With the game as it is, we have a hard time knowing if we will love or despise the next update. We need something to look forward to more than anything else. It's what will keep players playing, and bring in new ones.
It seems that the shinyness of Starbases has worn off, and midst everyone complaining, we all seem to be asking the same question: "What's next? what do we have to look forward too? Why should I keep playing?"
Hmm, this should be,fascinating. Good topic. what will be next? what kind of posts will we see here?
i too would like a little something something, other than another ship, and special fleet projects. maybe a hint of things that will be implemented within the next 2 months? that would be cool.
*Waves hand above a crystal ball* I see...I see....I seeee... more lockboxes, even more lockboxes and also a huge ...ow...GRIND.
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
What I been wanting STO to do for a long time was expand outside the current boundries of STO.
The simple approach would be access to the Gamma Quadrant via the Bajoran Wormhole (that isn't a mission), and access to the Delta Quadrant (via a stabilized Barzan Wormhole).
But what I personally would like to see is the Milky Way opened up and us actually exploring the galaxy. I even tried writing a proposal and worked a nice map on Photoshop til I lost it when my old computer died last year.
I could see actual new races created with new stories, and complexities like diplomacy and choosing sides. Finding ruins and discovering technology or perhaps stories that lead to the larger universe. Right now a good potential in that is dealing with the Iconians.
And players could explore the distant parts of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants (that yet been explored, where V'ger is). Return to Sha'ka'ree and find out what happened to "god"?
This is the STO I been really waiting for, and what I feel is STO's true potential.
When F2P started there was a calendar on the front page which hinted at new missions and events. There was something new every week, even if it was something small like a new Doff chain. I'd very much like that and the small steady updates to come back. I guess Cryptic considers the new Starbase features that are still rolled out to be like this (the downgrinder, the CXP->FM conversion etc), but it's time to give us a bit of stuff that's not fleet centered too.
At least bring the calendar back so we have something to look forward to.
What we really need is for the Iconians to get off their mysterious butts and actually start their war and make the game interesting and progress the plot.
Their little "tee hee, we are mysterious and controlling things from the background" thing is getting real old and somewhat boring.
What we need is for season 7 to close off whatever plot loose ends there is, end the Fed / Klingon war officially and then for Season 8 start a full on Iconian invasion with a Romulan monster play faction for the Iconian side and a Borg monster play faction that is opposed to everyone. Throw in Iconian invasion events (similar to the sector space red alert system) where hordes of Iconian ships invade and also some repeatable raid missions into wherever the Iconians are hidding.
IF cryptic adds this then they have potential to add awesome to the game
When F2P started there was a calendar on the front page which hinted at new missions and events. There was something new every week, even if it was something small like a new Doff chain. I'd very much like that and the small steady updates to come back. I guess Cryptic considers the new Starbase features that are still rolled out to be like this (the downgrinder, the CXP->FM conversion etc), but it's time to give us a bit of stuff that's not fleet centered too.
At least bring the calendar back so we have something to look forward to.
The Calendar was something that has always been there, unfortunately they would put stuff up on the calender but they'd end up pushing it back and back and back to the point that it wasn't really accurate. Then they changed over the format of the front page, and the calender was gone. My theory is that they can't commit to dates on things, so instead of trying to commit to dates they put down on a calendar they just remove the calendar and then no one complains when something isn't ready on time. I don't think we'll ever see it back, cause that would mean they have to commit to the dates on it, or keep pushing them back when they fail to deliver, thus setting off more of a frenzy about why stuff isn't done.
What we really need is for the Iconians to get off their mysterious butts and actually start their war and make the game interesting and progress the plot.
Their little "tee hee, we are mysterious and controlling things from the background" thing is getting real old and somewhat boring.
What we need is for season 7 to close off whatever plot loose ends there is, end the Fed / Klingon war officially and then for Season 8 start a full on Iconian invasion with a Romulan monster play faction for the Iconian side and a Borg monster play faction that is opposed to everyone. Throw in Iconian invasion events (similar to the sector space red alert system) where hordes of Iconian ships invade and also some repeatable raid missions into wherever the Iconians are hidding.
IF cryptic adds this then they have potential to add awesome to the game
Egg Zactly, they've been building and building and building up to the Iconians since the game was launched. We saw a hint of them in the mission where you go to Iconia, then we see them directly interfere with the timeline in Q Who and then we see them come out and destroy borg cubes in a later Undine series mission, and it was even mentioned in the original storyline about the demons of air and darkness, and then all the FE's have built toward them.
