Yeah, I would readily buy the 29th century costume and the fed mirror ship if they were available in the C-Store. But I have never spent money a lock box and don't plan to.
Nice to see how they move in space but not sure we needed a video.
I like the acting voice though. This guy could make some voiceovers!
Probably didn't need a video for this. But Cryptic generally does buildups when something big is coming. We are probably seeing the bit that are related to Season 7. I think is a portent for something we all have been waiting for.
You don't have to spend money on master keys. Just grind for EC and buy them off of the exchange like I do! free lock boxes in drop and free keys.
Your just not getting it, are you?
I (and many others), don't want to "gamble" for items that are nothing more than cosmetics. Anything cosmetic, that gives ZERO combat value, should be available for any easy-to-come-by currency. Energy Credits seem to be feeling quite lonely, and useless. How bout using that one?
But noooo... they gotta put all new costumes in Lockboxes which are a "chance to win" type deal, and all the old costumes are still only available in the C-Store. Remember the days when Daniel Stahl said, that they were working on tech to allow players to buy things for "ingame currency" ? (and here's where the Cryptic Defense Force, will argue that the Dilithium Exchange serves that purpose).
Dilithium -> Zen -> Master Keys -> Chance to win items
That's not what I call an easy way of obtaining items via ingame currencies. And since Costumes are -almost- simple retexture jobs, there is very little manpower involved in it's creation. Unlike the creation of entire new starships. There really isn't a whole lot of justification to force players to spend real cash on cosmetic items.
But noooo... they gotta put all new costumes in Lockboxes which are a "chance to win" type deal, and all the old costumes are still only available in the C-Store. Remember the days when Daniel Stahl said, that they were working on tech to allow players to buy things for "ingame currency" ? (and here's where the Cryptic Defense Force, will argue that the Dilithium Exchange serves that purpose).
How are the costumes or anything else in the Lobi store "chance to win"? You get min 4 Lobi per box / cost of item tells you how many keys you have to buy at the zen store - which is a fixed price
The Lobi store is not chance - except you can get MORE than the 4 min per box - your real gripe is that they cost more and are not account wide - correct?
Probably didn't need a video for this. But Cryptic generally does buildups when something big is coming. We are probably seeing the bit that are related to Season 7. I think is a portent for something we all have been waiting for.
The Tholian Battleship in the video? I have not seen that in game.
The Lobi store is not chance - except you can get MORE than the 4 min per box - your real gripe is that they cost more and are not account wide - correct?
Part of it, but not the sole reason.
- 550 Zen Points, Account-wide Costume Unlock (guaranteed)
- 125 Zen Points PER KEY, forced to buy dozens of keys to accumulate enough Lobi Crystals for a PER CHARACTER Costume Unlock
Ever heard of price-gouging? What's the point of adding all these fancy new uniforms, when most who play recreationally, won't afford it? I'd consider buying an Account-wide Costume Pack for 550 Zen, but I sure as hell ain't gonna spend 1000s of Zen for a SINGLE CHARACTER Costume Pack.
I find it funny they added a ship in the game that has fans worried about canon and has a console from a movie in which the fans in the movie worry about canon. and it is the canon from said show that saved them in the end LOL.
- 550 Zen Points, Account-wide Costume Unlock (guaranteed)
- 125 Zen Points PER KEY, forced to buy dozens of keys to accumulate enough Lobi Crystals for a PER CHARACTER Costume Unlock
Ever heard of price-gouging? What's the point of adding all these fancy new uniforms, when most who play recreationally, won't afford it? I'd consider buying an Account-wide Costume Pack for 550 Zen, but I sure as hell ain't gonna spend 1000s of Zen for a SINGLE CHARACTER Costume Pack.
They are SUPER expensive at around 5000 zen, but no-one is forcing you to buy. There can only be one reason for your anger- you covet these items but don't/can't spend the money to get them.
They are SUPER expensive at around 5000 zen, but no-one is forcing you to buy. There can only be one reason for your anger- you covet these items but don't/can't spend the money to get them.
You're damn right I want the uniforms. I want a bunch of uniforms. Some of which is STILL missing in action. I've spent a bunch of dollars on the costume packs in the C-Store. There's still a few costume packs I have yet to buy, mostly due to a restricted cash flow at current (unemployment).
If the Costume Packs in the C-Store had been "Per Character", I would NEVER have bought them, nor would I BUY any.
550 Zen for an Account-Wide Costume Pack, i'd gladly buy.
~5000 Zen for a SINGLE CHARACTER Costume Pack, I sure as hell WON'T. No "cosmetic item" is worth that much for a SINGLE CHARACTER. Hell, you'd be pushing it if you try to charge that much for an Account Unlock.
