Nah it was the tractor and GW from our friendly mvam
oh thats right, he was using GW. spam can choose to be incinerated over the course of several seconds, or be crushed into something the size of an atom. truly, spam gets what it deserves.
I'm going to be doing touchups along the way either way. Some of the older builds need a freshen up. (like the Deadly Broadside for example)
Coming Attraction: Video of the deadly broadside Excelsior in FvK against a full carrier team. (yes they have maxed out power drain cheese)
Victory for the feds.
to get good mileage you need 3 purple tech. 3 blue are easy to get, and are better then nothing wile you slowly add more purple. with only 1 AtB, anything less then 3 purples will leave gaps in your EPtS up time though. you can get 1 purple from b'tran doffing, and 1 from the tier 4 engineering doff store on fed side.
1 AtB is good, it lowers the cool down of every running cooldown. kills your aux for 10 seconds though. AtB used to be on the same cooldowns with the EPtX skills, now its on the AtS and AtD cooldowns. so you can now run 2 EPtX skills without interference from AtB itself, and have full up time with them.
theres another thing thing you can comfortably do now, run 2 AtBs, it makes you a very bad person though, but i got over it. you can actually just use 2 purple tech doffs with 2 AtB, you will get the same effect as you would get from using 3 with 1 copy of AtB. at least this is the conclusion i reached when staring at all my abilities cycling for 10 minutes trying to figure out definitively whats going on. at the very least, the EPtX skills do fine with 2 tech doffs and 2 AtB.
but, if you use 3tech doffs with 2 AtB, every single one of your abilities will basically be lowered down to global befor you have a chance to use them again. there might even be some bugs with some abilities that get them below global. i can use EWP again before the 1st cloud dissipates, not sure you can do this with even 2 copies of the power. 2 AtB cycle every 10 seconds with 3 tech doffs, so its energy buff is basically always on, though the result of the energy buff will vary greatly, the Aux doesn't instantly recharge.
i use a copy of EPtA with 2 AtB, because AtB does not seem to take the aux granted by EPtA. so you basically always have some aux, not always very much, but some. enough for abilities like HE, TB, and your fricking cloaking device to work at all. also, carry aux batts, an aux bat +HE2=1000+ healing a tic. also its like you have 2 copies of HE remember, so even using it with TRIBBLE aux will give you good overall healing.
*edited, for more exacting fed cruiser dps builds. ive flown all of them these past few days, save for regent and galor that i do not poses, and they are awesome.
tac excelsior build for max fed cruiser dps. yes you can make a fed dps cruiser, i know all of you want to, so you might as well use a build that will actually work for your kirking aspirations. you can even make a galaxy R work, and i'll tell you how.
for the excelsior you want a DBB, preferably critDx3, 3 single cannons, 3 turrets and 1 beam array.
this is as close to a simulated escort as is possible among federation cruisers. the only purpose of the beams is to deliver BO3, im more convinced then ever that no acc mods on a weapon effect BO accuracy, especially BO3, theres no reason not to rely on holds to rob defense score and try to get the biggest crits possible. i recommend making the cannons as ACC heavy as possible though for high always on pressure damage. consider swapping to a boff with CSV when ever you face carriers, shooting at a carrier with scatter volley turns off their spam, just kills it dead. you alone with CSV, just happening to murder spam now and then, can make the difference in a match.
single cannons have a great fireing arc, and can do hard to ignore cumulative damage if you don't get out of their firing arc, which is hard to do. they are for softening your target up for BO3 hit after BO3 hit, thanks to AtB you will be cycling CRF and BO3 every 15 seconds. when fighting escorts, use your firing arcs to your advantage, unless they are stuck in plasma or a tractor you want to be directly above or below them.
yes, i listed RSP3. AtS is a no go, AtB completely crowds it out. since you want max glider damage, what turrets and singles are best at, you have no particle gen consoles, so the damage EWP deals is not the primary concern. you are trying to spike people to death with BO3, every drop of pressure is not as important. since all you have for hull heals is HE2 and ET1, you want 15 seconds of invincibility to get those used and cooling down with the help of the tech doffs. in the many matches ive played, RSP3 has been a life saver many times. and thanks to A2B and tech doffs, i can use it all the time, and between that the BFI doffs. this is just an amazing ship in practice.
if you have a galor, instead of ET1 use TSS1. another shield heal will be nice, but just having HE2 as a hull heal, even if you can use it twice as often, is pushing your luck. unless you use the borg set, but then you miss out on all the glider damage, a big part of your ability to kill effectively. BO3 works much better if your target cant keep his shields intact.
regent? this ship is even less maneuverable then an excelsior, to the point that the single cannons will even have trouble keeping someone in arc, let alone the DBB. and what are you gonna use the extra ens station for? there is literally no use for it thanks to the tech doffs. you may be inclined to use that high arc torp that comes with it, and use a torp skill in that ensign slot. for the regent i would propose these 2 possible builds
1 beam array or 1 DBB, 1 high arc quantum, 2 single cannon, 3 turrets, 1 beam array
you will lose most of your spike, but have significantly more maneuverability, and using EWP will be MUCH easier. will still deal a large amount of damage. could even swap to a front beam array over the DBB, it will look better looking and you will always be able to fire it when you want to.
tac vorcha R/ mirror vorcha/ fleet ktinga build for max KDF cruiser dps and control
are these ships in the fleet vorcha's shadow? maybe, but these ships can do terrible things to enemys, specializing in single target elimination. if it weren't for the fleet ktinga's better turn and extra console, id say the mirror vorcha is best here.
