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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    logang19 wrote: »
    Allen. My forces are ready. We will leave soon. Admiral i would suggest that station 41 declare independent from the federation. It may seem a radical step but i think it may be a necissary step. I have been in contact with the vgi council and they have pulled there ambasoder from the federation and will support you. I have contacted a few friends in starfleet and there are some that are ready to move if given the chance. But sadly most of the federation as a whole seems to support this smith. I have been unable to contact my original maco battalion. From what i can tell almost all the macos have been killed or court martialed by smith.

    Occ: i can play this very well as this reminds me alot of babylon 5.

    OOC: That was the idea. Next I'll paint a Giant 41 on my starship! Jk.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *U.S.S. Victorious*
    Ryan: Admiral Allen, I need you to get the DeForest Kelley ready for departure. The crew's already manning their stations. I've got a trip to make to Deep Space 61. Commander Neilson is a friend of mine and he's offering us his support. I'm taking the Victorious, the Regent, the Darwin and the DeForest Kelley over there. DS-61 is on the other side of the Federation, so I'll be walking straight across hostile territory, don't worry. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Are we ready to move?

    O'Neil: We're clear. All ships are in formation.

    Ryan: Engage cloak.

    O'Neil: All ships have cloaked.

    Ryan: Get us to DS-61. Maximum Warp. Engage.

    *Assimilated Romulan ship*
    DeSalle: I may not have to do anything to your Federation, Soval. They're doing a good job of destroying themselves.

    Soval: Jessica, how did you get away from the Borg?

    DeSalle: I broke the interlink node's connection to the collective. I was able to seize control of the entire Borg Probe, and free all the comrades you betrayed.

    Soval: When I left the Miranda, I was saving lives on the Khitomer. If I'd known you were being boarded I'd have--

    DeSalle: Tell it to the crewmates you killed! We're almost prepared. But, let us see what the next few days bring for your Federation. We've returned to the Unimatrix. Where that is, is none of your concern.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *U.S.S. Victorious*
    Ryan: Admiral Allen, I need you to get the DeForest Kelley ready for departure. The crew's already manning their stations. I've got a trip to make to Deep Space 61. Commander Neilson is a friend of mine and he's offering us his support. I'm taking the Victorious, the Regent, the Darwin and the DeForest Kelley over there. DS-61 is on the other side of the Federation, so I'll be walking straight across hostile territory, don't worry. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Are we ready to move?

    O'Neil: We're clear. All ships are in formation.

    Ryan: Engage cloak.

    O'Neil: All ships have cloaked.

    Ryan: Get us to DS-61. Maximum Warp. Engage.

    *Assimilated Romulan ship*
    DeSalle: I may not have to do anything to your Federation, Soval. They're doing a good job of destroying themselves.

    Soval: Jessica, how did you get away from the Borg?

    DeSalle: I broke the interlink node's connection to the collective. I was able to seize control of the entire Borg Probe, and free all the comrades you betrayed.

    Soval: When I left the Miranda, I was saving lives on the Khitomer. If I'd known you were being boarded I'd have--

    DeSalle: Tell it to the crewmates you killed! We're almost prepared. But, let us see what the next few days bring for your Federation. We've returned to the Unimatrix. Where that is, is none of your concern.

    I will cite it as too much risk but you would simpley ignore it. Very well. Just remember this *hands him a small data pad* it should buy you time if you find yourself cornered.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *Fleet Admiral Allen readily after much check up and examination command of the Federation back to the President and Commander of Starfleet Admiral Quinn.*

    *Fleet Admiral Allen stands in the turbolift on his way back to the USS Odyssey, He tries to branch out to Soval to give him some inkling that he needs to find him.. Things are getting far to hairy.*

    *The mission he was given was secret and yet what he was nervous about. Earth was to be retaken and the plan had many stages and plans to it. *

  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Sinclaire soon returns to starbase 41. Unsure of how he will continue. He soon hails allen.

    Allen i need to make at least an attempt to talk the iconians out of this. It is my duty. If they do not listen well nothing will have changed. If they hear what i have to say we could avoide a terrible war. I must head to iconia and will try to talk to them. Do not worry they cant harm me now.

    Soon sinclaire opens a gateway and heads to the heart of iconia to find the iconian leaders.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *Deep Space 61. U.S.S. Victorious, Regent, Darwin and DeForest Kelley decloak around the station*

    *On the station*
    Ryan: Thanks for the invitation, Matt.

    Matt Neilson: Don't mention it, Admiral. But, we've got a problem.

    Ryan: Surprise, surprise.

    Matt: Smith knows you're here. The U.S.S. Bajor is on it's way, and hooking up with some heavy reinforcements.

    Ryan: Then we'd better leave before--

    Matt: The ships receiving the attack orders were already on their way here. Smith doesn't want to risk us breaking away. He knows that DS-61 is self-sufficient and--

    Ryan: How many?

    Matt: 150 ships. That's about all our defences can handle. They'll probably meet up with more ships to tip the balance even further in their favour.

    Ryan: I guess this is where we make our stand. Did you change the access codes?

    Matt: Already done. I'd like to turn command over to you, Admiral.

    Ryan: "Captain" will do.

    Matt: Sir?

    Ryan: Until the crisis is over, I'm no Starfleet Flag Officer.

    Matt: Understood.

    *3 hours later. Ops.*

    Ryan: Well?

    Matt: Almost on top of us. 2 minutes out.

    Ryan: Let's do it.

    Matt: You're on.

    *On all levels, holographic images and viewscreen images of the "Captain" appear.*

    Ryan: Can I have your attention, please? A few hours ago, we learned that warships are on their way here, from Earth. Their orders are to illegally seize control of DS-61 by force. As current administrator of the station, I cannot allow this to happen. Admiral Smith has violated the Federation constitution, by arresting the President, dissolving the Federation Council, declaring Martial Law, and personally ordering the bombings of Civilian targets on Andoria and Alpha Centauri.

    *Outside the station, Peregrine fighters are taking positions in defensive formation with the current flotilla around the station*

    Following these attacks, Andoria, Alpha Centauri, Starbase 41 and Solais V broke away from the Federation and declared independence. Deep Space 61 now stands with them! As of this moment, DS-61 is SECEDING from the United Federation of Planets! We will remain an independent state until Admiral Smith is removed from power.

    After the current crisis, any of you, who wish to leave for the Federation, are free to do so. Thank you. *Closes channel* Well, now we're in it.

    Matt: Here they come.

    *Outside, 178 federation ships drop out of warp, approaching the defence perimeter, and begin launching fighters*

    Starfleet Captain *Over Speakers*: This is U.S.S. Bajor to DS-61 and Renegade ships. You are ordered to surrender your commands and prepare to be boarded by order of Admiral Smith. This is your only warning.

