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Compilation of why cruisers are UP



  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Mainly though I was just curiuos if the time-sink issue was the primary issue of why Cruiser players are upset.

    Yes. Even if you sink all offense into the stupid things the difference is to large for myself to ignore.

    To use a comparison you might relate to. When you build your PvP ships you tend to gravitate towards 'fun' builds as opposed to broken OP if I am not mistaken. You enjoy flying a variety of ships and styles of ships so to speak.

    But you still have a 'minimum performance bar' no matter how fun the ship is or how much you like it. If it cannot hold its own then you will not fly it. It doesn't have to be the best ship or the best build but it does need to be competitive right?

    Same with me except in PvE. I don't mind taking say ten or twenty percent longer to run a daily. I do mind taking nearly twice as long.
  • hyymbeerehyymbeere Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    No need for a "Compilation".

    Reason is because the crew-mechanisms are not working or to be more precise: They are in the game for cosmetic reasons.

    Crew is irrelevant = cruisers are UP


    (To avoid misunderstandings, by crew I mean: http://www.stowiki.org/Crew)
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Mainly though I was just curiuos if the time-sink issue was the primary issue of why Cruiser players are upset.

    As Bareel said, "Yes"
  • allmyteeallmytee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Time sink aside, Currently there is little if any content outside of pvp that require the resources a cruiser can provide. They can tank, but so too can an escort with the current enemies which are in game. They can heal, so too can escorts, not to the same level, but at a level necessary to compete in end game content.

    Being self sufficient is ok in my book, but not at the cost of rendering a class of star ship moot.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I guess another question that might arise is:

    If two captains (equally adept/inept) one commanding a cruiser and the other an escort, all things considered equal, which one would win the fight the vast majority of the times. If 60+% of the time one certain ship is dominant over the other (all things considered equal mind you) then there is something wrong.

    I wish that the devs' would get involved in the debate, I would love to hear their take on it.
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I guess another question that might arise is:

    If two captains (equally adept/inept) one commanding a cruiser and the other an escort, all things considered equal, which one would win the fight the vast majority of the times. If 60+% of the time one certain ship is dominant over the other (all things considered equal mind you) then there is something wrong.

    I wish that the devs' would get involved in the debate, I would love to hear their take on it.

    Depends on the variables. What captain classes ar invovled? Do both sides specifically equip boff powers for the task?

    For example, being hit with an full aux snb and not having countermeasures vs the cooldown increase would be bad.
    Or a Engineer captains ability to add another shield heal + instant heal.

    If we discard those cocnerns and base this on pure ship vs ship stats we have the following:

    The escort fields superior firepower in any case, the argument that DHC have a small arc of attack is poitnless sicne all escorts turn exceedingly fast and certainly fast enoguh to hold a crusier in their sights.
    + they can sit in the cruisers 6 o clock position all day, because all the moves a cruiser captain pulls to turn its backside away are also available to the escort in order to STAY there.

    Next we have the escorts ability to terminate the encounter any tiem it wants by simply flying away really fast.... yes. flying away really fast. And if it does so in the opposite direction of the cruiser, the escort will be far out of reach by the time the cruiser has turned. Fundamentally, this is what makes escorts such awesoem tanks: they can just fck off for a second to catch their breath which negates the whole limited defense boffs thing people prattle on about all day like it was an disadvantage.

    The retreat srves to not only avoid a buffed cruiser (if it is a tac captain for example.) and as such preserve the defense buffs for later use (when it starts its attack for example.)
    Its also an eat way out of the snb cooldown: just run away for a bit.

    If you get down to it: the only times escorts die to cruisers is in team environments when they get crippled by team effort and the crusier gets the last shot in or when the escort captain turns out to be a dud.

    Oh and btw: the escort gets to BO3 you over and over and at some point will crit you for wtf damage.
    one might notice that BO3 is a beam buff power and as such one would expect the premiere beam users to use it but alas it seems the dedicated dual cannon ships get to use the dedicated beam power too.... hm....

    Anyways, their BO3 is going to wreck the cruiser at some point while the cruiser... gets to fizzle around i guess.... The weapons the cruiser will get on target (which is usuaylly only half its complement anyway since the escort sits in the back of the cruiser) are not powerfull enough to break even entry level of shield hardening, not to mention actually burn the bull down fast enough.