3 DHC, 1 DBB and 4 turrets for vorcha R and fleet ktinga, 4 DHC and 4 turrets for mirror vorcha.
DOFFs= 3 purple tech, 2 purple BFI
[BO1] or [TSS1] for mirror vorcha
EPtS1, AtB1, RSP2, EWP3
EPtA1, AtB1, ET3
TB1, HE2
omega is offense, borg is defense. the 2 piece hull heal will still be awesome, even after season 7
vorcha R consoles
eng consoles- nutronium, eps, 2 turn
sci consoles- 1 borg, 1 flow cap or 1 field gen
tac consoles- 3 weapon energy type
fleet ktinga
eng consoles- nutronium, eps, turn, borg
sci consoles- 3 flow cap or 3 field gen, or 3 partial gen
tac consoles- 3 weapon energy type
mirror vorcha consoles
eng consoles- nutronium, 2 turn, borg
sci consoles- 2 flow cap or 2 field gen, or 2 partial gen
tac consoles- 3 weapon energy type
this ship is for single target elimination and dueling. single someone out and chain hold them with your plasma and tractor beam, apply damage until killed. singling someone out an buring them in plasma makes a good target for your team to focus on as well. weapons with acc mods are not needed, when your dealing your main damage, you target has no evasion.
the fleet ktinga with 3 particle consoles will deal between 600 and 1200 damage a tic from EWP3. its not just a hold at that point, its a significant chunk of your damage dealing
this is not a cruiser, it just has high end cruiser station powers and a cruiser turn rate. AtB, its not that good of a fit here in my opinion, but it has such a wide variety of abilities that you don't need it quite as much. the purpose of this build is to bring something that can stand in for an escort in turms of damage dealing, and not need any outside suport, at least not even close to the support an actual escort would need
omega is offense, borg is defense. the 2 piece hull heal will still be awesome, even after season 7
eng consoles- nutronium, 3 turn
sci consoles- 1 borg, 1 flow cap or 1 field gen
tac consoles- 3 weapon energy type
any turn deficiency can be made up with careful use of APO and TBR. when you get a target in your forward arc, fly strait at them and use TBR, it holds them in place wile you push them away from everyone else, wile you pound the TRIBBLE out of them. they have to sit through your entire alpha strike and theres little they can do about it.
with the damage control doffs granting you always on EPtS3, and having BFI and RSP to fall back on, you basically cant die, if you do you better have a good excuse. ET1 sucks, but what can you do. it and HE1 and AtS3 should be more then enough to also keep your hull healthy.
with this build you should be able to very nearly tank like a healer, and very nearly damage like an escort. flying it with its turn rate disadvantage is a skill you will want to acquire fast.
pug healer, kdf or fed, any captain type will do. i even use my tac for this and am successful
for this, i like the fleet heavy cruiser the most. its basically a +2 assault cruiser, turns better, is super tiny, extra sci console, and thanks to being a tier 3 fleet ship, its got mad shields. this should work for most cruisers with little modification. vorchas are great at this too
8 beam arrays
DOFFs= 2 purple damage control, 3 purple BFI
[TT1] or [TSS1 or HE1] depending on the ens type
EPtS1, RSP1, ES2, AtS3
[EPtW1] or [EPtA1], ET2, ES2
[HE1, TSS2] or [TSS1, HE2] depending on the ens type
deflector= borg
engine = borg
shield = maco/fleet resistant
eng consoles- nutronium, 3 sif
sci consoles- as many emitter array as you slot, maybe 1 field gen
tac consoles- as many weapon energy type as you can slot, or even P2W consoles
your about to not need the borg console for a healer at all after season 7
you can swap between EPtW and EPtA, your 8 beam arrays can deal significant pressure damage to whoever your shooting out without any abilities effecting them when you over cap your weapons energy. if your always in high aux heal mods though, EPtA can keep the maxed for the most potent of aux based heals. 2 ES have 100% up time too, they can be your most important abilities. eventually as a healer you will get targeted, so i still think bringing RSP is a good idea, especially if your not an eng. and eng could drop an ES down to version 1, and slot EWP1 in there for some control as well
I'll look over them later I think you're going abit aux to batt crazy though myself.
i didn't put them on the healer, thats kind of shooting yourself in the foot. the fleet vorcha isnt a good fit ether, only the exclecior/etc.. and the vorcha/ etc.. kirking cruiser builds have it. the only other place i think AtB excels are on a nebula, a bop and the vet ships
Both make heavy use of EWP for intense map control. The parts I managed to capture don't always show what was going on but I still recommend watching for anyone interested in PvP.
Both make heavy use of EWP for intense map control. The parts I managed to capture don't always show what was going on but I still recommend watching for anyone interested in PvP.
oh you were recording? cool! those were some crazy fights, with like the most plasma ever. what we were able to do without a single sci ship or sci captain is pretty amazing with the quality of the enemy healers. in a ship that can turn well, EWP is just about the best stock ability there is. been preaching this for months, ever since i put a tac captain in a vorcha R.
i forgot all about my vet ship builds, didn't officially post them yet. got 2 good ones that i like currently. they are sorta part cruiser, so maybe tomorrow.