    Ryan: *Opens channel* This is Captain Ryan Allington, acting CO of DS-61. Negative on surrender, we will not stand down. You are following orders in violation of Federation Law. These orders have forced us to declare independence. We don't want a fight. But, if you attempt to carry out these orders, we will defend ourselves.

    Matt: No response.

    Ryan: Come on, Captain. You've got to see these orders are wrong. Leave while you still can.

    Matt: Several Starships have stopped moving. The rest will be in weapons range in 60 seconds!

    Ryan: Red Alert. Activate weapons grid. *Phaser and torpedo turrets rise from their ports inside the station's hull. A massive section below the docking section retracts upwards, revealing a large emitter bank.*

    Matt: Weapons ready.

    Ryan: Don't target yet. All ships, begin intercept, but, do not, I repeat, do NOT initiate combat. Let them fire first. We won't start this fight, but, by God, we'll finish it!

    Matt: They're locking onto our ships! But, another 10 of there ships have stopped and powered down weapons.

    Ryan: That brings them down to 162 ships!

    Matt: They've opened fire!

    *Enemy ships start firing all weapons on the defence group.*

    Ryan: All ships, if you are fired upon, return fire. Target to disable, but, if you have to take them out, do it.

    *Outside, 2 enemy Defiants strafe the Regent, who's shields barely hold. The Regent then takes out 4 enemy fighters. Meanwhile, behind the lines, 8 of the other ships, led by the U.S.S. Valor, move toward the battle*

    Ryan: They're rejoining the fight?! Alpha Squadron! Head towards the Valor's group and--

    Matt: Captain, wait! They're firing on the other Starfleet ships!

    Ryan: What?! Show me! *On the viewscreen, 8 Starfllet ships punch a whole through the enemy battle group and recover disabled friendly fighters.*

    Matt: We're being hailed by the San Diego.

    Ryan: Onscreen! Greg, nice timing!

    Greg: Don't mention it. The Venture's still sitting there, though.

    Matt: Ryan, the Darwin's breaking formation. She's heading toward the Venture!

    *Bridge of the Darwin*
    Daya: This is the Darwin to U.S.S. Venture. We are on intercept course with you but we are not, repeat NOT on an attack run. If you do not engage us we will assume you're non-combatant.

    *U.S.S. Darwin passes the Venture without incident.*

    Daya: All ships, this is Captain Saph. Venture is non-combatant, repeat, Venture in non-combatant. Adjust your Friend-or-Foe systems accordingly.

    *DS-61: Ops*
    Ryan: That's 23!

    Matt: 24! Discovery is withdrawing from battle!

    Ryan: How many ships are left?

    Matt: They're down to 78. Correction: 50. A large chunk of their forces just surrendered and/or pulled out! Hold on. U.S.S. Michigan is heading right at us!

    Ryan: All weapons stations! Concentrate fire on the Michigan. Fire to disable!

    *A flurry of phaser and quantum torpedo fire is directed at the Michigan, breaching their shields and causing enough damage that she goes out of control.*

    Matt: Oh hell!

    Ryan: All hands, brace for impact!

    *The debris from the Michigan hits the Starbase's shields.*

    Ryan: Damage Report!

    Matt: Shields are down to 15%! If they get past the defence group like that again...

    *Outside, in the cockpit of one of the Peregrines, Beta 1*

    Pilot: Delta Squadron, they're trying to cut-off the Darwin! Lend 'em a hand! Alpha Squadron, punch us whole to the Bajor! Gamma and Beta Squadrons, you're with me!

    *The fighters push through the enemy fighter screens and go after their own targets as Gamma and Beta Squadrons break through the Bajor's Shields*

    *In the cockpit of Beta 1*
    Pilot: Steady...FIRE! *A flurry of phaser cannon fire and photon torpedoes are shot towards the Bajor's engineering section and around the bridge module.* Gotcha! Beta 1 to DS-61. Bajor is disabled!

    Pilot 2 *Over comm.*: Captain, look! The Regent. *In the distance, out of the canopy, the Regent can be seen, on fire.*

    *DS-61 Ops*
    Ryan: Captain, get outta there! Get to the escape pods!

    Regent Captain *Over comm*: Too late to get out! We've got fires on all decks now! There's nothin we can do except--

    Ryan: Captain? Captain!

    *The Regent crashes into an attacking Odyssey's stardrive, destroying both ships*

    *Cockpit of Beta 1*
    Pilot: Oh my God...

    Computer: Collision Alert! Collision Alert! Collision Alert!

    Pilot: *Looks out. Sees debris from an enemy fighter heading right at him. Banks hard starboard. Wing gets torn off. Fighter goes out of control*

    Ores *Over Comm.*: David, eject!

    Pilot: I can handle it!

    Ores: Eject, damnit! Eject!

    Pilot: *Hits controls and slides into the escape capsule as it jettisons*

    *DS-61 Ops*

    Matt: Just the Roanoke left.

    Ryan: DS-61 to Roanoke, your ship is out of control! Surrender and let us take on prisoners. We promise safe passage to-- *Roanoke explodes*.

    Matt: Oh my god.

    Ryan: Damage report?

    Matt: It could've been a lot worse. Recovery operations already underway.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Sinclaire soon enters the heart of iconia. And enters a large stone chamber where a large group oficonians sit and are discussing there plans and are shocked to see guardian appear in there midst. Before they can speak.

    We have had a treaty for thousands of years before any of these races becam. We agreed to not interfere in there involvment but you have. You have disregarded our treaty and betrayed all we stood for. Have you lost your way that much. Have become so lost you forgot what you are supposed to be. I have not you disgrace all of the older races by your actions. This galaxy can choose for itself. Why must we act on there behalf. They are capable of far more then what either of us can do for them. They need to be allowed there own destiny. Why must we try to decide there fate.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *Vice Admiral Bat'rak and a Klingon Detachment warp in to Deep Space 61*

    VA Bat'rak: This is Vice Admiral Bat'rak under Fleet Admiral Allen. To all of Admiral Smith's starfleet vessels you are to stand down. This battle is pointless, if you continue to fight we will have no choice but to retaliate.

    Comm officer: No response sir.

    VA Bat'rak: then we will have a glorious day in combat. may the dead find their peace. ready weapons disarm only. If you can't you have permission to destroy them.

    Also patch in to Captain Allington we are here to assist.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *Vice Admiral Bat'rak and a Klingon Detachment warp in to Deep Space 61*

    VA Bat'rak: This is Vice Admiral Bat'rak under Fleet Admiral Allen. To all of Admiral Smith's starfleet vessels you are to stand down. This battle is pointless, if you continue to fight we will have no choice but to retaliate.

    Comm officer: No response sir.

    VA Bat'rak: then we will have a glorious day in combat. may the dead find their peace. ready weapons disarm only. If you can't you have permission to destroy them.

    Also patch in to Captain Allington we are here to assist.

