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TRIBBLE Maintenance and Release Notes - February 13, 2013



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    arskakarvaarskakarva Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The crux of the problem is that there is no "natural" pace of Fleet progression when you don't have a massive pool of players in the fleet. It isn't hard to understand why people would feel their motivation sink when they know it'll take them over a year at best to even get to T5. The entire thing is worked around the exact wrong end of the spectrum, with the few massive fleets given priority over the smallest fleets.

    Compared to the Reputation System, which at the very least works and lets the player get his daily progression without enforcing immense burdens on him, there is no such thing with the Fleet Advancement system. There is something terribly wrong when there are people SELLING access to Fleet stores, because the writing on the wall is that there will always be only a handful of privileged fleets that can make it to the top. At this rate soon enough some high-tier Fleets will be charging for membership.
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    ask4kirk1701ask4kirk1701 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    we Will Be Bringing The Tribble Server Down For Maintenance To Apply A New Update.

    • resolved An Issue That Could Cause The Dilithium Mining Minigame To Display Incorrectly.
    • the Foundry Daily Missions Have Been Replaced.
      • the Existing Daily Missions Have Been Removed.
      • now, All Qualifying Foundry Missions Will Automatically Reward A Scaling Amount Of Dilithium And Skill Points/expertise.
      • dilithium Will Be Rewarded Based On The Average Playtime Of The Mission.
      • all Spotlight Missions Will Reward The Same As A Qualifying Mission, With Two Exceptions.
        • once Every 24 Hours, The First Spotlight Mission Completed In That Time Frame Will Get A Bonus 1440 Dilithium.
        • once Every 24 Hours, The First Spotlight Mission Completed In That Time Frame Will Get A Scaling Amount Of Energy Credits, Based On The Player's Level.
    • the Fleet Level Display Will No Longer Be Cut Off For Fleets With Really Long Names.
    • the Winter 2012 Fleet Project Can Now Be Cancelled.
      • only A Fleet Leader Will Be Able To Cancel This Project.
      • this Permission Cannot Be Delegated To Members Of Lower Ranks.
      • any Items Donated Toward The Completion Of The Project Will Be Lost And Not Refunded.
      • any Fleet Credit Earned By Donating To This Project Is Kept.
    • resolved A Graphics Issue That Was Introduced With The Last Patch To Tribble And Caused Some Players To Get Blue Screens Or Black Screens.

    • updated Tricobalt Mines & Triciobalt Torpedoes:
      • reduced The Cooldown Of Both Of These Weapon Types From 60sec To 30sec.
      • their Damage Has Been Halved As A Result Of This Cooldown Reduction, Keeping Their Damage-per-second Constant.
      • the Shared Cooldown On Multiple Tricobalt Mines Has Been Reduced From 30sec To 15sec.
      • The Shared Cooldown On Multiple Tricobalt Torpedoes Has Been Reduced From 30sec To 15sec.
      • the Global Cooldown For All Tricobalt Devices Has Been Reduced From 15sec To 5sec.

    Can You Say.... "nerf Bat"!!!!!
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    claransaclaransa Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kirksplat wrote: »
    Maybe soloing and fleeting are inherently incompatible. You know, like, if you want to be in a fleet and you want your fleet to have a shiny stabase, then your fleet should play like a fleet.

    Or else, they don't deserve their shiny starbase.

    Granted, the way "fleeting" was set up with the starbase, it never really encourage a fleet to play together. It only encourage everyone to contribute to a community charity while they play FvE missions with team members of other fleets.

    In any fleet, particularly a large fleet your going to have solo players, whether you personally like it or not, who should be able to contribute to the fleet goals.

    I could be mistaken but I just can't help but read an anti-solo sentiment in your posts. If that's the case i'm sorry to bust your bubble but some people are just never going to play with others even in a MMO and really doesn't detract from your gaming experience at all. In some cases that might be how the soloist gets along with other people. Or maybe it just takes them longer to drop their shields. Regardless solo fleet mates should have a way to contribute to fleet goals too.

    And if i'm completely off base with this, I apologize to you and the community, and hope you don't take this as a personal attack.
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    startrekronstartrekron Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Sad to see the Tricobalt nerf. It was fun being able to insta-gib STF targets.

