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Official Into the Hive Feedback Thread

salamiinfernosalamiinferno Member Posts: 159 Cryptic Developer
Official Into the Hive Feedback Thread

Please leave your comments, feedback, concerns, and BUGS here.

Additionally, please note whether you played on normal or elite difficulty.
Post edited by salamiinferno on


  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2012
    I like it!
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    tacofangs wrote: »
    I like it!

    I cannae patch any faster, cap'n
  • sean2448sean2448 Member Posts: 815 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I cannae patch any faster, cap'n

    yes took a while to download hmm i am ready
  • richardevegarichardevega Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    hmmm im logged in and on the pvE Queues but why does it now show how many players are trying to do that particular mission???
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    yes, please bring back the bit that shows you how many players have queued. with so many events its very helpful to know.
  • targpetz101targpetz101 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    yes, please bring back the bit that shows you how many players have queued. with so many events its very helpful to know.

    Very much this^^
    That was a determining factor for me, KDF side, to figure out I wanted to join a particular queue.
    [SIGPIC]This is not as good as it used to be...[/SIGPIC]
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I've been playing it in normal mode. That was pretty awesome, especially the last room with the borg queen. I do love the fact that it requires creative thinking. The Borg really adapt!

    The first room's difficulty should match the other stfs one, and is a good tutorial.

    The second one with the virus is maybe too easy, the borg special attack in the circle could use more damage in this one, and the spawns are lame. This part could use a buff.

    Something making the last part unplayable in some undetermined circumstances: 80% of the room and the whole central part of the platform was a forbidden zone (the green one on ground killing you instantly), and I couldn't escape my part of that grid in tme. You should tweak the pattern of that attack so that we can always escape in time to reach a safe area. Otherwise this last room is well balanced and a little challenge for experienced players with a new way to play the game.

    One negative thought: the STF is rather short. One or two waves could be added in the last part. That's a quick run but very enjoyable.

    I saw no bug. We had no loot though.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The first time I died, I got an injury in NORMAL. After that, pretty fun, what with parts of the floor turning into Death Generators.

    Oh, and the Queen is impossible to beat. That's nice. >.> Good mission. Dunno about the rewards, because I can't get them.
  • docclefdocclef Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Haven't played it yet, but my main problem with Ground STFs is that they're too long. If this one's "too short", I think I might be happy with that. Too long = much more margin for error, esp. with a pub team. Further, too long = much, much longer when a newbie messes up - which will happen, they're new.

    I can't wait to try this out (tribble's not working for me) though!
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Oh um, where's the timer? I could queue for this stf again 5 minutes after playing it.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,628 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Oh um, where's the timer? I could queue for this stf again 5 minutes after playing it.

    Not the first time they have removed such a restriction for the purposes of testing content.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    I report the Bog Queen enjoys being stuck, I suppose the method is doing a Palpatine to her but we fallen into the ground and did not die the first time because she apparently tripped when climbing into her alcove.

    As a note, if we supposed to do a rail killing at least put SOME other method of killing without going for the cutscene since she can get stuck and not fall or falling when in "invulnerable mode".

    Uh when she's unvulnerable you're supposed to kill the drones in the room to free her again. That's how it works. There's an old bug preventing you from seeing that though, you remain focused on an enemy you can't shoot at. It's been here at least since season 6 on nukara (you remained focused on redshirts even if you beamed them out) and it's never been fixed. It could be the same one here.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It is short, although quite enjoyable.

    the boss was tricky on normal but we got it after a few tries, which is more than i normally do against infected or cure so the difficulty felt about right.

    once people get used to the boss mechanics it should be easier and i would say dont make it harder as its no walk in the park.

    there was no rewards dropped, so i assume they have not been added yet.
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    "That's it...?"

    Yeah... that was pretty much my reaction after beating the normal ITH.

    Way too short, way too easy. Yeah, it's just normal difficulty, but it was still pretty straightforward and predictable. With a good and experienced team this one's definitely going to be the quickest STF to date.

    I very much liked the new assets - "burning" floors, autotargeting AoE turrets, respawn penalty, but I felt kind of ended up wanting more. Maybe not necessarily more grind, as it's going to be just that in the end, but the whole mission is basically three simple tasks. The final battle especially wasn't that challenging, even if it required lot of movement.

