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Open letter to Dan Stahl and the rest of the devs



  • captainbradycaptainbrady Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »
    If you ever checked the duty officer forums you'd know that all of your complaints come from ignorance. The doff system can and do work without the grinder, it's been a season 6 addition and we did pretty well prior to this one. We could get a full purple roster, it took time but it was a real achievement. We're more or less back to this, with a money shortcut option for lazy players, and since the starbases will never require something else than free white doff i don't see any issue here. :)

    Actually you're quite wrong!!! Let me refer you to this STO-Wiki article with a list of inputs.

    Granted these are season 6 inputs but
    highly unlikly to have become more lenient. Upgrading the industrial fabricators requires 100 rare engineering or operations offiicers (tier IV). Upgrading the shipyards requires 100 Raretactical or security officers. Stationing a vulcan envoy requires 7 purple doffs.

    As for your comment that I'm too lazy to go for doff missions like officer exchange in cardassia. YOU MISS POINT ENTIRELY! The point is something has been taken from the players. Something that was free, and earned, is now prohibitiviely expensive and for no reason whatsoever!! Since I pay my hard earned money into this game, I have the right to give feedback as to how the game is being run. You're either unable to comprehend the difference between laziness and my objection to being cheated or willfully ignorant. The later is the case I suspect because you don't want to believe you're being cheated. I will not participate. I have the right to voice my opposition, and I have the right to convince others of my point of view as well.
  • sjclark1981sjclark1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    In agreement with this too, My fleet has ground to a entire halt due to the excessive prices and requirements.

    Fully supported by the members of fleet.

    No in game purchases will happen with money or dilithium from my fleet... Horde it all i say.
    This is an open letter to the devs.

    On behalf of my fleet "Terran Empire Special Forces" as well as any other like minded gamers, we are pleased to see your willingness to listen to your customers, and we certainly welcome your decision to restore dilithium (dil) to STFs as well as add dil to fleet missions. However, we think you can still do much better. Even with your compromise, you have taken far more from the customers than you have given, and we expect more out of you if you expect us to continue to participate in this game or support it financially.

    When I started this game, crafting was free of any monetary input. Similar, the doff system was free to recruit, and had a nominal fee to upgrade. The idea was simple. It was a way for a player to "earn" something of value, instead of pulling out our credit cards. This is a feature in most MMORPGs whether the game is free to play or not. Since going Star Trek Online went free to play you have added unreplicable materials for 1000 dil., and the most expensive items (which are far from the best items in the game) are prohibitively expensive. The result has been a decline in crafting and makes it much more difficult for senior members of any fleet to help junior members.

    Let me turn my attention to the doff system as this is the straw that broke the camel?s back for me. I strongly disapprove of the changes to crafting, but most of us put up with it. The decision to add incredibly high monetary inputs (dil) to the doff system has rendered the system useless. Before recruiting was free, now it costs 1000 (dil). Given that fleet base projects and now embassies require and obscene amount of doffs (e.g. tier iv tactical exercises requires 180doffs for a mere 1000xp). If we take the example in parentheses, most general recruiting missions give 1 green and 3 white doffs. Assuming all were security or tactical (which would never ever happen), the minimum cost is 60, 000 dil. Yes I am fully aware that tactical recruiting missions are available free of charge, but the time gate has been doubled.
    This aspect of the doff mission is completely unacceptable.

    You also made upgrading doffs way too expensive. For example:
    Common doff reassignment: 600 dil (was 5)
    Uncommon doff reassignment: 3000 dil (was 50)
    Rare doff reassignment: 6000 dil (was 500)

    Yeah,that's fair right? Especially since an input of 5 lower ranking doffs is required, and I might get something worthless like a bartender or a cook. I know the counter argument is that one can get very rare doffs exploration missions. There?s one problem with that argument. The doffs from exploration missions are less useful. None of the exploration mission doffs have resolve, which thanks to your planning, is a critical trait in many missions. The other disadvantage is those doffs are bound, so I can?t even trade them if I don?t like them.

    Now I will address one of the most annoying insults to everyone?s intelligence you said in your post to the community. In one of your posts to the STO community, you said the following Mr. Stahl:

    "This is in addition to the other rewards that STFs and Fleet Actions grant.

    While this is still a change from Season 6, we hope that these new amounts will help the average player earn more Dilithium per day while maintaining the Dilithium that players who like to run STFs were receiving.

    The additional Dilithium may impact the player-to-player Dilithium exchange rates in the future, but we would rather you were having fun in Season 7 than worrying about the economy. We have enough of that to deal with in the real world."

