In the last few days i have returned to fed v klink PvP i thought things would have got better i instructed my team to stay together and by and large they did, did we win? Hmm no was it close Hmmm no. whilst we were focusing on a klink ship a BOP (the one that fires cloaked) was hitting me like TRIBBLE with mines and torps all hull damaging of course, not to mention the old tractor repel BS, so being a sci i sensor scanned and tractored him which had no effect and i lost him and he continued to hit me with torps completely immune from all defensive and offensive measures, meanwhile my power is getting drained and he continues to pound me with transphasics and plasma. So i tried repel tractor beam 3 and still i cant kill him by now he has killed me 3 times whilst i have either tried to get him or one of his colleagues.
Now this prototype appeared in Star Trek VI so cryptic decided to put it in the game, ok thats fine, so cryptic if your going to introduce BS like that, which makes some one hard to kill or to detect giving them the tactical advantage, then surely its time the feds got some of the stuff from the show. For instance the transphasic torp, no not the one available to all! the one in End game from Voyager! you know the ones that blew a Borg Cube! wasn't that a fed weapon? or maybe just for good measure the secrete Cloaking device that appeared in TNG the one the feds promised not to build as a treaty stipulation with the Roms, You know guys the Transphasic Cloak, it allows ships to pass through solid objects and more importantly weapons pass straight through the ship and it fires cloaked!, since all treaties are off the feds would have developed it further and deployed by now, is nt it time the feds got these since they were in the show. I still dont recsall seeing klink carriers and Acetone as-simulators, and certainly the defaint would have a battle cloak wouldnt it? no wait a minute it did! how many times in DS9 was it being fired as it cloaked? answer many.
So back to Fed v fed pity i enjoy PvP but i am not playng handicap PvP which is presently what fed v klink is and before all you guys get on and come out with the same old BS this the reason i retired my klink char which was my first right at the start of the game, just isnt a challenge it was easy then and even eassier now! Feds my advice just do fed v fed at least its even
Tractoring prevents cloak, you should have stuck w/that and VM (to disable his aux) and time SNB appropriately. Even if he has APO up, the TB will put his cloak on a 20 second cooldown. The VM will mess w/his aux and engines. EWP is good as well.
If the target is using KHG, stick to debuffing the target and have your escorts kill the target. Brels are relatively weak.
BFI, PH, Aux2Sif, HE, Aux2damp are all options to boost hull resists and or repair. Aux2damp counters stuns too if the Brel was using Trics.
The attacker Rom Rep placate proc is annoying, but is dependent on weapon power, another reason to have VM.
TBR has a max target limit and likely wouldn't clear all the mines, using your own mines may have been a better alternative.
Scramble Sensors (on the mines) may be an option as well, Idk its status regarding if its bugged or not.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
In the last few days i have returned to fed v klink PvP i thought things would have got better i instructed my team to stay together and by and large they did, did we win? Hmm no was it close Hmmm no. whilst we were focusing on a klink ship a BOP (the one that fires cloaked) was hitting me like TRIBBLE with mines and torps all hull damaging of course, not to mention the old tractor repel BS, so being a sci i sensor scanned and tractored him which had no effect and i lost him and he continued to hit me with torps completely immune from all defensive and offensive measures, meanwhile my power is getting drained and he continues to pound me with transphasics and plasma. So i tried repel tractor beam 3 and still i cant kill him by now he has killed me 3 times whilst i have either tried to get him or one of his colleagues.
Are you sure you were within range for tractor?
If he moved outside of your range shortly after you initiated the tractor beam, he may have moved out of your range.
My B'rel has been caught by the tractor beam many times, because I was flying too close. Now, I try to stay 5+km away from my target to avoid Sensor Scan and other decloaking abilities. I also use Jam Sensor when I've been revealed and I run away as quickly as possible.
Since B'rels typically do not have to worry about weapon power or shields, all of my power is diverted to engines and auxiliary. If you want a better chance at catching the B'rel, target their auxiliary if you can. If you can't, be sure that you are as close as possible before you try to tractor them.
When I fly my Tac and I know a B'rel is spitting torps out in the match. I'll usually scan for them, and when they decloak to fire, I tag them with Fire on my Mark, and stick close to them and try and hit them with a buffed "alpha" or a THY or BO. I can usually pop them before they get away.
Join Date: Sep 2009
[23:35] Horta deals 1738411 (1538303) Toxic Damage to Centurion Engineer with Corrosive Acid.
so somebody outplayed you using all thier skills and availible abilites and it means the feds should run back to fvf pvp?
thats brings back such memories of how the feds ran to the Devs to make a fvf que just for this reasoning in the first place.
