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Cryptic: NO more KDF ships!!



  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    I guess it is why I look at many acting with such venom and hurt feelings, being a devout Klingon player myself, I can understand those feelings, but realistically that is no reason to go about acting how many are as if this is a personal accosting and insult to them at such a level.

    Cryptic is a company, and like any company they are going to put forth their effort where the money is. It is not rocket science, or a personal insult to anyone. It is good business sense.

    Listen dears, some of you really make me worry over you all. If I ever was half aggravated with a game as much as many of you post, I'll be honest, I'd leave it and have my husband remove it off my computer the very second and take our money someplace else. We (he and I) have done it in the past leaving maxed out characters, 10 of them, decked to the gills in World of ********, and 9 Dark Age of Camelot. This game is no different.

    Maybe it is just my experience giving me a different way of looking at things Levi dear, but in the essence of it all, is it really worth all that aggravation?

    What you are are hashing over is not news, Nau we may not like it, but the last board meeting they(cryptic) had they didn't invite me, sooooo that explained where I stand ^^. My only recourse is either
    1. spend money with them
    2. take my money someplace else.

    Thank you for your post - it is pointing out a main fact that I am trying to get accross - THIS IS JUST A GAME

    Why am I a "Federation Troll" as someone said for pointing that this should not be taken seriously and to get on with what you have?

    I have 3 Klingon lvl 50 toons - I have 5 lvl 50 Fed toons- do I like the Fed side better - of course - that's what the IP is about

    I have fun with those Klingon toons - why can't the rest of you? If you don't like them - don't play them - just don't cry about something you can't and won't change

    I am an STO player - the problem with many Klingon players is they take this personally - as if they were Klingons - which is scary to think about their mind set
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    fine believe what ever you wish. the reality of the situation is what it is, accept it or dont. i dont mind either way.
  • bludaggerbludagger Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    That's it - issue solved - there will be no more KDF ship designs put out as it is not profitable

    If you listen to Al in the latest podcast on the main page you will here him say how the Borta was the last(at least for a long time)

    to quote him "The Oddy sold more than the Borta by an order of Magnitude!" while costing pretty much the same to develop - so why should we invest time and money when it's not profitable

    Frankly thank goodness as the Borta is ugly.

    I fly both the heavy BOP and the Raptor and they are excellent ships! So KDF will just have to do with Fleet upgrades

    On the AMAZING note it looks like I will be getting my Science VESTA!! What a beauty! And apparently she will be the "god" ship - I guess everyone with an oddy will have to upgrade!

    So no more threads are needed about what the next KDF ship should be as PWE is not interested in making one.

    Yeah, Hey Z... baby do not reply to this guy and feed the trolls. He starts stuff that is always out of context and just to start stuff.

    Perigreene and Roach are trustworthy, and a couple others I know.

    Just the OP and the ones I texted to you, yeah Just do not feed the trolls baby.

    cya when I get home.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I'm not saying that you're wrong in your assertion that Cryptic won't make any more KDF ships, I'm simply saying that what you claim Geko said is not what he actually said. Therefore you misquoted him.

    And I also question the purpose behind your creating this thread. Your post history shows that you're not a KDF player, so if you're not trying to simply stir up those of us who are, then why did you start this thread?

    - Peregrine Falcon

    I have stated over and over that I play both sides - I have a preference for Fed - but no alliegence

    See this is what I think needs to be address - as to my post - to give up this feeling that Cryptic somehow "owes" the KDF anything - its a business - you get what you get - they sell what sells

    If the KDF poster would lose this Fed vs KDF ideal or that it's a real war then things would be better- you mention emothions about somehing that is just computer code!!

    I guess my main point of the thread was I liked to hear - at least for me - a dev not BSing things and saying KDF is not profitable

    That's it - so play with what you got and don't get worked up when you don't see anything else come out

    I really thought long and hard about buying the B'rel for my Tac toon on this sale - but the Heavey BOP is almost as good - so I ended up buying the Refit Defiant - thats just the way it is - and I talked to several B'rel owners before making the choice - so I gave it DD

    I will keep using the Heavy Bop everyday and not get worked up over this as none of you should either
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fine believe what ever you wish. the reality of the situation is what it is, accept it or dont. i dont mind either way.

    Sorry for the fury. You are right. It's pointless.

    I get caught up in this because for me its not just a game. For me its as competitive as for anyone that goes to play tennis, etc.

    And in that competition, I want both sides to be treated fairly. "Play with what you got" does not see you through matches...

    I PvP, thats all I do.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    bludagger wrote: »
    Yeah, Hey Z... baby do not reply to this guy and feed the trolls. He starts stuff that is always out of context and just to start stuff.

    Perigreene and Roach are trustworthy, and a couple others I know.

    Just the OP and the ones I texted to you, yeah Just do not feed the trolls baby.

    cya when I get home.