    We know you aren't concerned about dil inflation given that the fleet projects cost incredible amounts of dil, and you have added a further dil sink, the fleet embassy, so please spare us the condescending talk of your "concern for dil prices." When you first introduced the exchange in Jan 2012, the dil/zen price was 450 per zen. Up until the launch of season 6, the price was steady between 250 and 300 dil. Following the launch of season 6, the dil exchange price was around 160. Currently the dil/zen is 143dil/ zen point. In fact I worked out the exact week when dil fell like a rock using excel and my own dil exchange history and determined that the price dropped by 50% within a week after the season 6 launch. (I wanted to share my data, but I apparently can't post images). It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that projects with 200,000 dil are going to drive up the price of dil. The new fleet embassy will make this condition even worse.

    You have made this game far too expensive to enjoy, and many in my fleet are considering quitting. In order to reduce the number who leave due to the incredible financial burden you have placed on my fleet members, my fleet will cease participating in your overly expensive fleet project/embassy system. We have decided that the costs far outweigh the benefits. We will cease parcipating in any type of fleet projects, if we play your game at all (and no trolls you can't haz (sic) my stuff) unless the doff mission returns to pre-season 7 conditions. We also want the dil paid out on STFs restored to pre season 7 levels. Sorry, for elite STFs, we are entitled to 1000 dil. As a gesture of good will, we would appreciate that you eliminate or reduce the unreplicable materials requirement for crafting. Given that the fleet base/embassy projects cost such a large amount of dil, there is no cause for concern regarding dil prices. Adding the dil tax on crafting and now doffs will do very little to keep the price of dil up (compared to the bases) and it simply makes PWE look greedy (which is why so many of us are angry, in case you haven?t noticed). We hope other fleets will make the wise decision and cease participating in fleet projects as well until the devs, PWE and its shareholders come to their senses. In addition, I have canceled my gold membership, and have no intention of subscribing until sanity returns
    to PWE.

    One warning to Mr. Stahl, the dev team, and the community managers about censorship. Should you feel the need to censor this post, because you can't stand to hear the truth, please be aware that the internet is a market place of ideas, and your forum isn't the only place online to post about Star Trek online. Please keep that in mind, as censorship only highlights the weakness of your position, especially if the post contains nothing in violation of your own forum rules (flaming, trolling, etc) If this post is censored it will demonstrate to everyone that you have no argument against what I have said.

    Kind Regards,

    Fleet Admiral Brady (Terran Empire Special Forces)
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am neutral on what OP said, but I would like to point out a few things. S7 has for the most part been about neutral with it's reception. There are those who love it (... no comment), and those who hate it (OP and his fleet it seems), and those who look at it as just another change, and kinda go with it (about half the players (OPINION, NOT FACT) and some lazy guys), and then guys like me who try to see the reason behind the changes, and may or may not succeed in doing so, but also go with it.

    I will agree, the DOff changes are... sudden, but not entirely unexpected. Pre-S7 it was easy to farm purple DOffs using the DOff change in system. It was also cheap. Possibly too cheap, and possibly too easy. BUT the saving grace there was the randomness of what you got back. Now, you still have that randomness, but for a far more prohibitive cost, which means that players will either rage about it and complain, or just be more cautious when using this method.

    The dilithium sink? I also agree, this game has become quite the grindfest. Boringly so. S6, what I used to do was log on, refine dil, go do some quick dailies, then PvP or STF for the next few hours with my usual team-mates from the PESTF and ESTF channels. We had quite a blast. Now, my routine consists of log on, refine dil, do some DOff missions, fly around for more DOff missions, check mail, check rep, advance rep, then log off. Total time on char: 15-20 minutes TOPS, as compared to the 4 or 5 HOURS I used to play shooting at Borg and laughing at the idiocy on DS9. And when I run out of dil? I dunno. XP

    So far it seems like I am in support of OP right? Well here's where I diverge with him on opinion.

    For starters, I freakin LOVE the updates they did to NPCs, the Borg especially. I also love the Tholians on elite. Hence why I find an interesting combination of frustration and amusement when I read all the Borg rage threads here on the forums XD. All the AI updates and weapon updates on elite npcs are great. No more facerolling, actual brain required.

    Also, the reputation system, although it is clunky, I have to look at it from the perspective of their target playerbase: Not us vet players, but the new guys. The newly christened Vice Admirals and Lieutenant Generals. I did some quick calculations, and the devs were right. Most of us if we were lucky would pick up our first mk XII set within the first 200 or so ESTFs (ground-wise, space usually within the first 50 or so). We would then usually pick up our second around the 300 mark (space usually around 80-90 mark). From what I've calculated, the number of ESTFs you actually have to run has dropped dramatically for a mk XII ground set (again based off of conjecture, not fact, since I am not tier 5). Also it is easier to get the ground sets, since guess what, YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO RUN EGSTFs TO GET THE GROUND EQUIPMENT. Total bs imo (says the guy who had to do 175 successful IGE runs to get his first proto shield tech, to say nothing of the many failed pug rounds), but that's again aimed for the newbies, not the vets. Looking at it from that PoV, I suddenly see that it's actually easier. Not better mind you, since I say you aren't deserving of a full mk XII set unless you've done the room, been one shotted by armek, and taken a plasma bath (to say nothing of the hundreds of deaths from the plasma spewing heavy and elite tac drones).