This has been an ongoing storyline, the iconians are in the background, ready to pounce on this galaxy. When will we see this storyline carried out which we've been teased with forever.
Personally, my theory, the Iconians will save this galaxy from the Borg, but at a major price or cost to the Federation. Just a theory of mine.
When I first joined I thought "Great, a game that you can have fun by yourself" but I was wrong. With the Season 6 it became obvious that if you are not in a large/larger fleet you have little/no future in this game (depending what you are considering "fun"). I just realized I'm just log in and do my doff missions to farm purple doffs and then logging out, no "gaming" at all. Sometimes I like to play a round with the exchange but i hardly think that was the intention of a player having fun. (I find it fun)
If this game is going for a "join a big fleet or f'ukk off" they're on the right track.
I hope they are planing to expand the STO universe.
At least making more assignment chains for doffs, can't be that difficult.
I like to see 15-25 (or even more) step assignments chains for maybe XII consoles, weapons, doffs and other useful stuff (no consumables or contraband).
Just so there is "something" to do.
I have done all the A.chains and have rank 4 on all but trade so I only do doff missions that gives me something with a crit outcome.
There is no way to please everyone, exept maybe shareholders/investors.
I really like to see them stepping up for the single players.
I really want to know what's next, or what even should be next. As of right now there's nothing to look forward too. I mean, what's on our radar? The Argent Class? I'm not a fan of the Sovy. The new sector coming with season seven? Not really, we don't even know what's going to be in it. Betazed? Okay... what will that place even do? Limited time Starbase rewards? What's the one we've got right now? Tribbles and a useless NPC? No thank you...
I really want to know what's next, or what even should be next. As of right now there's nothing to look forward too. I mean, what's on our radar? The Argent Class? I'm not a fan of the Sovy. The new sector coming with season seven? Not really, we don't even know what's going to be in it. Betazed? Okay... what will that place even do? Limited time Starbase rewards? What's the one we've got right now? Tribbles and a useless NPC? No thank you...
Gimme something to look forward to dangnabits!
Am sorry, I've deleted my reply at least a half dozen times. I'm tired of complaining. This game is what it is, and if I don't like it I'm free to play something else.
Am sorry, I've deleted my reply at least a half dozen times. I'm tired of complaining. This game is what it is, and if I don't like it I'm free to play something else.
That is true... it's just really sad that this is the state the game is in.
That is true... it's just really sad that this is the state the game is in.
What game isn't in that state? I frequent over a dozen gaming forums every day and you'll see the same complaints on all of them.
Either every MMO company is underachieving or players have too high expectations; or both.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
What game isn't in that state? I frequent over a dozen gaming forums every day and you'll see the same complaints on all of them.
Either every MMO company is underachieving or players have too high expectations; or both.
Everyone wants something for nothing these days... and large portions of the media are dedicated to telling people they can get just that, while simultaneously complaining about others wanting part of their pie.
Everyone wants something for nothing these days... and large portions of the media are dedicated to telling people they can get just that, while simultaneously complaining about others wanting part of their pie.
Frankly, its a mess
I don't want something for nothing. I am more than willing to pay for a great deal of things. I just want them in the game so I can then pay for them.
I don't want something for nothing. I am more than willing to pay for a great deal of things. I just want them in the game so I can then pay for them.
You're contradicting yourself.
What is it that you really want? Things to look forward to (which will draw forum posters complaining 'OMG why do I have to grind for so long to get these things, waaaah, I don't want to have to actually play this game') or immediate satisfaction from buying everything (which will draw forum posters complaining that there's not enough reason to actually play the game when everything is in the C-Store)
What is it that you really want? Things to look forward to (which will draw forum posters complaining 'OMG why do I have to grind for so long to get these things, waaaah, I don't want to have to actually play this game') or immediate satisfaction from buying everything (which will draw forum posters complaining that there's not enough reason to actually play the game when everything is in the C-Store)
I am not contradicting myself at all. I want things to look forward too: Stories/raids/missions/combat arenas/etc. Coupled with things I'm willing to pay for: Costumes/Ships/Premium Races/Costumes/bank space/so-on-and-so-forth.