    This is not about trolling - its about acceptence! The sooner you accept that the KDF is what it is and won't be getting much better- the sooner you will feel better

    What I don't like is all the KDF trolls - making threads telling people that there is hope for the KDF- when it is very clear - the KDF is a minor bit for PWE

    There should be no more posts/threads inspiring false hope - play with what you have

    No-one should be given false hope about the KDF - then they won't be hurt as much when they get nothing

    I don't want to cause any other issue than acceptance and move on with what they have - leading people to believe there is hope is the problem - not spelling out what is clear to almost everyone
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    This is not about trolling - its about acceptence! The sooner you accept that the KDF is what it is and won't be getting much better- the sooner you will feel better

    What I don't like is all the KDF trolls - making threads telling people that there is hope for the KDF- when it is very clear - the KDF is a minor bit for PWE

    There should be no more posts/threads inspiring false hope - play with what you have

    No-one should be given false hope about the KDF - then they won't be hurt as much when they get nothing

    I don't want to cause any other issue than acceptance and move on with what they have - leading people to believe there is hope is the problem - not spelling out what is clear to almost everyone

    And I wonder if the tables were turned, and you were in a faction that was where the KDF are, would you share that sentiment.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Sorry for the fury. You are right. It's pointless.

    I get caught up in this because for me its not just a game. For me its as competitive as for anyone that goes to play tennis, etc.

    And in that competition, I want both sides to be treated fairly.

    I PvP, thats all I do.

    That's fine. i understand. people are passionate about the game.

    I would like nothing more than to see a fully fleshed out klingon faction on complete par with the feds. I actually like the klingon side far more than fed despite the differences. and id love a complete romulan faction or a cardassian faction too some day as well.

    i want nothing more than this game to get better and while i am confident it will get better i want to be realistic and pragmatic in the terms of how it will get better.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Did anyone ask you to play Siegmund Freud, and lead the masses from their stray?

    Can you accept the fact that this will never be a PvP game? And that one side will get all the favor from now on?

    If you can then you are liberated from the masses and can make a real choice - accept what you have and don't become disapointed if there is not much else, or move on to something else.

    Then yes I do feel like I have accomplished some good - you will not waste any more emotional energy waiting for something that most likely will never happen.
  • xiphenonxiphenon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    lianthelia wrote: »
    The voquv is free, get more healing for your buck and you can keep the lt cmdr tac boff without losing any healing, not to mention you can have fighters which more than make up for a couple weapon slots or take healing pets.

    You can maybe use the Voquv to heal but a Bortas specced for will heal alot more. You can combine eng and sci high end skills as e.g. for shield reststance and heal ExtS.III + TTS.III, or Aux2SIF.III + HE.III for hull resistance and heals. Lt. Cmd. Universal for teh win.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Before everyone gets upset you should at least listen to the podcast. The OP is misquoting CaptainGeko, and deliberately mischaracterizing his statement. And you all fell for it, because you didn't listen to the podcast.

    Starting at 1:07:54 (link), here's what CaptainGeko actually said:

    "To be honest we don't sell that many Klingon ships.

    So we just don't and a... so its... we love to make them. The artists I think like to make them more than Fed ships cause they can be a lot more creative with them, but what the Odyssey sold in comparison to the Bortas was an order of magnitude different.

    The Odyssey took a lot more work... (snip) [because of the contest] (snip) ...but even beside that I mean the amount of development time that it takes to make one ship is a lot and so if they don't sell it's really difficult to justify.

    So they'll still keep getting them, but in general you're gonna see more come out for the Fed than you are gonna see for the Klingon. But I think that all of the different fleet ships coming out are going to really help. You're not going to get new skins, or new models, but a lot of new options. A lot of new bridge officer seating options.

    They're gonna get the new D-7, right. The K'Tinga and D-7 versions they'll have access to. So and that has a complete different seating that the Vor'cha. So they're gonna get a lot of new options."

    While there's plenty of things about the Empire to be upset about, let's not waste our time getting upset about things that weren't actually said. And let's not allow ourselves to be successfully baited by Federation trolls.

    Levi3 is troll and this thread is more proof of it. Al made no claim in iether the first half or seond that the KDF is dead and to be left that way.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Levi3 is troll and this thread is more proof of it. Al made no claim in iether the first half or seond that the KDF is dead and to be left that way.