    You have no excuse to lose to a cruiser in a 1v1 in an escort.

    Escpecialy not in the bug ship, escort carrier and patrols.
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    hyymbeere wrote: »
    No need for a "Compilation".

    Reason is because the crew-mechanisms are not working or to be more precise: They are in the game for cosmetic reasons.

    Crew is irrelevant = cruisers are UP


    (To avoid misunderstandings, by crew I mean: http://www.stowiki.org/Crew)

    The only way for crew to become relevant is for Cryptic to enhance the Boff and Doff integration past keybind, macro, and proc placeholders to the point where they are the crew being injured or killed during space combat rather than the cosmetic crew figure.

    We have a First Officer and a representative for the other departments. We acquire new Boffs from both missions and Doff assignments. There should be a hierarchy of battlestations after the officers regularly manning those stations. If a Boff is killed or incapacitated in combat, another should take their station. If another senior officer is not available then that post should fall to the first Doff in line under that department with the appropriate career proficiencies.

    Since the assignment of new Boffs and Doffs can occur rather frequently, death of the officers in question should be permanent. More regarding the chance of this happening is discussed below. As they would not be using their armor and sidearms during space combat, their personal effects would be returned to your inventory. To keep it a little simpler, death of the officers would occur in sickbay following the battle and as Captain you would be informed of such.

    Various injuries to the officers would induce various times for their recovery to complete recovery. Depending on the injuring sustained, you could have officers return to duty suffering a penalty to their stats relative to the type in injury sustained to the tasks they are required to perform.

    Since the officers already have different rarities, they could also have different degrees of experience ranging from Green or Novice to Hardened with this being independent of rank. While the Very Rare officer would have a increased chance of survival because of his rarity his experience might be a detriment to that if he's a Green compared to a Rare or even an Uncommon officer who might be Hardened. The levels of experience could also have the effect of an additional percent to their skills much like the present achievments do for captains.

    As the size of the crew generally increases with the size of the ship, Cruisers would have the crew advantage the number states they actually do and crew would finally be relevant. This would also add the possibility of loss to every encounter as the only penalty we have presently for failure is increased time spent at the respawn point and the use of a ship component.
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    how does the non impact crew has relate to boffs?
    How does killing boffs of permanently contribute to gameplay? it does not.
    If you want to give crew more meaning, have ALL boff powers have their magnitudes scale based on Crew.
    Ships with more crew get larger returns from boff powers, perhaps on such a scale that ships, who have small crews, compensate by getting higher grade boff powers.

    So the cruisers crf 1 is as powerful as say 2.5 rapidfire from an escort, the crusiers healing and buffing is stronger early one and degrades as the fight drags on. Sci powers for example could benefit from additional crew based boosts, making carirers and other heavyly crewed science vessels a notch more dangerous (because right now the only danger from them is the incredibly amount of cheese they can deploy from their hangars).

    Naturally, if you redo crew the first thing to look at is the wonky crew death ratio, where you end up with an empty ship after the first 30 seconds of the fight.

    Actually, giving crew more meaning in ship operations might be the way to go here.
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    reynoldsxd wrote: »
    how does the non impact crew has relate to boffs?
    How does killing boffs of permanently contribute to gameplay? it does not.
    If you want to give crew more meaning, have ALL boff powers have their magnitudes scale based on Crew.
    Ships with more crew get larger returns from boff powers, perhaps on such a scale that ships, who have small crews, compensate by getting higher grade boff powers.

    So the cruisers crf 1 is as powerful as say 2.5 rapidfire from an escort, the crusiers healing and buffing is stronger early one and degrades as the fight drags on. Sci powers for example could benefit from additional crew based boosts, making carirers and other heavyly crewed science vessels a notch more dangerous (because right now the only danger from them is the incredibly amount of cheese they can deploy from their hangars).

    Naturally, if you redo crew the first thing to look at is the wonky crew death ratio, where you end up with an empty ship after the first 30 seconds of the fight.

    Actually, giving crew more meaning in ship operations might be the way to go here.

