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My personal list of pvp advisors



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    totallyrolledtotallyrolled Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    There ya go i Added a category for ya.

    Hah another opvp ego stroking thread. You might wanna add outdmg bug ships in a sci ship to Talon Jonas LMFAO. Don't forget about old school fleet escort pwnage vet and noob premade and pug alike before this game went to ****. It's amazing how arrogant you people can be. Expecting anyone's build to survive a 5 man snb gank. That's why I have disowned you people. Nothing you say or do to me can take away my feats before this game's space pvp got ruined. If anything it just makes you people look stupid for making an ego stroking thread like this. And yes Naz that's exactly why you did this despite your reasons in your op. You may be fooling these other nubs but you aren't fooling me cupcake :)
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    totallyrolledtotallyrolled Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    naz4 wrote: »
    With the amount of misinformation being generated by certain individuals when it comes to pvp, i thought i'd create points of reference for other veterans & necomers to pvp.

    Hopefully, this list will grow to include other specialist / specific topics.

    I am also open to suggestions for this post.

    Here are the list of people who defined pvp related things for me and helpped me improve.


    These guys are the best in game at healer/suppression dps combinations.
    Although lately, the engi has been "nerfed" so to speak, i'm sure they'll be back.
    If these chaps give you advice, be sure to listen.
    Bieber can be reached via the "sad Panda Cubs" channel for help and advice.
    Era, not seen him in game properly for a few weeks. (Dont want him to leave)

    Jedi Master Yoda
    Thales (Thanks for the reminder Husanak)

    MT is pretty much a 1 man wrecking crew. If there is anything you want to know about optimal dps, he's your man. Again, he can be reached via "Sad Panda Cubs" channel for help.
    Jedi is one of the best dualers (1v1) in game. He is very good at adapting quickly to the opponent.
    Aythani hasn't been spotted for a while now sadly.
    Thales is one of the best team player game calling escorts i know. As an overall premade player, few if any come close. He defines silent but deadly :)

    Sad Pandas
    Mai Kai

    Even before i was a Panda, i remember being sci'd to death in seconds. Remember the grav wells? I know i did. Again the Pandas can be reached via "Sad Panda Cubs"
    Linty sadly doesnt play as much anymore.
    Mai Kai can be reached in game if you spot him about :)

    Torpedo knowledge:
    For me without doubt, it has to be Husanak. He got me using torpedos. Before him, i thought they were useless in game and only had use in RPing.

    Log Parsing specialists:
    Hilbert (Need i say more?)

    Allrounders (Put these guys in anything and they are still better than good in premades):
    Hilbilly Hilbert :)
    The little Australian fella, Tick mister Tick0 (Good shout Jam0)
    Alex (VoidSiren)

    Teapower (Take Husanaks word for it. Dont need anymore than that)
    Alex (VoidSiren)

    Fail PVP build master:
    ................ You can fill in the blank :)

    In game troll master:
    The one, the only, Shake & Bake, run that mouth Ricky Bobby :p (Although there is a new contender to this emerging)

    Remember guys, this is my personal opinion, nothing more. Also, there are numerous people in game who i bounce ideas off who i have not mentioned. I have only mentioned those who i believe defined / re-invented that particular aspect of the game or been advised by other people who i believe to be reliable.

    With the relevant permission, i will update this thread with proper contact details.

    Add Ricky Bobby to the warp out when the going gets tough list. I saw him leave 3 fvk arena in which my pug team was rolling his. This happened over the course of a few days but it was 3 matches.

    Plus pretty much ANY bug ship pilot is a 1 man wrecking crew these days. Geez the ignorant comments amaze me. Eyesroll.

    Take MT and Thales off that escort list. They only got to be great escort pilots when the bug ship came along. Before that I used to own them regularly. Unless you could fly an escort back in the day you can't be counted as a great escort pilot. Aythani is more than deserving of being on that list though. As far as where he went he got fed up with this **** game. Can't say I blame him.
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    therealsivartherealsivar Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Take MT and Thales off that escort list. They only got to be great escort pilots when the bug ship came along. Before that I used to own them regularly. Unless you could fly an escort back in the day you can't be counted as a great escort pilot. Aythani is more than deserving of being on that list though. As far as where he went he got fed up with this **** game. Can't say I blame him.

