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Suggestions and Concerns about Season 6 Fleet Ships



  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Selling something worse than what you can get for free seems to be a silly business model.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    darkjeff wrote: »
    Selling something worse than what you can get for free seems to be a silly business model.

    Ok.. I cant disagree there...

    One thing that has been mentioned (not sure if this thread or another tbh) is the requirements for the fleet ship... I would agree, that a fleet upgrade is just that... an upgrade, if you dont own the ship already then the upgrade shouldnt be available to you... and the upgrades should come from the fleet ship yards (not ESD or DS9 as a new ship purchase)... to continue the car analogy, its like adding after market products to your new <Insert car name here>.

    I have bought 4 Tier 5 ships (either through grinding, or through cash)... Atrox (hated it), Defiant, LRSV, HEC... so yes I have money tied up in my ships too...

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    darkjeff wrote: »
    Selling something worse than what you can get for free seems to be a silly business model.

    It's worked ok for the lower tier ships. Plenty of people bought ships that could end up getting replaced by better free ones sooner or later. Folks will buy the ships they want; regardless of what else might be available.
  • pwnemesispwnemesis Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    A relative hot and sensitive topic of late. I am one of many whom feel robbed that our top end c-store ships will no longer be the top line ships as the Fleet Refit ships will have extra hull, shields and console slots with the c-store ships being a unique costume and console. I didn't play 1600-2000CP for a console and a costume, that is more a 500CP price. Massive buyer remorse here.

    In reflection over the past 24 hours I have thought about this and truly think that the c-store ships should be bumbed up to be better than the fleet ships, remain at their current price and fleet ships should replace the current c-store ships in term of stats. I think it is only fair. I can understand the Development team trying to please people who dislike the concept of pay to play, but doing this to customers whom actually have paid for a particular top end ship (including lock-box ships) it seems rather cheap and make us feel ripped off. If I had known this was going to happened I would've not put the money into buying these ships. From a business sense the current idea is not very wise.

    My alternative idea is that fleet retrofit ships should only be available to people whom have bought the said ships. So for example the Defiant Retrofit for the Fleet can only be used and acquired by those whom have bought the Defiant-R from the C-store. Though this doesn't solve the problem of ships like the Excelsior, B'rel Retrofit, Guramba etc. So I do prefer the first idea more.

    I would appreciate a response from the development team, as one of thousand paying customers I think we do have a right to some loyalty in return.

    Personally, I think your insane. I think that entire attitude is insane.
    If you hit a fast food place, buy your combo and then next week hear that whatever you bought is at a a bit cheaper, do you feel cheated, was your food less tasty now?

    You bought the ship off the c-store because you wanted it period. Now that a new shiny ship is out you feel you should somehow be entitled to it because you bought the old one?

    God! I wish car dealerships were like this, I'd have a new car every year. Life doesn't work that way. You want something you either buy it, earn it or don't get it. There are no do-overs. And don't give me the TRIBBLE that this forces you into a fleet to get it. You want a MACO or Omega set. You are FORCED to do STFs. That how you get them. You want the new ship get in a fleet an go for it but don't ask cryptic/PW to give you something because now you are no longer satisfied with your old toy because the new one is prettier.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Can we not have the name-calling, and keep it constructive instead?

    One, you're making assumptions as to why people buy ships. Maybe they wanted to costume, maybe they wanted the console, maybe they collect, maybe they wanted a specific layout, maybe they thought it was The Best, maybe a dozen other reasons.

    Two, with the game remaining relatively static for a long time (most new ships were a little different, but didn't make older ones necessarily obsolete), plus with the way the system was laid out, stuff said in ads, and implied stuff in-game, it was a pretty reasonable belief to think it would remain static, and top-end now would be top-end in a year. Turned out to not be an accurate assessment, and likely not much that can be done about it now, but people have a valid reason to feel disappointed.

