So I managed to get underneath Earth Space Dock and I found this room. Was wondering if anyone knows what it is? If I get close to it, I get transported back to the transporter pads but not before this option to "Open Door" comes up.
Here's a picture of it below. Can get more of under ESD if required.
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
No, not really. It's the old shipyard lol
Brandon =/\=
That's the original ESD shipyard. The crappy one. The new one is superior.
Whats up with this random door?
What Cryptic should consider before releasing anything.
Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
rofl....i was wondering where my bridge for my shuttlecraft was
I love all the multiple ways of getting underneath qo'nos but I would imagine you didn't make the 100's of glitches that lets us do that since it was before you got switched from CO to STO.
We may have a culprit.
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
Noooo.I wouldn't want to deny the admiral his privacy to feel "pretty" in his dresses in the ESD basement. Besides I'm more leather than lace.;)
kinky :P
but section 31 must have a hidden BoO somewhere lol
So THIS is where the Taco bar has been hidden!!!!
U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
Find it and Kill it.
The old lifer club might still be around too, it had turbolift access in Club 47 before the Captain's Table was introduced. Admiral Quinn's office used to be turbolift access too until they changed it (insert "Where is sulu?" gag here). Good luck on your parkour expeditions
Fond memories of closed beta and the early game. I still have my STO t-shirt and collector's edition box. Never did get one of those del-taco cups though... we don't have them anywhere near where I live.
Edit: Here is an image of the old shipyard:
Isn't that the Second Version of that room...
Didn't They Re-model it once before the new ESD was installed?
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Hehe I remember that. Whoever thought that abomination was fitting for a Star Trek Shipyard has hopefully left the team now :P
Ah the old shipyard. I regret I never made it to Captain before having a chance to use the console that would get me my first Galaxy class cruiser(I made it to Captain after the ESD changes--thanks Mirror Universe event and Winter Wonderland).
Was so looking forward and walking up to that NPC, and saying (to myself of course) one "Enterprise type ship please." :P
And what's this I read about a lifer club about Club 47? When was this? That is very Earth and Beyond of them to have a secret room in the dance hall area of the starbase. How did I miss this?? Anyone have any pictures?
Yes, that is the second version of the room. The one from the beta and launch was not as streamlined or easy to navigate. I don't have any pictures of it that I can find at the moment though. I do remember it containing a lot of blue hues though.
Option 1: New Club 47
Move Club 47 to here and make a REAL Club 47! Replace the old Starship Holograms and put in circular tables with some empty for players, and some full of interactable NPCs. (Perhaps one could be a smuggler with a panach of having the fastest civilian freighter on this side of the Alpha Quadrant.
Option 2: New Hospital
Turn the area into a real Starbase Hospital than the closest that poor Doctor is currently occupying.
Option 3: Starbase Armory
Silly Federation sells their goods right there in the open. So why not repurpose this room as the armory.
Since there are Turbolifts all over the place, a player could easily get to this location with ease.
That is kind of what I saw from underneath the room and above it. I'll see if I can somehow find a way into it but seems each time I get close to it/fall on top of it sends me straight back to Earth Space Dock. Bit of a pity, there's a lot of places that could be opened up just for social/cosmetic purposes. Perhaps if they added little side quests to wee areas in each place it could give them a use especially with duty officer mechanics.
What Cryptic should consider before releasing anything.
Come join the 44th Fleet.
My character Tsin'xing
Having a shipyard at ESD does make sense and has basis in canon, since this is also where the Excelsior underwent testing and where Kirk & co. receive the Enterprise-A (and subsequently overhaul it). Freely visiting Mars and Utopia Planitia would be nice though, as well as other Terran system destinations like the lunar colonies. Pipe dream wishlist though, as I'm not sure what gameplay utility that would have.
Old club 47 was quite a bit less like a party club and more like a purple-lit tavern, and I do recall the "classified access codes" being used to access an upper area at the turbolift in the back. I went there once or twice and from what I recall there were large windows and a wrap-around couch and some tables.
Mostly I remember the auto-grouping mechanic when multiple people entered the same mission, and how sometimes it made the mission crazy hard by upping the spawns (and the competition for anomalies). Also, the pink phasers from using the beam color command. I think there was also this stolen science ship in the Kingon arc that gave me a pretty good challenge compared to most missions today. The old Starbase 24 fleet action was fun too, and the ground section was pretty crazy with everyone running around through the corridors, now its sub-par compared to the new stuff and they nixed the ground portion.
The room you are refering to was the old Officer's Lounge. The Classified Access Codes is for accessing the Captain's Table.
BTW, you can still visit the room in the Old ESD model that's saved in the Foundry, along with the old Shipyard area.
The Galaxy-class was built on the surface of Mars.
And the Original Consitution was said to be constructed on Earth as well (like in JJ Trek, but at San Fransico).
As for Utopia Planitia and visiting other sites, I agree. UP be great for Ship Customization (if further elaborated), Jupiter Station for Research, and Titan be a great spot for EVA and Shuttle Training (Tutorial?)