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Threat control What it ACTUALLY is



  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    threat control is a skill that Draws Fire onto you
    off of others and directly onto you

    its a "shoot me " sign

    If you have threat control and others do not you will be the one getting shot at (this applies BOTH on the ground and in space

    Do NOT take this skill unless you fully understand this

    if someone advises you to take it they want you to TANK (ie be the redshirt)

    Do not get scammed , conned , tricked or trolled into this if you do not want to be

    Yes people will tell you im a Troll , a goblin , a noob

    thing is I CAN read
    And I Did read the description which is why NONE of my non tactical characters has threat control
    its a skill for people too daft to duck

    If you don't believe me read the skill descriptions on the Game itself AND the official wiki

    do not listen to the crys of "he knows nothing " and "he is an ogre"

    LOOK for yourself

    If you WANT to tank (and may the gods have mercy on you and your crew) then Tank
    but its Your choice not someone elses

    Honestly, I don't see any misinformation in the OP.

    I don't agree with sollvax's choices or views on only Tacs being tanks, but he isn't forcing those choices on anyone else, merely stating his preferences.

    Personally, I can "Tank" on a Sci, a Tac, or an Eng, but only my Engineer is skilled into Threat Control (regardless of whether he's flying an Odyssey or an Escort). The main thing about tanking, from an efficency point of view, is the extra Armor Consoles and shield power setting bonuses and higher tier versions of EPTS that are available to Cruisers.

    Oh, and I hate having more than two Ensign Tactical slots too. Once I'm sufficiently covered with Tactical Team, about the only thing I've ever found to throw in there that's worth a damn is Torpedo Spread I...
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • ryuuenjinryuuenjin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    And Now this thread has picked up a TROLL of its own

    I said that when I play a Tac I take the hits because its my job I can't help it if "ruined" has a yellow streak a parsec wide

    My Tacs close engage because they are tactical

    I notice that if ANYONE speaks against the "holy trinity " of Escort master , cruiser monkey and science "healer slave"
    gets disrespected by this mauler

    Anyone who WANTS to tank should be able to do so
    but anyone who doesn't want to should never have to

    and change my name one more time laddy and I shall be forced to start behaving like one of you (and mess your name about and disrespect your ancestors)

    don't wet your pants SOILvax.

    once again, a bit hypocritical there to say "anyone who doesn't want to should never have to" but not amend the previous statement that "tacs should be the ones tanking"

    you also have a horrible definition of tanking if you think anyone that takes the incoming fire of the enemy is just going to roll over and die.

    "close engaging" is not tanking. its closing in and attacking. once again, tanking is getting the attention of the enemy and retaining it there, allowing for other ships to fire freely on said enemy without fear of attracting the unwanted attention or sustaining any damage at all.

    and you still haven't explained how a scenario of 1 guy being capable of taking the mightiest of blows from enemies like elite tactical cubes without dying, allowing his 4 other teammates to just use all of their offensive capabilities against said cube without having to break away to heal or replenish shields is worse than 2 escorts dead and on respawn cooldown while the three surviving ships are taking turns shooting and being shot at by an elite tactical cube.

    edit : @maelwy5 - an ommission of fact is still misinformation. SOILHISPANTSvax over here forgot to make mention that you get a defensive bonus along with the threat generation increase.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    don't wet your pants SOILvax.

    go and pray to your grandfathers for forgiveness for disrespecting your ancestors

    once again, a bit hypocritical there to say "anyone who doesn't want to should never have to" but not amend the previous statement that "tacs should be the ones tanking"

    They are the men trained and equipped for the role
    Thus if anyone should be tanking it should be the BEST trained for combat
    tactical officers.
    Thus when I "Tank" which is a wrong word Its with a tactical officer
    you also have a horrible definition of tanking if you think anyone that takes the incoming fire of the enemy is just going to roll over and die.

    anyone who stands the skevstorm while others COWER can hold only as long as they have shield and hull repairs available
    as no escort will heal a cruiser and as you have all but WIPED out science officers Tanks are meat shields

    "close engaging" is not tanking. its closing in and attacking. once again, tanking is getting the attention of the enemy and retaining it there, allowing for other ships to fire freely on said enemy without fear of attracting the unwanted attention or sustaining any damage at all.

    Correct close engaging WORKS unless some escort pilot zeroes you (blows up ships directly under your hull)

    tanking doesn't work so well
    and you still haven't explained how a scenario of 1 guy being capable of taking the
    mightiest of blows from enemies like elite tactical cubes without dying, allowing his 4 other teammates to just use all of their offensive capabilities against said cube without having to break away to heal or replenish shields is worse than 2 escorts dead and on respawn cooldown while the three surviving ships are taking turns shooting and being shot at by an elite tactical cube.

    so the REDUNDANT escorts get the reward and the cruiser captain gets to bleed for you ??

    it he is tanking the victory is his ALONE and you are doing nothing
    (incidentally the right cruiser (the X) can solo that cube even if you log out)
    My R can't solo the cube on elite (you need two R class cruisers to take it on without getting pulped)
    But THREE Galaxy R's can take it apart without anyone having to bleed
    Live long and Prosper
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    oh and regarding the name calling

    any chance of one of our community moderators telling him to stop ??
    Live long and Prosper
  • ryuuenjinryuuenjin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    Thus if anyone should be tanking it should be the BEST trained for combat

    except in this game the best trained for combat survival is an engineer in space and a science officer in ground. so the tac any which way you slice it is out of the picture.

    sollvax wrote: »
    anyone who stands the skevstorm while others COWER can hold only as long as they have shield and hull repairs available
    as no escort will heal a cruiser and as you have all but WIPED out science officers Tanks are meat shields

    the escort doesn't need to heal the cruiser if the cruiser can heal himself. and just how would the science officers be wiped out if they arent even taking damage? are you even thinking before you respond?
    sollvax wrote: »
    Correct close engaging WORKS unless some escort pilot zeroes you (blows up ships directly under your hull)

    tanking doesn't work so well

    except theres a plethora of abilities that don't even share cooldowns, all of which either mitigate or minimize things like kinetic damage (from ships blowing up under your hull)

    sollvax wrote: »
    so the REDUNDANT escorts get the reward and the cruiser captain gets to bleed for you ??

