i just spent the past 9 hours doing pug stf's trying to get a cure engine drop.
one mission was completed of all of them.
Well then DON'T PUG ELITES!, theres no point complaining about it or claiming that its broken because its not. Playing with randoms with virtually no communication or plan is just asking for problems for missions that require team cooperation.
There a stepping stone, if you like doing elites go join a fleet that does them often or for the few times you have been successful invite those people to be your friend then you can create your own team and not have to worry about randoms.
i sit at a cube and kill the nanites and the bops that spawn then the raptor and warship.
then i move to the next after all the nanites are gone i kill a cube and one group of raptors every single mission i have done today accept one the rest of the team couldnt stop the raptors and they killed the kang.
You do that with an elite with me or any of my friends you would instantly go on an ignore list, there are certain strats for doing elites and taking out a cube to early will cause the kang defenders to be overwhelmed and the mission will fail.
I think it is you that needs to do some learning before you go complaining about other people!
it isnt fair to the rest of the people that spend months trying to get needed items to have poepl come in and go afk or toitaly ruin the mission because they dont have a clue or cant hang at all with the super powered borg you put in there.
to the mainquestion what typ of mission will help to not fail a dps only mission?
its easyer to handle if anyone will be kicked from the mission who not have 125 weapon power all will be nice.
in all runs what i have seen failing it was still the same players not able to bring 2 nuuby bops down, that says if they can not handle 2 bops what happens if 3 raptors comes? big drama.
My Sci toon doesn't get 125 weapons power even with weapons to 100. So no STF's for him? What if someone doesn't have 125 but runs EPtWx2? Weapons power isn't a good enough criteria to exclude people from content.
To be honest, I don't see how there can be any real hard-and-fast rules that Cryptic could implement on Elite STF's that wouldn't unfairly exclude some people (other than maybe barring players that don't have components/regenerators in their inventory or the Assimilated console equipped). At best, all they can do is give ample opportunity for players to be prepared for Elites. I suggested in the duplicate thread the OP posted in another forum area that there be a mandatory requirement of 10 run-throughs of each STF mission on normal before players can queue for an Elite. That's not going to fix all that's wrong but it will help. So would a pop-up reminding players that Elite STF's cause injuries and that components/regenerators are needed, while also hinting that a remodulator might be useful for ground missions. Are there any Foundry mission walkthroughs for the Elite STF's? That would help immeasurably, I'm sure (assuming people did them).
And as for some of the horror stories I've heard of ships with dozens of injuries or afk players or players that do all the wrong things and bork the optionals? Those people could be noobs or they could be griefers. I read on a forum for a certain orally-fixated griefing fleet that Elite STF's were an amusing target for them. Just FYI.
Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
I like the idea of having to pass a tutorial mission before being allowed into the elite stf (oh, and by far the best strategy is 1 left, 1 middle, 3 right). Other strategies may work depending on who is there at the time, and how well they work together, but for pugs, 1/1/3 is the best for elite cure.
The tutorial would break the mission up into each stage. Must pass one stage before going to the next tutorial.
1. How to kill ships - stay out of range of the cube, but within range of at least one sphere in a position forcing ships to fly straight towards you. Don't allow any ship to reach Kang or tutorial fails.
2. Same mission different cube - practice makes perfect.
3. Player and 2 NPCs attack - All fire at spheres until ships spawn, then all fire on ships. If player doesn't fire at ships, or if any ship makes it to the Kang, tutorial fails. Once spheres are dead, must damage cube but not destroy it. Destroying cube fails mission.
4. Same as 3 but this time message comes in from other side asking for help, player must disengage and go help before ship reaches Kang...
As for requiring certain power levels, I don't agree with that. I do just fine in Elite Cure with my primary character (Science Ofc in a Sci Oddy) with power levels of approx: 95/70/35/55 with lots of crowd control and healing abilities.
It is far more important for people to work together than to bring in a specific type of ship etc.
Another option may be to have a warm up period before the STF starts. DUring that time no one can move, and a strategy is displayed saying "many players find that this strategy works best" and emphasize that if the mission fails, no one gets any rewards.