Shimmer, I thank you for this knowledge, now I shall practice these techniques in my K'tinga and my Sci Bop
On another note, my name was on the video!!!! In the chat!!!
And another note, Warp Plasma saved my TRIBBLE going 1v1 against a Karfi with Siphons
on page 16 is my ktinga build for doing exactly what i was doing in this video with the vet ship. it can do the damage and plasma laying nearly as well, and is more durable. still my favorite ships, right below the vet ship.
Also Drunk I'm about to look over your builds. I could have sworn you had new posts in this thread that you could edit though huh. Ah well. I'll get ya squared away. Do you want these to replace your old ones entirely?
I have updated the Table of contents to include Drunks newest and best. I left his old ones in, for the poor people that can't yet afford the tech doffs
Also Drunk I'm about to look over your builds. I could have sworn you had new posts in this thread that you could edit though huh. Ah well. I'll get ya squared away. Do you want these to replace your old ones entirely?
I have updated the Table of contents to include Drunks newest and best. I left his old ones in, for the poor people that can't yet afford the tech doffs
lets see, the excelsior and AC style vorcha are the most new, the old version had damage control or nether. you could label those 2 new ones as tech doff builds. the pug healer, i might have posted similar before, i don't recall. if i did go ahead and replacjust reference the new one. the fleet vorcha build is basically the same as my old one, the old one can be discarded.
*edit- well that basically looks like what you did, so thats fine. you could add that post about my AtB findings in a Doff Skill Theory section or something though. we should make mors posts about that, doffs are your most importent gear.
This is also a (one of the few suited) ship to use the Aux to Battery setup.
Because the D'kora has several boff slots on each department, this build is a little best from all. It has some decent heals, it has cc/pet kill, it does high DPS, but most importantly, spike dps.
It uses cannons, beam bank and torpedo. Although this is not common build these days, it works wonderfully well for the AtoB builds (I use the same weapon setup also on the veteran escort).
For engineers I prefer omega set, for tac and sci's borg with maco shield.
Front: 2x DHC, 1xDBB, 1x Quantum torp (fleet quant with acc modifier does massive spike dmg)
Eng consoles: Battlemode, borg, 2x neutronium alloys
Sci consoles: Field gens or emitters
Tac consoles: Energy weapons of choice
If you want to focus more on hull healing, you can swap ET with EptS, having every 15sec a big heal. For more assists, EWP can be replaced with ES3. However, EWP is also a kind of "heal" as it reduces/interfere the enemy capacity to effectively kill.
The principle about the cooldown reductions has already been explained by drunk. It makes the HY1, BO1 and CFR combo really strong... every 15 sec that is.
edit: Im not sure, but I have the suspicion that the cooldown of the emp burst and missiles is also reduced
edit2: I tested the emp burst and I can confirm that the cooldown is reduced. It looks that there is no minimal cooldown. And because it has normally a long cooldown period of 2 minutes, it will be reduced with 30% several times with each AtoB activation, resulting in roughly 30 sec cooldown period. So approach your victim, eject your plasma while catching him up, and when you are in front, EMP the poor lad. And this everytime when you can use EWP.
However, Missiles, AMS and other console powers are not reduced
i received some useful feedback on my builds from someone who looked at them, they had no idea what any of the acronyms mean. so here they all are long form, i will link this post to all my builds for a quick reference to what means what. anyone else feel free to do the same.
now, for the polished TRIBBLE, the kirk-tastic galaxy R build sorry mav but i got to post it, it does sort of work too well not too, and the lulz factor that it does is very high. this is also a great build for the negvar. also star cruiser and mirror star cruiser too, use the ENS for TSS1.
this ship has 1 usable tac station other then the one used for TT, that means your limited to all beams or all cannons, but thats not a bad thing at all. remember, thanks to AtB you will have uptime as if you had 2 copies of it. you are also limited to 2 tactical consoles, so you have to be creative when you deal damage.
this ship is a pig, but it somehow is able to use single cannons as long as you dont get in to close. you need to rely on your maneuverable escort attacker to get in point blank range and try to get his easy kill. thats what EWP is for. fully tac buffed, with 3 flow cap consoles, CRF glider and DEM all together will actually do surprising damage. DEM and glider don't care if you only have 2 tac consoles, they work anyway.
when your separated, your extreamly maneuverable making attacking much easier of course. just watch out for IKS Marmot HOD...
you don't run into the problem of having any ENS tac stations you don't need, out of what you can slot in ether a tac or sci station, it turns out that 1 additional crappy hull heal is the most useful. so the actual assault cruiser and fleet heavy cruiser are really inferior here, you have to use a suboptimal weapon setup, and your down a hull heal that you will need.
*edit- Your Directed Energy Modulation III deals 345 (454) Tetryon Damage(Critical) to _.
nice. DEM seems to be adding 50% to 100% more damage to each shot. but its not quite per shot, there isnt a DEM entry for every rapid fire entry. think theres a cap on how many times it can go off every second.
Re: the other thread, Ghosty. Here are two builds that I'm TRIBBLE with on my Tac. One I'm using now (the first), the other is theoretical for the moment -- until I buy the ship needed.
1) Shield drain Chimera
Basically, I run 4x Spiral Waves fore, 2x aft with 1x Concentrated Tachyon Mine Launcher.
