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Season 6 Dev Blog #29



  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    scififan78 wrote: »
    I like the Bridges that comes with these ships. I am still wondering though, when (if ever) will we get the bridges for the NX, Vulcan, Caitian, Gorn, and Nausican ships.

    It would be nice if the bridges they make, were usable on multiple ships, not just the ship it came on.

    For example, the Odyssey bridge is fantastic, but can only be used on the Odyssey. What a waste.

    If we pay for it (or win it in this case) we ought to be able to use it anywhere.

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    trek21 wrote: »
    "Most of the 29th century tech has been stripped off, presumbly in service for the Tholian Assembly"

    Knew it :D And people worried about the logic of 29th century tech in the 25th century ;)

    I really don't care for Cryptic's justification. They claim to "care for the Trek IP" and have a huge love for the franchise. The very notion of adding these ships to STO, proves otherwise.

    Let's suppose... the Tholians somehow managed to get a ship or two from the 29th Century, and drop it into the 25th Century. The Temporal Agents of the 29th Century would likely detect such a "disruption to the timeline" and take steps to prevent or even undo it. And Cryptic's justification for letting the ships remain, is that the Tholians stripped down, and kept the technologies for themselves? You don't think those same Temporal Agents would be able to see that future technologies that don't belong in the 25th Century, still remains in the 25th Century? (The Doctor's mobile emitter, I don't count, since it was a MINOR piece of technology. Not the tech of an entire starship.)

    The biggest travesty of all, is the fact that Cryptic decided to add the WRONG ships to the game, before adding several of the canon ships that SHOULD be in the game already. Ambassador Class for one. But we all know, the reason for the Ambassador being so slow to be released, is because Geko doesn't like the design, and that it looks "too similar" to a Galaxy Class. We must preserve those precioussss hull silhouettes after all *snicker*

    Now, if they had added the Wells Class (and other temporal ships), as a one-off, for specific time-travel related episodes, that's a whole different matter. I'd even go so far, as to say they should've made an entire feature episode arc, involving us assisting the 29th Century, in protecting the timeline. Perhaps even tie it into the Tholian arc, by having us fight the Tholians of BOTH the 25th and 29th Centuries, and in order to do so, we are given temporary command of 29th Century ships. Temporary. Meaning, only for a short duration.

    I'd love to fly the Wells Class, with the Aeon Class as my primary shuttle. If the game were set in the 29th Century. As is, the ships should not exist in the 25th Century, and I will have no part in contributing any dollars to Cryptic for the temporal lockboxes. For anyone else who cares about the Trek IP, i'd suggest they do the same.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    You canon die hards need to realize this is a game and Cryptic/PWE is treating this like a business. There clearly is money to be made off of these boxes because people are buying the keys to open them. There are some decent ships for the przes although I am very disappointed that the uniforms for Time Ship are not available to further help make people want to get these ships. The uniforms for these special Federation and Klingon ships should have been in the C-Store a week before these boxes launched. Someone in marketting clearly has missed an opportunity.

    The most important point I want to make though is, everyone should be able to have their favorite Trek ship at whatever level they want to play it at. Whether that's a T7 Connie at Fleet Admiral, Wells Class, Jem'Hadar Attack Ship, Romulan Warbird, Phoenix, etc. The IP should be fully represented to appeal to all Trek fans. Not just the ones who complain the most on these boards or the die hard canon types.
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    jcsww wrote: »
    You canon die hards need to realize this is a game and Cryptic/PWE is treating this like a business.

    Then perhaps Cryptic should refrain from claiming to care for the Trek IP, when according to your comments, all they care about is DOLLARS. Let's milk this game for all it's worth, and hope the players don't notice getting screwed over.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    I really don't care for Cryptic's justification. They claim to "care for the Trek IP" and have a huge love for the franchise. The very notion of adding these ships to STO, proves otherwise.

    Let's suppose... the Tholians somehow managed to get a ship or two from the 29th Century, and drop it into the 25th Century. The Temporal Agents of the 29th Century would likely detect such a "disruption to the timeline" and take steps to prevent or even undo it. And Cryptic's justification for letting the ships remain, is that the Tholians stripped down, and kept the technologies for themselves? You don't think those same Temporal Agents would be able to see that future technologies that don't belong in the 25th Century, still remains in the 25th Century? (The Doctor's mobile emitter, I don't count, since it was a MINOR piece of technology. Not the tech of an entire starship.)

