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  • darkstarkiriandarkstarkirian Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hey Borticus, here is an example of what is going on.
    [SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
    Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
    Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
    Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
  • tangolighttangolight Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    hydrodura wrote: »
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes

    Flaming, also known as bashing, is hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users.

    Basically, what you are doing now, which is unhelpful, unproductive, and only makes people less likely to want to help you.
  • sportz19721010sportz19721010 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    baudl wrote: »
    i'm sorry to hear that, but be realistic. Your fleet started the project, and it is not a project that is actually needed for anything. period. It is just a vanity thing to have on the fleet base (like basically anything there)
    So your fleet, decided to do that project...others decided that it is not worth it. Deal with it.

    Are you just crazy? If you were trying to do a project and it didn't work you wouldn't just be "dealing" with it...you would complain.
  • borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2012
    Hey Borticus, here is an example of what is going on.

    Thank you for demonstrating how simple it can be to formulate a clear, concise bug report.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm going to try a bit of diplomacy here and hope ya'll believe in the age old saying "don't shoot the messenger"

    Online MMOs are what's considered an "Open Beta". Now for most of you, you think Beta means they do a public test before launching a final product. Normally this is correct, however, an Open Beta is a game that is continuously added to via patches, add-ons, expansions or what Cryptic calls seasons.
    There is internal testing that goes on, along with the tribble testing, but you can only test so much. With the near limitless variations on computer hardware and software it's impossible to test all of it. There's also the fact that the very nature of Open Beta software is more prone to glitches. For those of you unfamiliar with software programming there is something called phantom coding, which in it's most basic definition is when two or more parts of coding interact in a way that is both unintended and unforeseeable.
    Basically what all this boils down to is another age old saying, "**** Happens". There are probably billions of lines of coding for this game and to expect then to just be able to fix something instantly is unrealistic. Not saying they get a free pass for not fixing some long outstanding glitches, but you still have to understand that it takes time.

    Not to get off topic but in a way this stays on topic as well, there is another post on the threads from one of the fleets. Their fleet leader passed away and they were wondering if there was some way to memorialize him in game. Despite how busy the dev team is with trying to change and fix the issues with season 7, Tacofangs has taken the time out to keep an eye on the thread and provide feedback on what may or may not be possible for this. I realize this has nothing to do with your problem, but it definitely goes to show that they do care.
    being passionate about something or being disappointed by something is one thing, but to be so rudely negative is completely different and does nothing to help anyone. So take a deep breath, take a zanic or whatever you need to do to calm down and realize it's just a game, and it could be a lot worse.
  • arcorianarcorian Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Thank you for demonstrating how simple it can be to formulate a clear, concise bug report.

    yeap... tried that last week... didn't work. :cool:
    To live in a perfect world just expect less than nothing...
  • areikou#8990 areikou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I rarely agree with the man, but in this case, Dan Stahl got it right.
    Thank you for the both the kudos and the criticism (although some of you need to learn some manners).
    [Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
    is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent

    Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
  • borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2012
    I've tracked down the issue at hand. It stems from not all Bridge Officers sharing the same defining config files.

    So, while these projects are set up to accept generic Boffs of the associated types, those Boffs are only currently obtained thru receiving a "Failure" outcome on Duty Officer assignments that recruit that species of Boff. The ones purchased at stores, or received from mission completion, are different config files, even though they share the same Display names. Therefore they cannot be used for these projects at this time.

    We'll be updating the Projects to accept a wider range of Bridge Officers (hopefully encompassing all possibilities), and should have that fix in next week's patch.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
  • sportz19721010sportz19721010 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Let's try this again with less insulting, rage and flaming.

    If you explain the exact issue you're seeing, it will help us track down a solution.

    This change was tested internally and found to be fixing the issue with the test cases we'd prepared. If there's an additional issue at hand, then we need more information on what's gotten fouled up.

    Why don't you have people playing the game to find exactly what the problems are.

    We have been trying to communicate all these problems with you and no responses are given and nothing gets fixed in a reasonable time; immediately would be nice, but within a few days should be manageable. Our fleet has been sitting on a problem with the Andorian bridge officer project for two weeks and nothing has been done.

    Questions are asked of us, we explain and you want more explanations...play it, find out for yourself.

    You ban people on this thread because they are getting mad. Well, when people invest monetary funds into this game and get no results they get mad. Even you are being a bit of a jerk by complimenting exact, precise error examples of the game and not recognizing legitimate complaints that are difficult to explain unless you actually play the game yourself.