    It contributes much in the same way rag doll physics is superior to SNES TMNT baddie body explosions. From launch to now, we don't actually COMMAND a starship. We just drive one around with no real command decisions or consequences. You seem like an arcade type though so perhaps cruisers and all ships should be left in their present arcade state.
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • hyymbeerehyymbeere Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    reynoldsxd wrote: »
    Naturally, if you redo crew the first thing to look at is the wonky crew death ratio, where you end up with an empty ship after the first 30 seconds of the fight.

    Actually, giving crew more meaning in ship operations might be the way to go here.


    Actually they are not dead but unconscious (orange). Is it even possible for them to die (grey)?

    According to the in-game description "cruisers have a large crew compliment which improves their repair rate and other crew related abilities such as engineering teams and boarding parties."

    Yet this is completely irrelevant because:

    - Most of the crew is disabled pretty early in a fight anyway.
    - Repairs are done by bridge officer-abilities, so the crews repair rate is negligible.
    - Having a low crew-count does not seem to have much negative effect.

    Cruisers are supposed to be able to hang in a fight longer because of their large crew (and hull). If 25 people are unconscious on a 1000-man cruiser, the ship is perfectly fine.

    Escorts are supposed to be forced to withdraw from a fight more often and much earlier to heal/replace the unconscious crew.
    If 25 people are unconscious on a 50-man escort, the captain has to withdraw from the fight or else he will gradually loose control of the ship.

    Add in science vessels which can provide medical services (healing crews) and there is much more tactical depth instead of arcade fighter jet-combat.

    First problem is: Finding the right balance for such mechanics to work.

    Second problem is: People dont give money for tactical depth, people want shooting and 'splosions.
  • zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Mainly though I was just curiuos if the time-sink issue was the primary issue of why Cruiser players are upset.
    As Bareel said, "Yes"

    No. I'm also upset that I cannot use effectively the primary offensive eng powers in those ships that can slot the highest versions of them. This means: Aceton Beam and DEM.

    Either change the cruisers so they can use them (which would turn them into escorts - bad idea) or change the BOFF powers and fix equipement issues. Aceton as AoE with some fancy graphics to tell anyone who the heck is TRIBBLE with their damage would be great. Idea with constant FAW on one target for beams also sound cool. Both together would make cruisers complete and fixed.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Idea with constant FAW on one target for beams also sound cool. Both together would make cruisers complete and fixed.

    Single target BFAW with 100% uptime? Um... hell no... I mean have you seen what it does to single targets? I get on top of a tac cube in ISE or KASE and hit my BFAW2. Suddenly I see numbers flying, and I mean FLYING past. I mean... I would love it, since I love cruisers, but I would HATE it as an escort or sci ship. So as entertaining as this idea sounds, I will have to say no.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Single target BFAW with 100% uptime? Um... hell no... I mean have you seen what it does to single targets? I get on top of a tac cube in ISE or KASE and hit my BFAW2. Suddenly I see numbers flying, and I mean FLYING past. I mean... I would love it, since I love cruisers, but I would HATE it as an escort or sci ship. So as entertaining as this idea sounds, I will have to say no.

    Funny i see nubmers flying on all ships.... whats your aversion to numbers here? Heck, scatter volley and rapid fire will send more numbers your way than you might be able to handle so you betterr abstain.

    And why do you constantly blabber on about how you cuddled that tac cube (yes we are all not impressed by your feats at pve) when the rest of us talk about pvp and the inherent imbalance between fed cruisers and everything else flying out there, especially since the reasoning initialy given for as to why fed cruisers are ****ty is not supported by the game at all.
  • zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    No 100% BFAW 1, 2 or 3. 100% time BFAW "like": number of shots from one beam array. No additional damage, just more beams. And lot more ticks for DEM or simmilar abilities to work with. I think that was, more or less, Roachs idea. I may be wrong, but that's how I understood it.
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    No 100% BFAW 1, 2 or 3. 100% time BFAW "like": number of shots from one beam array. No additional damage, just more beams. And lot more ticks for DEM or simmilar abilities to work with. I think that was, more or less, Roachs idea. I may be wrong, but that's how I understood it.

    Yes, you understood correctly.

    Its just hereticknight085 again, following his tradition of not comprehending other peoples posts and on top of it confuse 2 different people giving different suggestions to then copy pasta the same alrerady debunked TRIBBLE he wrote over and over again.