    Yeah Tricobalt weapons are now useless....
    "Live Long and Prosper but always carry a fully charged phaser, just in case!". Arrr'ow

    Co-Leader of Serenity's Grasp
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    tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    There's also that this hurts lower level/new players the most in terms of feeling like they are contributing.

    We advice new people who join our fleet "not to worry" about Dilithium contributions until they hit level 50 because it is more or less an unreasonable request, but gets much easier then as capping at 8K a day once you have a well built up character is not really hard. We want to create an atmosphere where there isn't pressure to do the unreasonable.

    Fleet marks and contributing common DOFFS to projects are their main method of being able to feel like they are doing something. This really drops the hammer on a lot of those people who want to feel like they are "contributing" (not that this should be your only reason for being in a fleet, I still maintain the best thing about fleets is the people).

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
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    th3xr34p3rth3xr34p3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Moving the allocation of marks is fine, but just don't completely siphon them off please. As it stands I have projects on both the SSR FED and KDF fleets in dire need of Fleet Marks; this is the one item resource that even with the 50 per foundry mission are taking too long to get a hold of even with the size of the fleet (we are near tier 3 KDF and tier 4 FED, yet I hear that Tier 5 total cost will equal the costs of all of Tiers 1-4 combined?!).

    • Dilithium - good balance for time:effort (minus the 8k limit for subbed players, at least double it to give reason to sub).
    • EC - where it should be.
    • GPL - either convert everything non-combat cost these so they have an actual use or get rid of it.
    • Lobi - up the per box lobi 2-3 fold so there is reason to and encouragement to open the boxes for the combat items in the lobi store.
    • Omega Marks - where it should be
    • Romulan Marks - needs an increase accross missions, the colony map is fine for value, azure needs to get that cap removed or at least mirrir gained marks from the colony map.
    • Fleet Marks - across the board project reduction OR increase in ways to gain, be it 10-15 per player in a team if in a team per mission play OR 50 per Fleet Defence/pvp.

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    The opinions expressed in my posts are my own views and do not reflect on any other entity(s) or person(s) I may or may not represent at the time.
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    As long as we get another 15 minutes 50 marks reward that's ok

    Because grinding for marks is boring with the same 7-8 missions. It's been 6 months, and there's nothing new/fun anymore with those, and the starbase and fleet embassy are really demanding.

    Seriously this.

    I was sick of the tiny handful of missions with low reward for time invested, and that's DURING the event.

    Sorry guys but the fleet content was always weak, pointless and is not even remotely challenging (outside of NWS) or fun.

    Feel free to leave feedback about that in here :) I'll make sure to pass it along.


    The mission design is weak.

    They consist of empty, open spaces without any real character or theme.

    The enemies are dumb (AI), there are no objectives other than "shoot stuff", few of the Fleet Mark events even you to do more than "go to a, then shoot stuff".

    The amount of marks you get for the time invested are generally weak, they don't give any decent gear, loot bag, ECs or dilithium.

    Several of them don't even really connect thematically to being in a Fleet (Colony invasion, No Win Situation) any more than STFs do.

    What's more, we're tired of them. You can only repeat a mission like these, devoid of tactics, so many times - and as one poster said it's been 6 months of these missions already.

    Fleet Starbases have been heavily monetized in several ways, good job - now can we please have some of that invested back to ensure the longevity of the system with new missions that at least pretend to require a strategy.

    I'm not trying to be rude, but the simple truth is that I have not been able to stand doing the Fleet Mark Events since probably the second week since they've been live.

    I no of no one that actually enjoys doing these.

    Should playable mission content be something many players feel they simply have to suffer through?

    Romulan Rep missions also suffer from this issue.
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    michaelp1989michaelp1989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Will trico nerf affect also bio-neural warhead's recharge time and dmg?

    FM reward removal from foundry imo is fail.
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    bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Fleet Mark removal FAIL.

    Let me guess the next thing they will be removed from in the CXP turn in will only provide energy credits cause you don't doff as a group? Go ahead add 'em to pvp wonder how many AFKers will be created farming it.

    Cryptic learn human nature before messing with this type of stuff pretty please.