    MT was a very capable escort pilot before the Bug was introduced, and remember that there are MANY very high quality players that are on none of those lists....
    Support a KDF equivalent to the Vesta Here
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    totallyrolledtotallyrolled Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    MT was a very capable escort pilot before the Bug was introduced, and remember that there are MANY very high quality players that are on none of those lists....

    Sorry I still disagree before the bug only thing I ever saw him kill was when he had 4 support healing crowd control debuffing sci ships helping him. And yes that was the average Panda premade before season 5 Not exactly hard to kill anything under those circumstances.
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    bobtheyakbobtheyak Member Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    husanakx wrote: »
    BobtheYak... Mr Keg himself, the man invented the shut down bop and you should all be grateful that he put it away. :) lol

    Parallel invention, my good man.
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    darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Sorry I still disagree before the bug only thing I ever saw him kill was when he had 4 support healing crowd control debuffing sci ships helping him. And yes that was the average Panda premade before season 5 Not exactly hard to kill anything under those circumstances.

    I know man he's ****, he always was LOL

    He still dont know what it takes to be a good speed tanker :/
    MT - Sad Pandas
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    therealsivartherealsivar Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Sorry I still disagree before the bug only thing I ever saw him kill was when he had 4 support healing crowd control debuffing sci ships helping him. And yes that was the average Panda premade before season 5 Not exactly hard to kill anything under those circumstances.

    I remember seeing MT carry TRIBBLE fed pugs with the old fed escorts before all these lockbox ships came into play. He is worthy of a spot on a top players list regardless of the Bug (remember that more players than MT have one) or what happened in a fight against the Pandas....

    Regardless of our opinions though, again this list is Naz's opinion for various areas and reasons, Thales for example isn't listed for his skill as an Escort pilot (I don't even know the guy and I've been playing since launch), instead Naz lists him because he feels he can direct people.

    I don't agree with everything listed either but it's my opinion, so if you disagree with the people listed, then either list your own or start another thread with the people that you feel are the top players in given fields.
    Support a KDF equivalent to the Vesta Here
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    totallyrolledtotallyrolled Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I know man he's ****, he always was LOL

    He still dont know what it takes to be a good speed tanker :/

    You don't tank anything except what your team sends you lol. Like I said I never saw you before the bug in any real tough situations. Situations I have proven time and time again can legitimately survive in with little to no help before this game went to ****. Speed tanking is more than just defense value, keeping around 8 to 10 km diminishes the opposing escorts dmg through distance is a big factor.

    And of course running from a fight is always the best way to survive. Why any player would not want to avoid death to keep the match alive is beyond me. Of course I reference this tactic in pug matches when there are no team heals coming in. That's wht always perplexed me about the opvp community. They say you should never run as it can hurt the team. f you are about to die and getting no heals coming in how is running to stay alive a bad situation?

    To take it a step further you have a 100 percent hull and shields two of your team just went down. You have a snb vm and 3 escorts about to bust a nut in you. Basically if you don't run you will be dead in 3 seconds. I know the answer to this I also know I am right to run in this situation regardless of the opvp community's tears and agenda on the subject.
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    totallyrolledtotallyrolled Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I remember seeing MT carry TRIBBLE fed pugs with the old fed escorts before all these lockbox ships came into play. He is worthy of a spot on a top players list regardless of the Bug (remember that more players than MT have one) or what happened in a fight against the Pandas....

    Regardless of our opinions though, again this list is Naz's opinion for various areas and reasons, Thales for example isn't listed for his skill as an Escort pilot (I don't even know the guy and I've been playing since launch), instead Naz lists him because he feels he can direct people.

    I don't agree with everything listed either but it's my opinion, so if you disagree with the people listed, then either list your own or start another thread with the people that you feel are the top players in given fields.

