the absence of evidence. There is zero evidence pointing to full KDF content in this announcement. There is zero evidence pointing away from full KDF content in this announcement.
No, there's quite compelling evidence of exactly this:
The fact they're releasing the Romulan faction, after numerous, consistent, and recent statements they wouldn't do so UNTIL the Klingons had a complete leveling experience.
Either they were lying, publicly, recently, or they're delivering exactly what they said. So far they've done what they have said they were going to do; not release the Romulans until the Klingons had a full leveling experience. Now they say they're releasing the Romulans, and that the ability to play Klingons to the cap from level 1 is being restored. Either they flat out lied, repeatedly, recently, well after these plans were effectively set in stone (because half the dev team has been working on not much else other than this for months), or they're doing what they said they were going to do.
If you still doubt it at this point, you've moved beyond evidence, and next you'll be complaining that they don't reduce the number of Federation canon ships to match the number of Klingon canon ships, since the Klingons didn't have very many canon ships and it's not fair the Federation has more.
31 seasons of Federation series. 0 of Klingon. The Federation is ALWAYS going to have more of some things than the Klingons, unless Cryptic essentially gives up on making the majority of their customers happy to give them money in favor of spending the same amount of development money for a greatly lesser return. If you want to set unrealistic goal posts no sane developer would try to achieve, I guess you can; but it means that you're not here for the Klingons, you're here for the complaints.
Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
Like I said, they were used as the backdrop. They're the villains of the movie. (They were also used in Star Trek V ... hmmmm). But the movie wasn't Romulan Trek: The Remans are Sneaky and we let a Clone blow up our Senate
It was still Star Trek. It was still chronicling the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It was still about Picard and his crew.
Insurrection, for instance, wasn't about the Son'a. They were just the backdrop.
Either they were lying, publicly, recently, or they're delivering exactly what they said. S
In Cryptic's case, there's a really good chance they're not doing either. There's a very good chance they're changing the rules of the game, so that the Klingon and Romulan factions will be equal, and yet the overwhelming focus of the game will still be Federation.
Complete? For them I guess. We'll see what they do. But it's Cryptic. Don't trust the hype. Play the content for yourself. Which will happen, sometime soon, on one of their testing servers.
No, there's quite compelling evidence of exactly this:
The fact they're releasing the Romulan faction, after numerous, consistent, and recent statements they wouldn't do so UNTIL the Klingons had a complete leveling experience.
You really want to go down the road of Cryptic statements being proven to be blatant and utter lies? We both know of multiple times where that has occurred. But hey, who am I to argue...
If you still doubt it at this point, you've moved beyond evidence, and next you'll be complaining that they don't reduce the number of Federation canon ships to match the number of Klingon canon ships, since the Klingons didn't have very many canon ships and it's not fair the Federation has more.
31 seasons of Federation series. 0 of Klingon. The Federation is ALWAYS going to have more of some things than the Klingons, unless Cryptic essentially gives up on making the majority of their customers happy to give them money in favor of spending the same amount of development money for a greatly lesser return. If you want to set unrealistic goal posts no sane developer would try to achieve, I guess you can; but it means that you're not here for the Klingons, you're here for the complaints.
How nice of you to again make huge assumptions, this time that I'm some rabid KDF advocate, or that I'm demanding an unrealistic commitment from the Dev team. Neither of which are true. I have one KDF toon, whose primary purpose is to keep me stocked with contraband.
All I want is for people to stop making completely unfounded assumptions about what has been detailed so far in not-S8 based on what they want to be included ingame, as opposed to the information provided (or more accurately the lack of information provided).
Like I said, they were used as the backdrop. They're the villains of the movie. (They were also used in Star Trek V ... hmmmm). But the movie wasn't Romulan Trek: The Remans are Sneaky and we let a Clone blow up our Senate
It was still Star Trek. It was still chronicling the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It was still about Picard and his crew.
Insurrection, for instance, wasn't about the Son'a. They were just the backdrop.
I think we're getting into interpretative differences when it comes to storytelling and narrative style, so let's just agree to disagree shall we?
If you want to set unrealistic goal posts no sane developer would try to achieve, I guess you can; but it means that you're not here for the Klingons, you're here for the complaints.