    The biggest travesty of all, is the fact that Cryptic decided to add the WRONG ships to the game, before adding several of the canon ships that SHOULD be in the game already. Ambassador Class for one. But we all know, the reason for the Ambassador being so slow to be released, is because Geko doesn't like the design, and that it looks "too similar" to a Galaxy Class. We must preserve those precioussss hull silhouettes after all *snicker*

    By your logic then people should not being using TOS uniforms, as since they were retired years ago, and no longer canon to wear anymore. and no one should name their own ship cuz well starfleet is suppose to do that for you. We should not be able to pick our own ships that's not canon for us to pick our ship, and make it look how we want it. :P

    Trek spans many timelines, and if players want to spend their money, or EC or dilithium on ships so they can play time cop who cares it's a game.The game already pushes canon to the side so that players can pretend they are in the TOS, or TNG era. there is a whole fleet of people dedicated to the original series. :cool:

    the ships are from the future and would just one shot every ship in the game, but now if they did that well how angry would everyone get, so they came up with a line to says the weapons have been striped.:D

    If anything we should be worried that the tholions have 29th century weapons. :D
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    I really don't care for Cryptic's justification. They claim to "care for the Trek IP" and have a huge love for the franchise. The very notion of adding these ships to STO, proves otherwise.

    Let's suppose... the Tholians somehow managed to get a ship or two from the 29th Century, and drop it into the 25th Century. The Temporal Agents of the 29th Century would likely detect such a "disruption to the timeline" and take steps to prevent or even undo it. And Cryptic's justification for letting the ships remain, is that the Tholians stripped down, and kept the technologies for themselves? You don't think those same Temporal Agents would be able to see that future technologies that don't belong in the 25th Century, still remains in the 25th Century? (The Doctor's mobile emitter, I don't count, since it was a MINOR piece of technology. Not the tech of an entire starship.)

    The biggest travesty of all, is the fact that Cryptic decided to add the WRONG ships to the game, before adding several of the canon ships that SHOULD be in the game already. Ambassador Class for one. But we all know, the reason for the Ambassador being so slow to be released, is because Geko doesn't like the design, and that it looks "too similar" to a Galaxy Class. We must preserve those precioussss hull silhouettes after all *snicker*

    Now, if they had added the Wells Class (and other temporal ships), as a one-off, for specific time-travel related episodes, that's a whole different matter. I'd even go so far, as to say they should've made an entire feature episode arc, involving us assisting the 29th Century, in protecting the timeline. Perhaps even tie it into the Tholian arc, by having us fight the Tholians of BOTH the 25th and 29th Centuries, and in order to do so, we are given temporary command of 29th Century ships. Temporary. Meaning, only for a short duration.

    I'd love to fly the Wells Class, with the Aeon Class as my primary shuttle. If the game were set in the 29th Century. As is, the ships should not exist in the 25th Century, and I will have no part in contributing any dollars to Cryptic for the temporal lockboxes. For anyone else who cares about the Trek IP, i'd suggest they do the same.
    Or they do care about the IP, but understand that in an playable MMO world, there have to be lines crossed... and most other people are simply too concerned with drawing the line.


    Seriously, it's not a 'They care about it' or 'They don't' situation. It's much more complicated than that. It's ALWAYS been more complicated than that.

    Some of you just take things WAY too seriously imo
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    By your logic then people should not being using TOS uniforms, as since they were retired years ago, and no longer canon to wear anymore. and no one should name their own ship cuz well starfleet is suppose to do that for you. We should not be able to pick our own ships that's not canon for us to pick our ship, and make it look how we want it. :P

    Your argument is flawed.

    TOS uniforms, TOS ships, TMP ships, NX Class, Vulcan Science ship et al, ALREADY EXIST and have existed for centuries. By 25th Century standard, the Wells Class hasn't even been invented yet.

    If you want to outfit your crew in TOS uniforms, I don't see why the Department of Temporal Investigations would mind. They'd figure you were probably being nostalgic. We know atleast 1 Temporal Agent, who even would've liked to shake the infamous Capt. James T Kirk's hand, for nostalgic reasons.

    But the Wells Class, and every other ship coming in the new lockboxes, is technology 400 years more advanced than anything else in STO's time period. They shouldn't even exist in the 25th Century. Whoever designed the Wells Class, won't be born for atleast another 300+ years. His/her great-great-great-great-great Grandfather, MIGHT be alive in 2409, but I doubt he/she would know that their great-great-great-great-great Grandson/Granddaughter would one day design the Wells Class.