    I don't have to start another ego stroking/trolling certain players thread which is what this will turn into. I know that's why naz really started this otherwise there wouldn't be a fail build category in his OP. How is that positive?
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    darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    You don't tank anything except what your team sends you lol. Like I said I never saw you before the bug in any real tough situations. Situations I have proven time and time again can legitimately survive in with little to no help before this game went to ****. Speed tanking is more than just defense value, keeping around 8 to 10 km diminishes the opposing escorts dmg through distance is a big factor.

    And of course running from a fight is always the best way to survive. Why any player would not want to avoid death to keep the match alive is beyond me. Of course I reference this tactic in pug matches when there are no team heals coming in. That's wht always perplexed me about the opvp community. They say you should never run as it can hurt the team. f you are about to die and getting no heals coming in how is running to stay alive a bad situation?

    To take it a step further you have a 100 percent hull and shields two of your team just went down. You have a snb vm and 3 escorts about to bust a nut in you. Basically if you don't run you will be dead in 3 seconds. I know the answer to this I also know I am right to run in this situation regardless of the opvp community's tears and agenda on the subject.

    Well, most people discovered that proper shield/hull tanking is better then getting close to 10k out of range and use 2x Emergency to engines and Dampeners and be useless to the contribution in a match and for your team and simply run out of the match :p

    Its been clearly shown by dozens before me that EptSx2 is much more viable then running 2x Emergency power to Engines for surviving, even naz knows since recently.

    This way you can actually do damage to someone by keeping your cannons within 2k :P
    MT - Sad Pandas
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    therealsivartherealsivar Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I don't have to start another ego stroking/trolling certain players thread which is what this will turn into. I know that's why naz really started this otherwise there wouldn't be a fail build category in his OP. How is that positive?

    This isn't the first one of these threads ever made, though it's the first one in a while and the last one wasn't quite like this one.

    The previous one (that I remember that is) was made about two years ago and had everybody list their opinion of the best Captains per field (i.e. best tac pilot or best escort pilot or best cruiser pilot, etc), and it worked for a little while then got closed down for extreme amounts of arguing if I remember correctly.
    Support a KDF equivalent to the Vesta Here
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    totallyrolledtotallyrolled Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Well, most people discovered that proper shield/hull tanking is better then getting close to 10k out of range and use 2x Emergency to engines and Dampeners and be useless to the contribution in a match and simply run out of the match :p

    This way you can actually do damage to someone by keeping your cannons within 2k :P

    Or better yet those 2 aux2damp and 1 epte1 also allow me to get back into the fight as quickly as I can get out. Again it's an ingenious build for the PUGGING escort and yet I somehow lead pretty much every match I am in while loaning out my valuable tact team when I can. But you typically hide behind 4 other pandas so i don't expect you to know what I am talking about. Would I run this build in a premade NO FREAKING way In fact that bug build would be totally slower than this one and carry a tractor as well as a target engines 2 if no sci ship was present. I would love to run this build moreso I actually do slightly more dmg with it as well as faster kills.

    But again it's very hard for me to take anything you say seriously when the only opinion you offer comes from a premade's point of view. Something I don't have nor really want at this point. You think this bug build is good for pugging. I have the best sci ship tact build in the game right now outdmging bugs vet and noob players alike. When I pull a team pugging we win I lead in healing dmg and up near top on kills. When we lose I still lead in dmg and healing and lead in team kills. and the team lead in healing comes from sending my he1 tss1 and tss2 when possible. Either way I WIN. And whether the team wins depends on them. I think Horizon can vouch for my sci ship build.
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    darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Or better yet those 2 aux2damp and 1 epte1 also allow me to get back into the fight as quickly as I can get out. Again it's an ingenious build for the PUGGING escort and yet I somehow lead pretty much every match I am in while loaning out my valuable tact team when I can. But you typically hide behind 4 other pandas so i don't expect you to know what I am talking about. Would I run this build in a premade NO FREAKING way In fact that bug build would be totally slower than this one and carry a tractor as well as a target engines 2 if no sci ship was present. I would love to run this build moreso I actually do slightly more dmg with it as well as faster kills.

