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  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: it's all good. :)
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Quinton docks the shuttle and places the shuttle in park.. The rest of the team is in civilian garb. As is he given the tight fit of the shirt. *

    Sasha: The safehouse is not too far from the Warrens..

    Rekas: Warrens?

    Casval: A seedier side of town that took in refugees... and still does.

    Sala: It seems to have taken in quite the influx these days, some of the transports are from Pegasus..

    Colas: Others are from the Delta Quadrant - people fleeing the civil war.

    Right, Mila, Sala, with me. Starfleet's arranged rooms for you at the competitors' village.

    Mila: Understood.

    Sasha: Alright, the rest of you head to the safehouse. Check in and register yourselves to the security systems..

    *Before long, Mila and Sala unpack, sharing a room at the village. Colas comes in a few minutes later.*

    Colas: I have your uniforms here.

    Okay, so, here's the basis of this mission: every Interstellar Games, Starfleet and the Republic Navy have a competition seperate as a kind of ice-breaker for every sport. You two are competing for Starfleet's team in the hand--to-hand combat event, which means you'll have access to Leah Carvan on the Republic Team. See what you can find out and if there's any way you can arrest her without sparking a diplomatic incident.

    Sala: Hand to hand... Fantastic. Do we have a profile to work with?

    *Casval comes on the secured channel*

    Casval: Good I have this thing working, This thing is out of date as far as the tech is concerned. However, Republic databases are quite easy enough to get a peak in. The problem will be getting into anything personal on Carvan's logs.

    Colas: On profile coming up. *She taps her combadge.* Nice work ensign. Can you read out her profile for us?

    Casval: She has been an Ensign for a few years at the Republic bases around Rishi, where most of the arms came from. Her participation in the games has been at least two times before. Never getting into the final three. She is due to be on the Thames after the games transferring to another station on DS42. As far as a medical file that will take some time, the security locks on those files are harder to get a hold of. As far as discipline goes she has been cited many times for disorderly and disobeying her superior officer. So I am going to venture a wild guess as to what we are expecting here..

    Colas: Go ahead.

    Casval: This ensign is not respectful of authority, and perhaps has been looking for a way out.. She may indeed be a rebel, so expect a fight if things go south.

    Mila: What are her CQC scores? Can you access her training records?

    Casval: That will take time, since the competition is for a couple days I will have it soon enough. By the way Commander, hooking into the station security feeds and surveillance was a tricky thing considering the Republic likes to use unorthodox programming. But I did manage to piggyback into it. Right now the Ensign is at the Village.. but so is someone else we are looking for.

    *He brings up a grainy image of Cassi at a cafe table, unassuming...*

    If she is here then it means we may have a bigger problem.. and perhaps a explosive one.

    Mila: I'll deal with her.

    Colas: No. You're supposed to be competing, you can't go nuclear like that.

    Ensign, see if you can shadow her with the security feeds. We'll deal with her when we get an opportunity.

    *She looks at Mila and Sala.*

    In the meantime, you two should focus on your primary mission - showing the Republic what Starfleet can do. *Smirks.*

    Sala: Yes mam.. *She can't help but to feel concerned about the revelations.. and Mila nearly being a loose cannon.* Come on Mila..

    *Mila sighs and opens the case with her uniform. It's a cropped sports top with trunks and training mask, as well as a pair of gloves and face-guard. The overall design is white with a gold Starfleet chevron, demarcated by a red outline. Sala's has the same design, but may have different components.*

    *Sala pays the get up no heed but can't help but to think that James would love to see this either for a laugh or to be a dog. As much as that last part bugged her it made her snicker deep down. Mila did not miss that snicker at a random thought.*

    Mila: What?

    Sala: Women in tight outfits.. just thinking about something funny I heard from Casval regarding James' track record..

    Mila: Yeah, he'd be loving this.

    Come on, we should probably start training.

    Sala: You sure you have your head on straight?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *About two hours before the ceremony, Free Delta and their renegade Federation members are present in a makeshift bunker complex in the Warrens. The cell itself is compromised of younger officers and fresh faced crewmen out of the academy tech trade branches. Many Klingons are present, craving their birthright of conflict and being warriors. They are arguing about the timing of their next attack..*

    Whis: Look settle down.. The bombing on the Enterprise was successful to a point, it missed our target because of unforeseen issues. It wasn't a failure by any means.

    Mark'ov: Really? Missing the main target usually means failure in the eyes of an operation. Admiral Allen has been a long standing opponent to our agenda, if he is still present and alive, then we have a problem. Damaging his ship only delays the arrival of the Enterprise by what? A week? Two?

    *Cassi stands up*

    Cassi: Precisely.. But not every bomb went off. I considered that during the placement of them, and advised for it. Without the Enterprise bringing more people for Security it means we have an easier time to mark our real objective here. Sometimes you have to know when to plan don't you Mark'ov?