Without more information it's pointless to speculate, however, would it have killed Cryptic to drop some KDF information into this reveal (other than the 0-50 thing)?
Certainly after all this time it'd be nice to have something to look forward to and yet I'm not - and why is that? Not because I want to put a downer on this update or denigrate the efforts of the team but because past history of STO has shown Cryptic incapable of delivering despite their best intentions.
A trailer that demos little new content and some bits of concept art doesn't exactly inspire confidence either.
What I do know is that Cryptic will do whatever costs them the least money - the KDF is a write-off now but they can't release a Rom faction without 'finishing' the KDF - I hope I'm wrong but I can't shake the feeling that what's coming for the KDF will be underwhelming and, after three years, frankly insulting.
It's not the same, but look at 'The Hive' - what was once mooted (and trailered) as an epic conclusion to the Borg STFs was a pale shadow of the work that came before it. Cryptic considered that 'good enough' and when it arrived it did so with a whimper rather than a bang.
I think (as do many others) that the KDF deserve better than that - but I'm not convinced Cryptic do.
No, I think not. I've been around far too long in this game to think they warrant more than cookies.
It's not gloom and doomsaying. It's real concern about the faction based on their track record in STO. (Shrug)
Then you obviously haven't read any of my posts but I'll give you the TL;DR version:
Fixing broken stuff, giving players choice and making game-play fun = better game.
Doing none of the above and adding a Romulan Faction (plus new Rep, new starbases, new grind) = same broken game with a fancy Romulan skin.
None of my posts since the Beta of this game have ever attempted to drag stuff down and ruin **** for everyone else - on the contrary, I want Cryptic to pay greater attention to what's wrong with this game and fix it for the benefit of everyone.
I have no agenda other than to call them out on every bone-headed thing they do - and this is Cryptic we're talking about - bone-headed is their thing.
Let me translate this you into how things work at a real company:
Fixing broken stuff = low priority, low (or potentially zero) ROI.
Adding a Romulan Faction (plus new Rep, new starbases, new grind) = Potentially high ROI, sales and value passed onto shareholders.
Incorrect according to Cryptic's metrics. Apparently no one bought stuff from the other faction. And the other faction only counted for 12 percent of the playerbase so they weren't profitable. Cutting the pie up even more? Not much ROI there either.
Making new fed stuff though ... that's profit.
Yes - I saw Bort's 'coffee break' thread about fixing FAW - Bort's involvement in fixing balance and other systems bugs is great and much, much appreciated, but you're a PvP'er - don't you think STO's PvP deserves a little more attention than what Bort can fix in his lunch-break?
Or perhaps you know of a mystery dev who's in charge of PvP now? Because it was Gozer and he's well - gone.
Bottom line is that the Kumari got a slew of fixes (and even a dedicated patch) because it was costing them sales - all the other broken TRIBBLE in this game is on the backburner indefinitely (and that include Rep system gear which has been broken since the release of Season 7).
Bort cares about this stuff - so do some of the other devs I suspect but Cryptic/PWE? No. Not a chance. Is that good enough?
wrong ....since beta people have been screaming for a rom faction don't know why but people find the roms a lot more sexy than the Klingons so the roi will be high
wait what rep system gear is broken??? I must have missed that
Flamethrower, passive shield regen booster and Omega torpedo off the top of my head. Then there were the hilarious shenanigans that ensued in regards to multiple rep passives (most notably the uber-shields that were subsequently turned off, and perma-placates).
Omega Engines Quantum Slipstream Cooldown - busted.
Omega Ground Shields Expose effect applies to player not the enemy that triggered it.
Omega Harvester costume options broken (feet bow upwards, knees are tucked in, grenades squash 'n stretch)
Players that got some (but not all) of accolades before Season 7 are unable to unlock the costume projects.
B'ves armor option still not available to KDF players.
Adapted MACO can have the glow color changed on the boots but nowhere else.
Think that's it off the top of my head.
I am not sure that is a completely fair assessment. The KDF side of things doesn't have a lot of players, true, but that does not automatically equate to other factions not being profitable. If they are charging for this update (and I assume at least some of the features will be paid), then they will probably make up a good chunk of the dev costs just from the initial wave of sales, and it should be pretty much gravy from there on out.