    Ryan: Captain, no need for the Klingon Battle chant today. All the enemy ships either left, were destroyed or disabled, or defected. We have the situation under control, though you're welcome to assist in Clean-up and Search and Rescue Operations
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Ryan: Captain, no need for the Klingon Battle chant today. All the enemy ships either left, were destroyed or disabled, or defected. We have the situation under control, though you're welcome to assist in Clean-up and Search and Rescue Operations

    VA Bat'rak: As much as I would like to we have a mission to continue with. We came because we noticed the Federation massing a fleet with a destination of DS61. I cannot tell you what our mission is as Fleet Admiral Allen has issued orders to all of us that we are to proceed to written records of our logs and to destroy them after the mission is over. I suggest you do the same there cannot be any leaks. Good Day Captain. My you see victory.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    meanwhile on iconia the leaders of the iconians are in a uproar over sinclaires and soon come to a cosenses.

    iconian: we will not leave this galaxy to itself we will once again rule this galaxy and all that it is and not the klingons romulans or federation will be able to stop us this time and neither will you .we will honor your position and let you leave this place alive but do not return this is your final warning.

    with that sinclaire simply vanishes and re emters the rift where he sees all that has happened. he sighs and waits to see what will happen next
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    VA Bat'rak: As much as I would like to we have a mission to continue with. We came because we noticed the Federation massing a fleet with a destination of DS61. I cannot tell you what our mission is as Fleet Admiral Allen has issued orders to all of us that we are to proceed to written records of our logs and to destroy them after the mission is over. I suggest you do the same there cannot be any leaks. Good Day Captain. My you see victory.

    Ryan: Understood. You're welcome here anytime, but, we're gonna have to stay neutral in this "Civil War" for a while.

    Qapla' Admiral!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Ryan: Understood. You're welcome here anytime, but, we're gonna have to stay neutral in this "Civil War" for a while.

    Qapla' Admiral!

    *Fleet Admiral Allen stares at the hologram galaxy map. He is formulating a plan. More worlds are breaking away from the Federation and joining back up with The president here on Starbase 41. Their forces are getting stronger, and the hijacked Federation has lost many vessels recently the attack group that attacked DS61. He also heard their declaration of independence. Allen thought it was not a smart move as Smith would want to gather his forces for another attack, but given the current situation that doesn't seem possible. *

    Computer given current affairs, fleet movements, and boiling points show me the possible areas for attack.

    Computer: Yes sir.

    *It begins computing lighting up more areas along the Federation border world of Celese in the Regulus sector block appears and shows several things.*

    Hmm. That looks like our way in

    *He turns to his aide.*

    Assemble Vice Admirals Rei, Val, and General Torpal. Along with the Romulan commanders. We have a plan.

    Aide: Of course sir.

    *USS Odyssey's conference room*

    This is our plan. The Border world of Celese, its administrator is a ardent supporter of Smith, they are having a sort of mini naval review for the moral boost. Best of all intel suggests that Smith or some of his ardent supporters and cabinet members are going to be there as well. Given this world's vicinity to the core Federation worlds, we can make a beach head to enter in and capture Federation hubs.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Sinclaire watches the proceedings as they take place on allens ship. He wasnt sure what to think now. What where the iconians going to do and to what exctent where they willing to go to achieve there victory. Could the galaxy stop them. He looks at the events happening all over and easily decides no it could not. He thought he had been close to getting the iconians to stand down but then they refused. He himslef is unsure how far he is willing to go to achieve victory. He takes time to meditate on his decision.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco, Earth.*

    *In the office of Admiral Smith, the Admiral sits at his desk discussing recent events with a man dressed all in black.*

    Smith: Is everything in place?

    S31 Agent: Yes. Our people are in place and ready to move on your order. The Klingons won't interfere in the war. The Romulans are on our side. The Cardassians aren't a threat. The Dominion aren't even paying attention. The rebels think they're winning this war!

    Smith: Are they?

    S31: Project: New Genesis is ready to deploy on your order. The Naval Review on Celes Prime has attracted a lot of attention. Knowing Admiral Allen, he'll probably attempt to strike there. I'll send reinforcements.

    Smith: No! I want you to send the 3rd fleet to Deep Space 9.

    S31: But, sir, that'll cut our active forces at Celes in half!

    Smith: I want you to ready the Subspace Mass Driver here at Sol.

    S31: But the fleet at Celes--

    Smith: Are expendable! If Allen attacks Celes, he's going to make VERY little headway. Dismissed!

    *The Section 31 agent leaves the office. Leaving the Admiral seemingly alone.*

    Smith: Do you intend on using that phaser?

    *The room remains quiet and, with the exception of the Admiral, seemingly empty.*

    Smith: I know you're there, lieutenant.

    *A Starfleet Security Officer appears in the corner of the room, pointing a phaser at Admiral Smith. The Admiral remains seated*

    Smith: Are you going to use that?

    Lt: On a fellow Starfleet Officer? I hope not. But, I will have to ask for your resignation. *Takes Smith's combadge*

    Smith: You'll forgive me if I don't leap at the opportunity!

    Lt: What do the Iconians hope you'll accomplish?! Do they think that this little power play of yours is going to destroy the Federation!

    Smith: *Laughing* The Iconians! You ignorant fool! This has nothing to do with the Iconians! Okeg wasn't willing to do what needed to be done during the Admiral Black incident. I am. We need strong leadership. Decisive action! Better security.

    Lt: You seriously believe that you can keep every Federation World in line?! Starbase 41, DS-61, Solais V, Andoria, Alpha Centauri, Regulus, they've already broken away from you!

    Smith: For now, yes. But you underestimate me. You and the rest of your little rebellion. Don't you even have a clue is to what that Space Station in the Sol Asteroid Belt is?

    Lt: If I had to guess, I'd say it's a Mass Driver. That's how you're gonna keep the Sol system in line? Threaten to drop an Asteroid on them?!

    Smith: It's a "Subspace" Mass Driver. Firing an asteroid into subspace then back into normal space near it's target. Faster, and with a greater range. That's how I keep the Core Worlds in line.

    Lt: LISTEN to yourself! You're no democrat anymore! You're a DICTATOR!

    Smith: The Federation is hardly a Dictatorship!

    Lt: Overthrowing a legitimately elected government and putting Starfleet in direct control over the Federation? Threatening to drop an asteroid on any dissenters? It sounds like a dictatorship to me.

    Smith: There will be dissidents at first, but they'll step in line when they realise that this is the first step towards prolonging the Federation.

    Lt: As a shadow of what it stood for! Freedom! Where will that be in your "Great new order"?

    Smith: This is only a temporary measure.

    Lt: "Temporary" my a**! Once you've tasted that kind of power, you won't give it up!

    Smith: I'm sorry you feel that way.

    Lt: So am I! Admiral Smith, for the crimes of High Treason, you are under arrest!

    Smith: One thing I've changed in my new management scheme. Security is much improved.