    *Mark'ov spits and storms back to his people on the ramparts. *

    Whis: We still have to avoid the PMC security detail and SHIELD.. that will be a problem.

    *On the Free Delta end there is disagreement. *
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Coulson and Morris are at a safe house location taking a moment to rest and eat a meal.

    Coulson: i have a feeling something is going to happen.

    Morris: well we should be ready then shouldn't we.


    Malick is watching the events as they go. He is flanked by his own security as he watchs the events. He had spent a good portion of money to make sure these events took place. Appearing as the caring giving man he portrays to the Galaxy. While only a small group knows of his less then perfect past dealings. Most people will pay no heed if they receive funding which he has given to many of the ravaged world's.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: I don't know if even my parents would be safe but I guess I can try.

    OoC: Sorry been really busy at work today.

    Kara: Thanks, Garrick. She's a good kid, I promise. She just needs someone to be there for her right now.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Quinton docks the shuttle and places the shuttle in park.. The rest of the team is in civilian garb. As is he given the tight fit of the shirt. *

    Sasha: The safehouse is not too far from the Warrens..

    Rekas: Warrens?

    Casval: A seedier side of town that took in refugees... and still does.

    Sala: It seems to have taken in quite the influx these days, some of the transports are from Pegasus..

    Colas: Others are from the Delta Quadrant - people fleeing the civil war.

    Right, Mila, Sala, with me. Starfleet's arranged rooms for you at the competitors' village.

    Mila: Understood.

    Sasha: Alright, the rest of you head to the safehouse. Check in and register yourselves to the security systems..

    *Before long, Mila and Sala unpack, sharing a room at the village. Colas comes in a few minutes later.*

    Colas: I have your uniforms here.

    Okay, so, here's the basis of this mission: every Interstellar Games, Starfleet and the Republic Navy have a competition seperate as a kind of ice-breaker for every sport. You two are competing for Starfleet's team in the hand--to-hand combat event, which means you'll have access to Leah Carvan on the Republic Team. See what you can find out and if there's any way you can arrest her without sparking a diplomatic incident.

    Sala: Hand to hand... Fantastic. Do we have a profile to work with?

    *Casval comes on the secured channel*

    Casval: Good I have this thing working, This thing is out of date as far as the tech is concerned. However, Republic databases are quite easy enough to get a peak in. The problem will be getting into anything personal on Carvan's logs.

    Colas: On profile coming up. *She taps her combadge.* Nice work ensign. Can you read out her profile for us?

    Casval: She has been an Ensign for a few years at the Republic bases around Rishi, where most of the arms came from. Her participation in the games has been at least two times before. Never getting into the final three. She is due to be on the Thames after the games transferring to another station on DS42. As far as a medical file that will take some time, the security locks on those files are harder to get a hold of. As far as discipline goes she has been cited many times for disorderly and disobeying her superior officer. So I am going to venture a wild guess as to what we are expecting here..

    Colas: Go ahead.

    Casval: This ensign is not respectful of authority, and perhaps has been looking for a way out.. She may indeed be a rebel, so expect a fight if things go south.

    Mila: What are her CQC scores? Can you access her training records?

    Casval: That will take time, since the competition is for a couple days I will have it soon enough. By the way Commander, hooking into the station security feeds and surveillance was a tricky thing considering the Republic likes to use unorthodox programming. But I did manage to piggyback into it. Right now the Ensign is at the Village.. but so is someone else we are looking for.

    *He brings up a grainy image of Cassi at a cafe table, unassuming...*

    If she is here then it means we may have a bigger problem.. and perhaps a explosive one.

    Mila: I'll deal with her.

    Colas: No. You're supposed to be competing, you can't go nuclear like that.

    Ensign, see if you can shadow her with the security feeds. We'll deal with her when we get an opportunity.

    *She looks at Mila and Sala.*

    In the meantime, you two should focus on your primary mission - showing the Republic what Starfleet can do. *Smirks.*

    Sala: Yes mam.. *She can't help but to feel concerned about the revelations.. and Mila nearly being a loose cannon.* Come on Mila..

    *Mila sighs and opens the case with her uniform. It's a cropped sports top with trunks and training mask, as well as a pair of gloves and face-guard. The overall design is white with a gold Starfleet chevron, demarcated by a red outline. Sala's has the same design, but may have different components.*

    *Sala pays the get up no heed but can't help but to think that James would love to see this either for a laugh or to be a dog. As much as that last part bugged her it made her snicker deep down. Mila did not miss that snicker at a random thought.*

    Mila: What?

    Sala: Women in tight outfits.. just thinking about something funny I heard from Casval regarding James' track record..

    Mila: Yeah, he'd be loving this.

    Come on, we should probably start training.

    Sala: You sure you have your head on straight?

