well well they took all our progress we'd made on S6 and now the custom is bugged? this is too much...i have all ground optionals...think i've posted on each thread referred to this but i'll keep on doing till they fix it.
well well they took all our progress we'd made on S6 and now the custom is bugged? this is too much...i have all ground optionals...think i've posted on each thread referred to this but i'll keep on doing till they fix it.
come on folks, we need to keep this thread up, 2 patches and no fix , bug is still going strong after 2 months...
Still no word from a devolper, Ticket open for a week straight now without any words. And will most likely end in a auto generated message... Can we please hear someone from the staff tell us they atleast know this bug is there.. >.>
We're aware of the KHG helmet issue and are working towards a resolution. Once fixed, you will not need to run your Costume Unlock projects again or anything like that - any fix will be retroactive.
For anyone that's missing Omega or MACO helmet options, can you please provide the following details:
- Allegiance (Fed/Kdf)
- Species
- Which Style Unlocks you have obtained
- Whether or not the armor item from the same tier properly displays the associated helmet
Joined Trill
Unlocked Costumes 1 (grandfathered in for already owning MK XI set prior to S7), 2 and 3
MACO MK XII armor does show the helmet.
On a side note, I had a bug on ESD where if I used the armor visuals, the helmet showed up, but the rest of the costume stayed as is rather than being replaced by the armor visuals.
It would be AWESOME, if that bug became a feature so toggling the armor visuals lets you toggle the helmet on your costume without using the rest of the armor visuals.
You mean "if" Meh here goes that they will do it sooner or later..
You've missed the spoiler.
I'm gonna laugh so hard if the recent teaser is really about playable romulans... Considering how KDF bugs are constantly ignored by Cryptic one has to wonder how unplayable and broken romulans would end up being... especially after a few "patches".
I'm gonna laugh so hard if the recent teaser is really about playable romulans... Considering how KDF bugs are constantly ignored by Cryptic one has to wonder how unplayable and broken romulans would end up being... especially after a few "patches".
Saw it now makes me wanne cry even more... Then again, Still have hope. After hearing a gm tell me to go to my head options in the tailor and then select it under category gave me so much hope now! ...
Yes.. I was sarcastic.. Still waiting for a reanswer on the updated version of my ticket. But doubt they wanne answer now that they clearly showed they didnt read it in the first place : /
Still wanne keep this topic on top as it is important to alot of people. Keep reporting the STF repuation bugs if you see them so the dev. Can gather the information needed to repair it. Including missions, Missing items, Not working Accolades etc.
We're aware of the KHG helmet issue and are working towards a resolution. Once fixed, you will not need to run your Costume Unlock projects again or anything like that - any fix will be retroactive.
For anyone that's missing Omega or MACO helmet options, can you please provide the following details:
- Allegiance (Fed/Kdf)
- Species
- Which Style Unlocks you have obtained
- Whether or not the armor item from the same tier properly displays the associated helmet
-Klingon Female
-Honor Guard XII-Set + Honor Guard Elite Commander + UNlock over Reputation Projekts
-Honor Guard Helmet and the be'ves Chest Gear didn't work.
I hope that these Costume does Work as quick as possible
One of the recent patches has partially fixed the helmet options on my KDF characters. My Female Joined Trill has access to all three helmet variants now, but my Male Klingon lacks the Quv Helmet (the Adapted KHG one), even though I've got the costume unlocked.
It's also impossible to change the colour of many of the Quv parts.
Bin crusading to get it fixed for weeks now. Dont see it happen any time soon now with the Romulans coming. The chest option is called Be'Ves. Alas.. Anyway the more people report and complain the more likely it gets fixed : /
Bin crusading to get it fixed for weeks now. Dont see it happen any time soon now with the Romulans coming. The chest option is called Be'Ves. Alas.. Anyway the more people report and complain the more likely it gets fixed : /
I reported it today. I'll report it every day if I have to.
I splurged and got the Mk XII and Mk XII Elite KHG costume unlocks last night. I got both helmets but what is this Be'ves thing you guys are talking about? I don't know if I'm missing it but I don't recall seeing anything named Be'ves.
I splurged and got the Mk XII and Mk XII Elite KHG costume unlocks last night. I got both helmets but what is this Be'ves thing you guys are talking about? I don't know if I'm missing it but I don't recall seeing anything named Be'ves.
It's chest plate option for female toon. Shows a lot of cleavage. Think "Duras sisters."
I play a KDF joined trill female and I have unlocked the MkXI, MkXII and MkXII Adapted honor guard costumes. I have the helmet available but no Be'ves chest option (never heard of that till just now).
I have completed the KHG costume unlock projects 1, 2, and 3. I am working slowly to be able to get the adapted KHG set to get its costume unlock, but I am beginning to think that completing that will not unlock everything.
I was told that the missing items mentioned earlier used to become available by getting the prototype-tech drops from the ground STFs (prior to S-7 rep system), and that would involve also completing the optional objectives on all 6 STFs, (Infected, Cure, Khitomer Accord Space & Ground)
The character I am doing this on is a female joined Trill.
I was told that the missing items mentioned earlier used to become available by getting the prototype-tech drops from the ground STFs (prior to S-7 rep system), and that would involve also completing the optional objectives on all 6 STFs, (Infected, Cure, Khitomer Accord Space & Ground)
The character I am doing this on is a female joined Trill.
I thought this might be the case, but several members of one of my fleets tell me it's not, and should be unlocked for any female character.
I thought this might be the case, but several members of one of my fleets tell me it's not, and should be unlocked for any female character.