Or to put it another way ... none of the shows were ever focused on Romulus. They were always about Starfleet commanders like Sisko or Picard.
Branflakes already posted that it's free.
Don't forget that from all appearances the omega and KHG space set effects appear to be reversed. Or am I the only one that thinks that the square grid deflector effects and heat shimmer seem more appropriate to the square grid pattern of the Omega sets, and the flame motif seems more at home on a KDF ship?
One could argue that Nemesis makes that line of thought untrue.
Do you want to get this straight, or talk about that question that has no bearing on reality at all?
They had a small team, who were only allowed to work on the Klingon faction in their spare time. That team made some small periodic improvements to the Klingon faction, and said consistently that they would not release a third faction until they could complete the Klingons, and that Klingons wouldn't get level 1 play back until there was sufficient content to warrant it.
Then they hired a huge number of developers, but there was no corresponding visible output of new stuff, implying those people were working on something that wasn't being released right away.
Then they announced, not too long after the last time they confirmed that a third faction wouldn't be released until the Klingons were complete, that they were releasing a third faction AND extending Klingon play to level 1. You are therefore presented with two possibilities:
1) They have been deliberately lying about their intentions, all of these new people have been getting paid solely to work on the Romulans, and they intend to just ignore the Klingons completely and have two full factions, Federation and Romulan, with the Klingons being the only minifaction.
2) They have been telling the truth, and the Klingons are getting a full 1-to-the-cap leveling experience at the same time the Romulans are introduced with one.
You assume the former, and staunchly defend it as the only likely possibility?
I guess you can, if you want; but don't expect it to be seen as particularly credible.
It's possible their execution will fall short of your personal expectations, but the idea that they are just dropping the Klingons into a PvE-less Level 1 experience and nobody touched them for all this time is simply not credible. Assume positive intent.
In hindsight, doesn't the fact that they're releasing such a giant expansion tend to explain why there have been so many new hires without a corresponding increase in released new features?
Dan said they more than doubled the size of the team. You said those people weren't working on STO because new things weren't coming out. Now it turns out they were working on a giant pile of new things for STO. You should be glad you were wrong, not searching desperately for a way for you to have been right despite the new evidence.
Please quote for me where I have said that the STO team wasn't working on STO. You can't, because I never have. Stop putting words in other peoples mouths to back up your own flawed argument.
Secondly, inability to produce satisfactory results does not in any way mean people aren't working on a project.
Thirdly, it's so nice to see a community moderator jump straight into snark and personal attacks when their logic fails. You're setting a great example for the rest of us.
In a word, no. Lack of production indicates one thing, and one thing only: a lack of production. A nebulous subsequent release, especially if said release follows a series of poor quality releases does absolutely nothing to mitigate that.
Again, reading failure. I'm assuming nothing. Cryptic has not stated that the 1-50 KDF faction will be a complete (IE: on par with current Federation content). Assuming something will happen is no more justifiable than assuming something won't happen in the absence of evidence. There is zero evidence pointing to full KDF content in this announcement. There is zero evidence pointing away from full KDF content in this announcement.
For the second time, stop putting words in my mouth to justify your own argument.
So you'd rather focus on your completely absurd notion that a group of individual failures will, when put together and with no additional changes, magically morph into a collective success when assigned a more complex project?
A younger cloned version of himself deeply embedded in the politics of Romulus. It's a Romulan movie, like it or not.
It's also one of the least profitable, most criticized movies in the entire history of Trek. (Truthfully I never thought anything would out-dud the dud that was Star Trek V, but Nemesis put me in my place).
So if Nemesis is what you cling to as the profit power of the Romulan Empire ... hoo boy.
Not the greatest of examples for Romulan popularity... Just sayin'... Might want to try a bit harder then that.
"Fanbois" will cite whatever can to try and prove their points. Metrics will tell the tale. Before then it is all speculation either way.
I know where my money is. When the dust settles Romulans will be lucky to have the same playerbase as the KDF, assuming both factions remain as the KDF is now. (No, a tutorial and opening the level cap does nothing to address the fact that at endgame I have less to do on the red team. If they actually plug the holes in endgame KDF... it changes the game... all bets are off. They have an opportunity, but they have not said they will address it.)