    Mila: Yeah...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *About two hours before the ceremony, Free Delta and their renegade Federation members are present in a makeshift bunker complex in the Warrens. The cell itself is compromised of younger officers and fresh faced crewmen out of the academy tech trade branches. Many Klingons are present, craving their birthright of conflict and being warriors. They are arguing about the timing of their next attack..*

    Whis: Look settle down.. The bombing on the Enterprise was successful to a point, it missed our target because of unforeseen issues. It wasn't a failure by any means.

    Mark'ov: Really? Missing the main target usually means failure in the eyes of an operation. Admiral Allen has been a long standing opponent to our agenda, if he is still present and alive, then we have a problem. Damaging his ship only delays the arrival of the Enterprise by what? A week? Two?

    *Cassi stands up*

    Cassi: Precisely.. But not every bomb went off. I considered that during the placement of them, and advised for it. Without the Enterprise bringing more people for Security it means we have an easier time to mark our real objective here. Sometimes you have to know when to plan don't you Mark'ov?

    *Mark'ov spits and storms back to his people on the ramparts. *

    Whis: We still have to avoid the PMC security detail and SHIELD.. that will be a problem.

    *On the Free Delta end there is disagreement. *

    Free Delta Cell Leader: Has it occurred to you that if any high-ranking official here, Republic or Federation, is killed it will seriously jeopardise our ability to smuggle weapons from the Federation to the Delta Quadrant? We need those weapons!

    *Carvan is standing to the side of the table, looking at Cassi inquisitively.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Fury walks through the streets. Unnoticed by people.

    Elsewhere Rotek begins looking into where the breach he discovered is coming from.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: I don't know if even my parents would be safe but I guess I can try.

    OoC: Sorry been really busy at work today.

    Kara: Thanks, Garrick. She's a good kid, I promise. She just needs someone to be there for her right now.

    Gariick: Of course. I'll get everything set up.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: I don't know if even my parents would be safe but I guess I can try.

    OoC: Sorry been really busy at work today.

    Kara: Thanks, Garrick. She's a good kid, I promise. She just needs someone to be there for her right now.

    Gariick: Of course. I'll get everything set up.

    *Kara turns the comm off and goes to check on Triss and Satin, who are apparently in the gym. Satin is ferociously going at the training programs again, grunting in anger as she kicks her holographic opponent into the turnbuckle, throwing another kick into the collarbone.*

    Kara *sad sarcasm*: I see she's taking it well...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *About two hours before the ceremony, Free Delta and their renegade Federation members are present in a makeshift bunker complex in the Warrens. The cell itself is compromised of younger officers and fresh faced crewmen out of the academy tech trade branches. Many Klingons are present, craving their birthright of conflict and being warriors. They are arguing about the timing of their next attack..*

    Whis: Look settle down.. The bombing on the Enterprise was successful to a point, it missed our target because of unforeseen issues. It wasn't a failure by any means.

    Mark'ov: Really? Missing the main target usually means failure in the eyes of an operation. Admiral Allen has been a long standing opponent to our agenda, if he is still present and alive, then we have a problem. Damaging his ship only delays the arrival of the Enterprise by what? A week? Two?

    *Cassi stands up*

    Cassi: Precisely.. But not every bomb went off. I considered that during the placement of them, and advised for it. Without the Enterprise bringing more people for Security it means we have an easier time to mark our real objective here. Sometimes you have to know when to plan don't you Mark'ov?

    *Mark'ov spits and storms back to his people on the ramparts. *

    Whis: We still have to avoid the PMC security detail and SHIELD.. that will be a problem.

    *On the Free Delta end there is disagreement. *

    Free Delta Cell Leader: Has it occurred to you that if any high-ranking official here, Republic or Federation, is killed it will seriously jeopardise our ability to smuggle weapons from the Federation to the Delta Quadrant? We need those weapons!

    *Carvan is standing to the side of the table, looking at Cassi inquisitively.*

    Cassi: Which won't be an issue with Admiral Allen out of the way. Your shipments are still undeterred aside from one instance, but no matter. Without the Admiral the majority in the dominated Starfleet and Federation lose the motion to bump security measures proposed. Vocal minority is still our forte, given how much pressure we can place on certain officials and figures.

    *Whis turns on his QE Hologram device.*

    Whis: Our contact in the Federation government wants to know how your going to deal with the Republic pushing into your holdings..

    *Jamal appears on his own through the device, dropping the feeble old man act.*

    Jamal: What you all need is to accept our help.. Your weapons will move through just fine, as a matter in fact your counterparts in the Alliance could use some help. The Arcadians are not moving on the Republic holdings in Pegasus until talks have been formalized and a summit occurs. However, you do have an ample amount of people who have fled and resent how the Republic has responded. Recruit and grow. What you need is unity and help. Karn is facing a re-election year and is facing a candidate that would be sympathetic to your cause.