Basically, Cryptic are charging ~50 dollars for a SINGLE CHARACTER Costume Pack, which you might see, at average ~30% of the time. Most time spent, is in space where you only see your ship. I'd wager, average time spent on the Ground, is far less than 30%.
I can go buy a game for 50 dollars, have countless hours of enjoyment and entertainment. Do you understand the ridiculousness of the price scheme that Cryptic/PW are going by? And your damn right, I won't stand for it. Not a chance in hell, i'd spend that much for ANY item in the game. The only reason Cryptic can charge that much for the items, is because most players LET THEM. We as customers have a certain amount of rights on our side, and their gambling scheme (aka Lockboxes), would certainly not go down very well in any court of law. Cryptic even suggested cutting off access to parts of the world, if the specific country doesn't allow the Lockboxes. Last I checked, Gambling is illegal in most parts of the United States (including California, where Cryptic are headquartered). I suppose for it to be legal, they'd have to move their HQ to Nevada.
You're damn right I want the uniforms. I want a bunch of uniforms. Some of which is STILL missing in action. I've spent a bunch of dollars on the costume packs in the C-Store. There's still a few costume packs I have yet to buy, mostly due to a restricted cash flow at current (unemployment).
If the Costume Packs in the C-Store had been "Per Character", I would NEVER have bought them, nor would I BUY any.
550 Zen for an Account-Wide Costume Pack, i'd gladly buy.
~5000 Zen for a SINGLE CHARACTER Costume Pack, I sure as hell WON'T. No "cosmetic item" is worth that much for a SINGLE CHARACTER. Hell, you'd be pushing it if you try to charge that much for an Account Unlock.
Basically, Cryptic are charging ~50 dollars for a SINGLE CHARACTER Costume Pack, which you might see, at average ~30% of the time. Most time spent, is in space where you only see your ship. I'd wager, average time spent on the Ground, is far less than 30%.
I can go buy a game for 50 dollars, have countless hours of enjoyment and entertainment. Do you understand the ridiculousness of the price scheme that Cryptic/PW are going by? And your damn right, I won't stand for it. Not a chance in hell, i'd spend that much for ANY item in the game. The only reason Cryptic can charge that much for the items, is because most players LET THEM. We as customers have a certain amount of rights on our side, and their gambling scheme (aka Lockboxes), would certainly not go down very well in any court of law. Cryptic even suggested cutting off access to parts of the world, if the specific country doesn't allow the Lockboxes. Last I checked, Gambling is illegal in most parts of the United States (including California, where Cryptic are headquartered). I suppose for it to be legal, they'd have to move their HQ to Nevada.
Perhaps you failed to read my first paragraph in the previous post? (unemployment). Being unemployed, with a restricted cash flow, you think I suddenly have the funds to wage a legal battle against Cryptic/PW? Furthermore, Cryptic is an American corporation, owned by a larger Asian corporation. I live in Sweden. Unless Cryptic/PW has a Swedish affiliate, I doubt i'd have much luck filing a lawsuit against them.
Gambling, IS illegal. People pay money, in the hopes of winning a "special prize". That's gambling. Need I say more?
You're damn right I want the uniforms. I want a bunch of uniforms. Some of which is STILL missing in action. I've spent a bunch of dollars on the costume packs in the C-Store. There's still a few costume packs I have yet to buy, mostly due to a restricted cash flow at current (unemployment).
I am in the same boat as you regarding limited finances, but that is not the issue. They have chosen this root for one reason only - it makes money.
People are buying these lock-box and Lobi items for what most "working" people - let alone unemployed would find to be a crazy waste of money. But as long as the boxes keep selling well the company will keep shoving expensive items every few months.
This is not new - best example is Apple - every 6 months or so you "have" to go out and get a new Iphone or Ipad which is slightly better than the last. your 6 month old phone is no good any more.
So join the lines in America and get that phone - your life depends on it!!
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
This is not new - best example is Apple - every 6 months or so you "have" to go out and get a new Iphone or Ipad which is slightly better than the last. your 6 month old phone is no good any more.
So join the lines in America and get that phone - your life depends on it!!
It really doesn't. My life does not revolve around having the latest phone, or the hottest computer hardware. My last cell phone, I bought 2 years ago. And it's still working just fine.
Like I said, as long as players tolerate the price gouging behavior, it will continue. The only way to stop the behavior is by refusing to buy any of the lockbox keys or varied C-Store items for the forseeable future. And we both know, people are generally STUPID, and will pay no matter what the cost.
Perhaps you failed to read my first paragraph in the previous post? (unemployment). Being unemployed, with a restricted cash flow, you think I suddenly have the funds to wage a legal battle against Cryptic/PW? Furthermore, Cryptic is an American corporation, owned by a larger Asian corporation. I live in Sweden. Unless Cryptic/PW has a Swedish affiliate, I doubt i'd have much luck filing a lawsuit against them.