I asked around and got this answer as well. Just the Mk XII set (not Adapted) was needed for the Be'ves piece. I have both and don't have an option for the Be'ves. Also, no helmet options either. Is there anywhere "official" that says what's needed for this costume piece or is hearsay all we have? If we need to do all ESTF's + optionals (minus Hive) for Be'ves then I'm not going to worry about it. If not, then it needs to be fixed, along with the helmet issue.
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I asked around and got this answer as well. Just the Mk XII set (not Adapted) was needed for the Be'ves piece. I have both and don't have an option for the Be'ves. Also, no helmet options either. Is there anywhere "official" that says what's needed for this costume piece or is hearsay all we have? If we need to do all ESTF's + optionals (minus Hive) for Be'ves then I'm not going to worry about it. If not, then it needs to be fixed, along with the helmet issue.
It should unlock from Costume style pack #1 (not sure what the name is since 1 is the mxki i think so most likely style 2.) Anyway the style you get for a blank Honour guard sex MKXII. Which means its not in the game. Only players that have it are those that unlocked it PRE s7. Season sevens pack IS missing the chest piece. Its not in the style. So most likely the artteam, or the one that "made" the packs forgot to put it in there. Which would be easily fixed. Put a new Style, add the chest piece for females. Make us pay 1000 dilitium and be done with it. I'm not to shabby to pay for the chest piece. But for the love of god do give it to us. Its even advertised IN the whole reputation system on the images. So please please. Fix it. I've bin whining about it for months now and it starts to get tiring. Seeing as the Romulans are coming out, and they got some really nice love with there costumes it would be nice if the Klingons atleast get the stuff they should have.
come on folks, we need to keep this thread up, 2 patches and no fix , bug is still going strong after 2 months...
still no helmets or KHG be'ves chest option
Yes. Sadly I dont see this getting fixed soon
The Omega set for KDF doesnt have the helmet option either. And can we finally fix the broken feet and missing chest piece for females
I.e. never...
You mean "if" Meh here goes that they will do it sooner or later..
Joined Trill
Unlocked Costumes 1 (grandfathered in for already owning MK XI set prior to S7), 2 and 3
MACO MK XII armor does show the helmet.
On a side note, I had a bug on ESD where if I used the armor visuals, the helmet showed up, but the rest of the costume stayed as is rather than being replaced by the armor visuals.
It would be AWESOME, if that bug became a feature so toggling the armor visuals lets you toggle the helmet on your costume without using the rest of the armor visuals.
I'm gonna laugh so hard if the recent teaser is really about playable romulans... Considering how KDF bugs are constantly ignored by Cryptic one has to wonder how unplayable and broken romulans would end up being... especially after a few "patches".
Saw it now
Yes.. I was sarcastic.. Still waiting for a reanswer on the updated version of my ticket. But doubt they wanne answer now that they clearly showed they didnt read it in the first place : /
-Klingon Female
-Honor Guard XII-Set + Honor Guard Elite Commander + UNlock over Reputation Projekts
-Honor Guard Helmet and the be'ves Chest Gear didn't work.
I hope that these Costume does Work as quick as possible
It's also impossible to change the colour of many of the Quv parts.
Bin crusading to get it fixed for weeks now. Dont see it happen any time soon now with the Romulans coming. The chest option is called Be'Ves. Alas.. Anyway the more people report and complain the more likely it gets fixed : /
I reported it today. I'll report it every day if I have to.
It's chest plate option for female toon. Shows a lot of cleavage. Think "Duras sisters."
Ahh ok thanks. My unlock was on a male Ferasan so I guess that's why. And now I'm not sure I want it for my female Ferasan. Might show too much fur.
Doesnt show fur if im right. But I never seen a ferasan with it yet (female.)
Unless they fixed it [which I very much doubt they did], a Ferasan is... shaved before using it.
I was told that the missing items mentioned earlier used to become available by getting the prototype-tech drops from the ground STFs (prior to S-7 rep system), and that would involve also completing the optional objectives on all 6 STFs, (Infected, Cure, Khitomer Accord Space & Ground)
The character I am doing this on is a female joined Trill.
I thought this might be the case, but several members of one of my fleets tell me it's not, and should be unlocked for any female character.
cause sometimes its party time!
Missing Adapted KGH helmet, not even listed.
Everything else is present but the helmet.
P.S. Klingon Male.
I asked around and got this answer as well. Just the Mk XII set (not Adapted) was needed for the Be'ves piece. I have both and don't have an option for the Be'ves. Also, no helmet options either. Is there anywhere "official" that says what's needed for this costume piece or is hearsay all we have? If we need to do all ESTF's + optionals (minus Hive) for Be'ves then I'm not going to worry about it. If not, then it needs to be fixed, along with the helmet issue.
It should unlock from Costume style pack #1 (not sure what the name is since 1 is the mxki i think so most likely style 2.) Anyway the style you get for a blank Honour guard sex MKXII. Which means its not in the game. Only players that have it are those that unlocked it PRE s7. Season sevens pack IS missing the chest piece. Its not in the style. So most likely the artteam, or the one that "made" the packs forgot to put it in there. Which would be easily fixed. Put a new Style, add the chest piece for females. Make us pay 1000 dilitium and be done with it. I'm not to shabby to pay for the chest piece. But for the love of god do give it to us. Its even advertised IN the whole reputation system on the images. So please please. Fix it. I've bin whining about it for months now and it starts to get tiring. Seeing as the Romulans are coming out, and they got some really nice love with there costumes it would be nice if the Klingons atleast get the stuff they should have.
((P.S Char affected; Vanora Blackheart@ussvanora ))
I want it so bad.