    Like hes throwing the suggestion to change the working of beam arrays to reflect the visual style and the feel of a single target FAW without changing the outgoing damage directly with suggestions about revamps for Beam arrays in general.

    And maybe he will call you an idiot too because you do not debunk his copy pasta TRIBBLE over and over again like clockwork which he interprets as "hey im right".

    Changing the Beam arrays cycle times and FX to be closer to the FAW style is a change that should be made on the basic principle of "it would look and feel so much better".
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    No. I'm also upset that I cannot use effectively the primary offensive eng powers in those ships that can slot the highest versions of them. This means: Aceton Beam and DEM.

    Either change the cruisers so they can use them (which would turn them into escorts - bad idea) or change the BOFF powers and fix equipement issues. Aceton as AoE with some fancy graphics to tell anyone who the heck is TRIBBLE with their damage would be great. Idea with constant FAW on one target for beams also sound cool. Both together would make cruisers complete and fixed.

    BFaw used to be possible to target a single player and it was way too powerful. Thats one of the reasons it was nerfed.

    I would rather see the Beam Version of Rapid fire, like the cannon power. Make it a T1 to T3 power and thats one problem solved. Beams now have a middle of the road ability between Bfaw and BO that gives a good bonus (up to 45% like CRF).

    As to why you can't use DEM 2 or 3, or Aceton beam 3. Why not? Many ideas on how to do so have been surfacing lately. The AtB1 build is my favorite becuase it gives really good uptime on all abilities and it can even be run as a Single AtB1 to open up more room.

    My idea was the Beam rapid Fire ( Fire for Effect)
    Basic InformationProfession: Tactical
    Locale: Space
    Game Description: Fire for effect improves your next beam attack. Quickly fires numerous beams. Each beam does less damage than a normal beam shot.

    Detailed InformationUsed by: Captain
    Target: Self
    System: Beams
    Ability Type: Buff
    Range: N/A
    Shares cooldown with:
    Starts cooldown on:
    Beam: Fire at Will 15s
    Modified by:
    Starship Weapons Training - Improves all weapon damage.
    Starship Energy Weapons - Improves energy weapons.
    Starship Targeting Systems - Improves all weapon accuracy.
    Starship Energy Weapon Specialization - Improves Critical Hit chance and Critical Hit
    Subsystems Power Level
    Trained by:
    Bridge Officer Trainer (Rank I, Rank II)
    Captain training (Rank III)

    Ability RanksAbility/User Rank CD SPR Ability Effects
    Rank I: Lieutenant 30s 500 Increases the number of shots fired by each cannon volley for 10 sec.
    Improves base damage by approx. 30%

    Rank II: Lt Commander 30s 750 Increases the number of shots fired by each cannon volley for 10 sec.
    Improves base damage by approx. 40%

    Rank III: Commander 30s 1000 Increases the number of shots fired by each cannon volley for 10 sec.
    Improves base damage by approx. 50%

    Viola, Cruisers have access to an ability to help them do better damage and we have seen this idea used in the IP before so its canon. The only issue I feel it will cause is that it will over-drain Beams while firing so Beam Arrays would need a drain fix.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    BFaw used to be possible to target a single player and it was way too powerful. Thats one of the reasons it was nerfed.

    I would rather see the Beam Version of Rapid fire, like the cannon power. Make it a T1 to T3 power and thats one problem solved. Beams now have a middle of the road ability between Bfaw and BO that gives a good bonus (up to 45% like CRF).

    As to why you can't use DEM 2 or 3, or Aceton beam 3. Why not? Many ideas on how to do so have been surfacing lately. The AtB1 build is my favorite becuase it gives really good uptime on all abilities and it can even be run as a Single AtB1 to open up more room.

    Aceton beam is a frontal arc only power, on top of that its magnitude of effect is pitiful, its easily cleansed by the all around cleaner tool: hazard emmiters and to top it of its damag is almost non existent.

    To make the farce complete, the klingons get an aceton generator thats dealing area of effect damge when shot an by enrgy weapons (its also impervious to those) And on top of it drains all targets in range of power which is an effect that stacks with every new generator in the area.

    For an ability like aceton beam to suck that way it does when theres another member of the aceton familiy around not sucking is.. questionable.