    Not much to say about bugs and stuff, aside from a total lack of any loot whatsoever, not even dilithium (I honestly hope STFs are still going to reward dilithium, because otherwise there's going to be a lot of rage...). Only thing I've noticed is that at one time during the final battle the floor segment with two dead teammates on it didn't stop glowing for over half a minute. I was standing there waiting to res them, but the process kept going and going. Not sure if it was a bug or a "feature".

    Also, I'm honestly disappointed that there's no space segment whatsoever. And I believe it was planned at one point, as I remember the talks about infiltrating the Borg Unimatrix (you know, the giant borg hub from voyager?) and fighting the Queen's Diamond that was found in the Foundry some time ago (yet it all happens on a Tactical Cube). Really anticlimactic. And I remember when STFs were those really good story-driven missions some time ago. Long and challenging, but good at the same time. Pitty to see they've been reduced to simple 10min borg slaughter with little to no dialogues. Generally the whole ITH seems like a rushed mission, put there solely to get it over with, because it was promissed two years ago. Pitty to see the end result being so disappointing.
  • seanp84seanp84 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Just played the new STF and I have to say i'm disapointed with what has been created and presented.

    Fair enough it's a new STF and we should all be excited but for an STF which has been spoken about since the game was launched then put on the back shelf then rekindled I have to say I'm very disapointed and I expected more.

    Yes it has interesting concepts which we haven't seen before but It reminds me of a quick mission made in the foundary which consists of 3 rooms and about 4 or 5 corriders.

    I'm sorry Cryptic but people who have been around since launch have been waiting for "real" content to sink our teeth into, things looked up when you released the starbases but even that turned into a grind fest with dilithuim and mats etc and now you produce this drivel.

    Think it's time you evaluated who's designing your content and signing off on this as this STF is rubbish to say the least.
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Second time, decent team... got past the second Borg Queen bit...

    The the danged ASSIMILATED GORN spawned. "Yo dawg, i herd u liek bossfights so i put a bossfight in ur bossfight so u can fite a boss wile u fite a boss."

    Cryptic, you LITERALLY did an xibitz. You put a BOSS FIGHT... IN A BOSS FIGHT. Put simply, the fight with the Queen is unreasonably difficult. Most people that do STFs do PUGs, and a PUG can NOT beat the boss fight. Make it... even a LITTLE easier. Remove the parts where the floor turns into death. They're unnecessary and seem far to penalizing. "Oh, you're standing in the wrong zip code. You get one-shot and anyone that comes to save you dies, too. Oh, did I mention this effect persists in your area for a solid two minutes?"

    Also, occasional bugs where the Queen and the Gorn would miniaturize. Also, after being wiped, some people will STILL respawn in the cage instead of out the door, and sometimes (if without a full party) EVERYONE may respawn in the cage after a full wipe, breaking the mission.

    The other parts are kinda fun, but the Queen fight is buggy and far too difficult.
  • therealfluffytherealfluffy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Played it on elite and it was over in 15 minutes. Excellent boss fight, I have to congratulate you on that! Now make the other parts equally excellent and specifically add that obviously missing space part at the beginning of the mission where you have to fight your way to the tactical cube before you can enter it.
  • nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,628 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Had a few issues on this fight.

    One of our team got trapped in the dead respawn zone after a wipe. Although we activated the transporter for him, he could not activate his one inside. We then all had the bright idea to jump down into the pit to see if we could force a reset (although I favored a pull/wipe)... and now the whole team is trapped inside the force field respawn zones.


    otherwise a very hectic and engaging fight!
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    icegavel wrote: »
    Put simply, the fight with the Queen is unreasonably difficult. Most people that do STFs do PUGs, and a PUG can NOT beat the boss fight. Make it... even a LITTLE easier. Remove the parts where the floor turns into death. They're unnecessary and seem far to penalizing.
    You're kidding, right?

    *sigh* That's why we can't have nice things. Make an extremely easy mission and people will still complain it's too difficult. You know you people are the reason there's basically no challenging endgame content? Because you go into elite STFs with pugs and complain they're too difficult... Heck, why not just make an "I win" button while we're at it?

