The Star Trek Online team is pleased to present this spotlight video that features the Temporal Lock Box. Watch it now
Note: The 29th Century Federation Uniform shown in the video, as well as a unique version for the KDF, will be obtainable from the Lobi Store in the near future.
Link to the news article.
Oh, and the ships. The ships are cool, too.
No, you saw a Tholian Dreadnaught.
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
You probably saw a Tholian NPC ship. The Krenim weapon ship kinda looks like Babylon 5 with a cannon on one end.
Ya u guys r right.
I like the acting voice though. This guy could make some voiceovers!
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
Run out of own ideas? Well, let's bite off GalaxyQuest and introduce the "Omega 13" to STO.
Are you serious? Come on....
You gotta be kidding.
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
in case you don't
That's interesting isn't it?
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
it basically rewinds your ships position and health/shields as well as powers to what they were 13 seconds before you activate the ability its useful for when you take extensive damage in a quick amount of time and can quite in a literal sense bring you back from the brink it seems very useful
My character Tsin'xing
Throws money in your direction at warp speed. I want those 29th Century Fed uniforms
Come join the 44th Fleet.
When combined with the mirror console from the Lobi store ship, all your powers ability on CD will speed up while your enemies speed/CD/powers will slow down.
Not sure exactly what the stats are on it's effect they were not released.
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
And imperfect world's response to this, "That's like wiping before you TRIBBLE. It doesn't make any sense."
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
Its almost as if cryptic expected them to be playable factions some day ........
I'm with Ltsmith on this one. Some of these items could EASILY be made available on the C-Store, AS WELL AS in lockboxes. Costumes for one. Unique Consoles. I understand CBS doesn't want a huge influx of "inappropriate" ships, readily available to the players. That's why you have the Lockboxes, since it's a gamble to win one. But consoles and uniforms shouldn't be a problem.
While it's still a LONG ways away from making these ships any sort of balanced, it's good that you didn't make that even bigger mis-step.
these like the other outfits before them from the lobi store will be most likely available on the exchange and i may purchase one if i get nuff lobi after the mobius purchase.