    TL;DR: Your logic is flawed. And so is Cryptics.
    trek21 wrote: »
    Or they do care about the IP, but understand that in an playable MMO world, there have to be lines crossed... and most other people are simply too concerned with drawing the line.


    Seriously, it's not a 'They care about it' or 'They don't' situation. It's much more complicated than that. It's ALWAYS been more complicated than that.

    Some of you just take things WAY too seriously imo

    Not surprised you'd be the one to take up the "Defend Cryptic" mantle. You always do, in any discussion that criticizes Cryptics actions.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    Not surprised you'd be the one to take up the "Defend Cryptic" mantle. You always do, in any discussion that criticizes Cryptics actions.
    Because none of their actions have ever struck bad chords within me ;) The game was good at launch, it got better, and nothing made me annoyed or angry... and I hate when something I like gets attacked.

    So yeah, I'm an untainted defender with unusual logic ;) And I've been here since Open Beta, will says a lot
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • aegon1iceaegon1ice Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Can we use the Moebius Skin on the Wells and vice-versa if we own both? Please say yes:(
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    trek21 wrote: »
    So yeah, I'm an untainted defender with unusual logic ;) And I've been here since Open Beta, will says a lot

    Guess what? I've been around since Open Beta as well. And I don't have the same rose-colored sunglasses that you do. The game was ATROCIOUS at launch, lacking some of the most basic MMO features. It wasn't until the 45 day patch, that some of these features got added, as well as some feature that wasn't even necessary (and still exists). Not being able to Respec your character AT ALL, for 45 days... in an MMO made in 2010? How rude!!!

    Sure, the game HAS improved since then. Not disputing that. But ever since the game went F2P, it's been on a steady downwards slope, of nothing more than cash grab after cash grab. And people are ultimately stupid, when they spend HUNDREDS of dollars, hoping to win one of their new shiny toys. Cryptic may call it something else, but to most of the rest of the planet, it's called gambling, and illegal in many parts of the world. When the law finally catches up with Cryptic, STO will be in a world of hurt, forced to redesign the game, or shut down. Which is why I firmly believe Cryptic is on a path of "milking it for what it's worth", now while they still can.

    But hey, if you wanna wear your rose-colored sunglasses, and have your nose up their backsides, be my guest. I won't stop you. But I won't agree with you either, so that's fine.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    Then perhaps Cryptic should refrain from claiming to care for the Trek IP, when according to your comments, all they care about is DOLLARS. Let's milk this game for all it's worth, and hope the players don't notice getting screwed over.

    I noticed I was playing a good sci-fi game with a Star Trek theme after 15 minutes. It has nothing to do with a ST game anyway, except if you change it in "destroy new worlds and genocide new civilizations". If somehting is cannon-breaking, it's the game itself, not a poor ship skin.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    Guess what? I've been around since Open Beta as well. And I don't have the same rose-colored sunglasses that you do. The game was ATROCIOUS at launch, lacking some of the most basic MMO features. It wasn't until the 45 day patch, that some of these features got added, as well as some feature that wasn't even necessary (and still exists). Not being able to Respec your character AT ALL, for 45 days... in an MMO made in 2010? How rude!!!

    Sure, the game HAS improved since then. Not disputing that. But ever since the game went F2P, it's been on a steady downwards slope, of nothing more than cash grab after cash grab. And people are ultimately stupid, when they spend HUNDREDS of dollars, hoping to win one of their new shiny toys. Cryptic may call it something else, but to most of the rest of the planet, it's called gambling, and illegal in many parts of the world. When the law finally catches up with Cryptic, STO will be in a world of hurt, forced to redesign the game, or shut down. Which is why I firmly believe Cryptic is on a path of "milking it for what it's worth", now while they still can.

    But hey, if you wanna wear your rose-colored sunglasses, and have your nose up their backsides, be my guest. I won't stop you. But I won't agree with you either, so that's fine.
    Having standards only dissuades you from some otherwise good things lol :D (comparing does much the same, but wastes your time instead). You can say atrocious all you want, but I liked STO at launch, and I still do now.

    I said my reasons for why I apparently have rose-colored glasses, and defend what I like. And you have your reasons, so we agree to disagree.

    And I never said I wanted your approval. I was just giving my opinion.
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • stof4nb0ystof4nb0y Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »
    I noticed I was playing a good sci-fi game with a Star Trek theme after 15 minutes.