    *A squad of MACOs rush in. Camera focuses on Admiral Smith, who keeps a neutral face as MACO phaser fire is heard as is the screams of the Lieutenant.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco, Earth.*

    *In the office of Admiral Smith, the Admiral sits at his desk discussing recent events with a man dressed all in black.*

    Smith: Is everything in place?

    S31 Agent: Yes. Our people are in place and ready to move on your order. The Klingons won't interfere in the war. The Romulans are on our side. The Cardassians aren't a threat. The Dominion aren't even paying attention. The rebels think they're winning this war!

    Smith: Are they?

    S31: Project: New Genesis is ready to deploy on your order. The Naval Review on Celes Prime has attracted a lot of attention. Knowing Admiral Allen, he'll probably attempt to strike there. I'll send reinforcements.

    Smith: No! I want you to send the 3rd fleet to Deep Space 9.

    S31: But, sir, that'll cut our active forces at Celes in half!

    Smith: I want you to ready the Subspace Mass Driver here at Sol.

    S31: But the fleet at Celes--

    Smith: Are expendable! If Allen attacks Celes, he's going to make VERY little headway. Dismissed!

    *The Section 31 agent leaves the office. Leaving the Admiral seemingly alone.*

    Smith: Do you intend on using that phaser?

    *The room remains quiet and, with the exception of the Admiral, seemingly empty.*

    Smith: I know you're there, lieutenant.

    *A Starfleet Security Officer appears in the corner of the room, pointing a phaser at Admiral Smith. The Admiral remains seated*

    Smith: Are you going to use that?

    Lt: On a fellow Starfleet Officer? I hope not. But, I will have to ask for your resignation. *Takes Smith's combadge*

    Smith: You'll forgive me if I don't leap at the opportunity!

    Lt: What do the Iconians hope you'll accomplish?! Do they think that this little power play of yours is going to destroy the Federation!

    Smith: *Laughing* The Iconians! You ignorant fool! This has nothing to do with the Iconians! Okeg wasn't willing to do what needed to be done during the Admiral Black incident. I am. We need strong leadership. Decisive action! Better security.

    Lt: You seriously believe that you can keep every Federation World in line?! Starbase 41, DS-61, Solais V, Andoria, Alpha Centauri, Regulus, they've already broken away from you!

    Smith: For now, yes. But you underestimate me. You and the rest of your little rebellion. Don't you even have a clue is to what that Space Station in the Sol Asteroid Belt is?

    Lt: If I had to guess, I'd say it's a Mass Driver. That's how you're gonna keep the Sol system in line? Threaten to drop an Asteroid on them?!

    Smith: It's a "Subspace" Mass Driver. Firing an asteroid into subspace then back into normal space near it's target. Faster, and with a greater range. That's how I keep the Core Worlds in line.

    Lt: LISTEN to yourself! You're no democrat anymore! You're a DICTATOR!

    Smith: The Federation is hardly a Dictatorship!

    Lt: Overthrowing a legitimately elected government and putting Starfleet in direct control over the Federation? Threatening to drop an asteroid on any dissenters? It sounds like a dictatorship to me.

    Smith: There will be dissidents at first, but they'll step in line when they realise that this is the first step towards prolonging the Federation.

    Lt: As a shadow of what it stood for! Freedom! Where will that be in your "Great new order"?

    Smith: This is only a temporary measure.

    Lt: "Temporary" my a**! Once you've tasted that kind of power, you won't give it up!

    Smith: I'm sorry you feel that way.

    Lt: So am I! Admiral Smith, for the crimes of High Treason, you are under arrest!

    Smith: One thing I've changed in my new management scheme. Security is much improved.

    *A squad of MACOs rush in. Camera focuses on Admiral Smith, who keeps a neutral face as MACO phaser fire is heard as is the screams of the Lieutenant.*

    *USS Dogos Gear.*

    Derek Ross: Is that the Mass Driver?

    Valrare: Yes it is. Very convenient to hide it here.

    Klingon LT: Time we destroy it.

    Derek Ross: detonate the charges then have the fleet enter transwarp to the corrdinates.

    *Explosions rip through the Mass driver's hull and its power system implodes destroying everything around it and Vice Admiral Derek Ross's contingent flees*

    *Starfleet Headquarters*

    Hugo: They destroyed the Mass Driver?!!

    Ensign: Yes sir. It was completely destroyed.

    Hugo: How they hell did they get our access codes, how did they slip through our defense grid?

    Ensign: I don't know sir... I think there might be a leak in Starfleet.

    Hugo: I will inform Admiral Smith.

    *Hugo nervously taps into the terminal on Smith's channel. *

    Hugo: Sir... The rebels have destroyed the Mass Driver, the defense fleet with it has been completely destroyed or defected. Vulcan has broken away from us after this debacle. We are sending fleets to search for the rebels strike team.

    *Starbase 41*

    Did you succeed ?

    Derek Ross: We have and we have picked up more forces from the defense fleet. Throw in the fact the Vulcan has sided with us. Their lawyers have determined that Admiral Smith's regime is an illegal one. Intel also reports that Admiral Smith is insane.

    I figured that was the case. I want you join up with your sister and you two will be deployed else where.

    Ross: Are you going to attack Celes?

    *Allen smirks.*

    I am playing this close to the chest. The Mass Driver had to be destroyed because Smith has to be stopped. I want to avoid anyone having the power to drop asteroids on Planets as a measure of force.

    *Elsewhere A combined Klingon, Romulan, and Rebels launch an attack on Deep Space 9. 9. Deep Space Nine after viewing the actions of smith and the leak of the Mass Driver plan to FNN. declares for the rebels. *

    VA Bat'rak: I may hate these victories but they do indeed assist our strength. Has Bajor sided with us?

    Leimen: Yes Admiral. As has Cardassia. The Romulans and Klingon empires have declared comdemnation of Admiral Smith and are calling for his removal. They are also sending forces to assist ours.

    Val: I will say this the Admiral is no doubt talented.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *USS Dogos Gear.*

    Derek Ross: Is that the Mass Driver?

    Valrare: Yes it is. Very convenient to hide it here.

    Klingon LT: Time we destroy it.

    Derek Ross: detonate the charges then have the fleet enter transwarp to the corrdinates.

    *Explosions rip through the Mass driver's hull and its power system implodes destroying everything around it and Vice Admiral Derek Ross's contingent flees*

    *Starfleet Headquarters*

    Hugo: They destroyed the Mass Driver?!!

    Ensign: Yes sir. It was completely destroyed.

    Hugo: How they hell did they get our access codes, how did they slip through our defense grid?

    Ensign: I don't know sir... I think there might be a leak in Starfleet.

    Hugo: I will inform Admiral Smith.

    *Hugo nervously taps into the terminal on Smith's channel. *

    Hugo: Sir... The rebels have destroyed the Mass Driver, the defense fleet with it has been completely destroyed or defected. Vulcan has broken away from us after this debacle. We are sending fleets to search for the rebels strike team.

    *Starbase 41*

    Did you succeed ?

    Derek Ross: We have and we have picked up more forces from the defense fleet. Throw in the fact the Vulcan has sided with us. Their lawyers have determined that Admiral Smith's regime is an illegal one. Intel also reports that Admiral Smith is insane.

    I figured that was the case. I want you join up with your sister and you two will be deployed else where.

    Ross: Are you going to attack Celes?

    *Allen smirks.*

    I am playing this close to the chest. The Mass Driver had to be destroyed because Smith has to be stopped. I want to avoid anyone having the power to drop asteroids on Planets as a measure of force.

    *Elsewhere A combined Klingon, Romulan, and Rebels launch an attack on Deep Space 9. 9. Deep Space Nine after viewing the actions of smith and the leak of the Mass Driver plan to FNN. declares for the rebels. *

    VA Bat'rak: I may hate these victories but they do indeed assist our strength. Has Bajor sided with us?

    Leimen: Yes Admiral. As has Cardassia. The Romulans and Klingon empires have declared comdemnation of Admiral Smith and are calling for his removal. They are also sending forces to assist ours.

    Val: I will say this the Admiral is no doubt talented.

    OOC: Great! Now I have to find another plot device to use! lol. P.S: How do you get the idea that Smith is "insane". Not saying it's not true, just wondering how you came to that conclusion.

    *Starfleet Headquarters*
    Smith: Is the contingency plan in place?

    Vice Admiral Rozhenko: Yes, sir.

    Smith: And our friend from S31?

    VA Rozhenko: He has been taken into custody for the intelligence leak. FNN has been taken offline after the "fake" Mass Driver Broadcast. What do you intend to do?

    Smith: What's the situation on Vulcan?

    VA Rozhenko: Your plan worked. The rebels believe that Vulcan's pulled away. The Romulan Fleet is in position and ready for your signal.

    Smith: And Bajor?

    Rozhenko: Shock troops are already prepared to begin landing on Bajor, Andoria and Solais.

    Smith: DS-61?

    Rozhenko: Unchanged. They don't seem to be moving against us...yet.

    Smith: Allington knows what a Civil War will cost the Federation. He won't risk that until either side crosses the line.

    Rozhenko: A Railgun wasn't "crossing the line"?

    Smith: Earth's Cold War Period. The USA and USSR both had formidable arsenals of WMDs at their command that neither side intended to use unless absolutely necessary. Our WMD probably fell into that category with Allington. I only wish Allen could realise the importance of what I'm doing here. What I'm doing will allow the Federation to survive.

    *Deep Space 61*
    Ryan *Out of uniform, combadge on his chest*: At least traffic's getting back to normal.

    Matt: Yep. How long are you staying out of uniform?

    Ryan: After what we had to do to the Bajor, I can't justify wearing a Starfleet Uniform. When's the FNN broadcast?

    Matt: It should have started by now. Smith must have shut them down. Admiral Allen's been asking for you.

    Ryan: Tell him the answer's still no. We're not attacking our own people!

    Matt: They attacked us!

    Ryan: They were following orders and didn't know better! We'd be giving and executing those orders, and we DO know better.

    Matt: What about that MD?

    Ryan: The Railgun was probably similar to the Nuclear arsenals of the 1970s. Neither side of the Cold war intended to use them!

    Matt: And if he did?

    Ryan: It's a moot point now.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Great! Now I have to find another plot device to use! lol. P.S: How do you get the idea that Smith is "insane". Not saying it's not true, just wondering how you came to that conclusion.

    *Starfleet Headquarters*
    Smith: Is the contingency plan in place?

    Vice Admiral Rozhenko: Yes, sir.

    Smith: And our friend from S31?

    VA Rozhenko: He has been taken into custody for the intelligence leak. FNN has been taken offline after the "fake" Mass Driver Broadcast. What do you intend to do?

    Smith: What's the situation on Vulcan?

    VA Rozhenko: Your plan worked. The rebels believe that Vulcan's pulled away. The Romulan Fleet is in position and ready for your signal.

    Smith: And Bajor?

    Rozhenko: Shock troops are already prepared to begin landing on Bajor, Andoria and Solais.

    Smith: DS-61?

    Rozhenko: Unchanged. They don't seem to be moving against us...yet.

    Smith: Allington knows what a Civil War will cost the Federation. He won't risk that until either side crosses the line.

    Rozhenko: A Railgun wasn't "crossing the line"?

    Smith: Earth's Cold War Period. The USA and USSR both had formidable arsenals of WMDs at their command that neither side intended to use unless absolutely necessary. Our WMD probably fell into that category with Allington. I only wish Allen could realise the importance of what I'm doing here. What I'm doing will allow the Federation to survive.

    *Deep Space 61*
    Ryan *Out of uniform, combadge on his chest*: At least traffic's getting back to normal.

    Matt: Yep. How long are you staying out of uniform?

    Ryan: After what we had to do to the Bajor, I can't justify wearing a Starfleet Uniform. When's the FNN broadcast?

    Matt: It should have started by now. Smith must have shut them down. Admiral Allen's been asking for you.

    Ryan: Tell him the answer's still no. We're not attacking our own people!

    Matt: They attacked us!

    Ryan: They were following orders and didn't know better! We'd be giving and executing those orders, and we DO know better.

    Matt: What about that MD?

    Ryan: The Railgun was probably similar to the Nuclear arsenals of the 1970s. Neither side of the Cold war intended to use them!

    Matt: And if he did?

    Ryan: It's a moot point now.

    OOC: I have seen and read similar villains. He is like a particular character that is doing what he thinks is right but is in losing his morality.

    * Starbase 41*

    Hmm, Computer give me a read out of the current state of affairs.

    *The Computer give a holographic representation of the quadrant, and shuts off the terminal*

    Hmm as I suspected. Given the Vulcan propensity for logic I am not surprised they are most likely trying to play turn coat.

    Aide: Sir?

    *Allen senses the Vulcan aides mind, conflicted but yet true to her purpose. *

    Do you know how easy you are to read? I am not surprised you are the traitor. Vulcans have always seen logic as the single most thing in the universe. The thing is they have lost their core ideals and in what the Federation stands for. They are pressed by the Borg, Iconians, and the Klingons.

    *The aide pulls a phaser on Fleet Admiral Allen but does not fire. MACO's and security personnel point theirs but Allen raises his hand*

    No. I do not want blood spilled. I will handle this myself.

    *He walks toward her casually. The aura around him is that of disappointment which she feels.*

    I will show you what is in the soul of every living creature, their past, their present, and their future. You need to see and understand.

    * He presses his hand on her temple and begins a link to her mind they enter the relam of everything.*

    As you can see this is what will happen if Smith is allowed to do what he thinks is right, this is where logic will fail...

    * Images of death and destruction, Iconians destroying Earth, The Borg assimilating everyone they come across, the fall of Vulcan to the Romulans. The end of everything everyone knows.*

    Life has never been about making choices that are not just logical but are for the many because we feel for them. We see that suffering and grow from it. We see adversity and we adapt to survive and win out. This is the light within every living being synthetic or organic Vulcan, Klingon, Human, Cardassian. We all have the propensity to change and grow.

    *Allen feels her trying to probe his thoughts but he blocks her every attempt.*

    I am more than just a man now, I have evolved into the next step of human evolution, every lifeform has a chance to be something excellent and change along their own people.

    * The link ends. *

    I pity Vulcans sometimes... Life is so much more than what you think and it has the chance to become more.

    * A species 9042 entity steps behind the Vulcan Aide.*

    But having seen your mind I know that you do not want to change and that is fine. But not willing to understand and to even accept people that do is not a good thing. Nor is supporting genocide.

    * She pulls the phaser and points it at Allen's chest.*

    Aide: In the name of the true United Federation of Planets you will hereby stand down and surrender. I have the acces codes for your entire defense system and ships. The rail gun will destroy this place soon.

    I am sorry I cannot do that.

    Aide: Then forever know that you are dooming your people to die and the federation to die.

    *Before she fires the species 9042 stabs her through the chest and begins assimilating her quickly. Allen looks away with sadness. The Vulcans have supported Genocide over peace.. The Federation he knew all of his life is now dying slowly from corruption and desperation.*

    I am sorry...

    *The entity tells Allen it has her information and the plan with the Railgun. *

    The Starfleet force will be here soon, The railgun should be disabled now as well as their weapons .

    Tactical: Long range scouts report that it has been disabled and is on self destruct countdown. The Fleet of Starfleet ships are still on their way and they number around 500.

    Hmm Good. Have them come in closer.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Sinclaire stands in the rift watching resent events. His anger is kindled and now he can act alone and stop this pointless bloodshed and fighting. Using the rift he stops the starfleet vessels in there tracks. Holding them in place. He also transports smith and his cabnit along with allen and his group to a place in the rift where humans can still survive. Everyones weapons will be gone.

    Sinclaire: look at you. The galaxy is falling apart around you and yet you fight each other. Now you either work this out among yourselves or i will. I would greatly suggest you do.

    Whoile everyone can feel the anger in the room as sinclaire speaks allen will be the only one who can truly feel his fury at everyone.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    logang19 wrote: »
    Sinclaire stands in the rift watching resent events. His anger is kindled and now he can act alone and stop this pointless bloodshed and fighting. Using the rift he stops the starfleet vessels in there tracks. Holding them in place. He also transports smith and his cabnit along with allen and his group to a place in the rift where humans can still survive. Everyones weapons will be gone.

    Sinclaire: look at you. The galaxy is falling apart around you and yet you fight each other. Now you either work this out among yourselves or i will. I would greatly suggest you do.

    Whoile everyone can feel the anger in the room as sinclaire speaks allen will be the only one who can truly feel his fury at everyone.

    Smith... I have heard much about you. I suggest that we listen to the sentinel and that we work this out. Tell me why did you come to this train of thought? These beliefs. Tell me so that I can try and understand..
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Smith... I have heard much about you. I suggest that we listen to the sentinel and that we work this out. Tell me why did you come to this train of thought? These beliefs. Tell me so that I can try and understand..

    *Deep Space 61*
    Ryan: What the--? Where'd those ships go?!

    Matt: Unknown. Ships under Admiral Allen's fleet are heading this way. Same goes for Smith's forces.

    Ryan: What? Yellow Alert.

    Matt: They're charging weapons! Targeting us!

    Ryan: Hail them! Red Alert! Keep weapons down!

    Matt: They're accusing us of kidnapping Admiral Allen and Admiral Smith!

    Ryan: Are they out of their--? All ships, raise shields but DO NOT engage. If you are fired upon you have permission to return fire.

    Matt: They outnumber us and-- They just locked us out!

    Ryan: What?!

    Matt: Borg encryption! Allen's fleet! i can't break it! Shields are down and-- They're firing!

    *The U.S.S. Darwin is crippled in the opening volley shielding the Habitat section of the Station. The Station then takes several hits.*

    Ryan: Hail them!

    Matt: No response! We can't take another hit like that!

    Ryan: Da**it! Q!

    *Suddenly, in a burst of light, Ryan appears in a white space. The entity known as "Q" stands before him*

    Ryan: What happened? Where am I?

    Q: The Continuum. Your precious Space Station's Safe. I put your entire system in a time loop. They keep experiencing the same 5 seconds all over again!

    Ryan: What happened to Allen and Smith?

    Q: What makes you think I know?

    Ryan: Q!

    Q: All right, fine. But if the Sentinels complain, you made me! *Snaps fingers*

    *Ryan appears in a white space. He can see Smith, Allen and Sinclaire nearby.*

    Ryan: You arrogant--! You finally did it! Both of you! Allen, your little "all high and mighty" attitude just set your fleet thinking anyone who disagrees with you is against you! Your forces are attacking DS-61 right now! Half the crew on the Darwin are dead because of them! Live with that on your conscience! Smith, your actions have brought us to the brink of Civil War! You may be right! Maybe the Federation DOES need to be better prepared for the Iconians! But you've overcompensated! Ordering our own Starships to fire on one another! Is that what you wanted?!

    You two wanted a Civil war?! You've got one! You wanted a fight between "Good and Evil"?! Well, you've got one! The Tlachina have a saying: "Understanding is a three-edged sword". Your side, their side and the truth! You're like the Royalists and the Roundheads from England's Civil War! Arguing over philosophies and not stopping to consider the effects of your actions! Wanna know what those effects are? 300 people on the Darwin, DEAD! 20,000 people on Andoria and Alpha Centauri, DEAD!

    You both wanted to preserve the Federation?! YOU'VE FAILED! YOU'VE TRODDEN ON THE VERY THINGS THE FEDERATION STOOD FOR! FREEDOM, JUSTICE, UNITY, and most importantly, LIFE!

    No matter what side comes out of this war on the winning side, you both lose! We ALL lose!

    I broke away from the Federation to preserve their ideals. To return when people woke up and realised what they were doing! BOY, was I STUPID! The Federation I swore to protect DIED the moment you two decided to become Judge, Prosecutor, and Jury.

    Allen, how can you condemn a race like the Vulcans over one failing in their logic? The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few. Fewer would have died if we'd kept this war from escalating! Why do you think I stayed out of it?

    Smith, how can you sleep at night sending men to kill your OWN PEOPLE?!

    As far as I'm concerned, the Federation I swore to protect is DEAD! You've killed it, along with thousands of lives! Both of you!

    You were both trying to protect the Federation. You've destroyed yourselves!