How sad. When one cant compete in a single match, run hide in fvf.
As others have already stated, there are ways to kill a B'rel, just as any KDF can be killed.
Of course its hard to kill a KDF vessel if you refuse to fight them.
In the last few days i have returned to fed v klink PvP i thought things would have got better i instructed my team to stay together and by and large they did, did we win? Hmm no was it close Hmmm no. whilst we were focusing on a klink ship a BOP (the one that fires cloaked) was hitting me like TRIBBLE with mines and torps all hull damaging of course, not to mention the old tractor repel BS, so being a sci i sensor scanned and tractored him which had no effect and i lost him and he continued to hit me with torps completely immune from all defensive and offensive measures, meanwhile my power is getting drained and he continues to pound me with transphasics and plasma. So i tried repel tractor beam 3 and still i cant kill him by now he has killed me 3 times whilst i have either tried to get him or one of his colleagues.
Now this prototype appeared in Star Trek VI so cryptic decided to put it in the game, ok thats fine, so cryptic if your going to introduce BS like that, which makes some one hard to kill or to detect giving them the tactical advantage, then surely its time the feds got some of the stuff from the show. For instance the transphasic torp, no not the one available to all! the one in End game from Voyager! you know the ones that blew a Borg Cube! wasn't that a fed weapon? or maybe just for good measure the secrete Cloaking device that appeared in TNG the one the feds promised not to build as a treaty stipulation with the Roms, You know guys the Transphasic Cloak, it allows ships to pass through solid objects and more importantly weapons pass straight through the ship and it fires cloaked!, since all treaties are off the feds would have developed it further and deployed by now, is nt it time the feds got these since they were in the show. I still dont recsall seeing klink carriers and Acetone as-simulators, and certainly the defaint would have a battle cloak wouldnt it? no wait a minute it did! how many times in DS9 was it being fired as it cloaked? answer many.
So back to Fed v fed pity i enjoy PvP but i am not playng handicap PvP which is presently what fed v klink is and before all you guys get on and come out with the same old BS this the reason i retired my klink char which was my first right at the start of the game, just isnt a challenge it was easy then and even eassier now! Feds my advice just do fed v fed at least its even
Brels are slippery but they are also the weakest ship in the GAME.
The player in question outwitted you with knowledge of his ship. Not to be mean but your sci should've/could've CC'd him long enough if your team was coordinated.
Admittedly, the siphon/aceton stuff KDF is bad, so I won't really disagree with it and the state of kvf. That is more the fault cryptic and the players that exploit the obviously broken mechanic. Once that finally gets fixed (still waiting, I'd add) those players will have to get better or stop queuing.
Anyway, the queues can and do suck but that's not a reason to stop queuing. The spam is mad on both sides. Take your lose and get better.
If it was spaming mines and torps how was it draining the OP. PL doesnt work with torps or mines as far as I know..... Did the B'rel drop an assimilator?
I hate to agree but Fed vs KDF is no fun anymore. Its the same one trick pony premades over and over doing the same spam. FED vs FED is also getting redundant if its vs a premade. The only time it gets fun is with two pugs. If you are in a Pug and see its certian premade. You know excatly what they are going to do and who they are going to go after and that you are gong to be subnuked the entire match. I hate to admit it but if it is Starfleet Dental or SOS or others like them I just sigh roll my eyes and que for the next one.
Admittedly, the siphon/aceton stuff KDF is bad, so I won't really disagree with it and the state of kvf.
Have you tested Aceton Assimilators? They are not nearly as bad as people make them out to be.
With no points in Power Insulators, and max points in Flow Capacitors + a purple MK XII Flow Capacitor console, it only drains 50% of the listed drain amount. That comes out to about 13. If you have 6 points in Power Insulators, it is resisted 100%.
Radiation damage (the DOT and reactionary damage to energy weapons) is limited to about 5km, I believe. Since the Aceton Assimilator does not move, you can easily move away from it. Or push it away with TBR. Or hit it with torpedoes.
The only thing that is rather strong about it is the amount of HP.
Have you tried charged particle burst? Most Bird of Prey will linger close to enemy ships, making the 5km radius ability quite effective. I used it two days ago on my fleet patrol escort when my team got stuck fighting an enemy team of 5 bird of prey (3 b'rel). Have Beam Overload III ready for them once they decloak, it will usually one hit kill them. Just be sure to have teamates around when you use the CPB ability. Later in that match I was flying solo capping zones when a B'rel torp boat showed up. I used CPB and not only decloaked the B'rel but also two of his friends. (They must have realized that I was the only one using anti-cloak abilities) All I can say is it was a good thing I had engine batteries off cooldown .