    Of course you do realise this is not supposed to be a simple story mission you breeze through, but a difficult endgame mission requiring teamplay and coordination? And I tell you, Into The Hive in its current form is too easy (considering its length), not too difficult.
    icegavel wrote: »
    Also, occasional bugs where the Queen and the Gorn would miniaturize.
    It's not a bug. Someone from your team was using Experimental Anti-Borg Device". It's one of its effects.
  • bones1970bones1970 Member Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Into the hive, buged 3 times, 2x the queen in last room went over the side and stood on a ledge 0 health but not death and un-targetable, also mines and bombs didn't work.
    1 x mate pc crached when he restarted he could not get in with us, we killed the first room went to the 2nd but could not activate it couse we were only 4.
    So far not impressed.

    Also you can't see anymore how many people are in the cue and that sucks.
  • rjoy79rjoy79 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This mission was a killer. I must've died a few dozen times and still didn't complete, my team and I got fed up.

    All-round the design is good but I dunno if I'll play again. I may need a more powerful toon, which I aint got on tribble.
  • phantomeightphantomeight Member Posts: 567 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2012
    rjoy79 wrote: »
    I may need a more powerful toon, which I aint got on tribble.

    Transfer one from holodeck
    join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
  • borgatronborgatron Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have tried 1 elite and a few normals and have not been past the queen yet. between the floors, the tracking grenade/explosion things, the queen, gorn and mass of borgs, our teams have not been able to get past her.

    i will say that i find the already published ground elite stfs to be too difficult also, so maybe i am just not good at ground and should stick to space. but even normal difficulty on this one seems too difficult. will keep trying and see if i change my mind.
  • thedoctorblueboxthedoctorbluebox Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Spoilers Below pertaining to "Into the Hive" do not read further if you don't want to be spoiled. You have been Warned.

    So, I got the chance to check out Into the Hive on Tribble with a group, first we tried Elite, then we tried Normal.

    Number 1 problem - Too many one shot kills. I dunno what you guys have done to the borg, but they are killing us faster than ever. Me, and most of the team had Mark 12 MACO gear, weapons, and darnit it's a lot harder than any other Elite ground STF. The damage the borg are dealing is beyond insane, this needs nurfed before it's ready.

    Number 2 annoyance - I know the electrical floor grid system is intentional, but darn is it annoying. It is also sometimes hard to tell the square you are on is going green about to be electrocuted when you have some abilities active, for example Thermo Induction Field from SCI officers, and even Orbital Strike, and Overwatch, and other abilities that have large color patterns on the ground. It is hard to tell when your square is lighting up green.

    I also think it is killing us too fast. I get that it's supposed to fry you, but perhaps do it a bit slower so we have the chance to jump out of it. I.e., when it activates, don't one shot kill us, let us jump out of it, with like half damage.

    I also think in Normal mode there shouldn't be any electrocuting. Leave that for the Elite players.

    Unfortunately that's as far as our team got, even in Normal mode we didn't get past that first section. The damage being done to us was just too great, we tried for a long time also.

    One Bug - We got a bug in Normal mode. It wouldn't let us activate the drones and attack them for a very long time, then all the sudden it started working.

    I feel like I need Mark 20 gear for this ground STF in Elite. It's a tad too much right now. I also wish you guys had introduced a new space STF, instead of another ground one, but that's a personal preference.
  • targpetz101targpetz101 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    [SIGPIC]This is not as good as it used to be...[/SIGPIC]
  • somriksomrik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Spoilers Below pertaining to "Into the Hive" do not read further if you don't want to be spoiled. You have been Warned.

    So, I got the chance to check out Into the Hive on Tribble with a group, first we tried Elite, then we tried Normal.

    Number 1 problem - Too many one shot kills. I dunno what you guys have done to the borg, but they are killing us faster than ever. Me, and most of the team had Mark 12 MACO gear, weapons, and darnit it's a lot harder than any other Elite ground STF. The damage the borg are dealing is beyond insane, this needs nurfed before it's ready.

    Number 2 annoyance - I know the electrical floor grid system is intentional, but darn is it annoying. It is also sometimes hard to tell the square you are on is going green about to be electrocuted when you have some abilities active, for example Thermo Induction Field from SCI officers, and even Orbital Strike, and Overwatch, and other abilities that have large color patterns on the ground. It is hard to tell when your square is lighting up green.

    I also think it is killing us too fast. I get that it's supposed to fry you, but perhaps do it a bit slower so we have the chance to jump out of it. I.e., when it activates, don't one shot kill us, let us jump out of it, with like half damage.