    You call yourselves Starfleet Officers? *Rips off his combadge and smashes it* If this is what Starfleet stands for, then I don't DESERVE to wear that Uniform! If it's not, if Starfleet's maintained ANY degree of what it once was, and this is simply what YOU stand for, then YOU DON'T DESERVE TO WEAR THOSE UNIFORMS! WHAT, IN THE HELL, ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR?! THE FEDERATION?! IT'S DEAD! YOU'VE KILLED IT!

    Smith: My god... He's right! *Takes off FA pips and combadge* I've trodden on everything I stood for! *Throws them on the floor* I was trying to SAVE the Federation! Restoring the Democracy after people realised we'd have to be more prepared for the Undine or the Borg or, god forbid, the Iconians, was always part of the plan. It never occurred to me that I'd end up here.

    Ryan: You're not the only one to blame, Smith! You're just one side of the equation!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Deep Space 61*
    Ryan: What the--? Where'd those ships go?!

    Matt: Unknown. Ships under Admiral Allen's fleet are heading this way. Same goes for Smith's forces.

    Ryan: What? Yellow Alert.

    Matt: They're charging weapons! Targeting us!

    Ryan: Hail them! Red Alert! Keep weapons down!

    Matt: They're accusing us of kidnapping Admiral Allen and Admiral Smith!

    Ryan: Are they out of their--? All ships, raise shields but DO NOT engage. If you are fired upon you have permission to return fire.

    Matt: They outnumber us and-- They just locked us out!

    Ryan: What?!

    Matt: Borg encryption! Allen's fleet! i can't break it! Shields are down and-- They're firing!

    *The U.S.S. Darwin is crippled in the opening volley shielding the Habitat section of the Station. The Station then takes several hits.*

    Ryan: Hail them!

    Matt: No response! We can't take another hit like that!

    Ryan: Da**it! Q!

    *Suddenly, in a burst of light, Ryan appears in a white space. The entity known as "Q" stands before him*

    Ryan: What happened? Where am I?

    Q: The Continuum. Your precious Space Station's Safe. I put your entire system in a time loop. They keep experiencing the same 5 seconds all over again!

    Ryan: What happened to Allen and Smith?

    Q: What makes you think I know?

    Ryan: Q!

    Q: All right, fine. But if the Sentinels complain, you made me! *Snaps fingers*

    *Ryan appears in a white space. He can see Smith, Allen and Sinclaire nearby.*

    Ryan: You arrogant--! You finally did it! Both of you! Allen, your little "all high and mighty" attitude just set your fleet thinking anyone who disagrees with you is against you! Your forces are attacking DS-61 right now! Half the crew on the Darwin are dead because of them! Live with that on your conscience! Smith, your actions have brought us to the brink of Civil War! You may be right! Maybe the Federation DOES need to be better prepared for the Iconians! But you've overcompensated! Ordering our own Starships to fire on one another! Is that what you wanted?!

    You two wanted a Civil war?! You've got one! You wanted a fight between "Good and Evil"?! Well, you've got one! The Tlachina have a saying: "Understanding is a three-edged sword". Your side, their side and the truth! You're like the Royalists and the Roundheads from England's Civil War! Arguing over philosophies and not stopping to consider the effects of your actions! Wanna know what those effects are? 300 people on the Darwin, DEAD! 20,000 people on Andoria and Alpha Centauri, DEAD!

    You both wanted to preserve the Federation?! YOU'VE FAILED! YOU'VE TRODDEN ON THE VERY THINGS THE FEDERATION STOOD FOR! FREEDOM, JUSTICE, UNITY, and most importantly, LIFE!

    No matter what side comes out of this war on the winning side, you both lose! We ALL lose!

    I broke away from the Federation to preserve their ideals. To return when people woke up and realised what they were doing! BOY, was I STUPID! The Federation I swore to protect DIED the moment you two decided to become Judge, Prosecutor, and Jury.

    Allen, how can you condemn a race like the Vulcans over one failing in their logic? The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few. Fewer would have died if we'd kept this war from escalating! Why do you think I stayed out of it?

    Smith, how can you sleep at night sending men to kill your OWN PEOPLE?!

    As far as I'm concerned, the Federation I swore to protect is DEAD! You've killed it, along with thousands of lives! Both of you!

    You were both trying to protect the Federation. You've destroyed yourselves!

    You call yourselves Starfleet Officers? *Rips off his combadge and smashes it* If this is what Starfleet stands for, then I don't DESERVE to wear that Uniform! If it's not, if Starfleet's maintained ANY degree of what it once was, and this is simply what YOU stand for, then YOU DON'T DESERVE TO WEAR THOSE UNIFORMS! WHAT, IN THE HELL, ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR?! THE FEDERATION?! IT'S DEAD! YOU'VE KILLED IT!

    Smith: My god... He's right! *Takes off FA pips and combadge* I've trodden on everything I stood for! *Throws them on the floor* I was trying to SAVE the Federation! Restoring the Democracy after people realised we'd have to be more prepared for the Undine or the Borg or, god forbid, the Iconians, was always part of the plan. It never occurred to me that I'd end up here.

    Ryan: You're not the only one to blame, Smith! You're just one side of the equation!

    Admiral Ryan. I did not order my fleet to attack you or Bajor. Nor did I order them to anyone else. My qualm was with Smith.

    I condemned them because they look at life through one aspect. But this conflict is over with now.

    I know why you stayed out of the fighting but someone had to defend the people.

    Look into my heart and take a long look. So don't you even DARE! judge me.

    *Pours his soul into the fold. Shows he did not order attacks on Deep Space 61 or Bajor. *

    *SHows his remorse for this civil war, *

    I only fought back to defend what was left of the Federation to show that brute force to save lives doesn't work. It won't help the federation. It will only destroy the Federation. We need the chance to change people need to understand each other.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    *Begins to show the light of his soul its purity*

    I know now that people have the propensity for good. I do not know where you think I ordered the attack on you. I haven't nor did I attack Bajor.

    I am not fighting anyone that disagrees with me I am fighting to protect life itself.

    If anyone needs to look at things closer Ryan its you. There is more at work here than you know.

    *SHows more of what was going on. The Iconians and Undine trying to fuel the civil war further, and to fuel doubts to Allen's resolve.*

    You are being duped Ryan. I have not attacked you I wanted to leave you out of the fighting to have you form yourself. If you so choose. to evolve.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Admiral Ryan. I did not order my fleet to attack you or Bajor. Nor did I order them to anyone else. My qualm was with Smith.

    I condemned them because they look at life through one aspect. But this conflict is over with now.

    I know why you stayed out of the fighting but someone had to defend the people.

    Look into my heart and take a long look. So don't you even DARE! judge me.

    *Pours his soul into the fold. Shows he did not order attacks on Deep Space 61 or Bajor. *

    *SHows his remorse for this civil war, *

    I only fought back to defend what was left of the Federation to show that brute force to save lives doesn't work. It won't help the federation. It will only destroy the Federation. We need the chance to change people need to understand each other.