    Oh well guess its time to pony up the 50 or so million EC and give it to that fleet selling ships. Seems to be the logical conclusion I can draw from everything.

    And bye bye foundry, it was nice while you were relevant.
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bareel wrote: »
    And bye bye foundry, it was nice while you were relevant.

    Here's the hysterical part, my fleet tends to all get together and do a foundry mish or two to generate fleet marks - this is yet another instance where Cryptic not only demands that you grind, and you grind, but that you also grind exactly what they want you to grind and nothing else.

    They want us all funneled into the same handful of missions to beef up the PUG teaming que.

    That's the joke of it, I can que up with total random strangers and earn "fleet marks" but in content where I am actually teamed with my fleet like PvP, some foundry mish or the odd STF - there are no fleet marks to be had.
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    racar1racar1 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If you're trying to slow SB progression, this is the wrong way to go about it. If you're trying to destroy small fleets, this is a decent way to do it. If you're trying to increase game-time and therefore money invested, at some point you'll hit the end of that curve and your playerbase will start dropping. I know for me I'm seriously reconsidering TOR, but hey if you want to put money in your competitors pockets bring on the nerfbat!
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    starfleetmacostarfleetmaco Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    jam062307 wrote: »
    Taking FM away is ridiculous. I've waited in fleet queues for 45 minutes on the KDF side before it finally popped for a measly 16 marks because the team sucked. not everyone can plan their day to be online during a fleet event for the extra marks, and not everyone enjoys waiting 45 freaking minutes to get into a queue. You need to find another way that people can earn 50 FM every half an hour guaranteed regardless of others in queues. Most fleets have players in different time zones and are not always on and playing your grindy TRIBBLE content at the same time. Doing the same ridiculously easy missions over and over again is not fun. Some of your decisions are mind blowing, really how do you come up with this stuff.

    Well said! 100% in agreement with him here.
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    rybaksixrybaksix Member Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Feedback for Brandon:

    Why not make the officer of the watch daily 50 FMs and make that 30 min cooldown. I would consider that to be ok. You do something for the fleet. You actually do something in the star base for a change. Imagine all ppl actually running errands and having purpose in the SB. That place was like a ghost town. Giving the ability to earn more than 5 ( SERIOUSLY !!! 5 FMS!!! ) more like 50 would make that sink monster to finally serve a purpose.
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    crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Fleet Marks should be awarded for specific fleet or group content, so they were not considered to remain in this new rewards structure.

    I'm trying to locate the patch note when they were introduced, but I'm fairly certain that it mentioned they were for a limited-time or were temporary, or at least that was the intent.


    Brandon =/\=

    Brandon - they were ORIGINALLY introduced (the FM rewards for Foundry missions) as a temporary thing to coincide with some Season 6 event. HOWEVER, it was later stated that it was decided they would be a PERMANENT addition to Foundry mission rewards. (Both were posts by you on these forums, but as you're post log ends at the end of December 2012 - I don't have a link, but I know at one point you also did post FM rewards would be a permanent addition to Foundry mission rewards.)

    If the STO Dev yeam wants to make such a reward change, fine - that's the nature of MMOs. But please don't go suddenly trying to defend the decision by claiming the Fleet Mark were always considered a temporary addition to Foundry mission rewards. That just wasn't how it was ultimately presented/communicated to the STO playerbase when all was said and done sometime after Season 6, but before Season 7 launched.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
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    romuzariiromuzarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    In before 1440 dilithium reward for 3 hour foundry mission. Out before the rage.
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    claransaclaransa Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    rybaksix wrote: »
    Feedback for Brandon:

    Why not make the officer of the watch daily 50 FMs and make that 30 min cooldown. I would consider that to be ok. You do something for the fleet. You actually do something in the star base for a change. Imagine all ppl actually running errands and having purpose in the SB. That place was like a ghost town. Giving the ability to earn more than 5 ( SERIOUSLY !!! 5 FMS!!! ) more like 50 would make that sink monster to finally serve a purpose.