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
system Lord Baal is dead
I'd argue it was. The Federation/Klingon conflict, the internal disputes in both factions created by said conflict, the resulting Fed/Klingon peace accord that came about as a result of the Kirk/Sulu/Chang throwdown, none of that is window dressing.
I won't dispute that. But as with VI, the Federation/Romulan antagonism, the Romulan/Reman dynamic, and the resulting (implied, but later contradicted by subsequent things) open door for a Fed/Romulan reconciliation is not just fluff. It's a large part of the film.
I've made zero statement about the quality of Nemesis. I'm disputing the argument that Romulans never played any meaningful role. Big difference.
No, there's quite compelling evidence of exactly this:
The fact they're releasing the Romulan faction, after numerous, consistent, and recent statements they wouldn't do so UNTIL the Klingons had a complete leveling experience.
Either they were lying, publicly, recently, or they're delivering exactly what they said. So far they've done what they have said they were going to do; not release the Romulans until the Klingons had a full leveling experience. Now they say they're releasing the Romulans, and that the ability to play Klingons to the cap from level 1 is being restored. Either they flat out lied, repeatedly, recently, well after these plans were effectively set in stone (because half the dev team has been working on not much else other than this for months), or they're doing what they said they were going to do.
If you still doubt it at this point, you've moved beyond evidence, and next you'll be complaining that they don't reduce the number of Federation canon ships to match the number of Klingon canon ships, since the Klingons didn't have very many canon ships and it's not fair the Federation has more.
31 seasons of Federation series. 0 of Klingon. The Federation is ALWAYS going to have more of some things than the Klingons, unless Cryptic essentially gives up on making the majority of their customers happy to give them money in favor of spending the same amount of development money for a greatly lesser return. If you want to set unrealistic goal posts no sane developer would try to achieve, I guess you can; but it means that you're not here for the Klingons, you're here for the complaints.
It was still Star Trek. It was still chronicling the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It was still about Picard and his crew.
Insurrection, for instance, wasn't about the Son'a. They were just the backdrop.
Complete? For them I guess. We'll see what they do. But it's Cryptic. Don't trust the hype. Play the content for yourself. Which will happen, sometime soon, on one of their testing servers.
You really want to go down the road of Cryptic statements being proven to be blatant and utter lies? We both know of multiple times where that has occurred. But hey, who am I to argue...
F2P Conversion
Dilithium Conversion
STF-Gate (Reputation Conversion)
Starbases and Fleet Holdings
How nice of you to again make huge assumptions, this time that I'm some rabid KDF advocate, or that I'm demanding an unrealistic commitment from the Dev team. Neither of which are true. I have one KDF toon, whose primary purpose is to keep me stocked with contraband.
All I want is for people to stop making completely unfounded assumptions about what has been detailed so far in not-S8 based on what they want to be included ingame, as opposed to the information provided (or more accurately the lack of information provided).
I think we're getting into interpretative differences when it comes to storytelling and narrative style, so let's just agree to disagree shall we?
Dying by the truckloads to set up Picard's Khan does not constitute "meaningful".
Without more information it's pointless to speculate, however, would it have killed Cryptic to drop some KDF information into this reveal (other than the 0-50 thing)?
Certainly after all this time it'd be nice to have something to look forward to and yet I'm not - and why is that? Not because I want to put a downer on this update or denigrate the efforts of the team but because past history of STO has shown Cryptic incapable of delivering despite their best intentions.
A trailer that demos little new content and some bits of concept art doesn't exactly inspire confidence either.
What I do know is that Cryptic will do whatever costs them the least money - the KDF is a write-off now but they can't release a Rom faction without 'finishing' the KDF - I hope I'm wrong but I can't shake the feeling that what's coming for the KDF will be underwhelming and, after three years, frankly insulting.
It's not the same, but look at 'The Hive' - what was once mooted (and trailered) as an epic conclusion to the Borg STFs was a pale shadow of the work that came before it. Cryptic considered that 'good enough' and when it arrived it did so with a whimper rather than a bang.
I think (as do many others) that the KDF deserve better than that - but I'm not convinced Cryptic do.