    Ryan: Don't I presume to judge you! You've already judged the Vulcans!

    Neither side wanted this war! But you've got it! As for "Brute Strength" destroying the Federation, your own beliefs, and the means through which you expressed them have already done that!

    I've followed your career since before the incident with Admiral Black, Allen. You were a patriot! Serving the people at all costs! Now look. Admiral Smith may have started this war, but you're ending it in a way that's left the Federation in ashes!

    You say you are unchanged by this "evolution" of yours. I say you've changed more than you realise! More than you'd care to admit. You reserve the right to Judge the Vulcans, yet lose your head when someone else judges you on YOUR actions! That's megalomania, Allen! That's not my opinion, that's the truth!

    If you won't stop this war, then you're already to far gone.

    Who are YOU to declare what's right or wrong?!

    You may not have intended for your forces to attack DS-61, but you also failed to see the consequences of your actions! 200 lives! Those are the consequences for your actions! 200 lives! 200 people you called "comrades" a week ago!
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Ryan: Don't I presume to judge you! You've already judged the Vulcans!

    Neither side wanted this war! But you've got it! As for "Brute Strength" destroying the Federation, your own beliefs, and the means through which you expressed them have already done that!

    I've followed your career since before the incident with Admiral Black, Allen. You were a patriot! Serving the people at all costs! Now look. Admiral Smith may have started this war, but you're ending it in a way that's left the Federation in ashes!

    You say you are unchanged by this "evolution" of yours. I say you've changed more than you realise! More than you'd care to admit. You reserve the right to Judge the Vulcans, yet lose your head when someone else judges you on YOUR actions! That's megalomania, Allen! That's not my opinion, that's the truth!

    If you won't stop this war, then you're already to far gone.

    Who are YOU to declare what's right or wrong?!

    You may not have intended for your forces to attack DS-61, but you also failed to see the consequences of your actions! 200 lives! Those are the consequences for your actions! 200 lives! 200 people you called "comrades" a week ago!

    Ryan: There's an old saying, Allen. "The road to Hell, is paved with good intentions".
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Sinclaire soon appears.

    You have both seen each others side. Now how will you fix it. Hm. That is the true accomplishment.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ryan control yourself. I was trying to end the war as fast as possible with the least amount of casualties.

    I did not want to either. Perhaps I was wrong. I was not being any judge nor was I attempting to be a jury. If there was one thing I regret and that weighs on me more than you know is that Vulcan not wanting to understand me. When she attempted to destroy me, I did not do a thing to protect myself. Maybe I should have if it prevented her assimilation but there was no real way to know. Because I am still human.

    *SHows his grief and sorrow at this and for those that have died. *

    Why do we have to kill each other?

    Why do we have to not even try to understand each other?
    Why? Why Damn it.

    Ryan... I thought you knew me better than that. I would never kill civilians nor would I attack people that disagreed with me. If you bothered to not be quick to judge me or Smith so quickly We wouldn't be trying to solve this out like this. I do know why Sinclaire brought us here. Things are getting much worse.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Ryan: Don't I presume to judge you! You've already judged the Vulcans!

    Neither side wanted this war! But you've got it! As for "Brute Strength" destroying the Federation, your own beliefs, and the means through which you expressed them have already done that!

    I've followed your career since before the incident with Admiral Black, Allen. You were a patriot! Serving the people at all costs! Now look. Admiral Smith may have started this war, but you're ending it in a way that's left the Federation in ashes!

    You say you are unchanged by this "evolution" of yours. I say you've changed more than you realise! More than you'd care to admit. You reserve the right to Judge the Vulcans, yet lose your head when someone else judges you on YOUR actions! That's megalomania, Allen! That's not my opinion, that's the truth!

    If you won't stop this war, then you're already to far gone.

    Who are YOU to declare what's right or wrong?!

    You may not have intended for your forces to attack DS-61, but you also failed to see the consequences of your actions! 200 lives! Those are the consequences for your actions! 200 lives! 200 people you called "comrades" a week ago!

    I haven't and you are still judging me. Those were not my ships, if anything let me see the signature and I will show you. I merely tried to show the vulcans that they were crossing themselves. I have not condemned them merely that one. Who are you to judge me. I am not a megolamaniac. I think it is you who is rushing to things blindly. Stop running with those emotions so much and think... please. Ryan I knew your career too. I know what has been lost.. I feel those deaths. It makes me ill. If anything. I condemn myself for not explaining myself. For that I am sorry. I am still human if I am showing emotion like this. So please Ryan lets all take a look at this signature those ships have ... Alright...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Ryan: There's an old saying, Allen. "The road to Hell, is paved with good intentions".

    I know that one better than you might expect. I am telling you those are not my ships and nor do I see anything remotely close to the signature I use or that of any ship in the fleet. So please let go of your anger. I did not do anything to betray the Federation though I admit the way things were going I could not stop it... There was nothing I could do. No matter what way we try people were still going to die... If there is anything in my part in this is that I only seemed to make things worse.. Damn it...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ryan control yourself. I was trying to end the war as fast as possible with the least amount of casualties.

    I did not want to either. Perhaps I was wrong. I was not being any judge nor was I attempting to be a jury. If there was one thing I regret and that weighs on me more than you know is that Vulcan not wanting to understand me. When she attempted to destroy me, I did not do a thing to protect myself. Maybe I should have if it prevented her assimilation but there was no real way to know. Because I am still human.

    *SHows his grief and sorrow at this and for those that have died. *

    Why do we have to kill each other?

    Why do we have to not even try to understand each other?
    Why? Why Damn it.

    Ryan... I thought you knew me better than that. I would never kill civilians nor would I attack people that disagreed with me. If you bothered to not be quick to judge me or Smith so quickly We wouldn't be trying to solve this out like this. I do know why Sinclaire brought us here. Things are getting much worse.

    Ryan: You want to know what you were doing? You were trying to fight a war. trying to fight doing what the Iconians wanted. We both know, and understand that. What is more pure than Good vs. Evil? Good and Evil are "ideas". The definitions of the words change for each person.

    I judge people by their actions as individuals, and the consequences they knew or didn't know would happen. It's arrogant to go to war if you can't see the consequences of your actions. I stayed out of the war to prevent exactly what's happened. Now, I'm playing the role of Grey. You two want what's best for the Federation? It's too late to do what's best now. But, you can still pick up the pieces. But, that's not for Allen, or me, to decide with you, Smith. It's for you to decide with the President. Sinclaire? Can you bring the President here?

    As the famous peacemaker Riva once said: "The time for killing has come to an end."

    Allen, if you want to prove you're still the man you were, stand down. Let the President speak for the Federation. I know you'll do it. Even after all this change, you're still a Starfleet Officer. Do what a Starfleet Officer would do. What Captain Kirk, Picard, Janeway, Sisko, what all of them would do. Prove me right. Prove yourself right. Prove you're still Human.
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