    I don't understand what is so difficult about setting one of your 45 people at cryptic to actually play the game to help us with the issues we are having?

    Remember, we are paying you. The players are your income. Without us, you are broke. It is important to recognize that and take even a little unconstructive criticism...business men deal with irate customers all the time without banning them. There does come a point after being nice and explaining that our patients is reached and we begin to get a little irate.

    Maybe it is time to ask yourselves, why are people acting this way? Maybe, it is time to consider that this game developing isn't working right and it is time to fix the problems. Maybe, it is time to recognize your salary comes from real people with real issues with the game that are not being fixed.
  • sirsrisirsri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I've tracked down the issue at hand. It stems from not all Bridge Officers sharing the same defining config files.

    So, while these projects are set up to accept generic Boffs of the associated types, those Boffs are only currently obtained thru receiving a "Failure" outcome on Duty Officer assignments that recruit that species of Boff. The ones purchased at stores, or received from mission completion, are different config files, even though they share the same Display names. Therefore they cannot be used for these projects at this time.

    We'll be updating the Projects to accept a wider range of Bridge Officers (hopefully encompassing all possibilities), and should have that fix in next week's patch.

    This is going to create an entertaining temporary market of trying to fail doff assignments to be able to meet requirements.
  • dukedom01dukedom01 Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I've tracked down the issue at hand. It stems from not all Bridge Officers sharing the same defining config files.

    So, while these projects are set up to accept generic Boffs of the associated types, those Boffs are only currently obtained thru receiving a "Failure" outcome on Duty Officer assignments that recruit that species of Boff. The ones purchased at stores, or received from mission completion, are different config files, even though they share the same Display names. Therefore they cannot be used for these projects at this time.

    We'll be updating the Projects to accept a wider range of Bridge Officers (hopefully encompassing all possibilities), and should have that fix in next week's patch.

    You 'do' realize that by making it common quality bridge officers you actually made it harder to fill even if it was not borked currently?
    Ceterum censeo Otha supplendum in praemiis.
  • darkstarkiriandarkstarkirian Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dukedom01 wrote: »
    You 'do' realize that by making it common quality bridge officers you actually made it harder to fill even if it was not borked currently?

    You can buy commons at ESD/Qo'nos right now.
    [SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
    Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
    Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
    Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Maybe it is time to ask yourselves, why are people acting this way? Maybe, it is time to consider that this game developing isn't working right and it is time to fix the problems. Maybe, it is time to recognize your salary comes from real people with real issues with the game that are not being fixed.

    Can't really disagree with this statement. We pay their salaries. Without us, there would be no Cryptic, no STO, nothing. And yes, while our comments may not always come off with the fullest of respect, Cryptic needs US more than we need THEM.
  • thunga42thunga42 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I've tracked down the issue at hand. It stems from not all Bridge Officers sharing the same defining config files.

    So, while these projects are set up to accept generic Boffs of the associated types, those Boffs are only currently obtained thru receiving a "Failure" outcome on Duty Officer assignments that recruit that species of Boff. The ones purchased at stores, or received from mission completion, are different config files, even though they share the same Display names. Therefore they cannot be used for these projects at this time.

    We'll be updating the Projects to accept a wider range of Bridge Officers (hopefully encompassing all possibilities), and should have that fix in next week's patch.

    thankyou for finding the issue. Would it be possible for you to remove the project from the starbase so that we can get another one up and running. That is after you fix the disconnection issue.
  • metalkorekingmetalkoreking Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It would seem that we are stuck with the bugged project for another week then. Thankyou for finding the problem tho. As for the "why did you do it" comments.. well we've done all the t4 upgrades. It would seem only logical to clean up the bridge officer projects while we work towards tier 5. And it's not like we had any reason to believe it would be bugged. We fill projects in seconds, even upgrades. So there was no need for concern when we chose to start it. Thankyou Dura for your efforts to have this bug fixed I know the whole fleet appreciates al the hard work you put in.
    So thanks again Borticus for finding the problem.
  • webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I've tracked down the issue at hand. It stems from not all Bridge Officers sharing the same defining config files.

    So, while these projects are set up to accept generic Boffs of the associated types, those Boffs are only currently obtained thru receiving a "Failure" outcome on Duty Officer assignments that recruit that species of Boff. The ones purchased at stores, or received from mission completion, are different config files, even though they share the same Display names. Therefore they cannot be used for these projects at this time.

    We'll be updating the Projects to accept a wider range of Bridge Officers (hopefully encompassing all possibilities), and should have that fix in next week's patch.

