If I'm a fan of Voyager, I can wear the same uniforms Voyager crew wore, including having a 7 of 9 look alike. I can fly the same ship at T5. I can pretend I'm actually IN Voyager.
If I'm a fan of DS9, I can wear the same uniforms the crew of DS9 wore. I can visit the station. I can buy a jumja stick. I can visit Quark's bar. I can fly a T5 Defiant. I can visit Bajor. I can pretend I'm actually IN DS9.
If I'm a fan of TNG, I can wear the same uniforms the crew of the Enterprise D wore. Be it season 1, or season 3 or the Admiral uni. I can even have a betazed ship's counselor that looks just like Deanna Troi, incuding her crazy outfits. I can fly the same ship as the Enterprise D at T5. I can pretend I'm actually IN TNG.
If I'm a fan of TOS, I have the bridge, uniforms and weapons of the TOS. Alas, I can't fly that ship at T5. So there's a big hole in the system of this game. They let you do every little thing EXCEPT that.
It's dumb. This is an amusement park style video game that charges you for almost unlimited customization of your look, so you can play your trek game the way you want. Except for one little thing, the TOS enterprise at end-game.
Nevermind the overwhemling number of other ships that are available at T5, be they Enterprise era ships like the Vulcan ship, or futuristic Temporal science ships from the 29th century, or non-federation ships like a Galor. They bend, twist, break all the rules of logic for just about everything.
Peersonally, I'll never understand those folks who want/love the Galaxy class 1701-D as IMO - I thought it was one of the ugliest Star Trek ships on screen in 1987 - and still feel that way about that bloated spatula today.
Wha!? :eek: How dare you insult the big robin's egg blue masterpiece! I'd take your slander peersonally! (if I knew what peersonally meant)
Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
Except then we get people whining about how it's not fair that they thought they were PvP'ing against a Connie and it turns out to be a Fleet HEC or an Avenger...
And then we tell them that they got what they deserved for trying to pick on what they thought was a weaker ship and getting pwnt.
The reason most people don't want to see a T5 Constitution or Miranda in the game is probably because they spent a lot of money on the Odyssey, Dreadnaught, Avenger, stuff like that and they don't want to see it matched or out classed by some old relic. I mean, where does it end? Will they ask for a playable Phoenix next as a T5 ship? how about a old NASA shuttle? And yes the KDF has the B'rel as a T5 fleet version, doesn't mean it's worth using, just means it's in the game. You don't see people who are playing Romulan saying they must have a T5 T'liss instead of the more up to date T'varo so it's not as if fed players are being left out of anything. and the fed has a ton of ships already, doesn't really need anymore.
The reason most people don't want to see a T5 Constitution or Miranda in the game is probably because they spent a lot of money on the Odyssey, Dreadnaught, Avenger, stuff like that and they don't want to see it matched or out classed by some old relic.
Those people seem to not have an issue getting demolished by T5 versions of the Enterprise era Romulan Warbird, or ENT Movie era Klingon Birds of Prey and Klingon Battlecruisers.
All of which can be described as old relics.
Not really buying that argument.
===post above is by snoggymack22===
EDIT: This thread has been closed due to being a "necro" thread. Remember, if a thread has not been posted to in over 30 days, please start a new thread to discuss a topic Thanks! ~BranFlakes
If I'm a fan of DS9, I can wear the same uniforms the crew of DS9 wore. I can visit the station. I can buy a jumja stick. I can visit Quark's bar. I can fly a T5 Defiant. I can visit Bajor. I can pretend I'm actually IN DS9.
If I'm a fan of TNG, I can wear the same uniforms the crew of the Enterprise D wore. Be it season 1, or season 3 or the Admiral uni. I can even have a betazed ship's counselor that looks just like Deanna Troi, incuding her crazy outfits. I can fly the same ship as the Enterprise D at T5. I can pretend I'm actually IN TNG.
If I'm a fan of TOS, I have the bridge, uniforms and weapons of the TOS. Alas, I can't fly that ship at T5. So there's a big hole in the system of this game. They let you do every little thing EXCEPT that.
It's dumb. This is an amusement park style video game that charges you for almost unlimited customization of your look, so you can play your trek game the way you want. Except for one little thing, the TOS enterprise at end-game.
Nevermind the overwhemling number of other ships that are available at T5, be they Enterprise era ships like the Vulcan ship, or futuristic Temporal science ships from the 29th century, or non-federation ships like a Galor. They bend, twist, break all the rules of logic for just about everything.
Except that one little thing.
Wha!? :eek: How dare you insult the big robin's egg blue masterpiece! I'd take your slander peersonally! (if I knew what peersonally meant)
And then we tell them that they got what they deserved for trying to pick on what they thought was a weaker ship and getting pwnt.
Those people seem to not have an issue getting demolished by T5 versions of the Enterprise era Romulan Warbird, or ENT Movie era Klingon Birds of Prey and Klingon Battlecruisers.
All of which can be described as old relics.
Not really buying that argument.
===post above is by snoggymack22===
EDIT: This thread has been closed due to being a "necro" thread. Remember, if a thread has not been posted to in over 30 days, please start a new thread to discuss a topic Thanks! ~BranFlakes