We need one set that is OP, we need one set that is unique and pulls out from the rest in a unique way. Otherwise, we have a bunch of mundane sets that don't really have any unique benefits or stand out from one another, and it's a mess. Please do not destroy the one good set in this game, it's all we have that's really worth anything.
I agree with the OP, would be nice to have a reason to use other sets besides borg 3pc, I'm getting bored of it but have to use it because everyone else does.
Honestly, if the Borg set is nerfed any further, it will be essentially useless for anything whatsoever.
There was once a time where the only 'sets' we had WAS just Borg, Aegis, and Breen.
Borg set was OP, long ago, maybe it still is. If that's the case, as others have said, improve other sets. Borg is meant to be 'retro', than the best bet would be to make the 'new' gear the truly top-notch stuff it is meant to be.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Complpletely disagree with op. I use khg engines + shield, aegis deflector, and borg console on my vo quv and it is beast. I don't care about set. Bonuses- the sets as individual pieces are already far and away the best stuff in the game without the set bonuses.
When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
Everybody knows: The Borg set is currently the most powerful space set in the game.
Stopped reading and started laughing hysterically right here. That's a very good joke!
"My frozen dairy-based confectionery attracts all the males of the species to the facilities. They all agree on it's superiority. Indeed, it is superior to yours. I could teach you the finer details but that would require monetary recompense on your part." -The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
Everybody knows: The Borg set is currently the most powerful space set in the game. Three pieces of it, that is, deflector, the engines , and the console, combined with a better shield, boost survivability enormously. And that set is essentially childishly easy to get, too.
The 3-piece set is in fact so powerful that no other alternative is even close to it. Choosing any other set is just not worth it, because one looses too much by not getting the 2- and 3-piece borg bonuses... (the only exception being 2-piece Omega plus 2-piece Borg set for cruisers, in some cases).
That is a pity. There are many wonderful sets in the game: MACO, Omega, Klingon Honor Guars, Jem'Hadar, Breen, Reman Prototype... none of these see widespread use because the Borg set is just so much better. That should not be the case.
But here is a solution: Simply change the order of set bonuses in the Borg set!
So instead of the current order, use this one:
Set 2: Assimilated Tractor Beam
Set 3: Autonomous Regeneration Sequencer
Set 4: Multi-Regenerative Shield Array
So, in order to have the Multi-Regnerative Shield Array, you actually have to equip the Borg shield. Makes sense, hm?
With this, the other alternatives start to make sense. The usual 3-piece Borg plus MACO shield combo is still useful, but nerfed to a point where it is at least debateable whether the 3-piece Borg or the Omega or whatever are better.
You're making no sense. The only reason you would want this is because your tactical carrier cannot do the damage a tac escort can, when will you realise this?
Trying to buff/nerf stuff to your favor is not going to work now is it?
Perhaps you would want to see my tactical recluse build, it does about 600-900K dmg on a good day in PvP, you can always pm me for the details!
You have a lulz build and you believe a set that is less powerful thann the Omega set and Maco set is the problem?
Come on guy realize your build is the issue i have had no problems in a Tac Odessey taking out other players with Borg sets in their builds and its even easier in an escort.
Dude im surprised you even made it this far in the game with your train of thought towards the game mechanics.
Seriosuly you need to make changes and see if its effective before going back and saying something is Over Powered might open your eyes.
On top of all that, its only a situational heal, sometimes it wont proc for a whole match, the other time it procs exactly on the time that you require it. There is nothing OP about it and especially the hull proc is totally chance based. (1%?)
It would indeed be nice though for the omega and maco (and KHG) set to get an extra console to mix and match more combos.
Why not giving a boost to some other sets? They could become really competitive. The reman shield would be far better with +10 or 15% resistance to all energy damage. The MACO set should give some more interesting tanking abilities instead of a useless graviton beam.
The Jem'hadar set is really a good one, but it's based on passive regen, which isn't strong enough in game.
There is no need to nerf this set, but making the existing ones usefull would be a great step.
NOOOOOOOOO.... !!!!!