    Now go and get your Turkey so you can have some Gobble gobble tomorrow.
    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
  • thunga42thunga42 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    Can't really disagree with this statement. We pay their salaries. Without us, there would be no Cryptic, no STO, nothing. And yes, while our comments may not always come off with the fullest of respect, Cryptic needs US more than we need THEM.

    very well put sir or maam
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I've tracked down the issue at hand. It stems from not all Bridge Officers sharing the same defining config files.

    So, while these projects are set up to accept generic Boffs of the associated types, those Boffs are only currently obtained thru receiving a "Failure" outcome on Duty Officer assignments that recruit that species of Boff. The ones purchased at stores, or received from mission completion, are different config files, even though they share the same Display names. Therefore they cannot be used for these projects at this time.

    We'll be updating the Projects to accept a wider range of Bridge Officers (hopefully encompassing all possibilities), and should have that fix in next week's patch.

    LOL before the patch I was having an issue on my engineer on KDF side using the 1000 day vet ship where it was trying to put every single boff skill I had on my boffs on my skill bar every time I logged it in and when I looked at my boff stations they all showed none.
  • dukedom01dukedom01 Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You can buy commons at ESD/Qo'nos right now.

    For a 'small' dilithium fee.

    Having to buy new boffs while at the same time hundreds of thousands are already in circulation 'somehow' feels wrong.
    Ceterum censeo Otha supplendum in praemiis.
  • verbenamageverbenamage Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You can buy commons at ESD/Qo'nos right now.

    Because people get tons of blue/purple boffs from leveling up and from various doff projects. If you look on the exchange blue boffs are so cheap they may as well be free, you often find them for 50 or 100 credits.

    You only get white boffs from failures and from VERY low levels through regular game play, and the ones available in the npc stores require 240 dil. 240 dil is worth quite a bit more than 50-100 ec.

    And, really, most fleets wouldn't have to spend anything for blue/purple boffs, as there's probably enough members with them sitting unused to fill up the requirements quickly wihtout anyone needing to buy anything.

    Reducing the quality necessary on doffs for projects made things a lot easier for most people. Reducing them for boffs created a bug that crippled many fleet's advancement until it's fixed and is going to cost them more in the long run.
  • day06day06 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Remember, we are paying you. The players are your income. Without us, you are broke. It is important to recognize that and take even a little unconstructive criticism...business men deal with irate customers all the time without banning them. There does come a point after being nice and explaining that our patients is reached and we begin to get a little irate.

    just because a % of what you pay goes towards paying a persons wages does not give you the right to be rude and insult a person do you do the same in when you go shopping in a local store or places were you pay for items or to partake in entertainment?

    That is the problem with a lot people these days they seem to think that because they pay for something the have a right to insult,belittle and abuse members of staff and it just plain rude and shows a lack of respect for other people in general
  • sportz19721010sportz19721010 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    day06 wrote: »
    just because a % of what you pay goes towards paying a persons wages does not give you the right to be rude and insult a person do you do the same in when you go shopping in a local store or places were you pay for items or to partake in entertainment?

    That is the problem with a lot people these days they seem to think that because they pay for something the have a right to insult,belittle and abuse members of staff and it just plain rude and shows a lack of respect for other people in general

    When we pay for something and it does not work and we complain nicely and nothing gets done...most of us will start getting a little dirty. When a person provides a service or merchandise and it is faulty...that is rude!
  • somriksomrik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Because people get tons of blue/purple doffs from leveling up and from various doff projects. If you look on the exchange blue doffs are so cheap they may as well be free, you often find them for 50 or 100 credits.

    You only get white doffs from failures and from VERY low levels through regular game play, and the ones available in the npc stores require 240 dil. 240 dil is worth quite a bit more than 50-100 ec.

    And, really, most fleets wouldn't have to spend anything for blue/purple doffs, as there's probably enough members with them sitting unused to fill up the requirements quickly wihtout anyone needing to buy anything.

    Reducing the quality necessary on doffs for projects made things a lot easier for most people. Reducing them for boffs created a bug that crippled many fleet's advancement until it's fixed and is going to cost them more in the long run.

    Uh did you mean bridge officers? I dont recall buying duty officers for 240 dilithium each.

    lol @ OP. Insults and generally be a belligerent little twit and when asked for more information continues to rant and rave.

    Do you know how many bug reports they must get? Having to shift through all that must be a full time job. XD

    Also what day06 said.

    But yeah Im experiencing constant disconnects. Just got disconnected for the fifth time in a span of 5 or so minutes.

    No my connection is fine.