    Mark'ov: What about the PMC's, SHIELD, and the Agency? How are you so sure that they can be bypassed? Weapons and supplies that come along the underground would be effected by any assassination.

    *There is some agreement on that remark.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Quinton docks the shuttle and places the shuttle in park.. The rest of the team is in civilian garb. As is he given the tight fit of the shirt. *

    Sasha: The safehouse is not too far from the Warrens..

    Rekas: Warrens?

    Casval: A seedier side of town that took in refugees... and still does.

    Sala: It seems to have taken in quite the influx these days, some of the transports are from Pegasus..

    Colas: Others are from the Delta Quadrant - people fleeing the civil war.

    Right, Mila, Sala, with me. Starfleet's arranged rooms for you at the competitors' village.

    Mila: Understood.

    Sasha: Alright, the rest of you head to the safehouse. Check in and register yourselves to the security systems..

    *Before long, Mila and Sala unpack, sharing a room at the village. Colas comes in a few minutes later.*

    Colas: I have your uniforms here.

    Okay, so, here's the basis of this mission: every Interstellar Games, Starfleet and the Republic Navy have a competition seperate as a kind of ice-breaker for every sport. You two are competing for Starfleet's team in the hand--to-hand combat event, which means you'll have access to Leah Carvan on the Republic Team. See what you can find out and if there's any way you can arrest her without sparking a diplomatic incident.

    Sala: Hand to hand... Fantastic. Do we have a profile to work with?

    *Casval comes on the secured channel*

    Casval: Good I have this thing working, This thing is out of date as far as the tech is concerned. However, Republic databases are quite easy enough to get a peak in. The problem will be getting into anything personal on Carvan's logs.

    Colas: On profile coming up. *She taps her combadge.* Nice work ensign. Can you read out her profile for us?

    Casval: She has been an Ensign for a few years at the Republic bases around Rishi, where most of the arms came from. Her participation in the games has been at least two times before. Never getting into the final three. She is due to be on the Thames after the games transferring to another station on DS42. As far as a medical file that will take some time, the security locks on those files are harder to get a hold of. As far as discipline goes she has been cited many times for disorderly and disobeying her superior officer. So I am going to venture a wild guess as to what we are expecting here..

    Colas: Go ahead.

    Casval: This ensign is not respectful of authority, and perhaps has been looking for a way out.. She may indeed be a rebel, so expect a fight if things go south.

    Mila: What are her CQC scores? Can you access her training records?

    Casval: That will take time, since the competition is for a couple days I will have it soon enough. By the way Commander, hooking into the station security feeds and surveillance was a tricky thing considering the Republic likes to use unorthodox programming. But I did manage to piggyback into it. Right now the Ensign is at the Village.. but so is someone else we are looking for.

    *He brings up a grainy image of Cassi at a cafe table, unassuming...*

    If she is here then it means we may have a bigger problem.. and perhaps a explosive one.

    Mila: I'll deal with her.

    Colas: No. You're supposed to be competing, you can't go nuclear like that.

    Ensign, see if you can shadow her with the security feeds. We'll deal with her when we get an opportunity.

    *She looks at Mila and Sala.*

    In the meantime, you two should focus on your primary mission - showing the Republic what Starfleet can do. *Smirks.*

    Sala: Yes mam.. *She can't help but to feel concerned about the revelations.. and Mila nearly being a loose cannon.* Come on Mila..

    *Mila sighs and opens the case with her uniform. It's a cropped sports top with trunks and training mask, as well as a pair of gloves and face-guard. The overall design is white with a gold Starfleet chevron, demarcated by a red outline. Sala's has the same design, but may have different components.*

    *Sala pays the get up no heed but can't help but to think that James would love to see this either for a laugh or to be a dog. As much as that last part bugged her it made her snicker deep down. Mila did not miss that snicker at a random thought.*

    Mila: What?

    Sala: Women in tight outfits.. just thinking about something funny I heard from Casval regarding James' track record..

    Mila: Yeah, he'd be loving this.

    Come on, we should probably start training.

    Sala: You sure you have your head on straight?

    Mila: Yeah...

    *They find themselves at the presenting ceremony being prepped in where they will proceed and form up. Sala can tell that this formality has been drilled for years by the attendees to the point of nearly ritual. The Republic counterparts are just as drilled in this as they are. Sala catches their target twenty-five people down the line. In group five. Mila soon does as well.*

    Sala: *Giving her a visual queue. To her.. on the comm link Casval points it out.*

    Casval: That is her.

    *On the other end of the station Tara A gets a message at a bar as Wilson is keeping an eye on the tag along. From her youngest nephew. Non-responsive message, marked as urgent. *

  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *About two hours before the ceremony, Free Delta and their renegade Federation members are present in a makeshift bunker complex in the Warrens. The cell itself is compromised of younger officers and fresh faced crewmen out of the academy tech trade branches. Many Klingons are present, craving their birthright of conflict and being warriors. They are arguing about the timing of their next attack..*

    Whis: Look settle down.. The bombing on the Enterprise was successful to a point, it missed our target because of unforeseen issues. It wasn't a failure by any means.