Using a high dispersal pattern, tractor beam with the drain doff, and broadsiding with the SWDs, I've found myself able to keep people's shields down consistently in inter-fleet pvp testing/dueling. I think I could make use of high rank DEM, given what I've read here.
Tetryon would prolly be the ideal damage type to use here, but I really like those SWDs with their procs and Dx2/Ax2 affixes.
"good" or "dafuq"?
2) Theoretical Neb build
I'm thinking of running a fleet Neb with a torp/mine focus.
Maybe a 1xbeam and 2xTorps fore (beam for subsystem targeting), and 3xMines aft (not sure what type--maybe those tachyon with two offensive types to take advantage of the shield drain?)
I'm obviously not looking to top the charts, but I think it could be a good support build since I can slot heals, and sci utilities. Not to mention tanky (to try and survive in the event of being left alone until teammates arrive to back me up again).
Re: the other thread, Ghosty. Here are two builds that I'm TRIBBLE with on my Tac. One I'm using now (the first), the other is theoretical for the moment -- until I buy the ship needed.
1) Shield drain Chimera
Basically, I run 4x Spiral Waves fore, 2x aft with 1x Concentrated Tachyon Mine Launcher.
Using a high dispersal pattern, tractor beam with the drain doff, and broadsiding with the SWDs, I've found myself able to keep people's shields down consistently in inter-fleet pvp testing/dueling. I think I could make use of high rank DEM, given what I've read here.
Tetryon would prolly be the ideal damage type to use here, but I really like those SWDs with their procs and Dx2/Ax2 affixes.
"good" or "dafuq"?
2) Theoretical Neb build
I'm thinking of running a fleet Neb with a torp/mine focus.
Maybe a 1xbeam and 2xTorps fore (beam for subsystem targeting), and 3xMines aft (not sure what type--maybe those tachyon with two offensive types to take advantage of the shield drain?)
I'm obviously not looking to top the charts, but I think it could be a good support build since I can slot heals, and sci utilities. Not to mention tanky (to try and survive in the event of being left alone until teammates arrive to back me up again).
Any ideas?
Stick with the siral waves their proc is more effective especially on DEM builds. the tachyon mines already ruin shields pretty readily on average so it's not like you'll be missing the tet procs power.
I'd run 2 mines and a beam in your aft just incase. Tachyon mines will work there pretty well.
What other mine type should I use aft, since I've got the tachyons and a beam array slotted in the other two hardpoints? What torps fore?
Forward torps, Trans torps are pretty solid, as are quantums. (those are my 2 favorite for Murder purposes) for debuff purposes double chron torps are pretty lulzy.
Mines, I'd probably use a plasma mine since it's dot is decent for killin some forms of pet spam
So the plasma mines for killing pets? Sounds good. Is that simply because the others (and I'm not talking loltric) aren't useful for...murder...purposes?
that would be correct yes
The plasma dot is the most reliable way to hurt pets, since most of them have shields. Quantums would do better, if shields were not in the way
I've been TRIBBLE with different types of offensive mines for use on ships, not just pets, dropping them in plasma trails, etc. Chronitons are pretty lulzy. Transphasic damage adds up too.
Forward torps, Trans torps are pretty solid, as are quantums. (those are my 2 favorite for Murder purposes) for debuff purposes double chron torps are pretty lulzy.
Mines, I'd probably use a plasma mine since it's dot is decent for killin some forms of pet spam
I've been reading this thread with great interest, in an attempt to improve my ship building ability, and I have to say that there is a lot of very interesting info in this thread.
I have a couple of questions about the aux to bat builds,
1) DontdrunkImshoot's builds make extensive use of RSP - but if I wanted to adapt this type of build for STF's would it make more sense to change this
EPtS1, AtB1, EWP1, DEM3
EPtA1, AtB1, RSP2
to this
EPtW1, AtB1, EWP1, DEM3
EPtA1, AtB1, EPTS3
with the goal of maximising damage output (I have a mirror AC and Vorcha to try this out on)
2) I've been trying to improve my Vo'Quv(Sci captain) build, to get more up time on my CC abilities, and at the moment I'm using 3 blue deflector doffs, 1 blue Warp core engineer and 1 blue Gravimetric (couldn't afford purples).
With only a LtCmdr eng boff slot at the moment I run
EPTS1,EPTS2,AuxtoSif2 (all get rotated in my keybind)
Would attempting something like
Give good enough uptime with 3 blue quality technician doffs to consider swapping out all self preservation healing to the science Boff slots, or would the aux drain from AtB render them useless.
would give equivalent levels of self preservation with increased uptime on the CC abilities and a payoff in terms of increased power levels. Before venturing down this potentially hugely expensive path I would appreciate some words of wisdom on wether this is likely to work or simply fail hard.
I'm running DBB+turrets front and BA+turrets rear (all polaron) to give me 360 degree coverage for subsytem targeting and run 2 hangers of Bops to bump up the DPS, with syphon drones on standby for drain/neutralising duty on TAC cubes and other hard targets if needed.
oh thats right, he was using GW. spam can choose to be incinerated over the course of several seconds, or be crushed into something the size of an atom. truly, spam gets what it deserves.
hmm, most of mine could use a touch up, basically 2 AtB on everything lol
Coming Attraction: Video of the deadly broadside Excelsior in FvK against a full carrier team. (yes they have maxed out power drain cheese)
Victory for the feds.
to get good mileage you need 3 purple tech. 3 blue are easy to get, and are better then nothing wile you slowly add more purple. with only 1 AtB, anything less then 3 purples will leave gaps in your EPtS up time though. you can get 1 purple from b'tran doffing, and 1 from the tier 4 engineering doff store on fed side.