    I noticed I was playing a pretty mediocre one that probably wouldnt still be around if it didnt have the Trek IP attached to it. That said, it has come a long way since launch. But I still doubt it would have survived without the brand.
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    krubnik,krubnik,krubnik,krubnik,krubnik....rock rock rock

    False. In point of fact, the rock monster is called 'Gorignak'.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • stof4nb0ystof4nb0y Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Last edited by Amaraye - Heavens Tear; 12-16-2009 at 08:14 PM. Reason: NOOOOOO!

    Um...why is this at the bottom of my post?
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    stof4nb0y wrote: »
    I noticed I was playing a pretty mediocre one that probably wouldnt still be around if it didnt have the Trek IP attached to it. That said, it has come a long way since launch. But I still doubt it would have survived without the brand.

    Well I don't know, maybe I'm enjoying it because there's a Star Trek theme. Anyway this game is enjoyable, it's probably not the best game ever but I have no problem with the store since contrary to most people here I'm an adult and I can control myself and decice not to buy something if I don't agree with having it in game.

    I really don't get why many people here moan about "cash grabbing". Come on can't you have some control over your own decisions?
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    Then perhaps Cryptic should refrain from claiming to care for the Trek IP, when according to your comments, all they care about is DOLLARS. Let's milk this game for all it's worth, and hope the players don't notice getting screwed over.

    Can't they care for it like a toyline in kind of a superficial way? I mean, superficial infatuation with something doesn't mean you hate it.

    As in, "Man! This kung fu grip is cool! I love the paint job on this!" As opposed to "Man! This story is cool!"
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I would honestly like to see the way we play this game change. When creating your toon, you should pick the timeline you want to play in and have ships to choose from to play through it with. Your uniform choices would match your era, starbases, NPC's, and everyting else would adapt to this choice. Eliminate the tiers and be able to play with a ship through out your career or change to something else when you see fit. It may require a major overhaul of the game itself but it would be nice to actually be able to play within the Trek timeline that the player prefers. This would also offer up some replayability just from selecting a different timelime from the start.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    Your argument is flawed.

    TOS uniforms, TOS ships, TMP ships, NX Class, Vulcan Science ship et al, ALREADY EXIST and have existed for centuries. By 25th Century standard, the Wells Class hasn't even been invented yet.

    If you want to outfit your crew in TOS uniforms, I don't see why the Department of Temporal Investigations would mind. They'd figure you were probably being nostalgic. We know atleast 1 Temporal Agent, who even would've liked to shake the infamous Capt. James T Kirk's hand, for nostalgic reasons.

    But the Wells Class, and every other ship coming in the new lockboxes, is technology 400 years more advanced than anything else in STO's time period. They shouldn't even exist in the 25th Century. Whoever designed the Wells Class, won't be born for atleast another 300+ years. His/her great-great-great-great-great Grandfather, MIGHT be alive in 2409, but I doubt he/she would know that their great-great-great-great-great Grandson/Granddaughter would one day design the Wells Class.

    TL;DR: Your logic is flawed. And so is Cryptics.

    Not surprised you'd be the one to take up the "Defend Cryptic" mantle. You always do, in any discussion that criticizes Cryptics actions.

    Lol, no one is building time ships, they were taken from the future to the past.

    As for time agents....yeah they really don't do a really good job, i mean where were they when first contact went down, or when Janeway went back in time to bring Voyager back home, or when Sisko had to replace Bell in the riots...or when Kirk went back in time to bring back whales. So i would not put too much faith in time agents.

    It may seem i defend cryptic, but that is cause well i do lol. I'm not as vocal when it comes to things i don't like in this game, because it's not a big deal. I don't like the Lock boxes, cause yeah I want those ships, but I really don't want to spend time trying to win them or grind to death but i don't get angry like some players and yell and scream at the dev's. I don't want people yelling at me at work so why would i call someone names here or scream at them, just because its the internet and they wont track me down and punch me in the face for screaming at them does not mean I'm going to start yelling at the dev's (but i will call other players names when they force my hand or for the LoL)

    When Cryptic forces me to open lock boxes, and tell me if i want to play the game i have to open up X amount lock boxes then i will join everyone in the name calling game.
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    As for time agents....yeah they really don't do a really good job, i mean where were they when first contact went down, or when Janeway went back in time to bring Voyager back home, or when Sisko had to replace Bell in the riots...or when Kirk went back in time to bring back whales. So i would not put too much faith in time agents.

    I'll disassemble each of the incidents you listed:

    1. First Contact. If the Enterprise hadn't travelled back in time to stop the Borg, there would be no Starfleet, or Federation to speak of, and the "Temporal Agents" would've all been drones (if they ever were born).