D&D DM/Player since 1982 - all versions except the despised 4e
My Sci toon doesn't get 125 weapons power even with weapons to 100. So no STF's for him? .
no it only sounds more epic if i say 125^^ i know some players can not reach 125 some.:eek:
the point is max weapon energy.;)
in the old forum there was tons of stf guides and still 1 rule was always put in max weapon energy or you have nothing to search in a space stf."and yes it was not so hard sayed like i do it now":rolleyes:
ohh and for ground mission ther is also a simply rule what you can make who have no full set can not go in, it happend for me many times that players make a ground mission unplayable coz they dont have a set remudulation was says no instant remodulation and deal on this way ~most time no dmg ...
the funiest players are the who go in with injuries then make first shot on a borg then then "adaptet" sorry not 100% shure if it is called so and then the other 99% of the run they deal constantly 1 dmg point, that are my heros in ground stfs
You know, I was gonna post something about STFs really being that important to you, but I think ariseabove pretty much covered the subject matter at hand.
The very idea that you can somehow pug an elite STF, says a lot.
Elite STF's are not something you should try puging, they're the next step up, they're supposed to require a good team working together to pull it off. Something you'll rarely ever get in a pug.
The very idea that you can somehow pug an elite STF, says a lot.
Elite STF's are not something you should try puging, they're the next step up, they're supposed to require a good team working together to pull it off. Something you'll rarely ever get in a pug.
But it does happen. Heck I've seen some damn good pug runs through space elites.
Almost all of my MK XII gear is done from pugging elites (5 ships in total 100% geared with MK XII weapons, shields, etc). It's not overly difficult to do. I still think if they made the STFs a single player run through mission (Complete with tutorials on "Oh you have a ship injury, here's how you fix that" or an NPC player ship says "Follow these directions so you don't TRIBBLE things up") that must be completed on Normal and Elite prior to being queued for public would really assist in showing people how these things are actually done.
[Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent
Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
Give me a solo option on STF (ground in particular) and I will NEVER Pug Again
Id much rather take my highly trained and supremely well Equiped Away team into action than work with a bunch of VA level guys who I don't know and who don't carry the weapons We prefer.
And who in many cases i have to ISSUE large hypos to
I mean who doesn't carry Hypos??
which forces most people (who unlike me do not have 4 friends on at the same time with VA/LG level characters and a good grasp of the same language) to pug
Well then DON'T PUG ELITES!, theres no point complaining about it or claiming that its broken because its not. Playing with randoms with virtually no communication or plan is just asking for problems for missions that require team cooperation.
There a stepping stone, if you like doing elites go join a fleet that does them often or for the few times you have been successful invite those people to be your friend then you can create your own team and not have to worry about randoms.
You do that with an elite with me or any of my friends you would instantly go on an ignore list, there are certain strats for doing elites and taking out a cube to early will cause the kang defenders to be overwhelmed and the mission will fail.
I think it is you that needs to do some learning before you go complaining about other people!
As above join a fleet or make some friends lol.
lol You do that with an elite with me or any of my friends you would instantly go on an ignore list, there are certain strats for doing elites and taking out a cube to early will cause the kang defenders to be overwhelmed and the mission will fail.
I think it is you that needs to do some learning before you go complaining about other people! lol
if u are doing is propely u dont need people to defend kang they should never make it to kang in the first place.
maybe u shouldnt bash so much when u dont exactly have the best stragy either
REMOVE the public queue for Elites entirely
And let people only play in premade teams
THEN open up normal to captains (who are more than capable of doing them) to get some practice
that is just stpuid (no offense). mostly I am online when my friends are off, so I cant get premade teams rdy. and a lot are like that. then ofc there is the elite stf channel. but why remove pugs? I dont mind pugging, and I dont mind if we fail. ofc I rage a bit and all, but in the end it is just one more story for the most entertaining topic in these forums (yes, worst stf exp... ).
and ofc I would never pug CSE, but KASE and ISE are just fine, I have not failed them for a week now (and only once the optional, when I got into a game that already failed it, but even that was a fine and relatively quick game).
first I would like to see fixes for the problems that cannot be handled by players, like invisible oneshot torpedos (one feature is enough of these :P).
and more on topic: someone should make a foundry tutorial about elite stfs. I dunno if it is possible, and it probably would not be that much of a use, but it would be something (I mean most would never check it out, and many would learn it from fleet mates, while fleets are usually helpful in teaching players for stfs)
and more on topic: someone should make a foundry tutorial about elite stfs. I dunno if it is possible, and it probably would not be that much of a use, but it would be something (I mean most would never check it out, and many would learn it from fleet mates, while fleets are usually helpful in teaching players for stfs)
This would be a cool idea....I've been running normal stfs for a few weeks now. and want to try my hand at elite just to see the huge difference, but i dont want people getting ****y at me.