    Definately support this idea, or for that matter any idea that does something to fix this worthless ornament on the starbase because nobody bother's with this for 5 fleet marks every 20 hours.

    edit: i mean really i can make 20 marks in 20 hours rubbing the fleet test tribble
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    f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Correct; they are no longer offered with these Foundry reward changes.


    Brandon =/\=

    Brandon ... answer this ... WHAT have you guys got against smaller fleets? ... We need more ways to get fleet marks ... NOT less.

    And don't give me that line about how devs have their own "small" fleet as THAT does NOT cut it.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
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    f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Here's the hysterical part, my fleet tends to all get together and do a foundry mish or two to generate fleet marks - this is yet another instance where Cryptic not only demands that you grind, and you grind, but that you also grind exactly what they want you to grind and nothing else.

    They want us all funneled into the same handful of missions to beef up the PUG teaming que.

    That's the joke of it, I can que up with total random strangers and earn "fleet marks" but in content where I am actually teamed with my fleet like PvP, some foundry mish or the odd STF - there are no fleet marks to be had.

    Well said. Well said INDEED!
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
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    commodoreshrvkcommodoreshrvk Member Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kirksplat wrote: »
    I support this idea, but not for the Foundry, where teaming is wonky. Maybe if they fixed the teaming issues.

    I am actually more in favor of a system where Foundry authors could contribute by creating Fleet Eventesque missions and submitting those to a different tab. Those missions would have stricter definitions of what "qualifies" them as well. They reward the FM/XP the story missions offer the Dil/XP.

    Middle-road strategies are typically not the strong suit for Cryptic, rather they do sweeping changes.
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    f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I am actually more in favor of a system where Foundry authors could contribute by creating Fleet Eventesque missions and submitting those to a different tab. Those missions would have stricter definitions of what "qualifies" them as well. They reward the FM/XP the story missions offer the Dil/XP.

    Middle-road strategies are typically not the strong suit for Cryptic, rather they do sweeping changes.

    That would not be a bad idea.

    Question ... Am I correct in that "Fleet Actions" do NOT give fleet marks currently? ... I'd be ok with the fleet marks switching to them if that is the case.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
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    clintsatclintsat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Removing fleet marks from the foundry removes most of my incentive for trying our this content. Sure my fleet used them for fleet mark grinding but doing so got us to try out several story-based missions as well. To be honest, I'm not even going to seek those out because I will be too busy grinding out fleet marks - burning myself out on the game.

    I understand the desire to move fleet marks into more fleet-ish activities. Please do not take things away from the community until you have a plan implemented to support reasonable fleet mark generation.
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    qutothqutoth Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    Go back to old timer so mission can only be run once per day(per alt) and leave the reward as it currently is. 50FM/960di is not a huge amount while on a 15-20min timer. The problem is the 30min repeatable timer makes it an FM/DI cash cow.

    Path to 2409: Martok made the definitive statement of the Klingon Empire's view of the Romulan Star Empire in 2388. "
    The Klingons will offer no treaty, no aid, and no hand that is not holding a blade"
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    phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Removing fleet marks from the Foundry repeatable per se isn't a bad idea, the terrible part is that they did not have an alternate means setup at the same time.

    You *cannot* do this action without substantial blowback if there's not an alternate means, such as:

    1) Lowering all projects fleet mark cost
    2) Substantially increasing fleet mark rewards from current activities
    3) Adding fleet marks to other group activities - possibly STFs, PvP, etc., especially if it's repeatable (i.e. allow every fleet action to give 50 FM, not just the dailies)

    Very disappointed in this mistake and hope that Cryptic is wise enough to come up with an alternative plan as soon as possible.
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
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    ozewaozewa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Step 1 : remove dilithium from all projects

    Step 2 : Allow people to buy fleet marks for dilithium

    Step 3 : ???

    Step 4 : Profit

    But really, the ONLY reason fleet marks were added to the foundry missions in the first place is so that people would have a choice between the stagnant fleet marks generating content and OTHER ways to generate fleet marks.

    So unless you're going to making a lot more fleet marks content then this is just wrong.

    I'm not going to throw words around like dumb, or insulting, or anything of that sort but I could to great effect. It would be quite apt.
    President of the Amnian Illithid Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Please spread the word that the term "Mind Flayer" is a derogatory term to our kind.
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    f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Daily FA gives 50 Fleet Marks and let me empathize the "Daily" and "50 Fleet Marks".