    As for DEM: DeM deals damage per pulse, that means cannon builds get a heckload more pulses than beam users, which is something that was already explained in this thread - the thread you constant naysayers never bother to read.

    For the non readers:

    - Fed crusiers get a massive turnrate debuff in comparision to klingion cruisers and all ships in general and have gotten no compensation for it. They have marginally more hp than their klingon counterparts, with the klinks being factually better despite the same console and boff layout (vorcha refit - assault cruiser, neghvar - galaxy R, for examples.) just by the merit of being able to turn the ship around properly and without resorting to boff powers.
    We are talking about the basic ability to move here people.
    To top it of: th HP debuff for klinks is meant to compensate for the ability to cloack, it does not relate to turnrate. (yes, the BOPS small hull vlaue is not because it turn on a dim, its because it has a battle cloack.)

    - Fed cruisers, due to their abyssmal turnrate are basically forced to use beam arrays (we are talking PVP here, in pve you can fir whatever nonsens you want and still succeeed.)
    And Beam arrays are just an all around horrible weapon after all the nerfs they got. The damage nerf, the power nerf that makes it impossible to overcap, the general buff to all ships hp and defenses (which was due to DHC wtf damnage which still is here without fail, fckning everything up for everyone.).
    And there is no reason for this.

    The 280 degree arc? Which is not an argument since the dual cannon bearing ships (aside the one fed crusier that can carry them btw) have the turnrate to make this a non-issue. Even klingon cruisers turn fast enough to make DualCannons viable.
    The Beam braodside? Yeah good luck broadsiding ships that can out-maneuver you easily and minimize their exposure time to your, here it comes, Consitently self criplling DAMAGE OVER TIME weapons. Weapons that rely on beign on target for the maximum amount of time hoping to get licks in when buffs run out

    I just want you to stop your naysaying and denial over this and consider this:
    The ships most reliant on the wide arc, damage over time (self crippling) weapons have such horrendous maneuverability that ships can consistently stay out of said wide arcs to effectively cut your damage in half. Now one might say "but hey, if only half the guns fire, will those not do more damage due to less power drain?" no they wont. It has been calculated here on the forums that 6 beam arrays is the most energy/damage efficient way of using them without paying extra in the power department and without losing on damage by using less than 6.

    T otop it all off, all the beam buff powers are tactical only, which means that the ship class (essentialy: fed cruisers) that we have been told to be built around mounting beam weapons can not:

    - actually support the beams power drain becaus no boff power in existence deals with the staggered drain which cripples the damage. No, there is no overcapping. There are only buffs that reduce weapon powerdrain. You can use emergency power to weapons, but its effect will only help the currently running cycle, then it goes poof due to overcap.
    Nadion inversion is the only captain power which deals with it and has such a low up time its not even a factor.
    - Buff the beams properly (since cruisers have not much room for tac powers like patterns) and cannot apply mode of operation change powers (FAW, BO) because those are all tac powers, even the beam related powers, when beams are the designated premier weapon for cruisers.

    They also, contrary to popular propaganda, do not heal better than their klingon counterparts and in fact TANK worse due to not boing able to effing turn.

    They also cannot deal supplemental burst damage like klingon cruisers can and of course also deal less sustained damage by virtue of getting outmaneuvered all the time.

    NOONE ever asked for the return of "perfect shield cruisers" or "FAW = win" cruisers.

    We just want some PARITY. (oh btw: yes, when i say turnrate i also mean intertia and every other bloody movement related stat, of course i assume that the values get changed in a mannner that makes sense so we dont end up with glitch ships.)

    Giving cruisers a turn rate buff that puts them just below klingon cruisers is NOT changing the game for any other class. Fed escorts for example deal with klingon cruisers successfully, so no-one can expect them to suddenly fail just because fed crusiers start turning better. Its not a rigid systerm where the buff to one ship automatically requires buff to all others, heretic (yes i am meaning you.).

    No other ship class is losing anything by fed cruisers being lifted out of the hole they got dumped in by gamedesign that is 3 years in the past.

    Beam arrays suck and the designated premiere users of them suck too, so together you have a suck-festa and no im not going to rig a chuck testa pic for this.
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ok i made one

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    reynoldsxd wrote: »

    There is some small truth in you post but a whole lot of false as well.