    Even then there are better setups for both pugging and teamplay.
    MT - Sad Pandas
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    totallyrolledtotallyrolled Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Even then there are better setups for both pugging and teamplay.

    Okay I am all ears give me a better pugging bug that has the least chance of dying. This build should take into account that you may not receive ANY other team heals. Keep in mind I assume there is going to be an snb vm and at least 2 escorts in any given match all for me. Fill in these blanks and I will tell you why or why not they are not better for my situation.


    BOFF Stations

    Cmdr Tact

    Lt Cmdr Tact

    Ens Engy

    Lt Uni

    Lt Uni

    No worried about the weapons so much that shouldn't differ to much.






    As far as the flying part of it I have had that down for nearly 600 days by now.

    1. I always if possible keep my ship in combat as far up my target's a$$ for the 3km- range dps boost while staying out of the opposing escorts dual heavy firing arc for as long as possible.
    2. I factor in my throttle and shield facing that is under fire during the 5 seconds my tact team is down.
    3. I am very active at tab targeting and changing targets to see if I can take a chunk out of another target to put pressure on the opposing teams healer when possible.
    4. I never auto target pets or objects let my one scatter volley do that work.
    5. I know all the offensive moves useful with evasive maneuvers.
    6. If I am not under fire or feel I am in danger of coming under fire when my tact team comes up I will just quickly send it to another non escort ship.
    7. There might be others I do it just might be brain TRIBBLE time now.

    If there is anything you feel I am missing about the flying part listed above I am all ears for this as well.
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    thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited October 2012
    here is an idea.

    escorts die the most.


    and usually do the most damage and/or have top kills.


    no matter how you build it, if you fall into that category....your prolly flying the ship in a purposefull manner. just, one line of thinking is very selfish, and the other very team oriented.


    have fun kill bad guys
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    darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Okay I am all ears give me a better pugging bug that has the least chance of dying. This build should take into account that you may not receive ANY other team heals. Keep in mind I assume there is going to be an snb vm and at least 2 escorts in any given match all for me. Fill in these blanks and I will tell you why or why not they are not better for my situation.


    BOFF Stations

    Cmdr Tact

    Lt Cmdr Tact

    Ens Engy

    Lt Uni

    Lt Uni

    No worried about the weapons so much that shouldn't differ to much.






    As far as the flying part of it I have had that down for nearly 600 days by now.

    1. I always if possible keep my ship in combat as far up my target's a$$ for the 3km- range dps boost while staying out of the opposing escorts dual heavy firing arc for as long as possible.
    2. I factor in my throttle and shield facing that is under fire during the 5 seconds my tact team is down.
    3. I am very active at tab targeting and changing targets to see if I can take a chunk out of another target to put pressure on the opposing teams healer when possible.
    4. I never auto target pets or objects let my one scatter volley do that work.
    5. I know all the offensive moves useful with evasive maneuvers.
    6. If I am not under fire or feel I am in danger of coming under fire when my tact team comes up I will just quickly send it to another non escort ship.
    7. There might be others I do it just might be brain TRIBBLE time now.

    If there is anything you feel I am missing about the flying part listed above I am all ears for this as well.

    Nope, it all sounds quite familiar I think.

    Cheers :)
    MT - Sad Pandas
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    tick0tick0 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    naz4 wrote: »
    Alex (VoidSiren)

    Why is Alex in this list? Doesn't being on this list at least imply you have a decent knowledge of PvP? :confused:

    @f4tamy | Sad Pandas
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    husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,601 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Even if you where a half decent Escort pilot at one time Mr TJ it was debatable... but I will grant you that. I remember playing against you and seeing you make some good moves... and even considered you better then most.

    You can't really think the way you play these days makes any one do anything other then laugh do you ?