    Mark'ov: Really? Missing the main target usually means failure in the eyes of an operation. Admiral Allen has been a long standing opponent to our agenda, if he is still present and alive, then we have a problem. Damaging his ship only delays the arrival of the Enterprise by what? A week? Two?

    *Cassi stands up*

    Cassi: Precisely.. But not every bomb went off. I considered that during the placement of them, and advised for it. Without the Enterprise bringing more people for Security it means we have an easier time to mark our real objective here. Sometimes you have to know when to plan don't you Mark'ov?

    *Mark'ov spits and storms back to his people on the ramparts. *

    Whis: We still have to avoid the PMC security detail and SHIELD.. that will be a problem.

    *On the Free Delta end there is disagreement. *

    Free Delta Cell Leader: Has it occurred to you that if any high-ranking official here, Republic or Federation, is killed it will seriously jeopardise our ability to smuggle weapons from the Federation to the Delta Quadrant? We need those weapons!

    *Carvan is standing to the side of the table, looking at Cassi inquisitively.*

    Cassi: Which won't be an issue with Admiral Allen out of the way. Your shipments are still undeterred aside from one instance, but no matter. Without the Admiral the majority in the dominated Starfleet and Federation lose the motion to bump security measures proposed. Vocal minority is still our forte, given how much pressure we can place on certain officials and figures.

    *Whis turns on his QE Hologram device.*

    Whis: Our contact in the Federation government wants to know how your going to deal with the Republic pushing into your holdings..

    *Jamal appears on his own through the device, dropping the feeble old man act.*

    Jamal: What you all need is to accept our help.. Your weapons will move through just fine, as a matter in fact your counterparts in the Alliance could use some help. The Arcadians are not moving on the Republic holdings in Pegasus until talks have been formalized and a summit occurs. However, you do have an ample amount of people who have fled and resent how the Republic has responded. Recruit and grow. What you need is unity and help. Karn is facing a re-election year and is facing a candidate that would be sympathetic to your cause.

    Mark'ov: What about the PMC's, SHIELD, and the Agency? How are you so sure that they can be bypassed? Weapons and supplies that come along the underground would be effected by any assassination.

    *There is some agreement on that remark.*

    *OOC: How the Republic has responded? All the Republic have been doing so far is defending. The Alliance are the ones who tried to invade the Turanians.*

    Carvan: Keeping a low profile is the best way to do this. If anyone in or close to the Republic gets assassinated here, they're going to set the O.S.S. loose on everybody, including the RNF Team.

    Speaking of which, I've got to go prep for my first match.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Quinton docks the shuttle and places the shuttle in park.. The rest of the team is in civilian garb. As is he given the tight fit of the shirt. *

    Sasha: The safehouse is not too far from the Warrens..

    Rekas: Warrens?

    Casval: A seedier side of town that took in refugees... and still does.

    Sala: It seems to have taken in quite the influx these days, some of the transports are from Pegasus..

    Colas: Others are from the Delta Quadrant - people fleeing the civil war.

    Right, Mila, Sala, with me. Starfleet's arranged rooms for you at the competitors' village.

    Mila: Understood.

    Sasha: Alright, the rest of you head to the safehouse. Check in and register yourselves to the security systems..

    *Before long, Mila and Sala unpack, sharing a room at the village. Colas comes in a few minutes later.*

    Colas: I have your uniforms here.

    Okay, so, here's the basis of this mission: every Interstellar Games, Starfleet and the Republic Navy have a competition seperate as a kind of ice-breaker for every sport. You two are competing for Starfleet's team in the hand--to-hand combat event, which means you'll have access to Leah Carvan on the Republic Team. See what you can find out and if there's any way you can arrest her without sparking a diplomatic incident.

    Sala: Hand to hand... Fantastic. Do we have a profile to work with?

    *Casval comes on the secured channel*

    Casval: Good I have this thing working, This thing is out of date as far as the tech is concerned. However, Republic databases are quite easy enough to get a peak in. The problem will be getting into anything personal on Carvan's logs.

    Colas: On profile coming up. *She taps her combadge.* Nice work ensign. Can you read out her profile for us?

    Casval: She has been an Ensign for a few years at the Republic bases around Rishi, where most of the arms came from. Her participation in the games has been at least two times before. Never getting into the final three. She is due to be on the Thames after the games transferring to another station on DS42. As far as a medical file that will take some time, the security locks on those files are harder to get a hold of. As far as discipline goes she has been cited many times for disorderly and disobeying her superior officer. So I am going to venture a wild guess as to what we are expecting here..

    Colas: Go ahead.

    Casval: This ensign is not respectful of authority, and perhaps has been looking for a way out.. She may indeed be a rebel, so expect a fight if things go south.

    Mila: What are her CQC scores? Can you access her training records?

    Casval: That will take time, since the competition is for a couple days I will have it soon enough. By the way Commander, hooking into the station security feeds and surveillance was a tricky thing considering the Republic likes to use unorthodox programming. But I did manage to piggyback into it. Right now the Ensign is at the Village.. but so is someone else we are looking for.

    *He brings up a grainy image of Cassi at a cafe table, unassuming...*

    If she is here then it means we may have a bigger problem.. and perhaps a explosive one.

    Mila: I'll deal with her.

    Colas: No. You're supposed to be competing, you can't go nuclear like that.

    Ensign, see if you can shadow her with the security feeds. We'll deal with her when we get an opportunity.

    *She looks at Mila and Sala.*

    In the meantime, you two should focus on your primary mission - showing the Republic what Starfleet can do. *Smirks.*

    Sala: Yes mam.. *She can't help but to feel concerned about the revelations.. and Mila nearly being a loose cannon.* Come on Mila..

    *Mila sighs and opens the case with her uniform. It's a cropped sports top with trunks and training mask, as well as a pair of gloves and face-guard. The overall design is white with a gold Starfleet chevron, demarcated by a red outline. Sala's has the same design, but may have different components.*

    *Sala pays the get up no heed but can't help but to think that James would love to see this either for a laugh or to be a dog. As much as that last part bugged her it made her snicker deep down. Mila did not miss that snicker at a random thought.*

    Mila: What?

    Sala: Women in tight outfits.. just thinking about something funny I heard from Casval regarding James' track record..

    Mila: Yeah, he'd be loving this.

    Come on, we should probably start training.

    Sala: You sure you have your head on straight?

    Mila: Yeah...

    *They find themselves at the presenting ceremony being prepped in where they will proceed and form up. Sala can tell that this formality has been drilled for years by the attendees to the point of nearly ritual. The Republic counterparts are just as drilled in this as they are. Sala catches their target twenty-five people down the line. In group five. Mila soon does as well.*

    Sala: *Giving her a visual queue. To her.. on the comm link Casval points it out.*

    Casval: That is her.

    *On the other end of the station Tara A gets a message at a bar as Wilson is keeping an eye on the tag along. From her youngest nephew. Non-responsive message, marked as urgent. *

    *Mila keeps her eye on Carvan as the proceed through the ceremony.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: will post after work.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: I don't know if even my parents would be safe but I guess I can try.

    OoC: Sorry been really busy at work today.

    Kara: Thanks, Garrick. She's a good kid, I promise. She just needs someone to be there for her right now.

    Gariick: Of course. I'll get everything set up.

    *Kara turns the comm off and goes to check on Triss and Satin, who are apparently in the gym. Satin is ferociously going at the training programs again, grunting in anger as she kicks her holographic opponent into the turnbuckle, throwing another kick into the collarbone.*

    Kara *sad sarcasm*: I see she's taking it well...

    *Triss almost seems like she is holding something in.*

    Triss: How'd your call go?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Malick sits watching as the operation ingredients ceremony is getting set up. His oldest son walks up to him

    Jason: things are going as you want.

    Malick: good. Our assets is watching your sister making sure nothing happens to her. We know they are going to try something. Let's see what they do.

    Jason: indeed my men are spread throughout the city. If we find any of them we will capture if possible.

    Malick: good.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: I don't know if even my parents would be safe but I guess I can try.

    OoC: Sorry been really busy at work today.

    Kara: Thanks, Garrick. She's a good kid, I promise. She just needs someone to be there for her right now.

    Gariick: Of course. I'll get everything set up.

    *Kara turns the comm off and goes to check on Triss and Satin, who are apparently in the gym. Satin is ferociously going at the training programs again, grunting in anger as she kicks her holographic opponent into the turnbuckle, throwing another kick into the collarbone.*

    Kara *sad sarcasm*: I see she's taking it well...

    *Triss almost seems like she is holding something in.*

    Triss: How'd your call go?

    Kara: Okay. Garrick's going to try and take her to his parents'. Are you alright?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Coulson: well look who's here

    Morris: is that who I think it is?

    Coulson: yep the one and only.

    Morris: I'd love to take him out right here and now.

    Coulson: as much as I'd like to watch no. We don't need an incident like that letting everyone know we are in operation. At least not without a good reason. Besides we have other things to do.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: I don't know if even my parents would be safe but I guess I can try.

    OoC: Sorry been really busy at work today.

    Kara: Thanks, Garrick. She's a good kid, I promise. She just needs someone to be there for her right now.

    Gariick: Of course. I'll get everything set up.

    *Kara turns the comm off and goes to check on Triss and Satin, who are apparently in the gym. Satin is ferociously going at the training programs again, grunting in anger as she kicks her holographic opponent into the turnbuckle, throwing another kick into the collarbone.*

    Kara *sad sarcasm*: I see she's taking it well...

    *Triss almost seems like she is holding something in.*

    Triss: How'd your call go?

    Kara: Okay. Garrick's going to try and take her to his parents'. Are you alright?

    Triss: I'll be alright. 'Just frustrated.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: I don't know if even my parents would be safe but I guess I can try.

    OoC: Sorry been really busy at work today.

    Kara: Thanks, Garrick. She's a good kid, I promise. She just needs someone to be there for her right now.

    Gariick: Of course. I'll get everything set up.

    *Kara turns the comm off and goes to check on Triss and Satin, who are apparently in the gym. Satin is ferociously going at the training programs again, grunting in anger as she kicks her holographic opponent into the turnbuckle, throwing another kick into the collarbone.*

    Kara *sad sarcasm*: I see she's taking it well...

    *Triss almost seems like she is holding something in.*

    Triss: How'd your call go?

    Kara: Okay. Garrick's going to try and take her to his parents'. Are you alright?

    Triss: I'll be alright. 'Just frustrated.

    Kara: What is it?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *About two hours before the ceremony, Free Delta and their renegade Federation members are present in a makeshift bunker complex in the Warrens. The cell itself is compromised of younger officers and fresh faced crewmen out of the academy tech trade branches. Many Klingons are present, craving their birthright of conflict and being warriors. They are arguing about the timing of their next attack..*

    Whis: Look settle down.. The bombing on the Enterprise was successful to a point, it missed our target because of unforeseen issues. It wasn't a failure by any means.

    Mark'ov: Really? Missing the main target usually means failure in the eyes of an operation. Admiral Allen has been a long standing opponent to our agenda, if he is still present and alive, then we have a problem. Damaging his ship only delays the arrival of the Enterprise by what? A week? Two?

    *Cassi stands up*

    Cassi: Precisely.. But not every bomb went off. I considered that during the placement of them, and advised for it. Without the Enterprise bringing more people for Security it means we have an easier time to mark our real objective here. Sometimes you have to know when to plan don't you Mark'ov?

    *Mark'ov spits and storms back to his people on the ramparts. *

    Whis: We still have to avoid the PMC security detail and SHIELD.. that will be a problem.

    *On the Free Delta end there is disagreement. *

    Free Delta Cell Leader: Has it occurred to you that if any high-ranking official here, Republic or Federation, is killed it will seriously jeopardise our ability to smuggle weapons from the Federation to the Delta Quadrant? We need those weapons!

    *Carvan is standing to the side of the table, looking at Cassi inquisitively.*

    Cassi: Which won't be an issue with Admiral Allen out of the way. Your shipments are still undeterred aside from one instance, but no matter. Without the Admiral the majority in the dominated Starfleet and Federation lose the motion to bump security measures proposed. Vocal minority is still our forte, given how much pressure we can place on certain officials and figures.

    *Whis turns on his QE Hologram device.*

    Whis: Our contact in the Federation government wants to know how your going to deal with the Republic pushing into your holdings..

    *Jamal appears on his own through the device, dropping the feeble old man act.*

    Jamal: What you all need is to accept our help.. Your weapons will move through just fine, as a matter in fact your counterparts in the Alliance could use some help. The Arcadians are not moving on the Republic holdings in Pegasus until talks have been formalized and a summit occurs. However, you do have an ample amount of people who have fled and resent how the Republic has responded. Recruit and grow. What you need is unity and help. Karn is facing a re-election year and is facing a candidate that would be sympathetic to your cause.

    Mark'ov: What about the PMC's, SHIELD, and the Agency? How are you so sure that they can be bypassed? Weapons and supplies that come along the underground would be effected by any assassination.

    *There is some agreement on that remark.*

    *OOC: How the Republic has responded? All the Republic have been doing so far is defending. The Alliance are the ones who tried to invade the Turanians.*

    Carvan: Keeping a low profile is the best way to do this. If anyone in or close to the Republic gets assassinated here, they're going to set the O.S.S. loose on everybody, including the RNF Team.

    Speaking of which, I've got to go prep for my first match.

    *OOC: Thanks for reminding me.*

    Jamal: Hence why we leave the Republic leadership alone. There are more ample opportunities else where. Which is why you reach out to your former head of state. O.S.S. isn't really allowed to touch the Federation stratus, PMC's are governed by SHIELD and the Agency. Its not a problem if they do try and stick their nose in something that doesn't belong to them.

    *There is a hint of amusement in his face, Cassi doesn't know what his real game is.*

    Anyway.. If there isn't a consensus things will only get harder for Free Delta and the Alliance by consequence.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: I don't know if even my parents would be safe but I guess I can try.

    OoC: Sorry been really busy at work today.

    Kara: Thanks, Garrick. She's a good kid, I promise. She just needs someone to be there for her right now.

    Gariick: Of course. I'll get everything set up.

    *Kara turns the comm off and goes to check on Triss and Satin, who are apparently in the gym. Satin is ferociously going at the training programs again, grunting in anger as she kicks her holographic opponent into the turnbuckle, throwing another kick into the collarbone.*

    Kara *sad sarcasm*: I see she's taking it well...

    *Triss almost seems like she is holding something in.*

    Triss: How'd your call go?

    Kara: Okay. Garrick's going to try and take her to his parents'. Are you alright?

    Triss: I'll be alright. 'Just frustrated.

    Kara: What is it?

    Triss: I really just want to get at the guys who did it. And do terrible things to them.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: I don't know if even my parents would be safe but I guess I can try.

    OoC: Sorry been really busy at work today.

    Kara: Thanks, Garrick. She's a good kid, I promise. She just needs someone to be there for her right now.

    Gariick: Of course. I'll get everything set up.

    *Kara turns the comm off and goes to check on Triss and Satin, who are apparently in the gym. Satin is ferociously going at the training programs again, grunting in anger as she kicks her holographic opponent into the turnbuckle, throwing another kick into the collarbone.*

    Kara *sad sarcasm*: I see she's taking it well...

    *Triss almost seems like she is holding something in.*

    Triss: How'd your call go?

    Kara: Okay. Garrick's going to try and take her to his parents'. Are you alright?

    Triss: I'll be alright. 'Just frustrated.

    Kara: What is it?

    Triss: I really just want to get at the guys who did it. And do terrible things to them.

    Kara: Same here...

    *Satin throws the hologram over her shoulder and starts beating on it savagely.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: I don't know if even my parents would be safe but I guess I can try.

    OoC: Sorry been really busy at work today.

    Kara: Thanks, Garrick. She's a good kid, I promise. She just needs someone to be there for her right now.

    Gariick: Of course. I'll get everything set up.

    *Kara turns the comm off and goes to check on Triss and Satin, who are apparently in the gym. Satin is ferociously going at the training programs again, grunting in anger as she kicks her holographic opponent into the turnbuckle, throwing another kick into the collarbone.*

    Kara *sad sarcasm*: I see she's taking it well...

    *Triss almost seems like she is holding something in.*

    Triss: How'd your call go?

    Kara: Okay. Garrick's going to try and take her to his parents'. Are you alright?

    Triss: I'll be alright. 'Just frustrated.

    Kara: What is it?

    Triss: I really just want to get at the guys who did it. And do terrible things to them.

    Kara: Same here...

    *Satin throws the hologram over her shoulder and starts beating on it savagely.*

    Triss: She's going through hell right now.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *In Tara A's head her dad is speaking with her..*

    A. James: You know that message could be important... especially given your brief sightings of your nephew in your head.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Garrick: I don't know if even my parents would be safe but I guess I can try.

    OoC: Sorry been really busy at work today.

    Kara: Thanks, Garrick. She's a good kid, I promise. She just needs someone to be there for her right now.

    Gariick: Of course. I'll get everything set up.

    *Kara turns the comm off and goes to check on Triss and Satin, who are apparently in the gym. Satin is ferociously going at the training programs again, grunting in anger as she kicks her holographic opponent into the turnbuckle, throwing another kick into the collarbone.*

    Kara *sad sarcasm*: I see she's taking it well...

    *Triss almost seems like she is holding something in.*

    Triss: How'd your call go?

    Kara: Okay. Garrick's going to try and take her to his parents'. Are you alright?

    Triss: I'll be alright. 'Just frustrated.

    Kara: What is it?

    Triss: I really just want to get at the guys who did it. And do terrible things to them.

    Kara: Same here...

    *Satin throws the hologram over her shoulder and starts beating on it savagely.*

    Triss: She's going through hell right now.

    Kara: I know...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *In Tara A's head her dad is speaking with her..*

    A. James: You know that message could be important... especially given your brief sightings of your nephew in your head.

    *Tara A heads to the meeting with Casval.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *In Tara A's head her dad is speaking with her..*

    A. James: You know that message could be important... especially given your brief sightings of your nephew in your head.

    *Tara A heads to the meeting with Casval.*

    *Casval is keeping an eye on things at the Ceremony at a cafe via a portable terminal. When his aunt shows up.*

    Casval: You know we see you so little..
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *In Tara A's head her dad is speaking with her..*

    A. James: You know that message could be important... especially given your brief sightings of your nephew in your head.

    *Tara A heads to the meeting with Casval.*

    *Casval is keeping an eye on things at the Ceremony at a cafe via a portable terminal. When his aunt shows up.*

    Casval: You know we see you so little..

    Tara A: Dawn keeps me pretty busy.
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