I suggest a requirement of 10 run-throughs of each STF on normal before someone can queue for an elite STF, so if Joe Kirk hasn't done Infected (normal) at least 10 times he can't queue up for Infected elite. If he hasn't done Cure Ground (normal) at least 10 times he can't queue for Cure Ground (elite), etc.
My .02 ec.
that wouldnt solve anything. Normal and elite are too different. You can not apply any tactic from normal stf in elite stf (except you have a good team OR 1/2 science with tractor repulsators or what its called).
Infected: You can kill all generators after another without being in trouble with too much spheres. One tac can kill the incoming spawns easily. That does not apply to elite where you should kill all generators at the same time.
Cure: It doesnt matter if you kill a cube earlier than the others on normal. I run this stf at least twice per day and usually, i do one cube alone and help on a second one (because of weak team). In elite, you would prefer to kill all cubes at the same time if possible or you run into a problem with lots of borg spawning. For this mission, tractor repulsators would help too on a weak team.
KA: well, this might be a mission with more than one tactic only and basically, you can use the normal tactic here as well, but with a ****ty team, you will have your problems. There are 4 big generators and one person alone could only handle the inner one. Having problems with the spawning cube could lead into the ship going to blow up and probes might get through. On normal, thats not a problem because you have 2 weak spheres and you could also ignore them at all (but its really not hard to kill them). Oh and did i say that tractor repulsators would help? :P
I suggest a requirement of 10 run-throughs of each STF on normal before someone can queue for an elite STF, so if Joe Kirk hasn't done Infected (normal) at least 10 times he can't queue up for Infected elite. If he hasn't done Cure Ground (normal) at least 10 times he can't queue for Cure Ground (elite), etc.
My .02 ec.
My main toon is Elite commander and has both sets and prototype borgs parts for another 5 so why should I play 10 normals when I make a new toon?
REMOVE the public queue for Elites entirely
And let people only play in premade teams
Wait for it..
Wait for it...
I actually agree with Sollvax on this. :eek:
They've basically said Elites aren't intended to be easy enough to be PuGged, so why is there a big, tempting insta-group button for them there? To be honest, I'm having a problem with some of the people who are PuGging the whole time and then coming on to the forums demanding that Elites be gated or something else like that should be done to improve the quality of PuGs (or in some cases make the STFs easier, but I've not seen many of those of late). It's just strikes me as lazy. As if they just want to have a button that automatically puts them in a good team and have a nice relaxing 15 minute ride to 1100 dilithium. And if things don't go well, they just blame their team-mates, the system, the game, Cryptic etc. and never even contemplate that they could do something about it themselves.
I'm not saying everyone, or even a slight majority of people who PuG does this, but it's the impression I get from a handful of people.
Don't have a fleet/friends who are on a suitable time for you? Join an STF channel. There are at least two without an entry requirement. At least then you can be sure of playing with people who have their chat open at the vert least. As far as I'm concerned if you're PuGging, you're implicity accepting the possibilty that you can be teamed with a moron, a troll, someone who's just plain out inexperienced, people who you can't communicate with etc. and you really shouldn't come out and complain about that they're not good enough.
I wouldn't open up Normals to Captains though, what I'd like to see instead is STF style missions that open up at lower levels and are linked to the game's storyline. One every 10 levels or one every 'front' would be enough. So at least players have more experience of organised teamplay when they hit level 45. That's about the only thing I think it would be reasonable for Cryptic to do to improve STF PuGs. And it's not guaranteed to work either.
Give me a solo option on STF (ground in particular) and I will NEVER Pug Again
Id much rather take my highly trained and supremely well Equiped Away team into action than work with a bunch of VA level guys who I don't know and who don't carry the weapons We prefer.
And who in many cases i have to ISSUE large hypos to
I mean who doesn't carry Hypos??
I actually was thinking about the same idea. It would be nice if they just had a single player mission that you could run first. They can actually tell the story and have pup ups like in the tutorial telling hints and giving them the rundown. I?m one of the players that sometimes have to PUG, sometimes I either do not have the time or my friends are not online, and cannot make a group. I had good experiences and bad ones. But it would be great if the add a story mission on the Borg arc that would be running these missions and give all the players at least a basic knowledge of these missions.
i just spent the past 9 hours doing pug stf's trying to get a cure engine drop.
one mission was completed of all of them.
the people that come to these missions now are weak players that sit at the kang
and kill bops "barly".
i dont understand your prob.