BoPs are easiset ships to kil. At least since Cryptic changed energy drain from cannons and boosted healing turning escorts in destroyers.
It is fast and have battlecloak, yes. But it is also so weak that it will blow if you look at it the right way. So if you got blasted by him, it was because he was better player, your ship setup was not up the task for FvK or both.
If he was better player - learn, play FvK or gank Klinks in Ker'rat for start and then return to blow his derri?re. If it was your setup - check it, ask question, modify it and return to win with him. If both - do both and play FvK.
Try hull attacking weapons. Got a lot of plasma torps and mines for DoT (escorts rarely carry double HE to keep it in check). Or use transphasic weapons. Use drain setup to deny him his aux and eng powers and with it - cloak and speed. Use you natural resists as sci and healing to keep the incoming damage in check. SNB him to reduce his buffs (speed/resistance/damage) and allow your teammates to kill him.
All in all - sci vs BoP should end in only one way: BoPs head on golden plate. If it does not then there is something seriously wrong with sci.
Also - factor in the team your were playing with. Coordination works wonders and if your team cannot coordinate, while the enemies show even a sliver of coordination - you will loose no matter how good you are.
And at the end - if the arenas I played at cmdr and also the Ker'rat encounters are any indication of Klink condition: FvK will get a LOT easier in time. New Klinks I met (new = low level) simply suck. Even relatively uncoordinated Fed team was winning 15:0 in most of those games.
My 2c on FvK - I left it looong time ago due to spam ammounts. And it was in time when Warhammer ships were the main if not only carriers in game. Currently with the carriers/carrier hybrids available for both factions there is no reason to stay with FvF only. The spam must flow, sadly.
Saying FvK is dead is an exaggeration. Saying KvK doesn't exist is just factual. What's the point when everyone can cloak?
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
All Klinks told me, that cloak is not a problem etc. So... it is when your enemy has cloak, right?
Ah, funny man. Consider a match where everyone is cloaked, what do you think happens? I'll give you a hint - nothing.
Just for the record, I believe the Feds have cloaking on some ships. I'm for this. It changed PvP from a one-sided game where Fedballs wait for the Klinks to decloak and attack, to a reasonable two-sided game.
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
Ah, funny man. Consider a match where everyone is cloaked, what do you think happens? I'll give you a hint - nothing.
Just for the record, I believe the Feds have cloaking on some ships. I'm for this. It changed PvP from a one-sided game where Fedballs wait for the Klinks to decloak and attack, to a reasonable two-sided game.
The last week or two I've seen a jump in KvK arena matches pop (weekend particularly) and even had a KvK C&H pop.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
I have nothing against cloak or battlecloak for Feds. I don't have anything against Feds not having it (we have better ships after all).
It is just funny when one side is complaining about cloak, the other say that cloak is ok... but only when only they have it because if the enemy have it, the game sucks. I wonder what Klinks would say if they run into a match with Defiants and Galaxys-X only
And Klinks have some non-cloaking ships in their arsenal right? Gorn ships and that fugly Warhammer 40000 carrier. Or do they have cloak too?
I have nothing against cloak or battlecloak for Feds. I don't have anything against Feds not having it (we have better ships after all).
It is just funny when one side is complaining about cloak, the other say that cloak is ok... but only when only they have it because if the enemy have it, the game sucks. I wonder what Klinks would say if they run into a match with Defiants and Galaxys-X only
And Klinks have some non-cloaking ships in their arsenal right? Gorn ships and that fugly Warhammer 40000 carrier. Or do they have cloak too?
There are plenty that don't cloak. The Bortas has **** cloak, too. Basically a free MES.
Anyway the advantage of the cloak is severally negated by a science captain and several science powers. I love Brels come by me, I'll tb, bump or viral you. Or just hit sensor scan and chase you shooting plasma or transphasics until you die. It's lolz.
I love Brels come by me, I'll tb, bump or viral you. Or just hit sensor scan and chase you shooting plasma or transphasics until you die. It's lolz.
Oh, so we are on same wagon it seems. I just use energy syphoon with tykens+tb to keep you in place while mining the general area around you. And SNBing if you wanna run away with some APO :P
Death to the Klinks by Science and a sliver of plasma
I commented on siphon/aceton in combination. I never said acetons were OP.
Thanks for reading my comment and assuming I was crying OP on something I wasn't.
So, the combination is "bad", but it's not overpowered?