1 AtB is good, it lowers the cool down of every running cooldown. kills your aux for 10 seconds though. AtB used to be on the same cooldowns with the EPtX skills, now its on the AtS and AtD cooldowns. so you can now run 2 EPtX skills without interference from AtB itself, and have full up time with them.
theres another thing thing you can comfortably do now, run 2 AtBs, it makes you a very bad person though, but i got over it. you can actually just use 2 purple tech doffs with 2 AtB, you will get the same effect as you would get from using 3 with 1 copy of AtB. at least this is the conclusion i reached when staring at all my abilities cycling for 10 minutes trying to figure out definitively whats going on. at the very least, the EPtX skills do fine with 2 tech doffs and 2 AtB.
but, if you use 3tech doffs with 2 AtB, every single one of your abilities will basically be lowered down to global befor you have a chance to use them again. there might even be some bugs with some abilities that get them below global. i can use EWP again before the 1st cloud dissipates, not sure you can do this with even 2 copies of the power. 2 AtB cycle every 10 seconds with 3 tech doffs, so its energy buff is basically always on, though the result of the energy buff will vary greatly, the Aux doesn't instantly recharge.
i use a copy of EPtA with 2 AtB, because AtB does not seem to take the aux granted by EPtA. so you basically always have some aux, not always very much, but some. enough for abilities like HE, TB, and your fricking cloaking device to work at all. also, carry aux batts, an aux bat +HE2=1000+ healing a tic. also its like you have 2 copies of HE remember, so even using it with TRIBBLE aux will give you good overall healing.
tac excelsior build for max fed cruiser dps. yes you can make a fed dps cruiser, i know all of you want to, so you might as well use a build that will actually work for your kirking aspirations. you can even make a galaxy R work, and i'll tell you how.
for the excelsior you want a DBB, preferably critDx3, 3 single cannons, 3 turrets and 1 beam array.
DOFFs= 3 purple tech, 2 purple BFI
TT1, CRF1, BO3
EPtS1, AtB1, EWP3, RSP3
EPtA1, AtB1
TB1, HE2
station power acronyms long form cheat sheet-
deflector= omega
engine = omega
shield = maco
eng consoles- 2 nutronium, 1 EPS, borg
sci consoles- 2 flow cap
tac consoles- 3 weapon energy type
this is as close to a simulated escort as is possible among federation cruisers. the only purpose of the beams is to deliver BO3, im more convinced then ever that no acc mods on a weapon effect BO accuracy, especially BO3, theres no reason not to rely on holds to rob defense score and try to get the biggest crits possible. i recommend making the cannons as ACC heavy as possible though for high always on pressure damage. consider swapping to a boff with CSV when ever you face carriers, shooting at a carrier with scatter volley turns off their spam, just kills it dead. you alone with CSV, just happening to murder spam now and then, can make the difference in a match.
single cannons have a great fireing arc, and can do hard to ignore cumulative damage if you don't get out of their firing arc, which is hard to do. they are for softening your target up for BO3 hit after BO3 hit, thanks to AtB you will be cycling CRF and BO3 every 15 seconds. when fighting escorts, use your firing arcs to your advantage, unless they are stuck in plasma or a tractor you want to be directly above or below them.
yes, i listed RSP3. AtS is a no go, AtB completely crowds it out. since you want max glider damage, what turrets and singles are best at, you have no particle gen consoles, so the damage EWP deals is not the primary concern. you are trying to spike people to death with BO3, every drop of pressure is not as important. since all you have for hull heals is HE2 and ET1, you want 15 seconds of invincibility to get those used and cooling down with the help of the tech doffs. in the many matches ive played, RSP3 has been a life saver many times. and thanks to A2B and tech doffs, i can use it all the time, and between that the BFI doffs. this is just an amazing ship in practice.
skill point distribution
if you have a galor, instead of ET1 use TSS1. another shield heal will be nice, but just having HE2 as a hull heal, even if you can use it twice as often, is pushing your luck. unless you use the borg set, but then you miss out on all the glider damage, a big part of your ability to kill effectively. BO3 works much better if your target cant keep his shields intact.
regent? this ship is even less maneuverable then an excelsior, to the point that the single cannons will even have trouble keeping someone in arc, let alone the DBB. and what are you gonna use the extra ens station for? there is literally no use for it thanks to the tech doffs. you may be inclined to use that high arc torp that comes with it, and use a torp skill in that ensign slot. for the regent i would propose these 2 possible builds
1 beam array or 1 DBB, 1 high arc quantum, 2 single cannon, 3 turrets, 1 beam array
TT1, CRF11, BO3
EPtS1, AtB1, EWP3, RSP3
EPtA1, AtB1
TB1, HE2
this could potentially spike hard if you get lucky with a torp impact, good luck with that on such a slow ship though. or this, without the torp
1 beam array or 1 DBB, 3 single cannons, 3 turrets, 1 beam array
EPtS1, AtB1, EWP3, RSP3
EPtA1, AtB1
TB1, HE2
you will lose most of your spike, but have significantly more maneuverability, and using EWP will be MUCH easier. will still deal a large amount of damage. could even swap to a front beam array over the DBB, it will look better looking and you will always be able to fire it when you want to.
are these ships in the fleet vorcha's shadow? maybe, but these ships can do terrible things to enemys, specializing in single target elimination. if it weren't for the fleet ktinga's better turn and extra console, id say the mirror vorcha is best here.
