Yeah, lets stick on target and not detract from the subject at hand team.
what new policy? I do not remember reading anything about policy over releasing of new ships. Cryptic has the reputation of poor QA/Implementation on new release items. That isn't news. I learned never to buy new things, to let them sit minimum 2 weeks before even looking at them till bugs get worked out of them.
For a item that cost extra RL money, as consumers, they are allowed to voice their opinion. Does not mean you have to share in it, but like it or not, for the $25USD this thing cost, i thought folks being fairly civil, considering Cryptics QA track record. So like it or not, Cryptic took their money, so now they get to deal with unhappy customers over a broken product that does not function properly. Very simple actually.
See, someone who is thinking . Yes I let anything new stay out for a minimum of 2 weeks, and sometimes a month before I will look at it. It is not the fact its a great ship, beautiful design, and masterfully done.
As always it is the deployment to Holodeck and all the "bugs" that seem to always come with anything new sent out. And considering this pixel something is $25USD, I am impressed folks are staying as civil as they are. THey have the right to be upset buying a product that is not performing as advertised.
Fanboi much? They have the right to air their grievances out for a broken product they purchased. I myself can understand some issues that occur, but this is a reoccurring theme with Cryptic, and especially after DSTAHL mention to us QA is a "major thing" to him, this gives him and the whole QA/Implimentation process a major black eye.
Well at least they fixed the STF issue but I still can not equip Scorpion fighters to this ship...was this ship not intended to not be able to launch them or is this still a bug? Its a little odd that any ship but this one can launch the Scorpion fighters and this is carrier. This was also my first carrier so i was really hoping to max out the number of pets with scorpion fighters (since it only has one hanger). I am really hoping it's just a bug that is not letting me equip the fighters to it.:(
Scorpion Fighters are Devices, not Hangar Bay Pets. Don't put them in oyur hangar bay, put them in your device slot. You'll also notice that Scorpion Fighters only have a limited number of uses.
Or where you talking about Stalker Fighters? THey appear to be unique pets only usable by the Atrox, similar to how the Bird of Prey Pets can only be used by the Vo'Quv or the Fekiri Frigates can only be used by the Kar'Fi Battlecarrier.
If it means being honest with folks who want absurd things, I thank you.
It gets to the base, to tell someone who spent money on something not to be mad about it or air their grievance against the company who promised then X is rather silly.
Folks buy things expecting them to work. If Cryptic wanted to tell folks chill, they would. thing is, they didn't, they acknowledge the issue, apologized, somewhat, for it, and fixed it. They understand business is business, they did the oops, so they take the hit.
... what myself and many other wish is they stop taking hits and just do it right the first time.
"PWE has quadrupled our QnA staff, we have some secret behind the scenes changes to the process we can't talk about but Jack is excited, so am I, everybody is excited really. While we continuously strive to improve, we are already doing really well, but we want to do better. Trust me it is awesome." Please hold the line
"We are aware off all the player requests for QnA, and have schedule a revamp of QnA to be implemented soon. The Devs are really hard at work, waiting for a few new tech implementation to improve communications with the QnA team. I m sorry that some players are under the impression that QnA was awesome, in fact they didn't even have cups for coffee. Now once we install the internal Espresso update, QnA will be better then ever. We really value your feedback, and the great job you guys are all doing at reporting bugs before items go live." Please hold the line
"Uh, so we checked and only 0.2% of bugs are actually reported by our QnA team. Hence we decided that it doesn't provide the ROI we are looking for. While we might reconsider this decision in the future, QnA in its previous form will be removed from our company. Be on the lookout on the forums, to hear about the new permanent addition to Holodeck in the form of user generated feedback. Yet, because players don't see bugs in the way we do, you have to understand that issues that seem large to you at the time, like no access to endgame content, are really not that big. When bugs get reported, we don't have the manpower to commit to QnA anymore to sift through all the reports that describe the intended function vis-a-vis actual problems. Mostly, these bugs are debatable and only reported by forum posters who are in the minority. It would be unfair to change the current state of things based on these minority opinions. Hence everybody keeps to (not) use their toys in the way they have gotten used to. " Please hold the line
My only issue with the Armitage is a small one - the font size used for the registry needs to be lowered a tiny bit: The "U" in "USS" gets cut off a tiny bit with the ship name I used. Here.
Same thing on the other side. Other than that, it's lots of fun; can't wait for the next MU incursion.
I know that it's the way to make money, but enough, finish with the mission to get to a fleet admiral or whatever it will be for Klingons. This way, we can promote some of briidge officers to be in charge of a ship in each fleet. The carriers should be for the Fleet admirals when player becomes one.