    My final point to add in:
    S7 was predicted to be a huge change. They warned us about it in dev blogs, podcasts, and through sneak peeks (I am still laughing at the appearance of random wells-class starships throughout the game a few weeks before the temporal lock boxes were released). And now that it's here, it won't leave. I will quote Kung Fu Panda 2: "Hope you like it, because you can't return it!!" That's what S7 is. It's the explosive present. There are good things about it (pretty colors... and THOLIANS), and bad things about it (dil sink, grindfest, idiot BOff programming on New Romulus), but in the end, it's what we get.

    So you and your fleet can leave. It's your prerogative. But I will remind you, despite all the bad vibe, look at it this way. We have lost some, but we have gained so much. Better NPCs, new items, new opportunities, ludicrously low exchange prices, and no more of those annoying 1% chance drops on proto ground tech (curse you IGE... curse you...). And much also hasn't changed. Morn is still at quarks drinking some unknown beverage with tales to tell, those morons on Q'onos are still doing 0 damage to each other in the ring with their dysfunctional batt'leths, and you can still get glitched into the middle of San Fransisco Bay at Starfleet Academy. So see? You haven't lost everything.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    xantris wrote: »
    This is a game forum. 95% of posts are negative regardless of the games situation. Game forums are where people come to ***** and complain.

    Right now I'm looking at a ESD packed full of ships. Ad I haven't been able to get in a damn tholian alert all day because too many people are queueing into the zone(fix it cryptic, this has been a problem with alert for a while now)

    As to the OPs post, the dilithium requirement is small and this post is ridiculous, it takes 10 minutes to earn 1k dilithium

    I fully agree with this post. :)
    Actually you're quite wrong!!! Let me refer you to this STO-Wiki article with a list of inputs.

    Granted these are season 6 inputs but
    highly unlikly to have become more lenient. Upgrading the industrial fabricators requires 100 rare engineering or operations offiicers (tier IV). Upgrading the shipyards requires 100 Raretactical or security officers. Stationing a vulcan envoy requires 7 purple doffs.

    As for your comment that I'm too lazy to go for doff missions like officer exchange in cardassia. YOU MISS POINT ENTIRELY! The point is something has been taken from the players. Something that was free, and earned, is now prohibitiviely expensive and for no reason whatsoever!! Since I pay my hard earned money into this game, I have the right to give feedback as to how the game is being run. You're either unable to comprehend the difference between laziness and my objection to being cheated or willfully ignorant. The later is the case I suspect because you don't want to believe you're being cheated. I will not participate. I have the right to voice my opposition, and I have the right to convince others of my point of view as well.

    How am I cheated out of something I never used in the first place? For comparison, before the doffgrinder was created, you were lucky to find the career cadres (tactical, engineering, science, and civil corps).

    Furthermore, ALL DOFF PRICES FOR STARBASES ARE, FROM S7 RELEASE, NOW IN WHITES. Not sure about embassies though, heard rumors about greens being required for some projects. I'll have to investigate that.

    Again, your refusal to accept this situation can only result in an ulcer due to your immense frustration.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • hylia#6092 hylia Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I think like many times in the past the community as much as we hate certain things love others, we will simply do what we always do put up with it.
    Simply because no matter how valid or invalid our arguements and points are for those of us who have been here since closed beta we know that no matter how hard you shout its like trying bang your head of a rubber wall.
    Ultimatly we knew certain things were coming some good some not so good but do you honestly think after all this time the Dstahl and his team give 2 dog turds what we think or want.
    So its a bad case of report the bugs like we always do, the fan boys will be fan boys and the folks with genuine gripes will end up getting TRIBBLE off and go play something else for a bit and the whiners while whine about everything.
    So in summation New boss same as old boss your still screwed/unscrewed/existentialy fraked.
  • marielangmarielang Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i am not Lazy i just have a limited time i can play and do not want to waist it runing hither and yon looking for doff's. you unenployed jack*** you have all time in world to spend grinding all day for TRIBBLE??? most on here do not season 7 is a fun sucking mistake that most likely wont be fixed. that would require common sence and yes work. you want to talk lazy.
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    For starters, I freakin LOVE the updates they did to NPCs, the Borg especially. I also love the Tholians on elite. Hence why I find an interesting combination of frustration and amusement when I read all the Borg rage threads here on the forums XD. All the AI updates and weapon updates on elite npcs are great. No more facerolling, actual brain required.