3 DHC, 1 DBB and 4 turrets for vorcha R and fleet ktinga, 4 DHC and 4 turrets for mirror vorcha.
DOFFs= 3 purple tech, 2 purple BFI
[BO1] or [TSS1] for mirror vorcha
EPtS1, AtB1, RSP2, EWP3
EPtA1, AtB1, ET3
TB1, HE2
station power acronyms long form cheat sheet-
deflector= omega/borg
engine = omega/borg
shield = omega/KHG/fleet resistant
omega is offense, borg is defense. the 2 piece hull heal will still be awesome, even after season 7
vorcha R consoles
eng consoles- nutronium, eps, 2 turn
sci consoles- 1 borg, 1 flow cap or 1 field gen
tac consoles- 3 weapon energy type
fleet ktinga
eng consoles- nutronium, eps, turn, borg
sci consoles- 3 flow cap or 3 field gen, or 3 partial gen
tac consoles- 3 weapon energy type
mirror vorcha consoles
eng consoles- nutronium, 2 turn, borg
sci consoles- 2 flow cap or 2 field gen, or 2 partial gen
tac consoles- 3 weapon energy type
this ship is for single target elimination and dueling. single someone out and chain hold them with your plasma and tractor beam, apply damage until killed. singling someone out an buring them in plasma makes a good target for your team to focus on as well. weapons with acc mods are not needed, when your dealing your main damage, you target has no evasion.
the fleet ktinga with 3 particle consoles will deal between 600 and 1200 damage a tic from EWP3. its not just a hold at that point, its a significant chunk of your damage dealing
skill point distribution
this is not a cruiser, it just has high end cruiser station powers and a cruiser turn rate. AtB, its not that good of a fit here in my opinion, but it has such a wide variety of abilities that you don't need it quite as much. the purpose of this build is to bring something that can stand in for an escort in turms of damage dealing, and not need any outside suport, at least not even close to the support an actual escort would need
4 DHC, 4 turrets
DOFFs= 2 purple damage control, 3 purple BFI
ET1, RSP1, EPtS3, AtS3
station power acronyms long form cheat sheet-
deflector= omega/borg
engine = omega/borg
shield = omega/KHG/fleet resistant
omega is offense, borg is defense. the 2 piece hull heal will still be awesome, even after season 7
eng consoles- nutronium, 3 turn
sci consoles- 1 borg, 1 flow cap or 1 field gen
tac consoles- 3 weapon energy type
any turn deficiency can be made up with careful use of APO and TBR. when you get a target in your forward arc, fly strait at them and use TBR, it holds them in place wile you push them away from everyone else, wile you pound the TRIBBLE out of them. they have to sit through your entire alpha strike and theres little they can do about it.
with the damage control doffs granting you always on EPtS3, and having BFI and RSP to fall back on, you basically cant die, if you do you better have a good excuse. ET1 sucks, but what can you do. it and HE1 and AtS3 should be more then enough to also keep your hull healthy.
with this build you should be able to very nearly tank like a healer, and very nearly damage like an escort. flying it with its turn rate disadvantage is a skill you will want to acquire fast.
skill point distribution
for this, i like the fleet heavy cruiser the most. its basically a +2 assault cruiser, turns better, is super tiny, extra sci console, and thanks to being a tier 3 fleet ship, its got mad shields. this should work for most cruisers with little modification. vorchas are great at this too
8 beam arrays
DOFFs= 2 purple damage control, 3 purple BFI
[TT1] or [TSS1 or HE1] depending on the ens type
EPtS1, RSP1, ES2, AtS3
[EPtW1] or [EPtA1], ET2, ES2
[HE1, TSS2] or [TSS1, HE2] depending on the ens type
station power acronyms long form cheat sheet-
deflector= borg
engine = borg
shield = maco/fleet resistant
eng consoles- nutronium, 3 sif
sci consoles- as many emitter array as you slot, maybe 1 field gen
tac consoles- as many weapon energy type as you can slot, or even P2W consoles
your about to not need the borg console for a healer at all after season 7
you can swap between EPtW and EPtA, your 8 beam arrays can deal significant pressure damage to whoever your shooting out without any abilities effecting them when you over cap your weapons energy. if your always in high aux heal mods though, EPtA can keep the maxed for the most potent of aux based heals. 2 ES have 100% up time too, they can be your most important abilities. eventually as a healer you will get targeted, so i still think bringing RSP is a good idea, especially if your not an eng. and eng could drop an ES down to version 1, and slot EWP1 in there for some control as well
skill point distribution
i didn't put them on the healer, thats kind of shooting yourself in the foot. the fleet vorcha isnt a good fit ether, only the exclecior/etc.. and the vorcha/ etc.. kirking cruiser builds have it. the only other place i think AtB excels are on a nebula, a bop and the vet ships
TaXcelsior Video. Putting this in my Excelsiors 101 post.