    Your absolutely right Roach - I should let sleeping dogs lie - in their delusions

    I am sorry for throwing reality out there

    Only time will tell - but my point stands - No new KDF ships for the forseeable future is a fact

    Do you just hang around hear and complain? I spent the last hour in Karvat in my heavy Bop tangling with the "Feds"

    But of course I am a Fed troll so I must be a double agent
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    you can tell me STO is failing, like so many other angry and disgruntled players over the last 2 years, and im sure you or someone else will tell me is failing in another 2 years. go play the game sometime and take a calm look around and you will see people having fun. you wont see the sky is falling or the game is dying.

    less than 20% of people play the klingons (and even fewer play them only) yet take an objective look at how much they have been developed from what they were. all FE are cross faction. there have been 21 c-store ships for klingons compared to 29 fed. there have been 9 unique klingon missions and 3 patrols compared to 3 fed missions, 3 remastered and 8 minor diplomatic missions.

    every new feature from the doff system, to the foundry to starbases are designed for cross faction.

    there have been new social zones in qo'nos and the academy. the gorn got updates. the orions, and nausicaans got unique costume outfits. they can now use scanners, and crafting and use the whole galaxy and access to the stf's. there have been fleet actions opened up and defend sector missions and star clusters. they had none of this at launch and cryptic had no obligation to add or fix any of it.

    they have lagged behind in the costume department and that is a little sad, although part of the problem is that klingons have more complicated character models than feds. fed costumes are an easy way to make a lot of money to keep the game going. yet when they do get costumes they are awesome. in fact just about everything that gets added for klingons is visually amazing. there is no lack of effort when making klingon stuff. the designers have said they even like making klingon stuff more, but the numbers need to start paying off and every indication is that the numbers dont change. will adding more ships or missions change that? so far evidence suggests that answer is no.

    they are doing their best to improve the klingon faction from its start position of next to nothing without losing their massive fed playerbase. they took their pvp only faction and they made it playable for everyone and it will only get better as going forward will continue to be cross faction.

    they did all of this despite the fact that only a tiny percentage of loyal players play the faction. they have pumped far more resources into that the numbers would suggest yet players like you are still not happy. you want a full klingon faction. fine but well you are not getting it. none of us are. there is no clambering from the masses to come over and play either. they are not interested. klingons will always be a mini faction. if they ever add romulans they will be an even smaller faction.

    if anything they should never have included the faction at launch, and they nearly did not. they had a deadline to hit from the contract with CBS that they took over and they very nearly left them out. they wanted them in to try and improve them, knowing that if they left them out there was a very real chance they would never get back in.

    now, no matter how much they realistically add despite the numbers against them, they get slated for it.

    Sorry but your tottally clueless.

    Let em tell you why for me klinks are not as well loved as feds:

    1. From a background PoV there's nothing to attract me to them. They've been pushed back into their TOS era warmongering counqurers mode instead of continuing forward with their honourable warriors looking to fight alongisde their great allies the federation. As a serious treky that puts me off them massivlly becuase there's nothing that appeals to traditinal trekies. They also don't exactly appeal to a lot of other types as they really have no redeeming features whatsoever background wise.

    2. There's a complete death of PVE content. There simply isn't enough missions to get more than a couple of levels straight out of the tutorioul for klinks. They your stuck banging your head on a wall doing dailies if you don't want to PVP, (i.e. majority of the playerbase). In adittion a good chunk of what is avalibile is stuff you've doubltess run several times for the fed side. It's a long boring as hell slog.

    3. There's very littile there thats unique. Leveling a Kling is thus slow and boring. You get diffrent shiops, you get toons with a diffrent apperance. And thats about it. Thats all klinks actually have that feds don't.

    Whats really needed is some kind of "partial peace treaty" in universe, and then combined the two factions. Full integration, Klnks start at level one but can do fed or klink side missions and vice versa, (wel the fed war and klink war arcs would probably be exclusive and you'd get to see the treaty at the end which then opens p the cross faction stuff for your toon). Klink side becomes then about the unique ships, dailies, and characters. Not about the content you run with them. With a full rnage of PVE content and klinks not quite having the same bad guy image the limited unique elements don't matter so much.

    Even makes sense PVP wise. J'Mpok can't easilly switc from outright war to outright freinds overnight, especially with the undine situation, it would cost him way too much face in his political battle with the house of martok. On the other hand if there really is a major joint threat, (and the evidance is right there), he;s in danger of "sacraficing an empire to win a battle is no victory". He's caught between two fronts. with his honour on the line. But agreeing to limit hostilities to certian specific area's of contention and agreeing to working closely with the federation on all other matters gives him the best of both worlds. He's conserving his strongest forces for the real threats whilst not aditing he was tottally wrong. And if things work out with the feds in the long run he can justify a proper full peace treaty later when his position is stronger.

    I can even write a plot arc that lets orions, nuassicanns and gorn integrate with the this without issues.

    As for the long term. Unless somthing major changes. Klinks ARE doomed. The simple fact is if they can make more money with somthing fed side than klink side then they won't do it for klink side. period. It's not good economics at this point to invest anything in klinks whatsoever unless you intend to deal with their issues and expand them to the point where people start playing them as much as they do feds. Thats the only klink side project the devs will EVER get authourisation to do. Anything else is bad for the bottom line.
  • horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    OP Levi3
    Only time will tell - but my point stands - No new KDF ships for the forseeable future is a fact

    Do you just hang around hear and complain? I spent the last hour in Karvat in my heavy Bop tangling with the "Feds"

    But of course I am a Fed troll so I must be a double agent

    The last lends credence to the possibility that nobody likes you. The only certainity is you are a troll. The posts I've come to expect from you are arguementative and pointless. This one is surprising that it is equal parts spiteful and lazy; misrepresent a dev interview to spread doom and gloom and return periodically to stir the pot. Congratulations, you win again. I actually expected better from you.