    2. Admiral Janeway bringing Voyager home early. Voyager (series) was the last series of the TNG-era. Canonically speaking, we have no idea what transpired after Voyager was brought home. All we know, is that Janeway (younger) was eventually promoted to Admiral, and seen in Nemesis.

    3. Sisko replacing Bell in the Bell Riots. Sisko was preserving the timeline, in the only manner he knew possible at the time; take Bells place, and let history play out as it originally was intended. When they returned to the 24th Century, and saw a "Gabriel Bell" with the image of Sisko on it, Sisko even said that he wasn't looking forward to explaining things to Temporal Investigations.

    4. Humpback Whales. Similar situation to First Contact. Not travelling into the past and retrieving the whales, would've meant Earth's destruction in the 23rd Century, and there would be no Temporal Investigations, Temporal Agents etc.

    All of your examples can be easily explained away through the episodes/movies in which the event took place. And all of which are events that pre-date STOs timeline of 2409. Wells Classes aren't mean to exist in 2409, since they won't be built for another 400 years or so. Even if they aren't constructed -in- 2409, they still exist there, due to temporal interference by the Tholians. I have a hard time seeing the 29th Century Temporal Agents, letting these actions go by unnoticed.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    I'll disassemble each of the incidents you listed:

    1. First Contact. If the Enterprise hadn't travelled back in time to stop the Borg, there would be no Starfleet, or Federation to speak of, and the "Temporal Agents" would've all been drones (if they ever were born).

    2. Admiral Janeway bringing Voyager home early. Voyager (series) was the last series of the TNG-era. Canonically speaking, we have no idea what transpired after Voyager was brought home. All we know, is that Janeway (younger) was eventually promoted to Admiral, and seen in Nemesis.

    3. Sisko replacing Bell in the Bell Riots. Sisko was preserving the timeline, in the only manner he knew possible at the time; take Bells place, and let history play out as it originally was intended. When they returned to the 24th Century, and saw a "Gabriel Bell" with the image of Sisko on it, Sisko even said that he wasn't looking forward to explaining things to Temporal Investigations.

    4. Humpback Whales. Similar situation to First Contact. Not travelling into the past and retrieving the whales, would've meant Earth's destruction in the 23rd Century, and there would be no Temporal Investigations, Temporal Agents etc.

    All of your examples can be easily explained away through the episodes/movies in which the event took place. And all of which are events that pre-date STOs timeline of 2409. Wells Classes aren't mean to exist in 2409, since they won't be built for another 400 years or so. Even if they aren't constructed -in- 2409, they still exist there, due to temporal interference by the Tholians. I have a hard time seeing the 29th Century Temporal Agents, letting these actions go by unnoticed.

    Thank you for proving my point Have a nice day :D
  • offtheeclipticofftheecliptic Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    4. Humpback Whales. Similar situation to First Contact. Not travelling into the past and retrieving the whales, would've meant Earth's destruction in the 23rd Century, and there would be no Temporal Investigations, Temporal Agents etc.

    I hate to derail the thread..oh wait.

    I have to say, though, this explanation doesn't make any sense. Why is Earth's destruction such a big deal. Are you saying the Federation would have been destroyed? That's a little human-centric, isn't it?

    Who's to say that the Earth wasn't supposed to have been destroyed? Maybe that was the "true" timeline.

    What we can say for sure is that there's at least one example in Trek of the "preserved" timeline involving a trip back in time to change the past. In other words--and you basically say this--the future depended on someone going back and changing things. In order for the 29th century the Temporal Agents knew to come to be, a change had to be made.

    Or was it a change? How do you tell when an intervention in the past is a change or a preservation?

    And how do we know that 29th century ships showing up in the "present" aren't part of a similarly necessary intervention in the past. Maybe--for reasons our poor 25th century brains can't quite grasp--timeships need to be brought back for the future to unfold as it's supposed to.

    Isn't this why time travel gives people headaches?
  • doubleohninedoubleohnine Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Where is my $25 Regent class unique Bridge? HUH CRYPTIC!? :mad:
    STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
    Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
  • kandorouskandorous Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Where is my $25 Regent class unique Bridge? HUH CRYPTIC!? :mad:

    Wasn't a lockbox ship so we are out of luck.

    Cstore stuff is secondary now.
  • roamingmuttroamingmutt Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Just so everyone knows, I loved Galaxy Quest and have no problems with the little shout outs.

