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Is anyone getting zen from peanut labs?

darshie101darshie101 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
edited January 2014 in C-Store, ZEN, and Promotions
I am curious to know if this whole zen/c-points thing with peanut labs is just a big waste of time; where people just fall in the trick to give info for money that they will never see.

I've tried to see if this was another waste of time or not, and completed few surveys, getting 3 zen here, 5 there; for a total of probably 15 or so.

Then I saw that they had this cool 1300 zen for a subscription to Netflix.....so I told myself that I will use Netflix anyway, so I went ahead and subscribed to Netflix.

Well, in the end I got no zen for the transaction.

My first thought is that the free thing works only if you get few zen at time; while for big transaction, you get nothing....they will find a bunch of excuses to justify the fact that you didn't got the zen that you expected; but in the meantime they have got the referral trough my transaction.

I hope that it was just a mistake from their side....we will see what happens (I've opened a ticket with their support system).

If this is the case, I wonder how many users here had similar issue, and if they ever got the zen that were promised by peanut lab

Otherwise I would like to warn Cryptic/PW and all the users about the issue with peanut labs; so you guys are aware that something is not right, and every one can take a stance and decide if there are basis to start a legal action (other companies has been persecuted pretty hard for false advertising involving data collected from users).

I am playing this game since closed beta, I am sure that Cryptic/PW would never allow any kind of mess with companies using their name and IP.

I hope that this is just a big mistake, but in the meantime I am looking around to see what is the general feedback about peanut lab and their free zen offers, from other users.

Thanks in advance.
Post edited by darshie101 on


  • nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,628 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Zen? They pay out in... peanuts of course.

    Some if not most of the surveys are allegedly just a con by way of getting information from you and then purposefully informing you that you're not the demographic (after the fact) or through an on-page script which makes it impossible to complete successfully.

    Plenty of people have issues with them, while others have none. Just be careful giving away your personal information and remember, its not a guaranteed payout process (despite what it may convey in the LARGE TEXT).
  • trexelcat#9733 trexelcat Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    You talking about that big, constantly present, never rotates to something else, ugly banner at the top of the forums? I clicked on that once, only once. My web browser sat there for about a minute trying to load the page, then displayed the lovely "could not load page, are you sure the address was correct?" message. I passed it off as a scam that weaseled it's way onto my Star Trek Online forums and haven't clicked it since.

    I did run two different malware scans, a virus scan and a drive cleanup scan right after though. You know, just to be on the safe side.
  • sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I got lucky one weekend earning over 800 Zen.

    I haven't seen another Zen since.
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I did the netflix one and I did get the zen for it.......one month later.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • mindmagemindmage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Did you have to do the whole Netflix free month or could you cancel after a week and still get the zen?
    Playing since launch in 2010.
  • fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    mindmage2 wrote: »
    Did you have to do the whole Netflix free month or could you cancel after a week and still get the zen?

    I did the netflix deal there.. I had the zen in about 4 days, cancelled the sub a week later (although as it is a 1-month trial, you still get to keep netflix for the 30 days even after cancelling).

    IF you do that one, you still need a credit card that you can spare them to hold $10 on for about 2 days though
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    mindmage2 wrote: »
    Did you have to do the whole Netflix free month or could you cancel after a week and still get the zen?

    I subscribed couldnt download the Silverlight program, and deleted the sub a minute later.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • rikevrikev Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I've posted this many times (but some people seem to think the sun shines out of Peanut Labs'....nacelles and inssit on handing over their personal information anyway). They are scam and spam companies, they are not legitimate businesses, do not hand personal details to them for goodness sake! The mere act of enticing customers to hand over personal information in this manner is nothing short of reckless on Perfect World, and by extension Cryptic's, part.
    Hi, my name is Nigel. I'm your group's healer.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,905 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I did the netflix thing a little while back, it took a half day but I did get my zen...including the netflix I have made what 3500 or more zen.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    rikev wrote: »
    The mere act of enticing customers to hand over personal information in this manner is nothing short of reckless on Perfect World

    Pretty sure PW doesn't give a rat's nacelle as long as they get their $$$.
  • grylakgrylak Member Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I've just had a look at these. They ask far too many personal questions for my liking.

    A Romulan Strike Team, Missing Farmers and an ancient base on a Klingon Border world. But what connects them? Find out in my First Foundary mission: 'The Jeroan Farmer Escapade'
  • zmacgzmacg Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I have made a ton of Zen from the surveys. But the Netflix promotion and the quote rocket promotion were completed to the letter and I have not received my reward. The quote rocket was even useful, I needed a new insurer and found one! But still no Zen. I filed tickets and got no response.