    Here is the only place I disagree with you, it's still a DPS race (if not more so because now they have higher resists), and there is no more facerolling... or rather we can't faceroll anymore... the NPCs can now do it better than they could before though, I'm sure you know of those 1 shot kills.... before season 7 I would get 1 every... 5 STFs... maybe, now I get 5 almost every STF I do. I'm fine with harder NPCs, I'm not fine with my tank Oddy (that takes 3 well built ESCORTS in pvp to bring down) being 1 shotted by a tac cube 3 times in an STF! I went back to my Excelsior and cut that down to 1 and that's not every STF.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Spoken like a PWE sock account. Give my regards to your supervisor.
    xantris wrote: »
    I'm missing a paycheck then. Also, you're pathetic. Check my posting history and you'll see I was ranting over dilithium reductions to STFs a couple days ago.
    Ah argumentum ad hominem now is it? That's the lamest yet. You're a write off, dismissed out of hand.

    Hey, captainbrady, first you give your LENGTHY opinion on season 7. People provide an opposing opinion and you accuse them of being PWE puppet accounts. When that person states they're not PWE you ever-so-righteously dismiss them out of hand.

    I dismiss you and your small, feeble, hypocritical mind out if hand. The only times I've seen people dismiss conflicting opinions as you did was when either the original premise was weak enough to not withstand scrutiny or the original premise was provided by a person of limited intellectual faculty. If you're not prepared to have people disagree with your opinion in a forum how about you keep your opinion to yourself.
  • captainbradycaptainbrady Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hey, captainbrady, first you give your LENGTHY opinion on season 7. People provide an opposing opinion and you accuse them of being PWE puppet accounts. When that person states they're not PWE you ever-so-righteously dismiss them out of hand.

    I dismiss you and your small, feeble, hypocritical mind out if hand. The only times I've seen people dismiss conflicting opinions as you did was when either the original premise was weak enough to not withstand scrutiny or the original premise was provided by a person of limited intellectual faculty. If you're not prepared to have people disagree with your opinion in a forum how about you keep your opinion to yourself.

    I am prepared to have people disagree, but I expect a little more substance than a red herring (not smart to call out the devs), ad hominem attack (i.e. you're lazy, or you're pathetic), or some sort of counter argument based out of thin air. I took a long time to work on the data for my opinion. If you're not willing to put any effort into your counter argument, don't expect me to take you seriously. If you have a thoughtful, rational opinion, then I will take you seriously. If you're going to call me names or use some other logical fallacy, I'm going to ignore you or dismiss you out of hand. No I'm afraid not all opinions are equal or equal of respect. T he flat earth society opinion doesn't deserve my resepct. The "oh yeah, you're a lazy doodie face" argument doesn't deserve my respect. Do you have an understanding of what I intend to say? There are rules for debating, I suggest you read up on them.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This isn't the first thread I've seen you have the gall and audacity to dismiss those who disagree with you. You seem to do this enough to show that it's your personality type and that ends up tarnishing the point you try to make.
  • mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    nynik wrote: »
    Its worth noting that pre-Season 7, the daily steam users for STO were around 1 thousand, after Season 7 its about 3 thousand. Steam users don't represent the full playerbase, but if that shows a three-fold increase, then its reasonable to assume that - at least for now - Season 7 is not killing the game, and that the servers are far from empty. Facts > Hyperbole.

    Steam servers represent many who don't pay to play... not saying F2P people don't contribute but acquiring a bunch of players who don't spend a dime on the game isn't going to keep it running. I also would keep in mind the big marketing blitz PW did with its season 7 rollout hitting up every mmo/F2P site they could find for interviews and giving away free stuff... so to see a spike on an F2P game site isn't surprising. Quantity isn't quality. I was playing New Romulus last night and to see only 5 instances of the map running says something about the content on its first live weekend... but I suppose many folks could also be trying SWTOR this weekend as its F2P now as well.
    Gold Sub since March 2010
    Lifetime Sub since June 2010
  • kara445kara445 Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    mikefl wrote: »
    Steam servers represent many who don't pay to play... not saying F2P people don't contribute but acquiring a bunch of players who don't spend a dime on the game isn't going to keep it running. I also would keep in mind the big marketing blitz PW did with its season 7 rollout hitting up every mmo/F2P site they could find for interviews and giving away free stuff... so to see a spike on an F2P game site isn't surprising. Quantity isn't quality. I was playing New Romulus last night and to see only 5 instances of the map running says something about the content on its first live weekend... but I suppose many folks could also be trying SWTOR this weekend as its F2P now as well.