  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The last lends credence to the possibility that nobody likes you. The only certainity is you are a troll. The posts I've come to expect from you are arguementative and pointless. This one is surprising that it is equal parts spiteful and lazy; misrepresent a dev interview to spread doom and gloom and return periodically to stir the pot. Congratulations, you win again. I actually expected better from you.

    How can I compete with such insight?

    Misrepresent a Dev? Hmm - ok did he say that the next Few new ships will be Fed? Yes

    Did he say that making KDF ships was not profitable enough? Yes

    Did he say its hard to justify making KDF ships? yes

    All he said is that the 1000 day vet ship may be faction specific or may not

    ok so lets look out 6 months - Vesta- Sov Retro - and the 1000 day - they better make it universal and not faction specific or the crying here will be epic

    imagine the next 3-6 months - Fed get A Vesta and a Sov retro and then a New 1000 day ship - all those new toys flying around and wow - a tiny few people get a 1000 day KDF ship that 95% of the other KDF players will never have and only see Fed ships everywhere

    Oh yeah he painted a pretty good picture of bright roses and blue skies for the KDF - definitely no doom and gloom anywhere to be found

    Now it is possibe that they may throw a bone out in the next 6 months just to say they have not forgotten about the KDF - same old - same old

    Hows that - better?
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    I think that he implied that there won't be any more KDF ships ever! It's just not profitable and you can infer that PWE sure as hell won't let Cryptic put out anything they think won't be profitable - that I can say with 100% certainty!!

    No. He implied that the amount of Klingon ships developed will be few and far between compared to The Feds. Not that there won't be any more ever.

    You can also tell that Al himself isn't a fan of the Klingons. He doesn't speak about them with any interest and most of the time completely omits them from conversation points even when speaking on a talking point that should include them. He constantly has to be prodded to give that "oh yeah, Klingons will/won't get that as well"

    It's still TRIBBLE news anyway you look at it. They basically just came out and admitted that they are giving up in Klingons and will be focusing on Fed or universal content. I'm leveling a Fed as we speak. Which I'm pretty sure is exactly what Cryptic wants. It could be worse though, at least they are keeping Klings on the level with Starbases, fleet ships, etc. it's not a complete loss and you'll have plenty to work towards.
  • horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Actually that's not bad at all. The reply you posted was a fair reiteration of the cast and delivered in an objective manner. In my opinion it sounds like business as usual in regard to STO.

    If there was anything to look forward to there are the fleet ships. It appears that most console ships made the cut so there will be some "new" ships.

    The tone of the interview was less condescending than the one with Mr. Stahl. While I don't like bad news I do appreciate that someone is willing to state issues they have with a process (continuing KDF development) rather than presenting me with a metaphor about a car ride with mom and dad. When I was a child I didn't give my folks gas money so I never felt entitled to provide them with direction. This interview offended me. There I finally stated that somewhere. I don't know what bothered me more when I heard it the snide guy trying to tell me he's my daddy or the muppet providing the laugh track that made it that much more excruciating.

    I also considered who was conducting the interview. I don't know the podcaster but I can gather from listening to two podcasts I listened to that he was involved with his interests and mine are very different. Once the interviewee lead him away from the the Armitage they even talked about other things. The mention of anything relating to KDF was little more than a footnote and the direction of the interview was hardly intended to showcase the Klingon faction. It's one more reason the reveal seems underwhelming.

    As for new directions the Vesta may not be for this faction but a true science vessel (for either faction) is something of a departure from pleasing the masses model. That he seemed to be sticking to the "unpopular" science scheme in the face of a vehement fan boy's pandering and fawning I was impressed. It helps that a real science vessel for either faction would please me.

    The final assessment of your post is the same as mine but even if it isn't hurray rainbows and unicorns for all at least it isn't the gallows and nailed coffins you suggested initially.

  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Actually that's not bad at all. The reply you posted was a fair reiteration of the cast and delivered in an objective manner. In my opinion it sounds like business as usual in regard to STO.

    If there was anything to look forward to there are the fleet ships. It appears that most console ships made the cut so there will be some "new" ships.

    The tone of the interview was less condescending than the one with Mr. Stahl. While I don't like bad news I do appreciate that someone is willing to state issues they have with a process (continuing KDF development) rather than presenting me with a metaphor about a car ride with mom and dad. When I was a child I didn't give my folks gas money so I never felt entitled to provide them with direction. This interview offended me. There I finally stated that somewhere. I don't know what bothered me more when I heard it the snide guy trying to tell me he's my daddy or the muppet providing the laugh track that made it that much more excruciating.