That sounds like too much work !
The OP's suggestion OTOTH sounds much more in line with Cryptic's thinking ... , and it can be done on less then 2 cups of coffee .
Hmmm ... I wonder if the OP knows that the Borg set has already been nerfed once to make the MACO set look desirable as the "New" STF award for the chopped up STF's ?
See , the Borg shields used to be better ... and the ship repair thing that the set does popped up a lot more too ... (before it was put on a 60 sec cooldown) .
On top of all that, its only a situational heal, sometimes it wont proc for a whole match, the other time it procs exactly on the time that you require it. There is nothing OP about it and especially the hull proc is totally chance based. (1%?)
It would indeed be nice though for the omega and maco (and KHG) set to get an extra console to mix and match more combos.
As much as it pains me to agree with Logimo (and I doubt he understands anything about the Borg set, rather than simply posting this to spite its popularity with escorts) the Borg three-piece is pretty ridiculous. I can come close to topping the healing charts in games purely through EPtS, TSS and Borg procs. The thing even clears plasma fires and everything else that Hazard Emitters does.
The main problem is that whenever I'm considering another setup or load-out, I'm always raising the biggest question to myself: "Will it be worth losing (x) part of the Borg kit"? In most cases, the answer ends up being "no". This shouldn't ever be the case.
I'm generally against nerfs in games unless it's proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that a certain power or aspect of the game is so strong that it's warping the way the game is played... I'd prefer to see other kits made equally as competitive as the Borg kit. But it's true that one or the other needs to happen, for the sake of at least introducing more variety into the game.
I love how in every MMO I've played when something, be it a class, a spec, or a gear set is a little stronger than the rest the first thing most suggest is to nerf it. How about instead of nerfing we balance everything upwards for a change.
Pretty much this... it's frustrating when something great in a game ends up being beaten into uselessness because developers would rather take the lazy route of just hard nerfing numbers , instead of making everything else more attractive.
seems to me that people who are using the 3 set + maco shields and giving up the Borg Tractor, might be missing it and attempting to find a way of getting it without giving up their uber shields for it.
I agree with the OP that is is kinda silly that the borg set is tops over everything else, but I also agree would rather they buff the other sets instead of just nerfing the borg set.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
The usual 3-piece Borg plus MACO shield combo is still useful, but nerfed to a point where it is at least debateable whether the 3-piece Borg or the Omega or whatever are better.
never read a bigger TRIBBLE nerf a set coz he will debate?
why not nerf alll sets for fun coz this kid will talk:eek:
or wait why not remove marco/khg shild from infected the mission is so epic easy nuubs get it to fast!!!!!!
So, realistically speaking, many, many people want the current lack of diversity to continue.
I agree. All the mix-and-match builds people are doing are so counter-diversity.
The game would be far more diverse if people were forced to use matching set pieces, and until that's worked into the game mechanics, we should nerf the borg set until it's no better than MK X green equipment to discourage mixing it with other sets.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
We need one set that is OP, we need one set that is unique and pulls out from the rest in a unique way. Otherwise, we have a bunch of mundane sets that don't really have any unique benefits or stand out from one another, and it's a mess. Please do not destroy the one good set in this game, it's all we have that's really worth anything.
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I currently float between 3 piece borg/maco shield or 2 piece borg/2 piece maco.
You never nerf, you improve. Something the sto devs have yet to learn.....
There was once a time where the only 'sets' we had WAS just Borg, Aegis, and Breen.
Borg set was OP, long ago, maybe it still is. If that's the case, as others have said, improve other sets. Borg is meant to be 'retro', than the best bet would be to make the 'new' gear the truly top-notch stuff it is meant to be.
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
Stopped reading and started laughing hysterically right here. That's a very good joke!
-The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
Sophi, you're definitely on the right track.
You're making no sense. The only reason you would want this is because your tactical carrier cannot do the damage a tac escort can, when will you realise this?
Trying to buff/nerf stuff to your favor is not going to work now is it?
Perhaps you would want to see my tactical recluse build, it does about 600-900K dmg on a good day in PvP, you can always pm me for the details!