Both make heavy use of EWP for intense map control. The parts I managed to capture don't always show what was going on but I still recommend watching for anyone interested in PvP.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
On another note, my name was on the video!!!! In the chat!!!
And another note, Warp Plasma saved my TRIBBLE going 1v1 against a Karfi with Siphons
oh you were recording? cool! those were some crazy fights, with like the most plasma ever. what we were able to do without a single sci ship or sci captain is pretty amazing with the quality of the enemy healers. in a ship that can turn well, EWP is just about the best stock ability there is. been preaching this for months, ever since i put a tac captain in a vorcha R.
i forgot all about my vet ship builds, didn't officially post them yet. got 2 good ones that i like currently. they are sorta part cruiser, so maybe tomorrow.
on page 16 is my ktinga build for doing exactly what i was doing in this video with the vet ship. it can do the damage and plasma laying nearly as well, and is more durable. still my favorite ships, right below the vet ship.
Also Drunk I'm about to look over your builds. I could have sworn you had new posts in this thread that you could edit though huh. Ah well. I'll get ya squared away. Do you want these to replace your old ones entirely?
I have updated the Table of contents to include Drunks newest and best. I left his old ones in, for the poor people that can't yet afford the tech doffs
lets see, the excelsior and AC style vorcha are the most new, the old version had damage control or nether. you could label those 2 new ones as tech doff builds. the pug healer, i might have posted similar before, i don't recall. if i did go ahead and replacjust reference the new one. the fleet vorcha build is basically the same as my old one, the old one can be discarded.
*edit- well that basically looks like what you did, so thats fine. you could add that post about my AtB findings in a Doff Skill Theory section or something though. we should make mors posts about that, doffs are your most importent gear.
Because the D'kora has several boff slots on each department, this build is a little best from all. It has some decent heals, it has cc/pet kill, it does high DPS, but most importantly, spike dps.
It uses cannons, beam bank and torpedo. Although this is not common build these days, it works wonderfully well for the AtoB builds (I use the same weapon setup also on the veteran escort).
For engineers I prefer omega set, for tac and sci's borg with maco shield.
Front: 2x DHC, 1xDBB, 1x Quantum torp (fleet quant with acc modifier does massive spike dmg)
Back: 4x turret
LtCmdr tac: HY1, ApD1, CFR2
EnsTac: BO1
Cmdr Eng: EptA1, AtoB1, EptS3, EWP3
Lt Eng: ET1, AtoB1
Lt Sci: HE1, TSS2
Purple doffs: 3x technician, 2x torpedo
Eng consoles: Battlemode, borg, 2x neutronium alloys
Sci consoles: Field gens or emitters
Tac consoles: Energy weapons of choice
If you want to focus more on hull healing, you can swap ET with EptS, having every 15sec a big heal. For more assists, EWP can be replaced with ES3. However, EWP is also a kind of "heal" as it reduces/interfere the enemy capacity to effectively kill.
The principle about the cooldown reductions has already been explained by drunk. It makes the HY1, BO1 and CFR combo really strong... every 15 sec that is.
edit: Im not sure, but I have the suspicion that the cooldown of the emp burst and missiles is also reduced
edit2: I tested the emp burst and I can confirm that the cooldown is reduced. It looks that there is no minimal cooldown. And because it has normally a long cooldown period of 2 minutes, it will be reduced with 30% several times with each AtoB activation, resulting in roughly 30 sec cooldown period. So approach your victim, eject your plasma while catching him up, and when you are in front, EMP the poor lad. And this everytime when you can use EWP.
However, Missiles, AMS and other console powers are not reduced
@rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
@rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
@rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
Aceton Field
Auxiliary to Battery
Auxiliary to Dampeners
Auxiliary to Structural
Boarding Party
Directed Energy Modulation
Eject Warp Plasma
Emergency Power to Auxiliary
Emergency Power to Engines
Emergency Power to Shields
Emergency Power to Weapons
Engineering Team
Extend Shields
Reverse Shield Polarity
Charged Particle Burst
Energy Siphon
Feedback Pulse
Gravity Well
Hazard Emitters
Jam Targeting Sensors
Mask Energy Signature
Photonic Officer
Photonic Shock Wave
Polarize Hull
Science Team
Scramble Sensors
Tachyon Beam
Tractor Beam
Tractor Beam Repulsor
Transfer Shield Strength
Tyken's Rift
Viral Matrix
Attack Pattern Beta
Attack Pattern Delta
Attack Pattern Omega
Beam Array: Fire at Will
Beam Array: Overload
Cannon: Rapid Fire
Cannon: Scatter Volley
Dispersal Pattern: Alpha
Dispersal Pattern: Beta
Tactical Team
Target Subsystems: Auxiliary
Target Subsystems: Engines
Target Subsystems: Shields
Target Subsystems: Weapons
Torpedo: High Yield
Torpedo: Spread
now, for the polished TRIBBLE, the kirk-tastic galaxy R build sorry mav but i got to post it, it does sort of work too well not too, and the lulz factor that it does is very high. this is also a great build for the negvar. also star cruiser and mirror star cruiser too, use the ENS for TSS1.