    Three, the thing about all the car analogies is that depreciation is how it goes, cars wear out, and if you decide you really like the new one, you can sell your old one and recoup some of your investment. With food, that doesn't last more than a meal, and stuff changes, and reduction in value (via digestion) is part of how it goes. In a video game, where everything exists as pixels and database entries, things only depreciate because someone said so.
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    capcush wrote: »
    They already talked about this even though they are selling the c-store ship look a likes in fleet versions they will be missing on huge thing and that is the console. now i know this dose not sound like much but think about it. you are already in possession of a low level c-store ship and they make it a fleet one. hurry you can now fly it if you did not buy it but your missing your console for that ship. so what do you do you spend the 2000 c-store points to get the console. lol its actually an ingenious way of doing it and i take my hat off to pwe they sure do know how to get us intrigued.

    over all its better to get the fleet version of one particular ship and then if you have the console to just switch it over to the fleet level. I know i may even hang up my Ferengi ship for the carrier or even the Negvar.

    I have heard many people say that they would rather just chuck their console to free up the slot on many c-store ships. A major example of this is the Defiant-R. I myself am wondering if the Ody's full set is worth it. Depending on just what the console is, if I buy the C-Store AC I may end up chucking it, as well.

    While some ships are sold on the gimmick(s), others are sold on the base hull.
  • yinepuhotepgamesyinepuhotepgames Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    If I wanted a game where I had to join a fleet or remain forever a B class citizen, I'd renew my EvE account.

    I'm with you on this, 100%.

    At least PVP isn't mandatory here ... yet.

    Coffee, chocolate, bacon, and phasers. What more do I need?
  • fullybakedbearfullybakedbear Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Better ships are not the issue, the fact that all our teir 5 ships are now going to become obsolete is the issue and the mostly free ships are going to be better. More so Cryptic thinking we'll be happy with our 1600-2000CP ship being a unique constume and console is insulting.

    This is simply untrue. Anything less than 100% optimal <> Obsolete. This game (and MMOs in general) are not designed to be played with only optimal equipment. If you have 0.005% less dps than the maximum possible, you are not obsolete, you are still effectively optimal.

    This disconnect between expected entitlement and reality seems to be a big issue. People who bought Tier 5 ships (and I own 2) get to use these ships with their advanced capabilities for an extended period before they are replaced with marginally better ships as the absolute best. If another 10 levels were added with a Tier 6, it would be the same effect. Would one complain because the new content makes a past purchase only 99.9% towards the top of the heap?

    Players should really just buck up and deal with it. The perceived slights are just that.. perceived
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    tomarin wrote: »
    And to the 3-4 whiny little ********* out there complaining about having to join a fleet: it's a co-op RPG: you're in the wrong game to be anti-social. They're going to go ahead and cater to the majority of us, thanks.

    Let me educate you a tad bit here in response ... players do NOT have to be in a fleet in order to cooperate with other players or socialize with them here in STO, any other RPG, or even life in general.

    Fleets/clans/guilds just make it easier for you to close yourself off from the greater faction/city/state/country/world/galaxy into a tightly compact "just-us-special-snowflakes-only" clique crowd and limit your having to socialize with "them/those/others".
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    For me, it comes down to whether or not I have to buy a "fleet token" to obtain the fleet version of a C-Store ship I've already purchased.

    If buying a C-Store ship means I don't have to pay another dime for the fleet version of that ship (even though I still need to earn fleet credits,etc) it's all good.

    If they're going to double dip my wallet, I may never buy another C-Store ship again.

    So that's the important question I need answered. Does my C-Store purchase also apply toward the cost of that fleet ship, or are they going to try to get me to buy it all over again?
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
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  • quiscustodietquiscustodiet Member Posts: 350
    edited July 2012
    Better ships are not the issue, the fact that all our teir 5 ships are now going to become obsolete is the issue and the mostly free ships are going to be better.