    it he is tanking the victory is his ALONE and you are doing nothing
    (incidentally the right cruiser (the X) can solo that cube even if you log out)
    My R can't solo the cube on elite (you need two R class cruisers to take it on without getting pulped)
    But THREE Galaxy R's can take it apart without anyone having to bleed

    how is he getting victory alone? stfs are a team based thing. and theres no special pool that gives you a reward based on how much damage you do. its all randomized. the escort has as much of a chance to get a certain type of loot as a reward as the cruiser tanking. and if he clears the mission, guess what? you clear the mission as well. the game does not segragate players that do the STF. theres no "this guy in your team has accomplished the mission but you instead have failed and will have to queue up again" prompt. its always either the team succeeded in the mission or failed. please do elaborate on how the escort has "the victory alone"

    and you cant solo the cube on elite? thats just disgraceful. i can solo the elite tactical cube in the last phase of infected space elite (which has more hitpoints than the one in KA elite) in my nebula science vessel. i have less engineering capability and less weaponry than you do and i can do what you can't? that it will take three of you to do what i can do by myself? thats pretty sad.
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ryuuenjin wrote: »
    edit : @maelwy5 - an ommission of fact is still misinformation. SOILHISPANTSvax over here forgot to make mention that you get a defensive bonus along with the threat generation increase.

    From here:
    Threat Control=3 Hull Plating=0 =6.9%
    Threat Control=6 Hull Plating=0 =9.4%
    Threat Control=9 Hull Plating=0 =10.6%

    That's Damage Resistance by the way, not Defense.
    (Both are types of damage mitigation, but they work and stack differently)
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    [PHP]except in this game the best trained for combat survival is an engineer in space and a science officer in ground. so the tac any which way you slice it is out of the picture.[/PHP]
    Except of course thats incorrect

    the escort doesn't need to heal the cruiser if the cruiser can heal himself. and just how would the science officers be wiped out if they arent even taking damage? are you even thinking before you respond?

    your kind of thinking has weakened and nearly ERASED the science ships from teams
    they can't "dps" and they can't"heal" they are just to you wasted spaces

    except theres a plethora of abilities that don't even share cooldowns, all of which either mitigate or minimize things like kinetic damage (from ships blowing up under your hull)

    which only works if you KNOW some idiot is going to zero you

    how is he getting victory alone?
    you are merely acting as a deployable turret at most
    stfs are a team based thing. and theres no special pool that gives you a reward based on how much damage you do. its all randomized

    Ah how very starfleet (not)
    greed and glory hounding

    how very very NOT starfleet

    the escort has as much of a chance to get a certain type of loot as a reward as the cruiser tanking. and if he clears the mission, guess what?

    The escort should get NOTHING if the cruiser does all the work
    you clear the mission as well. the game does not segragate players that do the STF. theres no "this guy in your team has accomplished the mission but you instead have failed and will have to queue up again" prompt. its always either the team succeeded in the mission or failed. please do elaborate on how the escort has "the victory alone"

    there is a difference between "rewards" and "honour"
    the honour of the Victory belongs to those who fought with honour
    and letting someone else bleed for you is not so honourable is it
    and you cant solo the cube on elite? thats just disgraceful. i can solo the elite tactical cube in the last phase of infected space elite (which has more hitpoints than the one in KA elite) in my nebula science vessel.

    and no you can't

    I have had a personal message from someone who says he has seen you in action and says (and I quote) "A Hide and seek merchant"
    i have less engineering capability and less weaponry than you do and i can do what you can't? that it will take three of you to do what i can do by myself? thats pretty sad.

    if it were even remotely true which frankly its not
    you call people names of a scatalogical nature because you are not capable of being adult about it when people disagree
    you shame your ancestors
    Live long and Prosper
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    oh and I omitted nothing I advised them to READ it
    Live long and Prosper
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ryuuenjin wrote: »
    and you cant solo the cube on elite? thats just disgraceful. i can solo the elite tactical cube in the last phase of infected space elite (which has more hitpoints than the one in KA elite) in my nebula science vessel. i have less engineering capability and less weaponry than you do and i can do what you can't? that it will take three of you to do what i can do by myself? thats pretty sad.

    Well I wouldn't call it disgraceful...

    I can solo the Tac Elite Cube on any of my Captains: Cruiser, Science Vessel, Escort or Carrier. And although I don't fly one, I'm pretty sure even a BoP could do it with the right setup.

    In my opinion:

    The thing Escorts bring most to the table in STFs is Attack Pattern Beta III. It's hard to beat what amounts to a buff that doubles the damage output of your entire team. Cruisers, whilst perfectly capable of soloing any single enemy on an Elite STF, simply don't have anything to compare to that... which is why Cruisers tend to function better as damage sponges. And in order to be able to pull aggro off a good escort, they'll need to invest in Threat Control because the DPS of an Escort can always beat the raw dps of a Cruiser (the ability to use DHCs is the main culprit here, but even if you're flying a KDF Cruiser or the Fed Dreadnaught, the extra higher tier Tac slots on an Escort will mean better DPS).

    Science Vessels are trickier to categorise. a Good Science Vessel can output nearly as much raw DPS as a Cruiser, and use its Science BOFF powers to make up the difference in additional DPS and/or hold enemy ships in place for extra Critical Hit effectiveness or to keep them away from STF mission objectives.

    However, I'd hold that the type of Captain - Tactical/Science/Engineering - has much LESS impact on space combat than what ship type you're flying. Engineers are slightly Tankier with 'Rotate Shield Frequency', Tacs have slightly better DPS with 'Attack Pattern Alpha' and 'Fire on My Mark'... Scis are somewhere in between. Ground combat is another story, as each role can only slot certain kits.
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    At least I admit I can't solo a tactical cube on elite

    and don't claim I can when I can't

    (i define soloing as beating it without Respawning)
    Live long and Prosper
  • drunkenguyverdrunkenguyver Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ryuuenjin wrote: »
    don't wet your pants SOILvax.

    Is there really any need for that, you can get your point across with out name calling, infact it just makes you look immature.

    Ultimately it's up to the individual player as to what skills they pick, I'm a tac captain piloting a cruiser . . and i haven't put one point in the threat skill, and later i realised i didn't really have to . . since i've taken aggro of others in my team due to DPS . . i heal those who need it when ever those skills recharge, to try an pervent people from popping . . tanking or not, it's down to team work and helping others . . rather than it's his job to do that and their job to do this. This is of course how i like to play, and only MY opinion.

