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Patcher Error... Blocked IPs *fix* (for me anyways)

So there are many people who for one reason or another can not launch the game. As soon as they attempt to launch the executable, they get the dreaded "Trying to update the launcher. Please be patient."

Various fixes have been proposed and worked to some degree for some people. New executables seem to work for some people. Restarting works for some people. When I'm having this problem (and others), we can't even reach www.startrekonline.com however. If you go to the DOS prompt and tracert www.startrekonline.com you will see a time out midway along the path to the server in Cognet. Strange, considering others are accessing through the same path, and Cognet reports no down servers.

I, like most people have a dynamic IP address, meaning I periodically get a new IP from my provider. I tried to ipconfig /release and then ipconfig /renew, but unfortunately the provider recognizes you and simply assigns you the same IP. One way to try and get a new addy is power down your modem for some period of time but a) that requires waiting and we all hate waiting and b) may or may not work and who knows how long to wait.

The way I was able to fix this was to go to my router settings page ( for me) and enable "MAC Cloning". I made a slight change to my MAC and then did ipconfig /renew. Bing, new IP addy, and I gained access to not only the website but the game.

Why is this happening? No idea. Maybe they are blocking some wide range of IP addys for bad behavior. If so someone needs to address this because it just dosn't work with dynamic IPs. Regardless, hopefully this can help someone. Thanks.
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