    But I do have a question about the ships from the lock boxes. When you receive one is it just for the character you're playing or is it account wide?
  • kandorouskandorous Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Just so everyone knows, I loved Galaxy Quest and have no problems with the little shout outs.

    But I do have a question about the ships from the lock boxes. When you receive one is it just for the character you're playing or is it account wide?

    Not account-wide.
  • xenor002xenor002 Member Posts: 424
    edited September 2012
    Disgusting PWEtic! :mad:

    I think this might have been the final nail for any hope in STO being anything close to serious / a real Star Trek MMO...

    Here's to hoping CBS allows another MMO in the future with a trustworthy company who gives a rat's TRIBBLE about Star Trek.

    Cryptic, you need to watch Star Trek episodes again is you think this is just ok.... :mad: :rolleyes:

    Dec '07 Account
    I EARNED 1000 days...I didn't BUY it! New LTS=Death to Vet.System: 10/10/12 Never Forget
    Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    regardless of how P2W it is, its still an escort. they shouldn't have beyond cruiser shield mods, especially with the insanely flexible station setup

    i was looking at that thinking it was all a bit op. then looking at what fleet ships there is and i kinda felt the fleet defiant should at least have an universal ensign slot instead of being a fixed tactical. they don't have the flexability these box ships have. why is this?? all these new powerful lockbox ships make a mockery of the purpose of the c-store or should i say key-store.
    and the same can be said for the fleet ships. just feels these box ships make the fleet ship content they spent time on adding to game seem like it was pointless. there is going to loads of people in mobius they will seem far from rare.
  • roamingmuttroamingmutt Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    xenor002 wrote: »
    Disgusting PWEtic! :mad:

    I think this might have been the final nail for any hope in STO being anything close to serious / a real Star Trek MMO...

    Here's to hoping CBS allows another MMO in the future with a trustworthy company who gives a rat's TRIBBLE about Star Trek.

    Cryptic, you need to watch Star Trek episodes again is you think this is just ok.... :mad: :rolleyes:

    Too bad. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to try to make sure that my main gets one of those ships and stick to c-store purchases from now on.

    Thanks though.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    I'll disassemble each of the incidents you listed:

    1. First Contact. If the Enterprise hadn't travelled back in time to stop the Borg, there would be no Starfleet, or Federation to speak of, and the "Temporal Agents" would've all been drones (if they ever were born).

    2. Admiral Janeway bringing Voyager home early. Voyager (series) was the last series of the TNG-era. Canonically speaking, we have no idea what transpired after Voyager was brought home. All we know, is that Janeway (younger) was eventually promoted to Admiral, and seen in Nemesis.

    3. Sisko replacing Bell in the Bell Riots. Sisko was preserving the timeline, in the only manner he knew possible at the time; take Bells place, and let history play out as it originally was intended. When they returned to the 24th Century, and saw a "Gabriel Bell" with the image of Sisko on it, Sisko even said that he wasn't looking forward to explaining things to Temporal Investigations.

    4. Humpback Whales. Similar situation to First Contact. Not travelling into the past and retrieving the whales, would've meant Earth's destruction in the 23rd Century, and there would be no Temporal Investigations, Temporal Agents etc.

    All of your examples can be easily explained away through the episodes/movies in which the event took place. And all of which are events that pre-date STOs timeline of 2409. Wells Classes aren't mean to exist in 2409, since they won't be built for another 400 years or so. Even if they aren't constructed -in- 2409, they still exist there, due to temporal interference by the Tholians. I have a hard time seeing the 29th Century Temporal Agents, letting these actions go by unnoticed.

    Again, 25th century Temporal Investigations and the Temporal Prime Directive would outlaw altering the PAST. They don't outlaw taking from the future or advancing technology faster than it naturally would. Individual captains sometimes take personal stances about that but there's nothing policy-wise wrong about looting the future for technology to change the present. Since predestination isn't guaranteed, it isn't a disruption of OUR timeline to swipe from POSSIBLE futures and Trek captains have routinely done that. (See: mobile emitters.) It isn't OUR timeline that is jeopardized when people do that.

    Just like with the normal Prime Directive. The Federation is opposed to contaminating less developed cultures with their technology but HAS ZERO QUALMS asking more advanced cultures to give the Federation information and technology that will alter their own course.

    The issue is NOT with us using it. The issue is with 29th century people not trying to stop us. We're perfectly in-character using it. It's the 29th century people who would have a problem with it.

    And as long as they don't, I'd imagine some at Starfleet Command would assume that since the 29th century isn't trying to get their stuff back that we're meant to have it to begin with.
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