    I also considered who was conducting the interview. I don't know the podcaster but I can gather from listening to two podcasts I listened to that he was involved with his interests and mine are very different. Once the interviewee lead him away from the the Armitage they even talked about other things. The mention of anything relating to KDF was little more than a footnote and the direction of the interview was hardly intended to showcase the Klingon faction. It's one more reason the reveal seems underwhelming.

    As for new directions the Vesta may not be for this faction but a true science vessel (for either faction) is something of a departure from pleasing the masses model. That he seemed to be sticking to the "unpopular" science scheme in the face of a vehement fan boy's pandering and fawning I was impressed. It helps that a real science vessel for either faction would please me.

    The final assessment of your post is the same as mine but even if it isn't hurray rainbows and unicorns for all at least it isn't the gallows and nailed coffins you suggested initially.

    Fair enough. I do not dislike the KDF as people claim I do - if not I would not play my 3 Klink characters hours every day.

    in the latest ship sale I really wanted to buy my first c-store KDF ship -but there was nothing that interested me as I am not a PvP player - I really gave the B'rel a real hard look over but in the end it did not suit my play style - so I picked up and Intrepid for my sci toon and Defiant retro for my Tac - I had been using the oddy 3 pack and fleet escort (have the excel refit in ship yard but have not used it since oddy pack was launched

    The whole point of "this" thread - and am admitting past issues with my posting - was to make a point that Cryptic has no real interest in putting out anything worth while for the KDF in the near future - if ever

    what I do not like are the real trolls who constantly either whine about what they cannot change or worse when it is pretty much slapped in their face - still try to convince others that there is hope for the KDF

    Bottom line is that is better KDF player expect nothing - be surprized and happy if they get something - but not disappointed as what I believe - they get nothing

    I still content that the KDF has the best tactical T5 non c-store ships anyways

    Heavy Bop is way better than Fleet Escort
    Raptor is better then the Sov(oh god - am I going to start a flame war with the Fed players now - that can't be I'm supposed to be a Fed troll !!)
    The Neg is sort of in between the Sov and Star Crusier - But a Raptor should still take all 3 if done right

    I just keep seeing the scene with Tom Cruise and Jack when I read the Klingon threads

    "I want the Truth!!" "You can't handle the truth!!"

    P.S - I would like the KDF to get a new ship that was popular - the one thing my posts do is get noticed - over 1000 views in under 12hours - if everyone that viewed my post instead of taking about trolling - replied and said yes I would 110% buy the new KDF ship that came out - Cryptic would take notice - so are you haters of me - truly confident you know my motives?
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I hear KDF players on these threads say things that tell cryptic not to bother with the KDF

    example: I hate doffing and am only interested in PvP

    Translation to PWE business - they won't be spending $25 to max their doff lots and they wont be spending lots of money buying doffs

    How many KDF players have over 300 slots on Doff roster? _ if not get buying!!

    Remember this is ALL about the $$$$$ dollar signs and nothing more - and since Feds or 10x bigger it means that KDF is going to have to Bleed money 10x more if they want to be taken as seriously

    Fairness? Balance? Promises? -- Irrelevant!! Lots anf lots of cash is all that can save the KDF - or get it anything worth while - so start uping your Doff roster!

    3 of my Fed toons have 400 slots - 1 has 150

    2 of my Klink toons have 250 - 1 has 100 - but he is brand new

    If you say anything that does not make PWE see $$$$ - your post/pleas/cries/whine will be ignored - that is the cold hard fact

    So get out there and start SPENDING real money - not dilth exchange to c-point money - like there is no tomorrow!!
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Well, they could relatively easily offer new KDF ships (stat-wise) and have them use the skins of lower tier ships. That would cut development time significantly.

    that is largely what the starbase system will offer. there are numerous low level klingon ships added up to tier 5.
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    But this is the first time(that I know of) someone at Cryptic has put the nail in the coffin on a podcast

    this is not the first time thats for sure the thing that has stuck in my head for a while is stahl saying bang for buck its not bang for buck to make kdf stuff

    (most people play feds)

    duh they restrict making a kdf until u reach lvl 25 i think.

    if it was the other way around we would have loads more kdf. alot of people after they spent so much time and money on a faction will tend to stick to that faction.

    its not bang for buck to make more content for kdf or missions in general (either faction)

    stfs are the focus most likely for some time to come.?!...

    but you know what im sure cryptic has the cash to make kdf ships, and i understand a bussiness model but there are kdf player that WILL buy the ships it would keep alot of players happy and improve the game overall.

    personly i see it as win win it may take abit longer to get the cost of making the ships back but its not going to be a loss and i really do think the focus should be making the game teh best game they can not how quick can we make a return and profit. i doubt they are that desprate.
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    I hear KDF players on these threads say things that tell cryptic not to bother with the KDF

    example: I hate doffing and am only interested in PvP

    Translation to PWE business - they won't be spending $25 to max their doff lots and they wont be spending lots of money buying doffs

    How many KDF players have over 300 slots on Doff roster? _ if not get buying!!