    After reading through this thread assuming the point of view of a compleatly new player doing research, i would find all this conflicting information most confusing . . whos right, who's wrong ?? I would have no idea, leading me to do my own research.

    So i would have to conclude, the only 2 useful things a new player could get from this thread when you cut out all the TRIBBLE-for-tat and squabbling is.

    1) Read the skills carefully before committing points, and think if tanking suits your playing method = Sollvax

    2) Engineering captains make the best tanks and are perhaps best suited for the threat skill. = Other posters
  • empireofsteveempireofsteve Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    threat control is a skill that Draws Fire onto you
    off of others and directly onto you

    its a "shoot me " sign

    If you have threat control and others do not you will be the one getting shot at (this applies BOTH on the ground and in space

    Do NOT take this skill unless you fully understand this

    if someone advises you to take it they want you to TANK (ie be the redshirt)

    Do not get scammed , conned , tricked or trolled into this if you do not want to be

    Yes people will tell you im a Troll , a goblin , a noob

    thing is I CAN read
    And I Did read the description which is why NONE of my non tactical characters has threat control
    its a skill for people too daft to duck

    If you don't believe me read the skill descriptions on the Game itself AND the official wiki

    do not listen to the crys of "he knows nothing " and "he is an ogre"

    LOOK for yourself

    If you WANT to tank (and may the gods have mercy on you and your crew) then Tank
    but its Your choice not someone elses

    Just out of curosuty did you skill into it and cant reskill out of it becauae you have no respec tokens? I am trying to figure out what your problem with it is.
  • ryuuenjinryuuenjin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    Except of course thats incorrect

    oh it is, is it? please do enlighten me and list the number of damage mitigation abilities that tactical captains have.

    sollvax wrote: »
    your kind of thinking has weakened and nearly ERASED the science ships from teams
    they can't "dps" and they can't"heal" they are just to you wasted spaces

    it has? funny then that i constantly mention that i am a science officer and that i fly a nebula science vessel.

    sollvax wrote: »
    which only works if you KNOW some idiot is going to zero you

    situational awareness seems to be something of a necessity for people that know how to tank or do well in their ship. it appears you do not have this ability.

    sollvax wrote: »
    you are merely acting as a deployable turret at most
    that does not explain how the escort "gets victory alone"

    sollvax wrote: »
    Ah how very starfleet (not)
    greed and glory hounding

    how very very NOT starfleet


    thats what is given at the end of stfs though. but hey, preacher man, if you say that its not the very starfleet thing to do, surely you would have no qualms jetisonning all these nasty "not starfleet" rewards that the game gives you.

    sollvax wrote: »
    The escort should get NOTHING if the cruiser does all the work

    the cruiser isn't doing all the work. cruiser absorbs the damage from the enemy, escort pours the damage on the enemy. whats hard to understand about that? its a synergistic teamwork. if compared to say, a medieval knight, the cruiser is the shield and the escort is the sword/mace/flail. you do not see knights that block attacks with the mace and attack with the shield at the same time, do you?

    sollvax wrote: »
    there is a difference between "rewards" and "honour"
    the honour of the Victory belongs to those who fought with honour
    and letting someone else bleed for you is not so honourable is it

    it would be dishonorable if you do not return the favor he does you by raining down hell on the attacker while the guy takes the blows for you. "letting someone else bleed for you" is honorable if you are actually going to be there to obliterate said enemy that is making the guy "bleed" for you.
    sollvax wrote: »
    and no you can't

    I have had a personal message from someone who says he has seen you in action and says (and I quote) "A Hide and seek merchant"

    nebula science vessel. and a pm from someone that has seen me in action? pray tell, do say what he said the name of my science officer was. i can tell you flat out that it is not ryuuenjin. oh and by the way, if you hadn't noticed, i'm calling you out on your bs. anyone that has "seen me in action" has done so because they are friends of mine that live just down the street from me in real life. we all love trek and joined in when we heard about a star trek mmo being made about 2 years ago. our fleet is small but we all know each other in real life and that makes it better for me than any big fleet where people don't really get the chance to know each other personally. and at this point in time all said friends of mine are fast asleep as i'm the nightowl of the bunch and its currently 5:26 am as of the time i am typing this.

    sollvax wrote: »
    if it were even remotely true which frankly its not
    you call people names of a scatalogical nature because you are not capable of being adult about it when people disagree
    you shame your ancestors

    you shame your ancestors and their ancestors before them with your inane ramblings of a syphillitic mind.

    edit : the nebula science vessel DOES have less weapons and engineering slots than a galaxy retrofit, just fyi.

    gal r : 8 weapon slots (4 fore 4 aft), boff slots - commander engineer, lt. commander engineer, ensign engineer (total of 8 engineering powers)

    nebula science vessel : 6 weapon slots (3 fore 3 aft) boff slots - lt. commander engineering, potential engineering use in lt. universal slot (total of 5 engineering powers)
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    At least I admit I can't solo a tactical cube on elite

    and don't claim I can when I can't

    (i define soloing as beating it without Respawning)


    The trick is to negate the Heavy Torpedo Shots.

    You can do this via four ways:

    (1) By always keeping up a sliver of shields, combined with stacked Kinetic damage resistance (and ideally also a Resilient Shield to cut the bleedthrough component in half)

    (2) By Shooting them down before they hit you. This is tricky to accomplish manually because some torpedos are invisible due to Graphic effect bugs, but using AoE damage powers such as Cannon Scatter Volley, or using Deployable Damage Patches such as Gravity Well, Tyken's Rift or Eject Warp Plasma will blow them up fairly reliably.

    (3) By preventing the cube from firing at you. The easiest method of this is to sit out of the torpedo arcs - directly above or directly below the cube.

    (4) By draining all the cube's weapon power. You need to drain ALL power for this to work since torpedo damage isn't reduced by lowering Weapons energy, you actually need to take the entire system offline completely. Aceton Assimilator, Plasmonic Leech and Power Siphon Drones are your best bet for this, it's pretty easy to build a KDF ship to do this but it's hard to get it to work Fedside.

    I used to abuse method (3), as it's the most reliable... but after a large amount of practice I currently use a combination of methods (1) and (2) for Escorts and Sci Vessels, and method (1) for Cruisers.

    [Note though, that whilst I'm technically able to solo the cubes doesn't mean I do it regularly. I'll happilly tank the cube and soak up the damage from it for my teammates, but not with the intention of soloing it. It's significantly more efficient in actual gameplay to just keep all your weapons pointed at the cube at point blank range, and if the Heavy Torpedo Hits you and method (1) fails, to respawn. The splash damage from a Heavy Torpedo hit on YOU at point blank range will damage the cube severely as well, leading to faster STF completion...]
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • ryuuenjinryuuenjin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    maelwy5 wrote: »

    The trick is to negate the Heavy Torpedo Shots.

    You can do this via four ways:

    (1) By always keeping up a sliver of shields, combined with stacked Kinetic damage resistance (and ideally also a Resilient Shield to cut the bleedthrough component in half)

    (2) By Shooting them down before they hit you. This is tricky to accomplish manually because some torpedos are invisible due to Graphic effect bugs, but using AoE damage powers such as Cannon Scatter Volley, or using Deployable Damage Patches such as Gravity Well, Tyken's Rift or Eject Warp Plasma will blow them up fairly reliably.

    (3) By preventing the cube from firing at you. The easiest method of this is to sit out of the torpedo arcs - directly above or directly below the cube.

    (4) By draining all the cube's weapon power. You need to drain ALL power for this to work since torpedo damage isn't reduced by lowering Weapons energy, you actually need to take the entire system offline completely. Aceton Assimilator, Plasmonic Leech and Power Siphon Drones are your best bet for this, it's pretty easy to build a KDF ship to do this but it's hard to get it to work Fedside.

    I used to abuse method (3), as it's the most reliable... but after a large amount of practice I currently use a combination of methods (1) and (2) for Escorts and Sci Vessels, and method (1) for Cruisers.

    [Note though, that whilst I'm technically able to solo the cubes doesn't mean I do it regularly. I'll happilly tank the cube and soak up the damage from it for my teammates, but not with the intention of soloing it. It's significantly more efficient in actual gameplay to just keep all your weapons pointed at the cube at point blank range, and if the Heavy Torpedo Hits you and method (1) fails, to respawn. The splash damage from a Heavy Torpedo hit on YOU at point blank range will damage the cube severely as well, leading to faster STF completion...]

    i only use two tricks to negate the heavy plasma torpedos. (i guess technically three)

    1) brace for impact. no seriously, the most damage a plasma torpedo from the infected elite tac has done to my nebula with bracing on doesn't even get me anywhere past 70% hull, thats with being held in a tractor beam (thereby removing any movement defense bonuses)
    2) use tractor beam repulsor on the plasma torpedo. tac cubes are hefty enough to not get repelled by repulsors and plasma torpedoes immediately die from being repelled (no missing, no worries about invisible torps if you watch their icon and see that the high yield buff vanished), move a little outside of the torpedoes arc just a little so that you can have repulsors at the ready again if the cube launches another torp(this step i guess counts as #3).
  • zektorilzektoril Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    A tacs job is to THINK tactically

    you just accused me of being a troll while being 100% wrong on what i said

    GROUND missions the tac is the redshirt

    oh and escorts SUCK as a tactical vessel

    Tactical From the root word TACTICS
    and frankly being a static gun point while someone else takes the hits is not a tactic its being a self mobile TURRET

    Actually, convincing your enemies to attack the strongest point in your defenses is a very sound tactical strategy, after all, if they attack the weakest point, they get through faster. and escorts make bad tactical ships? really? the ships with the most tactical BO slots? and if you think a tactical officer's job is to derive tactics, your wrong, look at Worf, he was the tactical officer on the enterprise, did he tell them how to engage any of the enemies they fought? no he fired the weapons when his commanding officer told him to.

    it is though my opinion, that Engineering officers make the best tanks for space, with a cruiser, due to the ship repair skills they have access to.
    and Science officers make the best tanks on ground combat due to the self heals they have access to.
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So i would have to conclude, the only 2 useful things a new player could get from this thread when you cut out all the TRIBBLE-for-tat and squabbling is.

    1) Read the skills carefully before committing points, and think if tanking suits your playing method = Sollvax

    2) Engineering captains make the best tanks and are perhaps best suited for the threat skill. = Other posters

    Well, not quite.

    Ship type is secondary to Captain role for potential DPS and survivability. A Tactical Officer in a Star Cruiser is going to be more difficult to kill than an Engineering Captain in an Advanced Escort; but the Engineer will do more damage.

    Engineering Captains bring Rotate Shield Frequency and Miracle Worker to the table. Technically that makes them potentially the most survivable captains, but not the best tanks. You can't Tank if you're not the one being shot at. Which is where achievable raw DPS, combined with the "Threat Control" skill comes in.

    That said, Traits can add a lot of effectiveness as well.
    Most particularly the "Accurate" and "Elusive" traits.

    And then there are the multitude of BOFF power choices...

    It's all in how you build! :smile:
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • zektorilzektoril Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    my survival rate on elite is not 100% (I die an average of twice per ground mission on my Tactical Klingon)
    But one of our regular gang plays a science with medical specialties
    and I get revived asap when I go down

    But my regular team (4 out of 5 of us queue together regularly) tend not to die at all
    Because any time someone needs to go down its me

    im packing a quite large supply of Large hypos
    I have medic doff on standby
    I have Security escorts to help with the job
    And i have good armour decent weapons and I keep the borg occupied (I confess to having Real trouble with those Damned Turrets but I get the job done)

    In space ops the same klingon and his carrier Take most of the damage because as a Tac thats MY job

    But my Cruiser flying Engineers and science officers are NOT tanks and are not speced for it

    The science ships include counter measures rig (designed to debuff the hell out of people)
    A fast recon set up (designed to hit fast and get the hell out of there) this one drops turrets , spreads plasma and lays mines behind the enemy

    My Engineer ships(including my favorite Galaxy R ) are speced for missions (ie solo PVE) and to Repair OTHER ships as well as myself
    and I am more effective repairing them than dying in a blaze plasma for the benefit of a so called "perfect team"
    who want to sit there and blast from a static point while I do all the bleeding

    Klingon side I specialise in science ships ,and flight deck cruisers
    Again NOT tanks

    Yeah I can see a flight deck CRUISER in the hands of a TACTICAL officer not being a very good tank, but since I'm an ENGINEERING officer, using a flight deck CRUISER, and I can solo tactical cubes and/or Donatra on elite, yeah I'm pretty sure flight deck CRUISERs make an ok tanking ship. meanwhile, when i'm tanking in space, i don't need the team to heal me up, I can do it myself, since I am an Engineering officer with the appropriate engineering BOff skills at my finger tips. this leaves the 4 others in my team to go all out on the big bad monster while it slaps at me in vain and I laugh off its damage. if I was playing as a tactical officer, I do not believe I would have the survivability, after all, the game is not designed that way. oh and I also find the Stodi to be a joke, and I can hold my own in Terradome space also. all thanks to being an Engineering captain, using a cruiser with the appropriate BOffs and having Threat control.
  • drunkenguyverdrunkenguyver Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    maelwy5 wrote: »
    Well, not quite.

    Ship type is secondary to Captain role for potential DPS and survivability. A Tactical Officer in a Star Cruiser is going to be more difficult to kill than an Engineering Captain in an Advanced Escort; but the Engineer will do more damage.

    Engineering Captains bring Rotate Shield Frequency and Miracle Worker to the table. Technically that makes them potentially the most survivable captains, but not the best tanks. You can't Tank if you're not the one being shot at. Which is where achievable raw DPS, combined with the "Threat Control" skill comes in.

    That said, Traits can add a lot of effectiveness as well.
    Most particularly the "Accurate" and "Elusive" traits.

    And then there are the multitude of BOFF power choices...

    It's all in how you build! :smile:

    Well there you go, i've learnt something new just there . . and i agree, it is all about your build and the boff powers you choose . . being a tac captain, i've maxed the accurate, weapon power & Elusive skills . . leaving "Threat control" free, although i sill can draw aggro just by being a pain in the butt to the NPC's due to the bonus damage i can do . . lol. :biggrin:
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    oh it is, is it? please do enlighten me and list the number of damage mitigation abilities that tactical captains have.

    Brace for impact
    many optional boff powers
    Some consoles and options

    moving out of the way

    it has? funny then that i constantly mention that i am a science officer and that i fly a nebula science vessel.

    You fly a cruiser yes
    but you TANK which means you are not filling the science role

    Originally Posted by sollvax
    which only works if you KNOW some idiot is going to zero you

    situational awareness seems to be something of a necessity for people that know how to tank or do well in their ship. it appears you do not have this ability.

    An "alpha strike" by an escort can take a target vessel from 25% to detonation in a matter of SECONDS
    the ship that was making a timed run past it (and would have killed it before moving out of range is destroyed by the incompetence of the Escort )
    Especially if the poor cruiser does not have an evasive or a brace ready because two other escorts already pulled this in the last couple of minutes

    Originally Posted by sollvax
    you are merely acting as a deployable turret at most

    that does not explain how the escort "gets victory alone"

    you really need to read
    the escort contributes nothing
    the victory belongs only to the ship that took a beating for the poor little escort
    Originally Posted by sollvax
    Ah how very starfleet (not)
    greed and glory hounding

    how very very NOT starfleet


    thats what is given at the end of stfs though. but hey, preacher man, if you say that its not the very starfleet thing to do, surely you would have no qualms jetisonning all these nasty "not starfleet" rewards that the game gives you.

    HAHAHA sorry thats really funny
    I pass on EVERYTHING
    I hand my mystery boxes to another person (i met here actually)
    And I am ISSUED gear by starfleet which I do use
    Originally Posted by sollvax
    The escort should get NOTHING if the cruiser does all the work

    the cruiser isn't doing all the work. cruiser absorbs the damage from the enemy, escort pours the damage on the enemy.

    no the Cruiser destroys the enemy
    the escort merely acts like a wasp
    whats hard to understand about that? its a synergistic teamwork. if compared to say, a medieval knight, the cruiser is the shield and the escort is the sword/mace/flail.


    the Cruiser IS the knight
    the Escort is a peasant archer hiding behind a tree
    you do not see knights that block attacks with the mace and attack with the shield at the same time, do you?

    Actually I(as someone who does fight with a sword and shield sometimes in real life) can assure you that the shield IS a weapon and the mace is better used from horseback
    Originally Posted by sollvax
    there is a difference between "rewards" and "honour"
    the honour of the Victory belongs to those who fought with honour
    and letting someone else bleed for you is not so honourable is it

    it would be dishonorable if you do not return the favor he does you by raining down hell on the attacker while the guy takes the blows for you

    Ah you mean the "thank you for stealing my kill"so popular in mmos

    "letting someone else bleed for you" is honorable if you are actually going to be there to obliterate said enemy that is making the guy "bleed" for you.

    so you regard human shields as honourable??

    Originally Posted by sollvax
    and no you can't

    I have had a personal message from someone who says he has seen you in action and says (and I quote) "A Hide and seek merchant"

    nebula science vessel. and a pm from someone that has seen me in action? pray tell, do say what he said the name of my science officer was. i can tell you flat out that it is not ryuuenjin. oh and by the way, if you hadn't noticed, i'm calling you out on your bs.

    He didn't actually say
    but i guess I could ask

    as to BS you are not qualified to call anyone out on their Bach Sci degree

    ne that has "seen me in action" has done so because they are friends of mine that live just down the street from me in real life. we all love trek and joined in when we heard about a star trek mmo being made about 2 years ago. our fleet is small but we all know each other in real life and that makes it better for me than any big fleet where people don't really get the chance to know each other personally. and at this point in time all said friends of mine are fast asleep as i'm the nightowl of the bunch and its currently 5:26 am as of the time i am typing this.

    All i know is that someone who isn't you (and thus has more status in speaking as he doesn't swear) said you play hide and seek

    Originally Posted by sollvax
    if it were even remotely true which frankly its not
    you call people names of a scatalogical nature because you are not capable of being adult about it when people disagree
    you shame your ancestors

    you shame your ancestors and their ancestors before them with your inane ramblings of a syphillitic mind.

    You need to grow up or shut up

    your constant sexual and scatalogical insults mark you down as 12 at most
    edit : the nebula science vessel DOES have less weapons and engineering slots than a galaxy retrofit, just fyi.

    The Nebula TACTICAL Cruiser is a choice you made

    gal r : 8 weapon slots (4 fore 4 aft), boff slots - commander engineer, lt. commander engineer, ensign engineer (total of 8 engineering powers)

    nebula science vessel : 6 weapon slots (3 fore 3 aft) boff slots - lt. commander engineering, potential engineering use in lt. universal slot (total of 5 engineering powers)

    So swap ships
    but either way stop with the abuse
    because you lost this before you started
    Live long and Prosper
  • ryuuenjinryuuenjin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    Brace for impact
    many optional boff powers
    Some consoles and options

    moving out of the way

    brace for impact is a universal captain power. not a tactical one.
    i asked for tactical captain abilities, not bridge officer ones.
    consoles are things everyone has access to, not just tactical captains.
    everyone can move out the way, not just tactical captains.

    now again, what abilities do tactical captains have that count towards survivability?

    sollvax wrote: »
    You fly a cruiser yes
    but you TANK which means you are not filling the science role

    funny, i made mention on another thread of the science abilities i use, in conjunction with taking the brunt of the blows from things like spheres, cubes, or tactical cubes. so i'm pretty sure i'm fulfilling a science role.

    sollvax wrote: »
    An "alpha strike" by an escort can take a target vessel from 25% to detonation in a matter of SECONDS
    the ship that was making a timed run past it (and would have killed it before moving out of range is destroyed by the incompetence of the Escort )
    Especially if the poor cruiser does not have an evasive or a brace ready because two other escorts already pulled this in the last couple of minutes

    seconds are more than plenty to set up defensive abilities if one has situational awareness.

    sollvax wrote: »
    you really need to read
    the escort contributes nothing
    the victory belongs only to the ship that took a beating for the poor little escort

    the escort deals damage, more so than your pathetic cruiser can. and as a team effort, the victory goes to the whole team
    sollvax wrote: »
    HAHAHA sorry thats really funny
    I pass on EVERYTHING
    I hand my mystery boxes to another person (i met here actually)
    And I am ISSUED gear by starfleet which I do use

    i mean everything. including dilithium and energy credits. after all, the federation does not believe in the notion of currency.
    sollvax wrote: »
    no the Cruiser destroys the enemy
    the escort merely acts like a wasp

    if the cruiser is yours, i hardly believe you capable of destroying anything.

    sollvax wrote: »

    the Cruiser IS the knight
    the Escort is a peasant archer hiding behind a tree

    way to misunderstand the symbolism. the knight is the entirety of the team. not one of the ships that compose the team.

    sollvax wrote: »
    Actually I(as someone who does fight with a sword and shield sometimes in real life) can assure you that the shield IS a weapon and the mace is better used from horseback

    actually a polearm is better used from horseback, or a lance. the shield, while capable for offense, is primarily a defensive tool meant to defend the knight. heck, applying it to star trek, you don't really see starships attacking each other with their shields, and blocking phaser fire with phaser fire, do you?

    sollvax wrote: »
    Ah you mean the "thank you for stealing my kill"so popular in mmos

    lol. if only kill stealing were actually an issue in STO. but it isn't. a kill isn't "stolen" since the reward from it is distributed to the team.

    sollvax wrote: »
    so you regard human shields as honourable??

    if the guy offered up his body to protect someone else, yes they are. theres a reason the president of the united states has "bodyguards" and not "dishonorable men in suits following him".

    sollvax wrote: »
    He didn't actually say
    but i guess I could ask

    as to BS you are not qualified to call anyone out on their Bach Sci degree

    if he didn't say the name of my science captain, then how are you absolutely certain its me?

    sollvax wrote: »
    All i know is that someone who isn't you (and thus has more status in speaking as he doesn't swear) said you play hide and seek

    so you're lying and full of bull****.

    sollvax wrote: »
    The Nebula TACTICAL Cruiser is a choice you made
    So swap ships
    but either way stop with the abuse
    because you lost this before you started

    swap ships? why? apparently i do a better job with a ship that has lesser engineering and weaponry options than you do.

    edit : if its all the same, i will stick with my nebula SCIENCE VESSEL
  • zektorilzektoril Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    Escorts are a ship which in the Series was commanded by Commanders and below
    Cruisers get a captain usually (sometimes an Admiral or other big brass)

    so because of how it was in the TV show, is how it HAS to be in the game? and what Admiral was the CO of what ship? also, if we are looking at the TV shows, when Commander Sisko was given command of the Defiant, an escort, he was promoted to Captain. so now, what escorts were commanded by a Commander? even the red squad cadet commanding the Valiant, another escort, had a field commission of Captain
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    brace for impact is a universal captain power. not a tactical one.
    i asked for tactical captain abilities, not bridge officer ones.
    consoles are things everyone has access to, not just tactical captains.
    everyone can move out the way, not just tactical captains.

    now again, what abilities do tactical captains have that count towards survivability?

    same as any other captain depends on the skill base

    Originally Posted by sollvax
    You fly a cruiser yes
    but you TANK which means you are not filling the science role

    funny, i made mention on another thread of the science abilities i use, in conjunction with taking the brunt of the blows from things like spheres, cubes, or tactical cubes. so i'm pretty sure i'm fulfilling a science role.

    #nope you tank so you do not carry out your ACTUAL duties

    Originally Posted by sollvax
    An "alpha strike" by an escort can take a target vessel from 25% to detonation in a matter of SECONDS
    the ship that was making a timed run past it (and would have killed it before moving out of range is destroyed by the incompetence of the Escort )
    Especially if the poor cruiser does not have an evasive or a brace ready because two other escorts already pulled this in the last couple of minutes

    seconds are more than plenty to set up defensive abilities if one has situational awareness.

    AND the abilities charged and read AND can see the ship that just got zeroed
    AND are not being commed by some jerk demanding you stop and tank for them

    Originally Posted by sollvax
    you really need to read
    the escort contributes nothing
    the victory belongs only to the ship that took a beating for the poor little escort

    the escort deals damage, more so than your pathetic cruiser can. and as a team effort, the victory goes to the whole team

    the escort usually just blows the optionals and quits actually
    Especially in mirror universe events
    not quite so bad in stf but many escorts leave if the optional fails because of their own incompetence

    Originally Posted by sollvax
    HAHAHA sorry thats really funny
    I pass on EVERYTHING
    I hand my mystery boxes to another person (i met here actually)
    And I am ISSUED gear by starfleet which I do use

    i mean everything. including dilithium and energy credits. after all, the federation does not believe in the notion of currency.

    does to a certain degree
    and have you ever TRIED getting rid of dilith??
    you can't discard it and selling it on the exchange just turns it into c points

    Originally Posted by sollvax
    no the Cruiser destroys the enemy
    the escort merely acts like a wasp

    if the cruiser is yours, i hardly believe you capable of destroying anything.

    I destroyed more ships than you have Iq points this week alone

    Originally Posted by sollvax

    the Cruiser IS the knight
    the Escort is a peasant archer hiding behind a tree

    way to misunderstand the symbolism. the knight is the entirety of the team. not one of the ships that compose the team.

    The knight stands alone
    or rides with other knights

    Originally Posted by sollvax
    Actually I(as someone who does fight with a sword and shield sometimes in real life) can assure you that the shield IS a weapon and the mace is better used from horseback

    actually a polearm is better used from horseback, or a lance. the shield, while capable for offense, is primarily a defensive tool meant to defend the knight. heck, applying it to star trek, you don't really see starships attacking each other with their shields, and blocking phaser fire with phaser fire, do you?

    Yes actually we do
    modulated shield pulses have been used as a weapon
    and I ment that the mace is not a footmans weapon
    Originally Posted by sollvax
    Ah you mean the "thank you for stealing my kill"so popular in mmos

    lol. if only kill stealing were actually an issue in STO. but it isn't. a kill isn't "stolen" since the reward from it is distributed to the team.
    but the kill credit isn't (accolades)
    escorts playing "swipe the kill" are common

    Originally Posted by sollvax
    so you regard human shields as honourable??

    if the guy offered up his body to protect someone else, yes they are. theres a reason the president of the united states has "bodyguards" and not "dishonorable men in suits following him".

    he doesn't
    the president of the USA has secret service men
    who die to protect him
    you notice he does not TANK for them

    Originally Posted by sollvax
    He didn't actually say
    but i guess I could ask

    as to BS you are not qualified to call anyone out on their Bach Sci degree

    if he didn't say the name of my science captain, then how are you absolutely certain its me?

    I can't be
    He might merely be making trouble
    BUT Id take the word of someone who used my actual name when disagreeing with me over you any day
    Originally Posted by sollvax
    All i know is that someone who isn't you (and thus has more status in speaking as he doesn't swear) said you play hide and seek

    so you're lying and full of bull****.

    nope you are

    Originally Posted by sollvax
    The Nebula TACTICAL Cruiser is a choice you made
    So swap ships
    but either way stop with the abuse
    because you lost this before you started

    swap ships? why? apparently i do a better job with a ship that has lesser engineering and weaponry options than you do.

    nope you lose a lot
    you tank which means you are part of a construct team
    you miss out on being any good because of it

    perhaps if you flew solo and learned not to tank you could one day be as good as a newbie

    edit : if its all the same, i will stick with my nebula SCIENCE VESSEL

    stick with what you wish

    but remember when it gets a 30 level threat modifier slapped on it you wanted it not the rest of us
    Live long and Prosper
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    zektoril wrote: »
    so because of how it was in the TV show, is how it HAS to be in the game? and what Admiral was the CO of what ship? also, if we are looking at the TV shows, when Commander Sisko was given command of the Defiant, an escort, he was promoted to Captain. so now, what escorts were commanded by a Commander? even the red squad cadet commanding the Valiant, another escort, had a field commission of Captain

    Worf commanded the defiant
    Sisko commanded the station

    Admiral kirk
    Admiral "nuke the innocent" janeway
    and several commodores in tos for a start
    Live long and Prosper
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ryuuenjin wrote: »
    edit : the nebula science vessel DOES have less weapons and engineering slots than a galaxy retrofit, just fyi.
    The Nebula TACTICAL Cruiser is a choice you made .

    The T5 Nebula Refit's full title in game is "Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit".

    It gets bonuses to Aux power, not shields or weapons.
    It has only 3 fore weapon slots, and 3 rear weapon slots
    It can't use Heavy Cannons.
    It doesn't have any hangar bays.
    The Universal Console that comes with it grants a Sensor buff, not a Tactical or Weaponry Buff.
    It can use Beam:Target Subsystem Commands, and has Sensor Analysis.

    It's a Science Vessel.
    Albeit a Science Vessel with a bit more hull and a bit less turn rate.

    It's not quite a Cruiser, and it's certainly not an Escort or a Tactical Ship.

    That said, a Nebula Refit can be built to do a LOT of damage in STFs, but only if you exploit its Science Commander level BOFF slot by taking PSW3 or GW3 and investing heavilly into boosting your Particle Generator Science Skill.

    I've got a Tac Captain who flies a Nebula. He doesn't have very much in the way of AoE damage, but he can out-DPS most Escorts over time versus single targets like Borg Structures or Cubes. He can also solo Elite Tac Cubes... but not without using GW/Tykens or staying out of range of the Torpedo Arcs. In my experience it's just been too much potential hull damage to reliably weather; even with Hazard Emitters and Aux2SIF running constantly, plus 2x Monotanium Engineering Consoles and a MK XII MACO shield...

    The real danger from ESTF Cubes comes from them combining their Plasma Torpedo Shots with the ability Torpedo High Yield III - you can see this happening in your combat log - when they do this it turns the standard shots (which aren't much danger) into targettable, slower moving torpedos which are often invisible (preventing you from reacting to them) and which inflict massive damage. They'll usually kill anyone - even Cruisers - in one hit, unless you're appropriately geared to withstand them.

    I've been criticalled from one of those Heavy Torpedo Shots before for well over 300k Hitpoints. Shields and Resistances can reduce that number substantially, but not by more than ~85% even with your shields up. And a Nebula only has 30k base hull. In my experience it takes something with a lot more hull hitpoints and a few spare engineering console slots, such as one of the largest Cruisers, to be able to weather those shots via resistances alone.