I realize missions and such do not put food on the table, as people do not pay for those. Which is why I want to see other things that I want to pay for.
The key here is want vs. need. Since this is a F2P MMO now, I shouldn't need to pay for anything. However there are things that once put in the C-Store, I would force feed Cryptic my money.
(Take a look at my signature to see what I mean. )
I am not contradicting myself at all. I want things to look forward too: Stories/raids/missions/combat arenas/etc. Coupled with things I'm willing to pay for: Costumes/Ships/Premium Races/Costumes/bank space/so-on-and-so-forth.
Ok. So in Season 7 we're getting a new Zone with some new Missions there. Every week we get something new in the C-Store. Every 2 weeks we get a new Fleetbase Special Project. Plus there's a new STF coming: Into the Hive.
It seems to me we're already getting things to look forward to. Whether or not someone likes X, Y, or Z is another issue entirely.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I'm in agreement with centresolace on this one, nothing wrong with looking forward to the future of the game with a positive spin.
I am looking forward to seeing what they do with this new sector that they have spoken of and the possibility of having it expand as suggested in the latest ask cryptic.
I'm also looking forward to seeing what comes of the story development and see what form future featured episodes take if any.
I hope that now the f2p launch and buy out is over with we can finally get the chance to properly explore via the new exploration system they spoke of ages ago.
I think the problem at the moment is most of the seasons so far have been system updates, hopefully season seven will utilise these systems now in place to give us something to do.
I tend to agree , im more than happy to pay for stuff in game , since its a good chunk of what keeps this , one of my favorite games going
my only gripe is , i wish they'd tell us about stuff a little more in advance thansay , a month or so , not , heres a new shiney out next week
my only gripe is , i wish they'd tell us about stuff a little more in advance thansay , a month or so , not , heres a new shiney out next week
Yeah, but that caused nothing but trouble in the past wWhen Dan was doing the engineering reports. It just led to people being snide about Cryptic not keeping "promises" or not meeting dates. Far too often people read the sentence and don't see the "maybe" or "possibly" within it. And thus you get SOON (tm) posted by players all over every thread.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Oh i know that , but it just irritates sometimes , since we get long periods of waiting before we get any news whatsoever this way , instead of having an idea of whats coming
Id be perfectly happy if they gave a definitive list of stuff thats coming soon with no dates attached , so we at least had an idea
i too would like a little something something, other than another ship, and special fleet projects. maybe a hint of things that will be implemented within the next 2 months? that would be cool.
The simple approach would be access to the Gamma Quadrant via the Bajoran Wormhole (that isn't a mission), and access to the Delta Quadrant (via a stabilized Barzan Wormhole).
But what I personally would like to see is the Milky Way opened up and us actually exploring the galaxy. I even tried writing a proposal and worked a nice map on Photoshop til I lost it when my old computer died last year.
I could see actual new races created with new stories, and complexities like diplomacy and choosing sides. Finding ruins and discovering technology or perhaps stories that lead to the larger universe. Right now a good potential in that is dealing with the Iconians.
And players could explore the distant parts of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants (that yet been explored, where V'ger is). Return to Sha'ka'ree and find out what happened to "god"?
This is the STO I been really waiting for, and what I feel is STO's true potential.
At least bring the calendar back so we have something to look forward to.
Their little "tee hee, we are mysterious and controlling things from the background" thing is getting real old and somewhat boring.
What we need is for season 7 to close off whatever plot loose ends there is, end the Fed / Klingon war officially and then for Season 8 start a full on Iconian invasion with a Romulan monster play faction for the Iconian side and a Borg monster play faction that is opposed to everyone. Throw in Iconian invasion events (similar to the sector space red alert system) where hordes of Iconian ships invade and also some repeatable raid missions into wherever the Iconians are hidding.
IF cryptic adds this then they have potential to add awesome to the game
The Calendar was something that has always been there, unfortunately they would put stuff up on the calender but they'd end up pushing it back and back and back to the point that it wasn't really accurate. Then they changed over the format of the front page, and the calender was gone. My theory is that they can't commit to dates on things, so instead of trying to commit to dates they put down on a calendar they just remove the calendar and then no one complains when something isn't ready on time. I don't think we'll ever see it back, cause that would mean they have to commit to the dates on it, or keep pushing them back when they fail to deliver, thus setting off more of a frenzy about why stuff isn't done.