    Remember this is ALL about the $$$$$ dollar signs and nothing more - and since Feds or 10x bigger it means that KDF is going to have to Bleed money 10x more if they want to be taken as seriously

    Fairness? Balance? Promises? -- Irrelevant!! Lots anf lots of cash is all that can save the KDF - or get it anything worth while - so start uping your Doff roster!

    3 of my Fed toons have 400 slots - 1 has 150

    2 of my Klink toons have 250 - 1 has 100 - but he is brand new

    If you say anything that does not make PWE see $$$$ - your post/pleas/cries/whine will be ignored - that is the cold hard fact

    So get out there and start SPENDING real money - not dilth exchange to c-point money - like there is no tomorrow!!

    1 fed 400 doff slots i have some of the ships at the time i got them for quads and a console or two.

    11 kdf.

    6 main (charaters i play alot) the rest are for farming dilithium doff cadre etc....

    4 of the 6 have 400 doff slots and ive spent an insane amount buying kdf doff packs and cardi packs for those 4 toons

    i have all but one ship for the kdf would like to buy more but hey looks like i will have to grind starbase stuff to aquire them.

    also 3 of my kdf toons have a the bug ship 1 galor and 2 d'kora.

    anyway... i know im one person in a vast sea of players i have spent my fair share of cash on this game almost all of it on kdf im sure there are more players out that would love to be able to buy more kdf ships.

    my fav kdf ship is the kar'fi id like to see more interesting ships like this and from what i hear cbs arnt as strict when it comes to kdf ships etc.. why dont cryptic use that to there adavntage and flush out kdf this will im sure get more players coming to kdf.

    cryptic needs to stop looking and spreadsheets and numbers and make the best game they can for both sides.

    using more people play feds argument when u cant even pick a kdf til u lvl up some is just plain lazy.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    Your absolutely right Roach - I should let sleeping dogs lie - in their delusions
    What delusions? That the Devs are focused more on Fed than KDF growth? We already knew this as its been the case for 2 years. That no new KDF ships on on the horizon for us? We already new this as we where told when they released all the new ships we recieved months ago that the KDF was designed first with the feds to follow.
    I am sorry for throwing reality out there
    the only reality that exists is that Cryptic half-assed the KDf faction and is focused more on the revenue stream of the fed playerbase than us.
    What is not a reality is that the KDF is being left for dead, to never see another ships, costume or any addition to its content.
    Until a Dev actually steps up and says, "We will no longer make KDF content of any form" its just back to the same old situation for us KDF fans - to be overlooked and only courted with content when the fancy strikes the Dev team, as a source of revenue for the game.
    Only time will tell - but my point stands - No new KDF ships for the forseeable future is a fact
    Except your opening post did not say " for the forseeable future", it said " no more" and thats not the case.
    Do you just hang around hear and complain? I spent the last hour in Karvat in my heavy Bop tangling with the "Feds"
    I play in Ker'rat and tangle with the feds just fine. Evidently not at the same time of day that you do though.
    But of course I am a Fed troll so I must be a double agent

    I never said you where a fed troll, just a troll. Or so a good deal of your posts seem to be.

    To come out and say things like "never", "no more" and "will not be" and throw them upon the already pissed and upset KDF playerbase is to erode the hope that things may change.
    We can only expect change for the KDF if we continue to hope and strive for that change, to except a finality of our position is to give up, and a Warrior never gives up.

    Every KDF fan hits that wall of despair and doubt about the future of our faction and will post doom and gloom, I've hit it as well as others, but we still persist in our campaign to let the Devs and those persistant feds whom wish us to give up, know that we will not go quietly and expect to see the complete faction we where told was the desire of Cryptic and PWE to give us.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1 fed 400 doff slots i have some of the ships at the time i got them for quads and a console or two.

    11 kdf.

    6 main (charaters i play alot) the rest are for farming dilithium doff cadre etc....

    4 of the 6 have 400 doff slots and ive spent an insane amount buying kdf doff packs and cardi packs for those 4 toons

    i have all but one ship for the kdf would like to buy more but hey looks like i will have to grind starbase stuff to aquire them.

    also 3 of my kdf toons have a the bug ship 1 galor and 2 d'kora.

    anyway... i know im one person in a vast sea of players i have spent my fair share of cash on this game almost all of it on kdf im sure there are more players out that would love to be able to buy more kdf ships.

    my fav kdf ship is the kar'fi id like to see more interesting ships like this and from what i hear cbs arnt as strict when it comes to kdf ships etc.. why dont cryptic use that to there adavntage and flush out kdf this will im sure get more players coming to kdf.

    cryptic needs to stop looking and spreadsheets and numbers and make the best game they can for both sides.

    using more people play feds argument when u cant even pick a kdf til u lvl up some is just plain lazy.