    For one, I'm not a naysayer. I do wish to see the gameplay for Cruiser enhanced but not at the expense of balance, which is what most posts in here (and threads like this one) are wishing for - ego driven enhancement meant to boost the Cruiser and beams to deal damage out-of-balance with the rest of the game while ignoring options that achieve exactly what they wish to accomplish.

    Beams need thier Drain mechanic fixed- they currently choke themselves when a player is constantly firing. Thats why they bottom out quicker on damage potential. They're very poor efficiency-wise.

    And you may need to leave your KDF Battle Cruiser jealousy outside, next time.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • timberjactimberjac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    A five player's team of cruisers can't do any mission on game with optionals (really can, but with very good players), a big part of them yes, all not.

    A five player's team of science vesels can't do any mission on game with optionals (really happen the same than with cruisers).

    A five player's team of escorts CAN do any mission on game with optionals (and they no need be equals on quality to cruiser and science players).

    Someone need more to say: escorts are OP in the game.

    That isn't a player problem, is a Cryptic problem... Maybe diferent energy profiles per ship, that can be solve. A cruiser can have a 150% more energy than escorts and science vessels can have a 125% more than a escort. That is, 200 energy points for escorts 250 for science and 300 for cruiser (and remove the +15/+10/+5 to energy, and allow set systems up of 100 and below of 25). Even we can adjust that for size of that ship in her category. A defiant tier 5 can't have the same power than a Prometheus (but she have more agility and defense, at least until Prometheus class use the MVAM... and then every part must be worse than a single defiant ship).

    But many different things can be made to correct that problem.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    timberjac wrote: »
    A five player's team of cruisers can't do any mission on game with optionals (really can, but with very good players), a big part of them yes, all not.

    A five player's team of science vesels can't do any mission on game with optionals (really happen the same than with cruisers).

    A five player's team of escorts CAN do any mission on game with optionals (and they no need be equals on quality to cruiser and science players).

    Then they need to fix the Timed mission completion parameters. As other have said time and time again, the EScort shines becuase STO is a DPS race in most of its missions and Damage output is what an Escort does best.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • mandoknight89mandoknight89 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Beams need thier Drain mechanic fixed- they currently choke themselves when a player is constantly firing. Thats why they bottom out quicker on damage potential. They're very poor efficiency-wise.

    ...That might actually fix a lot, including a cruiser's chronic DPS problems... though normal Dual Cannons (and Singles) would probably need adjusting, too, to make them more viable in comparison to the current end-all-be-all that is the Dual Heavy Cannon.
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Then they need to fix the Timed mission completion parameters. As other have said time and time again, the EScort shines becuase STO is a DPS race in most of its missions and Damage output is what an Escort does best.
    This is also fairly true. Hive Onslaught is more difficult with a Tac-heavy group than it is with a balanced one, since the second and third parts need people who know how to survive severe spike damage (not just the Plasma bolts and lances, but everything else) as well as disables and such for the third to slow down the Queen.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ...That might actually fix a lot, including a cruiser's chronic DPS problems... though normal Dual Cannons (and Singles) would probably need adjusting, too, to make them more viable in comparison to the current end-all-be-all that is the Dual Heavy Cannon.
    This is also fairly true. Hive Onslaught is more difficult with a Tac-heavy group than it is with a balanced one, since the second and third parts need people who know how to survive severe spike damage (not just the Plasma bolts and lances, but everything else) as well as disables and such for the third to slow down the Queen.

    What about the Quad cannon? Its the pinnacle of cannon design yet its worse than the DHCs in efficiency. And thats all DHCs are, very efficient in power consumption thanks to thier slow firing rate under the Season 1.2 weapon drain rules.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    What about the Quad cannon? Its the pinnacle of cannon design yet its worse than the DHCs in efficiency. And thats all DHCs are, very efficient in power consumption thanks to thier slow firing rate under the Season 1.2 weapon drain rules.