You have a lulz build and you believe a set that is less powerful thann the Omega set and Maco set is the problem?
Come on guy realize your build is the issue i have had no problems in a Tac Odessey taking out other players with Borg sets in their builds and its even easier in an escort.
Dude im surprised you even made it this far in the game with your train of thought towards the game mechanics.
Seriosuly you need to make changes and see if its effective before going back and saying something is Over Powered might open your eyes.
Short Name: Zebular ( @zebular )
Starfleet Rank / Serial: Vice Admiral, Field Captain / SZ-872-112
Fleet Registry / Command Ship: Fleet Admiral of the Betazed Patrol / U.S.S. Zebulon, NX-91333-C
Diplomatic Registry: Starfleet Ambassador, Betazed Ambassador, Son of the Thirteenth House of Betazed
Species / Birth Date / Birth Place: Half-Betazoid, Half-Human / Stardate 27481.22 / Rixx City, Betazed
Handles: @zebular (PC) • @MtnDewFreak (XBOX) • @Terraseer (PS4)
Two piece bonuses and base stats are overpowered. Three piece bonuses are underpowered.
That is, unless the design intent is towards mix 'n match in which case all sets really should get a fourth piece.
That's the real disparity. Anyone interested in damage uses the Borg console, which encourages using a second Borg piece for mix n match set bonuses.
If every set had a console and we had some kind of real limit on special consoles, Borg set wouldn't be as prevalent.
It would indeed be nice though for the omega and maco (and KHG) set to get an extra console to mix and match more combos.
NOOOOOOOOO.... !!!!!
That sounds like too much work !
The OP's suggestion OTOTH sounds much more in line with Cryptic's thinking ... , and it can be done on less then 2 cups of coffee .
Hmmm ... I wonder if the OP knows that the Borg set has already been nerfed once to make the MACO set look desirable as the "New" STF award for the chopped up STF's ?
See , the Borg shields used to be better ... and the ship repair thing that the set does popped up a lot more too ... (before it was put on a 60 sec cooldown) .
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Join Date: August 29th 2010
Or a weapon.
The main problem is that whenever I'm considering another setup or load-out, I'm always raising the biggest question to myself: "Will it be worth losing (x) part of the Borg kit"? In most cases, the answer ends up being "no". This shouldn't ever be the case.
I'm generally against nerfs in games unless it's proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that a certain power or aspect of the game is so strong that it's warping the way the game is played... I'd prefer to see other kits made equally as competitive as the Borg kit. But it's true that one or the other needs to happen, for the sake of at least introducing more variety into the game.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
Pretty much this... it's frustrating when something great in a game ends up being beaten into uselessness because developers would rather take the lazy route of just hard nerfing numbers , instead of making everything else more attractive.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
Me playing UT2k4 (red guy) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz0DnP7wXnU
Agreed. If you TOUCH the Borg Set I will quit. Nerfing this set instead of buffing the other sets would be lazy. Why is this an issue anyways?
The fact that they limited the other sets' functionality isn't my problem.
Why don't they just add TO the sets..make them 4-peice sets?
I agree with the OP that is is kinda silly that the borg set is tops over everything else, but I also agree would rather they buff the other sets instead of just nerfing the borg set.
and create 3 different borg sets, tactical, sci, engineer borg sets
That would make things more complicated, where as buffing the current sets is easier and (hopefully) less complicated, not causing as many problems.
never read a bigger TRIBBLE nerf a set coz he will debate?
why not nerf alll sets for fun coz this kid will talk:eek:
or wait why not remove marco/khg shild from infected the mission is so epic easy nuubs get it to fast!!!!!!
Wait, you equate everything performing the same as everything else with diversity? Sorry, but I don't follow the logic.
I agree. All the mix-and-match builds people are doing are so counter-diversity.
The game would be far more diverse if people were forced to use matching set pieces, and until that's worked into the game mechanics, we should nerf the borg set until it's no better than MK X green equipment to discourage mixing it with other sets.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."