JustGaming4US - https://www.youtube.com/user/JustGaming4Us/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Brent_Justice
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/brentjustice
Egg Zactly, they've been building and building and building up to the Iconians since the game was launched. We saw a hint of them in the mission where you go to Iconia, then we see them directly interfere with the timeline in Q Who and then we see them come out and destroy borg cubes in a later Undine series mission, and it was even mentioned in the original storyline about the demons of air and darkness, and then all the FE's have built toward them.
This has been an ongoing storyline, the iconians are in the background, ready to pounce on this galaxy. When will we see this storyline carried out which we've been teased with forever.
Personally, my theory, the Iconians will save this galaxy from the Borg, but at a major price or cost to the Federation. Just a theory of mine.
JustGaming4US - https://www.youtube.com/user/JustGaming4Us/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Brent_Justice
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/brentjustice
If this game is going for a "join a big fleet or f'ukk off" they're on the right track.
I hope they are planing to expand the STO universe.
At least making more assignment chains for doffs, can't be that difficult.
I like to see 15-25 (or even more) step assignments chains for maybe XII consoles, weapons, doffs and other useful stuff (no consumables or contraband).
Just so there is "something" to do.
I have done all the A.chains and have rank 4 on all but trade so I only do doff missions that gives me something with a crit outcome.
There is no way to please everyone, exept maybe shareholders/investors.
I really like to see them stepping up for the single players.
-or before it simply vanishes.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Very funny.
I really want to know what's next, or what even should be next. As of right now there's nothing to look forward too. I mean, what's on our radar? The Argent Class? I'm not a fan of the Sovy. The new sector coming with season seven? Not really, we don't even know what's going to be in it. Betazed? Okay... what will that place even do? Limited time Starbase rewards? What's the one we've got right now? Tribbles and a useless NPC? No thank you...
Gimme something to look forward to dangnabits!
It's..... sort of both actually.
I want to know what people want, and whether or not the dev team's plans will satisfy them.
I just need something to get exited about, and I think that's what this game needs the most. People exited about it.
Am sorry, I've deleted my reply at least a half dozen times. I'm tired of complaining. This game is what it is, and if I don't like it I'm free to play something else.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
That is true... it's just really sad that this is the state the game is in.
Either every MMO company is underachieving or players have too high expectations; or both.
Everyone wants something for nothing these days... and large portions of the media are dedicated to telling people they can get just that, while simultaneously complaining about others wanting part of their pie.
Frankly, its a mess
I don't want something for nothing. I am more than willing to pay for a great deal of things. I just want them in the game so I can then pay for them.
You're contradicting yourself.
What is it that you really want? Things to look forward to (which will draw forum posters complaining 'OMG why do I have to grind for so long to get these things, waaaah, I don't want to have to actually play this game') or immediate satisfaction from buying everything (which will draw forum posters complaining that there's not enough reason to actually play the game when everything is in the C-Store)
Raptr profile
I am not contradicting myself at all. I want things to look forward too: Stories/raids/missions/combat arenas/etc. Coupled with things I'm willing to pay for: Costumes/Ships/Premium Races/Costumes/bank space/so-on-and-so-forth.
I realize missions and such do not put food on the table, as people do not pay for those. Which is why I want to see other things that I want to pay for.
The key here is want vs. need. Since this is a F2P MMO now, I shouldn't need to pay for anything. However there are things that once put in the C-Store, I would force feed Cryptic my money.
(Take a look at my signature to see what I mean.
It seems to me we're already getting things to look forward to. Whether or not someone likes X, Y, or Z is another issue entirely.
I am looking forward to seeing what they do with this new sector that they have spoken of and the possibility of having it expand as suggested in the latest ask cryptic.
I'm also looking forward to seeing what comes of the story development and see what form future featured episodes take if any.
I hope that now the f2p launch and buy out is over with we can finally get the chance to properly explore via the new exploration system they spoke of ages ago.
I think the problem at the moment is most of the seasons so far have been system updates, hopefully season seven will utilise these systems now in place to give us something to do.
my only gripe is , i wish they'd tell us about stuff a little more in advance thansay , a month or so , not , heres a new shiney out next week
Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
Id be perfectly happy if they gave a definitive list of stuff thats coming soon with no dates attached , so we at least had an idea
Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines