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  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Rommel: oh and send my regards to ross and thank him for the loan of a crew member. Lt doreman will become a great asset to my cause and study.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    logang19 wrote: »
    Rommel hails ryan although in his protype armor his face and voice are hidden.

    Rommel: you have fortune on your side. But everyones luck runs out sooner or later. You cannot stop what has been put in motion.
    logang19 wrote: »
    Rommel: oh and send my regards to ross and thank him for the loan of a crew member. Lt doreman will become a great asset to my cause and study.

    Ryan: Who are you? Why are you doing this?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Ryan: Who are you? Why are you doing this?

    My reason are my own. But you should know that nothing good can come from someone messing with nature. Sure some will do good. But what about the ones who dont. The ones like gary and northman. Allen was an good man but he was only one out of a group of people. These people need to be dealt with to assure the safety of the quadrant.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Ryan: Who are you? Why are you doing this?

    As for who i am. Well since you will find out sooner probably then later.

    He removes his helmet reaviling himself. Even after all this time and the borg implants anyone who knew him would recognize him.

    Are you satisified now ryan. Your questions have been answered.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    logang19 wrote: »
    As for who i am. Well since you will find out sooner probably then later.

    He removes his helmet reaviling himself. Even after all this time and the borg implants anyone who knew him would recognize him.

    Are you satisified now ryan. Your questions have been answered.

    Ryan: Rommel. Have you lost your mind?

    Communications: He closed the channel, sir. He couldn't hear you.

    Ryan: Son of a-- Set course for DS-61, maximum warp.

    Helm: Ready.

    Ryan: Engage.

    *The Victorious warps out of the sector*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Rommel sits and decides his next course of action. Starfleet will begin looking for him soon. He sends a message to his ships and the 501st to meet at there base.

    Rommel its time to bring in the full plan.

    He knows the risks in his plan working with the borg and if his plan fails it will be devistating. He sends a message deep into borg space. Giving them all the data on key federation ships commanded by these new types.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Rommel walks around the long corridors of the talon. He wants to wait to go visit his new prisoner being held in the brig. He wants to wait and let his breen commander finish with his questioning of the young officer.

    He walks back into his quarters and turns on a holo of his wife and son. The two people he had left and they are now gone fore ever killed by the attacks and affects of northman. If his plan works the newtypes will be dealt with and then he will gladly meet his fate whatever it may be. He can hear the borg are getting closer he can feel them strogly again and it sends a shiver down his spine. A small part of him wants to warn these men who will be killed but he really has no reason to do so now. He decides to take a walk to head to the brig. To talk to his prisoner.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ross: ROmmel you psychotic TRIBBLE.. I will retrieve Lt Dorman. If he is harmed in anyway, you will have a lot to answer for.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *In a strange brig.*

    Dorman: Sassy TRIBBLE... Rommel... come on...
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Rommel soon walks into the brig in his uniform he looks at the young lt who is bound before him.

    Rommel: im sorry for all of this i came as soon as i learned they had brought you aboard. This is mostly crewed by former vgi so they dont always inform me of everything. Now if you promise to listen to me and not try to escape or contact your commander i would be sure i could get you let lose and given proper quarters while you remain here. ( im going to use alot of count tyranus here) you have been lied to by your federation and starfleet. They dont want to help new types they want to control them. Use them as weapons against therer enemies nothing more. ( also the lt will not be able to read rommel )
    i am here to help you. The federation allowed the assasins into the conference at khitomer i tried to stop it by having my security put in charge but i was limited by command.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ross: ROmmel you psychotic TRIBBLE.. I will retrieve Lt Dorman. If he is harmed in anyway, you will have a lot to answer for.

    Light laughter fills the comm " come now ross. If i wanted to harm him would i have taken him silently and not left him dead on your ship. I have no ill will toward him at all. But he sadly is a key to all these events. And given time he could be of much use to me. Besides admiral do you really know me anymore. We havent spoken in years. You have no idea what has happened to me pr what ive been through.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *In a strange brig.*

    Dorman: Sassy TRIBBLE... Rommel... come on...

    Ah lt you are awake.

    Rommel steps to where he can be seen by the lt.

    Im very sorry for all of this. You see the the former vgi controls this ship. I didnt know they had taken you onboard till moments ago. They came to me to ask for my help. After the vgi was betrayed by its leaders after the northman attack and they rejoined the federation. They came to me asking me to help them along with other star systems that want to leave the weak federation. I also have support in parts of the klingon and romulan empires as well as the terran empire. They fear recent events and have all seceretly come together to prepare for war. We will wipe away the old govts and rebuild with a strong empire. One able to stands against all threats. The federation has lied to newtypes sayoing they are trying to protect you. They really just want to use you as weapons.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    logang19 wrote: »
    Light laughter fills the comm " come now ross. If i wanted to harm him would i have taken him silently and not left him dead on your ship. I have no ill will toward him at all. But he sadly is a key to all these events. And given time he could be of much use to me. Besides admiral do you really know me anymore. We havent spoken in years. You have no idea what has happened to me pr what ive been through.

    Yeah I can imagine some of the pain you have been through it is all over your soul. I do not blame you, I feel sorry for you. I feel rage at what Northman did too. He took one of my closet friends away from me a man I considered a brother.. It made the universe a lesser place with out him and without your family. Why kill the only shot the universe has at attaining peace.... Why go against nature or the universe? Even we newtypes are capable of mistakes. He is the key to everything.. He is the future of life in the galaxy. If you wish me as well I propose this..

    Return the boy. Take me instead. Since I am the focus of your rage the one that can stop your plans... Please..

    You are still Matthew Rommel A Starfleet Admiral a man whose duty is greater than his own life.. I remember you telling me, Allen, Bat'rak, and Val that all those years ago.. Would your family approve of this Rommel? I know you are still that good man you were back then. Even under all of those implants and all of the pain...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ah lt you are awake.

    Rommel steps to where he can be seen by the lt.

    Im very sorry for all of this. You see the the former vgi controls this ship. I didnt know they had taken you onboard till moments ago. They came to me to ask for my help. After the vgi was betrayed by its leaders after the northman attack and they rejoined the federation. They came to me asking me to help them along with other star systems that want to leave the weak federation. I also have support in parts of the klingon and romulan empires as well as the terran empire. They fear recent events and have all seceretly come together to prepare for war. We will wipe away the old govts and rebuild with a strong empire. One able to stands against all threats. The federation has lied to newtypes sayoing they are trying to protect you. They really just want to use you as weapons.

    Dorman: *coughs* Why pointlessly kill more people than Northman could ever dream of... Besides what would the point of it be, all of his actions and the actions of everybody are set on a path that is willed. What do you want to use us for then? Fertilizer for the lilies on mass graves and a field of flowers? From what I seen and sense is that you despise us because of one man...
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Yeah I can imagine some of the pain you have been through it is all over your soul. I do not blame you, I feel sorry for you. I feel rage at what Northman did too. He took one of my closet friends away from me a man I considered a brother.. It made the universe a lesser place with out him and without your family. Why kill the only shot the universe has at attaining peace.... Why go against nature or the universe? Even we newtypes are capable of mistakes. He is the key to everything.. He is the future of life in the galaxy. If you wish me as well I propose this..

    Return the boy. Take me instead. Since I am the focus of your rage the one that can stop your plans... Please..

    You are still Matthew Rommel A Starfleet Admiral a man whose duty is greater than his own life.. I remember you telling me, Allen, Bat'rak, and Val that all those years ago.. Would your family approve of this Rommel? I know you are still that good man you were back then. Even under all of those implants and all of the pain...

    Rommel takes his time before responding.looks at the holo of his family in his quarters.

    I will return the boy to you. And will return to my base. I in honor of allen will warn you that when the battle comes stay away or stand by me. He un binds the young lt. Types a few controls and beams him aboard ross ship. " it is done. But i will not return ross. Besides that i will be arrested and most likely killed i have nothing to return to now.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Dorman: *coughs* Why pointlessly kill more people than Northman could ever dream of... Besides what would the point of it be, all of his actions and the actions of everybody are set on a path that is willed. What do you want to use us for then? Fertilizer for the lilies on mass graves and a field of flowers? From what I seen and sense is that you despise us because of one man...

    Go do not ask why but go. He unbinds the boy and beams him to ross ship.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    logang19 wrote: »
    Rommel takes his time before responding.looks at the holo of his family in his quarters.

    I will return the boy to you. And will return to my base. I in honor of allen will warn you that when the battle comes stay away or stand by me. He un binds the young lt. Types a few controls and beams him aboard ross ship. " it is done. But i will not return ross. Besides that i will be arrested and most likely killed i have nothing to return to now.

    *Ross on board in place of Dorman stand before Rommel saddened. *

    Ross: Rommel... Please ... Explain it to me what happened... Is it really right to blame an entire race of beings just because of one man that was driven by the culmitive mistakes of centuries upon centuries of manipulation and pruning to avoid Newtypes arriving, You know nature was going to find a way...

    The governments are now allied in peace... The Undine are gone, The Iconians are finished, and you would risk causing the same pain that was put onto you unfairly.... I hated Northman too.. He killed many of my friends during his sneak attack... Would you willingly do that exact same thing and cause more pointless bloodshed.... Making Allen's sacrifice in vain his dream of peace and understanding too?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *USS Dogos Gear*

    *Dorman appears on the bridge battered and barely conscious*

    Dorman: Rommel... Why Admiral what the hell are you doing?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *Ross on board in place of Dorman stand before Rommel saddened. *

    Ross: Rommel... Please ... Explain it to me what happened... Is it really right to blame an entire race of beings just because of one man that was driven by the culmitive mistakes of centuries upon centuries of manipulation and pruning to avoid Newtypes arriving, You know nature was going to find a way...

    The governments are now allied in peace... The Undine are gone, The Iconians are finished, and you would risk causing the same pain that was put onto you unfairly.... I hated Northman too.. He killed many of my friends during his sneak attack... Would you willingly do that exact same thing and cause more pointless bloodshed.... Making Allen's sacrifice in vain his dream of peace and understanding too?

    Ross you never change. Listen to what i tell you and then i will return you as well. What has been set in motion cannot be stopped by me. These planets tht are in a rage i wont be able to stop it. Dormans life is still in danger from one of my agents. A small smile shows on the hard face as rommel looks at ross. But you are foolish if you think peace will come soon. There is more going on then you realize.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *Ross on board in place of Dorman stand before Rommel saddened. *

    Ross: Rommel... Please ... Explain it to me what happened... Is it really right to blame an entire race of beings just because of one man that was driven by the culmitive mistakes of centuries upon centuries of manipulation and pruning to avoid Newtypes arriving, You know nature was going to find a way...

    The governments are now allied in peace... The Undine are gone, The Iconians are finished, and you would risk causing the same pain that was put onto you unfairly.... I hated Northman too.. He killed many of my friends during his sneak attack... Would you willingly do that exact same thing and cause more pointless bloodshed.... Making Allen's sacrifice in vain his dream of peace and understanding too?

    And ross what would i do now. You know i cant go back and i have nothing worth returning for.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *Deep Space 61, Conference Room. Captain Allington and his Senior Staff, Commander Matt Neilson (First Officer, DS-61), Commander John O'Neil (First Officer, Starship Victorious), Lieutenant Commander David Frost (Science Officer, DS-61), Lieutenant Michael Forrest (Science and Chief Medical Officer, Victorious), Lieutenant James Warren (Chief Engineer, Victorious), Lieutenant Emma Smith (Security Chief and Tactical Officer, DS-61), Toran (Security Chief and Tactical Officer, Victorious), Lieutenant Michelle Sarr (Chief medical Officer, DS-61), Chief Petty Officer Aaron O'Dar (Chief of Operations and Maintenance, DS-61) and Captain Marilla "Daya" Saph (Captain, Starship Darwin) are all present.*

    Ryan: Well, we're in trouble, people. Lt. Forrest.

    *The viewer image is replaced by a Communications Chart as Lt. Forrest Stands from his seat*

    Forrest: This is a transmission the Victorious' Comm. Array intercepted right after the attack on Admiral Ross' ship.

    Ryan: Before you go on, General Torpal, Sub-Commander Mara, are you hearing this?

    Torpal *Over comm.*: Indeed, Captain.

    Feminine voice *Over Comm.*: Confirmed.

    Ryan: Alright, carry on, lt.

    Forrest: This transmission matches Borg frequencies. The sub-harmonic frequency matches Admiral Rommel's Borg implants.

    Frost: Hold on. I thought Borg transmissions used a Sub-space carrier wave that is almost undetectable to our Comm. arrays, unless you're looking for it.

    Ryan: The Victorious was fitted with a new, experimental, Comm. Array specifically designed to be able to intercept Borg Communiques before we left Earth a few months ago. Starfleet Corps of Engineers will be arriving in a few weeks to get a full review on the Array so they can produce more. Lt.?

    Forrest: The transmission is a list of every High-ranking Federation Officer and Politician who's gone through the Awakening.

    Ryan: Now, I don't have to tell you how much trouble that puts us in. If the Borg Assimilate an Awakened Human, it'll make their Assimilation of Undine look like a kid playing with an inflatable hammer! They'll be nearly unstoppable!

    Daya: So what are we gonna do about it?

    Ryan: We're going to Blockade the Delta Quadrant.

    *In empty space, several ex-Federation starships, bearing the emblem of DS-61, drop out of transwarp, setting up emergency Transwarp Gates and MIDAS Comm. relays. Talaxian Ships form up with them as well as several other Delta Quadrant Races on the Border of Borg Space, planning to prevent the Borg from launching attacks on Alpha Quadrant from their Delta Quadrant Bases. Meanwhile, at Battle Group Omega, the Federation-Klingon Blockade Group begins sorties against Borg Facilities in the Gamma Orionis Sector Block, and Klingon ships run Cavalry raids against the Borg Transwarp Gateways in the Delta Quadrant.*

    Ryan: It's going to be difficult to maintain this for long, but it'll give us a chance to move the Awakened Federation Personnel to safety. I've already advised the Federation Council, and they're going to be preparing 24/7 for a Borg Assault. Now, I'm going to make this clear. The fate of the Galaxy may well be at stake here, so I need each and everyone under our command to be at their best. The Victorious will be resupplied before heading to Delta Quadrant with the bulk of our forces. John, you'll be in command.

    O'Neil: Understood.

    Ryan: The Darwin will be on emergency stand-by, in case the Comm relays need repairs. Daya, I need you to hand temporary Command over to Lt. Cmdr. Frost.

    Frost: Sir?

    Ryan: You are familiar with the MIDAS systems?

    Frost: Yes, sir.

    Daya: Alright, I handle that later.

    Ryan: General Torpal, if you can try and get your government's support for the Blockade...

    Torpal *Over Comm.*: I will do my best.

    Mara *Over Comm.*: As will I.

    Ryan: Alright. If anyone has any recommendations I'll hear them at any time. Dismissed.

    *Everyone leaves except Ryan and Daya*

    Ryan: Go ahead.

    Daya: You're worried about me.

    Ryan: Shouldn't I be?

    Daya: I thought we agreed we wouldn't let our feelings get in the way of our work.

    Ryan: It's not that. Siraga says he may be able to cure Saph. But, you'd need to be here for him to do it.

    Daya: A cure?

    Ryan: You'd be out of danger. Well, as out of danger as anyone around here.

    Daya: And after?

    Ryan: You can take back command of the Darwin. These are Dr. Sarr's orders, not just mine.

    Daya: So, asking you to let me back on board my ship would be pointless.

    Ryan: Completely and utterly. Think of this as your big chance to get away from it all!

    Daya: *Laughs* I really hate you sometimes. *Kisses Ryan on the cheek and leaves*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Rommel walks back towards the bridge. " you can either follow me or stya here ross. " without looking back he leaves the brig. Thoughts are racing as to what he is going to do now. His breen officer hands him a report. " helm set course for these coordinates"

    The ship soon jumps to warp as it cloaks.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    logang19 wrote: »
    And ross what would i do now. You know i cant go back and i have nothing worth returning for.

    You have the memory of your family and the man you still are. Everything has ways of balancing themselves out, always... All you need is the courage to face it and what you have done.. and you could help the people you were trying to hurt..

    An interesting thing I should note about the awakening is that the plane we arrive to is a place you can choose to stay in like a nexus of some kind.. You experience everything in your life but primarily your happiest moments. It may not be much... but I think it will help.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Deep Space 61, Conference Room. Captain Allington and his Senior Staff, Commander Matt Neilson (First Officer, DS-61), Commander John O'Neil (First Officer, Starship Victorious), Lieutenant Commander David Frost (Science Officer, DS-61), Lieutenant Michael Forrest (Science and Chief Medical Officer, Victorious), Lieutenant James Warren (Chief Engineer, Victorious), Lieutenant Emma Smith (Security Chief and Tactical Officer, DS-61), Toran (Security Chief and Tactical Officer, Victorious), Lieutenant Michelle Sarr (Chief medical Officer, DS-61), Chief Petty Officer Aaron O'Dar (Chief of Operations and Maintenance, DS-61) and Captain Marilla "Daya" Saph (Captain, Starship Darwin) are all present.*

    Ryan: Well, we're in trouble, people. Lt. Forrest.

    *The viewer image is replaced by a Communications Chart as Lt. Forrest Stands from his seat*

    Forrest: This is a transmission the Victorious' Comm. Array intercepted right after the attack on Admiral Ross' ship.

    Ryan: Before you go on, General Torpal, Sub-Commander Mara, are you hearing this?

    Torpal *Over comm.*: Indeed, Captain.

    Feminine voice *Over Comm.*: Confirmed.

    Ryan: Alright, carry on, lt.

    Forrest: This transmission matches Borg frequencies. The sub-harmonic frequency matches Admiral Rommel's Borg implants.

    Frost: Hold on. I thought Borg transmissions used a Sub-space carrier wave that is almost undetectable to our Comm. arrays, unless you're looking for it.

    Ryan: The Victorious was fitted with a new, experimental, Comm. Array specifically designed to be able to intercept Borg Communiques before we left Earth a few months ago. Starfleet Corps of Engineers will be arriving in a few weeks to get a full review on the Array so they can produce more. Lt.?

    Forrest: The transmission is a list of every High-ranking Federation Officer and Politician who's gone through the Awakening.

    Ryan: Now, I don't have to tell you how much trouble that puts us in. If the Borg Assimilate an Awakened Human, it'll make their Assimilation of Undine look like a kid playing with an inflatable hammer! They'll be nearly unstoppable!

    Daya: So what are we gonna do about it?

    Ryan: We're going to Blockade the Delta Quadrant.

    *In empty space, several ex-Federation starships, bearing the emblem of DS-61, drop out of transwarp, setting up emergency Transwarp Gates and MIDAS Comm. relays. Talaxian Ships form up with them as well as several other Delta Quadrant Races on the Border of Borg Space, planning to prevent the Borg from launching attacks on Alpha Quadrant from their Delta Quadrant Bases. Meanwhile, at Battle Group Omega, the Federation-Klingon Blockade Group begins sorties against Borg Facilities in the Gamma Orionis Sector Block, and Klingon ships run Cavalry raids against the Borg Transwarp Gateways in the Delta Quadrant.*

    Ryan: It's going to be difficult to maintain this for long, but it'll give us a chance to move the Awakened Federation Personnel to safety. I've already advised the Federation Council, and they're going to be preparing 24/7 for a Borg Assault. Now, I'm going to make this clear. The fate of the Galaxy may well be at stake here, so I need each and everyone under our command to be at their best. The Victorious will be resupplied before heading to Delta Quadrant with the bulk of our forces. John, you'll be in command.

    O'Neil: Understood.

    Ryan: The Darwin will be on emergency stand-by, in case the Comm relays need repairs. Daya, I need you to hand temporary Command over to Lt. Cmdr. Frost.

    Frost: Sir?

    Ryan: You are familiar with the MIDAS systems?

    Frost: Yes, sir.

    Daya: Alright, I handle that later.

    Ryan: General Torpal, if you can try and get your government's support for the Blockade...

    Torpal *Over Comm.*: I will do my best.

    Mara *Over Comm.*: As will I.

    Ryan: Alright. If anyone has any recommendations I'll hear them at any time. Dismissed.

    *Everyone leaves except Ryan and Daya*

    Ryan: Go ahead.

    Daya: You're worried about me.

    Ryan: Shouldn't I be?

    Daya: I thought we agreed we wouldn't let our feelings get in the way of our work.

    Ryan: It's not that. Siraga says he may be able to cure Saph. But, you'd need to be here for him to do it.

    Daya: A cure?

    Ryan: You'd be out of danger. Well, as out of danger as anyone around here.

    Daya: And after?

    Ryan: You can take back command of the Darwin. These are Dr. Sarr's orders, not just mine.

    Daya: So, asking you to let me back on board my ship would be pointless.

    Ryan: Completely and utterly. Think of this as your big chance to get away from it all!

    Daya: *Laughs* I really hate you sometimes. *Kisses Ryan on the cheek and leaves*

    Dexter: Lt. Dorman we will need your assistance in retrieving Admiral Ross.

    Dorman: *Lying in sick bay Fisher hovering beside him* You don't even need to ask me that acting Captain. I already know.

    Dexter: Very well. I will be contacting Deep Space 61 and Admirals Rei, Bat'rak, and Val in trying to assist us. We need the help. Species 9042 has already massed its ships in to assist us. I will see you on the bridge when you are ready.

    *Acting Captain Dexter leaves sick bay.*

    Dorman: Fisher... I need you to stay safe... Things are going to get a bit rough.

    Fisher: *She gives him a sarcastic look* I am a big girl William I can handle myself.

    Dorman: *laughs weakly* Ok consider it an order.

    Fisher: Oh an order? Anything else Lt? *laughing*

    Dorman: Later tonight alright..2200
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Rommel sits on th bridge as his ship travels through warp to borg space.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    logang19 wrote: »
    Rommel sits on th bridge as his ship travels through warp to borg space.

    Derek Ross: Rommel... I tried to tell you... *He feels the borg getting closer... * Not this time... * I know what has to be done... Rommel... you would doom the entire galaxy to the fate of the borg... You know the borg can't be trusted, they will assimilate you too, even if you throw them a bone...

    *The voice of Allen*

    Ross, He does need to be stopped. The Borg are the final menace of the galaxy and if they assimilate even one newtype the galaxy is doomed... Though the Borg Queen refuses to see one thing that will be her undoing and you know what that is. You know what you have to do....

    Ross: But how?? How Allen... What did you know about the Borg?

    *The Voice of Allen*

    They believe they are perfect and they are not. The Borg Queen is a dominate computer program.. She cannot be destroyed in a physical sense because she keeps returning, she is on a plane that is not quite what you think...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *Derek Ross is in contemplation as he ponders what he has to do. He taps his transmitter to let his friends follow his signal.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Rommel: ross. I have a way to stop the borg i came up with the defense shold they betray me. But i need you and someone else if i am to suceed. I must reconnect to the collective to tap into there sytems. There is danger of course but if i succed it will work without loss of life. I need someone to make sure it works and to pull me out once i connect. And you really think you could suprise me and call your ship. I already sent them coordinates for where we are going ross.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ross: What are you planning, or do you plan on keeping me in the dark?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ross: What are you planning, or do you plan on keeping me in the dark?

    The more you know the more danger yoju will be in.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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