    Of course when choice hits Temple is pretty much "Oh F..." since not only the plants are not marked on the map, UNLIKE the other 2 Fleet Actions were they are marked, also considering how the map queue works you might end up joining in when its near completing, meaning NO FLEET MARKS FOR YOU! since there is no way in hell you can get to those 4 plants and survive the amount of guards in time to scan them.

    Yeah ... know about the daily, but each time you run a fleet action it should be giving us fleet marks ... even if not 50 a pop ... it needs to be there.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
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    millybunmillybun Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As a member of a small fleet for both factions, a fleet that's been here since the start of the game, with most of its members away for an extended period, with only me and one or two others to hold the fort, this removal of fleet marks from the Foundry is painful.

    I hold no hopes of my fleets getting up to higher tiers for a very long time, but with the Foundry providing a good source of fleet marks, this has been the only way to get my three-year old fleets up to and past tier 1.

    Not only that, but having this reward for playing Foundry missions has introduced me to a lot of *good* and *fun* missions hand-crafted by talented storytelling players that I would have otherwise not have discovered if not for the addition of fleet marks to the rewards. Now I take the time with friends or fleet mates to find and play such missions *and* gain fleet marks for my struggling fleets.

    I've grinded fleet marks the other way, doing those few queueable missions that provide them, and I have to say it's not rewarding, effective, or fun enough to do long-term. I'm already tired of doing the same handful of queues over and over again, which is why I've been happy to see the Foundry reward fleet marks. And as others have said, it's especially difficult to get queues going on the KDF side of things.

    So that's my feedback, I do not agree with the removal or partial removal of fleet marks from the Foundry. It would be more harmful than helpful, as fleet projects are already costly enough without removing or severely lessening one stable source of a necessary fleet material.
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    thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    [*]Reduced the cooldown of both of these weapon types from 60sec to 30sec.
    [*]Their damage has been halved as a result of this cooldown reduction, keeping their Damage-per-Second constant.
    [*]The shared Cooldown on multiple Tricobalt Mines has been reduced from 30sec to 15sec.
    [*] The shared Cooldown on multiple Tricobalt Torpedoes has been reduced from 30sec to 15sec.
    [*]The global Cooldown for all Tricobalt devices has been reduced from 15sec to 5sec.

    What does this even mean? If they have a shared cooldown, its a shared cooldown and you'd never use more than one of the same type. So why would I want to know this. Unless of course you mean something else. And that brings us to global.

    Global effects everything. That's why its called a global. Get it? Globe? The entire thing? STO doesn't have one. So is this an attempt to say....I'm not even sure what this is an attempt at.

    Good luck with this.
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    bizzarquestionbizzarquestion Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Everyone knows grind is expected in any and all MMOs. But when it becomes 'slap-you-inna-face' with its erm...grind, that's when you have a problem. When customers start to see you spend more time and effort (and thus money) into making a game more grindy instead of adding actual promised content and features, they will leave. As stated many times previous, pulling Fleet Marks from IOR is only hurting smaller fleets and 95% of KDF fleets are small. Rep grinds and more rep grinds promised is not new content nor features. Please stop trying to fix things that aren't broke and fix things that are. 'Warp to Friend' has been in game but non-functional for over a year now, fix it or remove it. BOff AI is still terrible. The learning curve for the Foundry is severe enough that only 1 in 100 missions is of quality. Foundry needs an overhaul. Until then, people will continue to make 'loophole' missions. Forcing people into grinds only makes them more willing to make and participate in these 'loophole' missions. Not telling people the requirements to get their UGC to qualify for IOR also makes people more willing to cheat the system. Why should I work within a system that refuses to tell me the rules? Why should I be forced to play content that is stale and rewards poorly (and has been since day one, 6 months ago)? Swinging the nerfbat at situations such as this only alienates and angers the player base. Branflake's job should be to work for the player to convey our needs and wishes to the people in charge, not hand down edicts from the Mighty Nerfbat swinging Cryptic. We need people on our side, to stand up to these inane nerfs.

    Thank you.
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