    Calm down. As has already been said, they'll require C-Store Tokens, don't worry your p2w isn't threatened by the free Ships.
    In fact, the gap will only get wider between p2w and free Ships. So, calm down and stop worrying.
  • yinepuhotepgamesyinepuhotepgames Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    pyryck wrote: »
    Let me educate you a tad bit here in response ... players do NOT have to be in a fleet in order to cooperate with other players or socialize with them here in STO, any other RPG, or even life in general.

    Fleets/clans/guilds just make it easier for you to close yourself off from the greater faction/city/state/country/world/galaxy into a tightly compact "just-us-special-snowflakes-only" clique crowd and limit your having to socialize with "them/those/others".

    You know, if it were possible to vote up posts here, this post is the first one I'd throw a good thousand votes toward. You, captain, are not just good, you are wicked good.

    Coffee, chocolate, bacon, and phasers. What more do I need?
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Calm down. As has already been said, they'll require C-Store Tokens, don't worry your p2w isn't threatened by the free Ships.
    In fact, the gap will only get wider between p2w and free Ships. So, calm down and stop worrying.

    I don'y pay to win, I pay for a nice ship I was told was a top end ship. I don't think one should just lie down and take it when one is being ripped off. All but one of my ships is getting a Fleet Refit as well, so I can't even have an upgrade if I wanted to (which I don't). Cryptic has lost a paying customer in all this and I don't think I'm the only one. They are totally screwed and I so hope a new MMO that isn't by Cryptic comes at at some point. They are a bunch of scam artists taking your money and then doing something like this. I wish I had saved my some $400 that I have spent in this game. Huge buyers remorse here.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I don'y pay to win, I pay for a nice ship I was told was a top end ship. I don't think one should just lie down and take it when one is being ripped off. All but one of my ships is getting a Fleet Refit as well, so I can't even have an upgrade if I wanted to (which I don't). Cryptic has lost a paying customer in all this and I don't think I'm the only one. They are totally screwed and I so hope a new MMO that isn't by Cryptic comes at at some point. They are a bunch of scam artists taking your money and then doing something like this. I wish I had saved my some $400 that I have spent in this game. Huge buyers remorse here.

    You weren't ripped off; it was true at the time. That's all anyone can promise you. MMOs always get better stuff as they develop; no ship or gear is going to remain king of the hill forever.

    Someday, we may even get tier 6 ships; and then all of the current high spec ships will be obsolete. That's just how it goes. Money from c-store sales is supposed to further game development, not cause it to grind to a halt so as to not step on anyones toes.
  • shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    capnmanx wrote: »
    You weren't ripped off; it was true at the time. That's all anyone can promise you. MMOs always get better stuff as they develop; no ship or gear is going to remain king of the hill forever.

    Someday, we may even get tier 6 ships; and then all of the current high spec ships will be obsolete. That's just how it goes. Money from c-store sales is supposed to further game development, not cause it to grind to a halt so as to not step on anyones toes.

    The difference here (and I'm paraphrasing from someone else's analogy, so apologies if I mangle it) is that a ship in STO is not like a pair of +1 Boots of Speed or some kind of purple weapon in your run-of-the-mill MMO. Your ship is you; it defines your power layout, your base HP, your resists, your potential DPS, etc.

    It's far more like buying an entire character class. Even there the analogy falls short, because character classes are often apples and oranges (even in p2w games like LOTRO) while ships can quite easily be compared with each other. Cryptic doesn't really seem to understand how much work we put into making the ships we like competitive, or how huge the changes and balance issues from the new ships they inflict on us are.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The difference here (and I'm paraphrasing from someone else's analogy, so apologies if I mangle it) is that a ship in STO is not like a pair of +1 Boots of Speed or some kind of purple weapon in your run-of-the-mill MMO. Your ship is you; it defines your power layout, your base HP, your resists, your potential DPS, etc.