    I'm sorry but i start to understand people who don't want pay for play, I'm a gold member i pay every months and for what ? i have the same problem than the free members, and if i want buy something i have to farm or pay more like free members ...

    I think i will stop pay and and farm if i want buy something on store or stop game if they do nothing for people who support this game
  • captainbradycaptainbrady Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This isn't the first thread I've seen you have the gall and audacity to dismiss those who disagree with you. You seem to do this enough to show that it's your personality type and that ends up tarnishing the point you try to make.

    Then make an argument instead of presenting ad hominem attacks as an argument. An ad hominem is a SUBSTITUTE for an argument.
  • radakiradaki Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What i really dont get is, why the insane increasing wrecking the doff system, when so many other changes demands dilithium.

    There can be only one deduction and that one is lining somebodys bankaccount.

    Well, my reaction to this is to support cap'n Brady and hoard my dili for now
  • truewarpertruewarper Member Posts: 929 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am neutral on what OP said, but I would like to point
    out a few things. S7 has for the most part been about neutral with it's reception. There are those who love it (... no comment), and those who hate it (OP and his fleet it seems), and those who look at it as just another change, and kinda go with it (about half the players (OPINION, NOT FACT) and some lazy guys), and then guys like me who try to see the reason behind the changes, and may or may not succeed in doing so, but also go with it.

    I will agree, the DOff changes are... sudden, but not entirely unexpected. Pre-S7 it was easy to farm purple DOffs using the DOff change in system. It was also cheap. Possibly too cheap, and possibly too easy. BUT the saving grace there was the randomness of what you got back. Now, you still have that randomness, but for a far more prohibitive cost, which means that players will either rage about it and complain, or just be more cautious when using this method.

    The dilithium sink? I also agree, this game has become quite the grindfest. Boringly so. S6, what I used to do was log on, refine dil, go do some quick dailies, then PvP or STF for the next few hours with my usual team-mates from the PESTF and ESTF channels. We had quite a blast. Now, my routine consists of log on, refine dil, do some DOff missions, fly around for more DOff missions, check mail, check rep, advance rep, then log off. Total time on char: 15-20 minutes TOPS, as compared to the 4 or 5 HOURS I used to play shooting at Borg and laughing at the idiocy on DS9. And when I run out of dil? I dunno. XP

    So far it seems like I am in support of OP right? Well here's where I diverge with him on opinion.

    For starters, I freakin LOVE the updates they did to NPCs, the Borg especially. I also love the Tholians on elite. Hence why I find an interesting combination of frustration and amusement when I read all the Borg rage threads here on the forums XD. All the AI updates and weapon updates on elite npcs are great. No more facerolling, actual brain required.

    Also, the reputation system, although it is clunky, I have to look at it from the perspective of their target playerbase: Not us vet players, but the new guys. The newly christened Vice Admirals and Lieutenant Generals. I did some quick calculations, and the devs were right. Most of us if we were lucky would pick up our first mk XII set within the first 200 or so ESTFs (ground-wise, space usually within the first 50 or so). We would then usually pick up our second around the 300 mark (space usually around 80-90 mark). From what I've calculated, the number of ESTFs you actually have to run has dropped dramatically for a mk XII ground set (again based off of conjecture, not fact, since I am not tier 5). Also it is easier to get the ground sets, since guess what, YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO RUN EGSTFs TO GET THE GROUND EQUIPMENT. Total bs imo (says the guy who had to do 175 successful IGE runs to get his first proto shield tech, to say nothing of the many failed pug rounds), but that's again aimed for the newbies, not the vets. Looking at it from that PoV, I suddenly see that it's actually easier. Not better mind you, since I say you aren't deserving of a full mk XII set unless you've done the room, been one shotted by armek, and taken a plasma bath (to say nothing of the hundreds of deaths from the plasma spewing heavy and elite tac drones).

    My final point to add in:
    S7 was predicted to be a huge change. They warned us about it in dev blogs, podcasts, and through sneak peeks (I am still laughing at the appearance of random wells-class starships throughout the game a few weeks before the temporal lock boxes were released). And now that it's here, it won't leave. I will quote Kung Fu Panda 2: "Hope you like it, because you can't return it!!" That's what S7 is. It's the explosive present. There are good things about it (pretty colors... and THOLIANS), and bad things about it (dil sink, grindfest, idiot BOff programming on New Romulus), but in the end, it's what we get.