    I also think in Normal mode there shouldn't be any electrocuting. Leave that for the Elite players.

    Unfortunately that's as far as our team got, even in Normal mode we didn't get past that first section. The damage being done to us was just too great, we tried for a long time also.

    One Bug - We got a bug in Normal mode. It wouldn't let us activate the drones and attack them for a very long time, then all the sudden it started working.

    I feel like I need Mark 20 gear for this ground STF in Elite. It's a tad too much right now. I also wish you guys had introduced a new space STF, instead of another ground one, but that's a personal preference.

    1. I guess they might be coming out with Mk 13 with the reputation system? They did say its not implemented yet so the one shot kills might go down with better gear.

    2. From the impression I got it supposed to be like the plasma floor in Infected.

    That said I do agree that the visual cue needs to be better. More obvious.
  • kalanikalani Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    On normal mode the first two zones felt too easy and quick; comparable to the difficulty of the original 3 Borg missions in the story line.

    The difficulty of Boss fight after we figured out some decent strategies felt about right but it was too long. Once good tactics and strategies are in place and become common knowledge this boss fight will seem very monotonous when we do it multiple times to increase our Omega Fleet Reputation.

    To fix it I would recommend adding two more Borg at each node in the 1st room, in the second room tipple the number of Borg spawns as the node initializes and add a second node identical to the 1st, and for the Boss fight reduce the HP of the Queen.
  • atatassaultatatassault Member Posts: 1,008 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Are we getting rewards yet? I got no marks upon completion.
  • ukcaptain420ukcaptain420 Member Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    So I've only done this twice so far, both times with random pug, with a bit of co-operation and co-ordination the first room is very easy. I like the floor here.

    The second room is nothing to be concerned about, and perhaps you could continue the plasma floor in here.

    In the Queen's room, i understand that the mission gets progressively harder here, and that by the end, you are using all the new elements(plasma floor, auto targeting turrets, etc) but i feel there's too much of each element at once. At one time I saw pretty much the whole floor lit up, i think there were 3 panels not glowing, someone said it earlier in the thread but i think there should be a possible option off of every square, and a little more time between the floor lighting up and activating. I ended up in the situation where i needed to cross 2 squares and didn't have the time to do so. Another thing about this room is, i don't like the random drop to death, i.e. when you walk into the room, you can fall to your left or to your right, if you continue forward, and start moving round, i have found it's easy to back off the ledge to death. Perhaps it's time the borg had a health and safety inspection and put a railing in.

    I intend to copy my sci tank to tribble tomorrow and see what the outcome is then, but obviously, this won't help with the floor.

    I don't believe any aspect of this level is 'too difficult' the elements all work, i just think they need adjusting slightly.

    I do agree that i think this STF is too short, with practice and a good team i can see this taking less than 10 mins.

    EDIT: and to anyone looking for rewards it appears there are none at this time, i believe it's safe to assume, as the rewards for this mission are omega marks, that this will be implemented at the same time as the Romulan marks and reputation system, which is slated as: *Romulan Marks and Reputation system will be in a later update.
    SCM - Infected(S) - DMG Out: 11,776,567 DPS: 114,224.70 (28.7% of Team) - Pinky@ukcaptain420
    I reserve the right to have a completely different standpoint depending on my mood.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Here is my 2 Cents:

    First off, I wasn't enjoying myself because there was a keybind bug that ruined my configuration, where I use NUMENTER to jump and this was one major factor that ruined the event for me.

    Up to Queen: TOO BLASTED EASY! Even on Elite!

    Queen Fight: Spam Spam and more Spam.

    The Prison:

    1) Make that a safespot from the Borg Defense Blasters.

    2) In a wipeout, players are killed a second time, encouring another injury. Usually Moderate to Severe Injuries. This needs to be fixed!

    3) During the final stages of the Queen Fight, the electrified floors prevents you from rescuing your teammates. Which is rather cheap. There was no way I could get to the other 4 members of my team. This too needs to change.

    Overall, I give Enter the Hive a C. No offense, but after waiting since Summer of 2010 and this is what came up with, it seems rather cheap. It's basically no different from the room before Rebecca and fighting in Rebecca's room. There needs to be more lead-up to the confrontation.

    Though I do have to give a thumbs-up with the electrified floors and defense canons, that was new and interesting.
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