    I help out new players when I can or when they ask all the time... You know more then one of them have sent me tells asking me if I knew you. They wanted to share with me the funny experience of chasing you 40k away just to watch you vanish in a log out flash.

    Get your stuff together my good man... find a team that will still take you and redeem yourself... or move on. Whatever
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    tick0tick0 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    husanakx wrote: »
    I help out new players when I can or when they ask all the time...

    No, I disagree. I asked you to design a new signature for me and you did not. You are a liar. I will be contacting your fleet leader and informing him of these indecencies.
    @f4tamy | Sad Pandas
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    husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,601 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    tick0 wrote: »
    No, I disagree. I asked you to design a new signature for me and you did not. You are a liar. I will be contacting your fleet leader and informing him of these indecencies.

    Ya but you cycle a new one every day... and if I create one for you, I won't get the news when MTs base born children arrive. :(
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    husanakx wrote: »
    Even if you where a half decent Escort pilot at one time Mr TJ it was debatable... but I will grant you that. I remember playing against you and seeing you make some good moves... and even considered you better then most.

    You can't really think the way you play these days makes any one do anything other then laugh do you ?

    I help out new players when I can or when they ask all the time... You know more then one of them have sent me tells asking me if I knew you. They wanted to share with me the funny experience of chasing you 40k away just to watch you vanish in a log out flash.

    Get your stuff together my good man... find a team that will still take you and redeem yourself... or move on. Whatever

    You know, honestly I can't remember a time that mr TJ wasn't known for running and or logging out at the first sign of trouble. And I've been a dedicated pvper for well over two years now?
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    darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    husanakx wrote: »
    Ya but you cycle a new one every day... and if I create one for you, I won't get the news when MTs base born children arrive. :(

    He had enough to go tru with all the incarnations these days :(

    You will get a postcard as soon as tick is delivering it.
    MT - Sad Pandas
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    tick0tick0 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    husanakx wrote: »
    Ya but you cycle a new one every day... and if I create one for you, I won't get the news when MTs base born children arrive. :(

    The sig is incorrect, it should read "BABIES". It's a never ending supply of ponycor spawn! :eek:

    But anyway, I'm just unhappy with the sigs I make, and yours are pretty.

    U make me 1 nao!!
    @f4tamy | Sad Pandas
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    husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,601 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    tick0 wrote: »
    The sig is incorrect, it should read "BABIES". It's a never ending supply of ponycor spawn! :eek:

    But anyway, I'm just unhappy with the sigs I make, and yours are pretty.

    U make me 1 nao!!

    I'll try to remember... I have a bunch of stuff I have to get done, if I still feel like staring at Photoshop for a bit after I'll fix ya one... should it involve some type of Ponycor spam ?
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    zackarysszackaryss Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    hi nice list!!! they all r great players!
    @ZackerySS - Joined on Aug 2008: year of the greenpig
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    webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    You know as I was thinking and reading the thread, as well as the Drama being sturred up, there was some people I think probobly could have been named for my own personal experience of learning..

    Almost any of the Guys in RzR Fleet eaisly helped me get better at PVP. Especially Sohshin and husanak. When ever I had build trouble, those two definitely helped me figure things out. And I never met a better carrier pilot then Shoshin. Before they fixed/nerfed/tweeked things and introduced the new Skills, he was definitely the best Carrier Pilot I had the pleasure to fly with. Even if he didn't have a Mic. :D

    Heck, I can't even start thinking of players who influenced my play style with out thinking back to when I tried to join with D.O.B. I learned the basics of being an Engi/Cruiser back then..and found I just didn't like it.

    And of course there's QEW..can't forget to mention them..

    Notice I'm naming fleets now over indivuduals? Because it was more then just one or two people, it was SOO many different people, if I could remember them all, it would probobly require multiple pages :P

    So yes, currently there are those of us PVPers who excel and are at the top tier. I think it should be more of a Goal then anything to strive to be in that top tier, learn from those who we feel should be there, and help teach those who aren't. Because let's face it, we're all advisors to one another, even if we don't all get along. :cool:
    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
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    dassemstodassemsto Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    hurleybird wrote: »
    The reason you don't commonly see Pandas running overpowered C-store consoles or broken things? In order to insure fair and fun fights? No! Because it would hurt team play.