    It's far more like buying an entire character class. Even there the analogy falls short, because character classes are often apples and oranges (even in p2w games like LOTRO) while ships can quite easily be compared with each other. Cryptic doesn't really seem to understand how much work we put into making the ships we like competitive, or how huge the changes and balance issues from the new ships they inflict on us are.

    That's certainly true; but all the same, we've had to go through all this repeatedly as we levelled up. The fact that we've grown accustomed to doing things other than wondering what ship to get next, while sitting at VA for months or years, doesn't mean that Cryptic is obliged to leave us stuck in our rut (or would even be well served by doing so).

    The game was always going to move on sooner or later.
  • lordcorrinolordcorrino Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The irony is that the issues created would be so easy to fix.

    1. If you have a C-Store version of a ship, you don't have to buy any token to get it from the fleet shipyard. Grind your marks and go.

    2. Make an alternative way for non-fleet players to get the ships. Maybe have a fleet shipyard officer as ESD and make them purchasable for dilithium or something. Make it a bit more expensive for non-fleet players if you have to so as to encourage fleet gameplay, but let there be an alternative.

    This pretty much solves all problems except for the 5 tac console defiant. Seriously, given how awesome the devs have made the Defiant, Bug Ship, and Galor, I think we know which Trek series they like the most.
  • bumperthumperbumperthumper Member Posts: 513 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1. If you have a C-Store version of a ship, you don't have to buy any token to get it from the fleet shipyard. Grind your marks and go.

    I completely agree on this, and I don't even buy C-Store ships.
    2. Make an alternative way for non-fleet players to get the ships. Maybe have a fleet shipyard officer as ESD and make them purchasable for dilithium or something. Make it a bit more expensive for non-fleet players if you have to so as to encourage fleet gameplay, but let there be an alternative.

    I think it would be better if instead of paying some sort of currency to the system (the drain), that they would pay a fleet to use their facilities. After all, the fleet already put all that time and effort into getting it going. It would promote fleet gameplay more, and move the currency towards the players, rather than it turning into a money sink.
    A proud member of The Collective ARMADA
  • lordcorrinolordcorrino Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I think it would be better if instead of paying some sort of currency to the system (the drain), that they would pay a fleet to use their facilities. After all, the fleet already put all that time and effort into getting it going. It would promote fleet gameplay more, and move the currency towards the players, rather than it turning into a money sink.

    Do both. Make the ESD price 1.5x more expensive and allow fleets to sell to non-fleet members. That way there is room to make profit but there is a price ceiling to ensure that the process doesn't get abusive.
  • sparhawksparhawk Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The irony is that the issues created would be so easy to fix.

    1. If you have a C-Store version of a ship, you don't have to buy any token to get it from the fleet shipyard. Grind your marks and go.

    2. Make an alternative way for non-fleet players to get the ships. Maybe have a fleet shipyard officer as ESD and make them purchasable for dilithium or something. Make it a bit more expensive for non-fleet players if you have to so as to encourage fleet gameplay, but let there be an alternative.

    This pretty much solves all problems except for the 5 tac console defiant. Seriously, given how awesome the devs have made the Defiant, Bug Ship, and Galor, I think we know which Trek series they like the most.
    Do both. Make the ESD price 1.5x more expensive and allow fleets to sell to non-fleet members. That way there is room to make profit but there is a price ceiling to ensure that the process doesn't get abusive.

    I could get behind these ideas, good suggestions.
  • yinepuhotepgamesyinepuhotepgames Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Do both. Make the ESD price 1.5x more expensive and allow fleets to sell to non-fleet members. That way there is room to make profit but there is a price ceiling to ensure that the process doesn't get abusive.

    I like this idea. Given that there are players who, for one reason or another (ranging from antisocial to bad past experiences with fleets) don't want to deal with fleets, even to get a <insert colorful modifier of your choice here> ship, offering two tracks, one of which allows them to avoid dealing with fleets, seems like a decent alternative.

    For those who ARE willing to deal with fleets, but don't happen to be in one at the time they want the ship, an option to rent fleet facilities/buy from a fleet seems like a decent idea. Profit for the fleet, the ship for the purchaser, and maybe even an opportunity for the purchaser and the fleet to look each other over and consider whether a more long-term association is right.

    Coffee, chocolate, bacon, and phasers. What more do I need?
  • reallydumbpwereallydumbpwe Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    OK, one thing most people here aren't getting... do you think for a NANOSECOND they won't be making even MORE powerful C-Store ships (or worse, lockbox ships) for everyone to buy? Fleet upgrades may be the best for a small while, but that won't last either. There's always going to be something bigger and badder coming out, 'tis the nature of MMOs. Play what you love, and remember to ENJOY the experience... it is a game after all. ;)
  • sparhawksparhawk Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    OK, one thing most people here aren't getting... do you think for a NANOSECOND they won't be making even MORE powerful C-Store ships (or worse, lockbox ships) for everyone to buy? Fleet upgrades may be the best for a small while, but that won't last either. There's always going to be something bigger and badder coming out, 'tis the nature of MMOs. Play what you love, and remember to ENJOY the experience... it is a game after all. ;)

    Oh I fully expect it will happen (I wouldn't be surprised if true full tier 6 ships are released eventually). I'm actually curious if they pulled the fleet assault cruiser refit because they decided to just go with the C-Store version that has been announced as forthcoming sometime after the launch of season 6. Time will tell.
  • wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    aegon1ice wrote: »
    This is what concerns me a lot. I think the best solution would be that all C-Store should be exchanged with the proposed Fleet versions (stat-wise) and the Fleet ships become the current c-store versions.

    I don't like the idea of my paid stuff becomes less worth than non paid stuff....

    What I don't like is the selectiveness. The T3 Excelsior is getting a buff, but the T5 is not. Why is my fave ship that I bought (not ground dili for) not getting a buff? Why is a T5 VA C-Store ship being left out and rendered obselete?

    Not only that but a ship that needed it the Gal-X is not getting a tactical buff, or any buff. Another (And expensive one I might add) being left out.
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I like this idea. Given that there are players who, for one reason or another (ranging from antisocial to bad past experiences with fleets) don't want to deal with fleets, even to get a <insert colorful modifier of your choice here> ship, offering two tracks, one of which allows them to avoid dealing with fleets, seems like a decent alternative.

    Time. You left out time.

    The problem with fleet activity is that it's one step of time gated content - ie, impossible if you're someone who has to squeeze in STO around a busy work / family schedule. STFs, as others have compared the fleet grind to, have the advantage of at least being flexible.

    Still, roll on the enhanced P2W ships so that people with jobs can keep up with the teenage gaming geeks.... :)
  • veraticusveraticus Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Easiest way to have solved/avoided this problem in the first place...

    Problem solved.

    This game is about ship combat and not the overly underdeveloped ground combat.
    After all, do you see any C-Store items that include ground weapons, kits, armor etc?
    No. Maybe some junk on the side, but there is nothing specific because it is not the driving force of this game.

    Do you play WoW or LotRO or any other MMO and have to pay for a +1 version of your "warrior" or w/e class you play?
    Do you have to pay to get functional +1 items in the game? Better armor, weapons, other non cosmetic items?
    Do you have to pay to get your warrior that comes with an awesome uber weapon that is only available for players that pay?

    This is the only game I know of that supposedly takes itself seriously, yet rips the user off at every turn by making the DEFAULT upgraded through money.
    And don't give me that dil TRIBBLE. I would accept that if it was all by itself and had no C-Store easy way out. But it doesn't, so I don't.

    You wanna charge me for sustainable growth through expansion packs or massive content updates? I'm good with that. I will gladly pay you your 20-40 bucks for an expansion or something similar. I would even pay for the occasional cosmetic item. But this is stupid.
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