1 join a fleet an make with them private missions.
2 ask some friends to make with you spezial private missions.
so you go into RANDOM GROUP missions and cry about random results?:eek:
i love it from my side and have alot of fun and will never give this fun away.
if you will a test for elite lvl missions its easy anyone without a f?ll set in ground get no access 90% of fails there players what have no instant remudulation=no dmg.
for space same prob no dmg, so weapon energy slider not on 100%= no access.;)
that wouldnt solve anything. Normal and elite are too different. You can not apply any tactic from normal stf in elite stf (except you have a good team OR 1/2 science with tractor repulsators or what its called).
The issue is Cryptic can't force players to be good players. That's the problem. Want something that will magically fix people PUGing Elite STF's that suck at playing? Sorry, there isn't a 100% guaranteed fix unless you eliminate STF's from the PvE queue as Sollvax suggested. The 10-normal-STF idea was to "encourage" players to be better players. You won't get anything scolding players, and I seriously doubt Cryptic will un-PUG Elites because that seems to be pretty much the opposite of their game philosophy now (unless they can somehow start charging players to get access to EliteSTFs).
My main toon is Elite commander and has both sets and prototype borgs parts for another 5 so why should I play 10 normals when I make a new toon?
For the same reason each character had to go through all the same missions - because what one does won't carry over to any other. I get what you're saying, though. You already know how to play, so why force you to wade through STF 101 for every character? Maybe if Cryptic added an account-level accolade that would exempt other toons on that account once you've completed X normal or Y Elite STFs?
Again, there's no guaranteed fix for Waterboy-quality PUG's except not to PUG. I guess that's the moral of this thread unless/until Cryptic does something to fix it.
Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
Sorry, there isn't a 100% guaranteed fix unless you eliminate STF's from the PvE queue as Sollvax suggested......... .
sorry there is a very easy way to clearn useless players on 100% i write it a post over you.;)
all other players are different in effizinz , for gamestyle and co there is no way to sort automaticly on ony way , but if there is a way to delete the most usless players out why not?
lets fix this
SET everyones weapon power levels to 200 during these missions
And ban anyone from moaning
but actually DPS and weapons power mean less than you think
Well then DON'T PUG ELITES!, theres no point complaining about it or claiming that its broken because its not. Playing with randoms with virtually no communication or plan is just asking for problems for missions that require team cooperation.
There a stepping stone, if you like doing elites go join a fleet that does them often or for the few times you have been successful invite those people to be your friend then you can create your own team and not have to worry about randoms.
You do that with an elite with me or any of my friends you would instantly go on an ignore list, there are certain strats for doing elites and taking out a cube to early will cause the kang defenders to be overwhelmed and the mission will fail.
I think it is you that needs to do some learning before you go complaining about other people!
As above join a fleet or make some friends lol.
Ah, thank you.
the soft cap from the past not more exist so now is 125 the real max.
and weapon energy is not importend for doing dmg? explain it why:eek:
My Sci toon doesn't get 125 weapons power even with weapons to 100. So no STF's for him? What if someone doesn't have 125 but runs EPtWx2? Weapons power isn't a good enough criteria to exclude people from content.
To be honest, I don't see how there can be any real hard-and-fast rules that Cryptic could implement on Elite STF's that wouldn't unfairly exclude some people (other than maybe barring players that don't have components/regenerators in their inventory or the Assimilated console equipped). At best, all they can do is give ample opportunity for players to be prepared for Elites. I suggested in the duplicate thread the OP posted in another forum area that there be a mandatory requirement of 10 run-throughs of each STF mission on normal before players can queue for an Elite. That's not going to fix all that's wrong but it will help. So would a pop-up reminding players that Elite STF's cause injuries and that components/regenerators are needed, while also hinting that a remodulator might be useful for ground missions. Are there any Foundry mission walkthroughs for the Elite STF's? That would help immeasurably, I'm sure (assuming people did them).
And as for some of the horror stories I've heard of ships with dozens of injuries or afk players or players that do all the wrong things and bork the optionals? Those people could be noobs or they could be griefers. I read on a forum for a certain orally-fixated griefing fleet that Elite STF's were an amusing target for them. Just FYI.
The tutorial would break the mission up into each stage. Must pass one stage before going to the next tutorial.