    So you and your fleet can leave. It's your prerogative. But I will remind you, despite all the bad vibe, look at it this way. We have lost some, but we have gained so much. Better NPCs, new items, new opportunities, ludicrously low exchange prices, and no more of those annoying 1% chance drops on proto ground tech (curse you IGE... curse you...). And much also hasn't changed. Morn is still at quarks drinking some unknown beverage with tales to tell, those morons on Q'onos are still doing 0 damage to each other in the ring with their dysfunctional batt'leths, and you can still get glitched into the middle of San Fransisco Bay at Starfleet Academy. So see? You haven't lost everything
    Departing from Sol *Earth* by Carlos A Smith,on Flickr
    SPACE---The Last and Great Frontier. A 14th-year journey
    Vna res, una mens, unum cor et anima una. Cetera omnia, somnium est.
  • burt777burt777 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    We speak the same language! I agree.

    marielang wrote: »
    i cryed agian today all the fun gone replaced buy nothing but grind sign on and decide wich grind to do dilith grind omaga grind new romulan grind. used to be fun to do the stf what drop will i get? somthing for fleet bank? item me or a friend could realy use?? somthing to sell and get ec or dilith for? or the joy and pride of the tech drop and rushing to turn in and get the shiney new pice to complet my set??? now its just grind and wait days to see what i can spend my dwindleing suply of dilith on!!!!! in the words of Adam Sandler " whooopie f-ing dooo " season 7
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    mikefl wrote: »
    Steam servers represent many who don't pay to play... not saying F2P people don't contribute but acquiring a bunch of players who don't spend a dime on the game isn't going to keep it running. I also would keep in mind the big marketing blitz PW did with its season 7 rollout hitting up every mmo/F2P site they could find for interviews and giving away free stuff... so to see a spike on an F2P game site isn't surprising. Quantity isn't quality. I was playing New Romulus last night and to see only 5 instances of the map running says something about the content on its first live weekend... but I suppose many folks could also be trying SWTOR this weekend as its F2P now as well.

    You also have to remember there are peak times people actually play where as i've seen sometimes where its low, and then times like today where people mostly aren't working on a sunday where there were over 30 instances. Then again new romulus is a focal point but there are other new content that isn't on new romulus too.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Spoken like a PWE sock account. Give my regards to your supervisor.
    Then make an argument instead of presenting ad hominem attacks as an argument. An ad hominem is a SUBSTITUTE for an argument.

    So I should follow your example when someone felt there were ample ships at ESD? You failed to make an argument. Then when the person responded by saying they weren't a PWE employee you leveled your sights at them again.

    Regardless of your thoughts you need to accept the fact that some people really like season 7. Regardless of my thoughts I understand, accept and respect the fact that you don't like season 7. The way in which you deliver that message actually makes a difference. I'm sorry to say that the way you've been delivering your message has shot your credibility with me and I'd be safe to say that I wouldn't be the only one saying that.

    Forums need people to understand that someone disagreeing with your opinion is not the same as that person telling you you're wrong. I don't believe that people who dislike season 7 are wrong as it's their opinion and I don't believe opinions can be measured in the black and white world of correct and incorrect.
  • gibsonunderscoregibsonunderscore Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I disagree with this open letter. Dilithium is obtained easily enough by doing dailies and missions, and the dilithium costs of DOff missions, while expensive, are not worrisome.

    These were being EXPLOITED to get lots of good stuff fast. It should be an effort to get something nice. That would therefore increase the value of the thing you have obtained.

    STFs were, and are, being exploited to farm tens of thousands of dilithium every day by each player. DOff missions are being exploited to inflate exchange prices and rob other players blind. The atmosphere or instant gratification is choking the life out of the game. I'd like to feel like I earned something, rather than being handed everything.

    As for HAVING to whip out your credit card, no one HAS to do anything. Hell, you can buy a Vesta if you keep up with your dilithium exchanging. It just takes some time. Y'know, that part I was just talking about where you feel good about earning something?

    I haven't seen players complain this much since... ever. Like, ever. Even the elitist World of Warcrack players who were angry about the lore changes to the game didn't whine this much. And they actually pay a monthly fee just to be connected to the server.
  • olievlekjeolievlekje Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I haven't seen players complain this much since... ever

    Maybe because there actually is something to complain about ?
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    olievlekje wrote: »
    Maybe because there actually is something to complain about ?

    Yeah he demolished his own argument.

    The level of complaints and volume of them should be ringing alarm bells... it's not just here either it's across all the channels in game.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I disagree with this open letter. Dilithium is obtained easily enough by doing dailies and missions, and the dilithium costs of DOff missions, while expensive, are not worrisome.

    These were being EXPLOITED to get lots of good stuff fast. It should be an effort to get something nice. That would therefore increase the value of the thing you have obtained.

    STFs were, and are, being exploited to farm tens of thousands of dilithium every day by each player. DOff missions are being exploited to inflate exchange prices and rob other players blind. The atmosphere or instant gratification is choking the life out of the game. I'd like to feel like I earned something, rather than being handed everything.

