We will be bringing down Star Trek Online tomorrow, Thursday, February 14th, at 7AM PST (click here to view in your timezone) for maintenance and to apply a new patch. Patch notes can be found here, and we expect this maintenance to only last for 2 hours. The test server may also be unavailable during this time.
Thanks for your patience and understanding,
- The Star Trek Online Team
I have to say as a new person that scheduling downtime on the LAST DAY of the anniversary is stupid.
i dont think the changes in froundry in the patch notes mean there not gonna be any more fleet marks be rewarded. i think they left the fleet marks there and not mentioning it at all in the patch notes.
Nope ... Brandon confirmed yesterday that they are being removed as Foundry is not "Group/Fleet" play.
wow, seriously people? Have your DOff's do some assignments, and hand in your commendation points at your starbase for fleet marks? From STO Wiki:
File Commendation Report
>>You can start Duty Officer missions at the console next to the tunnel in your fleet's Ops Center. Per commendation your points total should exceed 110.000 CXP before you can start a Commendation Report Duty Officer mission. Per Mission it will cost 10.000 CXP to earm 75 Fleet Marks (or 100 Fleet Marks on a critical success). The mission's Critical Success Traits are Tactical, Emotional, Resolve, and Cunning. It is suggested to never use "Success" Specialization because it reduced over all Critical Success.<<
I know, I know, it requires maxing out your commendation points to begin with and then transwarping allll the way to your fleet base to go to that room with the Watch Officer and accessing that terminal and then clicking a few buttons. I know it's rough to do. I know there's no pew pew pew involved and that it requires thought, but if y'all try it, you will succeed. I've maxed out all but two of the commendation system tiers in the year that I've been playing and once I hit that extra ten thousand mark on all of my tier 4's, I go over and cash in. Easy peasy. is it instant gratification? Hell no. Will it slow things down? A bit, yes. Is there a better alternative? Oh sure...grind out aggravating fleet missions for an hour or two in order to make at least equal to the above suggestion. OH and an added bonus, if you do the missions before you log off for the night when you come back, you get a big surprise!
let me guess: you farm all the 10k CXP for each commendation in one day right? and you got the purple doffs with all 4 perfect traits for the mission from santa claus right? in addition to max all the commendations will take ONLY 1 YEAR...
ps: this is not a section where you can show us how big and awesome you are! if you want to help leave your trolling attitude at home!
i dont think the changes in froundry in the patch notes mean there not gonna be any more fleet marks be rewarded. i think they left the fleet marks there and not mentioning it at all in the patch notes.
Fleet Marks are definitively gone away from Foundry Missions....
What about the Fleet Marks that were granted from the Foundry Daily? Are those gone as well?
Correct; they are no longer offered with these Foundry reward changes.
I only started the game a couple days ago which only gave me one chance at a Q fun event but I could have done more than one temporal mission.
A certain other publisher/developer that I pay...all access... extra fee, to play more than one of their games, would never have done such a thing.
basically speaking, every Thursday is patch day. Same bat-time, Same bat-channel. Lather, rinse, repeat. The anniversary stuff was only going to be around for two weeks (added to the game mind you, with that every Thursday patch) The Temporal Mission itself will still be available to play after this as a mission at level 25. it's posted up somewhere. the Q event at the academy, you are S.O.L. for.
It's so easy a blind man could see it with a cane.
1. How to make players actually play in an event and not afk for reward.
2. How to make it equally attactive to do all events or missions.
3. How to remove the manufacture of "grind" missions for easy rewards.
4. How to control the amount of "free" money handed out vs. paying customers paying the cost of running the servers.
5. How to make purists happy, so that the game actually mimics "real life" ways to obtain goods (dilithium,ec, etc.)
6. How to get players to play without regards to level of an area. (Vets helping noobs).
part one: monitor damage done in battle, scale a reward to that amount. Marks, ec, drops, dilithium, everything. (Blow up a ship, you get it's resources)
part two: Make paying players rewards double that of non paying customers.
Quit "monkeying" with the systems. You guys are idiots for changing things so much. I buy a weapon, freely available to everyone, like it, use it. Then you decide to change how it works. Come on, in the real world this is never done. It is against the law to sell an item, based upon description, and then change it. It's called "bait and switch".
Yeah, let me go out and buy a new car, sign the papers, w8 on the car to be detailed and cleaned up, only to be told, "oh, the red sports car you bought is being discontinued, we have this puke green mini van for you. Have a nice day."