Since this ship has been released and the patch, i'm noticing bugs in my game. Things like "breaking up the bar fight" etc.. I completed these things but nothing happens..Always need to beam back to my ship and redo it..
I know that it's the way to make money, but enough, finish with the mission to get to a fleet admiral or whatever it will be for Klingons. This way, we can promote some of briidge officers to be in charge of a ship in each fleet. The carriers should be for the Fleet admirals when player becomes one.
Agreed. Part of making more end-game content is making content that ties into the game. These, while nice, don't because they require an enormous investment on the part of the player (practically the price of a whole game) that goes far above and beyond normal play (as I don't think many people are picking this up because they have >600,000 dilithium just sitting around their account.)
The Atrox carrier I'm more OK with in it's current spot on the C-store because that's very much a specialty ship for the federation, but this refit screams of content that should have been wrapped up either into the new starbase system or a new tier.
The Armitage may now be used in STFs. Thanks for your patience!
Brandon =/\=
so can you please answer me why it isnt out on tribble and why you cant update the tribble cstore i got almost 100k in cpoints and so far nothing to spend it on
Sometimes in the rush to deploy, the development team is pressured to deliver by the date they themselves have come up with. Never let a developer select the date. Let him propose it, then double it for good measure. (I expect a lot of flack for that comment, but reality bites).
Shouldn't get any flack from anyone who plays STO (or ANY Star Trek fan, for that matter) since that's right out of Montgomery Scott's Chief Engineer's Bible - ROFL
Shouldn't get any flack from anyone who plays STO (or ANY Star Trek fan, for that matter) since that's right out of Montgomery Scott's Chief Engineer's Bible - ROFL
I am a developer too. If you double my deadline, I will take a week off.
My only issue with the Armitage is a small one - the font size used for the registry needs to be lowered a tiny bit: The "U" in "USS" gets cut off a tiny bit with the ship name I used. Here.
Same thing on the other side. Other than that, it's lots of fun; can't wait for the next MU incursion.
I second this MightionNY! I just picked up an Armitage earlier today, which I've named the 'USS Tchaikovsky / NCC-91812' (a not so subtle homage to the '1812 Overture' and its famous climactic cannon barrages, which seem apropos for a torpedo boat). And, akin to your ship, my 'U's, in 'USS', are slightly cut off as well.
On a brighter note, it looks like you and I have extraordinarily similar tastes in ship decor man!! Namely a taste for blue color schemes. The Odyssey in your signature pic looks dead on like my Odyssey, 'USS Proxima'. And your 'Scattershot' looks a bit like my 'Tchaikovsky'.
Since this ship has been released and the patch, i'm noticing bugs in my game. Things like "breaking up the bar fight" etc.. I completed these things but nothing happens..Always need to beam back to my ship and redo it..
Haven't had any issues, and that includes doing the exact mission you describe. Might try repairing files, might have gotten corrupted.
My only issue with the Armitage is a small one - the font size used for the registry needs to be lowered a tiny bit: The "U" in "USS" gets cut off a tiny bit with the ship name I used. Here.
Same thing on the other side. Other than that, it's lots of fun; can't wait for the next MU incursion.
I mentioned that in TTS the other day. Just like the Celestial, you can see the Armitage's registery coming at you, before you see the actual ship.
The brand-new Federation Heavy Escort Carrier: Armitage Class is now available in the C-Store. Check out this Blog to read more about it, and this Blog for information on how to command a carrier.
ok so i am still waiting to hear an answer why cant i get this on tribble and when are you going to update the tribble server c store.i got almost 100k in cpoints and nothing to spend it on. so when is the update to the tribble cstore?
plse to the kligon who posted the feds wanted an OP ship so stop complaining: you know darn well the KDF is gonna want something shiny now too give the guy a break.
OP? Its not that far off from the Marauders design, how does that makeit OP?
This has to be the most stupid comparison I have ever seen. You're comparing a Tier 5 Escort (with tac slots) vs a Tier 4 Marauder/Science Vessel?Cruiser (science slots). Not only does the Escort have a better turn rate, it can equip cannons, which the Maruader cannot. Please get your facts straight before posting something this stupid.
if it would have 3000 more hull, i would take that one instead of my battlebug but i see not much of a reason. the torpedo hell fire is looking nice but i didnt notice much effect (damage) on enemies
nice trolling man u are the master
Scorpion Fighters are Devices, not Hangar Bay Pets. Don't put them in oyur hangar bay, put them in your device slot. You'll also notice that Scorpion Fighters only have a limited number of uses.