    I don't see much attention being thrown their way since Quads are a c-store specific item that's been designed to be purposefully inferior.
  • berytakberytak Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I really don't understand, why so many people are complaining about escorts doing to much damage and therefor they are op. IMHO the escorts are good as they are, because I never felt of having a disadvantage over them while flying my cruiser.
    I got myself a Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit but switched back to my D'Kora, because it it can suck up a hell lot more damage, than the Fleet Tac. My personal performance is better on a cruiser than on an escort. I was blown up way to often in my escort, what resulted in a large loss of dps.
    Flying my D'Kora feels like running a steamroller, you literally tear apart anything in your way. And I've rarely seen Escorts doin' more damage ... but that just my 2 cents. :rolleyes:

    Anyone should fly whats suites best for himself, thats the only thing that matters.

    You like flying you escort? Fine.
    You like you schience vessel? Fine, fly it.
    You like your cruiser? Good, I like mine too.

    But please stop complaining about other ships. If you don't like it, don't fly it.

    Cheers :D

    PS: You can do any STF with 5 cruisers or sience ships easyly, if the players know, what they are doing :P
    Cruiser Captain since 87706.01
  • mandoknight89mandoknight89 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    What about the Quad cannon? Its the pinnacle of cannon design yet its worse than the DHCs in efficiency. And thats all DHCs are, very efficient in power consumption thanks to thier slow firing rate under the Season 1.2 weapon drain rules.

    Honestly, I forgot about them.
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I know this has been mentioned previously... Most cruisers have a +5 energy advantage per subsystem while escorts gain +15 to weapons. Given that cruisers are supposed to enjoy the largest warp cores and power generation, why are their power levels only slightly better than a small shuttle craft? A constant +10 energy per cruiser subsystem does not sound too unreasonable. Cryptic could easily test this on Tribble, then decide if it's game-breaking or not.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    shar487a wrote: »
    I know this has been mentioned previously... Most cruisers have a +5 energy advantage per subsystem while escorts gain +15 to weapons. Given that cruisers are supposed to enjoy the largest warp cores and power generation, why are their power levels only slightly better than a small shuttle craft? A constant +10 energy per cruiser subsystem does not sound too unreasonable. Cryptic could easily test this on Tribble, then decide if it's game-breaking or not.

    +10 to all subsystems can be achieved by running the Borg set on your stock AC/SC. You can use that for testing. However I will say that will probably be a little too powerful, since your net power gain is +40, which is double the nearest ship. The catch here being is that even if (however unlikely it is) they give cruisers the 2x energy that is probably more appropriate, you can't divide 30 by 4 cleanly. Comes out to 7.5, which cannot be done cleanly with the current HUD and UI.

    And another thing is that ****t... erm shuttles don't get any power bonuses if I remember correctly. I can check that when I get home, but as far as I know, they don't. What really gives that escort seemingly and advantage is that all of their bonus power is channeled into one particular subsystem. Cruisers have a 33% greater bonus power, but that power is evenly divided among their subsystems (at least on non-c-store cruisers), so it seems weaker. But tbh, I find +5 to aux and +5 to shields to be a little more useful than EVERYTHING to weapons. If I want boosted weapons power I just hit EPtW.

    And can you imagine the noise in-game and on the forums if you do give +10 power to ALL subsystems on a cruiser? Then you take all the current cruisers and boost their power by +5 to all subsystems. The Odysseys are a great example of why this might not be a good idea:

    (first value is just straight out, second value is with chevron sep active)

    Tac Oddy:
    Weapons: +15/+25
    Shields: +10/+0
    Engines: +5
    Auxiliary: +10/+0

    Ops Oddy:
    Weapons: +10/+20
    Shields: +10/+0
    Engines: +10
    Auxiliary: +10/+0

    Sci Oddy:
    Weapons: +5/+15
    Shields: +15/+5
    Engines: +5
    Auxiliary: +15/+5

    As you can see, just the base levels will become crazy. Look at the Tac oddy. Your base weapons power will equal the bonus of an escort, and you hit chevron sep, that's like having a permanent EPtW1 active. And that bonus power will help with the hit you take from Chevron sep, but that hit is what makes it somewhat fair. And the Sci oddy. You have massive shields, and heavy aux. As in pure science ship level aux.

    So as much as I would enjoy it as a cruiser captain, looking at it from other ship classes, it's a little too powerful... sry...
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    +10 to all subsystems can be achieved by running the Borg set on your stock AC/SC. You can use that for testing. However I will say that will probably be a little too powerful, since your net power gain is +40, which is double the nearest ship. The catch here being is that even if (however unlikely it is) they give cruisers the 2x energy that is probably more appropriate, you can't divide 30 by 4 cleanly. Comes out to 7.5, which cannot be done cleanly with the current HUD and UI.