    As for HAVING to whip out your credit card, no one HAS to do anything. Hell, you can buy a Vesta if you keep up with your dilithium exchanging. It just takes some time. Y'know, that part I was just talking about where you feel good about earning something?

    I haven't seen players complain this much since... ever. Like, ever. Even the elitist World of Warcrack players who were angry about the lore changes to the game didn't whine this much. And they actually pay a monthly fee just to be connected to the server.

    I agree with things needing to be earned. Earning cool items, like earning anything else, should take time and effort. Yes, people have busy lives and they feel it might taker longed to obtain, but that's the nature if taking time to earn things. Instant gratification is NOT the way to run ANY game.
    olievlekje wrote: »
    Maybe because there actually is something to complain about ?

    Maybe that something that people are complaining about is that lack of instant gratification.
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I can only speak for myself, so I will.

    I enjoy New Romulus very much, I love the Vesta, (still tryin to make it work for me tho), I like the Vault ensnared and salt sucker missions.

    But...The dilithium grind is just too much for me. and it's in EVERYTHING, and not just a little, a whole lot.
    I find MYSELF not contributing to my fleet starbase goals as much, because it conflicts with some of MY PERSONAL GOALS, at least in so far as dilithium is concerned.

    The dilithium requirements for our fleet starbases and embassies projects are HUGE.
    Grind your base to a level where it offers provisions and guess what? you need MORE dilithium.
    Grind yourself up the reputation system and guess what? You need more dilithium.

    I seriously don't know how I'm gonna contribute to my fleet AND get the things I want unless I start buyin zen and exchanging it.

    I'm sure there are players who aren't gonna even bother with most of the fleet content and just grind themselves to another dimension just to get dilithium. Never bothering with another player.

    Currencies? THEY ARE OUTA CONTROL. Marks for this, marks for that .... It's a ridiculous, cumbersome, overly complex, confusing mess.

    Rewards are now trapped in this mega tiered dilithium grindfest.
    And for what?

    Correct me if I'm wrong here,
    The reputation system was NEVER properly tested, BECAUSE NO ONE
    had time to get themselves to the top tier of the bloody thing. How is it gonna affect the rest of the game? PVP?

    So in about five months or so, after people have ground themselves senseless and head out with the shinny new sets along with all those nifty new passives and abilities, what happens then?
    How is all this gonna play out in pvp specifically? Will we start nerfing things left and right in the name of balance AFTER people have ground themselves batty AND spent all that time, effort and dilithium aka money?

    I WISH I could be rewarded by giving to my fleet projects WITHOUT having to come up with yet MORE dilithium to enjoy the fruit of my/our labors. (or at least make the dilithium requirement REALLY low).
    because as I see it now, there is just too much of a conflict of interest.

    Season 7 conflicted, convoluted and too cash grabby.

  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I disagree with this open letter. Dilithium is obtained easily enough by doing dailies and missions, and the dilithium costs of DOff missions, while expensive, are not worrisome.

    These were being EXPLOITED to get lots of good stuff fast. It should be an effort to get something nice. That would therefore increase the value of the thing you have obtained.

    STFs were, and are, being exploited to farm tens of thousands of dilithium every day by each player. DOff missions are being exploited to inflate exchange prices and rob other players blind. The atmosphere or instant gratification is choking the life out of the game. I'd like to feel like I earned something, rather than being handed everything.

    Precisely. The integrity of the game was in the toilet because players where exploiting the hell out of the Doff system by using a dozen alts to freely farm up massive amounts of crew/resources, and because easy gear handouts invalidated a significant portion of the endgames progression scale.
  • luxchristianluxchristian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I disagree with this open letter. Dilithium is obtained easily enough by doing dailies and missions, and the dilithium costs of DOff missions, while expensive, are not worrisome.

    These were being EXPLOITED to get lots of good stuff fast. It should be an effort to get something nice. That would therefore increase the value of the thing you have obtained.

    STFs were, and are, being exploited to farm tens of thousands of dilithium every day by each player. DOff missions are being exploited to inflate exchange prices and rob other players blind. The atmosphere or instant gratification is choking the life out of the game. I'd like to feel like I earned something, rather than being handed everything.

    As for HAVING to whip out your credit card, no one HAS to do anything. Hell, you can buy a Vesta if you keep up with your dilithium exchanging. It just takes some time. Y'know, that part I was just talking about where you feel good about earning something?

    I haven't seen players complain this much since... ever. Like, ever. Even the elitist World of Warcrack players who were angry about the lore changes to the game didn't whine this much. And they actually pay a monthly fee just to be connected to the server.

    Exactly this. The players of STO are adjusted to instant gratification. But now that the devs finally patched some cheesy loopholes/bad design decisions, all the happy grinders are complaining that the easy ways to grind multiple chars are blocked.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    truewarper wrote: »

    eh? No follow XD
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Instant gratification is NOT the way to run ANY game.

    Maybe that something that people are complaining about is that lack of instant gratification.

    Your argument would hold more weight with me if it weren't possible to be instantly gratified by spending money.

    This system wasn't put into place so that something nice would have to be "earned".

    I earned my Borg set playin the STFs when it took HOURS to complete just one out of three required missions.
    At the end of these missions, if they was successful, (and not every team succeeded either), you got your prize. No dilithium required.

    You put in the time, effort and worked with the team and you got your prize.

    Did I mention No dilithium required ?

    NOW, oh boy ...... hours turn into months. And that's a step up from that whole game of chance nonsense.

    This new system is by it's very nature conflicted.

    Do I continue to contribute to my fleet, or do I get the reward I've already EARNED ?

    Do I help progress my fleet's starbase or embassy, or do I concentrate on my reputation system ?

    Putting in the time and effort simply isn't enough anymore, not with so many things requiring dilithium now.
    And therein lies the problem.

    Thank You Cryptic for putting the dilithium back in the stfs, because now the player who has but one or two hours to play each day, at least has a chance.

    BTW, I wouldn't start calling other player's lazy, or self entitled. Personal attacks are still against forum rules the last time I checked.

    You wanna disagree, fine.

  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I agree with the OP.
    I will NOT be transferring REAL cash to PWE until Season 7 is overhauled.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I seriously don't know how I'm gonna contribute to my fleet AND get the things I want unless I start buyin zen and exchanging it.

    If you start a naked char, you may want:
    - one Mk XII space set : 100k dil
    - 8 space weapons : another 100k dil
    - one ground set: 30k dil
    - a couple of specific weapons (even if many excellent weapons are mission rewards and completely free): another 30k dil or so.

    You'll have to spend 260k dil on a brand new naked character. I didn't add the reputation tier upgrades since it's insignificant. That's 32 days of dil cap refinement, ie the time you'd need to level up a character on any other MMO. it's 75 days if you follow Dan Stahl's average daily refinement per player (3500 or so).

    Of course in the meantime you can't contribute to your fleet starbase with this naked char. The dilithium requirement may look very high but you actually need very few stuff, especially if you don't equip your stupid bridge officers who can't even use the stuff you give them properly. It's annoying but I think we can get over it, once we get our new stuff.

    Now you don't see how you could achieve that but in two months, once you'll be T5 rep everywhere, you might buy another space set, the new ground set, and that's it.

    You can't contribute to your starbase? And you think buying dil for that isn't worth it? I encourage you not to then. Don't buy anything you consider overpriced, because they will make it even more expensive next time if you do. Starbases aren't meant to be a race and have no use but a social one, so you can skip it without missing any major game experience improvement anyway.

    And if you think doffs are an issue then we'll welcome you warmly on the doff forums to give you some tips to get many purples as soon as you don't make aggressive posts like many people did here. That's why no doffer will ever help them, no one helps aggressive people, and it's well deserved.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »
    If you start a naked char, you may want:
    - one Mk XII space set : 100k dil
    - 8 space weapons : another 100k dil
    - one ground set: 30k dil
    - a couple of specific weapons (even if many excellent weapons are mission rewards and completely free): another 30k dil or so.

    You'll have to spend 260k dil on a brand new naked character. I didn't add the reputation tier upgrades since it's insignificant. That's 32 days of dil cap refinement, ie the time you'd need to level up a character on any other MMO. it's 75 days if you follow Dan Stahl's average daily refinement per player (3500 or so).

    Of course in the meantime you can't contribute to your fleet starbase with this naked char. The dilithium requirement may look very high but you actually need very few stuff, especially if you don't equip your stupid bridge officers who can't even use the stuff you give them properly. It's annoying but I think we can get over it, once we get our new stuff.

    Now you don't see how you could achieve that but in two months, once you'll be T5 rep everywhere, you might buy another space set, the new ground set, and that's it.

    You can't contribute to your starbase? And you think buying dil for that isn't worth it? I encourage you not to then. Don't buy anything you consider overpriced, because they will make it even more expensive next time if you do. Starbases aren't meant to be a race and have no use but a social one, so you can skip it without missing any major game experience improvement anyway.

    You know, You make some good points.

    I'm not starting a naked character. But I'm going for the new sets and gear.

    I've been tryin to help get the starbase to the point where my fleetmates and I can get the provisions and fleet ships we all want.

    But hey, I've been lucky enough to get two of those lock box ships.

    I'll just focus on myself now.

    I only have so much time and money after all.

    See my point?

    But I concede that I just might have to contribute less to the common goal. Feels wrong in an MMO tho.
    I really thought the fleet starbase projects would bring players together.

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