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Constant Crashing? Try This.

aislingiaislingi Member Posts: 140 Arc User
To help with possible disconnects (this worked for me, and several friends with the issue)

1. Boot up the STO launcher.
2. Click the tab in the upper-right 'options'.
3. Use the drop down window under 'proxy'.
- Select either US or EU depending on your location.
4. click 'OK'

You'll get a pop up that warns you of possible disconnects. Ignore it. This got rid of my constant DC's issue completely. I hope it works for you as well.

Tip: Uninstall Pando Media Booster, after you're done installing and updating the game. This is a general rule of thumb for anything that uses that program. Pando is known to continue running in the background, sucking up bandwidth.
I wanna go back to being weird. I like being weird. Weird's all I got, oh, and my sweet style. -Maurice Moss, The IT Crowd
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