    IMO all ship types have their places on STFs. Escorts are just generally more visible at making things die faster (whether this is via raw DPS or resistance debuffs) than others are.
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • ryuuenjinryuuenjin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    same as any other captain depends on the skill base

    "same as any other captain" =/= tactical captains abilities. again, please, do list the abilities tactical captains have privy to that allow them to mitigate damage.
    sollvax wrote: »
    nope you tank so you do not carry out your ACTUAL duties

    ah, so youre implying that i am as bad as you and can only perform one task at a time. thats cute. please do learn how to multi task.

    sollvax wrote: »
    AND the abilities charged and read AND can see the ship that just got zeroed
    AND are not being commed by some jerk demanding you stop and tank for them

    i'll take "don't be an idiot by using all your defensive buffs right away" for $500 Alex.

    sollvax wrote: »
    the escort usually just blows the optionals and quits actually
    Especially in mirror universe events
    not quite so bad in stf but many escorts leave if the optional fails because of their own incompetence

    you have a horrible record then considering that i've yet to see an escort leave on an stf on my end. and that includes mirror universe. hmm.. if escorts dont leave when we do things my way but they do when you do things your way, something must be wrong with you.
    sollvax wrote: »
    does to a certain degree
    and have you ever TRIED getting rid of dilith??
    you can't discard it and selling it on the exchange just turns it into c points

    1)buy junk in the dilithium store (yknow where you buy ship gear for dilith)
    2)sell to replicator for ec
    3)give ec to someone
    sollvax wrote: »
    I destroyed more ships than you have Iq points this week alone

    only a little over 152 ships? step it up, i do that much in 2 days.

    sollvax wrote: »
    The knight stands alone
    or rides with other knights

    knights do not "stand alone". grow up and stop believing in fairytale knights. knights and the title of knighthood has been a longstanding title bestowed on mounted warriors.[/quote]

    sollvax wrote: »
    Yes actually we do
    modulated shield pulses have been used as a weapon
    and I ment that the mace is not a footmans weapon

    oh? do tell, where are these modulated shield pulse weapons in STO? oh and by the way, the mace was a weapon that could and was used by anyone. the only difference between a cavalier's mace and a lowly footman's is that the cavalier's were longer (footman's maces were about two to three feet in length).

    sollvax wrote: »
    but the kill credit isn't (accolades)
    escorts playing "swipe the kill" are common

    oh so, doing it to get accolades. now who is the glory hound?
    sollvax wrote: »
    he doesn't
    the president of the USA has secret service men
    who die to protect him
    you notice he does not TANK for them

    they are not escorts. if one were to compare the president to a cruiser and the secret service to escorts, secret service men would be diminuitive fast people. but they arent. a good amount of them are just as big or even bigger than the POTUS. therefore, the more likely comparison is that the bodyguards are more akin to cruisers as far as "tanking" goes.

    sollvax wrote: »
    I can't be
    He might merely be making trouble
    BUT Id take the word of someone who used my actual name when disagreeing with me over you any day

    so personal bias clouds your common sense. good going there.

    sollvax wrote: »
    nope you lose a lot
    you tank which means you are part of a construct team
    you miss out on being any good because of it

    if i miss out on being any good then how come i, by being a team player and negating damage from being directed towards my teammates, always get praised for having done such a great job of neutralizing threats to the team? your logic is flawed there.
    sollvax wrote: »
    perhaps if you flew solo and learned not to tank you could one day be as good as a newbie

    that makes no sense at all. if one flies solo one would learn to tank even more. there is no "other player" to run off to and heal. just yourself. you'd end up learning what you need to survive taking on bigger foes in doing so.

    sollvax wrote: »
    stick with what you wish

    but remember when it gets a 30 level threat modifier slapped on it you wanted it not the rest of us

    here you go again trying to speak for people other than yourself. i would not take as much cynicism if you were to represent yourself accordingly and say "i did not want it". as it is, even on the other thread you were a minority.
  • capcushcapcush Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Threat control has some bonus to your deference but its basically for those people who want to fly into a stf and go SHOOT ME!!! i personally love it when people are screaming mad when they get killed and don't realize that they had something in threat control. i would personally change the name of it to something that would go along with what is actually dose not something that could mean two thing.
  • zektorilzektoril Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    1. Except of course thats incorrect

    2. your kind of thinking has weakened and nearly ERASED the science ships from teams
    they can't "dps" and they can't"heal" they are just to you wasted spaces

    3. which only works if you KNOW some idiot is going to zero you

    4. you are merely acting as a deployable turret at most

    5. Rewards
    Ah how very starfleet (not)
    greed and glory hounding
    how very very NOT starfleet

    6. The escort should get NOTHING if the cruiser does all the work

    7. there is a difference between "rewards" and "honour"
    the honour of the Victory belongs to those who fought with honour
    and letting someone else bleed for you is not so honourable is it

    8. and no you can't

    I have had a personal message from someone who says he has seen you in action and says (and I quote) "A Hide and seek merchant"

    9. if it were even remotely true which frankly its not
    you call people names of a scatalogical nature because you are not capable of being adult about it when people disagree
    you shame your ancestors

    1. Whats your basis for this claim
    2. Science ships have their uses still, no one ever said otherwise
    3. If you?re a tank you know you?r going to get targeted
    4. If I?m in an escort and I can sit and keep my bow facing the target, all the better to maximize my dps.
    5. Umm I?m no Starfleet, I?m an Orion Privateer, I work with the KDF, but I?m a mercenary.
    6. The escort is part of the team and dealing damage, where is he doing nothing
    7. I?m a merc, the reward is the whole purpose
    8. How do you know he/she can?t
    9. Again, how do you know
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    I destroyed more ships than you have Iq points this week alone

    Oh... Kay....

    I think that's the last straw in this thread.
    I'm out of here, have fun folks.
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • ryuuenjinryuuenjin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    maelwy5 wrote: »
    Oh... Kay....

    I think that's the last straw in this thread.
    I'm out of here, have fun folks.

    take care mael. and seriously, repulsor. even a low level one knocks a high yield plasma dead. also, watch the icon of the cube you have targetted. you can easily tell if they blew their high yield when the icon vanishes. just pop repulsor then and that takes care of any potential invisible high yield torp. it hasn't failed me yet, and i do hope it does not fail you as well.
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