4 single cannons, 4 turrets
DOFFs= 3 purple tech, 2 purple BFI
EPtS1, AtB1, EWP1, DEM3
EPtA1, AtB1, RSP2
TB1, HE2
station power acronyms long form cheat sheet-
deflector= omega
engine = omega
shield = maco
eng consoles- 1 nutronium, 2 turn, borg
sci consoles- 3 flow cap
tac consoles- 2 weapon energy type
this ship has 1 usable tac station other then the one used for TT, that means your limited to all beams or all cannons, but thats not a bad thing at all. remember, thanks to AtB you will have uptime as if you had 2 copies of it. you are also limited to 2 tactical consoles, so you have to be creative when you deal damage.
this ship is a pig, but it somehow is able to use single cannons as long as you dont get in to close. you need to rely on your maneuverable escort attacker to get in point blank range and try to get his easy kill. thats what EWP is for. fully tac buffed, with 3 flow cap consoles, CRF glider and DEM all together will actually do surprising damage. DEM and glider don't care if you only have 2 tac consoles, they work anyway.
when your separated, your extreamly maneuverable making attacking much easier of course. just watch out for IKS Marmot HOD...
you don't run into the problem of having any ENS tac stations you don't need, out of what you can slot in ether a tac or sci station, it turns out that 1 additional crappy hull heal is the most useful. so the actual assault cruiser and fleet heavy cruiser are really inferior here, you have to use a suboptimal weapon setup, and your down a hull heal that you will need.
skill point distribution
*edit- Your Directed Energy Modulation III deals 345 (454) Tetryon Damage(Critical) to _.
nice. DEM seems to be adding 50% to 100% more damage to each shot. but its not quite per shot, there isnt a DEM entry for every rapid fire entry. think theres a cap on how many times it can go off every second.
1) Shield drain Chimera
Basically, I run 4x Spiral Waves fore, 2x aft with 1x Concentrated Tachyon Mine Launcher.
Using a high dispersal pattern, tractor beam with the drain doff, and broadsiding with the SWDs, I've found myself able to keep people's shields down consistently in inter-fleet pvp testing/dueling. I think I could make use of high rank DEM, given what I've read here.
Tetryon would prolly be the ideal damage type to use here, but I really like those SWDs with their procs and Dx2/Ax2 affixes.
"good" or "dafuq"?
2) Theoretical Neb build
I'm thinking of running a fleet Neb with a torp/mine focus.
Maybe a 1xbeam and 2xTorps fore (beam for subsystem targeting), and 3xMines aft (not sure what type--maybe those tachyon with two offensive types to take advantage of the shield drain?)
I'm obviously not looking to top the charts, but I think it could be a good support build since I can slot heals, and sci utilities. Not to mention tanky (to try and survive in the event of being left alone until teammates arrive to back me up again).
Any ideas?
Stick with the siral waves their proc is more effective especially on DEM builds. the tachyon mines already ruin shields pretty readily on average so it's not like you'll be missing the tet procs power.
I'd run 2 mines and a beam in your aft just incase. Tachyon mines will work there pretty well.
Re: Neb
What other mine type should I use aft, since I've got the tachyons and a beam array slotted in the other two hardpoints? What torps fore?
Forward torps, Trans torps are pretty solid, as are quantums. (those are my 2 favorite for Murder purposes) for debuff purposes double chron torps are pretty lulzy.
Mines, I'd probably use a plasma mine since it's dot is decent for killin some forms of pet spam
So the plasma mines for killing pets? Sounds good. Is that simply because the others (and I'm not talking loltric) aren't useful for...murder...purposes?
The plasma dot is the most reliable way to hurt pets, since most of them have shields. Quantums would do better, if shields were not in the way
I've been TRIBBLE with different types of offensive mines for use on ships, not just pets, dropping them in plasma trails, etc. Chronitons are pretty lulzy. Transphasic damage adds up too.
Poor Mav....he lasted as long as he could.
RIP Ghosty
On a better note...I got my first warning.
w00t for me!
oh great. what did him in this time?
I have a couple of questions about the aux to bat builds,
1) DontdrunkImshoot's builds make extensive use of RSP - but if I wanted to adapt this type of build for STF's would it make more sense to change this
EPtS1, AtB1, EWP1, DEM3
EPtA1, AtB1, RSP2
to this
EPtW1, AtB1, EWP1, DEM3
EPtA1, AtB1, EPTS3
with the goal of maximising damage output (I have a mirror AC and Vorcha to try this out on)
2) I've been trying to improve my Vo'Quv(Sci captain) build, to get more up time on my CC abilities, and at the moment I'm using 3 blue deflector doffs, 1 blue Warp core engineer and 1 blue Gravimetric (couldn't afford purples).
With only a LtCmdr eng boff slot at the moment I run
EPTS1,EPTS2,AuxtoSif2 (all get rotated in my keybind)
Would attempting something like
Give good enough uptime with 3 blue quality technician doffs to consider swapping out all self preservation healing to the science Boff slots, or would the aux drain from AtB render them useless.
At the moment my sci slots look like this
I was wondering if
Polarize Hull1,HE2,Tykens2,GravWell3
would give equivalent levels of self preservation with increased uptime on the CC abilities and a payoff in terms of increased power levels. Before venturing down this potentially hugely expensive path I would appreciate some words of wisdom on wether this is likely to work or simply fail hard.
I'm running DBB+turrets front and BA+turrets rear (all polaron) to give me 360 degree coverage for subsytem targeting and run 2 hangers of Bops to bump up the DPS, with syphon drones on standby for drain/neutralising duty on TAC cubes and other hard targets if needed.