    Great to hear(but PWE wants to see lots and lots of outside cash flow not dilth farming) - now if another 5000+ KDF players would spend lots and lots of money - real money - not dilth farmed to cp - then maybe, just maybe PWE would do something with the KDF (say 5000 x $200 = $1 million which would be a start)

    You have to remember that Cryptic answers to PWE - and spreadsheets and numbers are ALL that matters - $$$$ signs and nothing else
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »

    Every KDF fan hits that wall of despair and doubt about the future of our faction and will post doom and gloom, I've hit it as well as others, but we still persist in our campaign to let the Devs and those persistant feds whom wish us to give up, know that we will not go quietly and expect to see the complete faction we where told was the desire of Cryptic and PWE to give us.

    Despite what you think I do understand your frustrations - but someone who has been around as long as you should see the writing on the wall and read between the lines from what is said by Cryptic - or not said.

    The whole point of my posting is to force KDF players into the reality that getting upset about it is useless - whining about it is useless - crying about it is useless

    Spending VAST amouts of money on KDF stuff at the c-store - is NOT useless - this is what PWE pays attention to - that is the only "campaign that has a chance of winning!
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    Great to hear(but PWE wants to see lots and lots of outside cash flow not dilth farming) - now if another 5000+ KDF players would spend lots and lots of money - real money - not dilth farmed to cp - then maybe, just maybe PWE would do something with the KDF (say 5000 x $200 = $1 million which would be a start)

    You have to remember that Cryptic answers to PWE - and spreadsheets and numbers are ALL that matters - $$$$ signs and nothing else

    whoa u cant serously think that all the charaters slot doff space ships etc... is all from dilitum farming lol.

    last month i spent ?300 just on cadre packs. since i started playing i have spent about ?2000+

    i know thats alot of cash but hey thats not the point i was trying to make my point was i have spent maybe ?80 on fed but after i lvl'd that toon i thought id give kdf a go and i prefer kdf and it shows in the numbers. im sure there is alot of players out there that prefer kdf. so the argument that More people buy fed ships sint good enough if cryptic came out and said we dont not make a profit at all from mkaing kdf ships. then i would understand but im sure they do get the costs back and even profit from the sales just may take alittle long than if it were a fed ship.

    the players are here kdf want more ships they can easily add ships even with there hands being less tied from cbs etc.

    and if you are going to argue that season 6 will have more kdf ships i dont mean re-skined refrofits.

    kar'fi for example its a beauitful ship there is no justified reason why they are not making them.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I'm sorry Mistress, but while Your posts are very Sexy looking...
    ... I can't read um worth a darn... and I'm curious as to what You have to say...

    I hope You don't mind too much that I brought them back into the light.... :)
    did you read anything? nothing you state is said in the interview, nor in antyhing I said. THAT is exactly why I state, lets not "read" anything into anything or take anything out of context. What is stated in that interview was not what the OP posted. Perhaps you need to check your anger and disappointment at the door to.

    It is why I stated, " Granted, Xas, there are many things that were done wrong, but lets not add to the problems by misrepresentation of a partial statement vs the entire statement." which is what you did here.

    FYI hon, since you do not know, I been playing since closed beta. Only recently have I made a posting account simply due to me looking for a fleet to call home. I play more then He(husband) does now, so if I want a nice home for my little orion, it means I need to find myself one ^^
    ummmm... that is not what was stated hon. I suggest you go back, cool your heart some, and listen again. ^^

    That conversation you take out of context was simply comparing the bortas sales to the oddy sales. Mr. Rivvera mentions before that that a completely new Klingon ship is coming out for the 1000 day veteran reward for both factions. He also states that short term plans, that the groups has decided that no newly designed KDF ships are coming out any time soon.


    Umm, because he mentions they just added new skins, to all the new "Fleet" refits that both the Fed and KDF got? Not to mention the unique skin that all 900 day members get for both factions? ^-

    Just saying sweety, perhaps looking at the larger picture is better then misquoting folks or short sightedness. Granted, Xas, there are many things that were done wrong, but lets not add to the problems by misrepresentation of a partial statement vs the entire statement.


    Gawd, LUV that icon hon, don't EVER loose that.

    and it is ok, I still think for myself and check things out for validity.

    translation for others: I check to make sure you know what you are talking about.
    granted he spelled a few things out, that I already new. Things Mr. Stahl spelled out more then two months ago, so I am at a loss why this should be shocking news.

    might, maybe's, if, thing is that is not what he stated levi. That was why i pointed that out. You seen what you wanted to see, as many do, and took from it a small portion of what was said.

    I guess it is why I look at many acting with such venom and hurt feelings, being a devout Klingon player myself, I can understand those feelings, but realistically that is no reason to go about acting how many are as if this is a personal accosting and insult to them at such a level.