As I've stated in my original comment, having 6 points in Power Insulators resists 100% of the Aceton Assimilator drain. The siphon drones may still be ignore Power Insulators, but Aceton Assimilators does not. It would break that combo that you have said was "bad".
You complained about Aceton Assimilators. I have actually tested them and showed how they aren't as overpowered as you seem to think they are.
I think I remember your testing and you tested 1 ship vs. 1 aceton assimilator.
The last time I hoped into Ker'rat (last week) there were at least a half dozen or more Aceton Assimilators in a 10km or 15km radius.
It's the same with most special consoles, high powered DOFFs, high powered items, etc.
1 of them is usually a gimmicky non-issue.
Multiply that by 5 players spamming (whatever it is) and suddenly it becomes a frustrating and stifling thing to face.
This actually relates to the whole "BoPs are overpowered" (which isn't true, in my estimation at all by the way) conversation.
The truth is more complicated than 'yes they are' or 'no they aren't.
The truth is more likely that in a 5 v 5 situation, a small controlled arena environment, the BoP ends up being rather fragile and cloak can be dealt with and marginalized.
In open world pvp zones like Ker'rat, where participation from either side is not necessarily set, and the situation is constantly shifting - suddenly having 3 to 6 players in BoPs all using hit and run tactics without the limitations arena play brings - suddenly they feel overpowered to the opponent - because without a coherent team or the appearance of a single superstar player on your side, quite frankly they will have the complete advantage.
The last week or two I've seen a jump in KvK arena matches pop (weekend particularly) and even had a KvK C&H pop.
Since I never sign up for KvK, I'll take your word on this. I never see anyone in the queues, though.
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
If the target is using KHG, stick to debuffing the target and have your escorts kill the target. Brels are relatively weak.
BFI, PH, Aux2Sif, HE, Aux2damp are all options to boost hull resists and or repair. Aux2damp counters stuns too if the Brel was using Trics.
The attacker Rom Rep placate proc is annoying, but is dependent on weapon power, another reason to have VM.
TBR has a max target limit and likely wouldn't clear all the mines, using your own mines may have been a better alternative.
Scramble Sensors (on the mines) may be an option as well, Idk its status regarding if its bugged or not.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
If he moved outside of your range shortly after you initiated the tractor beam, he may have moved out of your range.
My B'rel has been caught by the tractor beam many times, because I was flying too close. Now, I try to stay 5+km away from my target to avoid Sensor Scan and other decloaking abilities. I also use Jam Sensor when I've been revealed and I run away as quickly as possible.
Since B'rels typically do not have to worry about weapon power or shields, all of my power is diverted to engines and auxiliary. If you want a better chance at catching the B'rel, target their auxiliary if you can. If you can't, be sure that you are as close as possible before you try to tractor them.
[23:35] Horta deals 1738411 (1538303) Toxic Damage to Centurion Engineer with Corrosive Acid.
thats brings back such memories of how the feds ran to the Devs to make a fvf que just for this reasoning in the first place.
How sad. When one cant compete in a single match, run hide in fvf.
As others have already stated, there are ways to kill a B'rel, just as any KDF can be killed.
Of course its hard to kill a KDF vessel if you refuse to fight them.
Brels are slippery but they are also the weakest ship in the GAME.
The player in question outwitted you with knowledge of his ship. Not to be mean but your sci should've/could've CC'd him long enough if your team was coordinated.
Admittedly, the siphon/aceton stuff KDF is bad, so I won't really disagree with it and the state of kvf. That is more the fault cryptic and the players that exploit the obviously broken mechanic. Once that finally gets fixed (still waiting, I'd add) those players will have to get better or stop queuing.
Anyway, the queues can and do suck but that's not a reason to stop queuing. The spam is mad on both sides. Take your lose and get better.
With no points in Power Insulators, and max points in Flow Capacitors + a purple MK XII Flow Capacitor console, it only drains 50% of the listed drain amount. That comes out to about 13. If you have 6 points in Power Insulators, it is resisted 100%.
Radiation damage (the DOT and reactionary damage to energy weapons) is limited to about 5km, I believe. Since the Aceton Assimilator does not move, you can easily move away from it. Or push it away with TBR. Or hit it with torpedoes.
The only thing that is rather strong about it is the amount of HP.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
It is fast and have battlecloak, yes. But it is also so weak that it will blow if you look at it the right way. So if you got blasted by him, it was because he was better player, your ship setup was not up the task for FvK or both.