I know it's a bit different in games like this, for balance purposes and such, but the actions are resented as much as in any other transaction.
I may continue to play and I may not. These continuing changes are wearing me thin, my love for Star Trek universe only holds on for so long.
My brain went wandering down this path as I read the thread over. Could they be trying to slow kill STO in favor of their next game NWN?
Well they have all your monies already (lol25bucksforaship and lol5bucksforasimplerespec), most of the important staff would get a plum job on nwn without fuss, they would not have to pay money to cbs so more profit and of course as they start from scratch, they can start the 'uber lock box lootz' power creep from step one with a whole new group of sucker, err consumers who will pay through the nose for the chance at 'enchanted armor x with new upgrade jewel for uber dps', even if said chance is less than being hit by a meteorite
Its entirely possible, but I doubt it is in this case - in this case I think its just bad decisions on the level of calling the Titanic 'unsinkable' or calling a Sumo wrestler a 'fatso' or naming a shuttle 'invincible' then taking it into an estf hive
Nice, so I shouldn't be concerned that it actually worked for me ?
Yeah, I can't get that as well. The Custom Option always worked and it was the only way to see Foundry Missions from other languages than English. I don't want to switch my games language just to see German foundry missions for example.
Sorry, those foundry changes were planned by an ape on drugs it seems.
Fleet admirals will now have a horrendous time encouraging their fleet members to get fleet marks. The rewards are too small and the number of missions too few to make this into a "Fleet event".
So we will see fleet projects hanging around waiting to be completed for months, which will be very discouraging. Players need to see maintainable progression, this change will frustrate all the fleets as I believe people are underestimating how many marks were being generated through the foundary. No one has asked me where I get my marks from....I just quietly contribute them when I have a few hundred.
I hope that fleet mark rewards will be scaled up or something will replace the method we were using to earn fleet marks.
I don't accept that Foundary missions were not related to "Fleet", simply by BEING in a fleet everything you do is related to your fleet. Your individual progression is important to your fleet, if you earn 8k dil every day, doesn't matter where from, you will contribute some of it your fleet. Explore missions are not fleet related, but you contribute some of the dilithium from those missions to your fleet!
Made the dil to Scale - whats the point of doing this? In order to get the dil the missions have to be long enough - so is that gone now? I can get a certain amount of dil for ALL missions since they now scale? - EXPLAIN please
Now that Fleet Marks are now GONE from the foundry - can you INCREASE the amount of marks we get from doing Fleet alert etc? for 15 mins we get only 15-18 marks... on the other hand a 15min STF gives us over 60 marks... 75 with the optional.
Why cant STF's also give fleet marks? Why cant they be balanced?
The only way I will get my fleet marks is through the commendation system...
This will slow down my already small fleet.
Why cant the projects also SCALE to the size of the fleet - you managed to scale them for everything else now it seems...
Instead of tweaking the rewards all the time, why not fix the place we USE them for...
Sir, if they scaled the fleet projects it would only kill large fleets. People that were inactive from the fleet for a while would get kicked, due to cutting costs. I just don't see your wish coming true. As for I, this will only kill alot of money I have been spending on fleet dill spending. So, big deal their loss, Im sure alot of other people won't be spending as much money either. When you can't get the marks as quick, than the dill spending goes way down. Less revenue for them. Its like they are cutting their own throats.
Just cant leave well enough alone. You have turned this game into a grind fest and I feel when I log in everyday i have work to do, which I'm finding less and less fun. Sense F2P, or S7, we (the player) has been challenged to find the easiest and most effecient way to grind for marks ec's, and dilithium. If we dont spend enough time playing the things you wish us too, you the devs have only yourself to blame.
This is gonna backfire cryptic... Just like when you tried to tell us Fleet Doffs couldnt be used on projects an then you guys forgot to label them? Remember... you ruined the exchange for a bit and stalled everyone's progress?
Or back when you guys took dil out STF's... yeah that lasted a week or so before you guys rectified your error.
Both of these "Working as intended" debacles were a crock of %$&* and this one is too. You guys might as well start prepping the next patch for when you guys realize you shouldn't listen to the pizza delivery dude for what to put in the next patch!
I only started the game a couple days ago which only gave me one chance at a Q fun event but I could have done more than one temporal mission.
A certain other publisher/developer that I pay...all access... extra fee, to play more than one of their games, would never have done such a thing.
I agree with this, it seems to be a rather poor decision to pull the servers down for 2 hours when the 3 year Anniversary event is coming to an end!
Would it really have been so hard to change the maintentance to occur AFTER the Anniversary event has finished? Is it really too much to expect as little maintenance as possible (or preferably none at all) during an event that only happens once?
Playing STO since August 2010
Playing Neverwinter since July 2014
I agree with this, it seems to be a rather poor decision to pull the servers down for 2 hours when the 3 year Anniversary event is coming to an end!
Would it really have been so hard to change the maintentance to occur AFTER the Anniversary event has finished? Is it really too much to expect as little maintenance as possible (or preferably none at all) during an event that only happens once?
Pay per month and lifetime players should get double of all rewards in all things, this would attract paying customers and lifetime sales like crazy, even X1.5 ec, dil fleet marks, romulan marks, (foundry marks) it would also curb alot of the random complaints from those that fund this venture, while allowing less attention paid to complaints later because hey, at that point a majority of those complaints come from those who dont contribute to the cause.
good luck Branflakes, i dont envy some aspects of your job:) Good huntin' and Godspeed!
let me guess: you farm all the 10k CXP for each commendation in one day right? and you got the purple doffs with all 4 perfect traits for the mission from santa claus right? in addition to max all the commendations will take ONLY 1 YEAR...
ps: this is not a section where you can show us how big and awesome you are! if you want to help leave your trolling attitude at home!
you seem to be looking for an argument right now. See, I have this thing called patience. I'm not in a rush like most of the other people in this game seem to be. If you read what I said without getting so defensive, you will see that I wrote:
"once I hit that extra ten thousand mark on all of my tier 4's, I go over and cash in."
I never said a time frame or mentioned anything about what type of DOff's I use. To be honest, if I have a purple DOff available at that time, I use it. If I have a Blue DOff Available at that time, I use it. If I have a Green DOff available at that time, I use it. I don't generally have the critical traits available so again, I use what I have available at the time.
you stated:
>>in addition to max all the commendations will take ONLY 1 YEAR...<<
again, if you read what I actually stated:
"I've maxed out all but two of the commendation system tiers in the year that I've been playing"
I'm not sure how stating an alternative or additional method of earning fleet marks in lieu of them being taken out of the foundry makes me big and awesome as well as a troll. I'm sure others have much better methods to get FM other than this. BUT if it makes you feel better about calling me names because you didn't think of it first, then be my guest.
Oh and if I wanted to troll, I'd be pointing out how utterly good or utterly bad this entire nerf thing is for the good of game balance and harmony amongst all classes and types of gamers, including but not limited to incorporation of some sort of line, or blurb about PVP, PVE, Solo-play, Feds/KDF, Starbases, Tac's being OP, Sci's being UP, Cruiser's needing to be on par with escorts, more content for KDF, bashing Cryptic, Flamethrowers, Dilithium sinks, Embassy worth, Invisible Borg torps being awesome, Borg actually being OP, Bashing Cryptic, how much I reeeaaaaally want to have a new romulan faction BEFORE KDF story is fully fleshed out and how much the galaxy class apparently sucks (or rocks depending on trollish one wants to be), elitism and probably a bunch of other things.
Quick question - is there a fleet that has hit Tier 5 on all of its projects? I know Aquarius has a T5 Shipyard, but maxed out their Tactical projects to do so...?
My fleet is halfway through upgrading our structures to Tier 4 (Shipyard/Fabricator done). We've *just* got enough to finish our upgrades to get fully to T4.
With this Valentines Day Massacre of fleet marks, I doubt we're going to bother getting to Tier 5. This is BS - the nerf bat needs putting down, and the fixing wrench needs to be picked up.
The one thing Cryptic excell at is nerfing there own content. They took loot away from stfs so poeple only ran KA ground and Infected Space. They made there own missions for fleet mark out of date by adding fleet marks to Investigate Officer Report. Now they need to make their content matter again. Big oops on Cryptics part. There can be a happy medium. They can add mutiple foundry missions to the log. One that rewards 1440 dilithium for the weekly feature misson with a 20 hour cooldown. Another with an 6 Hour cooldown that rewards fleet marks 50 fleet marks. One more misson that has hour cooldown for 480 dilithium and some EC. These missions should be allowed to piggy back so so one run could complete all three missions, like the old B'tran. The numbers could change but the idea should make people happy. These missions should still qualify for "Investigation Rules". They should also increse the FM for the fleet mark missions to make them viable option instead of Investigate. Also fleet marks should be rewarded for any teamed event, just cut down the rate. STFs should reward 10 FMs.
To the changes in the foundry I say this. make up your minds already please or remove the dang thing from the game. Second the only, let me say that again ONLY reason to take fleet marks out of investigate officer report is to slow yes SLOW fleet down. A rather common factor among mmos realy find any way you can to slow progression of players , fleets, or guild down to the point of a painful crawl. Why? Well the answer is actually quite simple, it is to keep you playing. The longer it takes you to achieve a goal the longer you play the game the longer you play the game the more money the company potentialy makes from you. It is rely that simple.
also the only reason the foundry exists in the first place is Cryptic is to small of a company to add real content to the game. Look at the maps, all perfect rectangles. They are simply to lazy to add content of their own so they give players the ability to make up their own using stock npcs and items.
STO at level 50 is now a grind fest and not much else. If i look at how many FM i need to get what i am working towards for FSB and then the amount of dil that i need to buy fleet item, the the Rom marks and the Omega marks, i think that i will just end up playing the same 5 or 6 missions all the time only way that i will be able to work it,
so when i finish work come home have me tea i will log on to STO and play the same thing every day, NO I DON'T think i will, I am not in to grinding all the time and that is what i am going to have to do, that would be fine for a few days but OMG if that is your plan give us a decent expansion pack, Cos lets me honest the game is not that big at all, and repetitive grind is going to alienate a lot of people,
As a Company Director I would never treat my customers this way, Get a clue! I gave you some of my hard earned money well if i had know that you where going to give us this i would not of, I have decided that for me anyway I will give you one week to sort out something so that this game is not a boring grind, if you do not i will go back to playing SWTOR at least they give new content and 8 different story lines AND much better customer service.
Your with hopes that you get a clue and make this game worth playing and worth paying for. I got Charged an extra ?1.00 for buying ZEN as on over seas transaction I would tell you how upset that made me on principle Another joke from STO and it ripoff merchant owners and producers
and i would like to say that it may be a good idea if the writers actually watched an episode or 2 of star trek cos it does not look like many of them have any idea about the universe of Gene Roddenbury.
I just don't understand what is going through their heads. The whole concept of Star Trek was to better yourself and all I see Cryptic doing is shooting themselves in the foot. Please learn to prioritize Cryptic and stop TRIBBLE up things that work fine, if it isn't broke don't fix it. Surely you must see the amount of people that aren't happy with certain changes.
Sometimes all I picture is a bunch of guys sat in a studio going, "So what can we do to mess with them this month?". Fixing the servers and more of the bugs, and working on areas of the game that could do with an improvement would be nice.
I have to say as a new person that scheduling downtime on the LAST DAY of the anniversary is stupid.
This cuts out 2 hours of final event time leaving 1 hour left as per your 10 am cutoff time Pacific.
I only started the game a couple days ago which only gave me one chance at a Q fun event but I could have done more than one temporal mission.
A certain other publisher/developer that I pay...all access... extra fee, to play more than one of their games, would never have done such a thing.
Nope ... Brandon confirmed yesterday that they are being removed as Foundry is not "Group/Fleet" play.
U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
let me guess: you farm all the 10k CXP for each commendation in one day right? and you got the purple doffs with all 4 perfect traits for the mission from santa claus right? in addition to max all the commendations will take ONLY 1 YEAR...
ps: this is not a section where you can show us how big and awesome you are! if you want to help leave your trolling attitude at home!
Fleet Marks are definitively gone away from Foundry Missions....
Found here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=549851
This will significantly lower the progress of small fleets.
Link: Castra - a german Fleet.
basically speaking, every Thursday is patch day. Same bat-time, Same bat-channel. Lather, rinse, repeat. The anniversary stuff was only going to be around for two weeks (added to the game mind you, with that every Thursday patch) The Temporal Mission itself will still be available to play after this as a mission at level 25. it's posted up somewhere. the Q event at the academy, you are S.O.L. for.
1. How to make players actually play in an event and not afk for reward.
2. How to make it equally attactive to do all events or missions.
3. How to remove the manufacture of "grind" missions for easy rewards.
4. How to control the amount of "free" money handed out vs. paying customers paying the cost of running the servers.
5. How to make purists happy, so that the game actually mimics "real life" ways to obtain goods (dilithium,ec, etc.)
6. How to get players to play without regards to level of an area. (Vets helping noobs).
part one: monitor damage done in battle, scale a reward to that amount. Marks, ec, drops, dilithium, everything. (Blow up a ship, you get it's resources)
part two: Make paying players rewards double that of non paying customers.
Quit "monkeying" with the systems. You guys are idiots for changing things so much. I buy a weapon, freely available to everyone, like it, use it. Then you decide to change how it works. Come on, in the real world this is never done. It is against the law to sell an item, based upon description, and then change it. It's called "bait and switch".
Yeah, let me go out and buy a new car, sign the papers, w8 on the car to be detailed and cleaned up, only to be told, "oh, the red sports car you bought is being discontinued, we have this puke green mini van for you. Have a nice day."
I know it's a bit different in games like this, for balance purposes and such, but the actions are resented as much as in any other transaction.
I may continue to play and I may not. These continuing changes are wearing me thin, my love for Star Trek universe only holds on for so long.
well most of the time i do the Battle Royal Rumble foundry mission with my fleet mates... this is group/fleet play time for us:(
Nice, so I shouldn't be concerned that it actually worked for me ?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Well they have all your monies already (lol25bucksforaship and lol5bucksforasimplerespec), most of the important staff would get a plum job on nwn without fuss, they would not have to pay money to cbs so more profit and of course as they start from scratch, they can start the 'uber lock box lootz' power creep from step one with a whole new group of sucker, err consumers who will pay through the nose for the chance at 'enchanted armor x with new upgrade jewel for uber dps', even if said chance is less than being hit by a meteorite
Its entirely possible, but I doubt it is in this case - in this case I think its just bad decisions on the level of calling the Titanic 'unsinkable' or calling a Sumo wrestler a 'fatso' or naming a shuttle 'invincible' then taking it into an estf hive
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Yeah, I can't get that as well. The Custom Option always worked and it was the only way to see Foundry Missions from other languages than English. I don't want to switch my games language just to see German foundry missions for example.
Sorry, those foundry changes were planned by an ape on drugs it seems.
No, just Bloody (Nerfing) Valentines
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
So we will see fleet projects hanging around waiting to be completed for months, which will be very discouraging. Players need to see maintainable progression, this change will frustrate all the fleets as I believe people are underestimating how many marks were being generated through the foundary. No one has asked me where I get my marks from....I just quietly contribute them when I have a few hundred.
I hope that fleet mark rewards will be scaled up or something will replace the method we were using to earn fleet marks.
I don't accept that Foundary missions were not related to "Fleet", simply by BEING in a fleet everything you do is related to your fleet. Your individual progression is important to your fleet, if you earn 8k dil every day, doesn't matter where from, you will contribute some of it your fleet. Explore missions are not fleet related, but you contribute some of the dilithium from those missions to your fleet!
Cryptic, please re-think.
Sir, if they scaled the fleet projects it would only kill large fleets. People that were inactive from the fleet for a while would get kicked, due to cutting costs. I just don't see your wish coming true. As for I, this will only kill alot of money I have been spending on fleet dill spending. So, big deal their loss, Im sure alot of other people won't be spending as much money either. When you can't get the marks as quick, than the dill spending goes way down. Less revenue for them. Its like they are cutting their own throats.
This is gonna backfire cryptic... Just like when you tried to tell us Fleet Doffs couldnt be used on projects an then you guys forgot to label them? Remember... you ruined the exchange for a bit and stalled everyone's progress?
Or back when you guys took dil out STF's... yeah that lasted a week or so before you guys rectified your error.
Both of these "Working as intended" debacles were a crock of %$&* and this one is too. You guys might as well start prepping the next patch for when you guys realize you shouldn't listen to the pizza delivery dude for what to put in the next patch!
Its dead Jim, the foundry is dead.
Cubeageddon - You are the last hope. Find it in the Foundry!
The Space Race - An alternate to PVP - In Foundry Now!
Would it really have been so hard to change the maintentance to occur AFTER the Anniversary event has finished? Is it really too much to expect as little maintenance as possible (or preferably none at all) during an event that only happens once?
Playing Neverwinter since July 2014
Common sense is against the TOS. Careful Bud.