    I quit playing APB over my disgust with their affiliate, who as I recall is also peanut labs. I love STO too much to quit over this, but it is really frustrating to feel like I have been swindled.
  • worfismynameworfismyname Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I cannot believe that Perfect World was talked into a partnership with this sad company. They do not give most of the Zen that they promise. They are using gamers and should be stopped. It is up to Perfect World to stop them!
  • goedzooigoedzooi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I earned exactly one zen from watching a video, it arrived one week later...
    The surveys suck btw.
    (Or a pig)

    Sorry if my English is bad.
  • thibashthibash Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I wonder if threads like this keep getting ignored.

    For the most part, yes, it's frustrating to not get ZEN for 75% of the things you complete. Doesn't make you participate in more of them, y'know.
  • wraeniawraenia Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I notice that I am not getting no Zen from the larger offers where you submit your information, sit through pages upon PAGES of click-here scams where you have to scroll to the bottom of the page to advance, I even submitted my information to receive the junk mail and NOT ONE ZEN other than from the watch-a-video for the 3 Zen deals... The entire system is a SCAM, and shame on Perfect World, STO, or whatever business owns this game for being associated with this!
  • wraeniawraenia Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    6 Zen total, from watching 2 videos. At least 10 offers completed, 5 of which I actually took my time to read thoroughly. I should have had at least 500 Zen. I suggest you read consumer reports and scam alerts regarding PeanutLabs.com
  • wraeniawraenia Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I DID however get a call from insurance agents, and plenty of spam mail.
  • bumbleduckbumbleduck Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Do not do these offers they are a SCAM.
  • profthadbachprofthadbach Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This is a sad sad scam. I have received no credit form all 3 of the large offers i did. I think PW should do more due diligence when they are dealing with companies like this. This damages their image with the community and damages the IP as well. This is Zinga Studio tactic and makes PW look shady. It saddens be that PW feels they need to do this for easy cash instead of developing a game that will have long term growth. This really tells me where PW's priorities are and they are not with the long term sustainability of this game.

    I have gotten 4 phone calls in the last 2 hours. You think if I filled out their stupid surveys and get harassed I would get some Zen for it. Thankfully, for me, my identity is not worth stealing. It is sad that PW has stooped to such tactics to milk us for money. I doubt I will spend anymore real money to buy any Zen.

    Also, Because of this I will not be playing Neverwinter. I would quit STO and Champions if I had not bought LT subs 3 years ago.

    I think treating the customer with respect instead of hiring scam artist to bleed your customer base is the best way to build a sustainable business model. Obviously PW does not think that way and has no respect for us as customers.
  • darshie101darshie101 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    After almost a month going back and forth with the peanut labs customer care; I just gave up

    I closed the ticket; told them to put their zen where their mouth is and cancelled the subscription to netflix.

    Please be aware; this whole thing smells like a very light system to take advantage and collect a ton of personal data to me; and these are the arguments that I have:

    1) no guarantee to complete a survey; they could walk away with half survey done and then tell you "sorry, you don't qualify". This is in theory to avoid to have you to answer what they want you to answer, but you should ask 1 question or 2 and then cut off the person, not get halfway trough, and as soon as you say something like "i don't plan to buy in the next 6 months", automagically you get disconnected.

    2) the whole idea of buying services for zen is good; but only if they pay for real. In my case they said that the transaction with netflix didn't go trough them for some reason....so doesn't matter if I subscribed and had an account with netflix for more than 20 days; they never replied when I told them that was their fault. And I cancelled the subscription (plus I know people at netflix so I can get to their exec to give the the great news).

    I do not say that they never pay, but they probably pay 1 and let other 2 to die of a horrible death in rage and anger, because they didn't got their free zen for a purchase or a quote.

    A serious company does not reply to me saying "you didn't go trough our system...did something happened while you sign up?"; a serious company tells me "give me the account that you created and the receipt that prove that you created the account and in 5 business days I give you what I promised".

    I will NOT deal with them anymore; and I want to publicly warn others about what this company do...you may be lucky once, but sooner or later you will get bitten by some mystical technical problem, and will find out what is really going on.

    On a side note; if there are enough complains, it is possible to start a class action.

    Be safe out there....STO is the game that we love and play; we don't care about Peanut Labs
  • darshie101darshie101 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This is a sad sad scam. I have received no credit form all 3 of the large offers i did. I think PW should do more due diligence when they are dealing with companies like this. This damages their image with the community and damages the IP as well. This is Zinga Studio tactic and makes PW look shady. It saddens be that PW feels they need to do this for easy cash instead of developing a game that will have long term growth. This really tells me where PW's priorities are and they are not with the long term sustainability of this game.