    Hey, this sounds like the old O13 Fair Play code of conduct from before the Pandas were even born! :)

    We/I figured that if we didn't use abilities that were broken or bugged, we would be fighting at a disadvantage, and would get better at using the abilities that were working. And when the broken stuff got fixed, we'd jump ahead of those who had been leaning on it...

    Well... either we didn't have enough players with a proper PvP mindset, or the devs were to slow in fixing the broken stuff, but we failed... :(

    Good to hear our philosophy was sound at least! :D
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    naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    webdeath wrote: »
    You know as I was thinking and reading the thread, as well as the Drama being sturred up, there was some people I think probobly could have been named for my own personal experience of learning..

    Almost any of the Guys in RzR Fleet eaisly helped me get better at PVP. Especially Sohshin and husanak. When ever I had build trouble, those two definitely helped me figure things out. And I never met a better carrier pilot then Shoshin. Before they fixed/nerfed/tweeked things and introduced the new Skills, he was definitely the best Carrier Pilot I had the pleasure to fly with. Even if he didn't have a Mic. :D

    Heck, I can't even start thinking of players who influenced my play style with out thinking back to when I tried to join with D.O.B. I learned the basics of being an Engi/Cruiser back then..and found I just didn't like it.

    And of course there's QEW..can't forget to mention them..

    Notice I'm naming fleets now over indivuduals? Because it was more then just one or two people, it was SOO many different people, if I could remember them all, it would probobly require multiple pages :P

    So yes, currently there are those of us PVPers who excel and are at the top tier. I think it should be more of a Goal then anything to strive to be in that top tier, learn from those who we feel should be there, and help teach those who aren't. Because let's face it, we're all advisors to one another, even if we don't all get along. :cool:

    How awesome would it be if 10% of the player base was in this hypothetical top tier? Hell, i'd probably die at the screen through lack of sleep....lol

    Jones, just a question for you, what would make this game good for you again? Not a loaded question.

    For me, the glued to the screen experience pvping all nighters is what i want back. Even though i got pawned, i loved it. I must say, lately i can start to see it happen with Borticus starting to take little but positive steps for us.
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    stardaggerrstardaggerr Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Add Ricky Bobby to the warp out when the going gets tough list. I saw him leave 3 fvk arena in which my pug team was rolling his. This happened over the course of a few days but it was 3 matches.

    Plus pretty much ANY bug ship pilot is a 1 man wrecking crew these days. Geez the ignorant comments amaze me. Eyesroll.

    Take MT and Thales off that escort list. They only got to be great escort pilots when the bug ship came along. Before that I used to own them regularly. Unless you could fly an escort back in the day you can't be counted as a great escort pilot. Aythani is more than deserving of being on that list though. As far as where he went he got fed up with this **** game. Can't say I blame him.

    this has to be talon jones. Question, does anyone ever remember Talon being good? I mena ill give someone a billion energy credits if u can bring some proof or give me a factual argument. Hes a good troller though, look how he made u guys totally change topics 4 pages. Live long and log out Talon, you are a true STO personality
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    cliftona91cliftona91 Member Posts: 254
    edited October 2012
    I am a PVP novice in comparison to others, as I only seriously got into PVP about a week or so ago, but in that short amount of time, I have learned many things from the more experienced PVP'ers.

    I personally thank Mavairo for his wonderful Cruiser thread and Drunk for giving me sound advice about my Fleet K'tinga. It does wonders.

    I thank Thissler for his wonderful videos with Lymuv and the Marmot H.O.D. and basically giving me tips about how to conduct a proper BOP alpha strike.

    I also had the pleasure of fighting alongside a couple of the Pandas. You guys are wonderful. :D

    I am willing to learn from anybody that knows what they are doing. Your sound advice has made my trips to Dust Cloud Heaven much less frequent.
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