Or where you talking about Stalker Fighters? THey appear to be unique pets only usable by the Atrox, similar to how the Bird of Prey Pets can only be used by the Vo'Quv or the Fekiri Frigates can only be used by the Kar'Fi Battlecarrier.
If it means being honest with folks who want absurd things, I thank you.
It gets to the base, to tell someone who spent money on something not to be mad about it or air their grievance against the company who promised then X is rather silly.
Folks buy things expecting them to work. If Cryptic wanted to tell folks chill, they would. thing is, they didn't, they acknowledge the issue, apologized, somewhat, for it, and fixed it. They understand business is business, they did the oops, so they take the hit.
... what myself and many other wish is they stop taking hits and just do it right the first time.
"PWE has quadrupled our QnA staff, we have some secret behind the scenes changes to the process we can't talk about but Jack is excited, so am I, everybody is excited really. While we continuously strive to improve, we are already doing really well, but we want to do better. Trust me it is awesome."
Please hold the line
"We are aware off all the player requests for QnA, and have schedule a revamp of QnA to be implemented soon. The Devs are really hard at work, waiting for a few new tech implementation to improve communications with the QnA team. I m sorry that some players are under the impression that QnA was awesome, in fact they didn't even have cups for coffee. Now once we install the internal Espresso update, QnA will be better then ever. We really value your feedback, and the great job you guys are all doing at reporting bugs before items go live."
Please hold the line
"Uh, so we checked and only 0.2% of bugs are actually reported by our QnA team. Hence we decided that it doesn't provide the ROI we are looking for. While we might reconsider this decision in the future, QnA in its previous form will be removed from our company. Be on the lookout on the forums, to hear about the new permanent addition to Holodeck in the form of user generated feedback. Yet, because players don't see bugs in the way we do, you have to understand that issues that seem large to you at the time, like no access to endgame content, are really not that big. When bugs get reported, we don't have the manpower to commit to QnA anymore to sift through all the reports that describe the intended function vis-a-vis actual problems. Mostly, these bugs are debatable and only reported by forum posters who are in the minority. It would be unfair to change the current state of things based on these minority opinions. Hence everybody keeps to (not) use their toys in the way they have gotten used to. "
Please hold the line
yes, i had a free slot.
But it worked with the ingame C-Store
Brandon =/\=
thanks for the Update Bran.
It does plenty of Damage.
Same thing on the other side. Other than that, it's lots of fun; can't wait for the next MU incursion.
Agreed. Part of making more end-game content is making content that ties into the game. These, while nice, don't because they require an enormous investment on the part of the player (practically the price of a whole game) that goes far above and beyond normal play (as I don't think many people are picking this up because they have >600,000 dilithium just sitting around their account.)
The Atrox carrier I'm more OK with in it's current spot on the C-store because that's very much a specialty ship for the federation, but this refit screams of content that should have been wrapped up either into the new starbase system or a new tier.
so can you please answer me why it isnt out on tribble and why you cant update the tribble cstore i got almost 100k in cpoints and so far nothing to spend it on
Nice... But what about the Type 1-3 windows?
Shouldn't get any flack from anyone who plays STO (or ANY Star Trek fan, for that matter) since that's right out of Montgomery Scott's Chief Engineer's Bible - ROFL
I am a developer too. If you double my deadline, I will take a week off.
I second this MightionNY! I just picked up an Armitage earlier today, which I've named the 'USS Tchaikovsky / NCC-91812' (a not so subtle homage to the '1812 Overture' and its famous climactic cannon barrages, which seem apropos for a torpedo boat). And, akin to your ship, my 'U's, in 'USS', are slightly cut off as well.
On a brighter note, it looks like you and I have extraordinarily similar tastes in ship decor man!! Namely a taste for blue color schemes. The Odyssey in your signature pic looks dead on like my Odyssey, 'USS Proxima'. And your 'Scattershot' looks a bit like my 'Tchaikovsky'.
I mentioned that in TTS the other day. Just like the Celestial, you can see the Armitage's registery coming at you, before you see the actual ship.
ok so i am still waiting to hear an answer why cant i get this on tribble and when are you going to update the tribble server c store.i got almost 100k in cpoints and nothing to spend it on. so when is the update to the tribble cstore?
OP? Its not that far off from the Marauders design, how does that makeit OP?
This has to be the most stupid comparison I have ever seen. You're comparing a Tier 5 Escort (with tac slots) vs a Tier 4 Marauder/Science Vessel?Cruiser (science slots). Not only does the Escort have a better turn rate, it can equip cannons, which the Maruader cannot. Please get your facts straight before posting something this stupid.
They should have at least allowed it on the Akira, that would have been a nice touch