    I have gotten 4 phone calls in the last 2 hours. You think if I filled out their stupid surveys and get harassed I would get some Zen for it. Thankfully, for me, my identity is not worth stealing. It is sad that PW has stooped to such tactics to milk us for money. I doubt I will spend anymore real money to buy any Zen.

    Also, Because of this I will not be playing Neverwinter. I would quit STO and Champions if I had not bought LT subs 3 years ago.

    I think treating the customer with respect instead of hiring scam artist to bleed your customer base is the best way to build a sustainable business model. Obviously PW does not think that way and has no respect for us as customers.

    Please don't mix Peanut labs with PW and PW with Cryptic.

    I gave my money (lifetime, 399 dollars without thinking twice, 3 months before the launch I was already in beta) to Cryptic because I financed the development of the game, and up to season 4 the game was not even worth 200 dollars; but then it became better, I appreciated what they did...until the F2P and PW acquisition.

    This thou has nothing to do with PL; they are the ones that are not part of PW or Cryptic, and just use these offers to lure people, and in exchange for the data and subs, they give you zen

    I can't say anything about Cryptic since seems that they are basically following what PW says; so I would blame PW not for the scam, but for allowing this company to take advantage of the players of THEIR game, with such petty and cheap tricks.

    I hate deeply this whole zen/points thing that is going on in the modern MMORPG games, but if this is what it is I just gotta decide if I want to spend or not; but at least I would expect that PW would have some people with principles that would think "gosh, these players may spend money with us, they pay our check...let's avoid that they have to deal with shady companies"

    I know that you see me as a bag of money, not as a player, but at least do something fair, instead of closing your eyes and think that everything is fine....too bad if now and then someone get screwed.

    Anyway; I go back to the game; I will investigate this company and see what can be done legally to be sure that if they tell you "you get X zen" you get them, no matter what.
  • rikevrikev Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Nothing will come from your investigations unfortunately. Many of these banners fall into the same pot as spammers, criminals and other Internet scum.

    And if both PWE and the companies mentioned in the survey choose to funnel their customers to through these shady middle-men then they take both take flak for it.
    Hi, my name is Nigel. I'm your group's healer.
  • mrmuffinman890mrmuffinman890 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    i actually got 147 zen but the rest did nothing
  • theregretofonetheregretofone Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rikev wrote: »
    I've posted this many times (but some people seem to think the sun shines out of Peanut Labs'....nacelles and inssit on handing over their personal information anyway). They are scam and spam companies, they are not legitimate businesses, do not hand personal details to them for goodness sake! The mere act of enticing customers to hand over personal information in this manner is nothing short of reckless on Perfect World, and by extension Cryptic's, part.
    I agree. I tried to get some free zen, and instead, i get all this S*** in my e-mail account.
  • ragestroke008ragestroke008 Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The couple of times I have tried it, It asked me how much alcohol I have bought. I answered never and it said I was disqualified.

    I adore the subtext of the situation.
    Time is a funny thing; There is always too much of it. Except when you need it the most, then there is never enough.
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    i used to get points from it but it stopped all of a sudden many people seem to in the boat.
  • borotinborotin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I tried PeanutLabs and SponsorPay. Both companies threw me a few bones... I mean, ZEN. Summed up it might even be about 1000 ZEN over the course of three months, but for those I have done surveys, lotteries etc. worth at least 5000 ZEN on paper. But don't you think it was that easy... I had to write about three to five tickets/mails per offer to get those about 20% of the promised ZEN.
    What I DID get really easily were (and are) about 200 (no exaggeration) spam mails and about 5 spam phone calls a day (from early morning 'til about 8pm, even on weekends!).

    The PW support did exactly what I expected: Tell me it's not their responsibility what their partners do or don't do.

    Captain Esaias M. Ethreth
    U.S.S. Burleigh
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I never recieved any zen from it. Not a single one. It was the same on another f2p I played before, dunno if it was the same company.
    Also, in my country, offer are ridiculous. Earning about 5 zen if I buy something.

    Never give your phone number. I use fake ones. It doesn't matter in the end, because PWE won't check is the phone number is correct, and will give you zen anyway.
  • cratchmastercratchmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I've recieved Zen from the offers that you have to watch a video for - nice and easy. But the larger payout survey ones never seem to pay out squat, a total ripoff in my mind.
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