Cubeageddon - You are the last hope. Find it in the Foundry!
The Space Race - An alternate to PVP - In Foundry Now!
good luck Branflakes, i dont envy some aspects of your job:) Good huntin' and Godspeed!
Mind on my Money, Money on my Mind
Are you kidding me... whats not to envy. fap fap fap, nerf game, fap fap fap, collect pay check.
Cubeageddon - You are the last hope. Find it in the Foundry!
The Space Race - An alternate to PVP - In Foundry Now!
you seem to be looking for an argument right now. See, I have this thing called patience. I'm not in a rush like most of the other people in this game seem to be. If you read what I said without getting so defensive, you will see that I wrote:
"once I hit that extra ten thousand mark on all of my tier 4's, I go over and cash in."
I never said a time frame or mentioned anything about what type of DOff's I use. To be honest, if I have a purple DOff available at that time, I use it. If I have a Blue DOff Available at that time, I use it. If I have a Green DOff available at that time, I use it. I don't generally have the critical traits available so again, I use what I have available at the time.
you stated:
>>in addition to max all the commendations will take ONLY 1 YEAR...<<
again, if you read what I actually stated:
"I've maxed out all but two of the commendation system tiers in the year that I've been playing"
I'm not sure how stating an alternative or additional method of earning fleet marks in lieu of them being taken out of the foundry makes me big and awesome as well as a troll. I'm sure others have much better methods to get FM other than this. BUT if it makes you feel better about calling me names because you didn't think of it first, then be my guest.
Oh and if I wanted to troll, I'd be pointing out how utterly good or utterly bad this entire nerf thing is for the good of game balance and harmony amongst all classes and types of gamers, including but not limited to incorporation of some sort of line, or blurb about PVP, PVE, Solo-play, Feds/KDF, Starbases, Tac's being OP, Sci's being UP, Cruiser's needing to be on par with escorts, more content for KDF, bashing Cryptic, Flamethrowers, Dilithium sinks, Embassy worth, Invisible Borg torps being awesome, Borg actually being OP, Bashing Cryptic, how much I reeeaaaaally want to have a new romulan faction BEFORE KDF story is fully fleshed out and how much the galaxy class apparently sucks (or rocks depending on trollish one wants to be), elitism and probably a bunch of other things.
OR. I could be a real phallus and say
"It's your choice to log in every day."
THAT, I believe, would be trolling.
Have a Day! =D
My fleet is halfway through upgrading our structures to Tier 4 (Shipyard/Fabricator done). We've *just* got enough to finish our upgrades to get fully to T4.
With this Valentines Day Massacre of fleet marks, I doubt we're going to bother getting to Tier 5. This is BS - the nerf bat needs putting down, and the fixing wrench needs to be picked up.
Ninth Fleet - 20 years, from SFC2:EAW to STO and still going strong...
This is my idea to fix the issues people are
STO at level 50 is now a grind fest and not much else. If i look at how many FM i need to get what i am working towards for FSB and then the amount of dil that i need to buy fleet item, the the Rom marks and the Omega marks, i think that i will just end up playing the same 5 or 6 missions all the time only way that i will be able to work it,
so when i finish work come home have me tea i will log on to STO and play the same thing every day, NO I DON'T think i will, I am not in to grinding all the time and that is what i am going to have to do, that would be fine for a few days but OMG if that is your plan give us a decent expansion pack, Cos lets me honest the game is not that big at all, and repetitive grind is going to alienate a lot of people,
As a Company Director I would never treat my customers this way, Get a clue! I gave you some of my hard earned money well if i had know that you where going to give us this i would not of, I have decided that for me anyway I will give you one week to sort out something so that this game is not a boring grind, if you do not i will go back to playing SWTOR at least they give new content and 8 different story lines AND much better customer service.
Your with hopes that you get a clue and make this game worth playing and worth paying for. I got Charged an extra ?1.00 for buying ZEN as on over seas transaction I would tell you how upset that made me on principle Another joke from STO and it ripoff merchant owners and producers
and i would like to say that it may be a good idea if the writers actually watched an episode or 2 of star trek cos it does not look like many of them have any idea about the universe of Gene Roddenbury.
Sometimes all I picture is a bunch of guys sat in a studio going, "So what can we do to mess with them this month?". Fixing the servers and more of the bugs, and working on areas of the game that could do with an improvement would be nice.