1. How to kill ships - stay out of range of the cube, but within range of at least one sphere in a position forcing ships to fly straight towards you. Don't allow any ship to reach Kang or tutorial fails.
2. Same mission different cube - practice makes perfect.
3. Player and 2 NPCs attack - All fire at spheres until ships spawn, then all fire on ships. If player doesn't fire at ships, or if any ship makes it to the Kang, tutorial fails. Once spheres are dead, must damage cube but not destroy it. Destroying cube fails mission.
4. Same as 3 but this time message comes in from other side asking for help, player must disengage and go help before ship reaches Kang...
As for requiring certain power levels, I don't agree with that. I do just fine in Elite Cure with my primary character (Science Ofc in a Sci Oddy) with power levels of approx: 95/70/35/55 with lots of crowd control and healing abilities.
It is far more important for people to work together than to bring in a specific type of ship etc.
Another option may be to have a warm up period before the STF starts. DUring that time no one can move, and a strategy is displayed saying "many players find that this strategy works best" and emphasize that if the mission fails, no one gets any rewards.
no it only sounds more epic if i say 125^^ i know some players can not reach 125 some.:eek:
the point is max weapon energy.;)
in the old forum there was tons of stf guides and still 1 rule was always put in max weapon energy or you have nothing to search in a space stf."and yes it was not so hard sayed like i do it now":rolleyes:
ohh and for ground mission ther is also a simply rule what you can make who have no full set can not go in, it happend for me many times that players make a ground mission unplayable coz they dont have a set remudulation was says no instant remodulation and deal on this way ~most time no dmg ...
the funiest players are the who go in with injuries then make first shot on a borg then then "adaptet" sorry not 100% shure if it is called so and then the other 99% of the run they deal constantly 1 dmg point, that are my heros in ground stfs
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
Come join the 44th Fleet.
Elite STF's are not something you should try puging, they're the next step up, they're supposed to require a good team working together to pull it off. Something you'll rarely ever get in a pug.
REMOVE the public queue for Elites entirely
And let people only play in premade teams
THEN open up normal to captains (who are more than capable of doing them) to get some practice
But it does happen. Heck I've seen some damn good pug runs through space elites.
The ground though, that's a different matter..
but I only Enter an ELITE with a team I know personally (who all speak the same language for a start)
I do Pug normals however
And thats fine
[Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent
Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
Id much rather take my highly trained and supremely well Equiped Away team into action than work with a bunch of VA level guys who I don't know and who don't carry the weapons We prefer.
And who in many cases i have to ISSUE large hypos to
I mean who doesn't carry Hypos??
[Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent
Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
lol You do that with an elite with me or any of my friends you would instantly go on an ignore list, there are certain strats for doing elites and taking out a cube to early will cause the kang defenders to be overwhelmed and the mission will fail.
I think it is you that needs to do some learning before you go complaining about other people! lol
if u are doing is propely u dont need people to defend kang they should never make it to kang in the first place.
maybe u shouldnt bash so much when u dont exactly have the best stragy either
that is just stpuid (no offense). mostly I am online when my friends are off, so I cant get premade teams rdy. and a lot are like that. then ofc there is the elite stf channel. but why remove pugs? I dont mind pugging, and I dont mind if we fail. ofc I rage a bit and all, but in the end it is just one more story for the most entertaining topic in these forums (yes, worst stf exp...
and ofc I would never pug CSE, but KASE and ISE are just fine, I have not failed them for a week now (and only once the optional, when I got into a game that already failed it, but even that was a fine and relatively quick game).
first I would like to see fixes for the problems that cannot be handled by players, like invisible oneshot torpedos (one feature is enough of these :P).
and more on topic: someone should make a foundry tutorial about elite stfs. I dunno if it is possible, and it probably would not be that much of a use, but it would be something (I mean most would never check it out, and many would learn it from fleet mates, while fleets are usually helpful in teaching players for stfs)
I dont
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
This would be a cool idea....I've been running normal stfs for a few weeks now. and want to try my hand at elite just to see the huge difference, but i dont want people getting ****y at me.
that wouldnt solve anything. Normal and elite are too different. You can not apply any tactic from normal stf in elite stf (except you have a good team OR 1/2 science with tractor repulsators or what its called).
Infected: You can kill all generators after another without being in trouble with too much spheres. One tac can kill the incoming spawns easily. That does not apply to elite where you should kill all generators at the same time.
Cure: It doesnt matter if you kill a cube earlier than the others on normal. I run this stf at least twice per day and usually, i do one cube alone and help on a second one (because of weak team). In elite, you would prefer to kill all cubes at the same time if possible or you run into a problem with lots of borg spawning. For this mission, tractor repulsators would help too on a weak team.
KA: well, this might be a mission with more than one tactic only and basically, you can use the normal tactic here as well, but with a ****ty team, you will have your problems. There are 4 big generators and one person alone could only handle the inner one. Having problems with the spawning cube could lead into the ship going to blow up and probes might get through. On normal, thats not a problem because you have 2 weak spheres and you could also ignore them at all (but its really not hard to kill them). Oh and did i say that tractor repulsators would help? :P
My main toon is Elite commander and has both sets and prototype borgs parts for another 5 so why should I play 10 normals when I make a new toon?
Wait for it..
Wait for it...
I actually agree with Sollvax on this. :eek:
They've basically said Elites aren't intended to be easy enough to be PuGged, so why is there a big, tempting insta-group button for them there? To be honest, I'm having a problem with some of the people who are PuGging the whole time and then coming on to the forums demanding that Elites be gated or something else like that should be done to improve the quality of PuGs (or in some cases make the STFs easier, but I've not seen many of those of late). It's just strikes me as lazy. As if they just want to have a button that automatically puts them in a good team and have a nice relaxing 15 minute ride to 1100 dilithium. And if things don't go well, they just blame their team-mates, the system, the game, Cryptic etc. and never even contemplate that they could do something about it themselves.
I'm not saying everyone, or even a slight majority of people who PuG does this, but it's the impression I get from a handful of people.
Don't have a fleet/friends who are on a suitable time for you? Join an STF channel. There are at least two without an entry requirement. At least then you can be sure of playing with people who have their chat open at the vert least. As far as I'm concerned if you're PuGging, you're implicity accepting the possibilty that you can be teamed with a moron, a troll, someone who's just plain out inexperienced, people who you can't communicate with etc. and you really shouldn't come out and complain about that they're not good enough.
I wouldn't open up Normals to Captains though, what I'd like to see instead is STF style missions that open up at lower levels and are linked to the game's storyline. One every 10 levels or one every 'front' would be enough. So at least players have more experience of organised teamplay when they hit level 45. That's about the only thing I think it would be reasonable for Cryptic to do to improve STF PuGs. And it's not guaranteed to work either.
I actually was thinking about the same idea. It would be nice if they just had a single player mission that you could run first. They can actually tell the story and have pup ups like in the tutorial telling hints and giving them the rundown. I?m one of the players that sometimes have to PUG, sometimes I either do not have the time or my friends are not online, and cannot make a group. I had good experiences and bad ones. But it would be great if the add a story mission on the Borg arc that would be running these missions and give all the players at least a basic knowledge of these missions.
i dont understand your prob.
1 join a fleet an make with them private missions.
2 ask some friends to make with you spezial private missions.
so you go into RANDOM GROUP missions and cry about random results?:eek:
i love it from my side and have alot of fun and will never give this fun away.
if you will a test for elite lvl missions its easy anyone without a f?ll set in ground get no access 90% of fails there players what have no instant remudulation=no dmg.
for space same prob no dmg, so weapon energy slider not on 100%= no access.;)
The issue is Cryptic can't force players to be good players. That's the problem. Want something that will magically fix people PUGing Elite STF's that suck at playing? Sorry, there isn't a 100% guaranteed fix unless you eliminate STF's from the PvE queue as Sollvax suggested. The 10-normal-STF idea was to "encourage" players to be better players. You won't get anything scolding players, and I seriously doubt Cryptic will un-PUG Elites because that seems to be pretty much the opposite of their game philosophy now (unless they can somehow start charging players to get access to EliteSTFs).
For the same reason each character had to go through all the same missions - because what one does won't carry over to any other. I get what you're saying, though. You already know how to play, so why force you to wade through STF 101 for every character? Maybe if Cryptic added an account-level accolade that would exempt other toons on that account once you've completed X normal or Y Elite STFs?
Again, there's no guaranteed fix for Waterboy-quality PUG's except not to PUG. I guess that's the moral of this thread unless/until Cryptic does something to fix it.
sorry there is a very easy way to clearn useless players on 100% i write it a post over you.;)
all other players are different in effizinz , for gamestyle and co there is no way to sort automaticly on ony way , but if there is a way to delete the most usless players out why not?