    Cryptic is a company, and like any company they are going to put forth their effort where the money is. It is not rocket science, or a personal insult to anyone. It is good business sense.

    Do I like the fact of what was stated, of course not. Will my "fragile" world end because of it? oh pulllease... If that is all I had to worry over with my mother having cancer, my own self having a cancer scare (that thankfully was negative) not to mention everything myself and my husband deal with in our families?


    Listen dears, some of you really make me worry over you all. If I ever was half aggravated with a game as much as many of you post, I'll be honest, I'd leave it and have my husband remove it off my computer the very second and take our money someplace else. We (he and I) have done it in the past leaving maxed out characters, 10 of them, decked to the gills in World of ********, and 9 Dark Age of Camelot. This game is no different.

    Maybe it is just my experience giving me a different way of looking at things Levi dear, but in the essence of it all, is it really worth all that aggravation?

    What you are are hashing over is not news, Nau we may not like it, but the last board meeting they(cryptic) had they didn't invite me, sooooo that explained where I stand ^^. My only recourse is either
    1. spend money with them
    2. take my money someplace else.
    awwww thank you hon HUG for going through all of that effort to show word per word what exactly was said. ^^

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I think I'm going to go on a positive note here.

    1. Disclaimer: I have one maxed KDF toon.

    2. I already had the B'rel Retrofit. This past weekend, I bought another KDF ship to get the Bio-Neural torpedo option. Loving it so far!

    3. I'm actively working to figure out a good build for the B'rel that fits my Science character and my play style. I'm learning how to run it as a (mostly) torpedo boat with tactics that work in PvE. Once I've got that down, I'll start getting some PvP experience and tune it some more. I've got respecs if I need 'em.

    4. Can you believe I leveled without ever playing through the Fek'liri missions? (Mostly with FE content.) I've gotten through the first set and I'm in the middle of helping Kahless now.

    5. Waiting for the right moment to start a new KDF character. I've been wanting to play a Gorn for ages. Since it's clear that starting as a level 1 KDF is no longer a consideration, I have less reason to put it off.

    6. In negotiations right now to start a KDF fleet with my Federation fleet members.

    7. Fleet ships obtained through starbase shipyards sounds awesome and the KDF did not get left out.

    8. After Season 6 launches, I'm going to go back and see about finishing up a KDF foundry mission I was working on. I need them to fix my issue with not being able to buy foundry slots as a Silver player.

    So.. as far as I am concerned, the KDF is not dead. There will be more KDF ships in the future, but I am in no hurry. I can wait.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    whoa u cant serously think that all the charaters slot doff space ships etc... is all from dilitum farming lol.

    last month i spent ?300 just on cadre packs. since i started playing i have spent about ?2000+

    i know thats alot of cash but hey thats not the point i was trying to make my point was i have spent maybe ?80 on fed but after i lvl'd that toon i thought id give kdf a go and i prefer kdf and it shows in the numbers. im sure there is alot of players out there that prefer kdf. so the argument that More people buy fed ships sint good enough if cryptic came out and said we dont not make a profit at all from mkaing kdf ships. then i would understand but im sure they do get the costs back and even profit from the sales just may take alittle long than if it were a fed ship.

    the players are here kdf want more ships they can easily add ships even with there hands being less tied from cbs etc.

    and if you are going to argue that season 6 will have more kdf ships i dont mean re-skined refrofits.

    kar'fi for example its a beauitful ship there is no justified reason why they are not making them.

    Thats fantastic - now if all KDF where as dedicated to the "campaign" as roach said they would realize that winning - or getting anything close to Fed content will take boat loads of money - even if you have to go down to the Blood bank and sell your blood!! Take out that knife and cut your hands - your Klingons remember!!
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    bitemepwe wrote: »

    Despite what you think I do understand your frustrations - but someone who has been around as long as you should see the writing on the wall and read between the lines from what is said by Cryptic - or not said.
    Writing on the wall is that the Devs are chasing the majority and we minorities are not important. Just becuase they feel that way is no reason for us to give up our fight to see completion of our faction.
    The whole pint of my posting is to force KDF players into the reality that getting upset about it is useless - whining about it is useless - crying about it is useless
    Rage threads happen, Whine posts happen. If a player loses control and rages about an aspect of the game that upsets them then the Devs know there may be a problem.
    All are just an expression of the upset playerbase and to be honest there are far fewer posts of those natures now than where in existance before.
    Spending VAST amouts of money on KDF stuff at the c-store - is NOT useless - this is what PWE pays attention to - that is the only "campaign that has a chance of winning!
    True enough and if you or anyone dampens the spirits of the KDF fanbase then they lose heart for playing it and give up, meaning no one buys the Cstore stuff and Cryptic further has reason to deny us a fun a enjoyable level of gameplay.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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