    And another thing is that ****t... erm shuttles don't get any power bonuses if I remember correctly. I can check that when I get home, but as far as I know, they don't. What really gives that escort seemingly and advantage is that all of their bonus power is channeled into one particular subsystem. Cruisers have a 33% greater bonus power, but that power is evenly divided among their subsystems (at least on non-c-store cruisers), so it seems weaker. But tbh, I find +5 to aux and +5 to shields to be a little more useful than EVERYTHING to weapons. If I want boosted weapons power I just hit EPtW.

    And can you imagine the noise in-game and on the forums if you do give +10 power to ALL subsystems on a cruiser? Then you take all the current cruisers and boost their power by +5 to all subsystems. The Odysseys are a great example of why this might not be a good idea:

    (first value is just straight out, second value is with chevron sep active)

    Tac Oddy:
    Weapons: +15/+25
    Shields: +10/+0
    Engines: +5
    Auxiliary: +10/+0

    Ops Oddy:
    Weapons: +10/+20
    Shields: +10/+0
    Engines: +10
    Auxiliary: +10/+0

    Sci Oddy:
    Weapons: +5/+15
    Shields: +15/+5
    Engines: +5
    Auxiliary: +15/+5

    As you can see, just the base levels will become crazy. Look at the Tac oddy. Your base weapons power will equal the bonus of an escort, and you hit chevron sep, that's like having a permanent EPtW1 active. And that bonus power will help with the hit you take from Chevron sep, but that hit is what makes it somewhat fair. And the Sci oddy. You have massive shields, and heavy aux. As in pure science ship level aux.

    So as much as I would enjoy it as a cruiser captain, looking at it from other ship classes, it's a little too powerful... sry...

    Good Write-up :)

    I agree that base power-levels look unusually high, but the 125-maximum subsystem energy cap will still be in place, and Fed cruisers will still have no access to DC's and DHC's. Most escort damage comes from their BOFF tactical abilties as opposed to raw ship power, so cruiser damage output will still be limited by this.

    I'd like to see the above tested on Tribble regardless -- there's no telling how it will work until tested in real-time combat by intelligent players.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    shar487a wrote: »
    Good Write-up :)

    I agree that base power-levels look unusually high, but the 125-maximum subsystem energy cap will still be in place, and Fed cruisers will still have no access to DC's and DHC's. Most escort damage comes from their BOFF tactical abilties as opposed to raw ship power, so cruiser damage output will still be limited by this.

    I'd like to see the above tested on Tribble regardless -- there's no telling how it will work until tested in real-time combat by intelligent players.

    You are correct about the 125 power cap, but it's been test proven that it's only a UI thing. Most players can get their power well past 125, which it still does, even if the UI doesn't show it. I know for a fact on a roll, I can get my Tac Oddy's weapons power to almost 170, which means when I do a full 7 BA broadside, my power levels don't go below 98. It's actually kinda scary when I pull it off and a BFAW going at the same time. Suddenly rapid fire hits of 800+ on the target for something insane like 50+ hits.

    But you are correct, the lower tier tac BOff slots and lack of DCs and DHCs still will limit the overall damage output, but beams on 100+ power will always do at least 600 damage (if you use mk XII weapons, even the white ones). Taking the above example, 168 + 5 power is 173. +5 energy when applied to beams is another 2% damage. Which doesn't seem like much, but over time it will stack up. But since overclocking your weapons is common especially with cruisers (who can pull it off nicely due to their high level engi BOffs) I was more looking at the other subsystems.

    However I am agreed that it would be interesting to see this, even if it was only on tribble. And who knows, I could be horribly wrong and what you proposed could be the perfect solution to cruisers supposedly feeling underpowered. I know I certainly wouldn't complain if I got another +5 power to all my subsystems on any of my cruisers.

    But imagine this: stock AC/MUAC/stock SC/MUSC/Ops Oddy, full borg set, your +5 additional power: +15 power to all subsystems. Cruiser captain wet dream right there XD.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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