    Though I think i found a correalation.

    If you try to do anything too fast it seems like the server throws ups its hands and just disconnects you.

    E.g. Trying to access the Fleet Holdings before the server fills it in. I got into the holding page but everything was t0 and no projects were going.

    Thought it was weird. Tried to click something to see if that would refresh it- Disconnected.

    On ESD. Trying to get to the security officer. Run run run run. Stop next to Sec Officer. Mash F to bring up the doff mission - Disconnected.
    When we pay for something and it does not work and we complain nicely and nothing gets done...most of us will start getting a little dirty. When a person provides a service or merchandise and it is faulty...that is rude!

    So your solution is to berate and get rude? Yeah thats really going to get them moving.
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I've found another bug, the server keeps kicking me every five seconds. I can't even finish a sentence in chat without getting disconnected.
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
      edited November 2012
      Are you just crazy? If you were trying to do a project and it didn't work you wouldn't just be "dealing" with it...you would complain.

      i was refering to the part where he thought he would get something back, because the project in question got cheaper.
      Go pro or go home
    • thunga42thunga42 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
      edited November 2012
      day06 wrote: »
      just because a % of what you pay goes towards paying a persons wages does not give you the right to be rude and insult a person do you do the same in when you go shopping in a local store or places were you pay for items or to partake in entertainment?

      That is the problem with a lot people these days they seem to think that because they pay for something the have a right to insult,belittle and abuse members of staff and it just plain rude and shows a lack of respect for other people in general

      I will agree that we have been a bit louder then normal today, but I would not say rude. Point out where we were if you do see it sir. We have all done the bug reports, telling them what is wrong, and then we get told that we literally have to take a screen shot, edit it, and then send it in for them to understand it? I would say that is where the rudeness is.

      I know that the people at cryptic are going to be going home soon for thanksgiving, and I will not ask people to work on a holiday, even though I do, but if it were coming up on a holiday weekend, were alot of people were going to be off, why not hold the patch until after that so that there would not be a mad dash to get things fixed just to make the game playable?(giant grammar fail there).

      I can not even stay connected for more then 5 minutes at a time, and it seems that, at last look, there were 15 pages of posters having the same issue. Perhaps roll the servers back to before the patch to get the thing running so people can play in a semi turkey induced coma?
    • sportz19721010sportz19721010 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
      edited November 2012
      somrik wrote: »

      So your solution is to berate and get rude? Yeah thats really going to get them moving.

      Where did you get that from? My solution is if Cryptic makes a product that works people will be happy. If Cryptic makes a mistake...fix it. If Cryptic can't fix it immediately...respond to the request and fix it. If they just throw their hands up in the air and ban people for getting angry, people should quit giving Cryptic money. That is the "solution."
    • day06day06 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited November 2012
      When we pay for something and it does not work and we complain nicely and nothing gets done...most of us will start getting a little dirty. When a person provides a service or merchandise and it is faulty...that is rude!

      yes you have rights as a customer but none that of them give you the right to abuse/insult and belittle members of staff if you did it in a store a cinema or another public place you be removed to the building by security and banned.

      This is a video game that in a state on continual progress bugs happen and while some take longer than others track down and fix with out braking other systems they all take time, it be nice if they were fixed in a speed manner but it does not always happen and being rude and disrespectful to the people trying to fix thing is not going to get it fixed any quicker.
    • thunga42thunga42 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
      edited November 2012
      somrik wrote: »
      Uh did you mean bridge officers? I dont recall buying duty officers for 240 dilithium each.

      lol @ OP. Insults and generally be a belligerent little twit and when asked for more information continues to rant and rave.

      Do you know how many bug reports they must get? Having to shift through all that must be a full time job. XD

      So your solution is to berate and get rude? Yeah thats really going to get them moving.

      While using the word idiot may have been a bit strong, I would have to say that had he only posted with.

      "Dear sir or maam, I have found that this issue still exists and is causing me some major emotional distress, if you would fix it at your earliest convenience I would be most greatful" he most likely would never have gotten a response at all.

      I have no idea how many bugs they get a day, week, month, or in any time frame. I know that I have submitted bug reports, and I have no idea if anyone even looks at them. Even if they got an automated response going that said "we have received your ticket and will be looking into it shortly." At least then we would know it had been looked at by a person.
    • somriksomrik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited November 2012
      Just found another one. Halting Gorn Advance Daily has not been updated to match the new Gorn Fleet Action. Still references Mineral samples and does not complete the Fleet Action part of the mission despite doing the Fleet Action.
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