If he was better player - learn, play FvK or gank Klinks in Ker'rat for start and then return to blow his derri?re. If it was your setup - check it, ask question, modify it and return to win with him. If both - do both and play FvK.
Try hull attacking weapons. Got a lot of plasma torps and mines for DoT (escorts rarely carry double HE to keep it in check). Or use transphasic weapons. Use drain setup to deny him his aux and eng powers and with it - cloak and speed. Use you natural resists as sci and healing to keep the incoming damage in check. SNB him to reduce his buffs (speed/resistance/damage) and allow your teammates to kill him.
All in all - sci vs BoP should end in only one way: BoPs head on golden plate. If it does not then there is something seriously wrong with sci.
Also - factor in the team your were playing with. Coordination works wonders and if your team cannot coordinate, while the enemies show even a sliver of coordination - you will loose no matter how good you are.
And at the end - if the arenas I played at cmdr and also the Ker'rat encounters are any indication of Klink condition: FvK will get a LOT easier in time. New Klinks I met (new = low level) simply suck. Even relatively uncoordinated Fed team was winning 15:0 in most of those games.
My 2c on FvK - I left it looong time ago due to spam ammounts. And it was in time when Warhammer ships were the main if not only carriers in game. Currently with the carriers/carrier hybrids available for both factions there is no reason to stay with FvF only. The spam must flow, sadly.
I guess you haven't been sucked dry by a siphon drone lately. ... But power insulators ... do NOTHING. kthxbai
Is KvK thriving in the current game environment?
Saying FvK is dead is an exaggeration. Saying KvK doesn't exist is just factual. What's the point when everyone can cloak?
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
Ah, funny man. Consider a match where everyone is cloaked, what do you think happens? I'll give you a hint - nothing.
Just for the record, I believe the Feds have cloaking on some ships. I'm for this. It changed PvP from a one-sided game where Fedballs wait for the Klinks to decloak and attack, to a reasonable two-sided game.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
The last week or two I've seen a jump in KvK arena matches pop (weekend particularly) and even had a KvK C&H pop.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
It is just funny when one side is complaining about cloak, the other say that cloak is ok... but only when only they have it because if the enemy have it, the game sucks. I wonder what Klinks would say if they run into a match with Defiants and Galaxys-X only
And Klinks have some non-cloaking ships in their arsenal right? Gorn ships and that fugly Warhammer 40000 carrier. Or do they have cloak too?
There are plenty that don't cloak. The Bortas has **** cloak, too. Basically a free MES.
Anyway the advantage of the cloak is severally negated by a science captain and several science powers. I love Brels
You complained about Aceton Assimilators. I have actually tested them and showed how they aren't as overpowered as you seem to think they are.
I commented on siphon/aceton in combination. I never said acetons were OP.
Thanks for reading my comment and assuming I was crying OP on something I wasn't.
Oh, so we are on same wagon it seems. I just use energy syphoon with tykens+tb to keep you in place while mining the general area around you. And SNBing if you wanna run away with some APO :P
Death to the Klinks by Science and a sliver of plasma
Romulan hyper-plasmas are pretty useless against assimilators, heh.
Not that I PvP any more. Pug vs premade stinks, and unless that ever changes... No thanks.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
As I've stated in my original comment, having 6 points in Power Insulators resists 100% of the Aceton Assimilator drain. The siphon drones may still be ignore Power Insulators, but Aceton Assimilators does not. It would break that combo that you have said was "bad".
I think I remember your testing and you tested 1 ship vs. 1 aceton assimilator.
The last time I hoped into Ker'rat (last week) there were at least a half dozen or more Aceton Assimilators in a 10km or 15km radius.
It's the same with most special consoles, high powered DOFFs, high powered items, etc.
1 of them is usually a gimmicky non-issue.
Multiply that by 5 players spamming (whatever it is) and suddenly it becomes a frustrating and stifling thing to face.
This actually relates to the whole "BoPs are overpowered" (which isn't true, in my estimation at all by the way) conversation.
The truth is more complicated than 'yes they are' or 'no they aren't.
The truth is more likely that in a 5 v 5 situation, a small controlled arena environment, the BoP ends up being rather fragile and cloak can be dealt with and marginalized.
In open world pvp zones like Ker'rat, where participation from either side is not necessarily set, and the situation is constantly shifting - suddenly having 3 to 6 players in BoPs all using hit and run tactics without the limitations arena play brings - suddenly they feel overpowered to the opponent - because without a coherent team or the appearance of a single superstar player on your side, quite frankly they will have the complete advantage.
Since I never sign up for KvK, I'll take your word on this. I never see anyone in the queues, though.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman