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please make a test that must be passed to go to elite stf's

judge7judge7 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
i just spent the past 9 hours doing pug stf's trying to get a cure engine drop.

one mission was completed of all of them.

the people that come to these missions now are weak players that sit at the kang

and kill bops "barly".

i sit at a cube and kill the nanites and the bops that spawn then the raptor and warship.

then i move to the next after all the nanites are gone i kill a cube and one group of raptors every single mission i have done today accept one the rest of the team couldnt stop the raptors and they killed the kang.

my suggestion is to make a mission that must be compleeted fo every player that wants to go to do elites.

this way they go in knowing how to do the missions and outfitted well enough to complete them.

it isnt fair to the rest of the people that spend months trying to get needed items to have poepl come in and go afk or toitaly ruin the mission because they dont have a clue or cant hang at all with the super powered borg you put in there.

i got a item worth 7000 ec for the one mission that was completed today.

i have other ways of completly wasting and would rather do them because there not as frustrating as it is playing this game for and getting no where.
Post edited by judge7 on


  • judge7judge7 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    i just spent the past 9 hours doing pug stf's trying to get a cure engine drop.

    one mission was completed of all of them.

    the people that come to these missions now are weak players that sit at the kang

    and kill bops "barly".

    i sit at a cube and kill the nanites and the bops that spawn then the raptor and warship.

    then i move to the next after all the nanites are gone.

    i kill a cube and one group of raptors every single mission i have done today accept one, the rest of the team couldnt stop the raptors and they killed the kang.

    my suggestion is to make a mission that must be completed for every player that wants to go to do elites.

    this way they go in knowing how to do the missions and outfitted well enough to complete them.

    it isnt fair to the rest of the people that spend months trying to get needed items to have people come in and go afk or totaly ruin the mission because they dont have a clue or cant hang at all with the super powered borg you put in there.

    i got a item worth 7000 ec for the one mission that was completed today.

    i have other ways of completly wasting my time and would rather do them because there not as frustrating as it is playing this game and getting no where.
  • zordar01zordar01 Member Posts: 318
    edited August 2012
    I suggest a requirement of 10 run-throughs of each STF on normal before someone can queue for an elite STF, so if Joe Kirk hasn't done Infected (normal) at least 10 times he can't queue up for Infected elite. If he hasn't done Cure Ground (normal) at least 10 times he can't queue for Cure Ground (elite), etc.

    My .02 ec.
    Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
  • jelidanjelidan Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    You realise that on elite, the norm is to have one person deal with the left cube spawns, 1 person deal with the middle cube spawns (and taking down nanites in between) While the remaining 3 take the right spawns and nanites. Then those 3 swap with the middle person and finally the left person. When all nanites are down, take all cubes to 10% and then kill them all at the same time before immediately hailing the kang to get it out of danger. It is very easy to get the optional on Cure leet, and Infected for that matter.

    If you are killing a cube before the rest are ready, then you are probably the reason the STF is failing, not the rest of the team. Think about it - 9 hours doing the same STF over and over with 4 different people each time. The only constants are the STF itself and you.....
  • defalusdefalus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    zordar01 wrote: »
    I suggest a requirement of 10 run-throughs of each STF on normal before someone can queue for an elite STF, so if Joe Kirk hasn't done Infected (normal) at least 10 times he can't queue up for Infected elite. If he hasn't done Cure Ground (normal) at least 10 times he can't queue for Cure Ground (elite), etc.

    My .02 ec.

    10 Normal STFs would be good for players to get a feel for the layout of the map, but it does nothing to help those Joe Kirks learn what an injury is, a long time ago when I pugged Elite stfs I lost count of the number of times I saw a starship with innumerous injuries and its captain crying foul because "teh borgz kill so fast, this sux".
  • zordar01zordar01 Member Posts: 318
    edited August 2012
    defalus wrote: »
    10 Normal STFs would be good for players to get a feel for the layout of the map, but it does nothing to help those Joe Kirks learn what an injury is, a long time ago when I pugged Elite stfs I lost count of the number of times I saw a starship with innumerous injuries and its captain crying foul because "teh borgz kill so fast, this sux".

    There's only so much that can be done in a video game. There are already tutorials telling players about injuries. If they don't listen or have forgotten, what can you do? Maybe have an intro mission to Elite STF's reminding them of that stuff? Make injury indicators much more difficult to miss? I don't know. If Joe Kirk has an ID-ten-T problem then that's beyond Cryptic's ability to compensate for. I do think a normal STF requirement is a decent start, though.
    Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
  • dood98998dood98998 Member Posts: 389
    edited August 2012
    What about if no one on your ignore list could be placed in an stf with you?
    When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
    This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines :D
  • attilio87attilio87 Member Posts: 264 Media Corps
    edited August 2012
    jelidan wrote: »
    You realise that on elite, the norm is to have one person deal with the left cube spawns, 1 person deal with the middle cube spawns (and taking down nanites in between) While the remaining 3 take the right spawns and nanites. Then those 3 swap with the middle person and finally the left person. When all nanites are down, take all cubes to 10% and then kill them all at the same time before immediately hailing the kang to get it out of danger. It is very easy to get the optional on Cure leet, and Infected for that matter.

    If you are killing a cube before the rest are ready, then you are probably the reason the STF is failing, not the rest of the team. Think about it - 9 hours doing the same STF over and over with 4 different people each time. The only constants are the STF itself and you.....

    Actually that isn't the best strategy, although it can work. Here is a link to the Cure Walkthrough which works every time, providing you have a team who knows what they are doing and have good DPS of course ;).
  • darthstormstrikedarthstormstrike Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I wish they would make a mission before people can post on the forum spamming the same thing in more than one area, OP. But we can't all get our wishes, can we? Did you really have to make multiple threads about this?

    To those not knowing, he posted the same thing in the Free to Play area too.

    "There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
  • tvlartvlar Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I believe OP suggested the rest of team was sitting at Kang.
    How ready do they need to be ?
    The norm that I have seen, with consistent optional wins is 1 Kang Defender.
    MRRMLL works fine...
  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    judge7 wrote: »
    my suggestion is to make a mission that must be completed for every player that wants to go to do elites.

    I'm not sure what such a mission would involve? Have some of the STF structures on a mission map that behave as they do in STFs? Example: 4 Nanite Generators around a Transformer and a nearby gate that spawns Nanite Spheres or something?

    I'm not sure of the effectiveness of that. You can demonstrate to someone 10000 times that blowing up a Nanite Generator spawns Nanite Spheres which are bad, and it may still not cllick that the most efficient way around it is to use the 10% tactic (just for example). Someone has to tell them. Someone had to tell me.

    And quite a lot of the tactical details differ from group to group anyway (maybe not on Infected so much, but there are definitely a few variations for Cure and KA). You couldn't realistically make a mission that'd teach them.

    You can test their build quality to a degree, but that's about it. But with regards to build quality, a better solution would be to implement more of a gradually increasing PvE difficulty curve than what we have now:


    (No image tags really lessens the effectiveness of that graph :()
  • ussdelphin2ussdelphin2 Member Posts: 525 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    attilio87 wrote: »
    Actually that isn't the best strategy, although it can work. Here is a link to the Cure Walkthrough which works every time, providing you have a team who knows what they are doing and have good DPS of course ;).

    I think the strategy that was quoted is better than the one you linked, much easier.
    How I picture a lot of the forumites :P
  • onlineangelonlineangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    judge7 wrote: »
    i just spent the past 9 hours doing pug stf's trying to get a cure engine drop.

    one mission was completed of all of them.

    the people that come to these missions now are weak players that sit at the kang

    and kill bops "barly".

    i sit at a cube and kill the nanites and the bops that spawn then the raptor and warship.

    then i move to the next after all the nanites are gone.

    i kill a cube and one group of raptors every single mission i have done today accept one, the rest of the team couldnt stop the raptors and they killed the kang.

    my suggestion is to make a mission that must be completed for every player that wants to go to do elites.

    this way they go in knowing how to do the missions and outfitted well enough to complete them.

    it isnt fair to the rest of the people that spend months trying to get needed items to have people come in and go afk or totaly ruin the mission because they dont have a clue or cant hang at all with the super powered borg you put in there.

    i got a item worth 7000 ec for the one mission that was completed today.

    i have other ways of completly wasting my time and would rather do them because there not as frustrating as it is playing this game and getting no where.

    I have to agree with the first reply... Doing Elite runs are very different to doing normal runs. What works in normal will fail in Elite.

    You need to destory the nanites first, on all 3 cubes, them destory the 3 cubes at the same times. Doing this stops the POBs upgrading to warships.

    But i do feel for you, I've been running Elite STF since they came out, still haven't got a full MKXII kit on any of my characters.

    I also think alot of 'Vet' players are doing alot of work on fleet missions for merits. This could explain why you aren't getting great pug groups.

    Also: Plenty of people run Elite STF chat channels, these are normally for experienced players wanting a team with other experienced players. I'm not going to advertise 1 over the other here. I'm sure the owners might reply with a formal invitation though.

    Good luck on those loot drops in the future
  • onlineangelonlineangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I think the strategy that was quoted is better than the one you linked, much easier.

    stowiki is very outdated now... Even the walkthroughs on these official forums are outdated
  • aeonjeanaeonjean Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    attilio87 wrote: »
    Actually that isn't the best strategy, although it can work. Here is a link to the Cure Walkthrough which works every time, providing you have a team who knows what they are doing and have good DPS of course ;).

    I love this strategy and a lot of people in pugs don't seem to know it. In fact one person put me on ignore for suggesting it.

    Sadly, this pug also couldn't defend Kang with 1 cube down and 1 at 10%. That said, it's been my experience that pug elites tend to lack either DPS, heals or both.
  • sardociansardocian Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I think the strategy that was quoted is better than the one you linked, much easier.

    MRML is by far the best strategy to get the optional in the Cure... after doing this about 20 times, I have never seen it fail.

    However, most of the time, everyone I PUG with laughs when I suggest it, call me a noob, and we end up failing the optional, if we even manage to complete it at all. This accounts for the other 60-80 runs I've done recently.

    I love MRML. Makes CSE soooo easy. And best of all, you dont even need great DPS, Ive seen plenty of moderate DPS groups do fine with it :)
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    You want real misery - do this on the Wed when Cure is giving the bonus 4 edc's and 1500 dilth

    people who have never even done the mission in normal come out for that event

    I avoid Wed's like the Plague on Cure and even KA - infected I will do in my sci toon because you can't fail and I have rift 2 - Grav well 2 and 3 - and can keep the nanites bottled up( I have 3 purple Grav doffs and max skills so I usual spawn 3 wells and they are very powerful) - which is needed for the 70% of the time someone blows things early on the bonus day
  • sloansect31sloansect31 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Cure Elite is a pain - thats for sure... unfortunately because we do have 2 different methods to complete it (if people work together and follow the same method) - there is always bound to be, lets say, "discussions" on which is better.

    Personally, having a high DPS ship that can hold one of the areas solo (with only the occasional isometric-charge-related death) - I prefer the "split up and take a zone" method... BUT I can see how the other method could be better when you are Cruiser or Science heavy in a PUG.

    Biggest issue I find is that we all are thinking along one of the 2 methods and as soon as anyone sees you doing something different to them they scream at you that you are a noob and don't know what you are doing... which of course peeves off those of us who have been playing a damn long time and just "don't use the same method". Heck I'll admit that I'm guilty of this on occasion, and I am sure 90% of us who play these have done so at one time or another.

    One thing that *may* help these missions is if there was a 1 min (?) pre-start timer (like on the fleet actions) so that people can sort out strategies before it all starts... because as it is now, we are all racing in to start "our method" as quickly as possible in order to beat the timer... and it ends up being just a plain old mess.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Here's the test: if you can't do the time-warp from Night of the Comet manually you're not allowed to do an Elite STF. :)
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Best strategy on CSE is to just go berserk, providing your team has the DPS. Just blow the right probes, then immediatley blow the right cube, kill the negvar and rapto spawn, then move on to middle cube, do same, then on to left cube. Once had around 7 min left on optional doing it this way because your team isn't wasting time flying back and forth between cubes.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • sardociansardocian Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    ( I have 3 purple Grav doffs and max skills so I usual spawn 3 wells and they are very powerful) - which is needed for the 70% of the time someone blows things early on the bonus day


    You can only have 1 GW DOff slotted at a time...

    But agree with your overall post, ISE can usually be saved even in bad PUGS (occasionally even the optional).
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    Here's the test: if you can't do the time-warp from Night of the Comet manually you're not allowed to do an Elite STF. :)

    If that ends up being the test, good. I can do it, even in a huge, clunky Bortas. :D
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I prefer the MRML method for one simple reason.

    If the team lacks the DPS/co-ordination to pull it off you find it out alot faster than with the other method. I've come to expect 1 in 3 fails minimum so I'd rather waste as little time as possible finding out.
  • zordar01zordar01 Member Posts: 318
    edited August 2012
    Forgive my acronym noobness but what does MRML stand for?
    Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Simplest answer seems to be this

    Make ELITE difficulty restricted to VA /LG level 50
    And open normal to anyone over the rank of captain EXCEPT VA's
    Live long and Prosper
  • carmenaracarmenara Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    Simplest answer seems to be this

    Make ELITE difficulty restricted to VA /LG level 50
    And open normal to anyone over the rank of captain EXCEPT VA's

    How does that differ from the existing setup of L44 Normal and L50 Elite?

    Look at existing implementation before ruining everyone's day with nonsensical instructions.
    STF Flight Instructor since Early 2012. Newbies are the reason why STO lives and breathes today. Do not discriminate.

    My Youtube Channel
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Whats to justify

    ok anyone below VA 50 has no use for mk XII items anyway (can't use them)
    by restricting that content to maxed out VA's we clear ALL three problems

    1 "they don't have the powers" well all VA's have the powers
    2 "they aren't skilled enough" well they aren't going to get any better are they
    3 "VA's keep messing up the normals" well there they go into elites

    opening the stfs up to captains allows the people who NEED to be learning them to learn them

    its a better option

    And if you don't like my suggestion come up with a better one (remembering that mine DOES solve the problems AND keep the elite mission clear of underpowered underskilled types)
    Live long and Prosper
  • carmenaracarmenara Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    It doesn't keep the low-spec VAs from entering Elite queues which is exactly the problem the entire 'serious' STF community is facing. The Elite maps are already restricted to Level 50 in case you haven't noticed.

    Start thinking out of the box and as a game programmer and stop forcing your "WE MUST CHANGE EVERYTHING NOW" ideas down everyone's throats.

    The solution to the underpowered ships is relatively simple in other MMOs but Cryptic has no such functionality right now to gear-gate / ship tier gate the public queues.
    STF Flight Instructor since Early 2012. Newbies are the reason why STO lives and breathes today. Do not discriminate.

    My Youtube Channel
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    im talking about letting lower levels PRACTICE
    from captain
    Live long and Prosper
  • lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    to the mainquestion what typ of mission will help to not fail a dps only mission?

    its easyer to handle if anyone will be kicked from the mission who not have 125 weapon power all will be nice.

    in all runs what i have seen failing it was still the same players not able to bring 2 nuuby bops down, that says if they can not handle 2 bops what happens if 3 raptors comes? big drama.
  • bubblygumsworthbubblygumsworth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    zordar01 wrote: »
    Forgive my acronym noobness but what does MRML stand for?

    Middle Right Middle Left.
    • Kill middle nanites
    • Kill right nanites
    • Kill right cube
    • Kill middle cube
    • Kill left nanites
    • kill left cube
    • Hail kang
    • Do happy dance
    I drink, I vote, and I PvP!
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