Gambling, IS illegal. People pay money, in the hopes of winning a "special prize". That's gambling. Need I say more?
In America poor is illegal - rich is legal. That's the way the law is structured. And soon for the rest of the world where it does not currently hold full sway.
You can look at it one way - if the people are using something enough that is illegal then the gov't will make it legal and tax it. The US tried to make Alcohol illegal and too many people were getting around it - so they taxed it and made it legal. They do the same with gambling - most major gambling in US and Canada(were I live) is run by the GOV'T - and if the gov't is making money then the gambling is legal.
In the case of Cryptics Lockbox "gambling" scheme, it's run by Cryptic/PW, not the US (or any) government. Thus, it's illegal, in the eyes of the government.
In the case of Cryptics Lockbox "gambling" scheme, it's run by Cryptic/PW, not the US (or any) government. Thus, it's illegal, in the eyes of the government.
Just going by your own logic.
This is getting way of topic - but if they are paying taxes to the gov't from the sale of these lock-boxes then it falls in to the American corp grey zone of sort of legal.
We could debate on end about this but I have to say this is the best lock box that they have come up with. Dollar for dollar you get WAY more "stuff" then when they introduced this new revenue generating system.
I feel better opening the box then when I rip up my worthless lottery ticket after checking it at the gov't site. $5 a ticket for the chance at $20 million - with 77 million combinations of numbers.
We as customers have a certain amount of rights on our side, and their gambling scheme (aka Lockboxes), would certainly not go down very well in any court of law. Cryptic even suggested cutting off access to parts of the world, if the specific country doesn't allow the Lockboxes. Last I checked, Gambling is illegal in most parts of the United States (including California, where Cryptic are headquartered). I suppose for it to be legal, they'd have to move their HQ to Nevada.
You're right customers do have rights...the right not to buy.
and as it being illegal in the U.S not going to happen EVER! cryptic is not the only company that does this, other U.S companies do this like EA. Also lockboxes are the equivalent of going to Dave and Busters and Chuck E. Cheese's.
Anywho, on another note...why is the music from this video not in the game.
and for the KDF players....Why is there no KDF uniforms from the future, I could see the KDF in tech armor like Mass effect in the future.
and for the KDF players....Why is there no KDF uniforms from the future, I could see the KDF in tech armor like Mass effect in the future.
There is This note was at the bottom of the article:
Note: The 29th Century Federation Uniform shown in the video, as well as a unique version for the KDF, will be obtainable from the Lobi Store in the near future.
Also, Captains, please keep on topic in this thread.
I landed a Galor back in the day doing that.
What is a good way to grind millions upon millions of EC, and without it being boring?
Whats the Z-store for ??
Corrected that for you. It's not the Zen store, it's the Cryptic store.
Probably didn't need a video for this. But Cryptic generally does buildups when something big is coming. We are probably seeing the bit that are related to Season 7. I think is a portent for something we all have been waiting for.
Your just not getting it, are you?
I (and many others), don't want to "gamble" for items that are nothing more than cosmetics. Anything cosmetic, that gives ZERO combat value, should be available for any easy-to-come-by currency. Energy Credits seem to be feeling quite lonely, and useless. How bout using that one?
But noooo... they gotta put all new costumes in Lockboxes which are a "chance to win" type deal, and all the old costumes are still only available in the C-Store. Remember the days when Daniel Stahl said, that they were working on tech to allow players to buy things for "ingame currency" ? (and here's where the Cryptic Defense Force, will argue that the Dilithium Exchange serves that purpose).
Dilithium -> Zen -> Master Keys -> Chance to win items
That's not what I call an easy way of obtaining items via ingame currencies. And since Costumes are -almost- simple retexture jobs, there is very little manpower involved in it's creation. Unlike the creation of entire new starships. There really isn't a whole lot of justification to force players to spend real cash on cosmetic items.
How are the costumes or anything else in the Lobi store "chance to win"? You get min 4 Lobi per box / cost of item tells you how many keys you have to buy at the zen store - which is a fixed price
The Lobi store is not chance - except you can get MORE than the 4 min per box - your real gripe is that they cost more and are not account wide - correct?
The Tholian Battleship in the video? I have not seen that in game.
Part of it, but not the sole reason.
- 550 Zen Points, Account-wide Costume Unlock (guaranteed)
- 125 Zen Points PER KEY, forced to buy dozens of keys to accumulate enough Lobi Crystals for a PER CHARACTER Costume Unlock
Ever heard of price-gouging? What's the point of adding all these fancy new uniforms, when most who play recreationally, won't afford it? I'd consider buying an Account-wide Costume Pack for 550 Zen, but I sure as hell ain't gonna spend 1000s of Zen for a SINGLE CHARACTER Costume Pack.
wish you showed the mirror time ships
Tier 2 starbase fleet alert enemy (The 5 man mission).
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
They are SUPER expensive at around 5000 zen, but no-one is forcing you to buy. There can only be one reason for your anger- you covet these items but don't/can't spend the money to get them.
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Because the video editor and marketing guys are programmers and work on bugs. :rolleyes:
I will never, ever understand why people think this.
The Mobius is basically just a Science-y fleet escort carrier. If you ignore pre-fleet tier ships, that one is pretty balanced.
You're damn right I want the uniforms. I want a bunch of uniforms. Some of which is STILL missing in action. I've spent a bunch of dollars on the costume packs in the C-Store. There's still a few costume packs I have yet to buy, mostly due to a restricted cash flow at current (unemployment).
If the Costume Packs in the C-Store had been "Per Character", I would NEVER have bought them, nor would I BUY any.
550 Zen for an Account-Wide Costume Pack, i'd gladly buy.
~5000 Zen for a SINGLE CHARACTER Costume Pack, I sure as hell WON'T. No "cosmetic item" is worth that much for a SINGLE CHARACTER. Hell, you'd be pushing it if you try to charge that much for an Account Unlock.
Basically, Cryptic are charging ~50 dollars for a SINGLE CHARACTER Costume Pack, which you might see, at average ~30% of the time. Most time spent, is in space where you only see your ship. I'd wager, average time spent on the Ground, is far less than 30%.
I can go buy a game for 50 dollars, have countless hours of enjoyment and entertainment. Do you understand the ridiculousness of the price scheme that Cryptic/PW are going by? And your damn right, I won't stand for it. Not a chance in hell, i'd spend that much for ANY item in the game. The only reason Cryptic can charge that much for the items, is because most players LET THEM. We as customers have a certain amount of rights on our side, and their gambling scheme (aka Lockboxes), would certainly not go down very well in any court of law. Cryptic even suggested cutting off access to parts of the world, if the specific country doesn't allow the Lockboxes. Last I checked, Gambling is illegal in most parts of the United States (including California, where Cryptic are headquartered). I suppose for it to be legal, they'd have to move their HQ to Nevada.
So if you think it's illegal, file a lawsuit.
Gambling, IS illegal. People pay money, in the hopes of winning a "special prize". That's gambling. Need I say more?
I am in the same boat as you regarding limited finances, but that is not the issue. They have chosen this root for one reason only - it makes money.
People are buying these lock-box and Lobi items for what most "working" people - let alone unemployed would find to be a crazy waste of money. But as long as the boxes keep selling well the company will keep shoving expensive items every few months.
This is not new - best example is Apple - every 6 months or so you "have" to go out and get a new Iphone or Ipad which is slightly better than the last. your 6 month old phone is no good any more.
So join the lines in America and get that phone - your life depends on it!!
About the size of a Tholian dreadnought.
A dreadnought, actually. They show up very rarely in the new Season 6 missions (Starbase Defense, No Win Scenario, etc).
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
It really doesn't. My life does not revolve around having the latest phone, or the hottest computer hardware. My last cell phone, I bought 2 years ago. And it's still working just fine.
Like I said, as long as players tolerate the price gouging behavior, it will continue. The only way to stop the behavior is by refusing to buy any of the lockbox keys or varied C-Store items for the forseeable future. And we both know, people are generally STUPID, and will pay no matter what the cost.
In America poor is illegal - rich is legal. That's the way the law is structured. And soon for the rest of the world where it does not currently hold full sway.
You can look at it one way - if the people are using something enough that is illegal then the gov't will make it legal and tax it. The US tried to make Alcohol illegal and too many people were getting around it - so they taxed it and made it legal. They do the same with gambling - most major gambling in US and Canada(were I live) is run by the GOV'T - and if the gov't is making money then the gambling is legal.
Just going by your own logic.
This is getting way of topic - but if they are paying taxes to the gov't from the sale of these lock-boxes then it falls in to the American corp grey zone of sort of legal.
We could debate on end about this but I have to say this is the best lock box that they have come up with. Dollar for dollar you get WAY more "stuff" then when they introduced this new revenue generating system.
I feel better opening the box then when I rip up my worthless lottery ticket after checking it at the gov't site. $5 a ticket for the chance at $20 million - with 77 million combinations of numbers.
You're right customers do have rights...the right not to buy.
and as it being illegal in the U.S not going to happen EVER! cryptic is not the only company that does this, other U.S companies do this like EA. Also lockboxes are the equivalent of going to Dave and Busters and Chuck E. Cheese's.
Anywho, on another note...why is the music from this video not in the game.
and for the KDF players....Why is there no KDF uniforms from the future, I could see the KDF in tech armor like Mass effect in the future.
There is
Also, Captains, please keep on topic in this thread.
Brandon =/\=